From Document Warehouse to Column-Oriented NoSQL
Document Warehouse
Ines Ben Messaoud
, Refka Ben Ali
and Jamel Feki
Laboratory Mir@cl, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
Institute of Management of Gabès, University of Gabès, Gabès, Tunisia
University of Jeddah, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: NoSQL Document Warehouse, Galaxy Model, Column-oriented Model, Hierarchical Transformation.
Abstract: NoSQL (Not only SQL) gathers recent solutions that differ from the SQL model by a different logic of data
representation. It is characterized by its performance and its ability to handle a large amount of data. Due to
the absence of a clear approach to implement a Document Warehouse (DocW) under NoSQL model, we
propose, in this paper, a set of rules to transform the multidimensional galaxy model of the DocW into the
column-oriented NoSQL model. We suggest two types of transformations namely Simple and Hierarchical.
In order to validate our proposed transformation rules, we have used Cassandra as a Column-oriented NoSQL
system to implement a DocW for each type of transformation. We used Talend Data Integration tool to load
data in the implemented DocWs. We evaluate these two DocWs with two metrics WRL (Write Request
Latency) and RRL (Read Request Latency) using a medical collection.
Document Warehouse provides an environment to
store unstructured data; it is a repository of
documents collected from external and internal data
sources. It is designed according to the
multidimensional model as either a star model (Tseng
et al., 2006) (Ben Mefteh et al., 2016) or a galaxy
model (Ben Messaoud et al., 2015) (Pujolle et al.,
2011). It organizes data for OLAP (On Line
Analytical Processing) analysis in order to enable
successful business intelligence (Tseng et al., 2006).
Its main concerns are: (i) the uniform storage of data,
and (ii) the restoration of fragments of texts
considered as relevant by the user (Tournier, 2007).
However, the volume of data to analyze reaches
critical sizes (Jacobs, 2009) and then becomes
difficult to manage with the classical available tools;
hence, the need of appropriate storage and processing
techniques is raised (Agrawal et al., 2011). In this
emerging context of “Big Data”, NoSQL
environment appears as an efficient alternative that
can provide scalability while maintaining flexibility
for an OLAP system. In fact, it allows considering
new approaches to implementing a warehouse,
particularly multidimensional implementation
(Chevalier et al., 2015a).
In order to benefit from the NoSQL technology,
we propose in this paper an approach to implementing
a NoSQL Document Warehouse (DocW). More
precisely, we are interested in the column-oriented
NoSQL model. It is the most appropriate model for
the warehouse and the multidimensional data
structure (Dehdouh et al., 2015). In addition, it allows
deploying the warehouse in the cloud and offers high
In this paper, we define a set of transformation
rules to convert the multidimensional model of the
document warehouse into a column-oriented NoSQL
model. We implement these rules using Cassandra
NoSQL database; we evaluate the results in terms of
the two metrics namely Write Request Latency and
Read Request Latency on a medical collection.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
discusses related works that address NoSQL Data
Warehouses. Section 3 presents the DocW specifics
and its relying multidimensional galaxy model. Then,
the column-oriented NoSQL model and our proposed
transformation rules to obtain a NoSQL DocW are
described in Section 4. Section 5 is dedicated to
experiment and evaluation. Finally, Section 6
concludes the paper and addresses future works.
Messaoud, I., Ali, R. and Feki, J.
From Document Warehouse to Column-Oriented NoSQL Document Warehouse.
DOI: 10.5220/0006423500850094
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2017), pages 85-94
ISBN: 978-989-758-262-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
A DocW is a dedicated technology to store
documents issued from internal and external data
sources to the organization. These documents are
organized for effective analyses in order to enable
distilled and fruitful business intelligence (Tseng et
al., 2006). A DocW can be modelled in different
ways, as a star model (McCabe et al., 2000) (Tseng et
al., 2006), or as a galaxy model (Pujolle et al., 2011)
(Ben Messaoud et al., 2015). Furthermore, with the
increasingly volumes of data, it is becoming
impractical or even impossible to load unstructured
data into a warehouse. To alleviate this problem, new
technologies are currently studied in research
laboratories at universities and by software providers.
