Uncertainty and Integration of Emotional States in e-Learning
Doctoral Consortium Paper
Grzegorz Brodny
Department of Software Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Narutowicza Str. 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
Keywords: e-Learning, Emotion Recognition, Late Fusion, Early Fusion, Emotion Representation Models.
Abstract: One of the main applications of affective computing remains supporting e-learning process. Therefore, apart
from human mentoring, automatic emotion recognition is also applied in monitoring learning activities.
Specific context of e-learning, that happens at home desk or anywhere (mobile e-learning), adds additional
challenge to emotion recognition, e.g. temporal unavailability and noise in input channels. Nowadays,
affective computing has provided many solutions for emotion recognition. There are numerous emotion
recognition algorithms which differ on input information channels, representation emotion model on output
and classification method. The most common approach is to combine the emotion information channels.
Using multiple input channels proved to be the most accurate and reliable, however there is no standard
architecture proposed for this kind of solutions. This paper presents outline of the author's PhD thesis, which
concentrates on integration of emotional states in educational applications with consideration of uncertainty.
The paper presents state of art, the architecture of integration, performer experiments and planned
One of the main applications of affective computing
remains e-learning processes support. Based on
many studies from the fields of pedagogy, it has
been confirmed that emotions have a crucial impact
on learning and e-learning e.g. (Binali et al. 2009)
(Landowska 2013). Therefore, apart from human
mentoring, automatic emotion recognition is also
applied in monitoring learning activities. Although
there are some ethical considerations regarding
revealing affective states of a learner to a teacher,
there are affective educational systems that were
already built. The specific context of e-learning, that
happens at home desk or practically anywhere
(mobile e-learning), adds another challenge to
emotion recognition, e.g. temporal unavailability or
noisiness of input channels.
Nowadays, there are numerous emotion
recognition algorithms that differ on input
information channels, an emotion representation
model as output and recognition method. The most
important classification is based on input channels,
as some are not always available in the e-learning
environment. A recognition algorithm might use one
or a combination of the following channels:
visual information from cameras,
body movements mattes,
textual input of a user,
voice signals,
standard input devices usage,
physiological measurements.
All of above listed input channels might be
applied in the monitoring e-learning activities, but
some of them are task- or user-dependent in e-
learning context (Landowska et al. 2017)
(Landowska et al. 2016).
As all emotion recognition channels are
susceptible to some noise, the most common
approach is to combine the channels (multimodal
recognition) (Poria et al. 2017). This approach
requires integration of data or results from different
sources. There are two approaches to integration:
early and late fusion methods. Both have some
disadvantages and the challenge of multimodal
integration constitutes the author’s research
problem. The challenge could be decomposed into
the following subproblems:
(1) missing standard emotion representation
model; There are many models of emotion
representation and unfortunately, there is no
standard nor the most frequently used one. As a
Brodny G.
Uncertainty and Integration of Emotional States in e-Learning - Doctoral Consortium Paper.
In Doctoral Consortium (CSEDU 2017), pages 21-27
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
result, each emotion recognition algorithm and each
solution uses another (and sometimes unique)
emotion representation model (Gunes and Schuller
(2) discrepancies between results (recognized
emotional states) obtained from different input
channels and algorithms; Assuming the same
investigation, time and a person, some
experimenters observed huge discrepancies between
recognized emotional states among different
algorithms. Not only solutions based on diverse
input channels exhibit the discrepancy, but also the
same channel recorded twice (e.g. two camera
locations) results in different results (Landowska et
al. n.d.) (Landowska and Miler 2016).
(3) uncertainty of results, that differs among
algorithms and contexts; Some solutions return a
prediction of an emotional state even if conditions
for prediction were suboptimal (large camera angle,
insufficient lighting, other noise). At the same time,
most of the emotion recognition tools do not report
the reliability of the predicted state. Moreover, the
reported emotional state might be provided using
diverse scales and precision.
(4) disadvantages of integration methods; The
early fusion method is non-resistant for periodically
unavailable channels. The late fusion method is
non-resistant for incompatible emotion
representation models.
The author’s research concentrate on the
integration of emotional states in educational
applications with consideration of uncertainty. These
objectives are described in detail in section 2.
Author’s research concentrates on the following
objective: prepare a method of integration of
recognized emotional states, taking into account
uncertainty. This objective might be decomposed to
the following subproblems:
a) selection and application of appropriate
methods of mapping between emotion
representation models, especially to models
that make sense in the e-learning context (the
mapping increases measurement error);
b) method for calculation of uncertainty factor
for different input channels;
c) integration method based on late fusion,
including uncertainty;
d) post-hoc evaluation of emotion recognition,
based on efficiency in a specific context;
e) architecture supporting the late fusion of
emotion recognition results provided by
algorithms from diverse vendors.
This section is divided into 3 parts. The first part
presents emotion representation models and
approaches to mapping between them. The second
provides a review of research about applying
affective computing methods in the e-learning, and
the latter reviews existing methods of integration of
emotional states.
3.1 Emotion Models and Approaches of
There are multiple emotion representation models
and no standard model has been established so far
(Valenza et al. 2012). Models fall into three
categories: (1) categorical, (2) dimensional and (3)
componential. (1) Categorical models are the most
intuitive for human, but not for the computers
(Gunes and Schuller 2013). They present each
emotion as a combination of labelled emotional
states. An example of those is a popular Ekman’s
model, that combines basic emotions: joy, fear,
anger, surprise, sadness and disgust to represent
complex emotional states (Scherer and Ekman 1984)
(2) Dimensional models (usually two- or three-
dimensional) represent emotions as compound of
bipolar entity for example: valence (pleasant vs
unpleasant), arousal (relaxed vs arousal) and
dominance/power/control (submissiveness vs
dominance) (Gunes and Schuller 2013). Emotions in
these models are represented as a point in 2D, 3D or
more dimensional space (Grandjean et al. 2008).
These models are less intuitive for humans but more
easy to be computed by applications. To be
understandable for people, the points require some
mapping to emotion labels. (3) Componential
models of emotions are based on appraisal theory.
The models are more complex and concentrate on
how emotions are generated (Fontaine et al. 2007)
(Grandjean et al. 2008) (Ortony et al. 1988).
Some authors claim that categorical models
could be mapped to dimensional ones and vice
versa. Some mappings are lossless (Gunes and
Schuller 2013).
The researchers use a few mappings which are
mainly derived from correlation coefficients. For
example mapping between a big five model
(categorical) and PAD (3D) was proposed as a
function (Mehrabian 1996a) (Shi et al. 2012). The
mapping was created by calculating a correlation
between the factors from both models and the
correlation coefficients were used as weights in the
mapping functions. The next case was mapping
between PAD and the Ekman model (categorical)
(Shi et al. 2012), which was created in an analogical
way. Mehrabian and Russel calculated correlation
coefficients between PAD and models of personality
(Mehrabian 1996b).
The next example is a mapping of the emotion
labels to dimensional space proposed by (Hupont et
al. 2011). The mapping provides weights that are
derived from a database of coordinates from
dimensional space to each label. The model can be
used directly (e.g. in sentiment analysis). Another
method of mapping was used by (Gebhard 2005) in
OCC (componential model) to PAD (3D). In this
mapping, the points from PAD space were created
for each OCC parameters (24) as a label (e.g. anger,
fear, distress). The PAD’s coordinates were used as
weights to mapping functions.
Based on the above review, universal models are
dimensional ones, but the final models (which are
used by applications) might require adjustments.
3.2 Affective Computing Methods in
While applying affective computing methods in e-
learning, one might not require the full spectrum of
emotions. The most important emotional states, from
educational perspective, include: frustration,
boredom and flow/engagement (Binali et al. 2009)
(Kołakowska et al. 2013) (Landowska 2013).
A few virtual systems have virtual characters,
that deal with or visualize affect (Landowska 2008).
One of those is the Virtual Human Project that is an
educational platform for students with two avatars (a
student and a teacher), each with a personality
profile (different for each avatar) (Gebhard 2005). In
this project OCC model of emotions was used,
combined with PAD model for mood and the big
five model for personality traits.
Another example of using affective computing in
education is an Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS)
Eve. Eve was an affect-aware tutoring system, which
recognizes (in Ekman states) and expressed affect
while teaching mathematics (Alexander et al. 2006).
3.3 Methods of Integration Emotional
The methods of detecting emotional states could be
categorized into four categories: (1) single algorithm
(without integration), (2) early fusion, (3) late
fusion, (4) hybrid fusion.
3.3.1 Single Algorithm
Nowadays, many affective solution use only one
input channel and one emotion recognition
algorithm based on that (Hupont et al. 2011). These
solutions are very specific, dedicated for one
problem and often reveal only one emotion e.g. a
positive state, stress or lack-of-stress (Landowska
2013) (Chittaro and Sioni 2014).
