The Role of Big Data Analytics in Corporate Decision-making
Darlan Arruda and Nazim H. Madhavji
Department of Computer Science, The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
Keywords: Big Data, Data Analytics, Corporate Decision-making, Systematic Literature Review (SLR).
Abstract: Big Data Analytics results can play a major role in corporate decision-making allowing companies to achieve
competitive advantage and make improved decisions. This paper describes a systematic literature review
(SLR) on the role of the results of Big Data Analytics in corporate decisions. Initially, 1652 papers were
identified from various sources. Filtering through the 5-step process, 20 relevant studies were selected for
analysis in this SLR. The findings of this study are fourfold in the area of: (a) usage of the results of Big Data
Analytics in corporate decision-making; (b) the types of business functions where analytics has been fruitfully
utilised; (c) the impact of analytics on decision-making; and (d) the impediments to using Big Data Analytics
in corporate decision-making. Also, on the management front, two important issues identified are: (i) aligning
data-driven decision-making with business strategy and (ii) collaboration across business functions for
effective flow of Big Data and information. On the technical front, big data present some challenges due to
the lack of tools to process such properties of Big Data as variety, veracity, volume, and velocity. We observe
from this analysis that, thus far, little scientific research has focused on understanding how to address the
analytics results in corporate decision-making. This paper ends with some recommendations for further
research in this area.
As stated by Johnson (2012), 15 out of 17 industry
sectors in the US have more data stored per company
than the US Library Congress, which alone collected
235 terabytes of data in April 2011. Big Data
Analytics examines a broad range of sources (Reddi,
2013), such as social media, public web, archives,
docs, business apps, and others. These sources of data
are used in analytics to address business aims: e.g.,
cost reduction, improving sales strategy, pricing,
development of new products and services, improved
risk management, and others.
Example decisions rooted in analytics results are
attributed to corporate-driven questions, such as: Is
there a need for certain new products and services in
specific geographical areas? How should we price our
products and services? What alternatives to consider?
(Davenport, 2014) How much inventory should be
held in the warehouse? What kinds of offers should
be given to customers with different profiles?
(Davenport, 2013).
Koscielniak and Puto (2015), noted that the use of
information for making decisions and the way in
which it is organized is becoming important. This
view is also supported by results of a survey
conducted by McKinsey in 2011 (McKinsey, 2011)
which suggests that the analysis of Big Data is
potentially becoming a key basis for competition,
productivity and innovation. The use of the results of
Big Data Analytics in business enables companies to
achieve competitive advantage (Kościelniak and
Puto, 2015). However, using traditional data to
support decision-making is not new: e.g., determining
favourite product features based on user preferences
(Ziora, 2015) the data for which are gathered during
the product evaluation phase to make decisions
concerning the new product (Barbacioru, 2014).
However, Big Data differs from traditional data,
principally in several accepted characteristics:
Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity (Chen at al,
2014). More recently, Value is also added to these
characteristics (Wegener and Sinha, 2013). Thus, new
and more in-depth information can potentially be
derived from Big Data for use in corporate decision-
making (Vahn, 2014). In addition, a survey conducted
by Capgemini in 2012 (Capgemini, 2012) shows that
the participants who have applied data analytics have
seen approx. 26% improvement in business
performance and they expect to improve this number
Arruda, D. and Madhavji, N.
The Role of Big Data Analytics in Corporate Decision-making.
DOI: 10.5220/0006402300280037
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2017), pages 28-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-255-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to 41% in the foreseeable future. Furthermore, in a
study conducted by CSC in 2014 (Infochimps, 2013)
with more than 300 IT employees revealed that
approx. 52% of the respondents were involved in a
Big Data project, and approximately 59% of them
rated Big Data Analytics as top 5 priority items for
their company.
Yet, IDG Enterprise study presented by Columbus
(2015) reveals that 36% of the participated companies
have plans to increase their budgets for data-driven
initiatives within the organization. As the top priority,
61% of the respondents stated that the main goal in
investing in data-driven initiatives within the
organization is to improve the quality of the decision-
making as they considered Big Data Analytics as an
important tool to accelerate and gain important
business insight and value from data.