Recently, NoSQL (Not only SQL) emerges as a
promising technology to deal with huge volumes in
conventional databases (Stonebraker, 2012) and in
Big Data applications. Furthermore, (Chandawni,
2016) advocate to use NoSQL in the warehousing
domain. In fact, to the best of our knowledge, few
literature works treat the data warehouse using
NoSQL. Furthermore, there is no literature works
those treat the Document Warehouse relying their
solutions on NoSQL.
In this section, we study pertinent works where
researchers have proposed approaches or rules to
implement Data Warehouse using NoSQL, precisely
column-oriented and document-oriented models.
Among the well-known works, we cite the paper
of (Li, 2010) where the author proposes an approach
to transform a relational database into a column-
oriented NoSQL database. The author presents a set
of rules to conduct this transformation. Yet, the
proposed approach does not consider the conceptual
level of the Data Warehouse (DW); it considers only
the logical level to transform the relational model into
a column-oriented model.
In (Dehdouh et al., 2014), the authors have
presented a benchmark for columnar NoSQL DW.
This benchmark allows generating synthetic data and
queries set in order to evaluate the performance of
systems and the impacts of different technical
choices. However, the authors do not give the
formalization for the modeling process. Later, this
work was extended in (Dehdouh et al., 2015) by
proposing three approaches to implement the DW
using a column-oriented NoSQL model. Their
approaches are called NLA (Normalized Logical
Approach), DLA (Denormalized Logical Approach)
and DLA-CF (Denormalized Logical Approach by
using Column Family). The first approach (i.e., NLA)
uses different tables to store facts and dimensions,
and uses a simple attribute for measures and
dimension attributes. The second approach (i.e.,
DLA) proposes to store the fact and dimensions in the
same table, and uses a simple attribute to map
measures and dimension attributes. The third
approach DLA-CF stores the fact and dimensions in
the same table, and uses the compound attribute to
represent measures and dimension attributes.
Nevertheless, the NLA approach is quite inefficient
when performing queries with joins. The DLA-CF
approach is more efficient than DLA approach only
when the query handles attributes belonging to the
same dimension.
In (Chevalier et al., 2015a) (Chevalier et al.,
2015b) the authors propose a set of rules to map the
star multidimensional model into the two NoSQL
model: column-oriented and document-oriented. To
present the star model into a column-oriented NoSQL
model, the authors in (Chevalier et al., 2015c) use the
concepts of the column-oriented NoSQL model.
Indeed, the star model is transformed into a single
table. Since the star model is composed of fact and
dimensions, the fact is transformed into a column-
family where each measure is presented as a column.
And each dimension of the star model is transformed
into a column-family where the dimension attributes
(parameters and weak attributes) are transformed into
a column of the column-family. In the purpose to
transform the star model into a NoSQL document-
oriented model, the authors of (Chevalier et al.,
2015d) define a set of rules in order to transform each
star model into a collection of documents. The fact is
translated into a composite attribute and each measure
is transformed into a simple attribute. As the fact is
surrounded by a set of dimensions, each dimension is
transformed into a composed attribute (a nested
document) and each parameter and weak attribute is
converted to a simple attribute. However, the
proposed rules do not allow a hierarchical
transformation from the star model into the two
NoSQL models: column-oriented and document-
oriented. In other words, the defined rules do not
highlight the hierarchy concept of the star model,
which is fundamental for the DrillDown and RollUp
OLAP operations.
