Game Bot Detection in Online Role Player Game
through Behavioural Features
Mario Luca Bernardi
, Marta Cimitile
, Fabio Martinelli
and Francesco Mercaldo
Giustino Fortunato University, Benevento, Italy
Unitelma Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
Institute for Informatics and Telematics, National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Pisa, Italy
Game Bot, Machine Learning, Game Bot Detection, Security, Testing.
The market of online games is highly increasing in the last years and thanks to the availability of always more
effective gaming infrastructures and the increased quality of the developed games. The diffusion of on line
games also increases the use of game bots to automatically perform malicious tasks obtaining some rewards
(with a consequent economical advantage or popularity) in the game community with low effort. These causes
the disappointment of the game players community becoming a critical issue for the game developers. For this
reason, distinguishing between game bots and human behaviour being became essential in order to detect the
malicious tasks and consequently increase the players satisfaction. In this paper authors propose an approach
to the game bot detection in the online role player games based on the adoption of machine learning techniques
in order to discriminate between users and game bots basing on some user behavioral features. The approach
is applied to a real-world dataset of a popular role player game and the obtained results are encouraging.
With the increasing growing of network connections
working at high-speed, several activities are every-
day performed using online services. As a matter
of fact, more and more people use Internet network
to perform a plethora of operations like buying the
train tickets, making a bank check or taking a meet-
ing reservation with a public/private office (Bernardi
et al., 2012). This trend is also extended to the world-
wide games market that in last years is enriched by the
development of several platforms for online gaming
and by the increasing quality of the available games.
An online game is a video game that is either par-
tially or primarily played through the Internet net-
work or another computer network (Adams, 2014).
Online games are ubiquitous on modern gaming plat-
forms, including PCs, consoles and mobile devices,
and span many genres, including first-person shoot-
ers, strategy games and massively multiplayer online
role-playing games (MMORPG) (Quandt and Kr
2013). The design of online games can range from
simple text-based environments to the incorporation
of complex graphics and virtual worlds (Seay et al.,
2004). The prominence of online components within
a game can range from being minor features, such as
an online leaderboard, to being part of core game-
play, such as directly playing against other players.
Many online games create their own online commu-
nities, while other games, especially social ones, inte-
grate the existing real-life communities of real play-
ers (Wellman and Gulia, 1999). Online games have
attracted players from a variety of ages, nationalities,
and occupations (Yee, 2008; Griffiths et al., 2004).
This represents an appealing scenario for attacker in
order to perpetrate illegal activities in the online world
(Chen et al., 2004). Most illegal activities occur con-
tinuously because cyber assets, such as game items
and cyber money in online games, can be changed
into real currency (Paulson and Weber, 2006). More-
over, attackers can be also interested to capture re-
served information about the human users that ac-
cess to the game resources or to became popular in
the game community. The malicious activities are
generally performed using some game bots in order
to repeat continuously a malicious task in the online
game. A game bot is an artificial intelligent system
software that plays a video game in the place of a
human (Yampolskiy and Govindaraju, 2008). Game
bots are used in a variety of video game genres for a
variety of tasks: a bot written for a first-person shooter
(FPS) works very differently from one written for a
Bernardi, M., Cimitile, M., Martinelli, F. and Mercaldo, F.
Game Bot Detection in Online Role Player Game through Behavioural Features.
DOI: 10.5220/0006417000500060
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2017), pages 50-60
ISBN: 978-989-758-262-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
MMORPG. The former may include analysis of the
map and even basic strategy; the latter may be used
to automate a repetitive and tedious task. Basically a
game bot is an automated program that plays a given
game on behalf of a human player. Game bots can
earn much more game money and items than human
users because the former can play without requiring
a break. Moreover game bots are also used in order
to disturb human users because they consistently con-
sume game resources (for instance, game bots defeat
all monsters quite rapidly and harvest items, such as
farm produce, before human users have an opportu-
nity to harvest them). Accordingly, game bots cause
complaints from human users and damage the repu-
tation of the online game service provider. Further-
more, game bots can cause inflation in a game’s econ-
omy and shorten the game’s lifecycle, which defeats
the purpose for which game companies develop such
games (Kang et al., 2016).
