SPDC: Secure Proxied Database Connectivity
Diogo Domingues Regateiro, Óscar Mortágua Pereira and Rui L. Aguiar
DETI, University of Aveiro, Instituto de Telecomunicações, 3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Access Control, Software Architecture, Security and Privacy Protection, Network Communications,
Database Connectivity.
Abstract: In the business world, database applications are a predominant tool where data is generally the most
important asset of a company. Companies use database applications to access, explore and modify their data
in order to provide a wide variety of services. When these applications run in semi-public locations and
connect directly to the database, such as a reception area of a company or are connected to the internet, they
can become the target of attacks by malicious users and have the hard-coded database credentials stolen. To
prevent unauthorized access to a database, solutions such as virtual private networks (VPNs) are used.
However, VPNs can be bypassed using internal attacks, and the stolen credentials used to gain access to the
database. In this paper the Secure Proxied Database Connectivity (SPDC) is proposed, which is a new
methodology to enhance the protection of the database access. It pushes the credentials to a proxy server
and separates the information required to access the database between a proxy server and an authentication
server. This solution is compared to a VPN using various attack scenarios and we show, with a proof-of-
concept, that this proposal can also be completely transparent to the user.
Security is an important aspect to consider when
sensitive data is being served by some service.
However, no computer system can be completely
secure without making it unusable, so the key is to
find the right balance. When it comes to databases,
the usage of standard APIs to access and manipulate
data, such as Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
(Oracle, 1997), Hibernate (Bauer and King, 2005)
and other similar mechanisms, is very pervasive.
When client database applications connect
directly to databases using such connectivity tools,
some problems may arise in regards to access
security. If an attacker gets access to the client
application of a business that connects directly to a
database, he can potentially obtain the database
credentials and use them to connect to the database
in an unsupervised manner. This is possible because
the database credentials are normally written directly
into the application code or configuration files,
meaning that users of the application do not need to
know them. This issue is normally addressed by
securing the access to the database service using
solutions such as virtual private networks (VPNs).
However, a global VPN solution to access many
services in a company has limited security, since
anyone with access to one service may attempt to
connect to another. Similarly, a service specific VPN
does not protect against internal attacks that can
bypass the VPN altogether. By compromising the
VPN server, the database becomes much more
exposed, and many times just looking at the client
application source code or configuration files can
reveal the database credentials to an attacker.
Using an authentication service on top of the
database service is another solution to this problem,
e.g. web services, but the client application must use
the interface of the service and discard database
tools such as JDBC. Therefore, frameworks like
Hibernate that rely on them do not work.
Furthermore, simply removing the credentials from
the application code is not easy since there may be
many of them, so providing the user of the
application with all the credentials is not an option in
most cases.
The reason behind it is that, among others, the
user would be prone to write the credentials down if
a complex credential policy is in place, i.e. policies
regarding password complexity and length (Shay et
al., 2016), making it easier to be disclosed. Various
results also show that developers are aware of the
Regateiro, D., Pereira, Ó. and Aguiar, R.
SPDC: Secure Proxied Database Connectivity.
DOI: 10.5220/0006424500560066
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2017), pages 56-66
ISBN: 978-989-758-255-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
security issues regarding passwords (Yang et al.,
2016). One might consider the usage of one-time
passwords to secure the credentials, which also
assumes the user has some sort of smartcard or
similar device. However, database management
systems (DBMS) do not usually support this type of
authentication natively. Implementing them
manually to verify if a valid one-time password was
provided requires the exclusive use of stored
procedures, which becomes hard to manage in
complex scenarios, or triggers to be added to each
query, which decays the database performance.
In this paper, we propose a solution called Secure
Proxied Database Connectivity (SPDC) which aims:
to provide a mechanism that separates the
information needed to connect to the database
between a proxy server and an authentication server
running within the database server; allow standard
database connectivity tools, such as JDBC or
ADO.NET, to be used; and take the database
credentials out of the client application, so that a
compromised client application does not disclose
them. This solution requires a malicious user to
compromise both servers to be able to establish a
connection to the database and access its data.
