Storing and Processing Personal Narratives in the Context of Cultural
Legacy Preservation
Pierrick Bruneau, Olivier Parisot and Thomas Tamisier
Luxembourg Institute of Science of Technology, L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette, Belvaux, Luxembourg
Narrative Data Model, Narrative Knowledge Extraction, RESTful API.
An important, yet underestimated, aspect of cultural heritage preservation is the analysis of personal narratives
told by citizens. In this paper, we present a data model and implementation towards facilitating narratives
storage and sharing. The proposed solution aims at collecting textual narratives in raw form, processing them
to extract and store structured content, and then exposing results through a RESTful interface. We apply it
to a corpus related to the time of the European construction in Luxembourg. We disclose details about our
conceptual model and implementation, as well as evidence supporting the interest of our approach.
An important aspect of cultural heritage preservation
is the collection and collation of personal views and
anecdotal stories of citizens. While the wide avail-
ability of social media will facilitate this work for fu-
ture generations when they analyze our times, such
means are not available for e.g. the European con-
struction period (roughly 1945-1975). Adapted tools
are needed to collect such testimonies by elderly peo-
ple, as well as facilitate their collation and dissemina-
In this work, we focus on the time of the European
construction in Luxembourg and the surrounding re-
gion. This work has been conducted in the context
of a funded project in collaboration with elderly peo-
ple organizations. In this context, witnesses of the
time frame of interest (aged between 75 and 85 years
old) have been interviewed, and their testimonies have
been transcribed. In addition, this corpus has been
enriched by extractions from online platforms - more
details about this corpus may be found in Section 5.
Eventually, the collected corpus is merely more
than a set of short texts. To make this narrative data
actionable, e.g. allow effective indexing, browsing, or
exploitation by web applications, knowledge extrac-
tion techniques are needed to extract relevant keys to
these stories, such as people, places and time frames
involved. Hence in this paper we focus on the means
to store, process and access such narrative informa-
tion. More precisely, a dedicated data model and
a back-end server are needed in order to model and
store the collected stories.
The rest of this article is organized as follows.
Firstly, related work about narrative structures and
knowledge is discussed in Section 2. Then, in Sec-
tion 3, we define a data model appropriate for storing
personal stories and narratives. Next, we describe a
software pipeline to map raw text into the proposed
data model. After describing the French data corpus
alluded to earlier in the introduction, we disclose a
RESTful architecture dedicated to exposing and shar-
ing the data stored in machine-readable format in Sec-
tion 5. After showing evidence of the interest of the
consumption of this data by knowledge extraction fa-
cilities, we conclude with numerous perspectives.
The study of the structure of narratives and stories has
been applied to a variety of domains, e.g. emergency
response (Scherp et al., 2009), situational awareness
(Van Hage et al., 2012), or collections of historical
documents (Segers et al., 2011). A major concern in
this domain is to bridge the gap between raw text (i.e.
the form under which testimonial stories are generally
acquired) and structured information with semantic
value, that would enable story linking and advanced
Associating properties to entities and composing
them is the core concern of ontology engineering.
Well known ontologies include YAGO (Suchanek
Bruneau, P., Parisot, O. and Tamisier, T.
Storing and Processing Personal Narratives in the Context of Cultural Legacy Preservation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006422800480055
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2017), pages 48-55
ISBN: 978-989-758-255-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
et al., 2008), the Google Knowledge Graph (Google,
2012), and DBpedia (Mendes et al., 2011). These on-
tologies are often used in conjunction with controlled
vocabularies such as Dublin Core (Weibel et al.,
1998) or FOAF (Brickley and Miller, 2007), that facil-
itate the interoperability of data sources, most notably
via the RDF representation language.