Due to the absence of a clear approach that allows
the implementation of a NoSQL DW, (Yangui et al.,
2016) propose to implement a NoSQL DW. To do so,
they propose a set of four rules to transform a star
multidimensional model into either column-oriented
NoSQL and document-oriented NoSQL models. For
each model, they distinguish two types of
transformations: simple and
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
The first transformation is the mapping to NoSQL
model without detailing the hierarchy concept; all
hierarchy parameters of a dimension are presented in
a single structure into the NoSQL model. It makes a
distinction between measures and dimensions;
dimensions and facts are stored separately on
different column-family/collection. To ensure the
links between dimensions and fact, the dimension
identifier is duplicated in the column-
family/collection representing the fact.
The second transformation (i.e., hierarchical)
aims to transform the star model of the data
warehouse into a NoSQL model while describing the
hierarchy concept. It uses the concepts super-
column/document to present dimensions and
hierarchies of the multidimensional model (A super-
column is composed of a set of columns and a
document is defined as a collection of attributes).
Table 1 compares the literature works according
to the following criteria. Each criterion Ci means that
the approach
C1: Transforms the multidimensional model into a
column-oriented NoSQL.
C2: Transforms the multidimensional model into a
document-oriented NoSQL.
C3: Transforms the star multidimensional model into
a NoSQL.
C4: Transforms the galaxy multidimensional model
into NoSQL.
C5: Proposes a set of rules to do the transformation
into NoSQL.
Table 1: Comparison of works for NoSQL DW.
Approach C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
(Li, 2010) - - - -
(Dehdouh et al., 2015)
(Chevalier et al., 2015a)
(Yangui et al., 2016)
In this section, we have presented relevant works
related to NoSQL DW. We note that some of these
works transform the multidimensional model of the
DW into a column-oriented NoSQL model whereas
some others use the document-oriented NoSQL
model. Also, we stress that the proposed approaches
were interested in the star model; nevertheless, there
is no attempt to transform the galaxy model of
document warehouses into NoSQL. This represents a
lack we alleviate for the Document Warehouse
context using NoSQL.
The remaining of this paper presents our proposed
rules to transform a DocW into NoSQL.
Documents contain interesting textual data; therefore,
they represent a source of elements useful for
decisional analyses. Frequently, these documents
have XML format and heterogeneous structures even
though they share the same domain. The DocW
collects and organizes documents to be used by
OLAP analyses dedicated for decisional purposes.
Due to their heterogeneous structures, the DocW user
(i.e., decision-maker) is constrained to write several
queries and then manage/merge their results to build
the final response. This requires competence and skill
to manage this hard task. To alleviate this problem,
(Feki et al., 2013), (Pujolle et al., 2011) and
(Tournier, 2007) propose approaches to build the
schema of the XML DocW. They use the galaxy
multidimensional model to describe the schema of the
The galaxy model can be seen as a network of
entities (i.e., dimensions) connected by nodes. Each
node links compatible entities. Compatible entities
are entities that could be used together in OLAP
queries. In a galaxy, each entity can play a double role
either an analysis subject (i.e., fact) or an analysis axis
(i.e., dimension). The basic concepts of the galaxy
model are nodes, dimensions and hierarchies. We
formalize these concepts as follows:
Galaxy Model. A Galaxy model is the
generalization of the constellation multidimensional
model. This model is a grouping of dimensions
connected by nodes. The Fact concept is hidden.
Formally, a galaxy model N is defined by (GM
, GM
) where:
: is the name of the galaxy model.
= {D
… D
}: is a non-empty set of
= {N
… N
}: is a non-empty set of nodes.
Dimension. A dimension models an analysis axis.
It has a set of attributes called parameters organized
in hierarchies. Formally, a dimension D is a triplet
, D
, D
) where:
: is the name of the dimension D.
: is a set of at least one strong attribute
(called parameter) and may have additional
weak attributes those label the parameters.
: is a non-empty set of hierarchies.
Hierarchy. A hierarchy organizes parameters in
several levels. It is defined by (H
, H
, P
) where:
: is the name of the hierarchy.
= (P
,…, P
): is a set of parameters of H
: is a function that associates each
parameter to its weak attributes.
From Document Warehouse to Column-Oriented NoSQL Document Warehouse
Figure 1: An example of a galaxy model (Tournier, 2007).
Node. A node connects compatible dimensions;
i.e., dimension those could be used semantically
together within a same multidimensional query.
Formally, a node is defined by (N
, N
) where:
: is the name of the node.
: is a function that links each dimension to
the set of its nodes. Naturally, a dimension can
be connected to more than one node.
Figure 1 depicts an example of a galaxy
multidimensional model, which is composed of six
dimensions called Conferences, Articles, Authors,
Dates, Rapports and Institutes connected via two
nodes. The first node links the four dimensions
Conferences, Dates, Articles, and Authors. It
describes articles published in a conference and
written by authors on a given date. While, the second
node connects the four dimensions: Dates, Rapports,
Authors, and Institutes. It translates reports of projects
led by institutes and supervised by scientific
personnel (authors) on a specific date. This model
allows decision-makers, for instance, to analyze
research papers authored by authors and published in
In this paper, we assume that a DocW is
multidimensional modelled as a galaxy. Because the
volume of documents is increasing permanently,
looking for new technological solutions that support
huge volume of documents is more and more felt both
by warehouse users and designers communities. The
objective of designers is to better serve decision-
makers whose needs are beyond the classical needs of
DW users. It is mainly to improving performance of
the DocW in terms of response time and queries. In
parallel, NoSQL is becoming rapidly an efficient
alternate to RDBMSs (Relational Data Base
Management Systems) for storing, managing and
querying big volumes of data (Chandawni, 2016).
This motivated us to explore the usage of this new
technology in document warehousing. To do so, we
suggest, in this work, dedicated rules for transforming
a galaxy multidimensional model of XML documents
warehouse into NoSQL. More accurately, we have
elected the column-oriented NoSQL model for this
work. In fact, this model is the richest NoSQL model
and it is characterized by it performance (Lemberger
et al., 2015).
To transform a galaxy model into a column-
oriented NoSQL model, we define two types of
transformations: simple and hierarchical. The first
type of transformation transforms the galaxy model
into a column-oriented NoSQL model without
detailing the hierarchy concept. Whereas, the
hierarchical transformation describes hierarchies
when converting the galaxy model into a column-
oriented NoSQL model.
In the remaining of this paper, we define the
fundamental concepts of the NoSQL column-oriented
model and a set of appropriate transformation rules
for both simple and hierarchical transformations.
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 2: Basic concepts of the column-oriented NoSQL model.
4.1 Column-Oriented NoSQL Model
The column-oriented NoSQL model provides a
flexible schema characterized with a large number of
columns that can differ between each row without
generating null values. For this reason, it can be seen
as a set of tables defined row by row. In this section,
we define the five basic concepts of this model
namely Table, Row, Column-Family, Super-column
and Column.
Table. A table is a set of lines and a line is
composed of a key and a set of column-families. It is
defined by (T
, T
) where:
: is the name of the table.
= {R
, ..., R
}: is a set of rows.
Row. A row represents a record in the table of the
database. Formally, it is a couple (R
, R
) where:
: is the key of the row.
= {CF
, ..., CF
}: is set of column-families.
Column-Family. A column-family consists
of a set of columns or super-columns. It is
defined by (CF
, CF
) where:
: is the name of the column-family.
= {C
}: is a set of columns or super-
Super-Column. A super-column allows the
grouping of columns with data semantically linked
(Lemberger et al., 2015). It is defined by the couple
, SC
) where:
: is the name of the super-column.
= {C
}: is a set of columns.
Column. A column is characterised by a name
and an atomic value. We note that each atomic value
can be historised with a time label: timestamp. In fact,
this principle is useful for historical management
(Wrembel, 2009). Formally, a column is a couple (C
) where:
: is the name of the column.
: is the column value.
Figure 2 shows the basic concepts of the column-
oriented NoSQL model.
