Protecting Data in the Cloud: An Assessment of Practical Digital
Envelopes from Attribute based Encryption
Victor J. Sosa-Sosa, Miguel Morales-Sandoval, Oscar Telles-Hurtado
and Jose Luis Gonzalez-Compean
Center of Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV),
Parque Cient
ıfico y Tecnol
ogico TECNOTAM, Km. 5.5 carretera Cd. Victoria-Soto La Marina, Ciudad Victoria, Mexico
Attribute-based Encryption, Cloud Storage, Security, Access Control, Confidentiality, Authentication.
Cloud storage services provide users with an effective and inexpensive mechanism to store and manage big
data with anytime and anywhere availability. However, data owners face the risk of losing control over their
data, which could be accessed by third non-authorized parties including the provider itself. Although con-
ventional encryption could avoid data snooping, an access control problem arises and the data owner must
implement the security mechanisms to store, manage and distribute the decryption keys. This paper presents a
qualitative and quantitative evaluation of two Java implementations of security schemes called DET-ABE and
AES4SeC. Both are based on the digital envelope technique and attribute based encryption, a non-conventional
cryptography that ensures confidentiality and access control security services. The experimental evaluation
was performed in a private cloud infrastructure where experiments for both implementations ran using the
same platform, settings, underlying libraries, thus providing a more fair comparison. The quantitative evalua-
tion revealed DET-ABE and AES4SeC have similar performance when applying low security levels (128-bit
keys), whereas DET-ABE surpasses AES4SeC performance when medium (192-bit keys) and high (256-bit
keys) security levels are required. Qualitative evaluation shows that AES4SeC also ensures authentication and
integrity services, which are not supported by DET-ABE.
Cloud storage is one of the most demanded services
in the cloud computing model. That service is very
attractive for users because it allows the storage of a
high volume of data at a relative low cost and with the
guarantee of availability and reliability.
One of the main aspects delaying the acceptance
of cloud storage services is security (Theoharidou
et al., 2013). Data owners are often reluctant to out-
source their data to distant cloud servers because non-
authorized parties including the service provider can
learn from their data in plaintext form.
The two main security services demanded in a
cloud storage service are (Theoharidou et al., 2013;
Chow et al., 2009):
Confidentiality: Non-authorized entities can learn
anything from owners’ data.
Fine grained access control: Data owners can se-
lectively decide who can access and use their data.
Conventional cryptography (Menezes et al., 1996)
can be used to implement some schemes that en-
sure the confidentiality of data (i.e. using symmet-
ric cryptography) and the sharing of the encryption
key to consumers by means of cryptographic digital
envelopes (asymmetric encryption). However, under
this solution approach the key management is respon-
sibility of the data owner which must implement the
secure mechanisms to store and share the keys. In ad-
dition, the data owner must know the identity of con-
sumers in advance (i.e. their public key) before cre-
ating the digital envelope and sending the encrypted
key to them.
Attribute-based encryption (ABE) (Sahai and Wa-
ters, 2005) is non conventional cryptography. Instead
of using traditional keys, ABE encrypts using a pol-
icy over a set of attributes, which defines an access
control mechanism and many-to-many encryption. In
ABE, the encryptor does not need to know the identity
of data consumers in advance, it encrypts data to all
those whose attributes satisfy the encryption policy.
Consumers are provided with a set of attributes. A
key is derived from users’ attributes and used for
Sosa-Sosa, V., Morales-Sandoval, M., Telles-Hurtado, O. and González-Compeán, J.
Protecting Data in the Cloud: An Assessment of Practical Digital Envelopes from Attribute based Encryption.
DOI: 10.5220/0006484603820390
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2017), pages 382-390
ISBN: 978-989-758-255-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
data decryption. Only those that have the attributes
that satisfy the encryption policy will be able to de-
ABE is considered an important enabler technol-
ogy to provide the security services demanded in
cloud storage. Nevertheless, there are few avail-
able implementation of ABE schemes for practical
use in end user applications (Zickau et al., 2016).
