Collecting and Analysing Learners Data to Support the Adaptive
Engine of OPERA, a Learning System for Mathematics
Marisa Oliveira
, Alcinda Barreiras
, Graça Marcos
, Hermínia Ferreira
, Ana Azevedo
and Carlos Vaz de Carvalho
Institute of Engineering of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Porto Accounting and Business School, Porto, Portugal
GILT - Institute of Engineering of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Mathematics, Active Learning, Adaptive Learning Systems, Computer Aided Learning.
Abstract: Learning mathematics has always been (and still is) a major issue. Many students fail to understand the basic
concepts and/or are unable to apply them. These students end up moving to other subject areas or simply
dropping out. One of the major reasons for this problem is the fact that the educational system is only prepared
to apply standardized teaching methods that do not respect or fit the individual characteristics of each student.
This paper presents the OPERA learning adaptive system that provides the foundations for further
mathematics learning while addressing the diversity of the users/learners. OPERA collects learner interaction
data to monitor the learning process in an active and contextualized way and to identify the users’ difficulties
and achieved knowledge in each stage. Based on the data analysis, OPERA then reorganizes the sequence of
contents and provides the precise information needed to progress which makes learning much more efficient.
Like many other Western countries, Portugal is
confronted with a declining number of students in
science, mathematics, engineering and technology
(STEM) careers. This problem will hamper the future
country development if no measures are taken.
Different approaches have been suggested to increase
the motivation of students to learn mathematics and
follow STEM careers and the use of technology to
support learning has been one of them. According to
Folden (2012) technology-based learning (e-learning)
has its roots in the so called teaching machines that
emerged in the beginning of the twentieth century.
Computers became the natural environment for the
teaching machines and, with the advent of digital
communications and the Internet, the first virtual
learning environments where adopted throughout
organizations (Folden, 2012; Peres, Mesquita, and
Pimenta, 2015).
Nowadays, technology based learning
environments are typical in organizations, and
adaptive systems are gaining momentum. Adaptive
learning systems dynamically change the contents or
the way they are presented, based on the user’s
preferences, responses, and activities, in order to
facilitate the learning process and to optimize the
students’ performance (Oxman and Wong, 2014;
Paramythis and Loidl-Reisinger, 2004; Wilson and
Scott, 2017).
OPERA is an adaptive learning system that
addresses the mathematics topic of operations with
real numbers. The strategy is based on an adaptive
model in which students solve exercises through a
progression scheme adjusted to their level of
knowledge and performing skills. OPERA collects
data, analyses it and evaluates the performance of the
student and when a lack of knowledge is
acknowledged the application proposes additional
learning, through video-tutorials or documentation.
OPERA is mainly aimed at students from
secondary schools and initial courses of higher
education. It is also thought for students over 23 years
of age that have to do a mathematics exam in order to
access higher education. The topic “operations with
numbers” is one of the topics that is evaluated in this
exam and it is fundamental for other mathematics
Mathematics is many times perceived as a difficult
and abstract subject, which involves learning a lot of
Oliveira, M., Barreiras, A., Marcos, G., Ferreira, H., Azevedo, A. and Carvalho, C.
Collecting and Analysing Learners Data to Support the Adaptive Engine of OPERA, a Learning System for Mathematics.
DOI: 10.5220/0006389806310638
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017) - Volume 1, pages 631-638
ISBN: 978-989-758-239-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
processes and formulas that seem irrelevant to the
students' lives. Therefore, students develop a negative
attitude towards mathematics and lack of confidence
in ‘being good at it’ which later affects their career
Besides that, improving the students' motivation
to learn mathematics is also crucial to the economy
and so aiming for a high proportion of graduates’
students in technology areas is a very important
objective. Appropriate learning methods can develop
students' level of understanding mathematical rules
and procedures, helping them develop a deeper
interest, engagement and motivation.
2.1 Learning with Technology
The emerging computer and network technologies
have changed the way we live, work, teach and learn.