This proposal emerged from the work done in
(Pereira et al., 2015; Regateiro et al., 2014; Pereira
et al., 2014), where a distributed access control
framework allows the clients to connect to a
database through runtime generated access control
mechanisms. There, client applications can use an
interface based on JDBC, where the methods are
only implemented by the access control mechanisms
to access and manipulate data stored in a database if
the user has permission to use them. A connection to
a server side application is also established to
configure the runtime generation of the access
mechanisms, based on the security policy that
applied to that client. While this eases the
development effort to write a database application
by giving developers interfaces tailored to the
permissions given to the application, it lacks security
in term of access to the database itself. SPDC was
designed to enhance the access security to the
database, while keeping support for the convenience
of database connectivity tools, such as JDBC.
The paper is divided as follows: chapter 2
presents the related work, chapter 3 presents the core
concepts of SPDC, chapter 4 presents a proof-of-
concept implementing SPDC, on chapter 5 a
performance assessment regarding network traffic is
made and chapter 6 finalizes with a brief discussion
of the presented contents.
To be best of our knowledge, there is not much work
done to secure the JDBC or ADO.NET driver type
protocols. A possible explanation is that most drivers
used with these tools already support SSL/TLS
(IETF, 2008) connections to DBMS using digital
certificates. While this normally protects the
credentials from being obtained from the network by
eavesdropping it or through some other means, if the
malicious users have access to the client application
it may be possible to steal the credentials from there.
While there is not much work done to secure the
driver protocols, the SSL/TLS protocol on the other
hand has seen some work to try to improve its
security. In (Oppliger et al., 2006) and (Oppliger et
al., 2008), a session aware user authentication is
introduced and expanded to thwart Man-In-The-
Middle (MITM) attacks. Nevertheless, an internal
attack on the database service to establish a direct
connection is enough to allow a malicious user to
access the data if the credentials are obtainable from
the client application. In (Abramov et al., 2012) a
methodology is proposed to assist developers and
database designers to design secure databases that
follow the organization’s guidelines for access
control. It is applied and verified at the organiza-
tional and application development levels to ensure
the satisfaction of the security requirements. Once
more, it does not protect the database from being
read from or even from being modified directly if
the credentials are stolen from the client application,
depending on the client application permissions.
Another solution to this problem is to connect to
the database through a web service instead of a
direct connection to the database, such as a login
service. While this has several advantages, such as
only the server can establish connections to the
database and the operations performed by the client
applications can be more easily controlled, they
must use the web service interface to access the
database. The issue with this approach is that in most
cases the interface provided differs from web service
to web service. This means that the developers must
master them, whereas tools such as JDBC and
ADO.NET provide a well-known and well-
established interface to access any supported
database. The work presented in (Gessert et al.,
2014) leverages the importance of this problem,
stating the need to create a unified interface for
cloud data stores that have emerged recently.
Furthermore, compromising the login service may
be enough to access the database, since the
malicious user knows the database endpoint and the
SPDC: Secure Proxied Database Connectivity
Table 1: State of the art summary in relation to SPDC features.
Solution Cred. on the Client Nodes to Breach API Other Notes
Basic Driver Yes Client Standard N/A
Oppliger et al. Yes Client Standard MITM mitigation
Abramov et al. Yes Client Standard Security Guidelines
Webservice No Webservice Custom Access Proxy
HA-JDBC Yes Client Standard Access Proxy
Other Auth Methods Yes Client Standard May not be supported
VPN Yes Client Standard Internal access not prevented
SPDC No Auth. and Proxy Servers Standard Architecturally costly
database credentials are still configured in the client
Web services can almost be seen as proxy servers
that users use to access to manipulate the data stored
in a database according to their permissions, albeit
with their own interface. Proxy servers are used
throughout the literature in some way to provide
better security to access resources, be it a database,
the Internet, etc. The work presented in (Zarnett et
al., 2010) and (Naylor et al., 2015) show how proxy
servers can be beneficial in both providing security
and additional services. We restate that use of proxy
servers in this paper aims to provide increased
security by removing the need for client applications
to possess real credentials to the database, while
allowing them to use database connectivity tools
transparently. Furthermore, a malicious user should
only get access to the data in the database by
successfully compromising both the proxy server
and the authentication server, where other solutions
usually only require one service to be compromised.
HA-JDBC (Ferraro, n.d.) is an existing JDBC
proxy project that has been implemented, is readily
available and provides many features on top of what
JDBC currently supports. However, it only focuses
on being light-weight, transparent, and providing
fault tolerant clustering capabilities to the underlying
JDBC driver. Therefore, it still requires the client
application to use the database credentials. In this
light, it differs from the work done in this paper in
which the client authenticates with the proxy itself
using a server generated token and never uses the
database credentials directly.
