A Low-cost Vehicle Tracking Platform using Secure SMS
Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen
, Drini Aliu
and Emad Ebeid
Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, Finlandsgade 22, Aarhus, Denmark
The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, Odense, Denmark
Location-based Services, Low-cost, Vehicle Tracking, Short Message Service, SMS, Security, Internet of
This paper investigates the possibility of elevating SMS (Short Message Service) to support a cloud-based
vehicle-tracking platform. A secure application protocol over SMS is introduced to circumvent the security
issues that may succumb the SMS. We propose a cost-effective Internet of Things (IoT) solution to countries
dominated with GSM mobile infrastructure taking into consideration technology usage and the mobile net-
work infrastructure available. A commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) IoT device such as the Raspberry Pi single
board computer is depicted relying on GPS-GSM technologies envisioned as the in-vehicle device. Further-
more, a cloud web-platform is built involving the de-facto modern web-applications standards and carefully
tailored concerning the security aspects. The cost-effectiveness of our solution results from the use of COTS
components, open source software, and cheap SMS subscription packages.
Outdoor positioning and object tracking are well-
established disciplines in science and engineering. In
this regards, the Global Positioning System (GPS) has
been a great success story (Bajaj et al., 2002) and a
large number of tracking systems has been developed
based on GPS technology. However, the widespread
use of GPS-based object tracking is hindered by high
system cost. This has led to the study of low-cost
systems (Hasan et al., 2009). Even more problema-
tic is people’s concern with location-tracking servi-
ces (Barkhuus and Dey, 2003). A malicious user can
get unauthorized access to location updates thus dis-
closing the position of an object or a person.
The work presented here is inspired by an ur-
gent need for a potential low-cost IoT infrastructure
in countries dominated by 2G mobile infrastructure
and where opportunities of using 3G communication
and beyond have not yet been fully exploited (Niel-
sen and Jacobsen, 2005). In Macedonia, only a few
mobile network operators have upgraded to support
3G technology with a wide coverage area. Howe-
ver, almost the entire young generation is owning a
smartphone, which has profoundly changed how they
socially inter-communicate. Consequently, the habit
of Short Message Service (SMS) has been replaced
with messaging apps like WhatsApp, Viber, and Line,
which require Internet connectivity. Because of this,
mobile network operators have modified prices of the
different subscription packages offered. This has re-
sulted in an extremely low price for SMS communi-
cation and costly packages for 3G data usage. Essen-
tially, these SMS package deals are promised with an
unlimited number of SMS as long as they are within
the mobile network of the Macedonian mobile net-
work operator. As a result, the price cut has offered
new opportunities to provide cost-effective IoT solu-
tions that revolve around the use of mobile communi-
cation technologies with high coverage such as SMS.
Unfortunately, Global System for Mobile communi-
cations (GSM) has a number of security flaws (Toor-
ani and Beheshti, 2008a) and it can be concluded that
the system is not living up to current security stan-
dards. To address the security and privacy concerns
of end-users, SMS needs to be elevated with added
security measures to circumvent the inherent shortco-
mings of SMS in today’s IoT solutions.
In this paper, we propose a low-cost, secure appli-
cation protocol over SMS that connects with a cloud-
based vehicle tracking system. The system is based
on an end-to-end secure application protocol that uses
a two-way communication between Mobile Stations
(MSs) and a Data Concentrator (DC) entity connected
to the cloud. The system offers an Application Pro-
gramming Interface (API) that enables MSs to push
Jacobsen, R., Aliu, D. and Ebeid, E.
A Low-cost Vehicle Tracking Platform using Secure SMS.
DOI: 10.5220/0006366201570166
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 157-166
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
location information to the cloud. MSs are authorized
based on a whitelist concept. A DC is authorized by
the cloud service by using a light-weight implemen-
tation of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. The accompanying
web platform will be an IoT cloud service where van
companies may sign up, authenticate themselves and
manage their vehicle data.
Real-time tracking systems have been a field of in-
terest for many researchers during the past decades.
Tracking systems have been introduced for various
purposes like vehicle position tracking systems, anti-
theft systems, fleet management systems and intel-
ligent transportation systems. Some of the propo-
sed systems involve the use of SMS communication
hence providing cost-effectiveness due to the low rate
for SMS and the restricted availability of later gene-
ration of mobile network infrastructures (i.e., 3G and
4G in developing countries).