The learning paradigm took advantage of the new
technologies in the development of different
education models, changing the teaching-learning
process. Over the last years the learning systems have
also embraced new educational technologies. The
creation of new and innovative teaching and learning
resources supported the use of new pedagogical
methodologies that are beneficial for teachers and
learners. The concept of Open Educational
Resources, in spite of the identified problems, has
been widely adopted (Vaz de Carvalho, Escudeiro,
Caeiro Rodriguez, & Llamas Nistal, 2016). Different
initiatives and projects were developed involving
interactive web sites, learning applications, online
training activities, intelligent tutoring environments
and many others. Serious games have also been
identified as excellent learning tools (Andrade,
Gouveia, Nogueira, Russo, & Vaz de Carvalho,
However, most of the learning systems still
provide the same inputs and similar learning
resources to all students not taking into consideration
their different characteristics. In those systems all the
students have the same learning path, independently
of their distinct background knowledge, different
needs, individual methods or preferences.
To be effective, the learning environment must be
student-centred and the student’s differences should
be contemplated. In a student-centred learning
system, the student builds his/her knowledge by
interacting with correctly chosen learning objects that
suit his/her skills and previous performance. This
increases the effectiveness of the learning and the
learner´s motivation since the system converges to
his/her needs. Several categories of adaptation can be
identified, and one of the most used, named as
Adaptive Course Delivery, is designed in order to
obtain courses tailored to each one of its users, fitting
the course contents to the users characteristics as
much as possible (Paramythis and Loidl-Reisinger,
An adaptive system can be considered as similar
to a biological system, which changes its behavior in
response to its environment, and this change is
relevant to achieving a certain goal (Brusilovsky and
Peylo, 2003; Michalewicz, Schmidt, Michalewicz,
and Chiriac, 2007; Wilson and Scott, 2017).
According to Paramythis and Loidl-Reisinger
(2004) four types of models can be typically found in
adaptive learning systems, namely: i) the domain
models, which is a representation of the course being
offered including contents and possible learning
paths; ii) the learner models, which maintains
diversified information about the user; iii) the group
models, which identifies similar students to
dynamically create groups of learners; and iv) the
adaptation model, which defines what, can be adapted
and when and how it can be adapted. Oxman & Wong
(2014) consider that there are three core elements
above which adaptive learning systems are built,
namely, the content model, which is similar to the
domain model referred by Paramythis and Loidl-
Reisinger (2004), the learner model, similarly to the
leaner model of Paramythis and Loidl-Reisinger
(2004), and the instructional model, which is similar
to the adaptation model of Paramythis and Loidl-
Reisinger (2004). Wilson and Scott talk about the
“knowledge of the domain (the domain model),
knowledge of teaching strategies (the pedagogic
model), knowledge of the learner (the learner model),
and rules for interaction (the communication model)”
(2017, p. 3).
The instructional or adaptation models uses a set
of data about the user, and can be rule-based, with if-
then statements and heuristics, or algorithm-based,
with advanced mathematical formulas and applying
machine learning techniques, such as data mining
(Medina-Medina and García-Cabrera, 2016; Oxman
and Wong, 2014; Paramythis and Loidl-Reisinger,
2004). This can be considered as Prescriptive
Analytics. “One can view analytics as the process of
developing actionable decisions or recommendations
for actions based upon insights generated from
historical data” (Sharda, Delen, and Turban, 2014, p.
56). Prescriptive analytics concerns the determination
of the best course of action, providing a decision or a
recommendation (Sharda et al., 2014; Turban,
Sharda, Aroson, and Liang, 2007).
Adaptive learning systems present some
challenges as well as some potential advantages when
compared with traditional systems. As challenges we
can identify the following ones: i) content can be too
A2E 2017 - Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments
easy, which can demotivate the students, or too hard,
which can be frustrating; ii) students can have
different prior knowledge; iii) the costs of education
can make hard for the students to access the systems
(Oxman and Wong, 2014). As potential advantages,
we can identify the following ones: i) reduce the
number of students that give up: ii) achieve outcomes
more effectively; iii) achieve outcomes faster; iv)
help faculty to focus.