Rather than an ensemble of unrelated facts, nar-
ration implies relationships between atomic facts or
events. (Scherp et al., 2009) define a taxonomy
of such links (compositionality, causality, correlation
and documentation). These links are relevant to our
context, but they consider events at a coarse level with
no controlled vocabulary of predicates. Similarly to
(Van der Meij et al., 2010; Segers et al., 2011), they
are mostly concerned by interoperability between dif-
ferent ontologies. Likewise, (Van Hage et al., 2012)
emphasize link types, with little consideration of spe-
cific data structures for events. With close resem-
blance to the CIDOC CRM (Doerr, 2003), (Segers
et al., 2011) define explicitly roles (also known as
facets in (Mulholland et al., 2012)) applying to events
(e.g. actors, dates and locations), which are appro-
priate for historical events in a broad sense (e.g. the
French Revolution in (Segers et al., 2011)), but not
for events as constituents of a first-person narrative.
The objective is then to propose a standard metadata
description space for historical artifacts, rather than
exploring the structure of narration.
The contributions by (Zarri, 2009) are the most
closely related to our work. In their Narrative Knowl-
edge Representation Language (NKRL), they define
data structures and controlled vocabularies of predi-
cates and links to support the analysis of non-fictional
and factual narratives. They avoid the use of the
term story as it has led to ambiguities in the litera-
ture. Rather, They define a set of events and facts as
the fabula. The plot level adds chronological, log-
ical and coherence links between events. The pre-
sentation level is about the form in which plots are
shown. Some related work in narrative analysis and
storytelling is concerned with mapping arbitrary sto-
ries to a classical narrative structure (Tilley, 1992; Ye-
ung et al., 2014). In our work, stories are potentially
made of anecdotal testimonies, and as such cannot
be expected to match these structures. More abstract
properties, such as sentiment attached to stories, were
also extracted in (Min and Park, 2016) in order to an-
alyze the structure of books.
The way arbitrary text is remapped automatically
to taxonomies of entity types, relationships and pred-
icates is seldom considered in the literature. Some
authors explicitly assume that this mapping has to be
performed manually (Mulholland et al., 2012), or via
crowdsourcing (Bollacker et al., 2008). Wikipedia
page structure has also been exploited in (Suchanek
et al., 2008). Alternatively, a term-based heuristic is
used in (Gaeta et al., 2014) to determine links between
events, and the use of Natural Language Processing
(NLP) techniques such as Named Entity Recognition
(NER) to automatically extract facts and events has
been evaluated in (Segers et al., 2011; Van Hooland
et al., 2015). Entity types in event models such as
SEM (Van Hage et al., 2012) are closely related to
types extracted by standard NER methods such as
(Favre et al., 2005) (e.g. people, locations, dates).
To suit the needs of the project described in the intro-
duction, and put people and spatio-temporal coordi-
nates at the center of narratives, we developed a sim-
plified variant of NKRL (Zarri, 2009). In a nutshell,
our model can be thought of as a database schema to
enable storage and facilitate indexation of narrative
The root object type is denoted as entity, as a ref-
erence to the Drupal terminology, that supports our
implementation of the model, described to further ex-
tent in Section 5. Except primitive types such as text
and numbers, all non-primitive types (e.g. story) are
specializations of this root object type. Entity labels
in Figure 1 are meant to be unique. Entity references,
i.e. references to other entities in the database (e.g.
person referred to in a story) are underlined. Arrows
denote typed dependencies (i.e. pointers depend on
pointees), when other dependencies may refer to sev-
eral kinds of entities. To emphasize the story-centric
aspect of this model, most types, such as person and
location, directly store references to stories that refer
to them. This can be thought of as a kind of reverse
The data model in Figure 1 is heavily inspired by
the model underlying NKRL (Zarri, 2009), but ex-
hibits decisive distinctions. The proposed structure
was designed with flexibility in mind. For example,
it easily supports partial specification - a typical nar-
rative may occasionally omit spatial and or temporal
specifications. Similarly, the proposed custom date
format supports loose specification. The approximate
flag indicates whether the precision of the temporal
bounds should not be accounted for, and all fields ex-
cept year are optional. Both points and intervals in
time can be described with the same format, simply
by equaling from and to respective fields.
