Impact of the Strictness and Cohesiveness of Management Feedback on
Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior
Agent-based Modeling and Simulation
Byungjoo Choi and SangHyun Lee
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, 2350 Hayward Street, Ann Arbor, U.S.A.
Agent-based Model and Simulation, Construction Safety Management, Socio-cognitive Process, Safety
Although workers’ unsafe behaviors are the main causes of accidents in construction projects, there is a no-
ticeable lack of research addressing the mechanisms of workers’ safety behavior. In this paper, an agent-based
model that integrates the cognitive process of safety behavior and workers’ interactions with the environment
–including coworkers, management, and site condition– has been constructed. Then, model experiments were
conducted to investigate the effects of the strictness and cohesiveness of management feedback on safety
behavior. The results indicated that while strictness has significant impacts on reducing workers’ unsafe be-
haviors, the impacts become limited in specific conditions; 1) lenient feedback in the modest-risk condition; 2)
whole range of the strictness in the low-risk condition except for very strict feedback; and 3) very strict feed-
back in high-risk conditions. Also, it was found that construction managers should achieve at least a medium
level of cohesiveness in feedback in order to prevent the negative impacts of the low cohesiveness of manage-
ment feedback. This paper contributes to the body of knowledge on construction safety as well as simulation
literature by developing the socio-cognitive process model of workers’ safety behavior that examines how the
socio-cognitive process interacts with management and the site condition.
The construction industry has been notorious for its
poor safety record not only in the U.S., but also in
many other regions including EU, Asia, and Australia
(Lingard et al., 2011; Choi and Lee, 2016). Although
continuous efforts have been made to reduce the num-
ber of accidents at construction sites, the safety in the
construction still lags behind other comparable indus-
tries (Kim et al., 2013). In the U.S., for example,
894 fatal occupational injuries were reported from the
construction industry in 2014, which accounted for
18% of the total fatal occupational injuries across all
industries (BLS, 2016a). Also, non-fatal injury rate
of the U.S. construction industry is 1.4 times greater
than national average of all industries (BLS, 2016b).
Accident investigations have shown that accidents
are caused by the interaction between unsafe condi-
tions (i.e., a physical hazard in work environment) and
unsafe acts (i.e., behavior that deviates from safety
rules and procedures) (Heinrich et al., 1950). Tradi-
tionally, safety management in construction has cen-
tered on eliminating unsafe work conditions on a con-
struction site, and these efforts have resulted in signif-
icant improvements in work conditions on construc-
tion sites over the past decades (Choi et al., 2017).
However, given that more than 80% accidents are at-
tributable to workers’ unsafe behaviors (Salminen and
Tallberg, 1996), increased attention has been paid to
the improvement of workers’ safety behaviors.
In this regard, there have been continuous efforts
to identify factors affecting workers’ safety behav-
ior. Such research efforts have noted that that work-
ers’ safety behaviors are under the influence of so-
cial controls such as safety climates, safety norms,
and safety culture. Safety climate is defined as ”em-
ployees’ shared perception of organizational safety
policies, procedures, and practices” (Zohar, 1980).
Also, the social norm is defined as ”shared under-
standings of what is acceptable behavior and what is
not acceptable behavior for a group” (Anderson et al.,
2014). A number of previous studies have empirically
shown that workers’ shared perception of safety (i.e.,
safety climate and safety norm) plays a paramount
role in shaping their safety behavior at construction
sites (Mohamed, 2002).
Choi, B. and Lee, S.
Impact of the Strictness and Cohesiveness of Management Feedback on Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior - Agent-based Modeling and Simulation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006442303480355
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2017), pages 348-355
ISBN: 978-989-758-265-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Although previous studies have provided ample ev-
idence on the influence of social factors on work-
ers’ safety behaviors, few research efforts have been
made to uncover the mechanism of social influence
on workers’ safety behaviors. Since most of the pre-
vious studies have attempted to identify a covariation
between workers’ shared perceptions and their safety
behaviors at a single point (i.e., cross-sectional sur-
vey, variable-based approach), it s hard to uncover
underlying mechanism of group behaviors emerging
from individuals’ interactions in an organization with
this methodology (Smith and Conrey, 2007). Fur-
thermore, the previous studies are limited to inves-
tigate how individuals in an organization will re-
act and which group-level phenomena will emerge
when management’s policies /interventions are imple-
mented (Ahn and Lee, 2015).