Starting from these considerations, in this paper
we propose a method able to detect game bots in
a MMORPG environment. The proposed method
is based on the adoption of machine learning tech-
niques to build several classifiers able to discriminate
between users and game bots basing on behavioral
features: Player Information, Player Actions, Group
Activities, Social Interaction Diversity and Network
Measures. The paper poses the following research
Is it possible to detect game botnet using the
proposed behavioural features with the aim of
evaluating the effectiveness of discriminating
human and botnet behaviours from the view-
point of the investigators in the context of a
controlled experiment on a real MMORPG
We evaluate the effectiveness of our method using
a real-world dataset obtained from the operation of
Aion: The Tower of Eternity
game, a MMORPG
fantasy free-to-play popular game. The dataset con-
tains operations performed by real players and game
bots, identified and labeled by the game company.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the next
section provides an overview of related work; the fol-
lowing section illustrates the proposed features and
the detection technique; the fourth section presents
the results of the evaluation, and, finally, conclusion
and future works are given in the last section.
In the last years, an high number of studies have been
pointed towards the adoption of machine learning
techniques to identify game bots in the MMORPG.
In (Kim et al., 2005), an approach to the bot detection
based on the analysis of the window event sequences
produced by the game players, is proposed. Here
learning algorithms are used to classify and distin-
guish the event sequences (transformed as a set of at-
tributes) coming out from human or auto player. Au-
thors in (Chen et al., 2008) propose a manifold learn-
ing approach for game bots detection. The approach
analyzes the avatars movement trajectories basing on
the assumption that there is a difference between hu-
man players trajectories and those of game bots. In
(Chung et al., 2015), an approach consisting to com-
pare the traffic generated by human players versus
the game bots is proposed. While the discussed ap-
proaches are mainly based on global model to dis-
criminate between human and bot net, some more re-
cent approaches are focused on the behavioral anal-
ysis of the game playing (Thawonmas et al., 2008;
Kashifuji, 2008; Hilaire et al., 2010; Mishima et al.,
2013; Kang et al., 2016) considering the different
game style of the human player as a discriminant fac-
tor with respect to the game bots. For example, (Oh
et al., 2013) assumes that humans and game bots tend
to form their social network in different ways. Ac-
cording to this some features are used to capture this
social behavior for detecting game bots. The dis-
cussed behavioral approaches drawback consists in
the limited number of observed behavioral features
(one or two behavioral features) that are more related
to the game domain than to the player game style.
This reduced number of features make the approach
dependent from the analyzed game. This issue is
overrun in (Chung et al., 2015) where authors pro-
pose an approach based on the behavior analysis of
the game playing. This approach is very similar to
our proposed approach basing on both game-related
and player-related features. With respect to (Chung
et al., 2015), in our proposed approach the obtained
results show a higher precision of our proposed ap-
proach in the bot net detection.
In addition in order to demonstrate that the de-
veloped method is useful to detect game bot in the
real environment we perform a feature selection step,
in order to consider in the classification phase only
the most discriminative features between human users
and game bot, and we discuss the time employed to
build the classifiers representing the maximum tem-
poral interval to detect a game bot behaviour by our
Game Bot Detection in Online Role Player Game through Behavioural Features
This section the approach we proposed is discussed in
As we stated into the introduction, the aim of the
following study is to demonstrate that the behaviour
of a game bot is different from the human user one.
To this end, we analyse a set of behavioural features
from both human users and game bots. These set of
features values were extracted and computed by a real
game company as described as described in (Kang
et al., 2016). We consider some features related to
the players and other features related to the game.
In particular we grouped the behavioural fea-
tures in following categories: Player Information (PI),
Player Actions (PA) (they are player related features)
and Group Activities (GA), Social Interaction Diver-
sity (SID) and Network Measures (NM) (they are
game related features).
Table 1 shows the considered features for each cat-
egory we considered.
