Adding Privacy Protection to Distributed Software Systems
George O. M. Yee
Computer Research Lab, Aptusinnova Inc., Ottawa, Canada
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Keywords: Distributed, Software, Development, System, Privacy, Risks, Mitigation.
Abstract: Distributed software systems are increasingly found in many aspects of our lives, as can be seen in social
media, international online banking, and international commerce (e.g. Internet shopping). This widespread
involvement of software in our lives has led to the need to protect privacy, as the use of the software often
requires us to input our personal or private information. A first step to protecting privacy is to identify the
risks to privacy found in the software system. Once the risks are known, measures can be put in place to
mitigate the risks. This is best done at the early stages of software development due to the heavy costs of
making changes after the software is deployed. This paper proposes a two-pronged approach, consisting of
privacy risk identification followed by risk mitigation, for adding privacy protection to distributed software.
The paper illustrates the approach with examples.
Many distributed software systems targeting
consumers have appeared in recent years,
accompanying the rapid growth of the Internet. Such
systems are available for banking, shopping, travel
reservations, learning, healthcare, and even
government online (e.g. the European Union). Most
of these systems require a consumer’s personal
information in one form or another, leading to
concerns over privacy.
Various approaches have been used to protect
personal information, including data anonymization
(Iyengar, 2002) and pseudonym technology (Song et
al., 2006). Other approaches for privacy protection
include treating privacy protection as an access
problem and then bringing the tools of access
control to bear for privacy control (Adams and
Barbieri, 2006). However, these approaches presume
to know where and what protection is needed. They
presume that some sort of analysis has been done
that answers the question of “where” and “what”
with respect to privacy risks. Without such answers,
the effectiveness of the protection comes into
question. For example, protection against house
break-ins is ineffective if the owner only secures the
front door without securing other vulnerable spots
such as windows (where and what). In the same
way, privacy risk identification considering “where”
and “what” is essential to effective privacy
protection. The author’s earlier work (Yee, 2016)
proposed a visualization method for identifying
privacy risks, based on this notion of “where” and
“what”. This paper extends that work by adding risk
prioritization and mitigation.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
defines privacy, privacy preferences, and privacy
risks. Section 3 presents a summary of privacy risk
identification from (Yee, 2016). Section 4 describes
the application of measures to mitigate the privacy
risks. Section 5 presents an application example.
Section 6 discusses related work. Finally, Section 7
presents conclusions.
As defined by (Goldberg et al., 1997), privacy refers
to the ability of individuals to control the collection,
retention, and distribution of information about
themselves. We add “purpose” to this definition. To
see that “purpose” is needed, consider, for example,
that one may agree to give out one’s email address
for the purpose of friends to send email but not for
the purpose of spammers to send spam. This
definition also suggests that “personal information”,
“private information” or “private data” is any
information that can be linked to a person;
Yee, G.
Adding Privacy Protection to Distributed Software Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006434903510358
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 351-358
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
otherwise, the information would not be “about” the
person. Thus, another term for private information is
“personally identifiable information (PII)”. These
terms are used interchangeably in this paper. In
addition, controlling the “collection” of information
implies controlling who collects what information.
Controlling the “retention” of information is really
about controlling the retention time of information,
i.e. how long the information can be retained before
being destroyed. Controlling the “distribution” of
information is controlling to which other parties the
information can be disclosed-to.
A user’s privacy preference expresses the user’s
desired control over a) PII - what the item of
personal information is, b) collector - who can
collect it, c) purpose - the purpose for collecting it,
d) retention time - the amount of time the
information is kept, and e) disclosed-to - which other
parties the information can be disclosed-to. A
privacy risk is the potential occurrence of any action
or circumstance that will result in a violation of any
of the components PII, collector, purpose, retention
time, and disclosed-to in a user’s privacy preference.
As mentioned above, the method for privacy risk
identification was previously presented as (Yee,
2016) and we summarize it here. The method may
be applied to distributed software systems having
the following common characteristics:
a) The software system requires the user’s personal
information in order to carry out its function.
b) The software system is distributed, i.e. modules
of the system operate in different locations.
c) The software system may transmit the
information (e.g., move it from one place to
another within the system), store the information
(e.g., store the information in a data base), and
use the information to carry out its function.
The method is based on the notion that the location
of personal information gives rise to privacy risks
and consists of the following steps: i) determining
all the possible locations in the software system
where the user’s personal information could reside,
and ii) evaluating at each of these locations the
possible ways in which the user’s privacy
preferences could be violated.