To address these limitations of the variable-based
approach, this study adopts agent-based modeling and
simulation because it has strength in generating com-
plex social phenomena emerging from the interaction
of individuals in an organization (Macy and Willer,
2002). The agent-based model consists of multiple
agents (i.e., abstraction of workers in this paper) that
interact with each other and/or with the environments
and make their own decision over time based on a
set of theoretically or empirically postulated behav-
ioral rules (Hughes et al., 2012). The modeler can ob-
serve dynamic changes in agents’ behaviors at the in-
dividual as well as group level emerging from the be-
havioral rules by running simulation with the model.
Therefore, the agent-based model provides ”genera-
tive or mechanistic explanation of observed phenom-
ena by postulating or set of mechanics, that generates
the phenomena” (Smith and Conrey, 2007). The gen-
erative explanations from agent-based model reveal
how the observed phenomena from the variable-based
approach emerge in populations of heterogeneous in-
With this background, this study aims to develop
an agent-based model of construction workers’ safety
behavior based on previous theoretical and empirical
findings regarding workers’ safety behavior. The de-
veloped model is expected to provide a deeper un-
derstanding of the mechanism of social influence on
workers’ safety behavior. Further, to investigate how
workers react to different safety management inter-
ventions and provide insight into the development
of effective safety management policies/strategies,
”thought experiments” are conducted using the devel-
oped model. Before preceding the next section, the
authors would like to note that the model in this pa-
per is guided by Choi and Lee (2017), but model as-
sumptions have been re-evaluated. Also, while Choi
and Lee (2017) explore the impact of the strictness
of management feedback on workers’ safety behavior
in the modest level of site risk, this paper addition-
ally considers different site conditions and the cohe-
siveness of management feedback in the experiment.
However, this paper is limited to the impacts of the
strictness and cohesiveness of management feedback
on workers’ safety behavior. The results of more com-
prehensive experiments that include additional safety
management interventions (e.g., different frequency
of management feedback and stimulation of workers’
project identification) and interactions between the
safety management interventions will be presented in
the future journal paper.
Considering that workers’ safety behavior is a re-
sponse to potential hazards in the workplace, work-
ers’ unsafe behavior is in line with risk-taking behav-
ior. The theory of risk homeostasis (Wilde, 1982) pro-
vides an explanation of the cognitive process of risk-
taking behavior. According to the theory, perceived
risk and acceptable risk is two main dimension to de-
termine risk-taking behavior, and individual takes the
risk only when the perceived risk is smaller than an in-
ternal threshold (i.e., acceptable risk). In other words,
an individual perceives the risk (i.e., risk perception)
and assesses the risk based on his/her acceptable risk
(i.e., risk assessment) to determine his/her response to
the risk. The concept of perceived risk and risk accep-
tance have been also applied to explain various types
of risk-taking behavior such as finance and health risk
behavior. Also, risk perception and risk assessment
have been included in numerous studies on the causes
of workers’ unsafe behaviors (Chi et al., 2013).
Since construction workers are working in a social
context, the cognitive processes and safety behaviors
would be influenced by interaction with others. In
a construction site, interaction happens not only be-
tween workers but also between workers and manage-
ment. Construction workers create the perception of
coworkers’ risk acceptance based on their observation
of coworkers’ safety behavior (i.e., workgroup norm).
Also, workers learn risk acceptance of management
based on the management feedback on unsafe behav-
iors (i.e., management norm). If a worker receives
feedback from the management on a specific unsafe
behavior, the worker realizes that the unsafe behav-
ior is not acceptable in the current project. Construc-
tion workers establish their internal standard regard-
Impact of the Strictness and Cohesiveness of Management Feedback on Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior - Agent-based Modeling
and Simulation
ing safety behavior based on own risk attitude as well
as the two norms. In the same vein, recent studies
have suggested multi-level social influence model that
consists of organization and workgroup levels and
showed the separate impact of the two levels (Clarke
and Ward, 2006).
The process of social influence on an individual’s
behavior can be explained by social identity theory.
Social identity is defined as ”a part of an individ-
ual’s self-concept which derives from his knowledge
of his/her membership in a social group (or groups)
together with the value and emotional significance at-
tached to that membership” (Tajfel, 1978). The so-
cial identity theory posits that the strength of influ-
ence of group norms on an individual’s behavior is de-
termined by the salience of the group membership in
his/her self-concept. In this regard, Choi et al., (2016)
investigated the effects of workgroup norm, manage-
ment norm, as well as project identification on work-
ers’ safety behavior. The results showed that con-
struction workers’ safety behaviors are influenced by
workgroup norm and management norm, and work-
ers’ project identification intensifies the relationship
between management norm and safety behavior and
attenuates relationship between workgroup norm and
safety behavior.