Considering that the aim of game bots is to au-
tomatically perform some game tasks, we observe
PI features in order to find a gap between the val-
ues of the personal features of game bots and those
of human users. According to this we consider the
following features: login frequency (PI
), play time
), game money (PI
) and number of IP address
) . Similarly, we evaluate the PA features con-
taining some features like sitting (PA
) (i.e., an action
taken by players to recover their health), earning ex-
perience points (PA
), obtaining items (PA
), earning
game money (PA
), earning player kill points (PA
harvesting items (PA
), resurrecting (PA
), restor-
ing experience points (PA
), being killed by a non-
player and/or player character (PA
), and using por-
tals (PA
). We investigate whether these actions can
reflect the behavioral characteristics of game bots and
human users. For instance, game bots sit more fre-
quently than human users in order to recover health
and many points. Moreover, a player can acquire
player kill points by defeating players of opposing
factions. Player kill points can be used to purchase
various items from vendors. Player kill points are
also used to determine a players rank within the game
world. In the Aion game
, the more player kill points
a player has, the higher is the rank of the player. The
high ranking player can feel a sense of accomplish-
ment. In addition game bots often connect to the
game and can play for 24 consecutive hours, differ-
ently from human users, that typically are not able to
play during several time-windows, for instance during
work and sleep ones. Considering that usually when
a user reaches a certain rank level he obtains powers
to fight the enemies more effectively, game bots can
more easily obtain these powers, and the attacker once
their characters have obtained the powers resell them
to other users
The rationale behind the GA feature is that there
is a gap between the values of the social features of
game bots and those of human users because game
bots do not attempt to social as humans. As matter of
fact, as a consequence of the game bot protract play
time, we expected that the GA category is different
between game bots and human users.
The GA category includes the average duration
of party play (GA
) and number of guild activities
). Party play is a group play formed by two or
more players in order to undertake quests or missions
together. The goals of party play commonly are to
complete difficult quests by collaboration and enjoy
socialization. Interestingly, some game bots perform
party play, but the goal of party play of the game bots
is different from that of human users. Their aim is to
acquire game money and items faster and more effi-
ciently in order to obtain powers. For these reason,
we expected that there are the behavioral differences
between game bots and human users.
The SID features indicate the entropy of party
play. Game bots concentrate only on particular ac-
tions, whereas human users execute multiple tasks as
needed to thrive in the online game world.
Relating to the NM category, the player’s social
interaction network can be represented as a graph with
characters as the nodes and interactions between them
as the edges. An edge between two nodes (players)
in this graph may, for example, highlight the trans-
fer of an item between the two nodes. The features
of NM include the degree centrality (NM
), between-
ness centrality (NM
), closeness (NM
), eigenvec-
tor centrality (NM
), eccentricity (NM
), authority
), hub (NM
), PageRank (NM
), and clustering
coefficient (NM
The NM category features definition is explained
in Table 2.
We designed an experiment in order to evaluate the
effectiveness of the feature vector we propose, ex-
pressed through the research question RQ stated in
the introduction. More specifically, the experiment is
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 1: The features involved in the study with the correspondent category.
Category Features
Player Information PI
, PI
, PI
, PI
Player Actions PA
, PA
, PA
, PA
, PA
, PA
, PA
, PA
, PA
Group Activities GA
, GA
Social Interaction diversity SID
Network measures NM
, NM
, NM
, NM
, NM
, NM
, NM
, NM
, NM
Table 2: The features belonging to the Network Measures category with their description.
NM category feature Description
Degree centrality This features represents the centrality focused on the degree. The more edges an actor has,
the more important it is
Betweenness centrality It counts the number of shortest paths between two nodes on which a given actor resides
Closeness centrality An actor is considered important if it is relatively close to all other actors. Closeness is based on
the inverse of the distance of each actor to every other actor in the network
Eigenvector centrality Indicates that a given node has a relationship with other valuable nodes. A high eigenvector value
for an actor means that a node has several neighbors with high eigenvector values
Eccentricity The eccentricity of node v is calculated by computing the shortest path between node v and all other
nodes in the graph; then the longest shortest path is chosen
Authority Exhibits a node pointed to by many good hubs
Hub Exhibits a node that points to many good authorities
PageRank Assigns a numerical weight to each element of a hyperlinked set of documents, such as the
World Wide Web, with the purpose of “measuring” its relative importance within the set
Clustering coefficient It quantifies how close neighbors are to being a clique: a clique is a subset of all of the edges
connecting pairs of vertices of an undirected graph
aimed at verifying whether the behavioural features
are able to discriminate the game bot attacks by the
human user behaviour. The classification is carried
out by using several state-of-the-art machine learn-
ing classifiers built with the behavioural feature cat-
egories we considered. The dataset involved in the
study was obtained from the operation of Aion, a pop-
ular game and it is freely available. The dataset con-
tains all in-game action logs for 88 days, between
April 9th and July 5th of 2010. During this period,
there were 49,739 players that played more than 3
h. Among these players, 7702 characters were game
bots, identified by the game company. The banned
list was provided by the game company to serve as
the ground truth, and each banned user has been vet-
ted and verified by human labor and active monitor-
ing. With respect to log released by the game com-
pany, we aggregated the values of the features related
to the same user in our dataset and we marked the fea-
ture vectors as “human” or “game bot” according to
the game company indications. In order to assure the
privacy of users the dataset is anonymized from user
private and personal information. Indeed, the consent
of users is taken into account by ensuring that data
analysis is within the scope of end user license agree-
ment: as a matter of fact, when users joined the Aion
game, users granted to NCSOFT, Inc. the permission
to use and share user data for analysis purpose.
