An Integrated Model to Investigate an Individual’s Behavioural
Towards using Cloud Computing
Nouf Alkhater, Gary Wills and Robert Walters
Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.
Keywords: Cloud computing, Adoption, Behavioural, Individuals, Factors.
Abstract: Cloud computing technology can bring benefits at both individual level and organisational level, for
example, flexibility and cost saving. However, there is a lack of empirical studies that examine the usage of
cloud computing technology from an individual’s perspective. In fact, the adoption of cloud services in
Middle Eastern counties like Saudi Arabia is still low compared with developed countries. Therefore, this
study aims to investigate the end users' behavioural towards using cloud computing services in Saudi
Arabia. In this paper, we propose an integrated model in an attempt to understand individuals’ attitudes and
to identify the key factors that might impact on their behaviour to use cloud technology services. The
proposed model integrates the critical factors from technology adoption theories Technology Acceptance
Model (TAM) and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), along with other
factors to examine the effect of these variables on end users’ behaviour.
Cloud computing is the emerging technology for
providing IT services to consumers over a network
as a utility service (Buyya et al., 2009). In the past
different paradigms have been proposed such as grid
computing and virtualisation to deliver services as a
utility. However, none of these previous paradigms
succeeded in providing a public service to end users
as cloud computing does. All the essential
characteristics of cloud computing are covered by
this definition by Mell and Grance (2009): “[It is] a
model for enabling convenient, on-demand network
access to a shared pool of computing resources
(e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and
services) that can be rapidly provisioned and
released with minimal management effort or service
provider interaction.” There are three different types
of service provided by cloud computing:
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-
Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
(Armbrust et al., 2010).
Cloud computing can bring a variety of benefits
for individuals as well as for enterprises. Individuals
can access the cloud services from various places
and anytime. The cloud allows end-users to pay only
for the services they use instated of setting up an IT
infrastructure in-house (Marston et al., 2011; Buyya
et al., 2012). This can increase flexibility,
performance and reduce costs for both individuals
and organisations.
Most of studies in the literature concentrate on
identifying the cost and advantages of utlising cloud
services. However, there are few studies that
examine cloud adoption from the individual
perspective (e.g. Park and Ryoo, 2013; Sharma et
al., 2016). Therefore, this study aims to investigate
the factors that impact on individuals’ behavioural
towards using cloud computing services in a
developing country like Saudi Arabia. The usage of
cloud services in Saudi Arabia is still in the early
stages. In this paper, a conceptual model is proposed
in an attempt to examine end user's behaviour
regarding the use of cloud computing technology.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 presents the proposed model to investigate
individual’s behavioural intention to use cloud
computing. The research methods that will be used
to test the model are explained in Section 3. Finally,
Section 4 provides the conclusion and future work.
Alkhater, N., Wills, G. and Walters, R.
An Integrated Model to Investigate an Individual’s Behavioural Towards using Cloud Computing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006404204780481
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2017), pages 478-481
ISBN: 978-989-758-245-5
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
As discussed in Section 1, there is a lack of
empirical studies that investigate cloud adoption at
individual level. In this paper, an integrated model is
proposed which incorporates critical factors derived
from technology adoption theory along with other
factors to examine the impact of these variables on
the end users behavioural towards using cloud
services. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
was developed by Davis (1989) and Unified Theory
of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
was proposed by Venkatesh et al., (2003). The TAM
model and UTAUT are two of the commonly
accepted theories designed for explaining and
predicting the acceptance of new technologies at
individual level. These models measure users’
behaviour in relation the use of new information
technology and how far they accept or reject the
technology. The TAM theory analyses the impact of
two variables (perceived usefulness and perceived
ease of use) on the user's intention to use a new
In this study, the conceptual model has been
developed by integrating critical factors from TAM
and UTAUT theory, along with other factors (such
as trust in cloud technology and trust in cloud
provider) to examine cloud usage from the end
users’ perspective in Saudi Arabia. Figure 1 presents
the theoretical model for individuals’ acceptance of
cloud computing.
Figure 1: A conceptual model for individuals’ acceptance
of cloud computing.
2.1 Perceived Ease of Use
Perceived ease of use is an element of the TAM
model (Davis, 1989). It is defined as the extent to
which the end users believe that using cloud
computing services would be free of effort. This
factor plays a significant role in acceptance of a new
technology at individual level (Ghorab, 1997). It is
more likely that the cloud computing will be used by
end users when they find the technology is easy to
use. Several studies that utilised UTAUT model
have found that the relationship between perceived
ease of use and behavioural intention to use are
moderated by gender and experience. The authors
believe that the impact of this factor on end users’
intention to use cloud technology will be moderated
by gender and experience. Thus, the hypotheses are
proposed as follows:
H1: Perceived ease of use will have a positive
influence on individual's behavioural intention to use
cloud computing technology.