3.3.2 Early Fusion (Called Also Feature-
Level Fusion)
The early fusion method uses data from multiple
input channels that are combined during the data
collection step into one input vector (before
classification). All data types are processed at the
same time. This method usually provides high
accuracy (Hupont et al. 2011), but becomes more
challenging as the number of input channels
increases. The main challenges in this method
a) Time synchronization for data from each
channel (resulting in incomplete feature
b) Learning a classifier with vectors containing
missing values (when channels are
c) Large feature vectors when fusing many
channels, (feature selection techniques are
used to maximize the performance of the
classifier) (Gunes and Piccardi 2005);
d) Adding a new channel/module often requires
retraining and/or rebuilding all solutions (low
3.3.3 Late Fusion (Also Called Decision-
Level Fusion)
In late fusion, in contrast to early fusion, integration
of data is performed during decision step. This
method is based on an independent processing of
data from each input channel and training multiple
classifiers. Each of the classifiers provides one
hypothesis on emotional state. The integration
function provides a final estimate of emotional state
based on partial results. This method provides more
scalability than the early fusion because a new
module is just one more result to integrate. The main
challenges in the method include:
a) Time synchronization for data from diverse
modules integrate a subset of results or wait
for all modules to provide a hypothesis?
b) Mapping output from modules to one, final
output model.
3.3.4 Hybrid Fusion
The hybrid methods are a combination of late and
early fusion. Each module has a separate classifier as
in the late fusion but also has access to input data
from all input channels. The main advantage of this
method is preservation of algorithms independence,
while still using combined information from
multiple channels. However, the challenges remain
more less the same as in the late fusion method.
3.3.5 Summary of Fusion Method
The approach used in this research is a late fusion
method, with a potential extension to a hybrid
fusion. The early fusion method is difficult to
maintain and extend with new observation channels.
Moreover, the early fusion approach is not possible
with the use of existing off-the-shelf solutions,
including commercial software. Late or the hybrid
fusion method supports integration, exchange and
modifiability of modules for emotion recognition
("black box" approach).
The research methodology in the presented PhD
work is in general based on experiments and
simulations. To compare the algorithms accuracy
experiments were carried with different input
channels. Experiments were used also to collect the
data for simulations. Simulations can be carried
offline, using the real data from experiments and
data available in emotional databases (Cowie et al.
4.1 Experiments
Three experiments were performed so far.
4.1.1 The Experiment 1. Learning via
Playing a Educational Game
The goal of the experiment was to investigate
emotional states while learning using an educational
game (Landowska and Miler 2016). The game was
about managing IT projects and participants were
computer science students. The participants were
asked to play a game several times and both their
emotional state as well as educational outputs were
The emotion recognition channels in these
experiments were: facial expressions, self-report,
physiological signals. Details of the experiment were
described in (Landowska and Miler 2016). This PhD
work will use the data from the experiment to
perform off-line simulations of the proposed
integration methods.
4.1.2 The Experiment 2. Learning with a
Moodle Course
The aim of the experiment was to investigate
emotional states while using a Moodle course with
diverse activities. Three Moodle activity types were
employed: watching a lecture, solving a quiz and
adding a forum entry on a subject pre-defined by a
teacher. In this experiment, the simultaneous 4
cameras recordings were used for facial expression
analysis. Self-report, physiological measurements
and sentiment analysis of textual inputs were also
employed (Landowska et al., 2017).
4.1.3 The Experiment 3. Learning with on-
Line Tutorials
The aim of the experiment was to investigate
emotional states while learning using video tutorials
of Inkscape tool (Landowska et al. n.d.).
The emotion recognition channels in these
experiments were: facial expressions recording (2
cameras), keystroke dynamics, mouse movements
patterns, opinion-like text and self-report.
4.1.4 Summary of Experiments
After carrying the three experiments some general
observations were made:
a location of the camera is one of the crucial
factors influencing recognized emotional
availability of some emotion observation
channels is task-dependent (e.g. sentiment
analysis depends on writing tasks) and/or
physiological signals provide information only
on arousal and not on the valence of an
emotional state,
self-report is the most dependent on human
will and should be confirmed with another
observation channel;
peripherals (mouse/keyboard) usage patterns
reveal information on affect with relatively
low granularity and accuracy and should be
combined with other observation channels.
These observations confirmed the assumption on
multichannel observation having a potential for
improving accuracy of emotion recognition.
4.2 Simulations
After collecting data from experiments and from
available databases a set of simulations will be
carried out. This section was divided into a few
parts. The first one presents the method of
integration. The second part provides preliminary
simulation plans.
4.2.1 Method of Integration
The method of emotional states integration used in
this research was a part of Emotion Monitor, which
was described in (Landowska 2015). The concept of
the stand assumed combining multiple modalities
used in emotion recognition in order to improve
accuracy of affect classification. A model of
Emotion Monitor architecture was presented in
Figure 1. An area covered by this PhD research is
mark with a dotted line. Integrated algorithms are
treated as in "black-box" approach and can use the
early fusion mechanism on algorithm level (as in
hybrid fusion method). Algorithms get input data
from emotion observation channels and provide the
hypothesis using some emotion representation
model. In the next step, each of the algorithms'
hypothesis must be mapped to one common emotion
model (if needed). Next, the integration function
combines partial hypotheses to an integrated state,
which could be sent to the application as a final
decision on recognized emotional state.
The proposed methods and architecture aims at
addressing the problem 2e defined in the objectives
4.2.2 Preparation of Simulations
Before simulations could be started the following
prerequisites must be met:
a) Collect the algorithms to integrate, which
differ input channels and using different
emotion representation models.
b) Prepare an integration function that can be
tested in simulations.
c) Prepare method of calculating uncertainty
factor for different input channels.
d) Collect the data with labels in different
emotion models (preferably labels in two or
more models in one database).
4.2.3 Simulation 1 – Compare Accuracy of
the Algorithms
The first simulation helps to constitute a ranking of
algorithms with accuracy rates.
A plan is to compare the algorithms, using
exactly the same input data, from the same
experiment and the same channels. Input data should
be labelled with emotions in emotion models being
outputs of tested algorithms (without mapping).
The results from these simulations are required
for the next simulations.
Figure 1: Conceptual model of multimodal emotion recognition fusion and the scope of integration solution.
4.2.4 Simulation 2 – Evaluate a
Measurement Error of Mapping
The aim of this simulation is a selection of the
optimal mapping models and evaluation of error
imposed by the transformation.
Data: Can be different for each algorithm.
Preferably using two or more emotion model labels
in one input set. The same data as Simulation 1
might be used if additionally labelled.
Plan: For each algorithm, for each set from
datasets: (1) Provide input data to an algorithm, (2)
get results (an emotional state estimate), (3) perform
mappings. (4) Calculate the accuracy of results after
mapping. (5) Calculate the mapping error
difference between accuracy obtained from
simulation 1 and after mapping.
The simulation might allow choosing the best
mapping method.
4.2.5 Simulation 3 – Evaluate the
The aim of this simulation is verification of a
method for calculating uncertainty. This simulation
should address the problem 2b.
Data: Input data from one of the experiments, but
using different settings e.g. different camera
Plan: For each algorithm or at least one for each
channel: (1) Provide an algorithm with data from
different sources. (2) Calculate the accuracy for each
source independently with uncertainty factor. (3)
Compare accuracy and uncertainty factor for each
source and integrated result.
If a function of calculating uncertainty is correct,
an integrated result is expected to be less uncertain
and more accurate.
4.2.6 Simulation 4 – Evaluate the Function
of Integration
The aim of the simulation is to verify the integration
function using uncertainty factor. This simulation
should answer to the problem 2c.
Data: The same data as in simulation 3.
Plan: Integrate an emotional states from
simulation 3. Compare accuracy of integrated states
with states from partial algorithms.
The main expected outcome of Authors PhD thesis
is preparing a method of integration of recognized
emotional states, taking into account uncertainty.
This method should improve the accuracy of
emotion recognition. It should also allow applying
some of the off-the-shelf software to different
contexts, especially concentrating on e-learning. As
an expected long-term result, the integration method
should be applicable to e-learning platforms and
educational games, which aim at supporting learners
in maintaining attention and positive attitude in
educational processes.
This paper presented the outline and selected details
from Author’s PhD thesis. This section summarizes,
which parts of research were already done, which
are in progress and which are not started yet.
The first version method of integration based on
late fusion, including uncertainty, was already
implemented. It was implemented in C# and passed
the basic tests. It’s waiting for validation in
Simulation 4.
All of three planned experiments were
completed. Some data from external emotion
databases are obtained, but author is still looking for
more data in the next steps.
The architecture supporting the late fusion of
emotion recognition algorithm provided by diverse
vendors was developed and the first implementation
was already tested, revealing some potential for
improvement. The second implementation of the
architecture is in progress. A paper about the
architecture is prepared.
Some algorithms were collected and prepared
(implementing wrappers) to integrate with the
architecture. The method for calculation of
uncertainty factor for different input channels is
designed and currently under development.
Some mappings between emotion models were
collected, but the list is not closed yet. Simulations
regarding mapping accuracy are planned as the first
step to follow.
This work was supported in part by Polish-
Norwegian Financial Mechanism Small Grant
Scheme under the contract no Pol-
Nor/209260/108/2015 as well as by DS Funds of
ETI Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology.
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