Step i) is accomplished by modeling the software
system in terms of a Personal Information Map
(PIM), using the notational elements in Table 1.
Table 1: Elements of a PIM.
Element Description
Use Circle Identifies where PII is used.
Labeled with a letter together with
a description of the use in a legend.
Data Store
Identifies where PII is stored.
Labeled with a letter together with
a description of the data store in a
Identifies use circles and data
stores that execute on the same
computing platform.
PII Data Flo w
Identifies the movement of PII
from one location to another.
Labeled with a number together
with a description of the data in a
Non-PII Data Flow
Identifies the movement of SD
from one location to another.
Labeled with a number together
with a description of the data in a
Descriptions corresponding to the
letters or numbers with which the
above elements were labeled.
Physically separate units, as delineated by
dashed rectangles, allow the identification of risks
for any data flow between them. Circles or squares
not enclosed by a dashed rectangle are understood to
be already physically separate units. Figure 1 shows
the PIM for the software system of an online seller
of merchandise (e.g. that has modules
developed and running in both the United States and
Canada. The system requires the user’s name,
address, merchandise selection, and credit card
number. These are considered as three personal
information items where name and address together
are considered as one item. Figure 1 also shows
three non-personal information flows (4, 5, 6). The
dashed rectangle enclosing A, B, and C indicates
that A, B, and C all run on the same physical
computing platform.
Step ii) is accomplished by inspecting the PIM
resulting from step i). For each location (flow arrow,
storage square, and use circle) and each personal
information item, enumerate the possible ways in
which a privacy preference component may be
violated. This may be achieved by asking risk
questions for each component (see Table 2), and
drawing conclusions based on security and systems
knowledge, as well as experience. Record the results
in a Privacy Risks Table containing two columns:
the left column for records of the form “(PII
…/ locations)” and the right column containing the
corresponding privacy risks. Table 3 illustrates this
step for the online seller of Figure 1.
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 1: PIM for an online seller of merchandise.
Table 2: Risk questions.
Component Risk Questions
How can the user be asked for other PII,
either intentionally or inadvertently?
How can the PII be received by an unintended
collector either in addition to or in place of
the intended collector?
purpose How can the PII be used for other purposes?
How can the PII retention time be violated?
How can the PII be disclosed either
intentionally or inadvertently to an unintended
Table 3: Partial privacy risks table corresponding to Fig. 1.
(PIIs / locations) Privacy Risks
(1, 2, 3 / path into
A); (2 / path into D);
(3 / path into E); (7 /
path into D)
Man-in-the-middle attack violates
collector, purpose, and disclose-to
(1, 2, 3 / path into
User could be asked for personal
information that violates PII
(1, 2, 3 / A); (1 / C);
(2, 7 / D); (3 / E)
Trojan horse or hacker attack on A, C,
D, and E violates collector, purpose,
and disclose-to
(1, 2, 3 / B)
SQL attack on B violates collector,
purpose, and disclose-to
(1, 2, 3 / B)
Information in B could be kept past
the retention time
Privacy risks mitigation involves the application of
security safeguards (e.g. encryption) to mitigate the
risks. Due to the shortage of company resources, e.g.
time and money, not all risks will be mitigated. In
this case, it is necessary to choose a subset of risks
for mitigation.
4.1 Selecting Privacy Risks for
Intuitively, one would want to mitigate risks that are
highly probable to be realized, and that once
realized, would result in very costly damages. In
other words, due to budget constraints, we feel that
we can ignore the risks that tend not to be realized
and even if realized would cause very little damage.
Determining which risks to mitigate may be assisted
though weighting the risks according to criteria.
(Salter et al., 1998) proposed a method for
applying weights to various forms of attacks in order
to determine if a particular attack would be probable.
They focused on three aspects of an attack, namely
“risk”, “access”, and “cost”, where “risk” is risk to
the safety of the attacker, “access” is the ease with
which the attacker can access the system under
attack, and “cost” is the monetary cost to the
attacker to mount the attack. To avoid confusion
between “risk” to the safety of the attacker and
“risk” to privacy, we use “safety” for “risk” to the
safety of the attacker. The weight values are simply
“L”, “M”, and “H” for Low, Medium, and High,
respectively. These attack aspects can be represented
using a 3-tuple, as [safety, access, cost] and so [H,
M, L] would be an instance of the weights. For
example, consider a physical attack such as a
mugging incident in a park. In this case, the risk to
the safety of the attacker would be high (the person
being mugged could be an undercover police
officer), the attacker’s ease of access would be high
(people stroll through the park all the time), and the
attacker’s cost would be low (not much needed to
mount the attack). Thus, this attack has the weights
[H, H, L].