Most entities in the model (e.g. artifacts, people,
places) may have alternative writings. This ambiguity
Storing and Processing Personal Narratives in the Context of Cultural Legacy Preservation
Figure 1: Simplified Narrative Knowledge Model. Entity types are denoted by boxes. The multiplicity of typed properties is
parenthesized. References to entities are underlined, while arrows denote the dependencies implied by references whenever
they are explicitly typed.
is handled by the alias properties in Figure 1, that hold
all alternative writings for a given entity. Doing so
will notably facilitate checking for duplicates when
processing new stories.
Following our simplified schema, complex narra-
tive structures are stored using deeply nested struc-
tures. This way of proceeding reminds of RDF-based
ontologies, that rely on binary relations, and reifica-
tion to represent more complex semantics. In the con-
text of general ontologies, (Hoffart et al., 2013) in-
deed show that using reification, complex facts can be
unfolded as several atomic facts. In brief, with reifi-
cation, an instance of a binary relation aR
b can act as
the argument of another relation, effectively allowing
e.g. (aR
c. This design has been subject to de-
bate in the literature. For example, (Zarri, 2009) advo-
cates the usage of pure n-ary relations. Our eventual
choice has been motivated by its greater flexibility,
and better compliance with the technologies chosen
for its implementation (see Section 5).
An importance terminological nuance lies be-
tween our schema proposition and those based on rei-
fied facts: in the latter, properties are linked to entities
by predicates, when in our proposition the predicate
is a full-fledged entity type, the purpose of which is to
link two entities. This choice is justified by the syn-
tactic and semantic considerations developed in Sec-
tion 4, where predicate is generally understood as a
synonym for verb.
With distinction to many works in ontology en-
gineering which are mainly focused towards reason-
ing, i.e. inference of novel facts that can be deduced
from the current fact base, in narration, the focus is
not so much on deduction than on facilitating the ac-
cess and the presentation of the data. This is linked to
the consumption mode of the data, that is more con-
templative for stories, if compared to other more eco-
nomically involved domains, where actionable data is
sought (Scherp et al., 2009; Van Hage et al., 2012).
The layout in Figure 1 has been chosen as to em-
phasize the nesting level of the entities. On the left
the entities are close to the physical world (e.g. peo-
ple, places), with primitive-typed properties mostly.
The right of the schema displays higher-order enti-
ties, such as associations and structures, that tend to
bind entities from the left-end side of the schema.
Figures 2 and 3 illustrate typical narrative data
structures following our model. For the sake of clar-
ity, merely entity labels are reported in figures, other
fields are left implicit, and entity references are ex-
plicited by links. Figure legends report the original
French text, while for convenience terms indicated in
the diagrams are translated to English. The result-
ing data structures were constructed manually. The
nested construction of complex structures from sim-
pler entities discussed in this section is highlighted by
Figure 2: Data structure that can be associated to the fol-
lowing text: Perl
e fut une commune jusqu’au 1er janvier
1979, date
a laquelle elle a fusionn
e avec les communes
d’Arsdorf, Bigonville et Folschette pour former la nouvelle
commune de Rambrouch.
Inspired by (Zarri, 2009), in our data model entity
types predicate, bind and link take values in closed
vocabularies. These vocabularies are reported in Ta-
ble 1.
In the example in Figure 2, the coordination bind
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 1: Controlled vocabularies.
Predicates Binds Links
Behave (e.g. attitude), Exist (e.g.
birth), Experience (e.g. positive social
interaction), Move (e.g. give), Own,
Produce (e.g. refuse)
Coordination (i.e. and),
Disjunction (i.e. or)
Cause, Reference (i.e. weak
causality), Goal, Motiva-
tion, Condition, Documen-
is used to model the fact that a set of villages col-
lectively become a structure. The becomes predicate
instance can be mapped to exist from Table 1. Our
design choice to rely on entity composition leads to
derivated predicates such as becomesDate, that allow
associating a timespec entity to a predicative occur-
Figure 3: Data structure that can be associated to the fol-
lowing text: Dans l’avenue Monterey se trouve
la synagogue, dont la premi
ere pierre fut pos
ee en 1951 et
qui fut inaugur
ee en 1953.