The evaluation consists of three stages: (i) the
comparison of descriptive statistics of the populations
of behavioural features; (ii) the hypotheses testing, to
verify if the feature categories have different distribu-
tions for the populations of game bot and human be-
haviour; and (iii) the classification analysis aimed at
assessing whether the behavioural feature categories
are able to correctly classify game bot and human be-
haviour. Relating to the descriptive statistics, we re-
port the box plot of the distribution of game bot and
human behaviour in order to demonstrate that the dis-
tributions are different. With regards to the hypothe-
ses testing, the null hypothesis to be tested is:
: There are no statistically significant dif-
ferences between the considered features of
game bots and human users
The null hypothesis was tested with Mann-Whitney
(with the p-level fixed to 0.05) and with Kolmogorov-
Smirnov Test (with the p-level fixed to 0.05). We
chose to run two different tests in order to enforce the
conclusion validity. The purpose of these tests is to
determine the level of significance, i.e., the risk (the
probability) that erroneous conclusions be drawn: we
set in following study the significance level equal to
.05, i.e. we accept to make mistakes 5 times out of
100. The aim of the classification analysis is to as-
sess if the features are able to correctly discriminate
between game bot and human behaviours. We con-
sider six different algorithms of classification: J48,
Game Bot Detection in Online Role Player Game through Behavioural Features
DecisionStump, HoeffdingTree, RandomForest, Ran-
domTree and REPTree (Canfora et al., 2015; Canfora
et al., 2013). These algorithms were applied to the
five features categories considered in the study (i.e.,
PI, PA, GA, SID and NM).
The classification analysis was performed using
the Weka tool
, a well-known suite of machine learn-
ing software.
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 show the box plots
for a subset of features belonging to each category
considered in the study. For reasons space, we do not
show the box plots related to all features, but they lead
to the same considerations.
Figure 1 shows the box plots related to the login
frequency time feature (PI
) between game bot and
human users. The box plots are very similar, we con-
clude that for the feature point of view game bot and
human user login with similar frequency. In our opin-
ion the explanation of the obtained result is that the
feature does not consider the login time but only the
login frequency.
Figure 1: The box plot relating to the game bot and human
distributions for the login frequency feature, belonging to
the Player Information category.
The box plot in Figure 2 is related to the play time
feature (PI
). In this box plot the distributions be-
tween game bots and human users are very different:
as matter of fact, while human user presents a small
distribution, the game bot one exhibits wider values
if compared with the human user one. The reason
why this happens is that game bot are able to play the
game without the need to break, differently from hu-
man users.
Figure 3 shows the box plot related to game bot
and human distributions for sitting features (PA
The sitting feature is related to the number of rounds
that game bots and human users are able to play. This
result is consistent with the one we obtained by ana-
lyzing the previous box plot: as matter of fact game
Figure 2: The box plot relating to the game bot and hu-
man distributions for the play time feature, belonging to the
Player Information category.
bots distribution seems to be wider if compared with
the human users one.
Figure 3: The box plot relating to the game bot and human
distributions for the sitting feature, belonging to the Player
Actions category.
Figure 4 shows the box plot related to earning ex-
perience points feature (PA
). This feature is related
to the ability to earn points in order to buy power for
the character. Confirming what we expected, game
bots are able to gather more points if compared with
human users: this results is reflected in the wider di-
mension of game bots distribution with respect with
the human users one.