Verma and Bhatia presented a tracking system
using GPS and GSM technologies (Verma and Bha-
tia, 2013). However, the system neglected to co-
ver security aspects of using SMS service to send
location data which may be considered as compro-
mising privacy. In another study, Lee et al. de-
pict a hybrid vehicle tracking system (GPRS alterna-
tive) able to send data over GSM (Lee et al., 2014).
Although the study includes many technical details
about how data is stored and later visually presen-
ted to the users, the authors seem not to have addres-
sed security and privacy concerns imposed when sen-
ding private information over SMS. A recent study
reports on a vehicle tracking and monitoring system
built on top of the GPS-GSM technology emphasi-
zing the provided security against possible vehicle
thefts but failing to address the security perspective
of the GSM networks and SMS itself (Kumar et al.,
2016). An extensive vehicle tracking and monitoring
system using a single-board computer (Raspberry Pi)
with an SIM900A module have been proposed and
designed (Shinde et al., 2015). Besides the exciting
features, they introduce such as interfacing a file sy-
stem of a single board computer from a smartphone to
select and load a pre-fixed path to ensure secure trave-
ling, SMS security aspects, and proposed rectification
mechanism are not depicted. In common, the above-
referenced studies all rely on the security provided in
SMS, which is known to be insufficient (Toorani and
Beheshti, 2008a).
Some studies report on solutions that aim to
provide authentication, integrity, confidentiality, and
non-repudiation for SMS. SMSSec is a protocol
founded on a combination of asymmetric-key and
symmetric-key cryptography that relies on a two-
factor authentication strategy for their initial hands-
haking phase (Lo et al., 2008). A major drawback
of the protocol is the implications produced by their
inclusion of Rivest, Shamir, & Adleman (RSA) en-
cryption scheme with 2048-bit keys resulting in cip-
hertext block that exceeds 140 bytes. Thus, two SMS
messages are needed for a single protocol message
in the initialization of the handshaking phase. For
their communication back from the server, a symme-
tric technique is used with smaller key-size to ensure
that the message sent back fits within a single SMS
Another proposed solution called SMSS uses a
certificate-based protocol that suggests following ty-
pical rules of Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs) by is-
suing of a unique public-private key pair for each user
(subscriber) and the involvement of a Certificate Aut-
hority (CA) (Toorani and Beheshti, 2008b). It applies
an encryption scheme based on Elliptic Curve Cryp-
tography (ECC) that uses public keys for the esta-
blishment of a shared secret key. Moreover, each time
an entity tries to establish communication, it must pre-
conditionally query the OCSP server completely de-
legating validations to a trusted server. However, this
appears to be done in an insecure way using plain text
via SMS. The system has a number of vulnerabilities.
The OCSP server’s original address can be spoofed.
The SMS response, that the source entity expects to
receive after trying to establish and communicate with
the destination entity, can be forged. An attacker can
derive the signature and can replace the public key
of the destination entity to be used by the origina-
ting identity for encrypting its messages. This indu-
ces problems in decrypting of the incoming messa-
ges since they were not rightfully encrypted. Further-
more, the proposed protocol would require that net-
work operators modify their existing infrastructures.
Other protocols are based on the identity-based
cryptosystems, where users need to communicate
with a trusted agent providing a Private Key Gene-
rator (PKG) whose master key must be kept secret.
The requirement to have an authentic CAs public key
for verifying certificates in a solution as SMSS is re-
placed by the requirement to have authentic PKG’s
system to bootstrap the ID-based cryptosystems (Ja-
cobsen et al., 2015). The proposed ID-based encryp-
tion scheme will require network operators to adapt
their infrastructure as well as require them to pre-
load and configure secret information for their cor-
responding private key within the Subscriber Identity
Module (SIM) cards before distributing them to the
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
subscribers. The proposed ID-based scheme surely
provides a simplification of key distribution since all
public keys can be derived from the identities of the
The SecureSMS protocol proposed by Saxena and
Chaudhari makes use of two trusted entities within
the workflow: the Authentication Server (AS) and
CA (Saxena and Chaudhari, 2014). The protocol uses
several messages (5-6 messages) to establish a secure
connection for specified period of time. They also
state that the generation of the delegation key, that the
AS computes for a particular timestamp, uses a shared
secret key between the MSs and the AS, which has to
be embedded onto the SIM at manufacturing time.
