Towards a Middleware and Policy-based Approach to Compliance
Management for Collaborative Organizations Interactions
Laura Gonz
alez and Ra
ul Ruggia
Instituto de Computaci
on, Facultad de Ingenier
ıa, Universidad de la Rep
J. Herrera y Reissig 565, Mdeo., Uruguay
Compliance Management, Inter-organizational Integration Platform, Policy-based Management, Middleware.
Organizations increasingly need to collaborate with each other in order to achieve their business goals, which
requires the integration of systems running in different organizations. Such integration is usually supported
by middleware-based integration platforms that enable different styles of interactions (e.g. service-oriented,
message-based) between heterogeneous and distributed systems. In addition, these collaborative and inte-
grated environments have to satisfy compliance requirements originating from different sources (e.g. laws,
agreements) that may, in particular, apply to the interactions between organizations. This paper proposes a
middleware and policy-based approach to compliance management for collaborative organizations interac-
tions. The approach comprises design time mechanisms (e.g. a domain specific language, a policy language)
and runtime mechanisms (e.g. a policy enforcement point, an obligations service) which extend a middleware-
based integration platform. The proposal aims to promote the maintanaibility, flexibility, agility and reuse of
compliance solutions in these contexts by providing the means to uniformly specify compliance requirements
as well as to define how these requirements are to be managed within an integration platform.
Organizations increasingly need to collaborate with
each other in order to achieve their business goals. To
this end, the integration of software systems running
in different organizations is required as it allows car-
rying out distributed operations in coordinated ways
(Di Nitto et al., 2008). This has led to large scale
information systems which interconnect the software
systems of different, autonomous and geographically
distributed organizations sharing common goals (Me-
cella et al., 2002). This kind of collaborative orga-
nizations can be found in different contexts (e.g. e-
government, e-health, e-business).
Such integration is usually supported by inte-
gration platforms which are specialized middleware-
based infrastructures that ease the interconnection of
heterogeneous and distributed systems (Gonz
alez and
Ruggia, 2015). These platforms allow organizations
to collaborate via different styles of interactions (e.g.
service-oriented). In contexts like e-government, inte-
gration platforms are usually provided by governmen-
tal agencies with the aim of promoting the intercon-
nection of organizations by providing services which
generate economy of scale (Gonz
alez et al., 2012).
In turn, these collaborative and integrated environ-
ments have to satisfy compliance requirements origi-
nating from different sources (e.g. laws, agreements,
standards) that may apply to each organization as well
as to the whole system (Papazoglou, 2011). In partic-
ular these requirements may apply to the interactions
carried out between organizations. For example, data
exchange interactions may have requirements about
data privacy or data quality (Gonz
alez et al., 2016).
Although organizations should carry out their own
controls to comply with these requirements, there are
reasons for performing such controls at integration
platforms. First, these platforms may serve as a su-
pervisory party in order to detect situations in which
organizations fail to perform the required controls and
to act accordingly (e.g. establishing sanctions). Sec-
ond, some compliance controls may require informa-
tion which is only available at the platform (e.g. pre-
vious interactions). Finally, performing compliance
controls in the integration platform, externally to the
organization, enables to carry out a non-invasive ap-
proach and to generate economy of scale.
Furthermore, while integration platforms provide
mechanisms for compliance management in cross-
organizational interactions, integration experts within
González, L. and Ruggia, R.
Towards a Middleware and Policy-based Approach to Compliance Management for Collaborative Organizations Interactions.
DOI: 10.5220/0006466504140420
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2017), pages 414-420
ISBN: 978-989-758-262-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
organizations have to tackle these issues by develop-
ing case-by-case solutions (e.g. removing data in ser-
vice responses due to privacy issues). Such solutions
have limited flexibility and maintainability as well as
reusability across areas (e.g. reusing data privacy so-
lutions to enforce quality of service (QoS)).
This paper proposes a middleware and policy-
based approach to compliance management for col-
laborative organizations interactions. On one hand,
the approach comprises design time mechanisms in-
cluding a domain-specific language (DSL), a pol-
icy language as well as transformations which allow
leveraging existing compliance languages and auto-
matically generating compliance policies. On the
other hand, runtime mechanisms consist of compo-
nents (e.g. a policy enforcement point) which ex-
tend an integration platform with policy-based mech-
anisms in order to enforce the generated compliance
policies. The design of these components is based on
the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)
(Hohpe and Woolf, 2003) (e.g. message transforma-
tion) which are usually provided by integration so-
lutions (e.g. Enterprise Service Bus). The proposal
aims to promote the maintanaibility, flexibility, agility
and reuse of compliance solutions in these contexts by
providing the means to uniformly specify compliance
requirements and to define how these requirements
are to be managed within an integration platform.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents background and related work. Sec-
tion 3 describes the compliance approach. Section 4
presents a life cycle view of the approach. Finally,
Section 5 presents conclusions.