Other methods of authentication with databases
have been proposed, such as using biometric data
(Villager and Dittmann, 2008), digital certificates
(Lavarene, 2010), third-party based authentication
(Oracle, n.d.), etc. In the case of digital certificates,
the application would have to store it within itself,
meaning that it could be stolen just like we argue
with username/password credential pairs.
Additionally, SQL Server is able to use Microsoft
Windows Integrated Security (Microsoft, n.d.) to use
the operating system’s user account as the
credentials used for authentication. While it does
prevent the client applications from having
credentials hard-coded, it now matters which
account the user is logged into when using the
application. Furthermore, normally an application
only has one set of credentials to access a database.
User biometric data suffers from the same issue and
is not necessarily a safer or a more convenient
option over the alternatives (Zimmerman, 2003).
A summary of the information presented on this
section can be seen in Table 1, showing if the
database credentials are on the client application, the
nodes required to breach to get the credentials and
the API provided to the client to access the database.
In this section the core concepts behind SPDC are
. The main goal is to offer a new approach
to secure the access to a database while allowing a
standard tool, such as JDBC, to be used through a
proxy server
. Furthermore, we show that this
method protects the database from being accessed by
a malicious user even if information stored in the
proxy server or the authentication server are
disclosed individually
To reiterate the issue SPDC is trying to solve,
solutions like VPNs do protect access to services,
such as databases, while still allowing client
applications to use standard APIs such as JDBC to
connect to them
. However, VPN solutions can be
used to access a global set of services within a
company, a single service or something in-between
If a database service is provided within a VPN along
with other services, then it becomes less secure,
since users that can access one of the other services
may attempt to connect to the database
. If another
login layer is used on top of the DBMS then other
mechanisms must be implemented to support the
usage of standard database connectivity tools, such
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
as JDBC, to connect to it
. In the case the database
service is served in its own VPN, and like the login
layer solution just described, internal attacks can still
leave the DBMS vulnerable to malicious users that
have access to client applications with the
credentials hard-coded
. It only takes the VPN server
to be compromised to leave a DBMS much more
exposed, and if just by looking at a client application
source code the database credentials can be
obtained, then the data becomes accessible.
3.1 Conceptual Architecture
SPDC was designed to protect the database by using
a proxy server to communicate with the database, as
shown in Figure 1. The idea is that the client
connects to a proxy server, authenticating with it,
and then the proxy server connects to the database
using credentials it has stored, proceeding to relay
the communication between them. This proxy server
was then devised to serve as a credentials provider,
using the client application real credentials when
establishing the connection to the database
. These
credentials are also encrypted to prevent them from
being disclosed in plain text in the event the proxy
server is compromised.
Figure 1: Conceptual Client to Database connection.
It is stated that the presented solution protects a
database even when the information in the proxy
server or the authentication server is compromised.
The only exception is if the DBMS itself is
compromised in an internal attack and access is
granted without proper authentication. To achieve
this goal, both the proxy server and the
authentication server were given an asymmetric key
pair and the information required to access the
DBMS was divided between them as follows:
The proxy server possesses the user
credentials, encrypted using the symmetric
key C which is unique for each user, and
requires them to establish the connection to
the DBMS
. It does not store the symmetric
key C.
The authentication server possesses the
symmetric key C for each user and can open
endpoints to the DBMS
. It does not store the
credentials to the database.
The client application possesses no relevant
information for authentication. This means
that the user must know the credentials to
connect to the authentication server and
continue the process. It does possess dummy
credentials to a database.
Table 2: Stored sensitive data per protocol participant.
Encrypted user
Open database
Symmetric keys C.
Table 2 shows a summary of this information.
The dummy credentials stored in the client
application must have connection permissions to the
database. This comes from a shortcoming in the
database connectivity tools used. In the case of
JDBC, a connection object is only instantiated if a
valid connection is made to a DBMS, and a
connection object is required to be able to use JDBC
on the client
. Nevertheless, a separate DBMS with
no data or an account stripped of permissions may
be used for this purpose, making the credentials
stored in the client application effectively useless to
access the data.
