Scenario-based Vulnerability Analysis in IoT-based Patient Monitoring
Neila Mekki
, Mohamed Hamdi
, Taoufik Aguili
and Tai-Hoon Kim
CommunicationsSystems Laboratory, (SysCom), National Engineering School of Tunis, (ENIT),
University of Tunis El Manar, (UTM), Tunisia
Elgazala Technopark, Higher School of Communication of Tunis, Sup’Com, University of Carthage, Tunisia
School of Information Science, University of Tasmania, Australia
Healthcare, Internet of Things, Scenario, Security Requirements.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the revolutionary technologies for healthcare. However, this flourishing
still faces too many challenges including security and privacy preservation information. To address these
problems, our contribution is to present a scenario of diabetes disease assume a matching between the situation
of the patient and the relevant data from monitoring point view. This scenario describes how a patient can
collect enormous of vital sign and activity. Wireless Body Sensor Networks (WBSN) is one of the IoT building
blocks in which a patient can be monitored using a collection of sensor nodes to improve the patients quality
of life. This technology in healthcare applications should not ignore security requirements. The aim of this
paper is, (1) to design a healthcare architecture for a patient monitoring system, and (2) to explore the major
security requirements in WBSN.
Today the number of people with chronic diseases
such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and hy-
pertension is growing exponentially according to the
World Health Organisation (WHO, 2017). This is due
to sedentary lifestyle and different risk factors such as
unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco, alcohol
consumption, and oxidative stress. It is said (WHO,
2016) that diabetes is considered to be one of a ma-
jor cause of stroke, blindness, heart attacks, kidney
failure, and lower-limb amputation. It will be the 7
leading cause of death by 2030.
However, diabetes can be actively treated and
monitored if an early diagnosis is available. Such
as for many years, the only standard exams consisted
of measuring the glucose level in the health center.
Thanks to technology, it is possible today with a vari-
ety sensor to read vital signs such as heart rate monitor
and blood pressure to take the patient with their vital
sign daily. The main challenge is to detect chronic
diseases early enough to implement efficient mecha-
Now, according to (Islam et al., 2015) and (Al-
Fuqaha et al., 2015), Internet of Things (IoT) is ex-
pected to be a potential alternative to cope with this
serve. It provides a dynamic environment in which
anything can be able to communicate with other in
anywhere and at any time.
Such as Wireless Body Sensor Networks
(WBSN), (Gope and Hwang, 2016) is one of the most
commonly-used technologies in IoT-based healthcare
systems. It is used to collect a human body function
and also surrounding environment.
However, in transit and stored data in healthcare
application, an attacker for example (Huang et al.,
2017) can be damage health devices or services by
providing a wrong information or remove integrity
data. Therefore, the challenge is to identify and pre-
dict all possible attacks and vulnerabilities associated
to IoT in a healthcare application. To deal with this
challenge our major contribution is organized as fol-
To propose a new IoT healthcare monitoring ar-
chitecture, by allowing distributed security strat-
To describe the interaction between various ac-
tors and patient monitoring system based IoT, in
which the patient is generated heterogeneous data
based WBSN deployed in this ambient environ-
ment. This methodology is proposed to identify
Mekki, N., Hamdi, M., Aguili, T. and Kim, T-H.
Scenario-based Vulnerability Analysis in IoT-based Patient Monitoring System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006473005540559
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 4: SECRYPT, pages 554-559
ISBN: 978-989-758-259-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the typology of the data collected from the pa-
tients environment based on a scenario-based ap-
To evaluate the security requirements according to
time is thoroughly studied. The importance of our
scenario can be used to implement context-aware
techniques in WBSN-based healthcare solutions.
Therefore this paper is organized as follows. Af-
ter the introduction, we give and specify in Section 2
a new healthcare architecture for the patient monitor-
ing system. In Section 3, we present a scenario of a
diabetic patient in which we identify the security re-
quirements. Finally, we provide concluding remarks
and future prospects in Section 4.
From the literature (Al-Fuqaha et al., 2015), (Islam
et al., 2015) we can distinguish that a general archi-
tecture IoT can basically consist of three layers, per-
ception layer, network layer, and application layer.
In this sense, our main contribution in revising
the literature is to present a new healthcare archi-
tecture for IoT, which describes how a patient can
collect enormous of vital sign and activity. We ex-
plain also how doctors can remotely use the patient
monitoring system to the remote. For that, we can
find a lot of possibilities to improve the security for
IoT Architectures in health context such as (Valera
et al., 2010), (Hassanalieragh et al., 2015), (Catarin-
ucci et al., 2015), and (Horn et al., 2016). However,
most of the proposed architecture are over to focus
in only one building blocks in WBSN, Gateway, or
cloud. The challenge is to propose a new architecture,
for IoT vulnerability following in each step.
Therefore, our healthcare system architecture as
shown in Figure 1 consists of three building blocks.
A perception layer: to collect a physiological state
and movement context, by using Wireless Body
Sensor Network (WBSN).