The agent-based model in this paper integrates the
cognitive process and social influence process of
workers’ safety behavior. A theoretical model of the
cognitive process and empirical findings regarding so-
cial influence from Choi et al., (2016) are incorpo-
rated into the model to establish behavioral rules in
the model.
Figure 1 shows a structure of the model. The
model simulates construction workers (i.e., agent)
who are working on an artificial project. When the
model is initialized, a site condition and all workers
in the project are created and stored initial values of
the site condition and workers. The site condition has
two attributes; site risk and strictness of management
feedback. The site risk refers to the hazard level of
the project with a range between 0 and 1. It includes
the probability, that workers in the project are exposed
to unsafe work condition, and the severity of the risk
that workers are exposed. The strictness of manage-
ment feedback refers how strictly management reg-
ulates to workers’ unsafe behavior and is defined as
1-risk acceptance. As such, high strictness (i.e., low-
risk acceptance of management) implies that manage-
ment does not tolerate a small risk at the project.
At every time step, every worker is exposed to a
safe or unsafe work condition. The probability of the
unsafe condition is determined by the site risk.The
worker performs a safe behavior if the worker is ex-
posed to the safe condition and does not make a mis-
take. On the other hand, the worker is provided with
the value of actual risk if the worker is under the un-
safe condition. The value of actual risk is also deter-
mined by the site risk. For example, if the site risk is
0.75, there is a 75% chance that a worker is exposed
to the unsafe condition, and the average of actual risk
that a worker will encounter is 0.75. Previously, the
actual risk was assigned based on the uniform distri-
bution between the average actual risk - 0.25 and av-
erage actual risk + 0.25 (Choi and Lee, 2017). This
modeling assumption has been re-evaluated and re-
vised because there is zero probability that workers
are exposed to the actual risk out of the uniform dis-
tribution range. For example, if a worker is under 0.75
site-risk condition, it is impossible for the worker to
encounter the actual risk below 0.5. To address this
issue, the actual risk is assigned based on the beta dis-
tribution which is defined as a continuum between 0
and 1 in this paper.
In the case of the unsafe condition, cognitive pro-
cesses are activated to determine a reaction to the ex-
posed risk. In other words, the worker perceives the
risk (i.e., risk perception) and determines whether the
perceived risk is acceptable or not (i.e., risk assess-
ment). First, the risk perception refers to a worker’s
subjective judgment on the actual risk and thus per-
ceived risk may vary from worker to worker even
under the same actual risk (Shin et al., 2014). The
subjective tendency to overestimate or underestimate
the risk is defined as risk perception coefficient in the
model, and the risk perception coefficient is associ-
ated with individual’s risk attitude. For example, a
worker who has a risk-seeking attitude tends to under-
estimate the actual risk and overestimates their abil-
ity to control the situation. As such, a risk-seeking
worker’s risk perception coefficient will be below 1.0.
After perceiving the risk, the worker assesses the
risk and determines safety behavior (i.e., safe or un-
safe behavior) by comparing the perceived risk and
risk acceptance. The risk acceptance also varies from
worker to worker because some workers are more
open to take the risk while others are reluctant to ac-
cept the risk. In the model, the risk acceptance is de-
termined using the empirical results from Choi et al.,
(2016). As shown in Equation (1), the risk accep-
tance is affected by risk attitude, workgroup norm,
and management norm, Also, the relationship be-
tween safety norms (i.e., workgroup norm and man-
agement norm) and risk acceptance is moderated by
SIMULTECH 2017 - 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 1: Flowchart of Model Structure.
project identification.
=(1 w
+ w
((1 p j
)W N
+ p j
) + ε
where i = worker i; RA = risk acceptance; AT = risk
attitude; WN = workgroup norm; MN = management
norm; pj= project identification, w = weight on social
influence, and t = current time step.