ABE are complex systems relying in the theory of
elliptic curves and bilinear pairings, with several as-
pects to cover for a secure and efficient implementa-
tion. Most of the reported works on ABE are theo-
retical constructions, for example (Koo et al., 2013;
Saikeerthana and Umamakeswari, 2015; Fu et al.,
2014). Those works do not present experimental re-
sults that prove the schemes are well suited for use in
There are two kinds of ABE schemes: KP-ABE
and CP-ABE. In KP-ABE, the attributes are associ-
ated to the ciphertext and the access structure is as-
sociated to the keys. In CP-ABE the situation is the
opposite, the attributes are associated to decryption
keys and the access structure is associated to the ci-
phertext. This way, CP-ABE is conceptually closer to
the role based access control (RBAC) technology and
preferred for providing the access control mechanism
for data stored in the cloud.
In the same way, there are two common con-
structions of CP-ABE. The first one is based on the
Bethencourt et al (Bethencourt et al., 2007) work,
where the access structure is implemented as a tree
(leaf nodes are attributes and internal nodes are logic
gates defining the encryption policy). Some repre-
sentative ABE schemes using this type of technique
are (Bobba et al., 2009; Wan et al., 2012). DET-
ABE (Morales-Sandoval and Diaz-Perez, 2015) is a
Java application that implements this technique. The
second approach is based on the constructions given
by Waters (Waters, 2011), where the access structure
is implemented as a matrix and the encryption poli-
cies are represented as formatted boolean formulas.
Some representative constructions of ABE schemes
with matrix implementations of the access structure
are (Liu et al., 2015; Liu and Wong, 2016). AES4SeC
(Morales-Sandoval et al., 2017) is a Java applica-
tion that implements these ABE schemes. Additional
to offer confidentiality and access control, AES4SeC
also provides authentication and integrity services.
This work presents a quantitative and qualitative
comparison of two realizations of CP-ABE for pro-
viding confidentiality and access control mechanism
over the data stored in untrusted cloud servers. By it-
self, CP-ABE is not able to encrypt large amounts of
data. For that reason, DET-ABE and AES4SeC
implement the digital envelope technique, that uses a
symmetric cipher to encrypt data of any size, and the
decryption key is encrypted with CP-ABE, thus en-
forcing access control and confidentiality at the same
time. Both schemes use the Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES) as symmetric cipher, with support of
the three security levels of 128-, 192-, and 256-bit.
An study as the one presented here allows us to
highlight the advantages and disadvantages of prac-
tical implementations of the two most representative
ABE constructions. Our results show how execution
time varies for different security level requirements
and sizes of files that are shared through a file shar-
ing system. These results can be of interest to those
users that plan to implement this kind of cryptogra-
phy in real scenarios for data storage and sharing in
the cloud.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents the generalities of an ABE
scheme. Section 3 describes the concept of digital
envelopes and how DET-ABE and AES4SeC imple-
ments that cryptographic concept to guarantee con-
fidentiality and access control mechanisms for large
amount of data. Section 4 describes the set of ex-
periments and the settings to evaluate DET-ABE and
AES4SeC under the same conditions. This section
discusses the results achieved and provides a quanti-
tative comparison. Finally, Section 5 presents the con-
clusion of this work and points out the future work.
Attribute based encryption is a relative new cryp-
tography that has a main distinctive that no keys but
policies are used for the data encryption process. A
policy is generally a boolean formula over a set of
attributes. An attribute is a property of an entity, for
example “to be a doctor”, “to have an academic
degree”, etc. For simplicity, attributes can be viewed
as text-strings. As an example consider the policy:
P = [“doctor”and“cardiologist”] or
[“nurse”and“hospital number 25”]
If P were used in ABE, the encrypted data (ciphertext)
can be only decrypted by entities having attributes
= {a
, a
, ··· , doctor, · ·· , cardiologist, · ·· } or S
, a
, · ·· , nurse, · ·· , hospital number 25, · ·· }.
In ABE, a user having the sets S
or S
will be
given a decryption key completely dependent on its
attributes. When decrypting, the decryption key will
match the policy “mathematically”. CP-ABE consists
Protecting Data in the Cloud: An Assessment of Practical Digital Envelopes from Attribute based Encryption
of four main algorithms:
1. setup (1
)- initializes the scheme creating a public
key PK and a master private key MK. Both keys
are derived from arithmetic over an elliptic curve
recommended for use in cryptography. The secu-
rity level is expressed in terms of n.