While some tracking systems based on the SMS
protocol have been proposed they rely on the security
inherited from GSM to protect location data. In con-
trast, our system advances security beyond the secu-
rity provided by SMS and apply this to a cloud-based
vehicle tracking platform.
Figure 1 shows a conceptual overview of the proposed
vehicle tracking system. The system consists of Mo-
Mobile Station 1
Data Concentrator (DC)
Mobile Station 2
Figure 1: Conceptual system overview.
bile Stations (MSs), a Data Concentrator (DC), and an
IoT cloud service employing a RESTful web platform
where van companies manage their data, and public
users can access, search, and filter these data with the
consent of van companies operating a fleet of vehi-
cles. The MS is an IoT device which reports GPS
measurements to its assigned DC. The DC is part of
an IoT cloud service platform used by van companies
to access the data reported from their devices, moni-
tor their MSs in real-time, manage their van schedules
and manage their data availability to the public end-
points in different formats.
3.1 Mobile Station (MS)
The MS of the system is the entity envisioned to be
a consumer product that would be available for pur-
chase and supposed to work with ordinary SIM cards.
Each MS will be bound to a DC device. The MS will
communicate with DC by applying a secure SMS pro-
3.2 Data Concentrator (DC)
A DC is a physical IoT device equipped with a GSM
module. It is able to receive the GPS measurements
via SMS from the particular MS that are assigned to it.
The DC resides on the edge of the cloud. A Represen-
tational State Transfer (REST) API offers access to an
application that will be deployed to the cloud, which
will serve as the core endpoint where the DC will be
pushing the received data to over HyperText Transfer
Protocol (HTTP) over SSL/TLS i.e., HTTPS. The sy-
stem can be scaled by adding more DCs (horizontal)
and the IoT cloud service can be scaled with respect
to CPUs and memory (vertical) as the rate of the inco-
ming requests increases. In order to make our system
flexible enough, so that it can support load balancing
after the first establishment, we introduce a special
type of message that will serve to regulate this.
3.3 Communications
The SMS interface depicted in Figure 1 shows a two-
way communication, where data flows between the
DC to the MS will be less frequent as designed in the
protocol. The DC acts as a proxy gateway towards
the Internet whose duty is to communicate the loca-
tion data to a pre-defined web endpoint, each time
they would receive an SMS from a particular device.
By pushing and storing this location data from a par-
ticular MS device to the cloud service, we make it
possible for users to access this information in real-
time. The pushing of location data received by SMS
to the cloud will be performed via HTTP endpoints,
a well-tailored web-application following the REST
architectural style (Fielding and Taylor, 2000).
The DC will be pre-processing the received SMS
messages and is envisioned to hold the logic of distin-
guishing whether the inbound SMS originates from
an authentic source before location data is pushed to
the cloud. The REST API will be extended with a
token-based authentication layer by implementing a
light-weight security protocol reusing design practi-
ces from available authentication and authorization
frameworks to secure the DC to cloud communica-
tion. It is a “must” to hinder any possibilities of other
A Low-cost Vehicle Tracking Platform using Secure SMS
Internet-enabled appliances to push the location data
and ensure that the entire data pushing process will be
done in a secure and reliable way.
In order to provide a sufficient level of security, anot-
her layer of security must be provided on top of SMS.
We have designed our protocol to meet the limitati-
ons of the constrained payload size of a single SMS
message (limited by the constraints of the signaling
protocol to 140 octets). In order to keep our messa-
ges within the design goal of using as few messages
as possible, we have to carefully choose between al-
ternative encryption schemes and key sizes. Conse-
quently, trade-offs have been made with respect to the
efficiency, usability, and security we are targeting to
achieve for our platform. Below we present the essen-
tial system requirements followed by a description of
the protocol design.