From aforementioned studies, it is clear that Big
Data Analytics and corporate decision-making are
fermenting in industry while no “tangible body of
knowledge” is readily visible in the scientific
literature. This situation motivated us to conduct a
systematic literature review (SLR) in order to obtain
some insight. We ask four key questions under the
general banner of the “role of Big Data Analytics in
corporate decision-making”, represented by the
following core points:
RQ1 – use of Analytics results in decision-making;
RQ2 – the business functions involved;
RQ3 – impact of Analytics on aspects of decision-
making process; and
RQ4 – impediments to using Analytics in
The key findings relate to the following:
RQ1: Approaches on how to use the results in
decision making;
RQ2: Different business functions where the Big
Data Analytics results can be used;
RQ3: the aspects of decision-making process
affected by Big Data Analytics; and
RQ4: (i) Difficult in aligning data-driven decision-
making with business strategy and (ii)
collaboration across business functions.
Collectively, these findings add tangibly to the
current, meagre knowledge base on the role of Big
Data Analytics in corporate decision-making. The
paper also discusses the implications of these findings
on practice and research. Section 2 discusses research
methodology; Section 3 describes the results and
discussion; Section 4 describes limitations and threats;
and Section 5 concludes the paper.
This section describes the research methodology used
in this study.
2.1 Systematic Literature Review
A systematic literature review (SLR) is a way of
identifying, evaluating and interpreting research
relevant to a particular research question, or topic
area, or phenomenon of interest, using a revised
research method that is reliable, accurate and
facilitates auditing (Kitchenham, 2004; Mafra and
Travassos, 2006). There are several reasons for
undertaking a SLR, for example (Kitchenham and
Charter, 2007):
To summarise the existing evidence concerning a
specific area;
To identify any gaps in current research in order
to suggest areas for further investigation;
To provide a framework/background in order to
appropriately position new research activities;
To examine the extent to which empirical
evidence supports/contradicts theoretical
hypotheses, or even to help yield new hypotheses.
In this paper, we followed the guidelines suggested
by Kitchenham and Charter (2007).
2.2 Research Questions
We ask following research questions. Collectively,
they address the role of Big Data Analytics in
corporate decision-making:
[RQ1] How are the results of Big Data Analytics
used by management in corporate decision-
making? This question is important for
characterizing corporate decision making with
respect to Big Data usage.
[RQ2] In which business functions (e.g.,
marketing, financial, manufacturing, project
management, etc.) are the Big Data Analytics
results used? This question helps in characterising
business functions and identifying others which could
possibly take advantage of Big Data Analytics.
[RQ3] Which aspects of the decision-making
process can be affected by Big Data Analytics?
Brown-Liburd et al., (2015) mention that the
decision-making process is composed of elements
such as accountability, outcome evaluation, the
number of people involved, and the quality of the
analysis. To this, we add some other elements, such
as information (e.g., inputs, contextual, constraints,
timing, deadline, know-how, etc.) on hand to be able
The Role of Big Data Analytics in Corporate Decision-making
to make the decision; (ii) authority to make the
decision; (iii) consequences and impact of making the
decision and executing it; etc. So, which elements of
the decision making process are affected by the use of
Big Data Analytics.
[RQ4] What are the impediments to using Big
Data Analytics in corporate decision-making?
Understanding the barriers posed by the use of Big
Data Analytics for decision making can help in
creating new technologies and work processes.
2.3 Search Strategy
This section describes the strategy used to conduct the
search for primary studies. We used both automatic
(electronic databases) and manual searches (business
journals and conferences proceedings).
2.3.1 Search Terms
In order to ensure that the literature review adheres to
the topic of Big Data Analytics and Decision-Making,
we limited our search string to the most relevant terms
(e.g., Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Corporate
Decision Making, corporate Decision, Decision
Making, Decision Making process, Decision-making
model, business functions, decision) that we extracted
from the defined research questions.
We then performed various tests using the
identified terms. Approximately five versions of the
search string were generated in order to finalise it.
The search strings composed by the following terms:
(Corporate Decision-Making, Corporate Decision,
Decision, Business Functions) returned less relevant
results as these terms are commonly used in the
business literature (not related to Big Data Analytics).
In order to restrict our research to the most
relevant results, we used the following terms and
logical operators: ("Big Data" OR "Big Data
Analytics") AND ("Decision-making Model" OR
"Decision-making Process" OR "Decision-
Despite having the rationale for using the search
string above, the terms in it could have failed to
identify certain papers (e.g., “large-scale complex
systems”) that do not use our search terms. This is
thus a threat related to this study (see section 4) the
extent of which is not knowable without further
2.3.2 Resources
The used resources are divided into: electronic
database, business and management, and software
engineering scientific journals and companies’
technical reports, also known as white papers. Details
regarding the used resources are provided below.
Electronic Databases: ACM Digital Library and
Science Direct and Business Source Complete.
Scientific Journals: Journal of Organizational Design,
Journal of Decision Systems, Software: Practice and
Experience, Strategy & Leadership Journal, Business
& Information Systems Engineering Journal, Journal
of Big Data and Harvard Business Review.
Others: Technical Reports published by well-
known companies such as IBM, McKinsey and
Regarding the automatic searches, the search was
done by covering the meta-data in the case of the
Business Complete Source, a very comprehensive
scientific database in business, and full-text collection
(meta-data and text) of the literature in the case of
both ACM Digital Library and Science Direct. For
electronic databases that index different areas of
knowledge such as Science Direct, only results within
the fields of Computer, Business, Management and
Account, and Decision Sciences were taken into
2.4 Selection Criteria
This section describes the inclusion and exclusion
criteria, the selection process as well as the quality
assessment process used to guarantee that only
relevant and significant literature results were
accepted for analysis in the SLR.
2.4.1 Inclusion Criteria
(IC1) Studies should be published between January
2005 and February 2016 as big data may not have
been known much earlier than 2005.
(IC2) Studies must be available in full version.
(IC3) Studies must be written in English.
(IC4) For duplicated works, the most complete one
was selected.
(IC5) Research was related to Big Data in a
managerial context (the focus of this SLR).
2.4.2 Exclusion Criteria
(EC1) The papers that did not meet the inclusion
criteria were excluded.
(EC2) Books, dissertations and theses (in part,
because of time constraints in going through this
voluminous literature and, in part, some of this work
would be expected in research publication form).
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
2.4.3 The Selection Process
The selection process is comprised of five steps
adapted from Biochini et al., (2005) and Kitchenham
and Charters (2007).
Step 1 - An automatic search was performed. The
results were initially assessed by their title and
abstract. The studies considered relevant to the
context of the research were selected and the first list
of selected studies was created.
Step 2 - A manual search was performed in
business and management journals as well as
conferences proceedings. The results were initially
assessed by their title and abstract. The studies
considered relevant to the context of the research
were selected and the second list of selected studies
was created. As commented by Kitchenham and
Charters (2007), initial electronic searches result in a
large number of irrelevant papers. Following this, the
irrelevant results were excluded from further analysis.
Step 3 - In this phase the two lists were merged
into a single one.
Step 4 - In this step the selected studies were
assessed by reading their introduction and conclusion
sections. The studies considered relevant to the
context of the research were potentially selected for
the next step. At the end of this phase, a fourth list of
results was defined.
Step 5 - The last step enhanced the selection,
mainly because the studies were completely read,
analysed, and criticized in view of the contextual
relevance and filter provided by the previous steps. In
this phase the quality assessment process was applied
and then a final list with selected results was created.
2.5 Data Extraction
In order to better organize the selected papers
included into the SLR, a template composed of the
following attributes was used: study id, title, authors,
source, year of publication, full reference and the
designated questions they address as well as
important statements to help to answer the defined
2.6 Quality Assessment
According to Kitchenham and Charters (2007), in
addition to the general inclusion and exclusion
criteria, it is usually considered important to assess
the quality of the primary studies. Kitchenham also
states that the quality assessment is important: i) to
provide more detailed inclusion/exclusion criteria, ii)
to guide the interpretation of findings iii) to determine
the strength of inferences and iv) to guide
recommendations for further research.
For this study, the following quality assessment
questions were defined:
(QA1): Are the aims of the research clearly stated?
(QA2): Are the research results and applications
described in detail?
(QA3): Does the paper deal with the use of Big Data
Analytics in decision making?
Based on the quality assessment, only papers that
addressed the quality assessment questions and at
least one of the research questions defined in this
study were selected to be used into this SLR.
2.7 Descriptive Data and Analysis
During the first step (automatic search) a total of 1652
results were identified. After applying the inclusion
and exclusion criteria and reading the title and
abstract, only 50 studies were considered relevant.
Moreover, a total number of 23 papers were selected
during the second step (manual search) based on the
inclusion and exclusion criteria as well. A third list
was defined by merging the results from the two
previous lists, totalling 73 papers.
After reading the introduction and conclusion of
each article, 49 were considered relevant and selected
for the next step, which consist of reading the full
paper and applying the quality assessment process.
No scoring method was used in this step.
The studies that did not meet the quality
assessment criteria and did not address at least one of
the research questions defined were excluded from
this review (29 out of 49). Furthermore, the excluded
studies addressed points not related to the main goal
of this SLR (see section 1). These points included: (i)
analytics techniques and algorithms, (ii) analytics
framework, (iii) implementation of tools for value
discovery, (iv) business intelligence and analytics, (v)
process for starting to use Big Data in companies, and
(vi) issues and policies for using Big Data Analytics
in government, to name a few.
At the end of the selection process, 20 papers were
considered relevant and selected for this SLR. There
were 11 studies (55%) published in scientific
journals, 4 (20%) published in conference
proceedings and 5 (25%) white papers published by
well-known companies. Approximately, 25% (5
studies) pointed out information to answer RQ1. 45%
(9 studies) covered RQ2. The RQ3 was addressed by
25% (5 studies) and finally, the majority, around 65%
(13 studies) of the papers addressed RQ4.
Table 1 presents the distribution of the studies in
terms of the questions they address. The numerical
The Role of Big Data Analytics in Corporate Decision-making
distribution of papers by research question can be
seen in Fig. 1. The distribution of studies by year of
publication is shown in Table 2. As can be clearly
seen from this table, the Big Data centric results
(pertaining to the focus of this SLR) appears to
surface in the literature around 2011 when this
research area began to gain traction in the community.
Table 1: Selected Primary Studies.
ID Authors Addressed RQ
Kościelniak and Puto (2015). RQ4
Henry and Venkatraman
Phillips-Wren and Hoskisson
RQ2, Q4
Fan et al (2015) RQ2, Q4
Xu et al (2015) RQ2
Way and See (2015) RQ3, Q4
Ziora (2015) RQ2, Q3
Brown-Liburd et al., (2015) RQ2, Q4
Colas et al (2014) RQ4
Schermann et al., (2014) RQ4
Galbraith (2014) RQ1, RQ2, RQ4
Davenport (2014) RQ1
Lukiæ (2014) RQ1, RQ3, RQ4
Economist Intelligent unit
RQ2, RQ4
Probst et al (2013) RQ1
Davenport (2013) RQ1, Q2
McAfee et al., (2012) RQ4
Capgemini (2012) RQ4
McKinsey(2011) RQ3
Lavalle et al., (2011) RQ2, Q4
Figure 1: Numerical Distribution of Papers by Research
Table 2: Number of Studies by Year.
Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Number of Papers
2 2 3 5 8
This section discusses the results obtained for each
research question defined in section 2, subsection 2.2.
3.1 RQ1: How Are the Results of Big
Data Analytics Used by
Management in Corporate
The SLR analysis demonstrated that despite the
recognition of the need to use and understand Big
Data in corporate decisions (Capgemini, 2012), there
has been little scientific research (5 papers since
2013) aimed at understanding how to use the
analytics results in the decision-making process of
organizations. Fourteen of 20 identified papers
address the advantages and benefits of using Big Data
Analytics to support decision-making, but not on an
understanding on how to use the results in decision-
Galbraith (2014) states that the analytics results,
during the analysis phase, should be done in real-time
by fast-response teams. This can affect decision-
making. He suggests that the analytics results should
be used such that the team has to discuss the insights
and decide on responses based on real-time action.
However, an important factor to consider is how to
organize these activities so as to facilitate real time
decision-making. One recommendation is that
companies should have multi-functional teams that
are in constant contact with the data generated from
different sources to respond to real-time inputs. The
data from these different sources are then processed
by analytics tools and the results used to make real-
time decisions. This process allows companies to
influence the outcome and prevent bad outcomes
before they happen.
As an example on how big data analytics
facilitates real-time decisions in managing supply
chains is provided by Galbraith (2014): “At company
A, there are specially designed rooms with video
screens on the walls and computer access to various
databases. The rooms are designed to foster real-time,
cross-functional decision making. So when a paper
machine’s embedded sensors at the Pampers’ plant in
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
a specific location indicate that it requires
maintenance, a plant shutdown is scheduled. If it
looks like the machine will be down for a while, then
the decision is made to supply company A from the
Albany, Georgia plant. The analytics capabilities are
used to determine the best way to reroute trucks and
still meet other delivery commitments to customers.
In the study conducted by Probst (2013), within
various information technology companies that
develop analytics tools, an important aspect on how
to deal with the analytics results were pointed out:
analyse the data and generate fast and intuitive
reports, the called user friendly reports, which aims to
empower the decision-making and provide
companies with competitive advantages. The
availability of easy to read reports can help
companies to improve their decision-making
capability as it contributes with clear and important
information making it easier for the decision-maker
to understand.
Davenport (2013) presents a 6-step approach to
decision making in the context of Big Data. The steps
1. Problem Recognition;
2. Review Previous Findings;
3. Model the solution and select the variables;
4. Collect the data;
5. Analyse the data; and
6. Present and act on the results.
In this approach, for qualitative decision-making, the
focus is on the first, second and last steps of the
process which consist of: (1) frame the problem,
identify it and (2) understand how others might have
solved it in the past and (6) present the Analytics
results and act on the results. The intermediate steps
focus on (3) modelling the solution, (4) collecting the
data and (5) analysing it.
For qualitative decision-making, following the 6
steps in order is important making necessary to
formulate detailed hypotheses, get primary and
secondary data on the hypothesized variables and
finally run statistical models to check the usefulness
of the data. Given the size of the big data, in his
approach, the Big Data Analytics results are used in a
way where they tell a story to decision makers and
stakeholders, and based on that story, the decision
will be made and actions will be taken upon it. In this
approach the judgement and expertise of the decision-
maker are also important as they are used for final
In order to use the results of the Big Data
Analytics in decision making, P&G (described by
Colas et al., 2014) developed an initiative called
“Decisions Cockpits” which can be defined as
dashboards that provide executives with visual
displays of information on business performance and
market trends. The idea is to provide a single source
of truth for the information across geographies and
business units. They can be customized and provide
real-time automated information notifications. In this
way, Big Data Analytics results helps to speed up
decision making and reduce time to market (Colas et
al., 2014).
3.2 RQ2: In Which Business Functions
Are the Big Data Analytics Results
In general, any business function can potentially use
Big Data Analytics to make informed decisions.
Examples are scattered in the literature. We identify
nine business functions in this SLR, and add
examples for each function in terms of how Big Data
Analytics can be used in decision-making.
Supply Chain (Lavalle et al., 2011; Phillips-
Wren and Hoskisson, 2015). In supply chain,
companies use big data to describe the efficiency of
its supply chain as well as to measure and monitor
supply chain risks making decisions about location,
product, etc. Questions such as What quality control
measures will be used? Can be easily addressed by
using Big Data Analytics.
Product Research and Development (Lavalle et
al., 2011; Xu et al., 2015; Ziora, 2015). Companies
can use Big Data to make new product decisions;
Speed up the product development process: e.g., How
can we improve the product design? What features
should the product have to meet the costumer’s
Marketing Management (Davenport, 2013;
Galbraith, 2014; Phillips-Wren and Hoskisson,
2015). Marketing Decisions such as customer
opinions toward a product, service or company and
marketing promotions: e.g., how to define the product
marketing strategies? Where and when to release the
product? What kind of visual aids should we use in a
product campaign?
Sales and Productivity (Lavalle et al., 2011;
Economist Intelligence Unit, 2013; Davenport,
2013). Optimize sales resource assignments, define
sales strategy: e.g., Do our current sales staff need
training to increase sales? How effective is our
current sales strategy? What can we do to improve our
current sales strategy? How much should we invest in
training? Is there a way to lower that cost with a more
effective strategy?
The Role of Big Data Analytics in Corporate Decision-making
Operations/Manufacturing (Lavalle et al.,
2011; Economist Intelligence Unit, 2013).
Understanding variances that might be indicators of
quality issues. Decisions might include: e.g., How to
automate our operations? How to define future
strategy to enhance our day-to-day operation?
Human resources (Economist Intelligence Unit,
2013; Ziora, 2015). Identify characteristics of most
successful employees. Using predictive modelling to
understand the workforce. The decisions involve
improvements in the hiring and retention process. The
use of cross-functional information combined
promotion process, etc. Decisions involve process
improvements, which personal to hire, retain and fire
with the data in the human resources sector can be
used to create a bigger context. This can be used to
evaluate employees’ performance.
Risk Management (Lavalle et al., 2011). Have an
understanding of market risk, credit risk and
operational risk: e.g., what are the vulnerabilities of
our business? What actions should we take in order to
reduce the risks?
Investment Decisions/Financial Management
(The Economist, 2013). Have a better insight on how
to spend money and how to borrow money: e.g.,
which investment strategy to use in? What can we do
to best allocate capital to maximize its value? How
much to borrow?
Audit (Brown-Liburd and Lombardi, 2015).
Improving the efficiency of the audit procedures such
as analyse external data in the assessment of client
business risk, fraud risk, internal control.
Intuitively, it appears that practice is taking hold
more widely in terms of diversity of business
functions where Big Data Analytics results are being
used to make decisions than what might appear from
the SLR findings. Further empirical studies are
clearly needed to uncover more facts.
3.3 RQ3: Which Aspects of the
Decision-making Process Can Be
Affected by Big Data Analytics?
In traditional decision-making processes, decisions
involved human agents’ skills, experience and
judgement. In the Big Data context, operational
decisions are partly or wholly replaced by automated
algorithms as data-driven analysis is used instead of
intuition (Way and See, 2015; Henry and
Venkatraman, 2015).
This implies that any of the steps of a human
decision-making process (such as: Identify the
problem, gather the information, analyse the
situation, develop and evaluate alternatives, select the
preferred alternative and action upon the problem) are
eliminated or changed in some way, possibly
introducing new steps for the human agent. In this
context, Henry and Venkatraman (2015) state that
there is less reliance on subjective managerial inputs
due to the availability of real time insights from big
data in order to make quality data-driven decisions.
Finally, the effort, time and cost involved in
making a decision as well as to implement it may be
affected by the use of Big Data Analytics (Ziora,
3.4 RQ4: What Are the Impediments
to using Big Data Analytics Results
for Effective Decision-making?
While Big Data Analytics offers many advantages
and benefits to the users, it also brings challenges. In
a Big Data Analytics context, companies face several
impediments, both at the managerial and technical
levels. At the technical level, the Big Data paradigm
imposes numerous challenges due to possibly
inconsistent and unstructured data (The Economist,
2013 and Madhavji et al., 2015) for which tools are
still in the infancy (Capgemini, 2012).
At the management level, any organizational silos
can make the decision-making suboptimal if data is
not pooled together, across the silos, for the benefit of
the organization at large. Of course, silos are an
impediment to efficiently and effectively moving data
and information across the organisation contributing
to the potential for inconsistent reporting among the
possibly geographically distributed business
divisions (Capgemini, 2012). The silos can also lead
companies to the issue of not having timely or
relevant data across the business functions for
effective decision-making.
A study conducted by MIT’s Sloan School of
Business shows that companies that engage in data-
driven decision-making see a 5 to 6% increase in
output and productivity over the ones that do not
(Economist Intelligence Unit, 2013). However, the
difficulty in aligning data-driven decision-making
with the business strategy (McAfee et al., 2012;
Phillips-Wren and Hoskisson, 2015) is considered as
one of the most common problems companies face in
the Big Data Analytics era as it requires an
organizational culture change that involves
intellectual, technological and social alignment.
Also, leveraging Big Bata often means working
across functions such as IT, engineering, and finance,
for instance (Colas et al., 2014). However, where
cross-functional processes are of low maturity,
organisations are not able to take advantage of the
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 3: Impediments in using Big Data Analytics Results in corporations.
Decision-Making Related Impediments References
Aligning data-driven decision-making with business strategy and development of the
analytics strategy;
Leadership of Analytics initiatives;
Absence of clear business goals;
Managerial behaviour/Culture (Resistance to change within the organization)
Talent Management;
Organizational Silos;
Timely or relevant data across the company;
Cost of specific tools;
Centralization or Decentralization tendencies;
Inconsistent reporting of information among business units, geographies and functional
Difficulty in integrate their own data sources within the organization;
Speed decision-making; and
Time to analyse the datasets.
Kościelniak and Puto (2015);
Phillips-Wren and Hoskisson (2015);
Fan et al., (2015);
Way and See (2015);
Brown-Liburd et al., (2015);
Colas et al (2014);
Schermann et al., (2014);
Galbraith (2014);
Li (2014);
Economist Intelligent unit (2013);
McAfee et al (2012);
Capgemini (2012);
Lavalle et al., (2011)
power of Big Data. Table 3 lists the impediments to
using the results of Big Data Analytics in
We first discuss some limitations of this SLR study,
followed by some threats to validity.
One obvious limitation is that the intersection of
Big Data and corporate decisions is a relatively new
topic, with much focus on Big Data currently being
on data analytics. Thus, the difficulty in finding
timely and relevant studies could be considered a
limitation. Also, not all the electronic databases offer
the same kinds of features to use the defined search
strings. Thus, the search strings needed slight
adjustments so that they could be used successfully.
Concerning the threats to validity, some threats
were considered when analysing the results of the
Construct Validity: Regarding the search string
used in this SLR (see subsection 2.3, sub-subsection
2.3.1), we used the terms considered most suitable in
order to make the string as comprehensive as possible
to capture the most relevant literature. We performed
various tests using the identified terms and,
approximately, five versions of the search string were
generated in order to decide upon the final version.
Thus, this threat was reasonably contained.
Conclusion Validity: All the conclusions drawn
are shown to have been rooted in specific core
sections of this paper – thus there is traceability.
However, there can be an argument that data
extraction from the selected papers could be biased.
This was addressed in two ways. One is the use of two
researchers (primary and secondary), and making
adjustments in interpretations as necessary. The
second is the use of the data extraction form (see
section 2, subsection 2.5) used to collect the
information needed to be used into this SLR. The
findings and outcomes of this study are based on
consensus and organised data.
Internal Validity: Specifically, the selection
process (see section 2, subsection 2.4, sub-subsection
2.4.3) in this SLR was conducted by two researchers
simultaneously and any possible disagreement was
discussed to reach a consensus from both researchers.
By doing this, we tried to minimise any threats to
internal validity. Regarding the manual search, it is
important to note that it was performed only in a
limited set of sources (e.g., magazines, journals, etc.).
The rest of the data sources were searched using
automatic search functions.
External Validity: This threat relates to whether
the findings are applicable in contexts other than
those presented in the study. An SLR study is not like
a case study or a scientific experiment where this
threat is of core importance because there are
environment scopes (e.g., projects) outside the
conducted study where one may wish to apply the
case study or experiment results. Since the scope of
the data (selected papers) in the SLR study is the
universe to be considered, this threat is not considered
relevant here.
However, despite care and collaborative effort, it
is difficult to guarantee that all relevant published
works and concepts related to the topic were included
into this SLR.
The Role of Big Data Analytics in Corporate Decision-making
A systematic literature was conducted in order to
answer fours research questions (RQ1-RQ4 – see
Section 2.2) in the intersection between Big Data
Analytics and decision-making process of
enterprises. This topic is relatively new and, to our
knowledge, no prior SLR studies on this topic have
been conducted. The selection process for choosing
the studies for analysis is composed of five steps (see
section 2.4). After applying the inclusion and
exclusion criteria, as well as the quality assessment
process, twenty studies were considered relevant and
selected to be used into this SLR (see Section 2/Table
1 for the list of studies selected).
This SLR study yields four main contributions:
(1) presentation of the state-of-the-art on the
intersection between Big Data Analytics and
decision-making process (see section 3, subsections
3.1 to 3.4); (2) the understanding on how the Big Data
Analytics results can contribute to the decision-
making process (see section 3, subsection 3.1); (3) the
identification of the business functions where Big
Data Analytics has been applied (see section 3,
subsection 3.2); and (4) the list of impediments for
using the analytics in decision-making (see section 3,
subsection 3.4 - Table 2). Collectively, these
contributions add to the emerging knowledge base on
Big Data Analytics and decision-making. Based on
this SLR study, we conclude that Big Data Analytics
results plays an important, multi-faceted, role in
corporate decision-making.
On the management front, two important issues
identified are: (i) aligning data-driven decision-
making with business strategy and (ii) collaboration
across business functions (See Section 3, subsection
3.4). Also, on the technical front, big data present
some challenges due to lack of tools to process
multiple properties of Big Data (such as variety,
veracity, volume, and velocity).
Finally, the SLR results also demonstrates that
there has been little scientific research aimed at
understanding how to use the analytics results in the
decision-making process of organizations. Most of
the relevant studies address the advantages and
benefits of using big data analytics to support the
decision-making process. However, an understanding
on how to use the results to make better decisions is
still in its infancy.
The current study was conducted with a grant support
to the first author from CNPq, The National Council
of Technological and Scientific Development –
Brazil. Process number 200218/2015-8. The authors
would like to thank Jie Lan for his help and effort in
the initial steps of this SLR.
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