Figure 3 shows an inclusion relation quite natural
to locations - here the place synagogue is included
in the street avenue Monterey. Such inclusion can
be mapped to the predicate own in Table 1. Con-
structionStart could be associated to existence, while
opening can be seen as some kind of production. The
overlap in Figure 3 emphasizes a nested structure with
a shared argument. The two upper-level occurrences
in the diagram are reference linked, reflecting the
weak causality between them.
Following the terminology defined by (Zarri, 2009)
and recalled in Section 2, a narrative is seen as a form
of presentation. From this perspective, raw text can be
seen as a form of presentation. The fabula is made by
individual occurrences as shown in Figures 2 and 3.
Plots emerge when such occurrences are linked as in
Figure 3.
As exposed in Section 2, the most frequent set-
ting in the literature is to consider that the mapping
of a presentation to a plot structure is performed man-
ually. In this section, we describe means to extract,
at least approximately, the fabula and plot from this
initial representation.
Performing this automatic mapping operation can
have various utilities in the context of the project
described in the introduction. First, as further de-
scribed in Section 5, testimonies in our data corpus
are recorded and transcribed manually, but exhibit no
structure that facilitate their presentation in context,
and exploration. Offline extraction of the narrative
structure would avoid tedious manual efforts.
An interactive variant of the latter application
would be the semi-automatic input of a story. When a
user types a story in an interface, text would be sent on
the fly to processing services. Based upon extracted
indexes, related stories can then be displayed live to
the client as a contextual help.
As mentioned in the introduction, our research
context copes with testimonies collected in French.
This constrained the technologies discussed later on
in this section.
Named Entity Recognition consists in detecting
entities such as people and places automatically in
text. For example, the LIA tools (Favre et al., 2005)
recognize people, locations, organizations, socio-
political groups, quantities, dates and products in
French text. Such facilities can then be a crucial ini-
tial step towards feeding the model described in Fig-
ure 1, of which people, places and time specifica-
tions are the core. The most renowned general pur-
pose natural language processing system, the Stan-
ford CoreNLP suite (Manning et al., 2014), also pro-
vides such NER functionalities for several languages
including French. They can also be found in distant
APIs such as Watson Natural Language Understand-
ing (formerly AlchemyAPI)
In order to structure recognized entities according
Storing and Processing Personal Narratives in the Context of Cultural Legacy Preservation
to the schema described in Figure 1, and possibly ex-
tract non-named entities (i.e. mostly artifacts), syn-
tactic cues are needed. Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging
is about estimating the function of words in text (e.g.
adjective, verb, determinant). Semantic Role Label-
ing (SRL) builds upon POS-tagging in order to ex-
tract higher-order structures (e.g. subject, object, ver-
bal forms), that are very close to the syntactic cues
expected in our model. Actually this is not surpris-
ing insofar as the same seminal references in language
analysis are foundational both for narratology (Zarri,
2009) and SRL (Jurafsky and Martin, 2014). POS-
tagging facilities are available in French both in the
LIA tools (Favre et al., 2005) and the CoreNLP suite
(Manning et al., 2014). The latter also offers facilities
in SRL, which are used by examples shown in Section
NLP tools presented above allow extracting pred-
icates and structural information, but the mapping of
this information to the controlled vocabularies listed
in Table 1 still has to be performed. Classically,
this operation is facilitated using explicit taxonomies
(see Section 2). Alternatively we propose to achieve
this using a word embedding space (Mikolov et al.,
2013). Candidates from the controlled vocabulary can
be suggested by looking up nearest neighbors in the
word embedding space. In other words, instead of
explicit taxonomies, we use an implicit structure re-
flected by the word embedding space. Such mapping
functions can be implemented locally using models
from libraries such as TensorFlow (Abadi et al., 2016)
trained with a corpus in French.
By default reference (i.e. weak causality) bindings
can be used to link events constructed from a given
story text, as inferred from relative positions in text.
Time references detected in the text can also be at-
tached by default to all detected events. The diagram
in Figure 4 summarizes the proposed knowledge ex-
traction pipeline.
Figure 4: Outline of the proposed pipeline to extract knowl-
edge from raw text.
The experiments and examples shown in this Section
used a corpus in French that aggregates two distinct
textual resources:
267 short stories related to the period of 1945-
1975 in Luxembourg and the surrounding region.