2. encrypt(PK, data, policy) - encrypts data using
PK and the given policy. The result is the cipher-
text CT.
3. decrypt(SK
, ciphertext) - decrypts the given ci-
phertext using the decryption key SK
of user u.
The decryption key is generated using the attribute
set assigned to u. The result is the data in plain
4. keygen(S, MK) - generates a decryption key using
a set S of attributes and the master key MK.
In CP-ABE schemes, a trusted authority is in
charge of executing the algorithms setup and keygen,
and to safeguard MK. In simple terms, encryption
and decryption occur as follows (for formalisms see
(Bethencourt et al., 2007; Waters, 2011)): data D to
be encrypted is mapped to a number M in a multi-
plicative group (D 7→ M). Each attribute i in the pol-
icy is also mapped to a number C
in the form of ex-
ponentiations in a group (i 7→ C
). The ciphertext is a
set of numbers produced from a secret value s, gen-
erated internally. The SK
key is also a set of num-
bers that result from mapping each user attribute i to
an abstract number and also hiding them in the form
of exponentiations (i 7→ D
). The only way to reveal
the user attributes or the attributes in the encryption
policy is by solving the discrete logarithm problem,
which is believed to be hard for groups of large or-
der (key size). During decryption, the mathematical
processing of each component {C
, D
} associated to
attribute i allows to recover the secret s and get back
D after a series of mathematical operations.
Digital envelopes are cryptographic objects con-
structed using public key encryption. The main pur-
pose of a digital envelope is the secure distribution
of symmetric keys (Menezes et al., 1996). Each par-
ticipant u has a pair of related keys {K
, K
}, with
private and K
public. Anyone can encrypt and
send encrypted data to u using K
but only u can de-
crypt using K
. The digital envelope has the main
distinctive that the data being encrypted is a symmet-
ric key k, which has been used to encrypt the real con-
tent to be shared in secret with u.
Authors in (Morales-Sandoval and Diaz-Perez, 2015)
present DET-ABE (Digital Envelope Technique - At-
tribute Based Encryption), an implementation of the
digital envelope that uses the Advanced Encryption
Standard (AES) as the symmetric cipher and CP-
ABE to selectively distribute the AES key to de-
cryptors. DET-ABE encrypts for the security levels
recommended by the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST): 128-bit (minimum security
level), 192-bit (medium security level), and 256-bit
(maximum security level).
In DET-ABE the user is responsible for specifying
the level of security to be applied.
The process securing data in DET-ABE is as follows:
1. Internally, an AES-key (k) is generated from a se-
curity level λ given by the user.
2. AES encrypts data using k, producing the cipher-
text CT
3. Then, CP-ABE is used to encrypt k, given a policy
P over a set of valid attributes S obtaining as a
result the ciphertext CT
4. Finally, {CT
, CT
} is stored in a binary file,
which can be uploaded to the cloud.
The general process of DET-ABE encryption is
shown in the Figure 1.
Figure 1: DET-ABE encryption process.
DET-ABE implement CP-ABE according to the con-
struction provided by Betancourt et al. (Bethencourt
et al., 2007), which proposed as access structure a tree
structure where its nodes represents threshold gates
(AND, OR) and the leaves describe attributes. The
AND and OR gates are constructed as n-of-n and
1-of-n threshold gates, respectively. Generalizing,
threshold gates are of the form m-of-n where m n.
KDCloudApps 2017 - Special Session on Knowledge Discovery and Cloud Computing Applications
Figure 2: Tree access structure of policy (B C) A.
In DET-ABE each policy is represented in postfix no-
tation, for example:
Attributes S = {A, B,C, D}
Policy P as a boolean formula over S: (B C) A
P in postfix notation = B C 1-of-2 A 2-of-2
In the previous example, the representation of P as a
tree structure is shown in Figure 2.