4.2 Simple Transformation
The simple transformation aims to convert the
concepts of the galaxy model into a NoSQL model
but without detailing the hierarchy concept;
transforming parameters of a dimension uses a unique
structure of the NoSQL model. To achieve this goal,
we define a set of four rules.
Rule 1: Each galaxy model G transforms into a
table T in the NoSQL column-oriented database.
Obviously, the galaxy is the most generic concept
of a multidimensional galaxy model; consequently, it
can represent only a table that presents the global
concept in the column-oriented NoSQL model.
Rule 2: Each node N belonging to a galaxy G and
connected to a set of compatible dimensions {D
, ...,
} transforms into a column-family CF.
Remember that in a NoSQL column-oriented
model, the column-family is a concept that contains a
set of columns. In addition to this, in the galaxy
model, a node is connected to a set of dimensions.
Consequently, the node merits to be transformed into
a column-family and each dimension connected to the
node is presented by a column.
Rule 3: Each dimension D
of the galaxy is
transformed into a column-family CF
where each
attribute (parameters and weak attributes) of D
transformed into a column C
of CF
From Document Warehouse to Column-Oriented NoSQL Document Warehouse
Figure 3: Example of a row in a table (Simple transformation).
In a galaxy, a dimension is characterized by a set
of attributes. In the NoSQL column-oriented model,
the column-family contains columns. Thereafter,
each dimension of the galaxy is transformed into a
column-family and each dimension attribute is
transformed into a column.
Rule 4: The nodes and dimensions instances are
transformed into a row of the table of the column-
oriented NoSQL model.
Recall that a row in a table of the column-oriented
NoSQL model is composed of a key, a set of column
families denoted CF. Consequently, the instances of
node, and the associated instances of dimensions
transform into a row of the table of the column-
oriented NoSQL model.
Figure 3 depicts an example of a row in a table of
the NoSQL column-oriented database. This row is
obtained by applying the simple transformation rules
on a galaxy composed of four dimensions: D-Date,
D-Author, D-Article and D-References, and a single
node. We note that this transformation does not take
into account hierarchies dimensions. To do so, we
propose a hierarchical transformation in order to
describe parameters hierarchies in the column-
oriented NoSQL model.
4.3 Hierarchical Transformation
Unlike the simple transformation, the hierarchical
transformation explain the hierarchy concept when
transforming the multidimensional model into a
column-oriented NoSQL model. This transformation
exhibits parameters of each hierarchy into a separate
structure of the NoSQL model. For the hierarchical
transformation, we keep three rules from the simple
transformation (Rules 1, 2 and 4) and one specific
rule we have defined for this transformation.
Rule 5: Each dimension D
of the galaxy
transforms into a column-family CF
where each
hierarchy is transformed into a super-column. The
name of the super-column is the name of the
hierarchy, whereas parameters and weak attributes
become columns.
In a column-oriented NoSQL model, a column-
family is composed of a set of super-columns and a
super-column is composed of columns. In the other
hand, in a galaxy model, a dimension is composed of
a set of hierarchies, and a hierarchy is composed of a
set parameters. Thereafter, we can use the concepts
column-family, super-column and column to present
dimensions and hierarchies into the column-oriented
NoSQL model.
Figure 4 shows an example of a row in a table of
the NoSQL column-oriented database obtained by
applying the hierarchical transformation rules on the
galaxy at the top of the figure.
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 4: Example of a row in a table (Hierarchical transformation).
Figure 5: Galaxy model for the medical collection (Ben Messaoud et al., 2015).
Due to the absence of a benchmark for the galaxy
model, we conduct our experiment on the galaxy
model generated from a set of 1691 XML documents
issued from the medical collection Clef-2007 and
described by three DTDs (Ben Messaoud et al.,
2015). This galaxy model is composed of five
dimensions: D-Casimage-Case, D-Author, D-
Keywords, D-Reviewer and D-References. Figure 5
presents galaxy model for the medical collection. We
note that weak attributes are voluntary withdrawn to
simplify the galaxy model.