The stories were selected and extracted automat-
ically using the the Google Custom Search En-
gine API
. More precisely, the Google API was
invoked for a list of heuristical queries about
well known Luxemburgish locations or compa-
nies (e.g. Kirchberg, Luxair) for the targeted
time frame. Results originate from several web
portals (i.e. Wikipedia,, Each story is associated to a
date and a location name. This kind of indexing
is easily handled by the model described in Fig-
ure 1. Each location name has been mapped with
latitude and longitude by using the Google Maps
Geocoding API
. Figure 5 shows an example of
encoding. We refer to this corpus subset as web
later on.
Interviews were conducted with elderly people
that have lived in Luxembourg in the time frame
of interest (1945-1975). We used photograph col-
lections from the spatio-temporal time frame of
interest in order to trigger memories, as well as the
web subset. We obtained approximately 5 hours
of audio recordings, by 5 participants, among
which 2 hours have been manually transcribed
and segmented into approximately 100 short sto-
ries. We refer to this subset as interviews later on.
Figure 5: Example of story encoding in the web subset.
All stories in the corpus do not have named en-
tities or semantic structure extracted a priori. Only
stories in the web subset are annotated with spatio-
temporal metadata, which is allowed by the model de-
scribed in Figure 1.
Our implementation of the model described in
Section 3 has been supported by the Drupal content
management system (Drupal, 2011). The choice of
Drupal is also motivated by its integrated user creden-
tials system, that will reveal useful when plugging our
architecture in interactive views. Even though Drupal
is run by a SQL database, the abstraction it uses make
it adequate as support to our schema, which is rather
akin to NoSQL-like databases (e.g. extensive usage of
optional and variable-sized fields). Entities, already
referred to extensively in the paper, are the abstrac-
tion in Drupal for objects. They can be specialized to
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
our needs, either via the administrative GUI or pro-
gramatically. All types reported in Figure 1 derive
from this root object type. Drupal also support entity
references, that allow to define fields as references, or
even arrays of references, to any other entity special-
ization in the schema.
Drupal also features the possibility to easily de-
ploy a RESTful API (RESTful, 2014). A RESTful
API facilitates the interaction and consumption of the
managed data by any kind of application, as those en-
visioned in Section 4. In the remainder of the section,
we describe our RESTful API implementation, and
illustrate its usage by tier applications for either con-
sumption or enrichment of the available data.
The routes displayed in Figure 6 are a limited
implementation of the model described in Figure 1.
They all support the GET (i.e. retrieving an entity of
a set of entities) verb, as well as PATCH (i.e. updating
an entity) or POST (i.e. creating a new entity) when-
ever appropriate. The route subset has been selected
so as to address the most immediate needs. For exam-
ple, the corpus data was provided under the JSON for-
mat, with only a story text field, augmented by loca-
tion and timespec fields for the web subset. The avail-
able REST routes allowed to come up quickly with a
client for loading the files into the Drupal database.
Also, the Drupal RESTful modules allows the fairly
straightforward customization of the input and out-
puts of the routes defined. This facility enables the
conversion of the pretty date format such as provided
in JSON files to the flexible data format required by
our model (see Figure 7). Unique labels are simple to
initialize for location and timespec entities (the name
itself and the pretty date format, respectively). As
distinct stories might have the same n initial words,
in our implementation, story labels are generated as
MD5 hashes (Rivest, 1992) from the respective text.
Figure 6: Routes available in the current RESTful API im-
plementation. Routes with the [ID] marker retrieve only the
entity holding the respective identifier, and all entities of the
relevant type else.
The current REST API allows to easily retrieve
the list of stories available in the database, or for ex-
ample the stories associated to a given timespec entity
(see e.g. Figure 7). Depending on needs formulated
by applications consuming the data, straightforward
extensions to this API would be to implement a route,
or a filter to an existing route, that allows to search
stories in the vicinity of given GPS coordinates, or
Figure 7: Example of timespec entity returned by the re-
spective route. Both the native database and pretty date for-
mats are supported. The timespec stories field provides the
IDs of all stories related to this entity, enabling their pro-
grammatic retrieval.
stories that overlap with a specified time frame.
