Personalized Web Search via Query Expansion based on User’s Local
Hierarchically-Organized Files
Gianluca Moro
, Roberto Pasolini
and Claudio Sartori
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, Via Venezia 52, Cesena (FC), Italy
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, Viale Risorgimento 2, Bologna (BO), Italy
Information Retrieval, Personalized Search, Query Expansion, Local Files, Search Engine.
Users of Web search engines generally express information needs with short and ambiguous queries, leading
to irrelevant results. Personalized search methods improve users’ experience by automatically reformulating
queries before sending them to the search engine or rearranging received results, according to their specific
interests. A user profile is often built from previous queries, clicked results or in general from the user’s
browsing history; different topics must be distinguished in order to obtain an accurate profile. It is quite
common that a set of user files, locally stored in sub-directory, are organized by the user into a coherent
taxonomy corresponding to own topics of interest, but only a few methods leverage on this potentially useful
source of knowledge. We propose a novel method where a user profile is built from those files, specifically
considering their consistent arrangement in directories. A bag of keywords is extracted for each directory
from text documents within it. We can infer the topic of each query and expand it by adding the corresponding
keywords, in order to obtain a more targeted formulation. Experiments are carried out using benchmark data
through a repeatable systematic process, in order to evaluate objectively how much our method can improve
relevance of query results when applied upon a third-party search engine.
Millions of people daily use Web search engines to
find Web pages they are looking for. Every search
starts from an information need expressed by the user
as a textual query. Due to haste and laziness, users ex-
press complex information needs with few keywords,
often resulting in an ambiguous query yielding many
irrelevant results (Jansen et al., 2000; Carpineto and
Romano, 2012). In a typical example, a user inter-
ested in apple-based recipes may simply search for
“apple” and to have then to set apart resulting pages
which actually deal with Apple computers.
We can disambiguate the query, in order to better
express the information need and get proper results,
by enriching the query with context. The query could
for example include the intended topic of discussion,
e.g. for “apple” it could be “fruits” or “computers”.
As every user often has a specific set of topics of inter-
est, these can be used to properly disambiguate simple
This work was partially supported by the project “Tore-
ador”, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 re-
search and innovation programme under grant agreement
No 688797.
queries without requiring him or her to explicitly pro-
vide a context: a cooking-enthusiast user could effort-
lessly query for “apple” to only retrieve pages about
apple-based recipes.
Personalized search provides a customized expe-
rience to the specific user or for the specific task being
carried on, leveraging contextual information. Per-
sonalization is usually wrapped around an existing
search engine using one or both of two approaches:
queries can be expanded or otherwise rewritten before
sending them to the search engine, while results can
be filtered or reordered to move the most pertinent on
top (Pitkow et al., 2002).
Personalized search users are described by profiles
usually indicating topics or concepts of their interest,
such as “travels”, “acoustic guitar”, “videogames”
and alike. Users can be profiled by monitoring their
activity unobtrusively, without their explicit feedback.
It is common to leverage the history of previous
searches, including issued queries and visited results,
while other solutions mine knowledge from the whole
history of browsed pages (Ghorab et al., 2013).
A less common approach is to extract information
from documents stored locally by the user on his or
Moro G., Pasolini R. and Sartori C.
Personalized Web Search via Query Expansion based on Userâ
Zs Local Hierarchically-Organized Files.
DOI: 10.5220/0006486401570164
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR 2017), pages 157-164
ISBN: 978-989-758-271-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
her own PC or device (Chirita et al., 2007). Users
often store many text files, either self-produced or
obtained externally, representing their recurring in-
terests. These files are stored within an arbitrarily
structured hierarchy of directories, in order to eas-
ily browse the collection and find any needed docu-
ment. We claim that these directories naturally repre-
sent specific topics of interest for the user and that
their hierarchical structure approximates a coherent
taxonomy of these topics.
We propose a personalized search solution lever-
aging these hierarchically organized local documents.
