User Experience Evolution of M-Learning Applications
Amir Dirin
and Marko Nieminen
Business Information Technology, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Science, Helsinki, Finland
Department of Computer Science, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
Keywords: Usability, User Experience Design, Mobile Learning.
Abstract: The development of a mobile learning application is associated with many challenges including timely
technology, richness of the learning content, pedagogy, usability, and the design of user experience. Users’
expectations and requirements on m-learning applications have evolved since the beginning of this
millennium. The evolvement is mainly a result of the advancement of mobile technologies, devices, and
network services. Users’ expectations are based on previous experiences, expertise level, and the context that
users have previously worked. The focus of this paper is on mobile learning usability and user experience.
We elaborate on m-learning applications’ user experience evolution from 2003 to 2016. The results
demonstrate that usability needs to be complemented with user experience analysis when developing m-
learning applications.
Knowledge and educational material has become
widely available for anybody with access to internet
and desire to pursue it. Wealth of material is available
online, free of charge, at any time. Easy access to
communication, information, and knowledge has also
resulted in social and cultural changes: for instance,
people rarely manage a day without a mobile phone
or access to the Internet.
This easy access to knowledge creates additional
and perhaps even surprising demands for the design
of learning content and applications. Learning content
and applications need to compete and stay up-to-date
with other important and entertaining information and
Mobile learning aims to overcome the constraints
of traditional educational settings where learning and
teaching happen in classrooms behind closed
doors. M-learning has been around for almost two
decades, but so far it has failed to draw serious
attention of educational institutes in comparison with
e-learning. Utilizing smart devices for educational
purposes is associated with several challenges
including the usage of a small device with many
limitations on display, keypad, and memory. Mobile
learning applications also compete with students’
time regarding other applications in the used device,
including games.
There have been significant improvements in the
technological capabilities of mobile devices during
the last decade including mobile application
development processes. New gadgets smartphones
and tablets have been developed that are equipped
with many advanced technologies and capabilities,
including WIFI (Henry & Luo, 2002) and NFC
(Madlmayr et al., 2008). Furthermore, these devices
have become more intelligent than ever before due to
the embedded sensors, camera, and high quality audio
and video equipment. The challenging drawbacks of
these devices, namely the memory space and
processing power, have been overcome in many
ways. Network operators provide fast data
connectivity to their subscribers at a relatively low
Smartphone usage among youth is increasing
(Lee et al., 2014) at the expense of PC usage (Sung &
Mayer, 2012). Mobile applications including games,
social networking, and professional tools, are
proliferating in application stores. Mobile learning
(m-learning) applications are competing for learners’
time and attention, and they must meet learners’
educational requirements while also encourage
frequent use (Seong, 2006).
M-learning applications require careful design
and development considerations as they deal with
learning and learners alike. This is particularly true in
formal learning settings where m-learning
Dirin, A. and Nieminen, M.
User Experience Evolution of M-Learning Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0006370301540161
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 154-161
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
applications are meant to be used for long periods of
time. In this respect, sustainability plays an important
role. A contextual analysis of user’s relation to m-
learning applications is one way to address such
Mobile learning applications’ usability has
initially been applied in the form of usability
inspections, although it was soon realized that this
was not sufficient (Po et al., 2004). Therefore,
alternative solutions, models, and frameworks have
been proposed to anticipate these challenges. There
have been significant methodological improvements,
usability guidelines, and pedagogical development.
Kukulska-Hulme (2007) has emphasized that “for
broad and long-term adoption the experience really
Seong (2006) formulates three usability
evaluation categories for a mobile learning
application, namely the user interface, the interaction,
and the interface design. Furthermore, Seong (2006)
recommends ten usability guidelines to measure the
mobile learning application’s usability.
Simultaneously, researchers have proposed a
systematic mobile learning application design and
development methodology in order to gain better
usability and user experience (UX). This includes
recommendations for the learner-centered design and
development of m-learning applications (Basaeed et
al., 2007; Low et al., 2006; Soloway et al., 1994;
Wong, 2012).
In their literature review concerning mobile
learning usability assessments, Navarro et al. (2016)
present an applied methodology for mobile learning
usability assessments. Additionally, they recommend
an evaluation framework for m-learning systems that
consist of two parts: pedagogical usability and user
interface usability. Their proposed set of guidelines
for user interface design mainly focus on the usability
of m-learning.