Even if they have still not been converted to full-
fledged components connected to the REST API, ex-
periments have also been carried out with knowledge
extraction technologies such as described in Section
In Figure 8 and 9, we see the NER results obtained
with LIA and CoreNLP tools for the stories already
used as examples in Figures 2 and 3, respectively.
Figure 8: NER results for the example from Figure 2.
Figure 9: NER results for the example from Figure 3.
The recognition in Figure 8 suffers from discrep-
ancies with both systems. The date is only partially
recognized by LIA. The village names are only par-
tially recognized by both systems, and even confused
with people names by CoreNLP. Results for the ex-
ample in Figure 9 are more satisfactory as dates and
street names are identified - LIA confuses the street
name with an organization name though.
Storing and Processing Personal Narratives in the Context of Cultural Legacy Preservation
Excerpts from graphical representations of syn-
tactic trees extracted by CoreNLP are also shown in
Figure 10. Higher level syntactic structures, such as
subject-predicate-object or coordination (resp. l.h.s.
and r.h.s. in Figure 10) can hence be extracted. NER
performed in the previous step could then label ex-
tracted tree branches, yielding tentative data struc-
tures close to the format expected by our data model.
Figure 10: Excerpts from syntactic trees produced by
CoreNLP tools. Relevant entities and predicates are high-
We used the word embedding implementation
provided as part of the Tensorflow software distribu-
tion (Abadi et al., 2016), and trained it with the com-
plete French Wikipedia archive available at (Wikime-
dia, 2016). It contains approximately 2.3M articles in
XML format. We converted them to a plain text for-
mat as expected by the training algorithm using the
tool proposed by (Attardi, 2016). Punctuation and
other non-textual characters were then removed using
regular expressions. No stemming is required as all
forms of a given word are embedded separately, and
generally end up in close vicinity to each other.
Figure 11 shows an example of nearest neighbor
search for the predicate extracted previously using a
simple lookup script. Restricting the sets of nearest
neighbors to the controlled vocabularies displayed in
Table 1 effectively implements the needed mapping.
We note that the uncertainty associated to language
polysemy is naturally handled with this technique, as
nearest neighbors returned belong to both possible
meanings of the verb trouver (i.e. finding, and situ-
ated when associated with the reflexive prefix se). In-
formation extracted using the sequence of operations
described in this section could then be written in the
database using adequate REST routes.
We described a data model and associated software
pipeline to process, store and share personal narra-
tives related to the period of 1945-1975 in Luxem-
bourg. A RESTful interface that facilitates the expo-
sition and the processing of such narrative informa-
Figure 11: Nearest neighbors found for the predicate trouve.
Responses associated to the finding meaning are in dark
grey, those associated to situated are in light grey.
tion has been tested with real data collected from the
web and interviews conducted with witnesses of the
spatio-temporal time frame of interest.
Extending the field of the implementation to the
full data model, and integrating NLP primitives into
the Drupal platform workflow beyond the examples
shown in Section 5 are the most immediate perspec-
tives to this work.
Drupal features modules that facilitate the expo-
sition of its managed data as a RDF schema, hence
facilitating its interoperability with tier knowledge
bases (Corlosquet et al., 2009). In this paper we fo-
cused on the consistency of the proposed data model,
but linking it to external data sources is certainly a
relevant perspective.
A key feature would also be to enable the detec-
tion of conflicts between stories and plots. Classical
use of reasoning is to enable deduction of novel facts
if adequate rules are defined (Suchanek et al., 2008),
but this range of techniques has also been used to de-
tect contradictions (Paulheim, 2016).
Finally, we will study the issue of subjectiv-
ity: personal narratives often contain explicit self-
references (e.g. me, my brother). As far as first ex-
periments show, all tested NER systems in Section
5 were not able to detect subjective entities. Simple
heuristics could be implemented based on a closed list
of keywords, or using the syntactic tree extracted by
CoreNLP. Anaphora Resolution tools like GUITAR
could also be tested (Poesio and Kabadjov, 2004).
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