To determine the risk acceptance, the worker
observes coworkers’ safety behavior and perceives
the workgroup norm. The workgroup norm in the
model is defined as an individual worker’s percep-
tion of coworkers’ risk acceptance and is determined
by coworkers’ safety behavior. If the worker wit-
nesses a coworker’s unsafe behavior, the worker will
assume that the coworker performs the unsafe behav-
ior because his/her risk acceptance is higher than cur-
rent risk. On the other hand, in the case of observ-
ing the safe behavior, the worker’s perception of the
coworker’s risk acceptance will be lower than the cur-
rent risk. Also, the management norm is defined as
an individual worker’s perception of management’s
risk acceptance at the current project. Likewise to
the workgroup norm, a worker’s management norm
is determined by his/her experience of management
feedback on the unsafe behavior. If a worker receives
safety feedback from management on his/her unsafe
behavior, he/she will conclude that the current risk is
not acceptable to the management. In other words,
his/her perception of risk acceptance of management
(i.e., management norm) is lower than the perceived
risk. On the other hand, if there is no feedback from
management even if the worker performs an unsafe
behavior, the worker will conclude that risk accep-
tance of the management is greater than the perceived
risk. Finally, if the worker carries out a safe behavior,
there will be no changes in the worker’s management
After assessing the perceived risk, the worker will
try to perform a safe behavior if the perceived risk
is higher than his/her risk acceptance. On the other
hand, the worker will perform an unsafe behavior if
the perceived risk is acceptable which means the per-
ceived risk is lower than his/her risk acceptance. The
worker’s unsafe behavior can result in a near miss or
accident. On the other hand, it is possible that nothing
happens to the worker because all unsafe behaviors
do not necessarily lead the near miss or accident. The
probability of the near miss or accident occurring is
determined by the actual risk which is assigned based
on the site risk at the beginning of each time step. If
the worker experiences a near miss or accident, he/she
will become more risk-averse because he/she realizes
the risk in the workplace. In the case of happening
nothing, optimistic recovery makes the worker more
risk-seeking (Shin et al., 2014).
Every time step, every worker has a chance to per-
form the safety behavior. The order of performing the
safety behavior is randomly determined to avoid pos-
sible bias due to the order of performing safety behav-
ior. After completing all workers, the model collects
Impact of the Strictness and Cohesiveness of Management Feedback on Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior - Agent-based Modeling
and Simulation
the group-level behaviors such as unsafe behavior ra-
tio and moves on to the next time step. The model
repeats the process until the time reaches the prede-
fined maximum time step.
Before conducting the experiment, the model validity
is examined by testing whether the developed model
is qualitatively consistent with empirical findings of
the literature regarding construction workers’ safety
behavior based on the method suggested by Ahn and
Lee (2015). First, the developed model success-
fully reproduces the effect of risk attitude on workers’
safety behavior in previous studies (Cooper, 2000).
Also, the model reaffirms the empirical findings of the
separate effects of workgroup norm and management
norm on workers’ safety behaviors (Meli et al., 2008).
Finally, the moderating effect of workers’ social iden-
tification with the current project on the relationship
between social norms (i.e., workgroup norm and man-
agement norm) and safety behavior (Choi et al., 2016)
is also reproduced by the developed model.
To investigate how workers’ socio-cognitive process
interacts with management and site condition, im-
pacts of the strictness of management feedback on
workers’ safety behaviors are investigated in different
site risk conditions. The impact of the strictness of
management feedback is tested by applying different
values in the model and comparing the results (i.e.,
parameter sweep). For this purpose, the mean of un-
safe behavior ratio of all workers for each of the 150
simulated days is measured. The range of the strict-
ness of management feedback is determined from 0.1
to 0.9 because extremely lenient or strict management
feedback do not reflect safety management practices.
Also, the parameter sweeps are repeated in three dif-
ferent site risk conditions (i.e., low (0.25), modest
(0.5), and high-risk (0.75) site conditions) to explore
the effects of interactions between the socio-cognitive
process, management feedback, and site condition.
In addition to the strictness of management feed-
back, effects of the cohesiveness of management
feedback are investigated using another experiment.
The impact of the cohesiveness of the management
feedback is tested by applying different ranges of
the strictness of management feedback with the same
mean in the model and compare the unsafe behav-
ior ratio. A wider range of the strictness means less
cohesive management feedback. The mean of the
strictness of management feedback is determined 0.7
because construction managers typically have a rela-
tively strict standard regarding safety behavior (Choi
et al., 2017). The simulation is repeated in three dif-
ferent ranges of the strictness of management feed-
back (i.e., high cohesiveness; Uniform distribution
[0.7, 0.7], medium cohesiveness; Uniform distribu-
tion [0.55, 0.85], and low cohesiveness; Uniform dis-
tribution [0.4, 1.0]) in the modest-risk condition (0.5).