In this work, we add a fourth aspect of an attack,
namely the resulting damages from the attack. Thus,
we use the 4-tuple [safety, access, cost, damages]
with the same weight values L, M, and H. Hence we
would definitely want to defend against privacy risks
leading to attacks with weights [L, H, L, H]. We feel
that we can ignore privacy risks having attacks with
weights [H, L, H, L]. In reality, there is a spectrum
of weights between these two boundaries, where a
decision to defend or ignore may not be clear, and
ultimately a judgment, perhaps based on other
factors, may be needed. For example, it is not clear
whether or not a privacy risk with associated
weights [L, L, H, H] should be ignored, and one
would decide to defend if one believes that no matter
Adding Privacy Protection to Distributed Software Systems
how improbable the attack, the resulting damages
must never be allowed to occur.
The uncertainty of deciding which risks to
mitigate using the weights may be remedied through
the use of a Mitigation Policy. This policy would
identify the 4-tuples of weights whose associated
risks are to be mitigated. For example, the policy
might state that risks with associated 4-tuples [L, *,
*, H] and [L, *, *, M] are to be mitigated, where “*”
indicates possibilities L, M, and H. This policy may
stipulate the mitigation of more risks or fewer risks,
depending on the perceived level of attacker activity
over a past period of time (e.g., 6 months). The
perceived level of attacker activity could be based
on news of attacks from a security newsletter source
such as SANS Newsletters
( As an example,
suppose it is perceived that the level of attacker
activity over the previous 6 months is high. Then the
above policy might be changed from “mitigate risks
with associated 4-tuples [L, *, *, H] and [L, *, *,
M]” to “mitigate risks with associated 4-tuples [L,
*, *, *] and [L, *, *, *], thus permitting an increase
in the number of risks mitigated, as a reflection of
the high level of attacker activity. Of course, it is
assumed here that management could be persuaded
to increase the financial budget for mitigation.
4.2 Method for Privacy Risk Mitigation
1. Apply weights to the privacy risks using the
procedure described in Section 4.1 above.
Develop a Mitigation Policy that can be used as a
basis for selecting the 4-tuples of weights whose
associated risks are to be mitigated. Select the
risks for mitigation based on this policy.
2. Apply security measures (e.g. encryption) to
mitigate the privacy risks.
Applying this method for mitigation to the example
of Section 3 gives Table 4, containing the weights
(Step 1) and mitigations (Step 2) corresponding to
the risks identified in Table 3.
The weights in Table 4 were assigned as follows.
For the man-in-the-middle attack, the risks to the
attacker’s safety is low since he or she is attacking at
a distance; the access is high since it’s the Internet;
the cost is low as not much equipment is needed; the
damages would be high since the attacker could post
the private information leading to heavy damages to
the company’s reputation. Similar considerations
apply to the weight assigned to the Trojan horse or
hacker attack. For the SQL attack on B, accessibility
was assigned as low and cost as high because
improvements to the database user interface were
Table 4: Weights and mitigations for risks in Table 3.
(PIIs /
(Step 1)
(Step 2)
(1, 2, 3 /
path into A);
(2 / path
into D); (3 /
path into E);
(7 / path
into D)
middle attack
purpose, and
[L, H, L, H]
Use SSL for
(1, 2, 3 / path
into A); use
signatures for
the rest.
(1, 2, 3 /
path into A)
User could be
asked for
that violates
[L, H, L,
(1, 2, 3 / A);
(1 / C); (2, 7
/ D); (3 / E)
Trojan horse
or hacker
attack on A,
C, D, and E
purpose, and
[L, H, L, H]
Use a
firewall and
system in
front of A.
(1, 2, 3 / B)
SQL attack
on B violates
purpose, and
[L, L, H, H]
(1, 2, 3 / B)
in B could be
kept past the
retention time
[L, H, L,
recently carried out to guard against SQL attacks.
The risk of the user being asked for information
violating PII and the risk of information kept past
the retention time were considered as potential
accidents caused by the company itself. Therefore,
the risk to safety, the accessibility, and the costs
were deemed to be low, high, and low respectively.
