The New Automated Fire Control System for Artillery Units based on
Interoperability and Standards
Karel Šilinger and Martin Blaha
Department of Fire Support, University of Defense, Brno, Czech Republic
Keywords: Fire Control System, Decision Making System, Decision Support System, Software Development,
Application, Interoperability, Standardization.
Abstract: This paper is focused on the new automated fire control system for artillery units - PVNPG-14M, especially
on interoperability and standards. Artillery units of the Army of the Czech Republic, reflecting the current
global security neighbourhood, can be used outside the Czech Republic. The paper presents principles,
evolution and functionality in the framework for the project through the establishment of strategic and
conceptual context and the examination of Network Enabled Capability (NEC) activities and Interoperability
Standards, makes proposals for engagement with NATO and coalition agencies, programs and projects, and
offers starting point for project and moreover set up the new artillery full-automated system for fire control.
The Czech Artillery units need to have intuitive system for mathematical computations what assures
prediction capabilities for adequate fire support provision - PVNPG-14M should be the best choice in current
The basic task of artillery weapon systems is an
indirect firing, thus keeping fire on targets kilometres
away and beyond the line of sight. Calculation of the
fire elements is a lengthy process based on the
mathematical apparatus of several disciplines such as
Ballistics, Meteorology, Geography and Theory of
probability. Automation of the entire process of
calculation of fire elements accelerates and reduces
the likelihood of errors.
The Czech University of Defense has initiated
a project to develop a proposal for an interoperable
automated Command and Control (C2) system
for the Czech Army’s Artillery systems. This paper
provides a framework for the project through the
establishment of strategic and conceptual context and
the examination of Network Enabled Capability
(NEC) activities and Interoperability Standards
(Blaha, Sobarňa, 2009), makes proposals for
engagement with NATO and coalition agencies,
programs and projects, and offers starting
point for project and moreover set up the new
artillery full-automated system for fire control (Blaha,
Brabcová, 2012) – PVNPG-14m.
At the same time, the user of the new system
removes the necessary knowledge of basic principles
and procedures for calculating the fire elements of
fire and creates the illusion of correctness of himself
(Doctrine of Communication and Information
systems, 2003). Because of the destructiveness of
artillery fire, the feelings of perfection cannot be
relied upon. The basic operating rule of tactical using
of artillery fire is supervised calculated of fire
elements for fire at a target before real start (Shooting
Rules and ground artillery fire control, 2017).
From the perspective of the application, software
must be open for easy deployment of internal
adjustments and additional functions, use common
programming language and allow install and run on
modern touch platforms with the Windows operating
system, which is implemented in the Czech Army.
Interoperability is an operational problem not
a technical problem. The need for technical
interoperability between C2 Information Systems
(C2IS) is driven by the greater need for operational
interoperability between the national force elements
within a coalition military force.
Interoperability that is enabled by
Communication and Information Systems (CIS) is
Šilinger, K. and Blaha, M.
The New Automated Fire Control System for Artillery Units based on Interoperability and Standards.
DOI: 10.5220/0006468003320337
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2017) - Volume 1, pages 332-337
ISBN: 978-989-758-263-9
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
defined as “the ability of systems, units or forces to
provide services to and accept services from other
systems, units or forces and to use the services so
exchanged to enable them to operate effectively
together” (ACP 167J, March 2008). Interoperability
enabled by CIS contributes to better information
sharing and better shared understanding. This in turn
leads to better decisions, actions and effects (NATO
Capabilities/Statements – 2018, 2007).
In the context of an Artillery system, this implies
a need for two-way flow of information between all
elements of the system and between the system and
higher echelons of C2, whether operating as part of
a national or Allied/Coalition force, so that accurate
and timely direct and indirect fire support can be
provided, to deliver the effects required by the
Command (Potužák, 2006).
Whether developing a national bespoke system or
procuring an ‘off-the-shelf’ system from an
international defense company, the Czech Army will
need to decide what level of interoperability is
required (Military Strategy of The Czech Republic,
2008). This will be dictated by the likely scale of
deployment of Artillery forces in national defense
operations or deployed Allied or coalition operations,
and the level of integration within the Command
structure (Doctrine of the Army of the Czech
Republic, 2005).
Assumptions about the scale of operations and
level of integration required will be determined by
national policy and strategy (Blaha, Sobarňa, 2010).