In this scenario, the user must first authenticate
with the authentication server to obtain the server
generated token and present it to the proxy server
The proxy server uses this token to authenticate the
user and establish a valid connection to the DBMS
3.2 Deployment Assumptions
Let us consider what happens when each party in
this exchange is compromised and what other
security technologies are assumed to be deployed
During the SPDC design, there were a few security
assumptions that were made
. Thus, they are
important to be considered when creating security
attack scenarios.
First, it is assumed that the communication
between all parties is protected to prevent the data
from circulating in clear text, either using TLS or
some other mechanism.
Second, access to the network where the
database and authentication server are deployed is
assumed to be restricted, for example by a firewall,
allowing access to the database to be controlled and
Third, the credentials used to authenticate with
SPDC: Secure Proxied Database Connectivity
the authentication server to obtain the token T are
assumed to not be stored anywhere in the client
. If
the user cannot be trusted with a password, a
solution based on one-time passwords, for example,
should be used.
Finally, the proxy server is assumed to be trusted
by all the parties to not eavesdrop on data and to
keep the database credentials protected
. If this is not
a possible scenario, the entity in charge of the
database server should provide a proxy server on a
distinct network with the same security requirements
to access the database. It is also assumed that the
asymmetric keys of the proxy and authentication
servers are heavily secured and cannot be obtained
easily by breaching the applications running on
3.3 Attack Scenarios
In this section, different attack scenarios that target
distinct parts of the proposed solution are detailed
and discussed.
Following the information shown in Table 2, if
the proxy server is breached, then a malicious user
would be in possession of the following data:
The encrypted user credentials, which are a
known function of the symmetric key C with
the user username and password. Without the
symmetric key C to decrypt them only a brute
force attack is available.
However, the following data is not in the
malicious user possession:
An open database endpoint to connect to,
which can be random for every access
attempt. This prevents the malicious user from
attempting online attacks.
The user symmetric key C, which is different
for every user and that only the authentication
server stores and provides inside each token T.
This prevents the malicious user from
decrypting the credentials.
Attempting to impersonate the proxy server is
impossible without stealing the proxy server
asymmetric private key, since token T passed by the
legitimate user was encrypted using the public key.
Without it, the token T cannot be decrypted to
retrieve the symmetric key C and the connection
endpoint. Therefore, the connection to the database
is impossible to be established, which also alerts the
legitimate user that an attack could have occurred,
If the authentication server is compromised,
then a malicious user would be in possession of the
following data:
The open database endpoints to connect to,
which are only open when an access attempt is
made. This could allow the malicious user to
attempt online attacks on the database.
The user symmetric keys C, which is different
for every user. Without the encrypted
credentials stored on the proxy server they are
However, the following data is not in the
malicious user possession:
The encrypted user credentials, which are a
known function of the symmetric key C with
the user username and password. Therefore,
the credentials are still safe.
Impersonating an authentication server is useless
to the malicious user since the legitimate users do
not provide the database credentials for
authentication. Since the users do not have to know
the database credentials, these should be randomly
generated for each one of them.
If the client application is compromised, the
malicious user is not capable of obtaining any
relevant information to authenticate with the DBMS,
since the credentials were pushed to the proxy
server. Note again that the credentials used to obtain
the token T are not meant to be stored on the client
application, but to be known by the user of said
application or using another authentication scheme
such as one-time passwords.
3.4 Database Connection Proxying
In this section, a proposal to secure access to
databases while allowing the usage of standard
database connectivity tools are shown
. This is
achieved by separating the authentication material
between the authentication and a proxy server,
which relays the connection to the database
Unfortunately, most database connectivity tools do
not allow the usage of proxy servers or custom
sockets to communicate with the DBMS, requiring
the usage of alternatives such as reflection
mechanisms to achieve it
To setup the proxy server on the client
application, it must first create a connection object to
communicate with the database, such as a JDBC
connection object, and then modify it so that it
connects to the proxy server instead
. Furthermore,
the proxy server is required to relay the
communication between client application
connection and the connection it established to the
. This setup allows the client application to
communicate with a database directly using a
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
database connectivity tool while keeping the real
database credentials unknown to the user.
In short, setting an existing generic
communication socket to the proxy server to be used
by a database connectivity tool connection will
generally require the following steps:
1. Create a generic communication channel to
connect the client application and the proxy
2. Obtain a token T from the authentication
server and pass it on to the proxy server.
3. Have the proxy server connect to the DBMS
using the information on the token T provided
by the client and start relaying the data
between them.
4. The client application creates a connection
object from the database connectivity tool of
choice, using a DBMS account without
privileges if required.
5. The client application sets the socket to be
used by the database connectivity tool to the
pre-existing generic communication socket
with the proxy server
. The database
connectivity tool can now be used as normal.
This is implemented in the proof-of-concept
using reflection mechanisms, in which the SQL
Server DBMS and JDBC are used to implement this
. The authentication server must ensure
that an endpoint is open so the proxy server can
3.5 Deployment Considerations
Implementing the concept discussed so far allows
for a functional system to be implemented, but it is
not enough to make it secure given the assumptions
made in section 3.2
. It must be ensured that all the
connections are made over secure connections, such
as TLS, and that the database cannot be accessed
using information stored on the client application,
proxy server or authentication server individually
This would force a malicious user to compromise
both the proxy server and authentication server to be
able to access the data, unless the database can be
exploited using the unprivileged account
. For this
reason, a separate DBMS instance can be used for
this purpose
. SPDC also allows to set arbitrarily
complex passwords on the database accounts, since
the clients are not meant to know them.
Hence, SPDC has a few limitations that should
be taken into consideration when deploying
First, it does not protect the network
communications, depending on existing protocols,
such as TLS, to provide that protection
. Its purpose
is just to protect access to a database without
disrupting existing database access APIs
Second, if a malicious user were to be able to
compromise the proxy server with an online attack
to a point where the decrypted token is leaked from
memory, then the user credentials could be obtained,
as well as an endpoint to access the database
. For
this reason, the proxy server software must be robust
to prevent memory from leaking
Furthermore, the proxy server must be trusted or
provided by the database server for the simple
reason that, due to the proxying procedure, the proxy
server would be able to eavesdrop on the
. Finally, if a user chooses a poor
password to authenticate with the authentication
server, the client application was modified by an
attacker, or the communication between the client
application and the authentication server is not
protected, then it would be possible to impersonate
the user
SPDC can be enhanced with other security
mechanisms and protocols, such as one-time
passwords, to address this last issue to some degree.
Finally, the solution has a whole has an increased
cost in the architecture, since it requires a proxy and
an authentication server, and should be considered
against the security level required for a use case.
In this chapter the SPDC implementation details and
how the client can connect to the database with
credentials that grant them no read/write permissions
on the database is presented
. For the proof-of-
concept, Java was used as the programming
language, SQLServer 2012 as the RDBMS with the
Northwind sample database and JDBC to connect to
. The JDBC driver used was the SQL Server
official release for JDBC version 4.
As mentioned, our previous work relied on data
structures that communicated with the DBMS to
execute operations and retrieve data
. However, the
client application’s credentials were statically
defined in the application’s source code, allowing
any user to retrieve those using mechanisms like
. This was a big security vulnerability,
since the user had access to the credentials used to
connect to the database with the sensitive data. This
allowed him to bypass the security components
completely and connect directly to the DBMS
outside the application
. Not only that, but the
sensitive information was transmitted through the
SPDC: Secure Proxied Database Connectivity
network in clear text, so any eavesdropper could see
the information.
To implement SPDC using JDBC, the following
structures/mechanisms were implemented:
1. The token T, generated by the database side
authentication service when the client
application authenticates.
2. The JDBC connection object modification to
use a custom communication socket so that
the client application can use it while having
the communication relayed through the proxy
3. The relaying mechanism between the
database and the client application.
4. A mechanism to open endpoints to access the
database on the database server side.
For the first point, a JSON (JavaScript Object
Notation) object was used to encode the token
. It is
comprised of two main parts: the token_data and the
. The token_data is another JSON object
that contains the fields necessary for the proxy
server to establish a database connection
. In this
proof-of-concept the token_data contains the
following fields:
username: The username of the user
attempting to connect
. This is an encrypted
database: The name of the database being
requested access
. This is an encrypted field.
created: The timestamp of the token creation.
expires: A timestamp of the instant the token
expires and can no longer be used.
nounce: A random 32-bit integer.
endpoint: The IP address and port to which the
proxy must connect
. This is an encrypted field.
C: The symmetric key associated to the user,
required to decrypt the credentials stored by the
proxy server
. This is an encrypted field.