3.2 AES4SeC
AES4SeC (Attribute based Encryption and Signing
for Security in the Cloud) is a Java implementation
of CP-ABE (Morales-Sandoval et al., 2017) accord-
ing to the construction provided by Waters in (Waters,
2011), which uses a matrix as access structure (for an
access policy that includes n attributes). This scheme
was designed to provide confidentiality, access con-
trol and authentication in the process of storage, re-
trieval and sharing content in the cloud. AES4SeC
uses the elliptic curve a bilinear pairing setting of CP-
ABE to support digital signing using short signatures,
which only require pairing-based cryptography (at-
tributes are not used nor policies). Data is secured
in the same way than with DET-ABE but additionally
the data is digitally signed. This case, the security
level of signatures must be compliant with the one for
data encryption. Internally, digital signing hashes the
data using the Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-2 and by
a series of arithmetic operations produces the digital
signature σ. Now, what is stored in a binary file and
uploaded to the cloud is the triplet {CT
, σ}.
The general process of AES4SeC signing and encryp-
tion is shown in Figure 3.
AES4SeC uses Formatted Boolean Formu-
las (FBF) to represent access policies. A For-
matted Boolean Formula can be expressed as
, F
, ..., F
,t), where n and t defines a (n,t)-gate
of the FBFs F
, F
, · ·· , F
. The value n is implicitly
decided by the number of the children, and only the
threshold value t is explicit in the formula. F
is either
an attribute or another FBF. For example,
: (A B)
as a FBF: (A, B, 2)
Figure 3: AES4SeC encryption process.
: (C D)
as a FBF: (C, D, 1)
P: (A B) (C D)
P as a FBF: (P
, P
, 2)
3.3 Qualitative Comparison
The main differences between DET-ABE and
AES4SeC include: the security assumptions in each
construction, the implementation of access structure,
the security services provided and the performance of
main operation. The first three are summarized in Ta-
ble 1. The last one is discussed with more details in
the next section.
DET-ABE follows the construction provided by
(Bethencourt et al., 2007), which is proven to be se-
cure in the random oracle model. Contrary, AES4SeC
uses the construction given by (Waters, 2011), which
is proven to be secure in the standard model. The
security assumptions in the later are more solid, foun-
dationally sound and practical.
The access structure in DET-ABE is realized as
a tree, which can exhibit a better timing when pro-
cessed. Policies in FBF format can be more expres-
sive but the realization of the access structure as a
matrix could have penalties in the timing when pro-
cessing policies that produce a matrix of high dimen-
sion. Finally, although both DET-ABE and AES4SeC
guarantee confidentiality and access control, only
AES4SeC can also guarantee integrity, authentica-
tion, and non-repudiation by incorporating the digi-
tal signature of the data at low cost, because the set-
ting for deploying ABE is reused for providing the
pairing-based cryptography that requires the digital
signature algorithm.
Protecting Data in the Cloud: An Assessment of Practical Digital Envelopes from Attribute based Encryption
Table 1: Comparison between DET-ABE and AES4SeC.
Security model Random oracle Standard
Access structure Tree Matrix
Confidentiality? 3 3
Access control? 3 3
Authentication? 7 3
Integrity? 7 3
Non-repudiation? 7 3
The main aim of this experimentation was to evalu-
ate general features and performance of two appli-
cations that provide confidentiality and access con-
trol services to digital content. This content will be
shared among users of 4 different organizations using
a file sharing system running on a private cloud en-
vironment. Each application implements DET-ABE
and AES4SeC, both running on a Java 8.0 virtual ma-
4.1 Prototype and Setup
Our interest was focused mainly on evaluating perfor-
mance of DET-ABE and AES4SeC when providing
different levels of security, such as minimum (128-
bit keys), medium (192-bit keys) and high (256-bit
keys), where one to four attributes can be involved
in the encryption policies. The evaluation was moti-
vated by the need for exchanging digital content in a
secure way among users that belong to four different
organizations by using a file sharing system that runs
on a private cloud environment. The sizes of the files
being shared in the cloud are 1KB, 1MB, 10MB and
100MB. In this scenario, we assume that the level of
sensitivity of digital content has been determined by
the content owner, as well as the level of coverage,
i.e., define the users that will be able to access the
shared content and that belong to an particular orga-
nization. For this evaluations, for simplicity we de-
fined four organizations, each one represented by the
attributes A, B, C and D, respectively.
The infrastructure used in our experimentation
represents a prototype of SkyCDS (Gonzalez et al.,
2015), which is a resilient delivery service based on
diversified cloud storage. For testing purposes, we
use a program that emulates a client generating files
that are submitted in a secure way into the cloud stor-
age. This client node is a 64 bits Intel core i7, 2.5Ghz
with 8GB in RAM and 1TB of HD running Ubuntu
16.04 LTS as operating system.
Table 2 shows the details of the instances used in
SkyCDS. Nevertheless, this article only reports the
impact on the file generator node.
Table 2: Characteristics of the cloud instance.
Type # Instances Cores RAM HD
Metadata 1 2 2GB 100GB
Storage 5 4 6GB 80GB
4.2 Cryptographic Algorithms Settings
Table 3 shows the key sizes used in experimentation
for both DET-ABE and AES4SeC. NIST has recom-
mended three security levels expressed in terms of the
key size of AES. While 128-bit is intended for pro-
tecting sensible data in general purpose applications,
192-bit are for more restrictive domains, as in mili-
tary or government. The security level of 256-bit is
recommended for protecting top secret data and for
national security interests.
Digital envelopes in DET-ABE and AES4SeC use
AES together with CP-ABE. Thus, these two cryp-
tosystems must offer equivalent security strenght in
terms of keys sizes. While brute force is the best at-
tack over AES to obtain the encryption key, for CP-
ABE the attack comes by solving the discrete loga-
rithm problem over three sets: G
, G
, and G
. Key
sizes in CP-ABE are strongly related with the size of
elements in these sets. G
and G
are sets of ellip-
tic curve points defined over a finite field F
. G
is an
extension field of F
with degree k. In this experimen-
tation we use the setting for the key sizes of CP-ABE
provided in (Morales-Sandoval et al., 2017), for type
F-curves, using an asymetric setting for the pairing
defined by the mapping G
× G
7→ G
As a comparison and putting this in perspective, a
content that is secured with AES using a 128bit key
would require a key of 3072 bits to provide a similar
level of security using RSA.
4.3 Metrics and Testbech
The time required for encrypting digital content by
both applications was used as main performance met-
ric in this evaluation. It is important to recall that
the confidentiality and access control services are pro-
vided by the DET-ABE and AES4SeC applications.
However, AES4SeC also provides authentication and
integrity services by including digital signing func-
tions. For a fair performance comparison between
the DET-ABE and AES4SeC applications, it was nec-
essary to switch off the digital signing functions in
AES4SeC, limiting its services only to provide confi-
dentiality (AES cipher) and access control (CP-ABE
KDCloudApps 2017 - Special Session on Knowledge Discovery and Cloud Computing Applications
Table 3: Key sizes for different security levels. Security strength and period of protection are specified by NIST.
Security strength ζ Period of protection
Key size (bits)
128 2030-2040 128 512 1024 3072 256
192 >2030 192 1280 2560 7680 640
256 >2030 256 2560 5120 15360 1280
implementation). In order to distinguish between
the original AES4SeC application and its incomplete
version, without including integrity and authentica-
tion services, we named this version of AES4SeC as
AES4SeCi. As a first approach, we were interested
in evaluating performance in applications providing
confidentiality and access control services using a
particular CP-ABE strategy. However, after compar-
ing performance of the DET-ABE and AES4SeCi ap-
plications, we also evaluated how the digital signing
function impacts performance when running the com-
plete version of AES4SeC. This evaluation is useful
for decision makers to determine how feasible is to
include authentication and integrity services in a file
sharing system in a private cloud environment, when
using different levels of security and where different
number of attributes can be involved in the cipher
As mentioned in Section 3, DET-ABE implements
CP-ABE using an access structure over attributes in
form of a tree, where its nodes represent threshold
gates (AND, OR) and the leaves describe attributes.
For this evaluation we only used AND gates, defining
the following encryption policies in postfix notation:
A 1-of-1 : One attribute (A)
A B 2-of-2 : Two attributes (A B)
A B 2-of-2 C 2-of-2 : Tree attributes (A B C)
A B 2-of-2 C 2-of-2 D 2-of-2 : Four attributes (A
B C D)
In order to create the digital content used in this
evaluation, we generated a set of files of the following
sizes: 1KB, 1MB, 10MB and 100MB. Each file was
encrypted with the three security levels: minimum
(128-bit keys), medium (192-bit keys), high(256-bit
Since AES4SeC is based on the concept of For-
matted Boolean Formula (FBF), as was described in
Section 3, the four previous policies as FBF formulas
were defined as following:
= (A, 1)
= (A, B, 2)
= (A, B,C, 3)
= (A, B,C, D, 4)
Similar to the DET-ABE evaluation, files of dif-
ferent sizes (1Kb, 1MB, 10MB, and 100MB) were
generated in this experiment, and every file was se-
cured considering the tree security levels (minimum,
medium and high) and every cipher policy.
The securing process for each file using every en-
cryption policy and every security level was carried
out 31 times, and the median was taken as a way to
normalize the results for DET-ABE and AES4SeC.
4.4 Performance Evaluation
This section presents a summary of the performance
evaluation carried out to DET-ABE and AES4SeC,
based on the test scenario and configurations defined
in the previous section. Figure 4 shows time required
by DET-ABE to secure files of different sizes (vertical
axis), considering the four previously defined policies
and minimum, medium and high security levels (hor-
izontal axis). Notations in Figure 4 should be read as
follows: <name of application>-<size of the encryp-
tion key 128,192,256>-<number of attributes con-
sidered 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A>. For instance, in Figure
4, the first four bars grouped with the tag DETABE-
128-1A in the X axis show the time in seconds (Y
axis) required by the DET-ABE application consider-
ing a minimum (128bit key) security level and only
one attribute (1A).
1 kB
1 MB
10 MB
100 MB
Figure 4: Time required to secure files using DET-ABE.
Focusing on every security level (groups of 128bit,
192bit and 256bit key sizes), it is revealed that the
Protecting Data in the Cloud: An Assessment of Practical Digital Envelopes from Attribute based Encryption
number of attributes is not having a considerable im-
pact (in terms of absolute time) in DET-ABE perfor-
mance. For instance, the difference between the max-
imum and minimum time required for securing a file
of 100MB with a 192bit key using one, two, three
or four attributes is only about 9 milliseconds. For
the user perspective, this means that they will not no-
tice the difference when sharing files secured using
different encryption policies. Something similar hap-
pens with the time required to secure files whose size
is ranging from 1KB to 10MB using DET-ABE in a
particular security level. The users will not notice im-
portant differences when sharing files with this range
of size as the difference in performance is null. It is
clear in Figure 4 that, as expected, impact on perfor-
mance is observed when DET-ABE moves to a higher
security level. In this scenario, when moving from
minimum security level to medium security level a
performance degradation of about 1.5x is perceived
(e.g., 150% more time is required for securing a file
of 10MB). Moving to the next security level, from
medium to high, performance goes down about 4x,
e.g. 400% more time required for securing a file of
10MB), and it gets worst when moving from mini-
mum to high security level, decreasing more than 11x,
e.g., 1100% more time required for securing a file
of 10MB). Even though the percentage of additional
time required for securing documents with a high se-
curity level seems unfeasible, in absolute terms it will
depend on the number of files to be secured. For ex-
ample, for securing a 100MB file in a high security
level using DET-ABE with 4 attributes only requires
2.8seconds, which is a very acceptable value com-
pared with the time that will be required to transfer
the file in a commercial network; at this rate we could
secure more than 20 files per minute, which is an ac-
ceptable value for some organizations.
The next evaluation is focused on the performance
produced by AES4SeCi (AES4SeC version similar to
DET-ABE). As we can see in Figure 5, AES4SeCi
shows a very similar behavior to DET-ABE in terms
of low negative performance impact, when the num-
ber of attributes changes in a particular security level
and securing files whose size is ranging from 1KB
to 10MB. The evident negative performance impact
in a specific security level, especially in minimum
and medium, occurs when securing files of 100MB.
Notation rules in this figure are similar to those pre-
sented for DET-ABE, for instance, AES4SECi-128-
1A refers to the AES4SeCi application using a 128bit
key with one attribute.
The most important impact on performance degra-
dation produced by AES4SECi arises when moving
from lower to higher security levels. In this sense,
1 kB
1 MB
10 MB
100 MB
Figure 5: Time required to secure files using AES4SeCi.
its performance degradation is higher than DET-ABE,
for example, the performance degradation obtained
when moving from minimum to high security level
when securing a 10MB file is about 24x, it seems un-
feasible, but in absolute values it means more than 5
seconds of difference.
4.5 Comparison
Taking into account that our main interest is focused
on providing confidentially and access control to a file
sharing system, where users from four different orga-
nization (or four attributes in our evaluation context)
will exchange content using different security levels,
in Figure 6, we show a comparison between DET-
ABE and AES4SeCi, both using 4 attributes imple-
menting different security levels, minimum, medium
and maximum.
As we can see, with minimum security levels and us-
ing four attributes DET-ABE and AES4SeCi show
very similar performance. This behavior changes
gradually with medium security levels and an evi-
dent difference occurs with high security levels. The
average performance degradation rate of AES4SeCi
compared with DET-ABE is about 110%, especially
in medium and high security levels. In our test sce-
nario, these results reveal that the access structures
over attributes in form of a tree implemented in DET-
ABE offer similar performance than the matrix im-
plementation and the use of the concept of Formatted
Boolean Formula (FBF) in AES4SeCi when a min-
imum security level is required. However, the tree
structures of CP-ABE implemented in DET-ABE al-
low it to improve performance in higher security lev-
els when compared with the matrix implementation
of AES4SeC.
KDCloudApps 2017 - Special Session on Knowledge Discovery and Cloud Computing Applications
1 kB
1 MB
10 MB
100 MB
Figure 6: DET-ABE and AES4SeCi comparison using en-
cryption policies with 4 attributes.
Since AES4SeC also provides the authentication
and integrity services, which are important security
requirements in some organizations, we carried out
an experiment to verify how these functions impact
in the performance of AES4SeC, running the incom-
plete (AES4SeCi) and complete (AES4SeC) versions
of AES4SeC on the same previous scenario using en-
cryption policies with four attributes.
1 kB
1 MB
10 MB
100 MB
Figure 7: Impact of signing functions in AES4SeC.
Figure 7 reveals that the degradation impact in perfor-
mance of the signing functions of AES4SeC is almost
null when minimum security levels are used. The
largest impact occurs in high security level with 27%
of performance degradation, which occurs when se-
curing files of 100MB. This results are still encourag-
ing for organizations requiring all of the security ser-
vices (confidentiality, access control, authentication
and integrity services).
This paper presented useful insights on performance
of two Java applications, DET-ABE and AES4SeC,
which implement different CP-ABE strategies to pro-
vide confidentiality and access control security ser-
vices. These two applications offer a Java program-
ming interface that hides the complexity of imple-
menting encryption policies and Attribute-Based En-
cryption (CP-ABE) algorithms, security parameters
and type and size of elliptic curves needed for mini-
mum (128-bit key), medium (192-bit key) and max-
imum (256-bit key) security levels, making simple
their use and inclusion as building blocks in end user
applications. AES4SeC also provides authentication
and integrity services, for a fair comparison these
functions were switch off, named this incomplete ver-
sion AES4SeCi. Experiments carried out on DET-
ABE and AES4SeCi showed that the impact on per-
formance is almost null when the number of attributes
change in the encryption process, when a particular
security level is applied. However, they suffer an ev-
ident performance impact when moving from low to
high security levels. An interesting finding was that
the two applications showed very similar performance
when securing files of 1KB, 1MB and 10MB and
100MB using a minimum security level. However
AES4SeCi showed lower performance when medium
and high security levels were applied, almost dou-
bling the time required for securing the same group
of files. In general terms, results revealed that the
CP-ABE implementation in DET-ABE, based on tree
structures, improves performance of the matrix im-
plementation made in AES4SeCi, which is based on
the concept of Formatted Boolean Formula (FBF).
It is worth recalling that the complete version of
AES4SeC also provide integrity and authentication
services, in this sense, experiments showed that im-
pact on performance of its signing functions is almost
null when a minimum security level is used, and time
required to secure the same group of files in medium
and high security levels (less than 5 and 6 seconds re-
spectively in average), represents an attractive option
for users demanding secure file sharing with integrity
and authentication functionalities.
This work was partially supported by the sectoral fund
of research, technological development and innova-
tion in space activities of the Mexican National Coun-
cil of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and the
Mexican Space Agency (AEM), project No.262891.
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KDCloudApps 2017 - Special Session on Knowledge Discovery and Cloud Computing Applications