3.1 Effects based Approach to
The University of Defence project specifically seeks
to make proposals for an Artillery C2 system that will
support an Effects Based Approach to Operations
(EBAO). This is an evolving philosophy that is
defined as “the coherent and comprehensive
application of the various instruments
of the Alliance, combined with the practical
cooperation along with involved non-NATO actors,
to create the effects necessary to achieve planned
objectives and ultimately the NATO end state”
At the operational level, an effects based approach
involves the selective combination of actions,
coordinated with the activities of other organizations
to create lethal and non-lethal effects in order to
achieve operational objectives in support
of this end state. Operations are still executed through
the time-tested manner of applying operational art,
design and management. Operational art, supported
by the targeting process, seeks to analyse and then
direct activity to defeat or neutralise an adversary. It
integrates recent developments, for example,
Information Operations, with more traditional
Understanding the adversary's operational
objectives, capabilities, and intentions through
analysis enables the use of capabilities to be focused
on key components of the adversary’s systems. This
analysis is an integral part of the Operational
Planning Process. The Joint Force Commander (JFC)
establishes the operational objectives to be achieved.
Targeting is focused on creating specific desired
effects to achieve the JFCs objectives and/or
subordinate commanders’ supporting objectives.
3.2 Joint Action
Effects are delivered through Joint Action, designed
to influence any actor, whether opponent, friend,
neutral, belligerent or spoiler. An actor’s ability to use
force or to threaten force, to achieve a desired
outcome is dependent upon his will to act, his
understanding of the situation, and his capability to
act decisively. Together, these elements determine an
actor’s military effectiveness (Doctrine of
Communication and Information systems, 2003).
Will - At the strategic level, will is influenced
by factors such as national culture, ideology
and political resolve; at the operational and
tactical levels it is based upon the social unity
of communities of interest or armed groups,
their morale, esprit de corps, and cohesion.
Once an actor loses the will to act, he
relinquishes his ability to actively influence
Understanding - An actor’s understanding of
his situation originates from the information
he receives, but is shaped by his thoughts,
experience and senses. As a result, an actor’s
perception of his situation is as important as
reality in determining his actions and, indeed,
in affecting his will to act at all.
Capability - An actor’s capacity for action
is dependent upon his physical capabilities and
their utility in a particular situation. Although
quantity and quality tend to confer advantage,
a variety of other factors also impact upon
effectiveness. Some, such as geospatial
factors, are situation-dependent but others,
The New Automated Fire Control System for Artillery Units based on Interoperability and Standards
such as prioritised resource allocation to
achieve competing tasks, are subject to
a commander’s discretion and influence.
Cohesion within an organization is also an
important facet of operational effectiveness. For
example, it is collective will or resolve, ranging in
strength from tacit acceptance through
to absolute allegiance, which mobilises a group of
individuals in pursuit of a common goal. A group’s
cohesion reflects the extent to which those
motivations bind individuals together, and inspire
them to act in unison.
Joint Action, then, involves the deliberate use and
orchestration of military capabilities and activities to
realise effects on other actors’ will, understanding
and capability, and the cohesion between them. It is
implemented through the coordination and
synchronization of:
Fires - Fires are the deliberate use of physical
means to realise, primarily, physical effects.
They are focused on another actor’s capability
(to destroy someone or something, including
that which enables understanding); fires may
also influence indirectly behaviour, attitudes
or decisions. Fires would include Artillery
Influence Activities - Influence Activities seek
to affect understanding and thus the character
or behavior of an individual, group
or organization. They do so by manipulating
information ahead of its receipt, or perceptions
of that information once received. Artillery
systems could be used in influence activities,
perhaps to strengthen understanding of
friendly force capabilities.
Manoeuvre - Manoeuvre gains temporal and
spatial advantage. It places those seeking to
create either physical or psychological effects,
or frequently both, in the most appropriate
time and space to do so. Manoeuvre can also
realise a variety of effects in its own right, and
may be used to supplement the impact of fires
and influence activities. Artillery systems are
often used in conjunction with manoeuvre.
3.3 Joint Action Enabled by Network
Enabled Capability (NEC)
The aim of NEC is to link sensors, decision-makers,
weapon systems and support capability to achieve
enhanced military effect through improved
exploitation of the information available (AArtyP-5,
2013). Therefore, NEC should be viewed as
delivering Networked Enabled ‘Capabilities’, ie,
a pervasive attribute, or a characteristic, desired of all
capabilities and having applicability to all personnel
across Defence.
All capabilities rely on the integration of the Lines
of Development (eg DOTMLPFI). Similarly, NEC
has three dimensions that provide the ways and means
Networks, Information and People that support
the end effect; Joint Action. With Networks acting as
the arteries of the NEC body’, Information as the
blood supply and People as the brain, Joint Action
may be most easily likened to the senses and the
muscles – the effectors, realizing the physical effects
engendered by the three ‘supporting’ dimensions.