Network layer: to transmit data to the remote cen-
ter, by using Smart Health Gateway.
Application layer: to explain a good decision or
to monitoring information. While data mining
(Chun-Wei Tsai and Yang, 2014) and machine
learning (Abu Alsheikh et al., 2014) can be used
to provide smart services IoT, this lies outside the
scope of this paper.
The goal of the research is to design the embedded
security framework for IoT and to model the jamming
attack and design the defensive technique for Wire-
less Sensor Network (WSN)-based IoT. Our contribu-
tion is inspired us to propose a scenario to collect and
monitor the workout routines measurement according
to diabetes disease patient up at 7:00 in a section be-
In this section, we focus on describing the scenario a
healthcare application IoT, in which a patients health
profile and vital signs are captured sensor attached to
his or her body as shown in Figure 2.
The sensor will also be used to collect somatic
data as the reference to monitor their conditions such
as eating and others risk factors, such as Weight
measuring, Blood glucose (sugar), Electrocardiogram
(ECG), and Heartbeat rate.
It is important at this level to mention that, dia-
betes is a metabolic disease in which patient have a
high blood glucose (sugar) level over prolonged pe-
riod. In a normal subject, the fasting blood glucose
level is about 1g/l.
Moreover, we assume that a person needs to move
from one context to others. Different means of trans-
portation are generally available to include walking,
public transport, and vehicle transport.
Our contribution is twofold. We provide a match-
ing between the situation of the patient (i.e., step in
the scenario) and the relevant data from the monitor-
ing point of view. Second, we associate a set of secu-
rity requirements to each of the data a set too.
The result is very important from the adaptive se-
curity prospection since we provide a set of require-
ments on which dynamic security techniques can be
built to while taking into consideration the variation
of the security requirements.
3.1 Narrative Scenario Remote Diabetic
Patient Monitoring
In this section, we develop a scenario of patient
monitoring medical data to remote healthcare cen-
ter, a find to implement the context-aware technique
in WBSN based healthcare solutions. According to,
(Viswanathan et al., 2012), and (Islam et al., 2015) )
less research challenge over context-aware has been
developed. And our challenge is inspired us to ex-
plain a good decision to devise healthcare solution
into three generic level:
Scenario-based Vulnerability Analysis in IoT-based Patient Monitoring System
Figure 1: Proposed Adaptive architecture Remote healthcare IoT.
Figure 2: Scenario diabetes disease.
The context of the patient: at home, moving, cof-
fee visit, main activity, restaurant visit, and shop-
The activity monitoring: sleeping, eating, walk-
ing, moving.
Information capture: blood glucose, weight mea-
suring device, ECG, heartbeat rate measuring de-
vices, time spent of sleeping, walking time mea-
suring device, step counting devices, speed mea-
surement device, calorie spent measuring devices.
A brief description of core scenario is given as fol-
At Home. WBSN is used to monitor the patient
at home. This scenario includes some other sub-
scenarios such as sleeping, eating (breakfast or din-
ner) or others household activity (effort). For each
sub-scenario, the objective is to monitor the patient.
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Moving. The patient can be moving from one con-
text to other by walking, using public transport or his
or her vehicle transport.
Coffee Visit or Restaurant Visit. The patient may
visit a coffee or restaurant.
Shopping the patient visits the market to buy vari-
ous goals.
3.2 Security Requirements Remote
Diabetic Patient Monitoring
The challenge at this terms is to ensure security re-
quirements diabetes disease. A features component,
security requirements based (Islam et al., 2015) are
described as following:
Confidentiality: has to ensure the inaccessibility
of medical information for unauthorized users.
Integrity: has to ensure that received medical data
are not altered in transit by an adversary.
Authentication: has to enable an IoT health device
to verify the identity of the peer with which it is
Availability: has to ensure the availability of IoT
healthcare services to authorized parties when
needed even under denial-of-service attacks.
Data freshness: has to associate exchanged data
to a specific session.
Non-repudiation: has to prove that an action has
been performed by an entity.
Authorization: has to ensure that only authorized
nodes can access services or resources.
Data Privacy: has to ensure that only authorized
person that allow specific a purpose of sharing can
access to information.
Resiliency: has to guarantee that if a set of entities
are compromised then a security scheme should
still protect the network, device or information
from any attack.
Fault tolerance: has to guarantee that a security
scheme should continue to provide respective se-
curity services even in the presence of a fault.
In this sense, our objective is to evaluate the security
requirement and to implement resilient security. It can
be divided into two steps: Security requirements de-
pending on information nature, and Security require-
ments depending on the context. In this sub-section
below, we describe as following these two categories.
3.2.1 Security Requirements Depending on
Information Nature
It depends on sensors or activity used to monitor to
interact patient shown in Table 1.
To be more specific we address two categories:
To Monitor Chronic Disease Management such
as cardiovascular and diabetes. It involves the
lifestyle of the patient via continuous monitoring. The
sensor used in this case include ECG sensor, blood
glucose sensor, heartbeat rate sensor. These sen-
sors should respect some requirements, case to peo-
ple with diabetes will be considered a higher risk
compared to non-diabetics for insurance companies.