This section presents background and related work.
2.1 Integration Platforms
The development of large-scale software systems,
which often requires the integration of heterogeneous
and distributed applications, is usually supported by
integration platforms (Gonz
alez and Ruggia, 2015).
Integration platforms are specialized infrastructures
which provide connectivity and integration capabili-
ties in order to facilitate the integration of systems,
in particular, running in different organizations. With
this scheme, rather than interacting directly systems
interact by exchanging messages through the plat-
form. These messages may be processed by media-
tion flows in order to perform validations (e.g. regard-
ing access control), monitor interactions (e.g. services
response time) and solve integration issues (e.g. data
model transformations).
Integration platforms usually have support for
building solutions (i.e. mediation flows) based on
the well-known EIPs (Hohpe and Woolf, 2003).
These patterns, which cover areas such as message
transformation and routing, provide a technology-
independent way to design and document integra-
tion solutions. Integration platforms are implemented
through middleware technologies, such as Web Ser-
vices, Messsage-oriented Middleware and Enterprise
Service Bus (ESB) (Chappell, 2004). Finally, the ad-
vent of cloud computing promoted the development
of cloud-based integration alternatives, such as Inte-
gration Platform as a Service (iPaaS), which provide
solutions for different cloud integration requirements
(e.g. cloud to on-premise, cloud to cloud, on-premise
to on-premise)(Pezzini and Lheureux, 2011).
2.2 Policy-based Management
Policy-based management is an approach for guiding
the behavior of system elements by the specification
of policies (Han and Lei, 2012). The key components
of this approach are (Moore et al., 2001)(Westerinen
et al., 2001): Policy Repository (PR), Policy Admin-
istration Point (PAP), Policy Decision Point (PDP)
and Policy Enforcement Point (PEP). Policies are de-
fined using a PAP and stored in a PR. The PDP takes
policy decisions, based on the existing policies, for it-
self or for other components (e.g. a PEP). Finally, the
PEP is responsible for enforcing these decisions.
In particular, XACML (OASIS, 2013) follows this
approach for access control management. XACML
defines a policy language for specifying access con-
trol policies as well as the format for requesting and
returning access control decisions. The general idea
of XACML is that all resource requests pass through
the PEP, which obtains access control decisions (e.g.
permit, deny) from the PDP. The PEP is responsible
for enforcing such decisions as well as for performing
the obligations that they may include.
A policy is usually defined through rules which
are based, in most policy languages, on one of
these paradigms: Event–Condition–Action and Con-
dition–Action (Han and Lei, 2012).
2.3 Compliance Management
Compliance management involves different activities
(El Kharbili, 2012)(Reichert and Weber, 2012), in
particular: i) compliance modeling deals with extract-
ing requirements from regulations and representing
them in a formal and machine-readable way, ii) com-
Towards a Middleware and Policy-based Approach to Compliance Management for Collaborative Organizations Interactions
pliance monitoring continuously checks the compli-
ance of systems while they are running , and iii) com-
pliance enforcement refers to performing actions for
avoiding the violation of compliance requirements.
Automating compliance is beneficial to organiza-
tions given that, in general, the frequency of compli-
ance audits, monitoring and reporting leads to a more
successful compliance management (Sackmann et al.,
2008). To this end, methods and mechanisms are re-
quired at different abstraction levels (e.g. laws, poli-
cies, software systems) (Sackmann et al., 2008).
Compliance may be achieved by design and/or
by detection (Sackmann et al., 2008). The ”by de-
sign” approach comprises refining regulations to the
deepest system layer so that non-compliance becomes
technically impossible. The ”by detection” approach
comprises monitoring the operation of systems in or-
der to check if they adhere to the applicable require-
ments. A comprehensive solution for automating
compliance may benefit from both approaches given
that applying only one of them may not be technically
or economically feasible (Sackmann et al., 2008).
2.4 Related Work
Compliance management has been increasingly ad-
dressed during the last decade. In (Sackmann et al.,
2008) and in (El Kharbili, 2012) policy-based ap-
proaches for compliance management are proposed.
The COMPAS project (Tran et al., 2012) developed
a view-based and model-driven approach for business
process compliance. The C3PRO, (Knuplesch et al.,
2013) project provides compliance solutions focusing
in inter-organizational business processes.