NEC delivers ‘enablers’ that facilitate
communication between platforms, sensors, decision
makers and support services within a nation’s Armed
Forces and with Allies and coalition partners. As
such, it is a force multiplier that can offer decisive
advantage in terms of improved situational
awareness, more efficient sharing and exploitation
of information, better-informed decisions, more
effective command and control and greater precision
and speed in the application of appropriate force.
The diagram below shows the NEC ‘Benefits
Figure 1: NEC Benefits Chain.
In other words, NEC enhances operational
capability by helping to get the right information to
the right people at the right time. As far as Artillery is
concerned, it uses information and communications
technology to get information from the sensor to the
ICINCO 2017 - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
shooter more quickly and more effectively than in the
past. The use of Artillery systems as an effective
component of Joint Action may therefore
be enhanced by NEC.
Operational, procedural and technical standards
within NATO are developed through Standardisation
Agreements (STANAGs) and Allied Publications
(APs). A STANAG is defined as “A normative
document recording an agreement among several or
all NATO member nations, which has been ratified at
the authorized national level, to implement
a standard, in whole or in part, with or without
reservation.” (AAP-42) An AP is defined as
“A NATO standard established and approved by
several or all NATO member nations
at tasking authority level.”
STANAGs and APs are produced by groups and
committees under the direction of their various
Tasking Authorities; senior NATO bodies with the
authority to task their subordinate groups to develop
new standards. Of these, the most relevant to the
development of Artillery C2 interoperability are
the NATO Committee for Standardisation (NCS),
the Conference of National Armaments Directors
(CNAD) and the NATO Consultation, Command and
Control Board (NC3B). Committees and groups
working to other Tasking Authorities may have some
relevance, for example the NATO EW Advisory
Committee under the Military Committee, but only
Under the NCS, the Army Branch of the NSA
(NATO Standardisation Agency) provides support to
9 working groups and 34 panels, responsible
primarily for the development of tactics and
procedures published in APs (such as AArtyP-1 and
AArtyP-5). Of these, the most important are the
Artillery Working Group, Interservice Ammunition
Interchangeability Working Group and the Land
Operations Working Group.
Under CNAD, the NATO Army Armaments
Group’s (NAAG) ‘Level 2’ group on Fire Support,
Land Capability Group 3 (LCG/3), is the main focus
for Artillery systems. LCG/3’s Sub-Group 2
on Accuracy and Ballistics is especially important for
the development of the SG/2 Shareable (Fire Control)
Software Suite (S4).
NC3B is the authority with expertise in C4ISR
capabilities, including Land C2IS, Deployable CIS,
the Information Exchange Gateway (IEG), Secure
Joint Tactical Chat Services (JChat) and the NATO
Messaging System (compliant with STANAG 4406).
Following a reorganization within the structure
of the CNAD Main Armaments Groups in 2006,
the Battlefield Digitization Group (LG/1) was
disbanded, and it was expected that NC3O would
continue the work of the group. However, funding
cuts have impacted on the capacity of NC3O, so
NAAG is now establishing a C2IS Quick Reaction
Team (QRT due to report to NAAG in Spring 2011)
to clearly define Land Force C2IS operational
requirements at Battlegroup level and below across
the Level 2 Groups’ tactical capability domains, as
well as the interfaces to the Air and Naval
components. The analysis will result in the definition
of the C2IS requirements and in the presentation of an
action plan that can be used by NAAG to prioritize
the shortcomings and gaps.
The resulting C2IS Operational Requirements and
action plan will be presented to the International
Staff, NHQC3 Staff, RTA, and other NATO
organizations and agencies for them to address the
required development of tactical C3 architectures and
standards necessary to achieve the necessary level of
interoperability (Chulsilp et al., 2012).
4.1 SG/2 Shareable Software Suite (S4)
The S4 is an umbrella NATO cooperative program
with five individual cooperative projects, all under
the auspices of NAAG, LCG/3 SG/2. Each project
develops one or multiple software products. The suite
is comprised of the separate software products,
designed to be embedded in the executive level
software of a fire control computer, which when
combined will provide most if not all of the basic
capability required by a fire control computer for
mission planning and accurate fire except for
communication and the soldier-machine interface.
The five individual software projects are the
NATO Armaments Ballistics Kernel (NABK),
NATO Armaments Geophysical and Information
Kernel (NAGIK), NATO Armaments Meteorological
Kernel (NAMK), NATO Indirect Fire Appreciation
Kernel (NIFAK), and the NATO Armaments Support
Services (NASS). The NABK project produces the
NABK product. The NAGIK project produces the
Terrain Elevation Data Manager (TEDM), Global
Land-Usage Manager (GLUM), and NAGIK
Common products. The NAMK project produces the
Meteorological Data Manager (METM), Gridded
Meteorological (Message) Verification software
(GMVerify), and CI products. The NIFAK project
The New Automated Fire Control System for Artillery Units based on Interoperability and Standards
produces the NIFAK product. The NASS project
produces the NASS product.