All encrypted fields are encrypted using the
proxy public key, previously shared with the
authentication server
. The symmetric key C is first
generated when the user is given an account for the
database. The associated credentials are then
encrypted with it and sent to the proxy server
. Since the proxy server must decrypt the
credentials to establish a database connection, it may
be possible to update the symmetric key periodically
by providing both the old and the new symmetric
keys on the token T
The second half of the token, the field token_sig,
contains a signature of the hash of the token_data
field, signed using the authentication server private
key so that the proxy server can validate it.
Considering the second point presented, some
problems were found when trying to implement it
As discussed in section 3, the JDBC implementation
does not allow an existing socket to be used to
connect to the database
. Using a connection string
and successfully connecting to the database is the
only option available to get the connection object
instantiated, which is required to make requests to
the database
. The problem is that this connection
object is connected to a DBMS directly and not the
proxy server.
It so happens that to create a connection object,
the real credentials are not required, just the
credentials to an account that has no permissions to
execute queries, i.e
. an unprivileged public account,
provides the client with the necessary connection
. To have the connection object communicate
with the proxy server and not the DBMS, the client
application can utilize reflection mechanisms
. Using
reflection, the internal socket and input/output
streams can be set to those of the socket used to
communicate with the proxy server using the generic
communication channel
. The usage of reflection
mechanisms to achieve this has the downside of
making the proof-of-concept work only for the
Microsoft SQLServer driver
. Other drivers may use
other internal structures for the connection object,
requiring a deep analysis of them to make them
work with SPDC as it stands.
The connection class implementation of JDBC
for SQL Server has several variables, but one is of
particular interest: a variable named tdsChannel
This is the variable that holds the socket, named
channelSocket, two identical input streams, named
inputStream and tcpInputStream, and finally two
identical output streams, named outputStream and
. When it is said that they are
identical, it is meant that they hold the same
reference when the driver is used normally
. The
input/output streams are the streams used by the
socket to read and write data
With this information, it is easy to understand
how the communication to the database can the
transmitted through the socket that is connected to
Figure 2: Sequence implementation diagram of the
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 3: Protocol messages between the client application
and database server running the authentication server.
1 u, p (u, p)
2 u, p (OK|NOK) u, p, auth(u, p)
3 u, p (T)
u, p,
T = genToken(u)
4 u, p, T
the proxy instead of the database itself. All that is
needed is to set the proxy socket and its input/output
stream object references as the new values for the
variables mentioned.
For the third point, the relaying between the
client and the database performed by the proxy
server is achieved using two worker threads, one for
each communication direction, and the Apache
Commons IO library for copying the data between
the socket streams
. With this setup, the client can
continue to use the original connection object that
was created to communicate with the database
without ever knowing the real account credentials.
For the final point, simple firewall commands
can be used to open and close ports to access the
database by the authentication server.
To summarize, Figure 2 shows a diagram of the
SPDC implementation, which is comprised of five
main steps:
1. The client application instantiates the JDBC
Connection object, using an unprivileged
account on the database to achieve it.
2. The client application connects to the
authentication server using the credentials
given by the user
. The server then generates
and sends to the client application a security
token T with the necessary information for
the proxy server to be able to connect to the
database. An access endpoint is also created.
3. The client application connects to the proxy
server, presents the token T, waits for the
token validation and modifies the JDBC
Connection object as described
. The proxy
server decrypts the token T when it is
received and validates the signature before
replying to the application if the token is
valid or not.
4. Using the symmetric key C within the token
T, the proxy decrypts the credentials stored
for that user and establishes a connection to
the database using the endpoint indicated in
the token.
5. The proxy server relays the data between the
client application and the database.
Table 3 and Table 4 show the network protocol
implemented in the proof-of-concept is shown.
Table 3 shows the network messages between the
client application and the authentication server that
runs on the database machine. It starts (1) with the
client application presenting a username u and
password p pair to the authentication server, which
authenticates (2) using its own password database.
The authentication result is sent back to the client
application with a successful message ("OK") or not
successful ("NOK"). If the authentication is not
successful, the communication is terminated and
additional security measures may be taken to prevent
online password attacks. If the authentication is
successful, then the authentication server generates a
token T and (3) sends it back to the client
application. This completes the communication
between the client application and the authentication
server (4).
Table 4 shows the network messages between the
client application and the proxy server. It starts (1)
with the client application presenting the token T it
obtained from the authentication server beforehand
and connecting to the database using the public
. The proxy server decodes and validates the
received token T (2), replying to the user with a
validation successful message ("OK") or not
successful ("NOK")
. Again, if the authentication is
not successful, the communication is terminated and
additional security measures may be taken to prevent
online attacks to crack the authentication server
private key
. If the token T is valid, then the proxy
server connects to the database using the information
stored within the token T and the credentials stored
in its own credentials database (3)
. This process also
includes retrieving the stored encrypted credentials
and decrypting them using the symmetric key C in
the token T
. At the same time, the client application
sets the connection object it has with the database to
Table 4: Protocol messages between the client application and proxy server.
# Client Application Network Proxy Server
1 T, O = connectToDatabase() (T)
2 O (OK|NOK) T, validateToken(T)
3 O, useProxySocket(O) T, connectToDatabase(T)
4 O, applicationCode(O) relay()
SPDC: Secure Proxied Database Connectivity
use the network socket connected to the proxy
. Finally, the proxy server begins relaying the
communication between the client application and
the database while the client application executes the
application code (4)
All unnecessary variables and attributes are
removed from memory to minimize the possibility
that they may be leaked
. This is most evident with
the token T, which the client application only stores
until it is sent to the proxy server
. Furthermore, the
proxy server only keeps the token T in memory until
the database connection is established.
Other more complete authentication protocols can be
used to authenticate the user, such as Kerberos
(Neuman and Ts’o, 1994) or RADIUS (IETF, 2000b)
and even implementing the GSSAPI (IETF, 2000a)
to support a wide variety of protocols, since SPDC is
not concerned with the way users are authenticated.
SPDC is only concerned with the proxy server
obtaining the information required to establish a
database connection and relay the communication to
the client, which is why this proof-of-concept uses a
basic authentication protocol.
In this section the performance assessment made to
test the solution is presented. This performance
assessment includes a comparison between the
network traffic generated by a VPN and the solution
proposed in this paper. However, the performance in
terms of delay is not included because everything is
done during connection time.
The network traffic tests between the relay
method herein described and using a direct
connection through a VPN were made by
establishing the initial connection and then issuing
an aggregation query to the SQLServer Northwind
sample database that calculates the total amount of
money per order, sorting by the total
Figure 3: Test deployments, the top case using SPDC and
the bottom using a VPN.
The machines used to carry these tests are
specified on and the traffic was captured using
Wireshark v2.2.2.
The direct approach using a VPN is trivial and
was conducted by instantiating a JDBC connection
object and then executing an aggregation query over
Northwind’s Orders table which contains 1000 rows
A third-party VPN server, supported by OpenVPN,
was used to establish the VPN connection
. The
network traffic was captured by the client
application to measure the amount of data sent
through the VPN
. The SPDC solution uses TLS to
secure the connections described in this paper and
was deployed on two machines: machine A and
machine B. Both test cases, using a VPN and SPDC,
are illustrated in Figure 3, which also shows which
role each machine had.
To reiterate, after the client application
authenticates with the authentication server, it waits
for the authentication server to reply with the token
T as described on section 3
. The authentication
server also opens an endpoint on the firewall, so the
proxy server can connect using the details provided
in the token. The client application (machine A) then
connects to the proxy server (machine B), and sends
the token it received from the authentication server
At the same time, it connects to a DBMS instance
using the account that holds no privileges to
Table 5: Testing machines specification.
Machine A B
OS Windows 10 Home Windows 7 Ultimate
Architecture x86_64 x86_64
Motherboard LENOVO Lancer 5A2 (U3E1) Gigabyte H87-HD3
CPU Intel Core i7 4510U @2.00GHz Intel Core i5 4670K @3.40GHz
Memory 8.00GB DDR3 @797MHz 8.00GB DDR3 @665MHz
Hard Drive 465GB SSHD-8GB 1863GB SATA
RDBMS Microsoft SQL Server 2012 -
Other Programs Netbeans IDE, Wireshark Netbeans IDE, Wireshark
DATA 2017 - 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
instantiate a JDBC connection object. When the
proxy server acknowledges that the token is valid,
the client application exchanges the socket on the
JDBC connection object to the socket it used to
connect to the proxy server
. At the same time, the
proxy server creates the actual JDBC connection
object to the database, using the user credentials that
it decrypted with the symmetric key C from the
token, and begins relaying the communication
between the client application and the database
The query execution made by the client is the
same as in the VPN approach, since it now possesses
a JDBC connection object with permission to access
the data on the database
. From this point on, SPDC
adds no further traffic overhead to the connection,
meaning that it has no further impact after the
connection is established
On Table 6 a summary of the results obtained
when capturing the traffic generated by each
solution can be seen
. On both solutions, the network
traffic was captured by the client application and the
packets were filtered to only the relevant ones
. To
ensure no unwanted traffic was captured on the VPN
solution, the VPN server was configured to only
allow connections made to the database server
Table 6. Traffic overhead results.