4.1 Requirement Analysis
The secure SMS protocol used in our vehicle tracking
platform must support confidentiality as well as mes-
sage authentication and integrity. For the message for-
mats, the message content of an SMS protocol mes-
sages is divided into multiple fields to accommodate
the various security checks required. One byte of the
message denotes the message type. The message type
is an indicator of how to process the preceding infor-
mation. Each MS must be assigned a unique device
identity (ID), represented by 16 bits, and configured
with a binding to a DC. The device ID value will be
carried in all messages sent from the MS. The com-
munication between an MS and their assigned DC
will be encrypted. After each encryption of the plain-
text of the constructed messages, the ciphertext will
be encoded. The encoding will ensure that no bit se-
quence of the generated ciphertext will occasionally
be interpreted as an ending symbol in the GSM com-
munication. Furthermore, a message must contain a
timestamp introduced in Unix epoch format. Finally,
the protocol should support protection against replay
attack as well as the ordering of messages by using
the timestamp.
4.2 Protocol Messages
Two sets of messages define the communication bet-
ween the MS and the DC. In the following, the mes-
sage types of our protocol are introduced.
4.2.1 Mobile Station to Data Concentrator
The MS supports three types of messages in its com-
munication with the DC: HELLO, REPORTING and
ALIVE messages. HELLO messages are sent upon po-
wering on the MS. It is a special message type no-
tifying the system that the MS has been powered on
and is ready to begin tracking. As a unique message
type, a significant role of the HELLO message is that it
requests a SESSION TOKEN message from the system,
which carries a token to be used in the communication
with the IoT cloud service. REPORTING messages,
which are sent right after receiving a SESSION TOKEN
message from an authentic DC carries the location
data. These REPORTING messages are sent periodi-
cally every 5 minutes (default configuration) unless
the MS has paused its movement. Finally, ALIVE mes-
sages are sent when a delay of sending the REPORTING
messages occurs because the MS has paused its mo-
vement. A tolerance of 5-10 meters is used.
4.2.2 Data Concentrator to Mobile Station
The DC supports three message types in its commu-
nication with the MSs: SESSION TOKEN, CHANGE DC,
are mainly responses to HELLO messages from the
MSs. A SESSION TOKEN message will be returned
to the sender, after having received a valid HELLO
message checked against a whitelist of the registered
phone number. Finally, CHANGE DC message is a type
of a SESSION TOKEN, which alongside distributing the
token to be used for the reporting session, also orders
the receiving MS to change its communication to a
newly assigned DC. The CHANGE PUB KEY messages
are designed to be sent from the DC to disseminate
the global public key in use for the MSs.
4.3 Message Exchange
ECC is established as our preferred encryption
scheme since it can support the same level of secu-
rity as RSA but with much shorter key lengths. There
will be a public key (K
) of the DC distributed
to all MSs and the associated private key (K
) re-
sides on the DC. For communication from the DC
to MS, each of the MS will have a unique secret key
pre-installed at provision time. This means that the
DCs or the cloud infrastructure must possess the cor-
responding key-value pairs for each of the MS in the
Figure 2 illustrates the scenario where a van dri-
ver powers on an MS, sends a HELLO message, recei-
ves a token from the DC and starts reporting location
data periodically. In Figure 3, we show the interaction
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 2: A normal activity for MS movement. After the
initialization phase, the MS starts periodic reporting.
between an MS and a DC for a moving vehicle that
stops for 6-7 minutes when trying to wait for more
passengers at the stop. As one may see, every mes-
Figure 3: MS is powered on. The vehicle starts moving but
then stops for 6-7 minutes.
sage sent out from an MS is done in a fire-and-forget
manner, without any acknowledgments from the DC.
This is also the case with ALIVE messages. The sce-
nario shown in Figure 3 will require an MS to detect
these events accordingly and take decisions on itself.
An internal algorithm is able to calculate this by using
the GPS data and the system internal clock.
In the following, we will introduce the key implemen-
tation aspects of the MS, DC, and the IoT cloud ser-
5.1 Mobile Station (MS)
For the MS hardware, a Raspberry Pi 1(B+) single
board computer platform is chosen because of its low
cost and high degree of flexibility. The hardware is
extended with a red-green-blue (RGB) LED, which
will elevate the ease of use. The visual light signals
provide a simple user interface of the MS to signal sta-
tus of the device (booting, connected/not connected
etc.). The MS hardware is equipped with a GPS mo-
dule to allow the hardware to determine position ba-
sed on GPS satellites. Additional geo-data can be
used to refine the accuracy of the estimation algorithm
such as the current driving speed to be sent alongside
the vehicle position. The Raspberry Pi device keeps
track of time so that the timestamps can be correct
when pushing data to the IoT cloud service. The MS
system time will be kept up to date and synchronized
As for the decision of this module, we went with
a reasonably priced and yet a small GPS component
like the UBLOX-NEO-6M GPS module. It is a com-
plete GPS smart antenna that includes an embedded
antenna (1575R-A E). This module comes with a fast
time-to-first-fix, one-second navigation update, and
low-power consumption. It matches with the capabi-
lity of the sensitivity required for vehicle navigation,
as well as other location-based applications (ublox,
2011). For the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
module, we chose to integrate the SIM800L hardware
building block (SimCom, 2013) in our system design
because of its ease of use and low cost.
