Cochlea-based Features for Music Emotion Classification
Luka Kraljević, Mladen Russo, Mia Mlikota and Matko Šarić
University of Split, FESB, Laboratory for Smart Environment Technologies, Split, Croatia
Keywords: Music, Emotion Detection, Cochlea, Gammatone Filterbank.
Abstract: Listening to music often evokes strong emotions. With the rapid growth of easily-accessible digital music
libraries there is an increasing need in reliable music emotion recognition systems. Common musical
features like tempo, mode, pitch, clarity, etc. which can be easily calculated from audio signal are associated
with particular emotions and are often used in emotion detection systems. Based on the idea that humans
don’t detect emotions from pure audio signal but from a signal that had been previously processed by the
cochlea, in this work we propose new cochlear based features for music emotion recognition. Features are
calculated from the gammatone filterbank model output and emotion classification is then performed using
Support Vector Machine (SVM) and TreeBagger classifiers. Proposed features are evaluated on publicly
available 1000 songs database and compared to other commonly used features. Results show that our
approach is effective and outperforms other commonly used features. In the combined features set we
achieved accuracy of 83.88% and 75.12% for arousal and valence.
Music is an essential element of our life, and mostly
everyone listens to some kind of music. It is well
known that music has affective characteristics which
are used for mood and emotion regulation of
listeners. With the rapid growth of easily-accessible
digital music libraries comes a request for a new
type of music labels. Standard music classification
by author, genre and artist becomes insufficient
because it lacks recommendation power.
To address this problem, music emotions
recognition (MER) systems use emotions as a
subjective criterion for a music search and
organization. However, MER implementation does
not come without challenging tasks.
Music emotion recognition is a personal
experience and it can be viewed through two phases.
In the first phase raw audio signal is processed by
human ear and transformed in the form acceptable
by person’s brain (auditory model). Note that this
step is common to all healthy listeners while the
second step is more subjective and is related with
signal processing inside person’s brain, often
depending not only on demographic characteristics
of the listener like age, gender or culture but also on
the current emotional state and previous experiences.
Even when the same music is played, people can
perceive different emotions. The words used to
describe emotions are ambiguous and there isn’t
universal way to quantify emotions.
Most MER related studies are based on two
popular approaches: categorical (Hevner, 1936) and
dimensional models (Russell, 1980). The categorical
approaches involve finding and organizing a limited
number of universal categories such as happy, sad,
anger and peaceful. As an alternative to categorical
approach, dimensional model can be characterized
by two affective dimensions called valence and
arousal, as depicted in Figure 1. The arousal emotion
ranges from calm to excited whereas the valence
emotion ranges from negative to positive.
In recent years many research on emotion
recognition from music were conducted using either
categorical or dimensional model. As an artefact of
this studies many publicly available database
emerged, like the one we are using in this research.
Lu, Liu and Zhang (2006), extracted three types
of features form western classic music clips. They
used Gaussian Mixture Models as classification to
distinguish moods namely Contentment, Depression,
Exuberance and Anxious. Authors performed
hierarchical classification by classifying moods
based on intensity and then on rhythm and timbre.
Another research on the same mood set was
conducted by Hampiholi (2012). In this work RMS
c, L., Russo, M., Mlikota, M. and Šari
c, M.
Cochlea-based Features for Music Emotion Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0006466900640068
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 5: SIGMAP, pages 64-68
ISBN: 978-989-758-260-8
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Energy, Low Energy Frames, Brightness, Zero
Crossing, Bandwidth and Roll-Off are used as
features extracted from a set of 122 samples. The
accuracy obtained by C4.5 decision tree classifier
was 60% for Bollywood songs, and 40% for western
Figure 1: Valence-arousal dimensional model.
Wood and Semwal, (2016) proposed
representing current emotion as blend of moods.
Authors used set of algorithms to map feature data
into complex combination of emotions.
Use of fuzzy classifiers for emotions
classification divided into the four quadrants was
proposed by Yang, Liu and Chen (2006). They used
fuzzy vector to assign features as indication of
relative strength for each class. Then they
transformed fuzzy vector to AV space by
considering the geometric relationship of the four
emotion classes.
In the work done by Kartikay, Ganesan and
Ladwani (2016) V-A ratings from 1000 songs
database where used together with several common
music features to classify emotions into four
categories: Happy, Sad, Angry and Peaceful. They
used Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive Bayes,
Linear Discriminant Analysis and Decision Trees as
classification algorithms and they obtained accuracy
of 59.8%, 75.4%, 78.5% and 71.4% respectively.
Interesting approach was proposed by Bai et al.