Text files are analyzed in order to extract recurring
keywords for each directory, deemed to represent a
specific topic of interest. Whenever a search engine is
used, keywords of its inferred topic are added to the
issued query beforehand, in order to disambiguate it
according to user’s interests. We use well known in-
formation retrieval (hence IR) techniques to extract
keywords, weigh their relevance and determine the
most likely topic for each query.
Compared to similar solutions, our method re-
quires neither a predefined taxonomy of concepts nor
the classification of data into such taxonomy, which
can be complex and error-prone. Instead, our method
exploits the work which users already do to organize
personal documents, in order to build taxonomies of
topics upon their own needs: no computational effort
is required to distinguish topics and to classify doc-
uments within them. The personalization system just
extracts relevant keywords for each topic and analyzes
and expands search queries issued by the user: these
tasks are performed through simple and efficient tech-
niques, allowing the system to scale up to a large vol-
ume of user documents.
To obtain an objective, quantitative and repeat-
able evaluation of the goodness of the method, we
employ a systematic assessment process using prede-
fined benchmark data. We employ resources gener-
ally used in IR and freely available on the Web: a col-
lection of Web pages, a search engine indexing them
and a set of test queries with known relevant docu-
ments. For each test query, the relevance of results is
measured with multiple performance indicators. Tests
are run on the raw search engine and on different con-
figurations of the personalization system, in order to
assess its potential benefits.
The article is organized as follows. Section 2 dis-
cusses and compares against similar methods found
in literature. Section 3 describes the proposed search
personalization method. Section 4 explains our objec-
tive evaluation process, whose outcomes are reported
in Section 5. Finally, Section 6 sums up our work and
suggests possible future directions.
Personalization of users’ experience in Web search
has been widely explored, addressing both contextu-
alization of search according to the task being car-
ried on and individualization of the experience ac-
cording to the user executing the task (Pitkow et al.,
2002). Earlier approaches used relevance feedback to
refine results upon users’ feedback (Salton and Buck-
ley, 1997), while subsequent are often based on get-
ting implicit feedback by monitoring users’ behavior.
Personalized search (hence PS) generally works
by building a profile of the user and employing it
to customize the search experience. Outride (Pitkow
et al., 2002) defines a general architecture of a per-
sonalization system mediating between the user and
a general search engine. User-provided query can be
refined to a more precise expression of the informa-
tion need (query rewriting), while results provided by
the engine can be filtered and reordered to promote
those deemed to effectively interest the user. Many
works follow this scheme, differing in how the user
model is built and used (Gauch et al., 2007; Steichen
et al., 2012; Ghorab et al., 2013).
Topics are often a key element in user model-
ing: concept-based profiles represent arbitrary mixes
of different topics of interest. Possible topics are
often given by a predefined taxonomy like DMOZ
(discussed in Section 4.1). The OBIWAN project
(Pretschner and Gauch, 1999; Gauch et al., 2003) is
an early example: user’s interests are located on a hi-
erarchy of about 4,400 nodes used as search contexts.
Many works, including ours, combine keywords-
based representation with a concept-based approach:
a user profile is represented by a multiple keyword
vector for each topic of interest. (Trajkova and Gauch,
2004) describe how to profile users by classifying vis-
ited Web pages in a DMOZ-based ontology. In (Liu
et al., 2002) a user profile is used in conjunction with
a global profile; for each query, the most likely top-
ics are proposed to the user. In (Speretta and Gauch,
2005) a list of weighted concepts is extracted from
search results clicked by the user.
Among other existing approaches to user profil-
ing, there are semantic networks, represented by inter-
linked keywords and/or concepts, useful to explicitly
address polysemy and synonymy issues (Micarelli
and Sciarrone, 2004).
The user profile can be built from different infor-
mation sources, like user’s behavior while browsing
the Web and information from local history or cache
(Sugiyama et al., 2004). Some solutions leverage
search history, possibly detecting the most interest-
ing results: for example (Speretta and Gauch, 2005)
gather titles and summaries of results clicked by the
user, while in (Stamou and Ntoulas, 2009) the full
content of selected search results is analyzed.