Solution #Packets Bytes Transmitted
Connection: VPN 177 31409
Connection: SPDC 48 19303
100 Queries: VPN 2356 1480972
100 Queries: SPDC 1649 1316834
It is possible to see that overall, SPDC using TLS
to secure the connections is better than a VPN based
solution in regards to network traffic
. During
connection, SPDC used around 73% less packets
than the VPN counterpart, needing only 48 packets
compared to the 177 used by the VPN
. Further-
more, SPDC transmitted about 39% less data,
needing only about 19KB compared to the 31KB
used by the VPN
. This is expected since VPN also
must transmit information regarding routes and other
network related information needed so the client can
setup the VPN.
Considering the applicational data transmission
with the database queries, the SPDC transmitted
30% less packets, using 1649 packets when the VPN
solution used 2356
. This can be explained due to the
fact that SPDC, after the connection is established,
has no other traffic overhead
. Thus, the overhead in
the SPDC solution is added just by the TLS protocol
. The same reason can be applied to explain the
data transmitted, since SPDC was able to serve 100
database queries while transmitting 11% less data
than the VPN solution, needing about 1.26MB
compared to the 1.41MB needed by the VPN.
It is important to note that it is possible to have
the proxy server establish a VPN connection to the
database server before connecting to the database
. In
this case, the network traffic overhead is expected to
be the same as if only a VPN was being used, since
SPDC adds no overhead once the connection is
This paper presented SPDC, a mechanism to secure
access to databases using a proxy server while
allowing client applications to access data in
databases using standard database connectivity tools
Furthermore, it splits the information needed to
access the database between the proxy server and the
authentication server, as well as removing the hard-
coded database credentials from client applications
This way, a malicious user with access to the
client application is not able to obtain database
credentials just by looking at the source code
. By
having the proxy server connect to the database
using the credentials associated with the client and
relaying the communication between the client and
the database, it is possible for the client to connect to
the database using database connectivity tools
without any useful credentials
. Since neither the
proxy server or the authentication server possess all
the information needed to access the database, a
malicious user must compromise both servers to be
able to gain access.
However, several aspects of this solution must be
taken into consideration. The cost of the architecture
is greater than that of a VPN solution, for example,
since it requires a proxy server and an authentication
server, in contrast to only one additional server in
the case of a VPN. Furthermore, the proxy server
must be carefully monitored to avoid eavesdropping,
given the nature of proxy servers the data must be
taken from one secure channel to another. This data
should not remain in memory or cached.
Additionally, and while it is not a very hard
adaptation to make, JDBC drivers other than SQL
Servers must have a procedure created to modify
the communication sockets.
Concerning performance, it was shown that
connecting to the database using the proposed SPDC
mechanism can be better than using a VPN solution
in terms of network traffic overhead, both in terms
SPDC: Secure Proxied Database Connectivity
of connection and applicational data transmission
One last possible concern with the use of a proxy
server could be raised regarding scaling, since a
server-side application must relay the communica-
tion between the client and the DBMS in the SPDC
presented in this article
. However, there is no issue
in having several of these proxy servers to process
the client’s requests to connect to the database since
they are inherently stateless
. They establish a
connection given a token, and once the connection
terminates a new connection can only be made by
presenting another token.
Finally, in terms of future work it would be
interesting to address the eavesdropping issue on the
proxy server. This could be achieved by adding a
layer on top of the database that accepts connections
and all data is encrypted using, for example, the
authentication server password of the user. The
implications of such alteration must be carefully
studied and tested.
This work is funded by National Funds through
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under
the project UID/EEA/50008/2013 and
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