Figure 4 pictures the hardware platform for the
MS. The device runs the Linux OS Raspbian with
RPi base
Figure 4: Raspberry Pi (RPi) with an RGB LED light and
SIM800L attached.
A Low-cost Vehicle Tracking Platform using Secure SMS
Python and the programming of the platform can be
done right away after installing the necessary soft-
ware libraries. In order to be able to facilitate com-
munication, it is required to create a thread that will
run in the background and fetch geo-data provided by
the gpsd service that has been initialized. The varia-
bles to be extracted and then used for the MS are the
latitude, longitude, current speed and the global time.
Figure 5 shows a typical console output resulting from
the GPS output.
Figure 5: Example of a console output results from the gpsd
5.2 Data Concentrator (DC)
The DC is based on the same hardware platform as
the MS. The main loop of the application will be re-
ading SMS messages without using the silent mode
read because a single phone number (SIM card), that
will be attached to a GSM module, will only serve
the DC functionality. The GSM modules are constrai-
ned devices with limited processing capabilities and
can only be accessed synchronously through the in-
terface. They support up to 115,200 bits per seconds
but also recalling that the operational commands is-
sued take also time to be performed. A starting point
could be to poll the GSM module to read arrived mes-
sages, each 5 seconds and read its result. Then right
after reading, to delete the read messages avoiding a
message queue to build up. Another important com-
ponent of the main application will be the software
component that will be responsible for pushing the re-
ceived content through the specified endpoints. This
will be done through asynchronous requests from a li-
brary named requests. The responses will be expected
via a callback. If a particular request fails to connect
with the servers, the request will be queued to be re-
tried later.
There are different ways a DC can send
SESSION TOKEN/CHANGE DC messages. Due to sim-
plicity, we have chosen a solution where the DC lis-
ten to the request callbacks whenever a HELLO mes-
sage gets a reply and interpret the particular HTTP
response. We must be careful building our applica-
tion using a non-blocking way of pushing the loca-
tion. Sequentially executing a request and blocking
until the server response has arrived is not a very flex-
ible, nor a scalable solution. To maximize the throug-
hput and utilize the DC’s resources efficiently, the ap-
plication will have to asynchronously execute reque-
sts and handle them via a callback function. For this,
we use a software library like grequests. This library
offers asynchronous capabilities of making HTTP re-
quests and specifying their connection timeout varia-
bles, retry number similar to using the built-in library
request. For all the requests towards the cloud, their
connection timeout would be set at 2 seconds. A re-
quest that fails to get a response will be re-tried twice,
also considering a maximum pool of concurrent re-
quests would be set accordingly.
The DC maintains a whitelist of authorized
phone numbers to check if messages received co-
mes from an authorized MS before the correspon-
ding data is pushed to the IoT cloud service.
This list will be retrieved from a dynamic end-
point: /tel/<country abbreviation>/whitelist
where the country abbreviation variable (e.g. DK,
MK) can be any country. The process of retrieving
the whitelist will be among the first instructions of
the DC when it is booted. This will be done by inte-
racting with the cloud from the specified variables de-
noting from which server port the REST API will be
available. When the whitelist is retrieved, it has to be
kept up to date since additional MSs can be continu-
ously registered/de-registered through the web plat-
form. A publish-subscribe paradigm would fit best
for this purpose, utilizing a messaging service techno-
logy to notify DCs for every change that happens after
their first fetch. However, this latter part was not im-
plemented in our prototype.
5.3 IoT Cloud Service
The IoT cloud service offers a REST API for hand-
ling incoming messages originating from the MSs.
These messages are routed through and authentica-
ted by the DC. The message exchange uses HTTPS.
The SSL/TLS protocol ensures mitigation of replay
attacks and provides confidentially to content that is
pushed through the specific resource endpoints.