Few methods explicitly use locally stored user’s
documents, usually merging them with other informa-
tion. In (Teevan et al., 2005), both Web and local doc-
uments are similarly indexed to build models for Web
search personalization: even approximate client-side-
built models can improve relevance of search results.
In (Chirita et al., 2007) is proposed to extract key-
words from the user’s “personal information reposi-
tory”, including text files as well as e-mails, cached
Web pages and other data. Different techniques to de-
termine the correct additional terms are evaluated and
a method to adaptively choose the number of these
terms is investigated.
These methods aim to build the user’s model upon
large amounts of unlabeled data to build the user’s
model, ignoring the topic of each document. In con-
trast, considering the generally higher value of labeled
data (Domeniconi et al., 2017), our approach focuses
solely on personal files organized in a hierarchy of di-
rectories: the quantity of analyzable documents may
be smaller, but the use of correctly labeled data can
potentially bring significant improvements in the ac-
curacy of the resulting model and consequently in the
relevance of personalized search results.
Other PS solutions based on user-labeled data ex-
ist, like social tagging systems where users can as-
sign free-form tags to Web resources, thus obtaining a
very large corpus of tagged pages (Zhou et al., 2012).
Our solution works with fewer labeled data, but it is
specifically representative of the target user and its hi-
erarchical nature is useful to distinguish different lev-
els of detail; also, our solution reduces users’ privacy
concerns and removes additional server-side effort.
After formalizing the considered context, we describe
how local knowledge is extracted and used for query
expansion. Figure 1 shows the interconnections be-
tween the components of the method.
3.1 Application Context
Our personalization system works on top of any
search engine Σ responding to any query q with a list
Σ(q) of relevant documents. We formally consider
each query as either a single keyword or a set of sub-
queries combined by AND () or OR () operators.
A collection UD =
F , D, ,C
of local user doc-
uments is defined by a set F of files, a tree D of di-
Wide Web
Local PC
PS system
Query Expansion
Context Mapping
user query
context keywords
text documents
Figure 1: General diagram of the proposed method. The
upper part of the PS system concerns the construction of the
user profile, while the lower part deals with its application.
rectories partially ordered by the antisymmetric, tran-
sitive relation D × D and a function C : F D
mapping each file to the directory containing it. We
denote with L(d) the set of files directly contained in
the directory d and with L
(d) the set of files con-
tained in d itself or a subdirectory within.
L(d) = { f F : C( f ) = d} (1)
(d) = { f F : C( f ) = d C( f ) d} (2)
This model can represent a user “home” direc-
tory, containing his or her personal documents conve-
niently arranged in sub-directories. For the purposes
of our method we only consider text files.
3.2 Extraction of Local Knowledge
We describe how to build a local knowledge base U
constituted by a set of contexts, each representing a
topic. Each context corresponds to a directory d D.
A context is constituted by the words which represent
the modeled topic, extracted from the text documents
in the corresponding directory.
Each user file in F is first pre-processed to extract
single words contained within it, filtered using stan-
dard IR techniques: casefolding, stopwords removal
and stemming. From each document we obtain a mul-
tiset of filtered words or terms extracted from it. We
denote with #(t, f ) the number of occurrences of term
t in file f ; for convenience, t f indicates that t ap-
pears at least once in f , i.e. #(t, f ) > 0.
Now, knowing the set T of distinct terms found
within the files, we represent each file f F with a
vector w
= (w
f ,1
, . . . , w
f ,|T |
) R
|T |
, indicating the
relevance of each term within f . Such relevance is
computed according to one of the possible weighting
schemes explained shortly.
A vector c
for each directory d D is trivially
computed as the sum of vectors of every single file
within the directory itself.
f L(d)
The set of these vectors constitutes the user pro-
file U : D R
|T |
: in fact, each vector corresponds
to a topic in the hierarchy of user interests and indi-
cates which are the most relevant words for that topic.
These vectors will be used for query expansion.
3.3 Term Weighting
Term weighting schemes are employed to properly es-
timate the relevance of terms in single documents.
The use of suitable weighting schemes can be consid-
erably beneficial in many practical contexts (Domeni-
coni et al., 2016). The weight of a term within a doc-
ument f is generally composed of a local factor based
solely on the contents of f and a global factor com-
puted on the whole set of documents.
As the local weight factor for a term t in f , known
as term frequency (tf ), we use the number of occur-
rences of t normalized according to the maximum
number of occurrences of a term in f itself.
tf(t, f ) =
#(t, f )
τ f
#(τ, f )
The most common choice for global factor would
be the inverse document frequency (idf), assigning
higher weights to terms appearing in fewer docu-
ments. However, taking inspiration from supervised
term weighting schemes used in automated text cate-
gorization to compute different weights for each topic
category (Domeniconi et al., 2016), we also consider
the directory where a file is located when computing
weights for its terms.
A first supervised global measure we propose,
called idfd (idf in directory), is in practice the stan-
dard idf measured only on documents of the direc-
tory being considered, recursively including its sub-
directories. This allows to evaluate the discriminative
power of a term within the specific topic being con-
sidered, rather than in the whole taxonomy.
idfd(t, d) = log
| f L
(d) : t f |
The second option we propose, called idfod (idf
outside of directory), is to instead compute idf ex-
cluding documents in the considered directory and its
nested subdirectories. The rationale is to avoid under-
estimating terms which appear frequently in the con-
sidered directory, but rarely elsewhere.
idfod(t, d) = log
|F \ L
| f F \ L
(d) : t f |
Either one G of these global factors is multiplied
by the local factor (tf) to obtain the final weight of a
term t in a file f in a directory d.
tf · G(t, f , d) = tf(t, f ) · G(t, d) (7)
3.4 Query Expansion
To expand a query, we have first to determine its effec-
tive context among the ones inferred from the user’s
directories. One option would be to let the user man-
ually select a context, as in e.g. (Liu et al., 2002): this
requires some more effort from the user, although he
or she may prefer to pick a category from a limited set
rather than typing additional search keywords.
However, to reduce the user’s effort, we use a sim-
ple method to automatically map each query to its
most likely context. Using the same pre-processing
steps and term weighting schemes employed for user
documents, a query q is converted to a vector q R
|T |
in the same form of the contexts. In this way, employ-
ing the common cosine similarity measure between
vectors, we pick the context most similar to the query.
C(q) = argmax
q · c
||q|| · ||c
Once the context of the query is determined, the
actual expansion can be performed. At an high level,
this involves determining a set K = {k
, k
, . . .} of
keywords and adding them to the user’s query.
As the set of keywords, the n
terms with the high-
est weight in the vector of the picked context is used.
> 0 is a parameter of the method.
Finally, for any query q given by the user, the
expanded query q
is obtained from the conjunction
(AND) between q and the disjunction (OR) of all the
keywords picked from the context. This new query q
is sent to the search engine in place of q.
= q
k = q (k
. . .) (9)
To objectively assess our solution for personalized
search, we set up a repeatable evaluation process us-
ing available benchmark data, providing quantitative
measures of the relevance of results given by a search
engine. We can thus measure how much our method
can improve the relevance of topmost search results
when applied to a “plain” search engine.
While methods proposed for personalized search
are usually accompanied by the results of an exper-
imental evaluation of their goodness, comparisons
across different methods are generally unfeasible, due
to the use of different evaluation processes, particu-
larly when they are not objective, or because of data
sets not made available by the authors. Especially,
many works (e.g. (Pitkow et al., 2002; Micarelli and
Sciarrone, 2004)) employ a user-oriented assessment,
where the system is tested by an heterogeneous group
of people: a feedback about usability is obtained
through questionnaires or by tracking time and ac-
tions required by users for each query. This approach
has the advantage of estimating how much the tested
system actually improves the search experience, es-
pecially in terms of personalization to the different
users. However, for the sake of objectiveness and
ease of repeatability, we favor the quantitative mea-
surement of retrieval effectiveness as described in the
For the systematic evaluation of an IR system, we
first need a corpus P of documents to be indexed.
To evaluate the system behavior, we then use a set
Q = {q
, q
, . . .} of queries: in each test, the sys-
tem responds to a query with a relevance-sorted list
of documents picked from P . To evaluate their cor-
rectness, we need a gold standard to compare against:
this is constituted, for each query q, by an expert-
made relevance judgment on each document in P . For
each query, a perfect IR system should return all the
relevant documents and nothing else. As users often
look only at the topmost results of a search engine,
we only consider the first 20 results for each query
response: we use these results and the gold standard
given for each query to compute four different perfor-
mance measures, as explained later.
Since personalized search works around an exist-
ing IR system, another necessary element is a refer-
ence search engine upon which to apply our method.
Similarly to other works, we perform an evaluation
on the plain search engine to obtain baseline results,
which are then compared to those obtained by apply-
ing personalization on top of the same engine.
To test a personalized search system, other than
the “global” test data described above, is also needed
either an example user profile or data useful to build
it. In our case, to build a profile, we employ a corpus
of text documents organized in a hierarchy of directo-
ries, reflecting the personal files of a generic user.
4.1 Benchmark Data
The benchmark corpus of Web pages we use is
extracted from the ClueWeb09 Dataset by Lemur
: our collection is constituted by the
503,903,810 pages in English language.
Table 1: Sample queries used in experimental evaluation.
horse hooves uss yorktown charleston sc
avp ct jobs
discovery channel store penguins
president of the united states how to build a fence
iron bellevue
To simulate a Web search engine indexing these
pages we use the Indri search engine, also by Lemur
Project, providing a flexible query language including
the AND and OR operators used in query expansion.
The IR system, either personalized or not, has to
be tested with a set of sample search queries rep-
resenting different information needs and having a
known set of actually relevant documents within the
indexed ones. We employ data used in the 2010
Web Track
of Text REtrieval Conference (TREC)
for evaluation of participant IR systems, based on the
ClueWeb09 collection. For the competition, NIST
created 50 search topics, each including a query string
likely to be searched by a user interested in that topic:
10 of these queries are listed in Table 1. To each topic
is associated a set of documents within ClueWeb09
judged as relevant to it. Each relevant document is
also graded in an integer scale ranging from 1 (little
information about the topic) to 4 (very specific infor-
Finally we need a corpus of text documents resem-
bling files stored on a user’s PC: documents should
discuss different topics and be accordingly organized
in a hierarchy of directories. We take advantage of
DMOZ (, an open-content directory
of about four million Web sites organized in a tree-
like hierarchy of about one million categories, rang-
ing from generic, e.g. “Science”, to specific ones such
as “Bayesian Analysis”. We extract a data set consti-
tuted by the first two levels of the hierarchy, excluding
the “World” and “Regional” top-level categories con-
taining non-English pages. The resulting set of 5,184
Web pages is considered as a collection of personal
documents, with the 13 top-level and 308 nested cat-
egories treated as directories.
We choose to only consider the two topmost lev-
els of DMOZ basing on the hypothesis that the aver-
age user employs a hierarchy of the same depth, with
good balance between specificity of topics and ease
of organization. A deeper taxonomy would require
more user effort and would be generally worthless for
the typical amount of documents stored locally.
While the spectrum of topics considered in this
data set is considerably wide compared to the set of
interests of a typical user, we claim that it is suitable
in our evaluation process. In fact, as the test queries
cover a wide range of different topics, the corpus of
personal documents should include them all in order
to have the chance of picking a suitable context. In a
real use case, the local user’s files would likely in-
clude a narrower set of topics, but also the issued
queries would still mostly fit into the same set: our
selection of benchmark data reflects this latter point.
4.2 Performance Measures
We consider four different performance measures
proposed in literature, used to evaluate IR systems in
the TREC 2010 Web Track cited above. Each mea-
sure is computed for each query q by comparing the
list Σ(q) = (r
, r
, . . .) of search results to known rel-
evance judgments; results for each measure are aver-
aged across test queries. We denote with Σ
(q) the list
Σ(q) truncated at the topmost k entries, where k = 20
in our evaluation.
The first two measures are simply based on a bi-
nary labeling of test documents as either “relevant” or
“not relevant” to each query. R
P denotes the set
of documents relevant to the query q.
When search results are in the form on unranked
sets, the standard precision and recall measures are
usually employed: especially, the precision is the
ratio of actually relevant documents among the re-
trieved ones. In the case of a ranked list of results,
it is common to measure the precision only on the
topmost k results (with k usually within 10 and 30),
termed precision@k or P@k for short.
P@k(q) =
(q) R
The Mean Average Precision (MAP) is another
commonly used measure for evaluation in IR. The av-
erage precision (AP) on a query is obtained by averag-
ing for each relevant document the precision@k with
k equal to its position in the results, considering 0 for
documents excluded from the results. MAP is simply
the average of AP on all test queries.
AP(q) =
P@i(q) (11)
The following two measures support a non-binary
notion of relevance: rather than marking a document
r as either “relevant” or “not relevant” to a query q,
a real relevance score R(q, r) [0, 1] evaluates how
much r satisfies the information need expressed by q.
In our case, where relevance of r to q is evaluated
by a grade g {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} with 0 indicating a non-
relevant document, the score is computed as follows.
R(q, r) =
One measure using such relevance scores is the
normalized discounted cumulative gain (NDCG),
computed in the formula below, where Z is a normal-
ization factor ensuring that the maximum achievable
NDCG@k is 1.
NDCG@k(q) = Z
(1 + m)
Finally, the expected reciprocal rank (ERR)
(Chapelle et al., 2009), contrarily to other measures, is
based on the so-called cascade model where the user
just searches for a single relevant document, starting
from the top of the results. The ERR measures the
expected number of documents the user has to check
before finding the first relevant one.
ERR@k(q) = Z
R(q, r
(1 R(q, r
)) (14)
We compare different test configurations, testing in
each different combinations of values for the consid-
ered parameters, which are the used term weighting
scheme and the number n
of maximum keywords
used to expand each query. Table 2 summarizes the
results, grouped by configuration. For every config-
uration and for both tf-idfd and tf-idfod weighting
schemes, we report the best results obtained by vary-
ing the n
parameter between 1 and 50, along with
the lowest value of the parameter which yielded the
reported measure.
In the first test no personalization is applied: test
queries are issued as they are to the Indri search en-
gine and the considered performance metrics are mea-
sured by comparing the topmost 20 results for each
query with the known relevant documents. These re-
sults serve as a baseline for tests on the personaliza-
tion system: for each measure, both its absolute value
and the relative gain on the baseline are considered.
To test our approach, we first devise an ideal case
where the local user documents perfectly match the
information needs expressed by the test queries. In
practice, we suppose that the user’s home directory
has a subdirectory for each test query q Q exactly
containing the relevant documents R
for it. We also
assume that the system maps each query to the corre-
sponding directory. While this configuration is obvi-
ously unrealistic, these tests show the plausible maxi-
mum potential of our personalization approach.
From the results obtained with this configuration
(section A of Table 2), we see that our personalization
system, in ideal conditions, could significantly boost
the relevance of search results.
Table 2: Relevance measures for different search configurations with the best values of the n
configuration weighting MAP P@20 ERR@20 nDCG@20
scheme n
acc. impr. n
acc. impr. n
acc. impr. n
acc. impr.
baseline - - 0.073 - - 0.180 - - 0.062 - - 0.073 -
A tf-idfd 18 0.137 87.7% 8 0.360 100.0% 11 0.172 177.4% 8 0.195 167.1%
perfect mapping tf-idfod 20 0.127 74.0% 20 0.270 50.0% 14 0.116 87.1% 14 0.130 78.1%
B tf-idfd 20 0.094 28.8% 16 0.275 52.8% 15 0.104 67.7% 16 0.120 50.7%
optimal mapping tf-idfod 24 0.064 -12.3% 24 0.185 2.8% 24 0.081 30.6% 24 0.077 5.5%
C tf-idfd 23 0.078 6.8% 9 0.220 22.2% 18 0.095 53.2% 18 0.084 15.1%
automatic mapping tf-idfod 15 0.090 23.3% 17 0.230 27.8% 15 0.090 45.2% 17 0.084 15.1%
In the next two more realistic configurations, doc-
uments extracted from DMOZ as described in Section
4.1 are used as the corpus of local user documents, so
that there is no match between the documents indexed
by the search engine and those upon which the user
profile is built. Also, test queries do not directly cor-
respond to user directories anymore, thus requiring a
non-trivial mapping between them.
We first devise a case where this mapping is super-
vised: the correct context of each test query is the one
under which most actual relevant documents are clas-
sified by a k-NN classifier trained on the ODP docu-
ments used in the local files collection. Despite this
process would not be feasible in a real case where
the relevant documents are not known in advance,
it provides an indication of how much a proper re-
formulation of a query would improve search results
and simulates cases where the query-directory map-
ping is based on knowledge beyond the query itself.
This would happen for example if the user explicitly
indicates the intended context of the query, picking
among his or her directories.
Results for this configuration (section B of Table
2), while notably inferior to the previous ideal ones,
still show significant improvements over the baseline,
especially where the tf-idfd term weighting scheme
is employed. On the other side, use of the tf-idfod
scheme does not notably improve results in this case,
which sometimes are even worse than the baseline.
Lastly, we consider the actual procedure described
in Section 3.4: for each query, the context most sim-
ilar to the query itself is selected, without employing
additional knowledge. This is intended to be the most
common use case, where the user’s input is limited
to a short and possibly ambiguous query and the per-
sonalization system ought to automatically infer the
correct context to be used to expand it.
Results on this configuration (section C of Table
2) show an overturning regarding the term weight-
ing schemes. While tf-idfd brought better results
than tf-idfod in previous configurations, here gener-
ally brings scarce improvements over the baseline.
On the contrary, tf-idfod performs best according to
most performance measures, even improving the re-
sults obtained with the previous configuration, where
optimal query-directory mapping was used. In any
case, more or less significant improvements over the
no-personalization baseline are obtained, especially
using ERR@20 as the reference measure.
Regarding the number n
of keywords added to
each query to personalize it, in most cases its opti-
mal value ranges between 15 and 20. Numbers in this
interval seem thus to constitute the correct balance be-
tween providing enough terms to effectively make the
query unambiguous and avoiding to add terms which
are not relevant enough to the context.
We proposed a method to personalize Web search by
expanding outgoing queries according to the specific
user’s interests. With respect to known methods, the
major novelty of our solution consists into leverag-
ing text files locally stored by the user and specifi-
cally considering their natural hierarchical organiza-
tion into directories. From this collection of docu-
ments already subdivided by topics, we can extract
representative keywords for each topic, infer the topic
of each query issued by the user and expand it by
adding keywords indicating the topic.
To obtain an objective assessment of the effective-
ness of our solution, we set up a systematic evaluation
process based on predefined benchmark data. A refer-
ence search engine has been tested on a fixed corpus
of Web pages using a set of test queries, in order to ob-
tain baseline indicators of the retrieval performance.
The same evaluation has then been applied on dif-
ferent configurations of our personalization method,
running upon the same reference search engine.
Our experiments show that query expansion could
boost significantly the relevance of topmost results
returned by a search engine and that our method is
able to improve relevance with information extracted
solely from the user’s local documents. While the
user could manually select the correct context of each
query in order to maximize accuracy, the trivial au-
tomatic mapping still guarantees interesting improve-
ments over the use of the plain search engine.
The method could be refined in many ways. In this
work we used simple and well-established procedures
to extract knowledge from hierarchically-organized
local documents and to expand search queries: the ex-
perimentation of more advanced techniques may lead
to improvements of the proposed general method.
While we focused on enhancing user’s queries, the
personalization system could also work on the out-
put of the underlying search engine, filtering or re-
ordering results better matching known user’s inter-
ests: this approach could be used in substitution of or
even in combination with query expansion, exploiting
the same user model. Finally, methods could be de-
vised to make use of local user’s documents alongside
other information sources, such as search or browsing
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