Such as they should pay more. It requires pro-
tecting content from eavesdroppers, which aims to
ensure inaccessibility information for unauthorized
users.Moreover, the modification of vital information
can cause very dangerous case, in which can resist a
false alert and false information or no alarm. So, the
system should diving attackers based on replay such
as the submission of alarm messages related to previ-
ous sessions.
To Monitor Personal Health and Fitness Manage-
ment such as the system monitor a patient who is
self-motivated and takes steps to stay healthy and
fit. This provides some consequent avoid by regular
screening applied by monitoring application and ap-
propriate treatment. For this type, the objective is to
continuous remote monitoring patient to improve the
quality life, which can define some security require-
ments. Our objective is to find and ensure availability
and efficient information. In this sense, a goal is to
counteract his or her activity a find to collect human
body function (weight measuring device, and activity
monitors) such as eating, walking and moving. In or-
der to integrate this functionality, the challenge is to
respect requirements security. In such case, a solution
is to assure these two major requirements authentica-
tion and availability a find to secure communication.
There are the two most important requirements in any
IoT. A find to assure identify patient and respect re-
quirement availability of information at anytime and
anyplace. However, for another requirement, the im-
pact factor of not respect can be treated as function
as to impact factor attacker and if the patient should
respect or not.
Scenario-based Vulnerability Analysis in IoT-based Patient Monitoring System
Table 1: Information Nature Security Requirements.
Requirement Blood
ECG Heart
beat rate
Confidentiality + - + + - - - - -
Integrity + - + + - - - - -
Authentication + + + + + + + + +
Availability + + + + + + + + +
Data fresh-
+ - + + - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
Authorization + - + + - - - - -
Data privacy + - + + - - - - -
Resiliency + - + + - - - - -
Fault tolear-
- - - - - - - - -
3.2.2 Security Requirements Depending On The
The patient in nature didn’t have the static place.
For example, he or she moves from home to another
provider. In this case, different networks have differ-
ent security configurations and settings.
Such as, when patient walking or moving by pub-
lic transport or vehicle transport many other people,
the neighbourhood can intercept by the active or pas-
sive attack. This attack can be potential affect patient
in which depends on user class patient. For example,
political user has a higher potential attack compares
to the simple user. So, the other problem that can be
allowed is what is the solution when the connectivity
is not possible.
The challenge is to ensure availability information
at anytime and at anyplace, to allow security require-
ments resist to various threat and attack that can mod-
ify, impersonation and eavesdropping or be replaying
information. The challenge is to ensure availability
information at anytime and at anyplace, to allow se-
curity requirements resist to various threat and attack
that can modify, impersonation and eavesdropping or
be replaying information.
Therefore, developing mobility security require-
ments can be a serious challenge. According to the
Table 2, the context can be divided into six categories:
at home, moving, coffee visit, main activity, restau-
rant visit, and shopping. Therefore for each category,
they can be classified into four other categories that
involved as following:
Time: Refers to the specific period in which the
patient interacts with the system to monitor an ac-
tivity of workouts routines or measuring some dis-
eases. It constant supervision by vital sign moni-
tors or activity monitors.
Neighborhood: Depends on environment patient
and other people can intercept by the active or pas-
sive attack.
User Class: Depends user class patient such as a
political user or a simple user.
Access Network: Depends on to the location of
the patient in or out home. The system should be
able to ensure the availability information.
Due to the sensitive nature of the sensor, WBSN
could be easily replayed by the adversary. In this case,
we need to ensure minimize security threats as fol-
lowing: Confidentiality, Authorization, Integrity, Re-
siliency, Authentication, Availability, Data freshness,
and Data privacy. So, the other problem that can be
allowed is what is the solution when the connectivity
is not possible.
Challenge Access Network. Wireless Body Sensor
Networks was used to measuring blood glucose (BG)
a find to monitor a diabetic patient in the different
context of at home moving, coffee visit, main activ-
ity, restaurant visit, and shopping.
This paper proposed two major contributions are
twofold. First, we proposed a design a healthcare ap-
plication in IoT. Second, we discuss to identify the as-
SECRYPT 2017 - 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 2: Context Security requirements.
Requirement At
Moving Coffe
Confidentiality + + + + + +
Integrity + - - + - -
Authentication + + + + + +
Availability + + + + + +
Data freshness + + + + + +
Non-repudiation - - - - - -
Authorization + + + + + +
Data privacy + + + + + +
Resiliency + - - + - -
Fault tolearance - - - - - -
sociations between the varying vulnerabilities related
to the data collected while a patient is operating in
normal life and the security threats he or she is ex-
posed to the major result consists in a mapping be-
tween the steps of the generic life scenario and the
security requirements. This result is very useful of
adaptive security approaches.
This research has collaborated with innovation centre
(Elgazala technopark).
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