Several applications of adaptive systems are
known in educational contexts with success, from
elementary and secondary to higher education levels
(Brusilovsky and Peylo, 2003; Guo, Palmer-Brown,
Lee, and Cai, 2014; Hamann, Saul, and Wuttke, 2015;
Kara and Sevem, 2013; Oxman and Wong, 2014;
Paramythis and Loidl-Reisinger, 2004; Tsai, Lee,
HSU, and Chang, 2012).
An important aspect of the process relates to the
use of standardized data collection and result
reporting methods to allow interoperability with other
applications, namely Learning Management Systems.
The two major specifications supporting this process
are SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference
Model) and xAPi (also known as TinCan API).
SCORM is a collection of specifications
developed by ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning)
for e-learning systems through the web. Among other
things, SCORM defines the rules of communication
between educational content (in the form of Learning
Objects - LO) and the host application, usually in the
form of a LMS. In this way, it is possible to
standardize the way in which the educational contents
relate to the systems that support them and allow the
LOs to be independent of these systems (Rustici
Software, 2016).
In general terms, xAPI is a free, open source
technical specification for the implementation of a
global architecture including the definition of a
Learning Record Store (LRS) and 4 complementary
APIs. xAPi was conceived with a much more open
view of the learning process. In fact, learning is
acknowledged as happening everywhere, not just in
the digital world of an LMS and is often self-managed
by the student. This has entailed a change in the way
learning systems are organized so that it is necessary
to monitor and integrate the different learning
experiences and data gathered from these various
sources. Thus, xAPI is agnostic about the type of
learning content being used and allows flexible
monitoring of learning activities and experiences
regardless of the model, including formal e-learning
courses, performance systems, group learning, social
or even informal learning scenarios (Rustici
Software, 2016).
xAPI allows following and assessing micro-
behaviors, states and contexts of learning experiences
such as (ADLnet, 2016):
Reading an article or interacting with an e-book
Watching a video lesson
Using a simulation
Running a mobile application
Talking to a tutor
Acquiring physiological data, such as heart beats
Evaluating team performance in a serious game
Recording real-world performance in an
operational context
In fact, the flexibility of xAPI is so great that it
can be used in contexts that would not seem relevant
before. For instance, Long et al used the specification
to collect military sniper performance data in order to
create an adaptive training system (Long, et al.,
2016). Several other studies contributed to the
development of the specification and its application
in different settings.
Berg et al analyzed the experience of the
application of xAPI in several projects including the
use of LRSs (Berg, Scheffel, Drachsler, Ternier, &
Specht, 2016). The main conclusion was that the lack
of a unique source of validation could lead to the
appearance of inconsistent implementations and the
consequent abandonment of the specification.
Bakharia et al evaluated the use of the specification in
conjunction with a specific tool, the Connected
Learning Analytics Toolkit, in order to verify if it
would contribute in any way to facilitate the
collection of the necessary information for this
process (Bakharia, Kitto, Pardo, & Gasevic, 2016).
The main conclusion was precisely the need to
complete the existing specification. Another proposal
to extend the specification was made by De Nies et al
who proposed the W3C PROV model in order to
improve the interoperability of systems using xAPI
(2016). Traore also identified some limitations of the
specification when implementing it in the SOFAD
authoring system (2016).
Vidal et al proposed a semantic approach to the
analysis of the specification through a representative
ontology that in the future may contribute to the
verification of the conformity of a given application
model of the xAPI (2015).
Manso-Vázquez et al proposed a model to
improve student / trainee monitoring in self-learning
processes (2015). The model was based on xAPI and
somehow demonstrated the extensibility of the
specification as new applications emerge. However,
this extension may imply the aggravation of the
problem detected by Berg.
In a similar approach, Poonam et al used xAPI as
a support architecture to capture and monitor user
Collecting and Analysing Learners Data to Support the Adaptive Engine of OPERA, a Learning System for Mathematics
interactions and store them in an LRS (2016). In a
more comprehensive approach, Amrieh et al used the
specification to capture student interaction with an e-
learning platform and tried to correlate this factor
with the student performance (2015). They concluded
that there is, in fact, a strong correlation between the
two. In a similar perspective, but for a completely
different audience, Murphy et al used the
specification to monitor the performance and
efficiency of military training (similar to the Long
approach) and thus demonstrated the usefulness of the
specification (2016). Kazanidis et al presented ProPer
which combines technologies from both Adaptive
Educational Hypermedia Systems (AEHS) and
SCORM compliant LMS. To help teachers and
students alike to locate possible weaknesses it
monitors and visualizes user progress through
instruction. To motivate students to continue with
their study an immediate feedback and comparative
techniques are presented. (2009).