The distinguished characteristics of our proposal,
compared to the former and other work (Hashmi et al.,
2016), are: i) the focus on requirements that apply to
inter-organizational interactions in collaborative envi-
ronments, ii) policy-based runtime compliance com-
ponents provided via an integration platform that pro-
cesses all the interactions, iii) design time mecha-
nisms promoting the maintanability, flexibility, agility
and reuse of compliance solutions, iv) non-invasive
solutions (i.e. not requiring deployments in organi-
zations) and v) a compliance management life cycle
including adapted activities for the specific context.
This section presents the proposed approach which,
leveraging a middleware-based platform and policy-
based mechanisms, allows compliance management
in collaborative organizations interactions.
3.1 Working Context Characterization
Figure 1 shows the context of this work: organiza-
tions collaborating through an integration platform to
achieve common goals (Gonz
alez and Ruggia, 2015).
Figure 1: Working Context.
In this context, organizations collaborate with each
other by publishing resources (e.g. business services)
in the platform and by using resources provided by
other organizations. In order to use a resource (e.g.
invoke a service) organizations exchange messages
through the platform using different interaction styles
(e.g. service-oriented). For instance, an organization
may send a SOAP message in order to invoke a ser-
vice provided by other organization. Two or more or-
ganizations may agree to collaborate via a predefined
set of messages by specifying collaborations.
Internally, each organization may have its own ap-
plications, services and processes which are leveraged
by users with different roles within the organization.
These internal elements support, on one hand, the op-
eration of the resources published in the platform and,
on the other hand, may leverage resources provided
by other organizations to accomplish their goals.
Messages exchanged through the platform include
metadata specifying their origin (e.g. organization)
and destination (e.g. a service) as well as providing
message identification information (e.g. an id). The
platform uses these metadata to route messages to the
corresponding resources as well as to perform con-
trols (e.g. security controls). Messages may also in-
clude business data structured according to the canon-
ical data model handled by the platform. Figure 2
presents an example showing the structure that mes-
sages exchanged through the platform have.
Figure 2: Message Structure.
In this case, the metadata included in the message
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
specify that a user (smith) is executing a process
(BP1) within its organization (ORG-A) which re-
quires invoking a service (SRV-1) of other organiza-
tion (ORG-B). The role of the user (doctor), the pro-
cess instance (BP1-3124) and a RelatesTo value, in-
dicating that this message is related to a previous one,
are also specified in the metadata. Finally, the mes-
sage also includes business data (w.r.t. a patient).
3.2 Proposed Compliance Approach
Figure 3 presents a conceptual view of the compliance
management approach, which comprises design-time
and runtime mechanisms linked by compliance poli-
cies, as proposed in (Sackmann et al., 2008).
Figure 3: Conceptual View of the Approach.
In particular, design-time mechanisms allow speci-
fying and deploying compliance policies which are
then leveraged by an integration platform in order to
manage compliance requirements at runtime. These
mechanisms are: a Compliance DSL (CompDSL), a
Compliance Policy Language (CompPL), transforma-
tions to CompDSL and from CompDSL to CompPL,
and a Compliance Design Tool (CompDT).
CompDSL allows specifying compliance require-
ments, applying to inter-organizational interactions,
in terms of the elements (e.g. messages, ser-
vices) handled by integration platforms and inde-
pendently of the compliance requirements’ source or
area. Transformations to CompDSL take compli-
ance requirements expressed in different languages
(e.g. WSLA) and generate CompDSL require-
ments. CompPL allows specifying how compliance
requirements are to be monitored and enforced by
a middleware-based platform. Transformations to
CompPL take CompDSL requirements and generate
a default set of CompPL policies which can then be
modified as required. Finally, CompDT provides sup-
port for managing all the aforementioned elements
and for deploying CompPL policies into a PR, so
they can be monitored and enforced at runtime by a
middleware-based platform.
In turn, runtime mechanisms comprise compo-
nents which extend a middleware-based platform in
order to provide policy-based solutions for managing
compliance within inter-organizational interactions at
runtime. These components are based on the typi-
cal architecture of policy-based solutions and include:
a Compliance PEP (CompPEP), a Compliance PDP
(CompPDP), a Compliance Obligation Service (Com-
pOS) and a Compliance PIP (CompPIP).
All interactions are first processed by the
CompPEP which enforces compliance policies ac-
cording to the decisions taken by the CompPDP. In
particular, CompPEP may let messages pass through,
may filter messages or may route messages to the
CompOS. The CompPDP takes compliance decisions
based on information included in the request or ob-
tained through the CompPIP. Finally, the CompOS
executes obligation actions according to the decisions
taken by the CompPDP.