Yu and Kong (2016) investigate the mobile web
page interface design’s impact on ease of use,
interactivity, reading time, ease of learning, and
perceived user-friendliness in order to predict the
users’ satisfaction with the mobile browsing
experience. Their paper reveals the trend of using
usability factors such as ease of use to achieve a better
UX. Their attempt to address UX indicates that
usability is important in mobile learning, but not
These types of frameworks and guidelines
demonstrate that the usability of m-learning
applications is still evolving and that the existing
approaches are not sufficient to result in a
successfully deployed and accepted mobile learning
User experience (UX) has been considered to be an
important element of a mobile application’s success
(Roto et al., 2010). UX has become a viable
supplement to traditional HCI design, which is
indicated in recent practitioner discussions. UX
design is a multidimensional phenomenon in which
many factors influence success.
Despite the more than a decade-long (Hassenzahl
& Tractinsky, 2006) research and definition on user
experience, the concept still suffers from vague and
broad definition. This is, for instance, reflected in the
27 definitions of user experience reported as a result
of the Dagstuhl Seminar on Demarcating User
Experience (Roto et al., 2010) (see also
Application domain (e.g. m-learning) specific
definitions of UX are even more scarce. However,
Rusu et al. (2015) recognize that there is a tendency
to move from usability to user experience, although
there is a lack of formal widely-accepted definition of
UX among the CS communities.
The importance of UX was raised already in early
2000. The First Era of UX may be defined to have
taken place during 2000-2006 (Garrett 2000, Roto
2006) and might be entitled as the “technical
approach to UX” which still appears as the basis for
much of the UX related discussion. Garrett's (2000)
model on UX is conceptual model of a development
process to ensure the user´s experience of a website.
The model consists of five planes: the site objective,
the requirements, interaction design, information
design, and visual design.
Roto´s (2006) model on UX introduces human
responses as part of mobile browsing user experience.
The model identifies the different roles of mobile
device, browser, connection, and site attributes which
have an effect on mobile browsing experience.
The Second Era of UX (ISO, 2010) may be
defined to be about “human responses and emotions
as UX”. It presents a definition of UX that arises from
the direction of human responses and emotions. It
defines user experience as a “person’s perceptions
and responses that result from the use or anticipated
use of a product, system or service”.
Nielsen & Norman (2015) define user experience
as simplicity of a product, which comes with elegance
User Experience Evolution of M-Learning Applications
that users enjoy to own and enjoy to use. A similar
discussion is also offered by Keinonen (2008)
concerning whether the users’ needs and UCD are
sufficient for mobile application development.
Hassenzahl & Tractinsky (2006) define three
facets of UX: beyond instrumental, emotion and
affect, and the experiential. The beyond instrumental
aims at grasping and describing users’ needs to
achieve their holistic goals addressing also the
hedonic aspects that the product or service fulfils. The
affect and emotions deal with user’s internal state as
a result of the interaction with a product. The third
facet of the UX is “the experiental”, which deals with
the users´ overall experience as a whole.
The importance of user experience in educational
media such as e-learning platforms has also been
identified (Garaj, 2010; Sutcliffe & Alrayes, 2012).
Recently, the importance of user experience in
education, especially in m-learning environments,
has been noted (Shen, 2014).
Despite the methodological developments related
to m-learning applications’ usability and design, the
importance of the m-learning user experience factors
has not yet been researched thoroughly. From the
technical perspective, Yousafzai (2016) propose
technical guidelines and taxonomy on m-learning
environment to overcome the existing multimedia-
enabled m-learning applications´ constraints. The
taxonomy addresses mobile device heterogeneity,
network performance, and content heterogeneity.
Extending the focus from technical characteristics
of m-learning, Ali & Arshad (2016) propose an
acceptance model that aims to affect the students’
intention to adopt an m-learning application. They
extend the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of
Technology (UTAUT) model (Venkatesh et al. 2003)
with three supplementing factors: mobility,
interactivity, and enjoyment. Badwelan et al (2016)
reach even more toward non-technical characteristics
in determining the factors that influence students‘
intention to use m-learning. Their results show that
the added UTAUT factors personal innovativeness,
lecturer’s influence, and self-management of the
learner had a significant impact on students’ intention
to use m-learning. Dirin (2016) identifies satisfaction,
delightfulness, reliability, and adjustability as
important UX factors for m-learning application
sustainability in the attempts to move more towards
non-technical and “beyond instrumental”
(Hassenzahl & Tractinsky, 2006) aspects of m-
The previously presented two “conceptual eras of
UX” are used to address the evolvement of m-
learning applications over the last decade. In the
following sections, we analyse the impact of UX to
m-learning applications in respective eras. The aim is
to reflect on students’ and teachers’ evolving
expectations towards future m-learning applications.