Common parameter settings for each simulation
is described in Table 1. A 200-worker organization,
which consists of 20 crews and each of crew has
10 workers, is simulated. Within each crew, every
worker is able to observe coworkers’ safety behav-
iors, while observation across crews is limited in the
model (Ahn et al., 2013). At the beginning of the sim-
ulation, workers are initialized with the value of the
risk perception coefficient and risk attitude which are
randomly assigned based on the uniform distribution
with the consideration of heterogeneity of the work-
ers. Finally, the value of the weight of social influence
in Equation (1) is determined based on the result of
Choi et al., (2016).
Table 1: Common parameter settings for simulations.
Parameter Setting
Number of workers 200 (20 x 10)
Simulation days 150
connection probability
connection probability
Risk perception
Uniform distribution
[0.6, 1.2]
Uniform distribution
[0.1, 0.9]
For the first experiment. the experiment runs 270 sim-
ulations for each value of the strictness of manage-
ment feedback (from 0.1 to 0.9) and site risk (i.e.,
0.25, 0.5, and 0.75) to produce a sufficiently large
sample size. Statistical significance of the effect of
the strictness of management feedback is examined
using MannWhitney U test because the data could
not guarantee the assumptions required for parametric
statistical test (i.e., normality assumption). To exam-
ine the effect of the strictness, differences in the un-
safe behavior ratio between the low (0.2) and medium
level (0.5) of the strictness and between the medium
SIMULTECH 2017 - 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
(0.5) and high level (0.8) of the strictness are tested
in the three different site risk conditions. Since data
in medium strictness are used in both of the compar-
isons, the results of MannWhitney U are corrected by
Bonferroni correct to address multiple comparison is-
Figure 2 shows the effect of the strictness on
workers’ safety behavior in the modest-risk condition.
In Figure 2, the horizontal axis represents changes in
values of the strictness, and the vertical axis refers
to the unsafe behavior ratio. As shown in Figure
2, the strictness of management feedback contributes
to reducing workers’ unsafe behavior in the modest-
risk condition. First, there are significant differences
in the median of the unsafe behavior ratio between
high strictness (Mdn = 0.355) and medium strictness
(Mdn = 0.380), U = 865,140.0, p = 2.38 × e
Also, significant differences between medium strict-
ness (Mdn = 0.380) and low strictness (Mdn = 0.395),
U = 1,030,089.0, p = 2.82 × e
are found while the
differences are are less than the previous comparison.
The significant effects imply that the strictness
of management feedback is directly associated with
workers’ perception of management norm and re-
duces workers’ unsafe behaviors. Workers are more
likely to receive safety feedback from management
and decrease their risk acceptance if management has
stricter risk acceptance because the management will
not ignore the small risk and give safety feedback to-
ward unsafe behaviors. In addition, patterns of the ef-
fects of the strictness can be found in Figure 2. In very
lenient management feedback situation (i.e., from 0.1
to 0.3), changes in the strictness have very limited im-
pact on the unsafe behavior ratio. For example, dif-
ferences in the median between 0.1 strictness (Mdn =
0.395) and 0.2 strictness (Mdn = 0.395) are not sig-
nificant, U = 1,312,200.0, p = 0.499. However, the
impact becomes significant as the strictness increases.
The effects of strictness of management feedback
on safety behavior in the low-risk condition are rep-
resented in Figure 3. As shown in Figure 3, the strict-
ness of management feedback has a relatively weaker
impact on safety behavior than in the modest-risk con-
dition. The effects of the strictness on safety behav-
ior are significant only in very strict condition (from
0.7 to 0.9). Differences in the median of unsafe be-
havior ratio between low strict (Mdn = 0.280) and
medium strict (Mdn = 0.280) management feedback
are not significant, U = 1,309,279.5, p = 0.912. On the
other hand, there are significant differences between
medium strict (Mdn = 0.280) and high strict (Mdn =
0.275), U = 1,143,821.0, p = 2.43 × e
Figure 4 represents the effects of strictness of
management feedback on workers’ safety behavior in
Figure 2: Influence of the Strictness of Management Feed-
back in Modest-Risk Condition.
Figure 3: Influence of the Strictness of Management Feed-
back in Low-Risk Condition.
high-risk condition. As shown in Figure 4, the strict-
ness of management feedback reduces workers’ un-
safe behavior in the high-risk condition. The median
of the unsafe behavior ratio in low (Mdn = 0.400) and
medium (Mdn = 0.350) strictness varies significantly
and shows meaningful differences, U = 658,044.0,
p = 2.05 × e
. Also, there are significant differ-
ences between medium (Mdn = 0.350) and high (Mdn
= 0.325) strictness in the high-risk condition, U =
1,032,552.0, p = 8.12 × e
. Also, patterns of the
effects can be found in Figure 4. While the strictness
has significant effects on unsafe behaviors in the low
and medium level of strictness, the effects become
limited very strict condition (i.e., from 0.8 to 0.9). For
example, differences in the median between 0.8 strict-
ness (Mdn = 0.325) and 0.9 strictness (Mdn = 0.325)
are not significant, U = 1,300,326.5, p = 0.328.