3.3 Analysis of Technical Feasibility
The runtime components of the solution are not tied
up to a specific middleware technology. This provides
flexibility as the proposal may be implemented using
different integration solutions (Kai W
ahner, 2013).
Also, the development of these components can lever-
age native integration capabilities (e.g. EIPs).
The technical feasibility of the runtime compo-
nents has been partially evaluated in our previous
work, which addressed compliance requirements in
specific areas by leveraging ESB capabilities.
In (Gonz
alez and Ruggia, 2011) an ESB is ex-
tended with adaptation capabilities in order deal with
QoS requirements. This proposal uses an Adapta-
tion Gateway with similar capabilities to those of the
CompPEP, given that if QoS issues are detected, adap-
tation actions may be applied. These actions (e.g.
message transformation) are based on the EIPs and
are similar to the ones that may be applied by the
CompOS. The proposal was completely implemented
using JBossESB (Gonz
alez et al., 2013).
In (Gonz
alez et al., 2016) solutions based on an
ESB and XACML are proposed in order to deal with
data privacy requirements in e-government platforms.
Obligation actions based on the EIP can be applied on
messages by using ESB capabilities. For instance, an
obligation action may remove a datum from a mes-
sage if it can not be shared. This proposal was com-
pletely implemented using Switchyard ESB.
Performance tests have been run and presented in
both proposals which allows concluding that this type
of solutions do not introduce a considerable overhead
(e.g. regarding response time) in service invocations.
Towards a Middleware and Policy-based Approach to Compliance Management for Collaborative Organizations Interactions
This section describes the proposal from a life cycle
point of view.
4.1 Identifying Requirements
The first phase of the life cycle is the identification of
compliance requirements of interest. They may origi-
nate from different sources (e.g. laws, standards) and
may cover different areas (e.g. QoS, data privacy /
quality, interaction flows). This task should be per-
formed by business and/or compliance experts.
These compliance requirements should be then
specified in a language. While most of compliance
sources use natural language, there are machine read-
able formats for compliance areas such QoS (e.g.
QuaLa) and interaction flows (e.g. BPMN). Figure
4 presents a SLA with a QoS requirement specified in
the QuaLa DSL developed in the COMPAS project.
SampleSLA { SampleService {
ProcessingTime<=1min => smsto ...
Figure 4: Specification of QoS Requirements in QuaLa.
The SLA in Figure 4 specifies the maximum process-
ing time allowed for the service (one minute) and that
an SMS has to be sent if this requirement is not ful-
4.2 Specifying CompDSL Requirements
The second phase of the life cycle is the specification
of requirements using CompDSL. If requirements are
specified in a machine readable form and the required
transformations are defined, requirements may be au-
tomatically translated to CompDSL. Otherwise, they
have to be manually specified in CompDSL.
CompDSL is a DSL for specifying compliance
requirements of inter-organizational interactions per-
formed through integration platforms. These require-
ments can be monitored by processing all the incom-
ing and outgoing messages in these platforms and can
be enforced by performing actions (e.g. transforma-
tions) over them. CompDSL bases the specification of
compliance requirements in the elements handled by
these platforms (e.g. messages, services). This way,
CompDSL provides a common specification language
for compliance requirements of inter-organizational
interactions, which may cover different compliance
areas. Note that the specification of some require-
ments may not be possible in CompDSL, given that
they can not be monitored or enforced by the process-
ing of messages within integration platforms.
A CompDSL requirement consists of various ele-
ments: compliance scope, message definitions, mes-
sage conditions, message requirements and compli-
ance actions. A compliance scope determines the sub-
set of messages processed by the platform over which
the requirement has to be applied (e.g. the whole plat-
form, an organization, a service). Message definitions
declare the messages required to specify the compli-
ance requirement. For example, a service invocation
requirement may declare two message definitions in
order to represent the request and response. Message
conditions specify conditions on message definitions
to define groups of messages over which the compli-
ance requirement is to be evaluated. For example,
a condition may correlate request messages with re-
sponse messages. Message requirements allow spec-
ifying a compliance requirement in terms of message
properties. For example, a response time compliance
requirement may be specified in terms of the times-
tamps of correlated request and response messages.
Finally, compliance actions may also be specified in
order to monitor, enforce or notify compliance viola-
tions. For instance, if the response time of a service is
not the expected, an email may be sent to an adminis-
Figures 5 shows how the compliance requirement
specified using QuaLa in Figure 4 may be specified
using the CompDSL model.
Compliance Scope: SampleService
Message Definitions: M1, M2
Messages Conditions: = M2.relatesTo
Messages Requirements:
Ts(M2) - Ts(M1) <= 1 min
Figure 5: Processing Time Requirement in CompDSL.