The following three case applications demonstrate
how user experience has evolved over time in m-
learning. The analysis of these sample applications
indicates how the users´ expectations have changed
from instrumental to beyond instrumental and
experiental needs, as modelled by Hassenzahl &
Tractinsky (2006) over time.
3.1 Java Applet for a Java Course
(UX Era 1)
The introduction of m-learning applications relates to
the emergence and diffusion of mobile devices and
applications in general. The Java-applet-based m-
learning application (see Figure 1) helped students to
access the resources of a Java programming course
including lecture notes, assignments, and other
information such as feedback from a teacher using a
Java-enabled mobile phone. Additionally, students
could submit their laboratory and home assignments
through the application if they had access to the
The gathered requirements from teachers, courses
assistants, and students indicate that users raised only
functional demands and needs. For example, teachers
and course assistants have concerned about the
uploading course related materials while students
were concerned about downloading materials. Or,
Students asked for possible administrative features
such as registering for a course.
The reliability of the application was the only user
experience related requirement which highlighted by
users for java m-learning application.
The screenshot (Figure 1) presents an example of
the application’s user interface. The visual design of
the java mobile learning application was restricted to
the existing development environment (J2ME) on the
phone. The user interface (“Main Menu”) is divided
into the following categories: presentation (“esitys”),
activities (“toiminta”), communication
(“yhteydenpito”), and administration (“hallinto”)
according to the virtual course delivery model by
Brusilovsky & Miller (2001).
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: The “Java Course” M-learning application.
The application can be seen to conform to Garrett´s
(2000) technology and process focused elements of
user experience model. The design and development
of the application was done by identifying the user
needs and defining the technical, structural, and
functional requirements accordingly.
However, the development of this application
reached towards the model presented by Roto (2006).
The human response in relation to the application was
evaluated through usability testing. There were many
concerns raised by the users regarding connectivity,
slow performance of the device, low memory, and
short battery life. The slow data transfer connection
and high data exchange cost were among major
drawbacks in the application´s usage. Connectivity
was considered to impact content delivery, usability,
and even support for offline usage. These were
relevant concerns but the technology and the
development environments at the time prevented the
finding of a proper workaround to overcome the
technical constraints.
3.2 Adaptive M-Learning Application
(UX Era 2)
The adaptive m-learning application for driving
licence candidates (see Figure 2) was a joint project
between Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
and Haaga Driving School in Helsinki. This
application helps the driving school candidates to
study and access the compulsory driving school
theory lessons on their smartphones. Furthermore, the
administration tool helps the instructors to trace
students’ theory progress and driving experiences.
The main goal of the project was to design a
functional m-learning application as a proof of
concept. The design, development, and assessment of
this case study application is published in (Dirin &
Casarini, 2014).
Figure 2: The “Driving School” M-learning application.
This m-learning application assists driving school
students and instructors in their daily teaching and
learning activities. The application helps the driving
school candidates to study and access the compulsory
driving school theory lessons on their smartphones.
The administration tool helps the instructors to trace
students’ theory progress and driving experiences.
In contrast to the Java Applet mobile learning
application, the user expectations for this application
were much more than just the mere functionalities of
the application or just extending the uses of the
mobile devices. The users’ needs and requirements of
the potential application included many non-
functional requirements which Hassenzahl &
Tractinsky (2006) refer to as “beyond instrumental”
characteristics. The following are examples of non-
functional requirements that users raised during the
elicitation phase: 1. Customization of the potential
application based on users´ preferences 2. The
resources provided to users based on the context and
user competences 3. Instructors follow students´
progress reliably. Figure 2 reveals that the above non-
functional requirements were tackled through 1. The
user is able to customize application feel and look at
any time. 2. Through color-coding, the adaptive m-
learning application provides instance feedback to
users on the context. 3. Instructors follow the
students’ progress through the color-coded interface.
The application was designed to allow users to
combine external services to the application
including, for instance, the search for information
through their preferred internet search engine.
The responsive design of the application makes
the mobile device adaptive to users’ contextual
requirements. This is an “affect mechanism” to depict
the negative emotions. Furthermore, the application
makes use of colors, visual symbols, and familiar
icons to raise positive emotions during the use of the
This adaptive m-learning application also helped
User Experience Evolution of M-Learning Applications
the user to receive feedback on learning instantly.
During the driving experiment the application notifies
the instructor on candidate’s performance.
Additionally, the application delivers pop-up
messages as notifications on occurred mistakes and
provides guidance to fix them.
3.3 Business Game Application
(UX Era 2)
This mobile learning application helps users to
become familiar with the complex premises and the
offices in different buildings. In the “Business Game”
(see Figure 3) application (Dirin & Vainio, 2015) the
user study was performed to learn about the target
users’ application preferences. The qualitative data
from the user study was analyzed and categorized to
produce the requirements. The designer focused on
designing the product concept to be most appealing to
users. User scenarios were applied and various
application concepts were assessed by the users. The
low-fidelity paper-based prototype created using
Balsamiq Mockups helped to obtain more specific
feedback from users.
Users’ expectations on presenting the content as a
game illustrate the “beyond instrumental”
requirements. This non-functional requirement was
raised in the concept design phase of the application.
Furthermore, users’ demand on having different game
characters to play the game indicated that users strive
for an emotional relation towards the application.
Figure 3 presents sample of a character that we
proposed in the business game application.
Engagement with the application and communication
with other peers are considered as important
complementing non-functional requirements that
reflect the “beyond instrumental” needs.
The desired increasing complexity in playing the
game was raised by users in the usability test
reflecting the hedonic aspects towards the
application. Emotion appeared to provide a basis for
the selection of the characters and affect was detected
while analyzing achievements after playing each
game. The “game appeal” appeared to increase
learners’ motivation to complete the game and go
through the whole learning content.
Figure 3: Sample of role character for the “Business Game”
m-learning application.
The usability evaluation of the initial Java m-learning
application (UX era 1) indicated that users do value
high the utilization of their mobile device for
educational purposes despite their initial mental
model on m-learning as an “upgraded text messaging
service”. The more recent applications’ (UX era 2)
design and development reveals that students´
demands and expectations were more than just
“usable” consisting only of effective and efficient
performance with the application. Users of the Java
m-learning application desired to use their mobile
devices solely for educational purposes which
Hassenzahl & Tractinsky (2006) present as
“instrumental”. This approach emphasizes that the
developers need to create a usable application which,
according to ISO 9241, ends up being effective,
efficient, and satisfying.
One may argue that the users’ motivations to use
the mobile devices for educational purposes has
significantly changed. The users of the latest mobile
learning applications have already learnt to use
mobile devices for a multitude of purposes including
the educational. These include using Google to
search, online dictionaries, emails, calendars, etc.
In our case descriptions, the users in the first
group (the “Java Course” m-learning application) did
not have prior experience with mobile learning and,
therefore, were eager to enhance the uses and
functionality of the device towards educational
activities. In the “Java Course” m-learning
application, the main requirements were focused on
task-related and functional aspects. The second
group, however, had already extensively used their
CSEDU 2017 - 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
mobile devices for a multitude of purposes including
the educational process. The users of the new mobile
learning applications expect usability (efficiency,
effectiveness, and satisfaction) as a “de-facto
characteristic” for any mobile learning application.
The work by Yu and Kong (2016) justifies the
importance of moving from usability toward user
experience in web browsing on a small screen. They
demonstrate the importance of design in facilitating
the ease of use and ease of interactivity in order to
achieve the ease of learning and reading.
The two latter cases from “UX era 2” go beyond
the “usability” boundaries reaching towards the
hedonic aspects. The users of these m-learning
applications emphasized the responsive and
subjective experience on the use of the application.
The feelings of joy and ownership affect users´
emotional engagement with the application. The
“beyond instrumental” and “experiential” requirements
have become more important for m-learning application
acceptance and continuing utilization.
In addition to technology, changes have also
occurred in students’ and teachers’ social lives and
cultural surroundings. Over the years, people have
become more dependent on their mobile devices.
Hence, smartphones and their use have a significant
impact on m-learning applications’ concept, design,
and development.
Alongside the maturing of mobile technology in
general, users’ attitudes and expectations regarding
the m-learning applications’ design and performance
have also altered. Unlike the situation in 2003, smart
devices are now equipped with extensive in-device
applications to meet users’ various daily needs.
Additionally, millions of third-party applications are
available for download in the different platform
stores. Almost all these applications are competing
for users’, including students’, time and dedication.
These changes have resulted in additional
expectations for m-learning applications’ design,
features, application performance, and user
Nonetheless, the technological advancements in
smart devices and in networks have not impacted the
identity of m-learning stakeholders or their overall
roles and contributions. Consequently, the
technological advancements and social changes
mandate and emphasize the importance of m-
learning-related pedagogical, usability, and user
experience considerations during design and
development. At the time of the “Java Course” m-
learning application contemporary technology was
used to deliver timely user experience. This meant
better functionality and usability of the application.
More recent implementations need to go beyond that.
Aligned with the smart gadgets´ technological
advancement, many solutions aim at anticipating the
technical changes. This may not be sufficient
anymore. Mere technology-oriented solutions are not
sufficient to result in continuous usage of mobile
learning application. Instead, the changing social and
cultural surroundings provide a source of analysis for
the “beyond instrumental” aspects that may be crucial
for the acceptance of the applications.
These aspects are visible in the presented cases.
In 2004 the users only wanted to have the Java course
content as an application on their mobile phones
while in 2013, having only the content in the phone
was not sufficient. Users demand the application to be
fun to use, adaptable, and adjustable.
As the focus of mobile learning application design
appears to move from technical to experiential, the
success of mobile learning applications depends on
the “experiential design”. In their recent research,
Kuderna-Iulian et al. (2015) recognize the importance
of behavior and emotions in learning and the
acceptance of a software product. Their multimodal
monitoring tool for collecting emotional feedback
through mobile devices’ sensors provides interesting
ways forward in analysing such impacts in using an
m-learning application.
The technological developments have also had an
impact on educational institutes’ attitudes toward m-
learning application utilization and, most of all, on
students’ expectations of m-learning applications
enhancement (Dirin & Nieminen, 2014) of their
educational process. Therefore, in contemporary
educational institutes (Collins & Halverson, 2010)
with current social setups (Vannoy & Palvia, 2010),
m-learning applications have become a response to
student and staff demands regarding their educational
This paper aims at illustrating the changing landscape
of user experience in m-learning. User experience in
educational context plays an important role as the
applications need to motivate learners for sustainable
usage. Initially, the focus has been on technical
solutions. However, there is potential to focus more
on the emotional and experiental side in m-learning
application development. Mobile gadgets and the
applications have become ubiquitous daily tools.
They provide context-independent sharing,
transferring or receiving educational material,
User Experience Evolution of M-Learning Applications
information, and knowledge. Hence, m-learning is
ubiquitously merging knowledge with smart devices,
which means learning and teaching are not restricted
by place and time constraints as in traditional
educational institutes where knowledge sharing
happens in only one context.
Our analysis of the UX evolvement of mobile
learning applications indicates that mere
technological solutions are not anymore enough to
attract users to use mobile learning applications. This
study reveals that user experience in m-learning is
still emerging and has room for further study and
development. The research demonstrates that user
experience challenges with m-learning applications
have mainly been tackled technically according to
technology and process focused models on UX.
Contributions on user experience factors addressing
emotional needs in m-learning are vague. Users’
demands for sufficient usability and user experience
have significantly increased in line with mobile
penetration among students and m-learning adoption
by educational institutes. As users’ expectations and
requirements have evolved over the time, traditional
application design and development approaches are
not sufficient in developing m-learning applications.
Applying the latest technology to come up with a
mobile learning application is important; however, it
is not sufficient for engaging users emotionally for
continuous usage.
In the future, mobile learning applications need
additional justification than just satisfying the
practical needs impacting the effectiveness and
efficiency of the application. User experience plays
an important role in motivating users for continuing
and sustainable usage of m-learning applications
through added emotional engagement.
Proper addressing of user experience increases the
possibilities for the m-learning applications to
compete on students' time with other entertaining and
engaging applications in their device. We suggest that
special attention should be put to the “beyond
instrumental” and “the experiential” aspects when
designing engaging mobile learning applications for
continuous and sustainable use.
Special thanks to students, educational institutes, and
partners company who helped to design, developed,
and utilize the applications.
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User Experience Evolution of M-Learning Applications