Looking at this compilation of studies, it is safe to
say that technology seems to be ripe and fitted to the
objectives of OPERA.
2.2 OPERA Model
OPERA is an adaptive learning system that addresses
the topic of operations with real numbers. The
application goals were defined as:
Flexibility with an adaptable learning
environment designed to consider the student's
Accessibility to course materials at any time and
from anywhere;
Merging to the individual needs of the student.
The OPERA strategy is based on an adaptive
model in which students solve exercises through a
progression scheme adjusted to their level of
knowledge and performing skills. The system
supports the learners’ individual needs, assuming
specific tutoring strategies for efficient and effective
learning. The students’ individual needs assessed are
cognitive as problem solving and independent
reasoning; personal as self-guidance, time
management, self-assessment; and affective as
development of positive attitudes through attaining
The core of the OPERA strategy is based on the
continuous collection of information on a particular
student´s performance while solving problems and
challenges. The student model is continually being
updated throughout the session and a corresponding
adapted progression (difficulty and themes) scheme
is provided. The model combines domain specific
information discriminating all the expected
knowledge to be acquired, by topic, and domain
independent information which, in this case, is related
to the personal skills (also identified in the literature
as personal traits) to be acquired/already developed.
For instance, some of the challenges are identified as
contributing to critical analysis, problem solving,
time management, etc. The way students solve (or
not) those challenges contribute to the identification
of their personal traits in the model.
The progression model also provides hints and
other automatic feedback following the students’
knowledge status. For instance, the student is linked
to oriented video-tutorials, which students watch
when they have doubts about the exercises they are
solving. The construction of knowledge is done in an
efficient and motivating way, differently from the
traditional classroom, much more attractive and
engaging since it always requires the student
Students become independent, proactive and
'learn by doing'. Student-knowledge is created by a
constructive process, oriented and articulated
according to the students' understanding and fulfilling
the guiding role that should be carried out by the
2.3 OPERA Contents
The “OPERA – OPErations with ReAl numbers”
project contains four main topics, namely, rational
numbers, real numbers, absolute value and intervals,
each topic being divided into several subtopics. The
choice of this theme is due to the fact that, although it
is one of the basic subjects in mathematics, it always
generates difficulties. Table 1 presents a summary of
the subject contents evaluated in the OPERA model.
Table 1: Summary of topics and subtopics evaluated in the
OPERA model.
Topics Subtopics
Operations with
rational numbers
Number expressions
Operations with real
Number expressions
Absolute value Operations
Interval operations
A2E 2017 - Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments
Table 2 outlines the essential mathematical skills and
competences that a student will acquire at the end of
each topic.
Table 2: Summary of learning outcomes in the OPERA
Topics Learning outcomes
with rational
Perform calculations involving
operations (addition, multiplication,
and potentiation) with rational
Solve problems with rational numbers
that involve addition, multiplication,
and potentiation.
with real
Perform calculations involving
operations (addition, multiplication,
and potentiation) with irrational
Solve problems with irrational
numbers that involve addition,
multiplication and potentiation
Solve problems involving the absolute
value of real numbers.
Determine sets that result from
operations with intervals of real
The OPERA system adapts the learning experience to
the user's abilities by reorganizing the content
presentation sequence (questions) according to the
given answers. The user's model is therefore
behavioural, since it does not have any pre-existing
information about the user when the user first
accesses the system. This model is updated according
to the questions answered by the student.
3.1 Opera Interface
In Figure 1, we can see the welcome screen, with the
theme to be studied and a button to start the course.
Figure 1: OPERA Input screen.