(2016). Authors used regression approach modelling
emotions like continues variable in valence-arousal
space. As a performance measure they reported R
statistic as 29.3% and 62.5% respectively for
Random Forest Regression and Support Vector
Some of the above studies concern on creating
better algorithms for the prediction using only
common acoustic features. On the other hand, others
investigate combination of multiple acoustic features
trying to find most informative features. But only a
small amount of studies are dedicated to finding new
type of features like Kumar et al (2016).
In their work they proposed two affective
features namely compressibility and sparse spectral
components. Authors reported that compressibility
performance (53% and 73% accuracy for valence
and arousal) outperforms other features while SSC
(47% for valence 68% for arousal) is comparable to
Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) (52%
valence and 66% arousal).
The main idea behind our paper is that humans
don’t detect emotions from pure audio signal but
from signal that had been previously processed by
the cochlea, e.g. affective experience is integral to
auditory perception. In our approach, we use a
Gammatone filterbank auditory model of the cochlea
to calculate novel features that could be used as
state-of-the-art music emotion recognition features.
In this section we describe the proposed features
together with brief description of other typical
features used for accuracy evaluation. To ensure
verifiability and comparability of our approach, we
used publicly available 1000 Song Database
(Soleymani et. al., 2013), as our benchmark
database. For comparison we used some common
acoustic features (tempo, pitch, RMS) which are
often used in literature, e.g. (Kartikay, Ganesan and
Ladwani, 2016) (Kim 2010). Also to ensure
high-quality test, instead of using “hand-crafted”
approach for feature calculation these common
features were extracted using the Music Information
Retival (MIR) toolbox (Lartillot and Toiviainen,
Our results and analysis are based on valence-
arousal dimensional model, Figure 1. Valence
represents natural attractiveness or awareness of any
emotion, e.g., how positive/negative emotion is.
Arousal can be viewed as the strength of emotion,
e.g. how exciting or calming emotion is.
2.1 1000Song Database
Original database consists of 1000 music excerpts
provided by Free Music Archive (FMA). Authors
found that database contains some duplicates and
after removing redundant files they provided a
reduced set of 744 music clips that was used as our
benchmark database. Each music excerpt is 45s long
Angry Active
Depressed Passive
Cochlea-based Features for Music Emotion Classification
and sampled with frequency rate of 44100Hz. For
each music clip authors provided a file with
continuous annotation rating on scale between -1
and 1 collected with 2Hz sampling rate. Authors also
provided a file with arousal or valence rating of the
hole clip on a nine-point scale collected with use of
self-assessment manikins (SAM) which is a tool that
uses pictorial scale, displaying comics characters
expressing emotions.
In this work, those ratings have been thresholded
to form binary classification problem. Emotions
rated above five have been classified as high
otherwise as low placing emotional state in one of
four quadrants of V-A space.
2.2 Gammatone Filter Bank
Modelling the natural response of the human
auditory system we can simulate machines to act as
the human ear. Gammatone filterbank is a widely
used model of auditory filters. (Patterson et al.,
1992) It performs spectral analysis and outputs
sound signal into channels where each channel
represents motion of basilar membrane. The impulse
response of a Gammatone filter is given as a product
of a Gamma distribution function and a sinusoidal
tone at central frequency
 0
where is the amplitude factor, is the filter order,
is the central frequency in Hz, is phase shift and
is duration of impulse response. Scaling of
Gammatone filterbank is determined by which is
related to equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB).
ERB represents a psychoacoustic measure for width
of auditory filter at each point along the cochlea.
1.019 2  (2)
 
where  is the asymptotic filter quality at high
frequencies and  is min bandwidth at low
frequency. In this work we used bank of 20
Gammatone filters with  9.26449 and
 24.7 as parameters proposed by
Glasberg and Moore (1990).
Corresponding impulse response is show in Fig.
2; top plot represents response in frequency domain,
bottom plot represents time domain response for
each of 20 gammatone filters.
Figure 2: Impulse response of 20-channel Gammatone
filter bank.
2.3 Feature Extraction
Feature extraction is an important step in obtaining
affective information from the audio signal. In our
approach, first we design 20 filters needed to
implement the ERB cochlear model using default
values of the algorithm as stated above. Then we
filtered an audio signal with the bank of Gammatone
filters resulting with 20 channels output, each
representing the output of the basilar membrane at
particular location corresponding to filter’s central
frequency. After that, average power of each filter’s
output is calculated to be input feature, forming the
feature vector of 20 elements.
All features are extracted on clip level since we
observe static clip annotations. In order to compare
our approach to other state of the art features, we
used MIR Toolbox and extracted the following
Energy: the root mean square represents the
global energy of the entire audio signal. It also
represents sensitivity to loudness which is
proportional to the average value of the various peak
Tempo: represents the speed of the song. It is
measured by detecting periodicities in a range of
beats per minute (BPM).
Event Density: number of similar events in a
clip, the average frequency of events during
specified time (number of notes per second).