H1a: Gender will moderate the relationship
between perceived ease of use and behavioural
H1b: Experience will moderate the relationship
between perceived ease of use and behavioural
2.2 Perceived Usefulness
Perceived usefulness refers to level of benefit that
the individual perceives from utilising a new
technology. This factor is also one of the elements of
the TAM model and is similar to the element of
relative advantage in the Diffusion of Innovations
(DOI) theory proposed by Rogers (1995).
Several studies have found that this variable has
a significant impact on users’ acceptance of new
technology (Anandarajan et al., 2002). For example,
Sharma et al.(2015), found that perceived usefulness
has a strong influence on use of internet related
services. Cloud computing technology can be useful
for individuals use in different ways, the users can
access hardware and software resources from
anywhere and at anytime. This flexibility can
improve the users performance. Thus, in this study it
is believed that individuals are more likely to adopt
cloud services when they perceive significant value
from using cloud services and that gender and
experience will moderate the relationship between
the perceived usefulness and an individual’s attitude
An Integrated Model to Investigate an Individual’s Behavioural Towards using Cloud Computing
towards use of cloud services. So, the following
hypotheses are constructed:
H2: Perceived usefulness will have a positive
influence on individual's behavioural intention to use
cloud computing technology.
H2a: Gender will moderate the relationship
between perceived usefulness and behavioural
H2b: Experience will moderate the relationship
between perceived usefulness and behavioural
2.3 Trust in Cloud Technology and
Cloud Provider
Trust depends on trusting the cloud services and the
cloud providers to provide a good service without
interruption and loss of data. The lack of control
over data and the sharing of resources with other
parties in the cloud could lead to trust issues.
Alkhater et al. (2014; 2015) found that the level of
trust has a significant impact on cloud adoption in
organisations in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the present
research is premised on the belief that trust has a
relationship with the individual’s behavioural
intention towards use of cloud technology and that
the effect of this factor on an individual’s intention
to use cloud services will be moderated by gender
and experience. The following hypotheses are
H3: Trust in cloud technology will have a
positive influence on an individual's behavioural
intention to use cloud computing technology.
H3a: Gender will moderate the relationship
between trust in cloud technology and behavioural
H3b: Experience will moderate the relationship
between trust in cloud technology and behavioural
H4: Trust in the cloud provider will have a
positive influence on an individual's behavioural
intention to use cloud computing technology.
H4a: Gender will moderate the relationship
between trust in the cloud provider and behavioural
H4b: Experience will moderate the relationship
between trust in the cloud provider and behavioural
2.4 Behavioural Intention to Use Cloud
Behavioural intention refers to the overall reaction
of persons to using cloud computing services.
Several studies have stressed that behavioural
intention has a significant positive impact towards
the usage of technology (Venkatesh et al., 2003). In
this study, the individuals’ intention to use the cloud
technology is determined by their behavioural
intention towards using cloud services. It is
proposed that the perceived ease of use, perceived
usefulness and trust have a direct influence on
behavioural intention to use cloud computing.
H5: Behavioural intention will have a positive
influence on individual's intention to use cloud
computing technology.
Questionnaire are among the tools commonly used
to collect quantitative data (Saunders et al., 2009). In
this study, a questionnaire will be used in order to
test the proposed hypotheses and explore the
individuals’ behavioural intentions towards using
cloud computing. Before distribution of the survey,
the participants will be introduced to cloud services
such as Google Apps, and they will be asked to try
these services. After these steps the data will be
collected through the questionnaires from students
(undergraduate and postgraduate) and staff. The
survey will consist of two sections. The first part
will include questions related to demographic
information, such as gender and education level,
while the second part will use close-ended questions
to measure the end users’ behavioural intentions
towards using cloud computing.
Cloud computing is one of the current popular
technologies which provides IT resources as utility
services. Cloud computing technology can be
beneficial for personal use not just for business use,
as the users can obtain resources in a dynamic way
and based on their needs. However, the use of this
technology at individual level is still low. This
WICSPIT 2017 - Special Session on Innovative CyberSecurity and Privacy for Internet of Things: Strategies, Technologies, and
research seeks to fill the gap in literature by
analysing end users’ behavioural intention to use
cloud services in Saudi Arabia, as well as to
encourage individuals to adopt cloud technology.
This paper has presented our initial model which
incorporates the influential factors from the TAM
and UTAUT models with other factors to investigate
the influence of these variables on cloud computing
acceptance from an individual’s perspective. This is
an ongoing research study, and in future a
questionnaire-based survey will be carried out in
order to test the proposed model and hypothesised
relationships. The outcomes will be published
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An Integrated Model to Investigate an Individual’s Behavioural Towards using Cloud Computing