The IoT cloud service is developed by using the
Flask micro web framework (Grinberg, 2014). A key
challenge is to limit access of which of the online ena-
bled devices will have the privilege of using the IoT
cloud service to push the geo-data. DCs are the only
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
devices that are authorized to communicate with the
REST endpoint of the cloud service.
To support authorization of DCs, we have im-
plemented a simplified version of the OAuth 2.0
protocol (Hardt, 2012). Starting from the roles of
OAuth 2.0, we do not need a client because the appli-
cation making requests on the protected resources will
be a single entity i.e., the program installed on each of
the DCs. The resource server and authorization ser-
ver can be brought up as a single entity in our case.
Thus, from the protocol flow of OAuth 2.0 (Hardt,
2012) the authorization request (step A) and the aut-
horization grant (step B) between the client and the
resource owner are skipped. For the authorization
grant type, we are choosing the resource owner pas-
sword credentials anticipating a high degree of trust
between the resource owner and the client, which are
fully controlled in our system. We can choose to rely
on this scheme so future partners can scale up the IoT
cloud-based backbone of our system just by logging
in, to find the particular valid token to set their DC up
and running.
To enhance security beyond the level provided by
HTTPS, we decided to create our own token-based
authentication as an extra layer to enhance our pro-
tection. The token issued by our IoT cloud plat-
form, will be generated by a cryptographically secure
random generator and will have a length of 95 by-
tes. With a Base64 representation, this translates to
128 ASCII characters. Each of the generated tokens
will be stored in a database with a 24 hour expiration
time. These tokens will be used by the DC as means
of identifying itself with the cloud service and gain
the authorization rights to push geo-data to it. The to-
ken’s value is intended to be installed and deployed
to the DC. The system will automatically refresh ex-
pired tokens by creating new ones each time they get
expired. This is accomplished by a daemon mecha-
nism that checks token validity against their creation
timestamp. A DC that tries to push geo-data via the
POST method to an endpoint using a just expired to-
ken (the previously valid token) would get a reply the
new valid token and retry the same exact request with
the obtained token.
This section analyzes various aspects of the proposed
protocol including security such as authentication, at-
tack resistance, and performance.
6.1 Authentication Between MS and DC
In our proposed SMS protocol, both the MS and the
DC can authenticate each other for any of the message
types designated to them. The authenticity of messa-
ges arriving from a DC is achieved through the se-
crecy of the encryption keys. We can rely on authen-
tication by encryption method, since we can ensure
that only our IoT cloud service possesses the corre-
sponding public keys corresponding to the secret keys
deployed in each of the MS and the fact that they are
completely unique from each other. It is impossible
to forge authentic messages without knowing: 1) the
phone number being used for the DC, 2) the MS’s
phone number the attacker is targeting and whether
they are associated together, and 3) the particular pu-
blic key used to encrypt the messages flowing from
the DC to the designated phone number being used
with the MS. Any attempt to forge an authentic mes-
sage will fail due to the cryptographic integrity. We
are also protected by the prior integrity check offered
from the encoding technique and the posterior times-
tamp integrity.
To ensure authentication for messages that ar-
rive in the DC, our protocol relies on two important
techniques to tackle message authenticity issue for
different message types. The first one, the inclusion
of long-term random 10 digits number that is shared
between the user (van company) through the web plat-
form as soon as a phone number is successfully veri-
fied via the two-factor authentication verification pro-
cess. This is the main technique that basically limits
the attacks to send out SESSION TOKEN message con-
taining the valid token. The second setting, mainly
used to ensure authenticity for the REPORTING and
ALIVE messages that are sent from an MS, is con-
cerned with the 50 byte token that the MS is envi-
sioned to be obtained from the SESSION TOKEN mes-
sages. Because we are sure that only the phone num-
ber that actually sent the valid HELLO message will
receive the SMS message, respectively the particular
SESSION TOKEN message. Any attempts to snoop and
derive the token from the SESSION TOKEN content,
from intermediary transmission layers in the GSM in-
frastructure will end in a failure, since the whole mes-
sage content is strongly encrypted with ECC crypto-
graphy, providing full confidentiality.