Figure 4: The box plot relating to the game bot and human
distributions for the earning experience points feature, be-
longing to the Player Actions category.
Figure 5 shows the box plot related to the party
play time feature (GA
). In this case, the human user
box plots are wider if compared with the game bots
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
one. This happens because usually game bots have
not interest to make party in order to play with other
users: the focus of game bots is only to disturb hu-
man users and gather points in order to have character
Figure 5: The box plot relating to the game bot and human
distributions for the party play time feature, belonging to
the Group Activities category.
Figure 6 shows the box plots related to the party
play time feature (GA
). The feature is related to the
capacity of player to perform role missions. Confirm-
ing the previous box plot, game bot have no interest to
cooperate in order to play, while human user usually
need to play together in order to complete success-
fully difficult missions.
Figure 6: The box plot relating to the game bot and human
distributions for the guild activities feature, belonging to the
Group Activities category.
Figure 7 show the distributions for the SID
ture. The two distributions appear to be very similar:
this is symptomatic of the fact the game bots like hu-
man users interact between them, for this reason the
considered feature is not discriminative between the
two distributions.
Figure 8 shows the box plot related to the NM
feature. These box plots exhibit that human users
presents a wider degree centrality if compared with
game bots. We conclude from these box plots that hu-
man users hare more friends if compared with game
bots, for this reason the human users distribution is
wider if compared with game bots one.
Figure 7: The box plot relating to the game bot and human
distributions for the party play, belonging to the Social In-
teraction category.
Figure 8: The box plot relating to the game bot and human
distributions for the degree centrality feature, belonging to
the Network Measures category.
Figure 9 shows the NM
feature box plots. As in
the previous box plots, the human users distribution is
wider than the game bots one. It is happen because in
order to reach an objective or another player, the hu-
man user try to reach it using the shortest path, differ-
ently game bots do not consider this: this is reflected
by the different distributions of the box plots.
Figure 9: The box plot relating to the game bot and human
distributions for the betweenness centrality feature, belong-
ing to the Network Measures category.
4.2 Hypothesis Testing
The hypothesis testing aims at evaluating if the fea-
tures present different distributions for the popula-
tions of game bot and human behavioural character-
istics with statistical evidence.
Game Bot Detection in Online Role Player Game through Behavioural Features
We assume valid the results when the null hypoth-
esis is rejected by both the tests performed.
Table 7 shows the results of hypothesis testing:
the null hypothesis H
can be rejected for all the fea-
tures. This means that there is statistical evidence that
the feature vector is a potential candidate for correctly
classifying between game bot and human behavioural
Table 3: Results of the test of the null hypothesis H
Variable Mann-Whitney Kolmogorov-Smirnov
PI1 0,000000 p < .001
PI2 0,000000 p < .001
PI3 0,000000 p < .001
PI4 0,000000 p < .001
Table 4: Results of the test of the null hypothesis H
Variable Mann-Whitney Kolmogorov-Smirnov
PA1 0,000000 p < .001
PA2 0,000000 p < .001
PA3 0,000000 p < .001
PA4 0,000000 p < .001
PA5 0,000000 p < .001
PA6 0,000000 p < .001
PA7 0,000000 p < .001
PA8 0,000000 p < .001
PA9 0,000000 p < .001
PA10 0,000000 p < .001
Table 5: Results of the test of the null hypothesis H
Variable Mann-Whitney Kolmogorov-Smirnov
GA1 0,000000 p < .001
GA2 0,000000 p < .001
Table 6: Results of the test of the null hypothesis H
Variable Mann-Whitney Kolmogorov-Smirnov
SI1 0,000000 p < .001
Table 7: Results of the test of the null hypothesis H
Variable Mann-Whitney Kolmogorov-Smirnov
NM1 0,000000 p < .001
NM2 0,000000 p < .001
NM3 0,000000 p < .001
NM4 0,000000 p < .001
NM5 0,000000 p < .001
NM6 0,000000 p < .001
NM7 0,000000 p < .001
NM8 0,000000 p < .001
NM9 0,000000 p < .001
This result will provide an evaluation of the risk
to generalize the fact that the selected features pro-
duce values which belong to two different distribu-
tions (i.e., the one related to the game bots and the
human users): those features can distinguish those ob-
servations. With the classification analysis we will be
able to establish the accuracy of the features in asso-
ciating any behavioural feature to the game bot or to
the human distribution.