OPERA presents a hierarchical approach to the
issues, according to the thematic areas (Figure 2). The
number of difficulty levels in each topic is set by
default to two, but can be changed. All these
definitions (questions, groups of questions,
progression schemes) can be changed according to
different courses and audiences. A progression
scheme is directly connected to the topic, which
means that it can include questions from different
Figure 2: Thematic organization of OPERA.
A progression scheme is defined as a sequence of
steps that the student has to do. The number of
exercises, the correct number of answers that the
student has to give, and the maximum amount of time
allowed define each step.
The questions can be numeric, multiple choice,
true/false or graphic. The questions are randomly
chosen from those available in the database. The
sequence can be set so according to the student
behaviour at a given time: for example, if the student
correctly solves all the questions at a given step/level
Collecting and Analysing Learners Data to Support the Adaptive Engine of OPERA, a Learning System for Mathematics
in a short period of time, he can level up when
compared to a student who had completed this same
step with fewer right answers and over a longer period
of time. In a given step, the behaviour of the
progression scheme in function of the student's failure
can be configured as: the student can repeat the step,
be re-assigned to the previous step or additional
information to study can be provided. Instructions are
displayed on the screen so student understands how it
will work (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Presentation of the OPERA model.
Summing up, learning will be essentially done
through the resolution of exercises (Figure 4). The
questions can be formulated in a formal way or in a
realistic way trying to facilitate the transfer of
acquired knowledge (Figure 5).
Figure 4: Example of an OPERA question.
Figure 5: Formal OPERA question.
As the student is answering (or not) the questions,
the application identifies their difficulties and
proposes them the information needed to deepen the
subjects addressed there. The heuristics used are
relatively simple, but they allow approaching the use
of the application to the real needs of the students.
Some examples of rules used:
An immediate resolution of a simple exercise
allows moving immediately to a complex
exercise. Its immediate resolution allows to
move to the next module;
If the student completes two consecutive
modules without errors, moves directly to the
difficult level of the next module. As long as he
doesn’t make any mistakes, always moves to the
difficult levels of the following modules;
Two consecutive mistakes at a simple level
results in a suggestion that student should access
Two consecutive mistakes on the difficult level
brings back to the simple level.
Figure 6: Video-presentation lesson of the real numbers
A2E 2017 - Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments
The information will be available in the format of
video lessons, print documents or consolidation
exercises (Figure 6). Note that, after a wrong answer,
OPERA also immediately provides detailed feedback
on the error and on the correct resolution.
The student can use the documents available or
watch the proposed video-lessons to consolidate the
knowledge worked. These activities aim to strengthen
and consolidate learning.
At the end, students will be able to take a global
test containing several questions related to the course
syllabus. After this a feedback is given to inform the
student about the performance achieved.
3.2 Technical Requirements
In terms of development, the tools used were
Panopto, Camtasia Studio, Articulate Storyline and
Javascript. This conjugation allowed to create a
multiplatform learning object (runs on mobile
devices, web environments and, natively, on
Windows systems).
In addition, OPERA is produced in accordance
with the SCORM and xAPI specifications, which
allows its integration into Learning Management
Systems (LMS) in such a way that the results obtained
by the students can be part of a formal learning
evaluation process. SCORM is used for the packaging
of the learning object and the interoperability with the
LMS, allowing the transfer of data to the host grading
system. xAPI is used to standardize the collection and
storage of the discourse learning analytics data and
therefore also supports the student model.
In this paper we have presented the learning system
“OPERA – OPErations with ReAl numbers”.
OPERA mainly intends to identify the subjects in
which the students have more difficulties, and thus
help them to have a better perception of their own
level of knowledge. As the students' difficulties are
identified, the application provides them with the
necessary tools to overcome these difficulties
(through video lessons, print documents or
consolidation exercises). It makes the learning more
efficient and more motivating. OPERA is therefore a
rule-based adaptive learning system following an
adaptation model.
Extensive testing will take place in the next few
months but preliminary results indicate that the
system can provide results close to the original
Part of this work has been supported by the Porto
Polytechnic (P.Porto) through the PIPED award.
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A2E 2017 - Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments