Towards a Minimally Supervised Ontology Learning System based on Word
Embeddings and Convolutional Neural Networks
Wael Alkhatib, Leon Alexander Herrmann and Christoph Rensing
TU Darmstadt, Multimedia Communications Lab, S3/20,Rundeturmstr. 10, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany
Ontology, Neural Language Model, Word Embeddings, Ontology Enrichment, Convolutional Neural
Network, Deep Learning.
This paper introduces Onto.KOM: a minimally supervised ontology learning system which minimizes the
reliance on complicated feature engineering and supervised linguistic modules for constructing the different
consecutive components of an ontology, potentially providing domain independent and fully automatic ontol-
ogy learning system. The focus here is to fill in the gap between automatically identifying the different onto-
logical categories reflecting the domain of interest and the extraction and classification of semantic relations
between the concepts under the different categories. In Onto.KOM, we depart from traditional approaches
with intensive linguistic analysis and manual feature engineering for relation classification by introducing a
convolutional neural network (CNN) that automatically learns features from word-pair offset in the vector
space. The experimental results show that our system outperforms the state-of-the-art systems for relation
classification in terms of F1-measure.
Ontologies form the backbone of the semantic web,
which relies on a large population of high quality
domain ontologies to enable the increasing need for
knowledge integration and interchange for seman-
tic driven modeling. Ontology has been defined as
”a formal specification of a shared conceptualiza-
tion” (Borst, 1997). Shared conceptualization im-
poses that ontologies should serve as a shared view
of a domain knowledge, whereas formal means it
should be represented in a machine understandable
format. Manually acquiring knowledge for building
domain ontologies is extremely labor-intensive and
time-consuming. This fact triggers the need for auto-
matic or semi-automatic ontology learning systems.
Up to now, ontology learning systems have made
extensive use of a wide range of shallow linguistic and
statistical analysis modules i.e., Text-to-Onto (Maed-
che and Staab, 2000), OntoLearn (Velardi et al.,
2013) and INRIASAC (Grefenstette, 2015). The pre-
viously designed systems suffer from many shortcom-
ings concerning ontology coverage, error propaga-
tion, reliability and required computation resources.
On one hand, linguistic techniques like semantic tem-
plates or lexico-syntactic pattern analysis are capable
of discovering relatively accurate semantic relations
between word-pairs, however, they suffers from defi-
ciency because such patterns cover a small proportion
of complex linguistic space. Moreover, all the linguis-
tic pipeline tasks suffer from a performance loss when
they are applied to out-of-domain data (McClosky
et al., 2010). On the other hand, statistical techniques,
i.e., co-occurrence analysis and clustering, can pro-
vide higher recall by relying on the implicit relation
between words to identify new relations, however, the
number of induced incorrect relations is higher which
might dramatically effect the quality of the generated
ontology. Beside the linguistic and statistical tech-
niques, previously, researchers relied on manually-
built lexical databases such as WordNet (Miller, 1995)
and commonsense knowledge bases like ConceptNet
(Liu and Singh, 2004) for ontology enrichment with
additional concepts and semantic relations. Despite
of the high accuracy and good structures of such re-
sources, their coverage is limited to fine-grained con-
In recent years, deep learning techniques have
proved to substantially outperform traditional ma-
chine learning methods across many NLP tasks
grounded on neural networks i.e., paraphrase detec-
tion, sentiment analysis, knowledge base completion,
Alkhatib W., Alexander Herrmann L. and Rensing C.
Onto.KOM - Towards a Minimally Supervised Ontology Learning System based on Word Embeddings and Convolutional Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0006483000170026
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KEOD 2017), pages 17-26
ISBN: 978-989-758-272-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and question answering. This cutting-edge research
field has been inspired by leveraging the distributed
word representation in a low dimensional space us-
ing word embeddings. Word embeddings represents
the words and their context in a reduced linear space,
as a vector of numerical values. Word embeddings
are proved to be capable of capturing latent seman-
tic and syntactic properties of words (Mikolov et al.,
2013b). Word embeddings which are mostly unsuper-
vised, preserve linguistic regularities, such as words
similarity i.e., similar words to frog are toad, lito-
ria, ranas which are different species of frogs. Also
they are capable of capturing semantic relationship
between words (Mikolov et al., 2013a) i.e., v(Paris)
v(France) v(Berlin) v(Germany), where v(w) is
the embedding of the word w.
This paper describes Onto.KOM: a minimally su-
pervised, fully automatic and domain independent on-
tology learning system. The main contributions in this
framework are the novel algorithms for automatically
identifying the different ontological categories based
on the word vectors and the reliance on word-pair off-
set as the only input for relation classification, which
can avoid complicated feature engineering.
The rest of the paper is structured as follow: Sec-
tion 2 introduces potential ontology sources. We pro-
vide an overview of related work in Sect. 3. Then, we
introduce our methodology and framework in Sect. 4.
Section 5 demonstrates the different experiments and
comparative analysis of the proposed approaches. Fi-
nally, Sect. 6 summarizes the paper and discusses fu-
ture work.
Wikipedia is a free crowdsourced encyclopedia with
a large volume of high quality, and comprehensive
articles. It has been widely used by researchers as
a knowledge resource for ontology learning systems
(Janik and Kochut, 2008; Kim and Hong, 2015).
Wikipedia articles provide a very rich source for onto-
logical entities through the variety of components i.e.,
infoboxes, templates, categories and internal links be-
tween articles. Wikipedia categories build a large net-
work containing links of different types. In many
cases there is a subtype relation between two cat-
egories and ths can be directly project into taxo-
nomic relationships. DBpedia (Lehmann et al., 2015)
and YAGO2 (Hoffart et al., 2013) are two knowl-
edge bases which have been automatically extracted
from Wikipedia by exploiting its different constitutive
WordNet (Miller, 1995) is a large semantic net-
work of the English language. It organizes words
in synonym sets (synsets). All words and phrases
in a synset describe a certain context. Furthermore,
it differentiates between words in five categories:
nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and function words.
Most notably, WordNet is an ontology containing
different kinds of semantic relations between nouns,
namely synonymy, hyponymy, meronymy, antonymy
and morphological relations.
Many NLP applications has been powered by the rev-
olution of deep learning techniques, including seman-
tic parsing (Yih et al., 2014), search query retrieval
(Shen et al., 2014), sentence modeling and classifi-
cation (Kim, 2014), name tagging and semantic role
labeling (Collobert et al., 2011), relation extraction
and classification (Liu et al., 2013; Zeng et al., 2014).
In the following, we will focus on related work using
word embeddings and deep learning for building the
different constitutive components of ontologies.
Pembeci (Pembeci, 2016), analyzed the feasibil-
ity of using word embeddings for ontology enrich-
ment in an agglutinative language like Turkish. In
their work, they showed that words from different on-
tological categories will be relatively separated from
each other in the vector space by using t-SNE (Maaten
and Hinton, 2008) to visualize embeddings of cer-
tain categories i.e., people, vegetables and animals.
Then by looking into the similarity distance distri-
butions of top N similar concepts, where N {1
50, 50 200, 200+}, they found that the first most
similar word has a significantly high cosine distribu-
tion. The cosine distance of the 20
to 200
similar words are quite close to each other. In the
last experiment, the author developed an algorithm
for ontology enrichment that discovers related con-
cepts using word embeddings similarity. For the main
concept, an initial set of twelve related concepts was
selected. With the use of this set, a relatedness score
for every word in the embeddings was calculated and
then used to calculate a threshold indicating if a word
is related to the main concept or not.
Fu et al. (Fu et al., 2014) approached the task
of creating a hierarchy of semantic relations using
only word embeddings. They have built a uniform
linear projection for the embedding offset of correct
hypernym-hyponym relations in order to infer new
hypernym-hyponym relations. For some hyponym x
and a projection φ, the corresponding hypernym y can
be found by y = φx. The hypernym-hyponym offset
for words in different domains is quite diverse, thus
it cannot be captured with only one projection. As
a means of depicting this diversity, they used piece-
wise linear projections by clustering the offsets and
then calculated a projection for each cluster. New
hypernym-hyponym relations can be found by analyz-
ing if a given word pair’s x, y offset is close to one of
the clusters. If this is true, they use the corresponding
projection φ
for this cluster.
The SemEval 2016 Task 13 (Bordea et al., 2016),
also addressed the task of creating a taxonomy based
on extracted hypernym-hyponym relations in a set
of domains (environment, food, science, artificial in-
telligence, plants, and vehicles). In this task, four
languages were considered: Dutch, English, French
and Italian. It consisted of one monolingual subtask
where English was in focus and a multilingual task
composed of the other languages. Five teams have
submitted results to the monolingual task and two to
the multilingual task. (Maitra and Das, 2016) and
(Panchenko et al., 2016) contributed to the multilin-
gual task. JUNLP is the system developed by Maitra
and Das. It used an external open-source multilin-
gual dictionary that is organized in a large network
of semantic relations between synsets, called Babel-
Net to form state-of-the-art ontology, which was used
to extract possible hypernym-hyponym relations from
Wikipedia articles by applying a number of patterns.
The system TAXI by Panchenko et al. used a combi-
nation of substring matching and Hearst-like lexico-
syntactic patterns for the identification of hypernyms.
The other two submissions (Tan et al., 2016) and
(Cleuziou and Moreno, 2016) considered the mono-
lingual task. The system USAAR examined if the
property of some hypernyms, that their hyponyms are
constructions of the hypernym and some other word,
can be utilized for finding new relations. The authors
investigated how many hypernym-hyponym relations
can be found in the food domain using endocentricity
property. In the last submission QASSIT (Cleuziou
and Moreno, 2016), the authors deployed a genetic
algorithm that uses word vectors and pretopological
spaces to infer the desired hypernym-hyponym rela-
tions. A pretopological space was used to transform
terms into a structured space from which the final tax-
onomy can be extracted.
Another important aspect in ontology learning is
relation extraction. The common characteristic of
previous research in relation extraction is intensive
reliance on complicated feature engineering, linguis-
tic analysis and external knowledge bases to provide
a rich representation to feed a classifiers (Boschee
et al., 2005; Sun et al., 2011). A very recent work
based on convolutional neural networks which au-
tomatically learns features from sentences and min-
imizes the dependence on external toolkits and re-
sources was proposed by (Nguyen and Grishman,
2015). Raw sentences marked with the positions of
the two entities of interest are the only input for the
system. Finally, deep learning structures have been
used also for relation classification. Traditional sys-
tems relied on classifiers such as MaxEnt and SVM
with series of supervised and manual features (i.g.,
POS,WordNet, name tagging, dependency parse, pat-
terns) (Hendrickx et al., 2009). While more re-
cent work used lexical and sentence level features
based on word embeddings with convolutional neural
networks (O-CNN) for sentence classification (Zeng
et al., 2014).
This paper is the first step towards a minimally
supervised, fully automatic and domain independent
ontology leaning system based on word embeddings
and convolutional neural networks. The main dif-
ferences between Onto.KOM and previous automatic
and semi-automatic ontology learning systems are:
Firstly, the unsupervised approach for identifying the
different ontological categories in a text corpus based
on clustering the word vectors and using validity in-
dices to select the optimal number of ontological cat-
egories. Secondly, we build a robust small ontology
using lexico-syntactic patterns and external lexical
databases in order to train our CNN classifier with the
different semantic relations. Finally, departing from
complicated features engineering, our model uses the
embedding offset between word pairs as the only fea-
ture to identify new semantic relations between con-
In the following we discuss the main constitutive
components of the proposed ontology learning sys-
tem Onto.KOM. In the first phase, we extract all sin-
gle and multi-word terms representing the domain ter-
minology. Then, we identify the different ontological
categories, which are topical categories the terms be-
longs to, in a specific corpus based on clustering the
word vectors and using validity indices to measure
the resulting cluster’s quality. The output of the first
step are the different ontological categories i.e., food,
animals and science. Secondly, for each ontological
category we build a robust ontology, by adding rela-
tions between the terms of a category, using lexico-
syntactic patterns and external lexical databases i.e.,
WordNet. The extracted ontology will be used to train
a separate classifier for each category in order to iden-
tify and classify new semantic relations. Finally and
POS Tagging
Noun Phrase
Selecting the Number
of Clusters
Word Embeddings
Corpus Crawling
Stop Word Removal
Clustering Hypernym-
Hyponym Offsets
Word Embeddings
Extracing new Semantic
Extracting Hypernym-
Hyponym Relations
from WordNet for
each Cluster
Synonym Approach
Offset Approach
Classifier Approach
Figure 1: Block diagram of the proposed ontology learning system.
most importantly, rather than using exterior features
for relation classification, our model use the embed-
ding offset between word-pair vectors from the ex-
tracted ontology to identify new semantic relations.
With minimally supervised, we means that, the
linguistic techniques and knowledge bases will be
used only on the training phase of the semantic re-
lation classifiers. Having a basic ontology with a cov-
erage of concepts from wide range of domains will
make the system capable of implicitly identifying se-
mantic relations between words, without frequent co-
occurrence based on capturing their context similar-
ity. For a new textual dataset the system should be
capable of identifying the different semantic relations
using the word vectors and without any additional fea-
ture engineering.
The constitutive components of Onto.KOM,
shown in Fig. 1, will be explained in the following:
4.1 Noun Phrase Extraction and
In the first step, we identify the domain terminology
by extracting all noun phrases (NPs) in order to form
the basis for our semantic relation extraction phase. A
linguistic filter will be applied on the corpus to extract
all candidate NPs. Afterwards, word vectors for the
extracted concepts will be created.
4.1.1 Linguistic Filter
The role of the linguistic filter is to recognize essen-
tial concepts and filter out sequence of words that are
unlikely to be concepts using linguistic information.
The linguistic component pipeline includes tokeniza-
tion and part of speech tagging (POS) of the text doc-
uments for tagging the words as corresponding to a
particular part of speech i.g., noun, adjective, verb. A
combination of three linguistic filters is used to extract
multi-word noun phrases NPs that can reflect essential
Noun Noun+
Ad j Noun+
(Ad j| Noun) + Noun
4.1.2 Word Embeddings Creation
One problem that arises when creating word embed-
dings directly from text is that multi-word terms,
like machine learning, are separated, therefore los-
ing critical information about this kind of word con-
structions. In order to enable the learning of these
very common constructions, we concatenate all multi-
word terms (e.g., artificial intelligence artifi-
cial intelligence), then we create a word vector for
the concatenated term.
We report experiments with word vectors trained
using both Word2vec and GloVe to investigate the
Figure 2: The distribution of word vectors from artificial intelligence articles using t-SNE plot.
effect of different settings on different ontology ex-
traction tasks, namely similarity and relatedness. For
GloVe, only one configuration with 300 dimensional
vectors, minimum number of occurrences of 5, win-
dow size 15 and 30 iterations was used based on
the work in (Pennington et al., 2014) which compare
GloVe against wide range of word vector models ex-
cept word2vec. For word2vec, different configura-
tions had been evaluated. The adjusted parameters
for each configuration were the size of the context
window and the number of dimensions of the word
Jastrzebski et al. (Jastrzebski et al., 2017) com-
bine 17 established datasets in the categories of simi-
larity and analogy in order to evaluate word embed-
dings on all of them. For the final evaluation, six
datasets, MEN, MTurk, SimLex999 and WordSimi-
larity 353, 353R, 353S, were chosen to benchmark
the created embeddings on similarity related tasks.
Correspondingly, three datasets, BLESS, the Google
analogy dataset and SemEval2012, were chosen for
the assessment of analogy related tasks. Based on the
average performance on similarity and analogy tasks
we decided on using GloVe in further steps.
4.2 Identifying Ontological Categories
Word embeddings preserve linguistic regularities,
such as words similarity and analogy. Figure 2 illus-
trates the projection of word vectors corresponding to
noun phrases from a subset of 6274 Wikipedia arti-
cles covering the artificial intelligence category into
two-dimensional space using t-SNE. The embeddings
created with GloVe conserve semantic similarity so
that words with similar context are close in the vec-
tor space. Using hierarchical clustering with K = 20
to cluster the 300-dimensional word vectors, we can
identify relatively separated ontological categories.
Concepts belong to machine learning and statistics
are adequately separated in the vector space. These
results indicate strong clustering effect, thus a good
separation between words belonging to different on-
tological categories can be achieved.
While t-SNE on its own is a powerful tool for
the visualization of word embeddings, in combination
with clustering techniques other underlying patterns
in the word embeddings can be identified and the dif-
ferent ontological entities can be extracted. A major
decision for clustering is which techniques to be used
and what is the number of clusters. Clustering Valid-
ity Indexes have been widely used in order to specify
the optimal number of clusters and the quality of the
produced clusters (Desgraupes, 2013). The optimal
number of clusters is selected based on the majority
vote of three indices, namely Dunn, Davies-bouldin
and Silhouette. Lower value of Davies-Bouldin index
indicates better clusters quality while higher values
for Silhouette and Dunn indices prove better cluster-
ing quality.
Figure 3 shows the scores for Dunn and Davies-
Bouldin indices over different number of clusters. K-
means has higher scores than the hierarchical clus-
tering approach when evaluated using Dunn index as
shown in Fig. 3a, however, with number of clusters
more that 145 hierarchical clustering outperformed
K-means. From Fig. 3b, it is remarkable that the
456.7(0 8,./7/9+,97:
(a) Dunn index.
'()*+,-./012*3-41/5+6- *,-7+88+69
:;<+(3, =*+6(6>?*>(1
(b) Davies-Bouldin index.
Figure 3: Results for two validity indices in relation to the
number of clusters.
indices for K-means highly fluctuate due to the ran-
dom selection of initial centroids. In contrast, the re-
sults for hierarchical clustering show that this tech-
nique produces more stable results with a low vari-
ance in the indices scores over the different number
of clusters. We proceeded using hierarchical cluster-
ing approach based on the relative comparison of the
indices’ scores for both algorithms.
4.3 Semantic Relation Extraction using
Concepts related to different ontological categories
i.e., food and animals occur in different contexts and
for that their semantic relations have varied perspec-
tives. Consequently, building a separated model for
classifying the semantic relations within the different
categories is an essential step to improve the system’s
overall performance. For each resulting cluster, we
build a robust ontology by adding semantic relations
between the terms. The extracted ontology will have
low coverage of relations in some domain but high
precision. This quality of the extracted ontology is es-
sential to minimize the error propagation in ontology
enrichment phase. For that, to create this ontology
we will rely on lexico-syntactic patterns and external
lexical databases. Currently, WordNet is used as a
proof of concept to extract taxonomic relations, how-
ever, extracting ontological associations using Word-
Net has short-comings due to the low coverage of
concepts for particular domains. Therefore, in future
work, lexico-syntactic patterns and other lexical re-
sources i.e., BabelNet will be incorporated in the sys-
4.4 Ontology Enrichment
Ontology enrichment methodologies are used for ex-
tending an existing ontology with additional instances
and relations. Figure 4 illustrates the embedding off-
set of hypernym-hyponym relations from concepts of
two different domains, namely plants and vehicles us-
ing t-SNE plot. The different colored markers repre-
sent the selected domains. The relation offsets (em-
bedding offsets) are adequately distributed in clusters,
which implies indeed that, it can be decomposed into
more fine-grained relations. This implies that simi-
lar relations and their offsets are near to each other
in the vector space and thus have the potential to be
used for discovering new relations. In the following,
three different methods, namely the synonym, offset
and classifier approaches will be introduced.
4.4.1 Synonym Approach
The basic assumption for this approach is that for
a given hypernym-hyponym relation (X,Y ), one can
find new relations with the same hypernym X by
searching for ”synonyms” for Y . For the relation
coupe car, searching for similar or semantically
close words for coupe will lead to compact, convert-
ible, roadster or sedan. In combination with the cor-
responding hypernym car, new taxonomic relations
can be found. The idea in respect to word embed-
dings is that words similar to Y should be close in the
vector space. The procedure for finding an alternative
for Y is to find a number of word vectors v
that are
closest to v
the vector representation of Y , based on
some threshold δ:
, v
) < δ (1)
While identifying many correct relations, this
naive approach might also create a high number of
false positives. In order to improve on this approach,
for a given hypernym X and a set of hyponyms
, ...,Y
an alternative Y
has to be a shared al-
ternative between at least n hyponyms in the top K-
Nearest results. For example for n = 2, the hypernym-
hyponyms relations compact car and convertible
car, the word roadster has to be in the closest k-
nearest for both compact and convertible to be con-
sidered as a new hyponym of car.
4.4.2 Analogy Approach
The offset approach is based on the similarity between
the offset of the hypernym-hyponym word pairs in or-
der to find new relations. The offset between two vec-
tors X, Y is the arithmetic difference between them
(Y X ). This approach is similar to the work of
Figure 4: The distribution of the taxonomic relation offset for the plants and vehicle categories using t-SNE plot.
Pocostales (Pocostales, 2016), however, instead of
learning offset projection, the idea is to find simi-
lar embedding offsets based on the embedding off-
set of all correct hypernym-hyponym relations. Simi-
lar to the synonym approach, this approach utilizes a
k-nearest neighbor approach with either euclidean or
cosine distance as a threshold for to the corresponding
valid relations.
4.4.3 Classifier Approach
Enriching the ontology with additional relations
based on the embedding offset is more complex than
reliance on similarity scores. Moreover, the taxo-
nomic relations in vehicles domain are spatially close,
but separate from the relations in the plants domain
which entails the need for creating separated model
for each category. For that, we investigate the fea-
sibility of using the embedding offset between two
words as the only input to three different classifiers,
namely SVM, Conditional Inference Tree (Ctree) and
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). Ctree is a
non-parametric class of regression trees embedding
tree-structured regression models into a well defined
theory of conditional inference procedures (Hothorn
et al., 2006).
Convolutional neural networks have had a great
impact on computer vision community and more re-
cently on a wide range of NLP tasks. We imitate
the assumed image structure for CNN by converting
the embedding offset into similar structure and feed it
to the network. Convolutional neural networks are a
type of feed-forward artificial neural networks formed
by a sequence of layers. In this work we focus on two
types of layers:
Convolution: A convolutional operator is a
weighting matrix (filter) used to extract higher
level features. Different feature maps can be gen-
erated using various filters with different region
sizes or weights.
Pooling: Each convolutional layer is usually fol-
lowed by a pooling layer. The rationale behind is
to further down sampling the features by aggre-
gating the scores for each filter to introduce the
invariance to the absolute positions.
The final feature maps generated by the subsequent
convolution and pooling operators over the created
layers will be connected to a fully-connected layer in
order to perform the classification of taxonomic rela-
Based on our initial evaluation, we have proceeded
with using GloVe to create the word vectors of single
and multi-word terms. Hierarchical clustering with
Dunn, Davies-bouldin and Silhouette validity indices
were used to identify the different ontological cate-
gories. The English Wikipedia was used as a cor-
pus for creating the word vectors because of the high
quality text. The articles were downloaded directly
from the Wikipedia backup dump of 2016. Stanford
CoreNLP toolkit (Manning et al., 2014) was used
in this work for performing the different NLP tasks
(POS, linguistic filter and taxonomic relations extrac-
tion). It combines machine learning and probabilistic
approaches to NLP with sophisticated, deep linguistic
modelling techniques. This toolkit provides state-of-
the-art technology for wide range of natural-language
processing tasks. Also it is quite widely used, both in
the research NLP community, industry, and govern-
In the last phase, we investigate the feasibility of
using word similarity and relatedness for ontology
enrichment. Two ontological categories, namely ve-
hicles and plants were used for evaluating the three
different approaches. The initial semantic relations,
forming our basic robust ontology, were extracted
from WordNet for both categories. With regard to the
generated word embbedings from Wikipedia, the cov-
erage for the plants category was 952 relations from
4,699 in WordNet, while 208 relations from a total of
585 for plants were found.