The resulting damages were considered to be
medium because the accidents would likely be
quickly discovered through auditing and remedied.
The privacy risks in Table 4 that are labeled as “not
considered for mitigation” were so labeled as a
result of a Mitigation Policy that states “only
mitigate risks with weights [*, *, L, H]”.
Consider an airline reservation system called
AccuReserve offered by a Canadian airline with
headquarters in Toronto, Canada. AccuReserve
(fictitious) is composed of the globally developed
and distributed modules shown in Table 5, along
with their private information requirements.
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
The country-specific modules (modules other
than Main) were developed and runs in their
respective countries to fulfill a requirement by the
respective governments to have databases of their
citizens’ personal information reside within their
respective countries. Given this requirement, it was
decided to develop the user interface within each
country, to take advantage of local expertise in
customizing the interface to client behavior, in order
to improve user friendliness and efficiency.
Table 5: AccuReserve modules and private data required.
Module Function
Private Information
Main –
and runs
in Canada
central database
of aircraft
routes and seat
also acts as the
client interface
and client
database for
Identification details (name,
address, phone, citizenship,
passport number), flight
details requested
(originating city, destination
city, date of departure, one-
way ticket or return ticket,
date of return (if return
ticket)), payment details
(name, credit card number,
credit card expiry date)
Mod-US –
and runs
in the US
Client interface
and database
for the US
Same as for Main
Mod-EU –
and runs
in the EU
Client interface
and database
for the EU
Same as for Main
5.1 Identification of Privacy Risks
Draw the PIM for AccuReserve. The resulting
PIM is shown in Figure 2, and was achieved by
drawing the PIM for each module (Main, Mod-US,
and Mod-EU) and then linking the modules together
with communication links. Main is made up of the
master database of available flights together with the
user interface for Canada. The user interfaces all
have the same PIM structure, which is not surprising
since they all serve the same purpose. However, the
components that are responsible for communicating
with the user (represented by A, L, and I in the PIM)
are specialized within each country to maximize user
friendliness and efficiency. These components are
not necessarily distinguishable at the PIM level.
Recall that the PIM is not a software design or
architecture diagram and does not necessarily show
all the software components in the system. An
interesting aspect of this PIM is that it reflects the
fact that the software design is already privacy
friendly in the sense that private information does
not flow outside the country of origin. Thus, “flight
details requested” and “flight details assigned” (data
items 2 and 5) are non-private, being associated with
the user by way of an identification hash (considered
part of each data item), except for 2 when it is
associated with the identification details of 1 (on the
path leading into and out of A, I, and L).
A, I, L: receive and store data
B, H, M: communicate w. Main
C, K, O: charge credit card
D, E, J, N: databases
F: flight availability manager
G: communicate with countries
1: identification details
2: flight details requested
3: payment details
4: flight availability updates
5: flight details assigned
6: travel itinerary
Figure 2: PIM for AccuReserve; Main consists of E, F, G,
A, B, D, and C; Mod-US consists of L, M, N, and O;
Mod-EU consists of H, I, J, and K.
Enumerate Privacy Risks at Private Information
Locations. Table 6 gives a partial Privacy Risk
Table for locations in Figure 2 that have interesting
or serious privacy risks. The theft of personal
information means that the information is under the
control of an unintended party. Clearly, this can
violate the corresponding privacy preference or
preferences in terms of violating collector, purpose,
retention time, and disclose-to. The risk of personal
1, 2, 3
1, 2,
1, 2, 3
1, 2,
1, 2, 3
1, 2,
Adding Privacy Protection to Distributed Software Systems
information theft arises so often that it is convenient
to call it CPRD-risk, from the first letters of
collector, purpose, retention time, and disclose-to.
The risks in Table 6 were obtained as follows. For
the first and second rows, it was noticed that the
personal information flows through transmission
paths connecting physically distinct units. The risk
questions of Table 2 were then considered, leading
to possible man-in-the-middle attacks that give rise
to CPRD-risk. Notice that “(1, 2, 3 / path between A
and D)” is excluded because A and D both run on
the same platform (so the path is not very accessible
to attack). For the third row, violations of PII are
always possible unless strict controls are in place
against it. For the fourth row, it was observed that
private data are input to information use processes
A, I, L, C, K, O. The risk questions of Table 2 were
again considered, leading to possible Trojan horse or
hacker attacks that again give rise to CPRD-risk. For
the fifth row, it was noticed that private data are
stored in databases. Once again the risk questions
were considered, leading to possible SQL attacks
against the databases, giving rise to CPRD-risk. For
the second to last row, it was noticed that private
information stored in databases could be subject to
insider attacks. Finally, for the last row, it was
observed that the private data stored in the databases
could be kept past their retention times. In each of
these rows, knowledge of the system (private data
locations) and knowledge of information security
(possible attacks) were needed to identify the risks.