4.3 Classification Analysis
Four metrics were used to evaluate the classification
results: Precision, Recall, F-Measure and ROC Area.
The precision has been computed as the propor-
tion of the examples that truly belong to class X
among all those which were assigned to the class. It
is the ratio of the number of relevant records retrieved
to the total number of irrelevant and relevant records
Precision =
t p
t p+ f p
where tp indicates the number of true positives
and fp indicates the number of false positives.
The recall has been computed as the proportion
of examples that were assigned to class X, among all
the examples that truly belong to the class, i.e., how
much part of the class was captured. It is the ratio of
the number of relevant records retrieved to the total
number of relevant records:
Recall =
t p
t p+ f n
where tp indicates the number of true positives
and fn indicates the number of false negatives.
The F-Measure is a measure of a test’s accuracy.
This score can be interpreted as a weighted average
of the precision and recall:
F-Measure = 2
The Roc Area is defined as the probability that a
positive instance randomly chosen is classified above
a negative randomly chosen.
The classification analysis consisted of building
classifiers in order to evaluate the feature vector ac-
curacy to distinguish between game bots and human
For training the classifier, we defined T as a set
of labeled traces (M, l), where each M is associated
to a label l {B, H} (where B represents the game
bot, while H the human user). For each M we built
a feature vector F R
, where y is the number of the
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
features used in training phase (y = 4 for the PI cat-
egoty, y = 9 for the PA category, y = 2 for the GA
category, y = 1 for the SID category and y = 9 for the
NM category).
For the learning phase, we use a k-fold cross-
validation: the dataset is randomly partitioned into
k subsets. A single subset is retained as the valida-
tion dataset for testing the model, while the remaining
k 1 subsets of the original dataset are used as train-
ing data. We repeated the process for k = 10 times;
each one of the k subsets has been used once as the
validation dataset. To obtain a single estimate, we
computed the average of the k results from the folds.
We evaluated the effectiveness of the classification
method with the following procedure:
1. build a training set TD;
2. build a testing set T
= D÷T;
3. run the training phase on T;
4. apply the learned classifier to each element of T’.
Each classification was performed using 20% of
the dataset as training dataset and 80% as testing
dataset employing the full feature set.
The results that we obtained with this procedure
are shown in table 8.
We obtain following best results for each feature
category we consider:
a precision equal to 0.952 and a recall a 0.953 us-
ing the J48 algorithm classifying the feature be-
longing to PI category;
a precision equal to 0.954 and a recall a 0.955 us-
ing the RandomForest algorithm classifying the
feature belonging to PA category;
a precision equal to 0.858 and a recall a 0.882 us-
ing the RepTree algorithm classifying the feature
belonging to GA category;
a precision equal to 0.836 and a recall to 0.875
using the J48 algorithm classifying the feature be-
longing to SID category;
a precision equal to 0.923 and a recall 0.928 using
the RandomForest algorithm classifying the fea-
ture belonging to NM category.
Considering that we obtained the best results in
terms of precision and recall when classifying the fea-
tures related to the PI and PA categories, we perform
a feature selection on these categories in order to in-
vestigate whether using a small feature set we are able
to obtain better results. As matter of fact, the feature
selection is employed to improve the ability of classi-
fier in discriminating human and game bot instances
and decrease training time. We use as feature selec-
tion algorithm the BestFirst one, that implements a
a best-first search strategy to navigate attribute sub-
sets which basically explores a graph by expanding
the most promising node chosen according to a spec-
ified rule.
Results of the feature selection are shown in Table
We obtained that the most discriminating feature
in the PI category is just the play time one, while in PA
category are four features: sitting, earning experience
points, obtaining items and earning player kill points.
In order to evaluate whether the two new feature
set belonging to PI and PA categories are able to over-
come the previous classifiers we learned, we build dif-
ferent classifiers with the features resulting from the
features selection step: Table 10 shows the results we
The value of precision and recall are increased for
both the features categories we considered:
relating to the PI category, the best precision value
it is incremented from 0.952 to 0.954 and the re-
call one is incremented from 0.953 to 0.984;
relating to the PA category, the best precision
value it is incremented from 0.954 to 0.960 and
the recall one is incremented from 0.955 to 0.986;
The time analysis confirms the effectiveness of the
feature selection step in order to quickly identify the
game bot: as matter of fact with the exception of the
RandomForest algorithm, the remaining ones are able
to learn the classifiers in less than 1 second: for this
reason the developed classifiers are able to discrimi-
nate the game bot from the human user in less than
one second in the worst case (i.e., when the classifier
is built with the new data).