The umbrella or parent programme is managed by
SG/2 through the S4 Configuration Control Board
(SCCB). This level has oversight of all projects,
manages key requirements and product-to-product
interfaces, suite quality assurance, technology
generation, and independent software/safety audits.
Each project is managed by a project lead from a lead
nation and the project team at a minimum has the key
roles of software development, quality assurance, and
configuration management. STANAG 4537,
AOP-37 and AOP-49 guide the program organization
and operation.
4.2 Multilateral Interoperability
Program (MIP)
MIP is an interoperability organization established
by national C2IS system developers with
a requirement to share relevant C2 information in
a multinational/coalition environment. As a result of
collaboration within the program, MIP produces a set
of specifications which, when implemented by the
nations, provide the required interoperability
capability. MIP provides a venue for system level
interoperability testing of national MIP
implementations as well as providing a forum for
exchanging information relevant to national
implementation and fielding plans to enable
synchronization. MIP is not empowered to direct how
nations develop their own C2IS.
Key points:
MIP focuses on interoperability of command
and control (C2) systems, which includes the
Land view of Joint operations, but
encourages contributions from Air,
Maritime and other Communities of Interest
MIP specifications are based on operational
requirements developed into a fieldable
interoperability solution.
MIP assures the quality of the specification
through operational and technical testing of
national implementations.
The MIP solution refers to two or more
national C2IS exchanging information by
employing their respective implementations
based upon the agreed MIP technical
specifications and supporting procedural and
operational documentation.
A conceptual illustration of how the current MIP
interoperability solution works is shown below.
Figure 2: MIP interoperability solution.
The MIP Solution supports the ability to exchange
information between national C2IS in order to
facilitate the improved situational awareness and
collaboration among commanders that will lead to
and support common understanding. The MIP
Solution satisfies the information exchange
requirements between forces employing dissimilar
C2IS and which, during an operation, have
a command, support, or proximity relationship. The
MIP Solution contributes to the creation of
a Common Operating Picture (part of Situational
Awareness) and the Plans and Orders
by providing effective management and
dissemination of information being exchanged
between national C2IS. This is achieved by the
implementation of a common data model and
common exchange mechanisms (messaging and data
The Common Operating Picture is created
through a predefined set of information exchanges
with other HQs. The information exchanges include:
Blue force locations, operational graphics, significant
activities (as defined by the Lead Nation), the
correlated enemy picture and uncorrelated enemy
picture. In general terms it encompasses all relevant
information within a given commander’s Area
of Interest. Operations staffs are responsible for
identifying specific information to be exchanged in
order to create the default common operational
picture. This information sharing is accomplished via
the Data Exchange Mechanism (DEM). The DEM is
the automated exchange of information between
related forces.
This diagram shows how MIP-JC3IEDM supports
a call for fire message and subsequent action:
ICINCO 2017 - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 3: Diagram MIP for fire message and subsequent
The global environment changes, threats and new
tasks require new approach of the Czech Republic
defence strategy. Future security environment will be
characteristic by dynamic changes of situation. The
threat of terrorism causes changes
of strategy, which turns from using massive armed
forces to effectively using modern, sophisticated
forces with quick Command, Control and Decision
process supported by information technologies.
The aim of this article was not to describe detailed
interoperability and standards issue for fire control
system running but to introduce the most important
system of the Artillery Battalion Fire Control System
of the Artillery of the Army of the Czech Republic
and highlight significance of perfect communication
system of today and future fire control system or
command and Control operational tactical systems
(Mazal, Stodola, 2015). The above mentioned
requirements on necessary changes the Czech
Automated Artillery Fire Support Control System
represent absolutely basic conditions for approach to
the NATO standard (NEC Capabilities).
The perspective fire control system, which is
developed at the University of Defence, must assure
fire control at first. In near future there may be
circumstances for the advancement of the current
system to a higher level.
This higher level requires compliance with
principles and standards presented above in the paper.
The Czech Artillery units need to have intuitive
system for mathematical computations what assures
prediction capabilities for adequate fire support
provision - PVNPG-14M should be the best choice in
current conditions. It is necessary to connect Future
Artillery Fire Support Control System to the NATO
network philosophy system within the Network
Enabled Capabilities.
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The New Automated Fire Control System for Artillery Units based on Interoperability and Standards