6.2 Resistance to Attacks
SMS messages are easily intercepted during its trans-
mission which thwarts the privacy of location data
that flows out of the MS. Our platform ensures full
confidentiality and no SMS message content is dis-
A Low-cost Vehicle Tracking Platform using Secure SMS
closed because the whole two-way communication is
encrypted. That being said, the communication from
an MS to the DC is encrypted with a public key, which
is the same key deployed to all of the MSs. The only
party that possesses the secret pair of this global pu-
blic key deployed, is the IoT cloud service. The com-
munication from the DC towards the MS (phone num-
ber being used) is encrypted with a different public
key that is unique for each MS.
Replay attacks are another security challenge to
be addressed. The timestamp field introduced in the
structure of our proposed protocol will serve as a me-
chanism to prevent replay attacks in both ends of the
communication. MS will only accept and execute va-
lid message from the DC whose timestamp is bigger
than the timestamp created upon sending its HELLO
message on power-up and neglect any messages that
arrive earlier than this HELLO message. After having
received any valid message from an authentic DC, the
timestamp variable is overwritten with the particular
timestamp when the message was issued making re-
play attacks of previously issued commands impossi-
Along the same lines, the DC will have to store
the last-received HELLO message timestamp and a me-
chanism is employed to check the replay of previous
HELLO messages that were used on earlier trips. In this
way, we will prevent previous HELLO messages to ge-
nerate another valid token and issue a SESSION TOKEN
reply, making the HELLO message of a one-time use
6.3 Performance Evaluation
We have examined the computational overhead requi-
red for the encryption and encoding techniques per-
formed on a low-cost and resource-constrained device
as the Raspberry Pi single board computer. The tests
were done using a Python built-in module called ti-
meit, which avoids common traps for measuring exe-
cution times providing more accurate results than ot-
her techniques of time measurement. The encryption
tests are done with a 160 bit key size over the p160
elliptic curve provided by the seccure crypto-library.
Table 1 lists the results from tests using p160 ellip-
tic curve and the Base92 encoding/decoding techni-
que with the MS hardware platform.
We also tested the time required to read the contact
phone number via the SIM800L module, where the
user is supposed to save the 10-digits secret number,
retrieved from the web platform. That is done by the
issuing AT+CPBF=<contact to find> that initiates a
find operation on the specified storage of the phone
book entries. It takes 2.1 seconds in average and up
Table 1: Records of time used to encrypt/decrypt and en-
code messages.
Tasks Average time
Encrypt + encode HELLO 113 ms
Encrypt + encode
124 ms
Decode + Decrypt HELLO 64 ms
Decode + Decrypt
70 ms
to 3 seconds to read the phone number of a contact.
6.4 Web Service Testing
The experimental setup to test the IoT cloud service
are performed using mock-up data to emulate MS mo-
vement and to see that the endpoints are correctly re-
ceiving the information from the DCs. The tools used
for testing includes Postman, Twilio, and Nexmo.
Postman is a browser plugin to test the REST API
endpoints by allowing the construction of requests
quickly, save them in collections and analyze the re-
sponses. Twilio offers a cloud-based messaging plat-
form that enables the use of virtual phone numbers
to potentially substitute the physical DCs. Nexmo
is another cloud-based messaging platform we used
to send mock-up SMS messages from an MS with a
spoofed originator’s address and check how they are
received by the Twilio platform. By using the men-
tioned protocol messages formats, the authentication
mechanisms, location update mechanism, have been
successfully verified. However, a thorough documen-
tation of the testing of the IoT cloud service is beyond
the scope of this paper.
The low-cost motivation of the project was realized
by choosing cheap Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
products and open source software, assembling them
into a prototype for an MS. The cloud infrastructure
was built based on a software development process
where the requirements elicitation was done through
observations of the current transport industry environ-
ment in Macedonia.
A main goal of the work was to design a secure
and reliable application-level protocol that would ele-
vate mature technology like GSM into a value ad-
ded service for supporting vehicle-tracking systems.
We have successfully identified and analyzed the we-
aknesses that this service inherits and circumvented
its drawbacks by enhancing the security of the de-
IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
sign. The choice of ECC over RSA allows our pro-
tocol to be easily adapted and applied even to con-
strained devices with limited computing capabilities.
The Base92 encoding technique proved to be more ef-
ficient in the production of shorter encoded ciphertext
than traditional alternatives. The message protocol
fields of the shared 10-digit number and the reporting
session token can be of variable length, thus carefully
tailored according to the type of the application and
the MS capabilities. The token length of 50 bytes was
set as a default for our platform and assessed to pro-
vide a sufficiently good level of security.
A REST API for location data to be pushed to the
cloud infrastructure. The DC can, through the propo-
sed API, maintain their current valid token configu-
ration via a fully automated mechanism. Our system
can be applied in different countries without the ne-
cessity to physically own DC devices equipped with
local phone numbers. However, the possibility of re-
placing a DC with a cloud service like e.g., a rented
Twilio phone number, imposes modifications to our
cloud infrastructure including the REST API. Not
only implying that the logic of decoding and decryp-
tion must be done on cloud’s end, but also introduce a
completely new Universal Resource Identifier (URI)
approach how the messages are pushed through the
endpoints. The latter problem arises because Twilios
platform only allows us to set a single dedicated URI
where they will retrieve the SMS-related data either
by POST or GET method. Therefore, to support that
we must create a unique universal endpoint especially
dedicated from this alternative, where Twilio will be
transmitting information upon SMS reception on their
side, directly to our servers. In this case, the phone
number in our application will not be distinguished
from the URI segment, but rather from their passed
parameter ‘From’ alongside other important parame-
ters of the SMS message that is pushed from Twilio’s
As part of the project, an online survey was con-
ducted to a group of people from different cities
around Macedonia that are traveling via inter-city li-
nes that van (bus) companies offer. The total num-
ber of the survey responses collected was 53, from
where 12 people within the 16-20 age group, 39 be-
longing to the age group of 21-25 and 2 people within
the 26-30 age range. All of the interviewees stated
that they own a smartphone. The majority of them
(77.4%) answered that they often use the navigational
apps on the smartphone to find their way around cities
and 71.1% of interviewees would be willing to share
their location with these navigational apps. A consi-
derable amount of interviewees (37.5%), that belong
to the latter group, have privacy concerns and with re-
spect to sharing their location information with apps
or websites that have nothing to do with navigational
When asked how do they approach finding infor-
mation about their current available trips, the majo-
rity of the interviewees (60.4%) claim that they per-
sonally call the van companies to ask about their offe-
red lines, schedules, and location information. Howe-
ver, the majority of the interviewees (65.6%) of the
group that claimed to call van companies by phone,
complain about their office telephone lines being busy
and 25% of them think that the location information
the van companies give over the phone can be misle-
ading. All of the interviewees have been asked about
how they deal with issues when the vehicle of the par-
ticular trip is late according to the schedule. In this
case, 47.2% of them would immediately call their of-
fice phone number for explanation and 30.2% would
furthermore try and contact the vehicle driver of the
trip asking for status and plans.
As the last question, they were asked how they
would like to be informed about the arrival times
of the van (buses) if a web platform existed where
they could subscribe to receive notifications about ex-
pected arrival. The answers indicate a lead of the SMS
communication by 67.9%, followed by email (22.6%)
and lastly voice-calls (9.4%).
In this paper, we have presented a low-cost and secure
vehicle tracking platform to be used in countries do-
minated with GSM mobile infrastructure. The system
is based on a security-enhanced messaging protocol
delivered over SMS. The vehicle tracking platform
employs a Mobile Station (MS) based on a single-
board computer that accesses an IoT cloud service
through a Data Concentrator (DC) residing on the
edge of the cloud.
The proposed platform solves the problems of fin-
ding the reliable, up-to-date schedules and unambigu-
ous locations of where the vehicle picks up the pas-
sengers. The system will offer a search capability
presenting passengers with choices over current al-
ternatives and our platform will be aware of all the
available trips that intercept that route (city). Hereby,
the platform would significantly reduce the number
of phone calls a van company receives as well as their
employees (drivers) phones.
The steps of achieving the low-cost motivation of
the project were realized by choosing cheap COTS
products. Future work will include an investigation
of the Raspberry Pi Zero hardware as a potential plat-
A Low-cost Vehicle Tracking Platform using Secure SMS
form to drive down the cost of the MS further. We
will investigate further the potential seamless integra-
tion with cloud-based platforms such as Twilio and
Nexmo providing virtual phone numbers to possible
fully substitute the function of the DC. This could po-
tentially also improve the scalability of the platform
as more virtual phone numbers can be activated as the
number of MSs increases.
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IoTBDS 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security