It should be noted that the links between G and B, G
and M, and G and H are also vulnerable to man-in-
the-middle attacks, but these attacks would not be
privacy attacks, since these links are not used for
private information. Non-privacy attacks are outside
the scope of this paper.
Table 6: Privacy risks table corresponding to Fig. 2.
(PIIs / locations) Privacy Risks
(1, 2, 3 / path into A);
(1, 2, 3 / path into I);
(1, 2, 3 / path into L)
Man-in-the-middle attacks lead to
(1, 2, 3 / path between I
and J); (1, 2, 3 / path
between L and N); (1, 3 /
path between N and O)
Man-in-the-middle attacks lead to
(1, 2, 3 / path into A); (1,
2, 3 / path into I);
(1, 2, 3 / path into L)
The user could be asked for personal
information that violates PII (i.e. asked
for PII other than 1, 2, 3).
(1, 2, 3 / A, I, L); (1, 3 /
C, K, O)
Trojan horse, or hacker attacks on the
personal information use circles lead to
(1, 2, 3 / D, J, N)
Potential SQL attacks on D, J, and N
lead to CPRD-risk.
(1, 2, 3 / D, J, N)
Potential insider attack steals private
information from D, J, and N resulting
in CPRD-risk.
(1, 2, 3 / D, J, N)
Private information in D, J, and N
could be kept past the retention time.
5.2 Mitigation of Privacy Risks
Applying the method for privacy risk mitigation
described in Section 4.2 produces Table 7,
containing the weights (Step 1) and mitigations
(Step 2) corresponding to the risks identified in
Table 6.
The weights in Table 7 were assigned as follows.
A weight of [L, H, L, H] was assigned to the first
row after the same considerations as that described
in Section 4.2 for man-in-the-middle attacks. A
weight of [M, M, L, H] was assigned to the second
row since the paths in this row are relatively short
(connecting components in the same module),
leading to greater risk for the attacker (greater risk of
being seen) and lower accessibility (fewer places to
access the link). A weight of [L, H, L, M] was
assigned to the third and last rows out of the same
considerations as in Section 4.2, for the risk of the
user being asked for information that violates PII
and the risk of private information kept past the
retention time. A weight of [L, H, L, H] was
assigned to the Trojan horse or hacker attack in the
fourth row and the SQL attacks in the fifth row since
the attacker could operate from a distance with easy
access through the Internet and with relatively low
costs. A weight of [L, H, L, H] was assigned to the
risk of an insider attack in the sixth row since an
insider can hide in plain sight, has high access by
virtue of being an insider, and carry out the attack at
zero cost to herself.
The privacy risks in Table 7 were prioritized
using the Mitigation Policy “only mitigate risks with
weights [L, *, *, H]”.
This section primarily concerns related works
involving privacy risk prioritization and mitigation.
Please consult (Yee, 2016) for related works on
privacy risk identification.
In terms of risk prioritization, no references were
found that deals directly with the prioritization of
privacy risks. However, abundant work exists on the
assessment of security risks, which is closely related
to prioritizing privacy risks. (Alizadeh and Zannone,
2016) present a risk-based framework that facilitates
the analysis of business process executions. The
framework detects non-conforming process
behaviors and ranks them according to criticality,
which is determined by the execution’s impact on
organizational goals. The criticality ranking enables
a security analyst to prioritize the most severe
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
incidents. (Jorgensen et al., 2015) propose
decomposing risk associated with a mobile
application into several risk types that are more
easily understood by the application’s users and that
a mid-level risk summary be presented that is made
up of the dimensions of personal information
privacy, monetary risk, device availability/stability
risk, and data integrity risk.
Table 7: Weights and mitigations for risks in Table 6.