One possible explanation of the limited impact of
the very strict management feedback is that the mod-
est strict management feedback (i.e., 0.7 or 0.8) is al-
Impact of the Strictness and Cohesiveness of Management Feedback on Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior - Agent-based Modeling
and Simulation
ready strict enough to cover the risk in the high-risk
condition because workers in this condition are more
likely to be at a high level of risk. Also, the line con-
nects the mean of unsafe behavior ratio in each strict-
ness value shows inverse ”S” pattern. While slope of
the line stays stable in lenient and strict condition, the
slope becomes relatively steep in modest strict con-
dition (from 0.3 to 0.7). It implies that construction
managers should first have the medium level of man-
agement strictness to reduce workers’ unsafe behav-
ior in the high-risk condition. Then, the construction
managers should find other ways to improve workers’
safety behavior such as increasing the frequency of
management feedback or promoting workers’ project
Figure 4: Influence of the Strictness of Management Feed-
back in High-Risk Condition.
The effects of the cohesiveness of management
feedback on safety behavior are represented in Figure
5. As shown in Figure 5, while the cohesiveness con-
tributes to reducing workers’ unsafe behavior when
the cohesiveness becomes medium level, the cohe-
siveness does not affect safety behavior after achiev-
ing a medium level of the cohesiveness. There are sig-
nificant differences between low cohesiveness (Mdn
= 0.355) and medium cohesiveness of management
feedback (Mdn = 0.335), U = 3,624.0, p = 0.001.
This is because if the strictness of the management
feedback has a wider range (i.e., low cohesiveness),
management ignores the large risk when the strict-
ness of management becomes very low (i.e., negative
effect of low cohesiveness of management feedback).
In such case, workers may perceive very low manage-
ment norm, which increases workers’ risk acceptance
and unsafe behaviors. Although it might also be pos-
sible that management sometimes is sensitive to the
small risk in the low cohesiveness condition (i.e., pos-
itive effect), the positive effects are limited to recover
the negative effects. On the other hand, differences in
the median of unsafe behavior ratio between medium
cohesiveness (Mdn = 0.335) and high cohesiveness of
management feedback (Mdn = 0.335) are not signif-
icant, U = 4,987.5, p = 0.976. It implies that man-
agement should achieve at least medium level of the
cohesiveness of management feedback in order to pre-
vent the negative impacts of the low cohesiveness of
management feedback on workers’ safety behaviors.
Figure 5: Influence of the Cohesiveness of Management
In this study, an agent-based model has been de-
veloped to simulate workers’ socio-cognitive process
of safety behavior and its interaction with manage-
ment interventions (i.e., strictness and cohesiveness
of management feedback) and different site condi-
tions (i.e., site risk). The theoretical model of a cog-
nitive process (e.g., the theory of risk homeostasis)
and empirical findings regarding social influence on
workers’ safety behavior (e.g., (Choi et al., 2016))
are incorporated to simulate workers’ socio-cognitive
process of safety behavior. By running simulations
on the model with different strictnesses and cohesive-
ness of management feedback in different site risk, it
has been demonstrated that (1) the strictness of man-
agement feedback has significant impact on reducing
workers’ unsafe behavior in the modest-risk condi-
tion, but the impacts are not limited in the lenient
management feedback, (2) the strictness of manage-
ment feedback only affects workers’ safety behav-
ior with very strict management feedback in the low-
risk condition, (3) the effect of strictness of manage-
ment feedback on workers’ safety behavior is signif-
icant, but the impact of very strict management feed-
SIMULTECH 2017 - 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
back becomes limited in the high-risk condition, and
(4) construction managers should at least achieve the
medium level of cohesiveness to avoid negative re-
sults. This paper contributes to the body of knowledge
on construction safety as well as simulation litera-
ture by developing the socio-cognitive process model
of workers’ safety behavior that examines how the
socio-cognitive process interacts with management
and the site condition.
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Impact of the Strictness and Cohesiveness of Management Feedback on Construction Workers’ Safety Behavior - Agent-based Modeling
and Simulation