RQ response: after the feature step selection, the
best feature set is represents by following feature be-
longing to PA category: sitting, earning experience
points, obtaining items and earning player kill points.
Classifying with this feature set we obtain, using the
RandomForest classification algorithm, a precision
equal to 0.96 and a recall equal to 0.986.
The online game is a widespread form of entertain-
ment. Through online worlds, users can play with
other players, win upgrades for their character by de-
feating monsters and enemies, and even sell charac-
ters boosted by buying them through the game cur-
rency that can be changed in the real world one.
In this scenario, the so-called malicious game bot,
software able to purchase points without any inter-
ruption disturbing the game of human players, are
Game Bot Detection in Online Role Player Game through Behavioural Features
Table 8: Classification results: Precision, Recall, F-Measure and RocArea for classifying the feature categories, computed
with six different classification algorithms. The Time column represents the time in seconds taken to build the model.
Category Algorithm Precision Recall F-Measure Roc Area Time
J48 0.95 0.951 0.949 0.856 1.97
DecisionStump 0,942 0,944 0,941 0,823 0.21
PI HoeffdingTree 0,941 0,944 0,941 0,872 0.3
RandomForest 0,952 0,953 0,950 0,895 37.8
RandomTree 0,917 0,916 0,916 0,814 0.64
REPTree 0,946 0,948 0,945 0,880 0.93
J48 0,948 0,950 0,947 0,862 7.01
DecisionStump 0,934 0,936 0,935 0,830 0.58
PA HoeffdingTree 0,942 0,944 0,942 0,872 0.94
RandomForest 0,954 0,955 0.953 0,95 57.23
REPTree 0,948 0,950 0,948 0,888 3.36
J48 0,858 0,881 0,843 0,764 0.38
DecisionStump 0,764 0,874 0,816 0,721 0.05
GA HoeffdingTree 0,854 0,880 0,839 0,783 0.17
RandomForest 0,820 0,855 0,833 0,766 17.71
RandomTree 0,820 0,854 0,833 0,758 0.42
REPTree 0,858 0,882 0,845 0,784 0.47
J48 0,836 0,875 0,821 0,698 0.37
DecisionStump 0,764 0,874 0,816 0,690 0.06
SID HoeffdingTree 0,826 0,874 0,823 0,710 0.32
RandomForest 0,805 0,863 0,822 0,688 8.31
RandomTree 0,805 0,865 0,822 0,682 0.14
REPTree 0,829 0,874 0,823 0,717 0.11
J48 0,917 0,923 0,917 0,810 24.75
DecisionStump 0,871 0,884 0,875 0,673 0.99
NM HoeffdingTree 0,892 0,903 0,891 0,769 2.68
RandomForest 0,923 0,928 0,923 0,858 42.42
RandomTree 0,886 0,887 0,887 0,751 0.69
REPTree 0,917 0,923 0,917 0,845 5.5
Table 9: Feature Selection Results.
# Feature
PI play time
PA sitting
PA earning experience points
PA obtaining items
PA earning player kill points
widespread. Indeed attackers usually use game bots in
order to obtain personal gain by selling its enhanced
characters. In this paper we propose a method able to
discriminate an human user from a game bot classify-
ing a set of behavioural features. We consider features
related to the player and related to the game, obtain-
ing in the best case a precision equal to 0.96 and a
recall equal to 0.986.
As future work we plan to investigate whether
the feature vector we considered in this work is able
to detect bot in social network. Furthermore, we
will consider the adoption of Process Mining tech-
niques (Bernardi et al., 2016) and Formal Methods
(Francesco et al., 2016) in order to extract the game
bots patterns with the aim to verify whether are dif-
ferent from the human users one.
This work has been partially supported by H2020
EU-funded projects NeCS and C3ISP and EIT-Digital
Project HII.
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Table 10: Feature Selection Classification results: Precision, Recall, F-Measure and RocArea for classifying the feature
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