(a) Results for synonym approach based on similarity
score threshold in the plants domain.
(b) Results for synonym approach based on similarity
score threshold in the vehicles domain.
Figure 5: Results of the synonym approach.
Figures 5a and 5b subsequently show the associ-
ated graphs of the different performance metrics with
regard to the similarity threshold for the two domains
using euclidean distance. It is clear that the distance
distribution for correct and incorrect synonym rela-
tions are similar, which indicates that using only the
distance threshold to identify new relations will have
poor performance.
With the offset approach, figures 6a and 6b, show
a better distinction between false and true relations
based on the embeddings offset. However, with small
distance threshold many correct relations will be mis-
classified while with high distance threshold many
false relations will be classified as correct taxonomic
(a) Results for the offset approach in the plants domain
depending on the distance threshold.
(b) Results for the offset approach in the vehicles domain
depending on the distance threshold.
Figure 6: Results of the offset approach.
Based on the analysis of the first two approaches
we can conclude that the embedding offset is more
complex than what similarity distance can imply. For
that, we tried three different classifiers following dif-
ferent paradigms, namely SVM, Ctree and CNN. In
order to train the classifier on negative examples too,
a set of 1000 random relations for both domains was
extracted from WordNet synsets without taxonomic
relations. For the CNN network configurations, ini-
tially we used similar structure to the one introduced
by DL4J for image recognition. We used L2 regu-
larization and initial learning rate of 0.01. Each filter
is initialized using Xavier initialization (Glorot and
Bengio, 2010). We trained our model with a batch
size of 200 over 30 iterations, with Stochastic gra-
dient descent as optimization algorithm and Nesterov
(Nesterov, 1983) as an updater function with momen-
tum of 0.9. Table 1 provides the comparative analysis
of related work (Zeng et al., 2014) against the pro-
posed CNN classifier as well as SVM and Ctree with
the embedding offset as the only input for taxonomic
relation classification over a combined dataset of both
domains. The results of 5-cross validation folds are
quite promising, the CNN model without any addi-
tional designated features is capable of providing the
best performance equals to O-CNN for taxonomic re-
lations classification and better than other classifiers
with exterior features.
Table 1: Classifier, their feature sets and the F1-score for relation classification.
Classifier Feature Sets F1-Score
SVM POS, stemming, syntactic patterns 60.1
SVM word pair, words in between 72.5
SVM POS, stemming, syntactic patterns, WordNet 74.8
MaxEnt POS, morphological, noun compound, thesauri, Google n-
grams, WordNet
SVM POS, prefixes, morphological, WordNet, dependency parse,
Levin classed, ProBank, FrameNet, NomLex-Plus, Google n-
gram, paraphrases, TextRunner
MVRNN POS, NER, WordNet 82.4
O-CNN word pair, words around word pair, WordNet 82.7
SVM embedding offset 53.2
Ctree embedding offset 53.0
Proposed CNN embedding offset 82.7
In this work, we proposed a minimally supervised,
fully automatic and domain independent framework
for ontology learning. Our experiments showed that
word embeddings produced by the GloVe model pre-
serve the linguistic regularities. Also in combination
with hierarchical clustering it proved to be quite ef-
fective for identifying the different ontological cate-
gories in a domain of knowledge. Moreover, the pre-
sented work showed that the concept of utilizing word
embedding offsets as a basis for relation extraction
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