From Document Warehouse to Column-Oriented NoSQL Document Warehouse
Figure 6: Evaluation of the implemented NoSQL column-oriented XML DocWs.
In order to implement the galaxy XML Document
Warehouse as a column-oriented NoSQL model, we
have elected Cassandra as a NoSQL database
management system. In fact, it can manipulate a very
large amount of data like any NoSQL database
management system. It includes the concepts of
columns, super-column and column-families that we
have used in our proposed rules.
To define the schema of the NoSQL DocW with
Cassandra, we used the Cassandra Query Language
(CQL). By using this language, it is useful to create
table, column-family, etc.
In the context of our work, we distinguish two
NoSQL DocW: DocW-S and DocW-H implemented
by applying respectively the simple and hierarchical
transformation rules.
To load the data of the galaxy model into the
NoSQL column-oriented DocW, we opted for the use
of the Talend Data Integration tool. This tool allows
extracting data from large, heterogeneous data
sources and integrating them into the NoSQL
database. In the context of our work, data integration
is carried out in accordance with our transformation
In order to evaluate the two-implemented NoSQL
document warehouses, we use the two metrics: Write
Request Latency (WRL) and Read Request Latency
(RRL). The WRL metric assesses the speed of the
system during the data loading stage. The RRL metric
measures the response time of the system to answer
user requests.
Figure 6 illustrates the evaluation of the two
implemented NoSQL XML DocW.
By comparing the values obtained with each
metric on the two implementations (Simple and
Hierarchical) of the DocW, we conclude that the
DocW implemented using the hierarchical
transformation is better than the simple one. Indeed,
the loading time and the user request response time
for the DocW-H are better than the DocW-S; To load
data in DocW-S, we need approximately the double
of loading time of DocW-H and to answer to decision
maker queries with the DocW-S we need more than
the twice of the response time of DocW-H.
Documents represent an important source of
information for decisional analyses. So, they merit to
be integrated in the decision support system.
Likewise, documents should be warehoused. As a
result, the document warehouse concept has emerged.
Nevertheless, the increasing production of
documents, the sharing of information between users
and the diffusion of data via networks generate a very
large volumes of available and interesting data to be
analysed. This huge amount of data require
appropriate storage means (Favre et al., 2013).
The NoSQL environment provides a solution to
answer the limitations of the relational systems in
terms of scalability and handling a large volume of
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
data. To benefit from this new technology, we
proposed, in this paper, an approach to build a
NoSQL Document Warehouse. More accurately, we
transform the multidimensional galaxy model of the
DocW into the column-oriented NoSQL model. From
NoSQL models, we elected the column-oriented
model because its performance has been proven in the
literature works.
To build a NoSQL DocW, we distinguish two
transformation types: simple and hierarchical. The
first transformation converts the concepts of the
galaxy model into a NoSQL model without detailing
the hierarchy concept. For this transformation, we
define a set of four rules. While, the hierarchical
transformation explains the hierarchy concept when
transforming the multidimensional model into a
column-oriented NoSQL model. It retains three rules
from the simple transformation and defines one
specific rule for this transformation.
To substantiate these rules, we use the NoSQL
database management system Cassandra and
Cassandra Query Language (CQL) to apply the
simple and hierarchical transformation rules. We
obtain respectively DocW-S
and DocW-H. Moreover,
the evaluation of the obtained NoSQL DocW in terms
of the two metrics Write Request Latency and Read
Request Latency on a medical collection shows that
the DocW-H is better than the DocW-S.
As a future work, we will propose rules to
transform the multidimensional model of the
document warehouse into the document-oriented
NoSQL model and compare the performance of the
two NoSQL DocWs: column-oriented DocW and
document-oriented DocW. In addition, we expect
define a set of analytical operations dedicated to the
galaxy model of the NoSQL DocW.
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