(PIIs /
Privacy Risks
(Step 1)
(Step 2)
(1, 2, 3 / path
into A); (1,
2, 3 / path
into I);
(1, 2, 3 / path
into L)
middle attacks
lead to CPRD-
[L, H, L, H]
Use SSL for
(1, 2, 3 / path
into A); 1, 2, 3
/ path into I);
(1, 2, 3 / path
into L)
(1, 2, 3 / path
between I
and J); (1, 2,
3 / path
between L
and N); (1, 3
/ path
between N
and O)
middle attacks
lead to CPRD-
[M, M, L, H]
Not considered
for mitigation
(1, 2, 3 / path
into A); (1,
2, 3 / path
into I);
(1, 2, 3 / path
into L)
The user could
be asked for
information that
violates PII (i.e.
asked for PII
other than 1, 2,
[L, H, L, M]
Not considered
for mitigation
(1, 2, 3 / A,
I, L); (1, 3 /
C, K, O)
Trojan horse, or
hacker attacks
on the personal
information use
circles lead to
[L, H, L, H]
For each
constrain all
traffic to a
firewall with
(1, 2, 3 / D,
J, N)
Potential SQL
attacks on D, J,
and N lead to
[L, H, L, H]
Use strong
encryption on
the databases
D, J, and N.
(1, 2, 3 / D,
J, N)
Potential insider
attack steals
from D, J, and N
resulting in
[L, H, L, H]
screening of
deal with
(1, 2, 3 / D,
J, N)
information in
D, J, and N
could be kept
past the
retention time.
[L, H, L, M]
Not considered
for mitigation
Their work suggests that privacy risk
prioritization may be facilitated by decomposing the
risks into more easily understandable categories or
dimensions (as also done in this work). (Islam et al.,
2016) present a framework for threat analysis and
risk assessment of automotive embedded systems to
systematically tackle security risks and determine
security impact levels. The latter serve to prioritize
the severity of the risks. The framework aligns with
several industrial standards.
In terms of privacy risk mitigation, no other
work similar to this work was found. (Kandappu et
al., 2013) examine crowd-sourced survey platforms
and show how easily user privacy can be
compromised by collating information from multiple
surveys. They propose a new crowd-sourcing
platform that allows users to control their privacy
loss using at-source obfuscation. (Lucas and
Borisov, 2008) address the privacy risks of social
networking websites where the providers of such
websites can observe and collect the information that
users transmit through the network. They propose to
mitigate these risks through the implementation of a
new architecture for protecting the information
transmitted, using encryption. These authors have
implemented the architecture using a prototype
Facebook application and claim that their
implementation strikes a balance between protecting
privacy and maintaining Facebook’s usability.
(Oladimeji et al., 2011) look at healthcare delivery
through ubiquitous computing and suggest that new
techniques are needed to deal with the concerns for
security and privacy within such delivery. They
propose a goal-centric and policy-driven framework
for deriving security and privacy risk mitigation
strategies in ubiquitous health information
interchange. These authors employ scenario analysis
and goal-oriented techniques to model security and
privacy objectives, threats, and mitigation strategies
in the form of safeguards or countermeasures.
This work has proposed a straightforward approach
for adding privacy protection to distributed software
systems, consisting of two parts. The first part
identifies the privacy risks, and the second part
mitigates the risks, both parts focusing attention on
locations that contain PII.
Some of the strengths of the method include: a)
provides a structured way to identify privacy risks,
and b) prioritizes the risks to be mitigated, to
account for budgetary constraints.
Some weaknesses of the method are: a) drawing
Adding Privacy Protection to Distributed Software Systems
the PIM is a manual task, prone to error, and b) the
assignment of weights for selecting the risks to be
mitigated is subjective and dependent on the
expertise and experience of the person or persons
doing the assignment. Weakness a) can be addressed
by building tools for automatically drawing the PIM.
Similar tools already exist for rendering a software
architecture diagram from the reverse engineering of
code, e.g., (Nanthaamornphong et al., 2013).
Furthermore, automated analysis of the PIM should
be feasible by using a rules engine to automate the
enumeration of privacy risks, based on machine
understanding of the graphical notation in the PIM.
Weakness b) may be overcome by replacing the
weights with probabilities of risk realization,
calculated objectively with an algorithm that takes
account of factors such as past attacks, existing
threats, the state of attack technology, and existing
defenses of the software system. Note that we have
already proposed to partially incorporate the impact
of past attacks, in terms of enlarging the number of
risks to be mitigated (see Section 4.1) based on a
high level of past attacker activity.
Future work includes resolving weaknesses a)
and b), and validating the effectiveness of the
approach in industrial settings.
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