In the example it is assumed that request and response
messages can be correlated using the ”id” and ”re-
latesTo” values. It is also assumed, that the Ts func-
tion returns the timestamp of a message.
4.3 Generating Compliance Policies
The third phase of the life cycle is generating
CompPL policies from CompDSL requirements.
CompPL policies specify how requirements are to be
monitored and enforced by a middleware-based plat-
form enhanced with policy-based mechanisms.
In order to support the automatic generation
of CompPL policies from CompDSL requirements,
transformations have to be defined. The generated
policies may be then modified or extended (e.g. speci-
fying additional means for sending notifications when
requirements are not met).
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
The CompPL language allows specifying policies
similarly to XACML (i.e. policy sets, policies, rules)
but in terms of the elements handled by integration
platforms (i.e. messages, services). Furthermore, de-
cisions may take values such as ”compliant” and ”not
compliant”. In addition to obligations, sanctions may
be also specified as decisions. Figure 6 presents poli-
cies specified in a syntax variant of the Formal Access
Control Policy Language (FACPL) (Margheri et al.,
2016), which may be generated to monitor and en-
force the processing time requirement presented in
Figure 5.
Figure 6: Processing Time Compliance Policies.
The first policy specifies that all messages sent to
SampleService are compliant. It also specifies an
obligation which states that a timestamp for each mes-
sage has to be stored. The second policy specifies
that if the difference between the timestamps (Ts)
of response and request messages is greater that one
minute, then the response message is not compliant.
In this case, an obligation is set so that an SMS is sent.
4.4 Enforcing Policies at Runtime
The last phase of the life cycle is the runtime enforce-
ment of policies. Figure 7 shows how the compliance
policies presented in Figure 6 are enforced at runtime
by the proposed middleware-based platform.
First, a request for invoking SampleService is re-
ceive by the platform (1). The request is processed
by the CompPEP which builds a compliance decision
request and sends it to the CompPDP (2). The Comp-
PDP obtains policies from the PR (3 and 4) and based
on them generates a compliance decision response
which is sent to the CompPEP (5). As specified in
the policies, messages for invoking SampleService
are compliant, so the CompPEP let them pass trough.
Also, the CompPEP delegates (6) the task of storing
timestamps for these messages to the CompOS (7)
which, after that, returns control to the CompPEP (8).
Then, the CompPEP routes the message in order to
complete the invocation of the service (9).
Figure 7: Runtime Operation.
Afterwards, the response message is received and it
is also processed by the CompPEP (10) which sends
a compliance decision request to the CompPDP (11).
As previously, the CompPDP gets policies from the
PR (12 and 13) but additional information is required
in this case to take the decision (i.e. the timestamp
of the request message). So, the CompPDP commu-
nicates with the CompPIP to get this additional infor-
mation (14 and 17). The CompPIP queries a Times-
tamp API (15 and 16) which gets the required times-
tamp. The CompPDP is now able to take the deci-
sion and sends it to the CompPEP (17). As specified
in the policies, if the difference between the times-
tamps of the response and request messages is greater
that one minute, the message is not compliant and an
SMS has to be sent. Assuming that this is the case,
the CompPEP delegates this action to the CompOS
(19), which sends an SMS (20) and returns control to
the CompPEP (21). Finally, the response message is
returned to the client (22).
This paper presents a middleware and policy-based
approach for compliance management in the context
of interactions between collaborative organizations.
The here presented proposal focuses on com-
pliance requirements to be satisfied by inter-
organizational message-based interactions. This ap-
proach enables to cover compliance scenarios in-
volving exchanges between multiple organizations by
means of non-invasive enforcement mechanisms ex-
ternal to them. Such scenarios are increasingly rel-
evant as, according to the UN e-Government Sur-
vey 2016, the implementation of e-government sys-
tems based on cross-organizational coordination is in-
creasingly high in the UN’s and governments’ agen-
das. These trends would very likely foster the de-
velopment of loosely-coupled systems (e.g. message-
based) which would require compliance management.
Towards a Middleware and Policy-based Approach to Compliance Management for Collaborative Organizations Interactions
The solution approach includes runtime and de-
sign time activities. While the compliance enforce-
ment approach consists of extending an integra-
tion platform with runtime policy-based mechanisms,
compliance policies are generated at design time by
using a domain-specific language, a policy language
and transformations.
This work also includes partial feasibility evalu-
ations on the runtime approach using extended ESB
components, which is critical for the implementation
of this type of solutions. The overall conclusion is
that the runtime approach does not introduce relevant
overhead in service invocations.
This work was partially funded by CSIC, Universidad
de la Rep
ublica, Uruguay.
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