SIGMAP 2017 - 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Mode: indicates tonalities that can be used and
indicates tonalities with special importance i.e.
major vs. minor, returned as a numerical value
between -1 and +1.
Pitch: is responsible for discerning sounds as
lower or higher. Represents average frequency of the
Key Clarity: represents key strength of the best
Pulse Clarity: represents strength of the beats, the
ease with which one can perceive the underlying
rhythmic or metrical pulsation
Roughness: or sensory dissonance, represents
average of all the dissonance between all possible
pairs of peaks.
MFCC: coefficients representing the spectral
shape of the sound. It approximates the human
auditory response taking perceptual consideration.
Sometimes it is hard to directly compare
features’ performance between other researches
mainly because accuracy interpretation may differ in
terms of the emotion model (categorical or
dimensional), difference in duration of music piece
(full song, verse, fixed-length clip or segment e.g.,
500ms), quality of an audio database (how was
ground truth collected). In order to evaluate
recognition results, proposed feature will be
compared with two sets of features: Basic set
contains RMS, Tempo, Event Density, Mode, Pitch,
Key Clarity, Pulse Clarity and Roughness yielding
with the 8-dimensional feature vector and MFCC set
with 13 MFCC coefficients. Comparison with
MFCC is particularly important because both MFCC
and proposed features are perceptually-motivated.
That’s why we also compared the overall accuracy
gain combining one or the other with the base set.
The proposed approach uses two different classifiers
to perform two class classification on valence and
arousal emotional dimensions. Support Vector
Machine is a learning algorithm for pattern
classification with good generalization properties,
insensitive to overtraining and the curse of
dimensionality. TreeBagger is ensemble of decision
Forming ensembles gives a boost in accuracy on
dataset. It combines the results of many decision
trees improving generalization by reducing effects of
To correctly evaluate classification performance,
10% of complete dataset was randomly taken as a
test set leaving rest for training phase. Training was
performed using the standard 10-fold cross-
validation protocol in an effort to minimize the
potential of overfitting. Results were calculated as
average of 100 iterations. The comparison of
performance between the proposed feature, basic set
and MFCC coefficients is given in the Table 1
regarding SVM and Table 2 when TreeBagger is
used as classifier.
Table 1: Accuracy comparison using SVM.
Arousal Valence
Basic 75.13 73.10
Proposed 77.39 68.08
MFCC 74.17 67.02
Basic + Proposed 80.97 74.45
Basic + MFCC 79.76 72.72
Table 1 and Table 2 also summarize comparison
of overall accuracy gain when proposed features or
MFCC features are combined with the basic set.
Table 2: Accuracy comparison using TreeBagger.
Arousal Valence
Basic 75.52 72.83
Proposed 81.02 68.40
MFCC 71.45 64.43
Basic + Proposed 83.88 75.12
Basic + MFCC 79.64 72.72
MFCC achieved the best validation score when
SVM was used, and that’s why we first compared
our proposed features to MFCC with SVM learning
algorithm. It is visible from the results that proposed
features outperform MFCC features in direct
comparison as well as in accuracy gain when
combined with the base set. In order to improve
learning efficiency, and possibly improve prediction
performance of our proposed features, we also used
TreeBagger as a classifier since it reported best
validation accuracy using 10-fold cross-validation.
Our results show that TreeBagger classifier enables
performance boost of the proposed approach for up
to 4%.
Generally speaking, one cannot listen to music
without affection involvement. Emotion-detecting is
a perceptive task and nature has developed an
efficient strategy to accomplishing it. Based on the
Cochlea-based Features for Music Emotion Classification
idea that humans don’t detect emotions from pure
audio signal but from signal that had been
previously processed by the cochlea, in this work we
proposed a new feature set for music emotion
An audio signal was filtered with a bank of
Gammatone filters resulting with 20 channels each
representing output of the basilar membrane at
particular location corresponding to filter’s central
frequencies. During automated process proposed
features were extracted as average power of each
filter's output and compared with other state of the
art features. Support vector machine and TreeBagger
classifiers were used for performance evaluation.
Experimental results on 1000 Songs Database
showed that the proposed feature vector outperforms
basic set as well as MFCC features. Proposed
features also performed better in terms of accuracy
gain when combined with the base set. Comparison
with MFCC coefficient is particularly relevant
because it gives us the real insight on how well our
proposed feature performs over other perceptually-
motivated feature.
Although the results are good they still need to
be improved for real-life applications where
emotional changes should be tracked continuously
during audio clip. In our future work, we will focus
our research in direction of developing improved
features based on auditory perception.
Extracting features from a more complex model
of auditory processing, thus simulating cochlea in
more detail could bring us further in improving
music emotion recognition.
This work has been fully supported by the Croatian
Science Foundation under the project number UIP-
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SIGMAP 2017 - 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications