Factors Influencing the Participation of Information Security
Professionals in Electronic Communities of Practice
Vivek Agrawal, Pankaj Wasnik and Einar Arthur Snekkenes
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjøvik, Norway
Electronic Communities of Practice, Information Security, Knowledge Sharing.
The purpose of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the current status of the participation
of the information security professionals (ISPs) in the electronic communities of practice (eCoP) in the infor-
mation security (IS) domain in Norway. An online survey is conducted with 56 ISPs working in Norway to
investigate this issue. This study used the logistic regression as a statistical technique to formulate the results
and findings. The probability of an ISP being a user of eCoP is tested with demographic data, nature of the job,
and the knowledge sharing preference. Furthermore, the determinants of the knowledge sharing theories, i.e.,
the theory of planned behavior, the motivation theory, and perceived trust theory are used to test our statistical
model. The findings of this study are useful to get the initial insight into the determinants that influence the
participation of ISPs in eCoP in Norway.
The ISPs working in different organizations in Nor-
way often face many of the same problems and de-
sign similar solutions. ISPs also collect and apply the
same knowledge to design their solutions. However, it
is inefficient if they do it so largely on their own (Fenz
et al., 2011). Therefore, proper sharing and reuse of
knowledge among the ISPs can improve the quality
of their work (Von Krogh, 1998). The involvement of
information security practitioners and learning is an
important cog in the wheel of knowledge translation.
The knowledge available on the information security
guidelines and journals is inadequate to solve the day-
to-day problems faced by ISPs in their job. An evolv-
ing body of research suggests that communities of
practice can be effective in engaging the profession-
als and enable the sharing of knowledge among them.
The members discuss issues, and learn from others’
experience to solve the challenges in their job. The
nature of the learning that evolves from these com-
munities is collaborative, i.e., the collective knowl-
edge of the community is greater than any individual
knowledge (Johnson, 2001), (Liedtka, 1999).
With the advancement in information and com-
munication technologies, communities of practice
adopted the possibility of virtual communication
among the members of the community (Ho et al.,
2010). Modern information technologies can extend
the boundaries and reach of these communities by
providing an electronic platform to share knowledge
in the community. The electronic communities of
practice (eCoP) can establish collaboration across ge-
ographical locations and time zones. The adoption
of eCoP is not restricted to any particular commu-
nity or domain. The application of eCoP is spread
across health care (Ho et al., 2010), finance sec-
tor (Ardichvili et al., 2002), banking & Information
Technology (Probst and Borzillo, 2008). However,
it is not explicitly evident whether eCoP is popular
among the ISPs in Norway. We believe that shar-
ing of knowledge among the ISPs improve IS in Nor-
way. Therefore, we investigate the following research
question in this study:
RQ1: What are the factors affecting the partici-
pation of information security professionals in elec-
tronic communities of practice in Norway?
This study contributes towards the understanding
of the various factors that influence the participation
of ISPs in eCoP in Norway. We are interested in in-
vestigating this issue because we want to establish an
open electronic community of practice in IS for the
ISPs. Therefore, it is imperative for us to learn the
present status of participation of ISPs in eCoP as there
is a lack of literature.
An online survey is conducted with the members
of ISF, Norway. The participants of this survey are
also the target audience (in the form of members) of
Agrawal V., Wasnik P. and Snekkenes E.
Factors Influencing the Participation of Information Security Professionals in Electronic Communities of Practice.
DOI: 10.5220/0006498500500060
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 50-60
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the electronic community that we are interested in es-
tablishing. We collected the responses from the ISPs
to understand the nature of their job, the source they
use to collect essential information for their task, and
the challenges they face in obtaining such informa-
tion. Furthermore, we also collected their knowledge
sharing preferences in eCoP based on the factors de-
rived from the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen,
1991), motivation theory (Frey and Osterloh, 2001),
and perceived trust (Usoro et al., 2007). The findings
of this study act as a starting point to get an initial in-
sight into the popularity of eCoP among ISPs in Nor-
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In
section 2, the existing literature is used to describe the
concepts and knowledge sharing in eCoP. In section
3, the research approach of the study is explained. In
section 4, the findings of the study is explained with
the help of survey responses. Finally, the paper ends
with a discussion of the results, stating the implication
of the findings, limitation of the study and expected
future work, and conclusion.
This section presents an overview of the difference
between traditional CoP and eCoP followed by the
studies covering the knowledge sharing activities in
2.1 Traditional vs Electronic
Communities of Practice
The term ’communities of practice’ (CoP) is intro-
duced by Wenger et al. in 1998 (Wenger, 1998). The
basic concept of CoP is presented by Lave & Wanger
(Lave and Wenger, 1991), and by Brown & Duguid
(Brown and Duguid, 1991) in 1991. According to
Wenger (Wenger et al., 2002), Groups of people who
share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion about
a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and exper-
tise in this area by interacting on an ongoing ba-
sis” A CoP mainly consists of three fundamental ele-
ments: a) Domain creates common ground and sense
of common identity. A well-defined domain enables
the community to understand its purpose and value
to the members and stakeholders associated with the
community, b) Community creates the bond among
the members that enable the learning among them. A
strong community can be developed when the mem-
bers have mutual respect and trust among them. A
strong community also encourages healthy interac-
tions and discussion, c) Practice is the specific knowl-
edge the community develops, shares, and maintains.
A practice can be set of ideas, tools, information that
the community members share (Wenger et al., 2002).
A CoP can exist in offline (also known as tra-
ditional) or electronic or both the forms. The of-
fline form uses face to face meeting, round table dis-
cussion, whereas the electronic form uses networked
technology, mainly the Internet, to establish collabo-
ration among the members across the world. The idea
of having an electronic platform for the traditional
communities of practice is supported in the stud-
ies (Mathwick et al., 2008), (Wiertz and de Ruyter,
2007). The traditional communities rely heavily
on the location and have membership according to
norms. The electronic communities are organized
around an activity, idea or task rather than location
(Johnson, 2001). The electronic nature of the commu-
nity provides the opportunities to facilitate communi-
cation among the members from different geographic
locations and time zones. The electronic CoPs com-
bine both online activities and face to face meetings
to enhance the interaction process.
2.2 Knowledge in Electronic
According to the work of (Wasko and Faraj, 2000),
there are three perspectives of knowledge on the def-
initions of knowledge, i.e., Knowledge as object,
knowledge embedded in individuals, and knowledge
embedded in a community. In this study, we focused
on the third perspective, i.e., knowledge embedded in
a community to define the knowledge sharing practice
in eCoP. The community perspective of knowledge
can be used to develop and support electronic com-
munities of practice. This perspective defines knowl-
edge as ’the social practice of knowing’ (Schultze and
Cox, 1998), and argues that learning, knowing and in-
novating are closed related forms of human activity
and inevitably connected to practice. The knowledge
resides in a community can be used to enable discus-
sion, and share ideas among the members of eCoP.
Moreover, the use of information and communica-
tion technologies enables knowledge sharing through
the mechanisms that allow sharing incidence based on
personal experience, discussing and debating issues
related to the domain of the community, posting and
responding to the queries (Wasko and Faraj, 2000).
In eCoP, the knowledge can be stored in the digital
form and transferred to others regardless of the loca-
tion of the individual who generated the knowledge
and who is going to receive it. Knowledge sharing in
eCoP is a process that exploits existing knowledge by
identifying, transferring, and applying to solve tasks
better, faster and cheaper (Christensen, 2007). How-
ever, members are often reluctant to share knowledge
others in the eCoP (Tamjidyamcholo et al., 2014).
Furthermore, Ardichvili et al. (Ardichvili et al.,
2002) conducted a qualitative study to understand the
motivation and barriers to participating in eCoP at
Caterpillar Inc. The study identified that the mem-
bers of the community are not willing to share their
knowledge because of the fear of criticism or mislead-
ing the other members. It has been shown in a recent
study (Agrawal and Snekkenes, 2017) that the partic-
ipants (IT professionals) of the communities were not
willing to participate actively in the absence of strong
motivation. ISPs may not want to disclose informa-
tion on eCoP that describes their organization’s secu-
rity status or any weakness. Therefore, it is important
to anonymize the knowledge sharing process (Fenz
et al., 2011). The role of trust in encouraging the ISPs
to share knowledge in eCoP is studied in (Gefen et al.,
2003), (Ratnasingam, 2005), (Fenz et al., 2011).
2.3 Underlying Theories
This study considers knowledge sharing behavior and
participation of ISP in eCoPs as an individual’s social
psychological process. Thus, one’s attitude, intention,
motivation, trust subsequently influence the behavior
of the individual. We adopted three theories in this
work to analyze the factors affecting the participation
of ISPs in eCoP. The theories are as follows:
2.3.1 Motivation Theory (MT)
Motivation refers to ”internal factors that impel action
and to external factors that can act as inducements to
action” (Locke and Latham, 2004). According to Fray
et al. (Osterloh and Frey, 2000), motivation to share
knowledge is driven by intrinsic and extrinsic factors.
Extrinsic motivations satisfy the instrumental needs
of a human. For instance, money, financial reward,
social rewards, increase in the status. Intrinsic moti-
vations are perceived by the values provided directly
within the work (Frey and Osterloh, 2001). For in-
stance, altruism drives many people to do something
for the enjoyment of doing the work.
2.3.2 Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
According to TPB theory, the human behavioral in-
tentions are determined by three factors: attitude, sub-
jective norms, and perceived behavioral control. At-
titude refers to the degree to which one evaluates the
behavior favorably or unfavorably. Subjective norm
is the perceived social pressure to perform or not per-
form the behavior. Perceived behavioral control is de-
fined as the degree to which a person perceives that
the decision to engage in a given behavior is under
his/her control (Jeon et al., 2011).
2.3.3 Perceived Trust Theory (PTT)
The role of trust in increasing the willingness to share
knowledge in an online community of practice is stud-
ied in (Usoro et al., 2007) where trust is conceptu-
alized into competence, integrity, and benevolence.
Competence-based trust defines the degree to which
a member believes that the community is knowledge-
able and competent. Integrity-based trust defines
the degree to which a member believes the commu-
nity to be honest and reliable (Mayer et al., 1995).
The benevolence trust considers the self-motivation
through a sense of moral obligation to become a part
of a community. Therefore, the individual that re-
ceives the knowledge in the community does not play
a major role in influencing benevolence-trust of the
person willing to share the knowledge. However, we
are more interested to understand the role of the trust
that is established based on the action of the per-
son receiving the knowledge, and not just by self-
This study is based on the principle of stated prefer-
ence technique (Brownstone et al., 2000) for estab-
lishing valuations. An online survey-based technique
is designed to collect the response from the ISPs. The
online questionnaire is distributed in one of the ISF
meetings where 56 ISPs participated in answering the
3.1 Questionnaire Design
An online quantitative questionnaire was created us-
ing LimeSurvey open source survey tool. The ques-
tionnaire was hosted on the project website (Agrawal,
2017). The online survey was available in both En-
glish and Norwegian. The respondents accessed the
online survey on their smartphone during the ISF
meeting. The survey consisted of 18 questions cov-
ering the topics on demography, working activities,
and preference for eCoP. The detail of the survey is
given in Appendix. The survey was conducted at
Information Security Forum (ISF) Norway meeting.
The questionnaire consists of three sections that are
as follows:
1. Demography - Questions related to age, gender,
job role, job location, type of organization, the
size of an organization.
2. Work activities - Questions related to daily tasks,
full-time or half-time ISP, the source used to col-
lect information, challenges associated with infor-
mation gathering.
3. Community-based knowledge sharing - Questions
on prior experience using eCoP, the nature of
eCoP, no. of members on eCoP, the domain
of eCoP, and the preferences related to sharing
knowledge, participation on eCoP. This part of the
questionnaire is created to analyze the concepts of
the above-mentioned theories (Ref. section 2.3).
3.2 Respondents
A total of 56 respondents (46 male, 9 female, 1 undis-
closed) volunteered to complete the online survey.
The majority of the respondents are working as a full-
time ISPs in Norway. A short introduction about the
research project is presented to the respondents at the
beginning of the workshop. The objective of the on-
line survey and the details of the various terms, used
in the questionnaire, are also presented to the survey
respondents. The survey had the option for the re-
spondents to decline their participation at any point
in time if they feel uncomfortable participating in the
3.3 Data Analysis
We collected data from 56 respondents through the
online survey. Since the study is restricted to the users
participating in only in the online CoPs, we rejected
the responses of six respondents as these respondents
participated only in the offline communities of prac-
tice. Subsequently, we rejected two more observa-
tions from the sample as they did not answer many
questions in the questionnaire. Therefore, our final
sample size consists of 48 observations. A dichoto-
mous data is considered as an output variable with
the values, ’yes’ and ’no,’ which signifies whether the
given user participates or does not participate in eCoP
respectively. Based on the study and argument pre-
sented in the studies (Little, 1978), logistic regression
fits well to this study. Ergo, logistic regression (also
called as logit) is used as a statistical technique to for-
mulate the results and findings. Hence, all predic-
tors are considered as categorical variables whereas
the participation in eCoP (Y
) is assumed as a dichoto-
mous or binary outcome. Furthermore, this study as-
sumes the covariates such as age, gender, educational
levels, occupational levels, the organizational size of
the respondents and number of hours spent on IS per
week as independent variables. Equation 1 summa-
rizes the main element of the logit model and Equa-
tion 2 expresses the probability of Y
1 i f the i
sub ject is using eCoP
0 otherwise
= p(x
) =
+ β
+ β
+ ... + β
1 + exp(β
+ β
+ β
+ ... + β
can be considered as realization of output vari-
able Y
which takes the values 1 or 0 with proba-
bility value of p and 1 p respectively.
is i
vector of the independent variables as
mentioned earlier.
, β
, β
, . . . , β
are the coefficients of fitted re-
gression models.
Equation 2 can be rewritten as log linear function
as given below which is further used in deducing the
final output.
) = log
1 p(x
= β
+ β
+ β
+ ... + β
+ ε
Furthermore, we have formulated the decision rule as,
the negative values of the logit of output variable will
result into non user of the eCoP whereas positive logit
value will represents the user of eCoP.
This section provides the statistical results of the lo-
gistic regression model fit which is formulated to in-
vestigate the research question RQ1 in this study.
4.1 Result I
The information about the demography of the ISPs
members is presented here. Table 1 tabulates the
statistics of the collected data. There are 35 ISPs with
university level education, i.e., an education degree
in bachelors, masters or doctorate in Information se-
curity and allied branches. The majority of the re-
spondents are males in the age group of 30 - 60 years.
75% of the respondents work full-time in IS domain
mainly affiliated to Information and communication
industry, Financial and insurance, business service,
health and social services sectors. Our findings also
Table 1: Summary of the demographic data of ISPs participated in the survey.
age sex edu level ocp level no emp no hrs
1 > 60 : 5 Female: 8 Asso. degree : 7 Unspecified : 1 5000- :13 0-10 : 6
2 21-30: 3 Male :40 B. degree :13 Administrative: 2 1000-4999:11 11-20: 6
3 31-40:14 Doc. degree : 3 CISO :13 100-499 : 7 21-30: 6
4 41-50: 9 HS diploma : 2 Other :19 0-10 : 6 31-40:17
5 51-60:17 M. degree :19 Researcher : 2 10-49 : 3 41- :13
6 Other : 2 Security Engineer :11 50-99 : 3
7 Tech. training : 2 Other : 5
highlight that the ISPs in our survey come from small
(employee strength 1-19), medium-sized (20-99) and
large (100+) companies (Iversen, 2013).
4.2 Result II
Based on the Equations 2 and 3, we have modeled our
data by fitting logistic regression model using R soft-
ware (R Core Team, 2013). In this model, we consid-
ered four independent variables which are age, gen-
der, no. of employees and no. of hours spent on IS
related tasks
. Table 2 presents the coefficients and
the significance of these variables. We can see that the
categorical variable no. of employees have all positive
coefficients, which indicates that the unit increment
in the no. of employees encourage the participation
in eCoP whereas the no. of hours spent on task re-
lated to IS has the negative coefficients. Ergo, it can
be inferred that the participation of ISPs, who work
for full-time or more in IS task, is low in eCoP.
To test the significance of these explanatory vari-
ables, under the null hypothesis all the coefficients
will take the value equal to 0. For example, H
: β
··· = 0, and H
:6= 0
From the Table 2, p-value for levels no emp100-
) and no emp1000-4999(β
) is 0.05 which is
statistically significant
. Hence, H
is rejected in the
study. The p-value of no hrs31-40(β
), no hrs41(β
is 0.03 and 0.09 which shows that levels have sig-
nificant effect on the probability of participating in
eCoP. Hence, the output variable can be explained in
terms of the odds ratios which can be obtained by
calculating the exponential of β
, β
, β
, β
i.e e
100, e
= 63, e
= 0.0075, and e
= 0.0252.
Therefore, we can write that:
On average, for every one unit change in the num-
ber of employees, the log odds of being a user of
eCoPs (versus non-user) increases by 81.2.
All explanatory variables considered here are categori-
cal variables
We considered significance at 90% confidence level
Analysis is made on the basis of explanatory variables
which are statistically significant, non significant variables
can be excluded and one can remodel the system
For a unit increase in the number of hours spent
on tasks related to the IS per week, the log odds
of being the use of eCoPs increase by 0.0164.
The variables age, gender have a slightly differ-
ent interpretation. For all age groups, the obtained
p-value is significantly high with an average value of
0.69 hence we can not reject the H
. In addition to
this we can see that the most of the variables are sta-
tistically non-significant.
AUC= 0.8611
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
logit (user ~ age + sex + no_emp + no_hrs)
Figure 1: ROC curve for logistic regression model.
Thus, we can consider that the probability of par-
ticipating in eCoP is not affected by the demography
factors such as age, gender, and educational level.
Further, we used Receiver Operating Curve (ROC)
and area under ROC curve (AUC) to report perfor-
mance of the fitted model. ROC Curves describes
how well the fitted model can separate the two classes
0 and 1, and it also helps to identify the best threshold
for separating them. In the case of ROC curves, the
AUC plays an important role; higher the AUC bet-
ter the model in classification. Figure 1 represents
the ROC of the fitted logistic regression model and
AUC = 0.86, which can be considered as a high per-
formance for real life applications.
4.3 Result III
In this section, there are three factors related to work
activities of ISPs analyzed to see their effect on the
probability of ISPs in participating in eCoP. The fac-
tors are source of obtaining information required to
do the professional tasks, nature of the tasks, and the
challenges faced in obtaining the information. The
details of the factors and their variables can be ob-
tained from Appendix 7.
Table 2: Summary of estimated logistic regression model.
Var. Coef S.E. z-val Pr(>|z|)
(Int.) 0.85 3.51 0.24 0.81
age21-30 19.03 2935 0.01 0.99
age31-40 -2.90 2.62 -1.11 0.27
age41-50 0.32 2.72 0.12 0.91
age51-60 -1.35 2.52 -0.54 0.59
sexMale 2.04 1.35 1.51 0.13
no emp10-49 0.12 2.63 0.05 0.96
no emp100-499 4.63 2.33 1.98 0.05*
no emp1K-4.9K 4.14 2.12 1.95 0.05*
no emp50-99 0.91 2.01 0.45 0.65
no emp5K- 3.11 2.06 1.51 0.13
no empIDK 0.85 2.09 0.40 0.69
no hrs11-20 -3.22 2.44 -1.32 0.19
no hrs21-30 -1.69 1.95 -0.87 0.38
no hrs31-40 -4.90 2.26 -2.17 0.03*
no hrs41- -3.68 2.16 -1.70 0.09*
Table 3
shows that the variables [S1-S8] of
source of information’ have positive coefficient
which signifies that the unit increment in the moti-
vation will increase the participation of ISPs in eCoP.
Variable S3 has statistically significant effect on the
participation of ISPs in eCoP. Variable S3 signifies
that respondents, who ask other professional experts
on communities of practice to obtain necessary infor-
mation to carry out their task, also participate in eCoP.
In a case of the usual activity that ISPs perform their
job tasks, the variable N7 has statistically significant
(p-value less than 0.1) effect on the participation of
ISPs in eCoP. The challenges, which are faced by ISPs
in obtaining the information for their job, do not have
statistically significant effect on eCoP participation. It
also signifies that we cannot predict the probability of
ISPs participating in eCoP by having any information
on the challenges that they face within the category
given under C1-C6.
The variable corresponding to Reference modality is
automatically considered as a reference by R GLM package
Table 3: Summary of variables under information source,
nature of job tasks, and challenges in obtaining information.
Var. Coef S.E. z-val Pr(>|z|)
(Int.) 11.37 3840.09 0.00 1.00
Source of information
S1 0.91 1.51 0.60 0.55
S2 Reference modality
S3 4.77 2.15 2.22 0.03*
S4 Zero entry in the response database
S5 1.11 1.69 0.66 0.51
S6 0.62 1.86 0.33 0.74
S7 2.99 9224 0.00 1.00
S8 0.12 2.01 0.06 0.95
Nature of tasks
N1 21.73 6522.64 0.00 1.00
N2 3.38 2.17 1.55 0.12
N3 Reference modality
N4 3.13 2.22 1.41 0.16
N5 2.49 2.41 1.03 0.30
N6 2.06 2.44 0.84 0.40
N7 5.05 2.66 1.90 0.06*
N8 20.94 6522.64 0.00 1.00
Challenges in obtaining information
C1 -14.66 3840.08 -0.00 1.00
C2 -17.53 3840.08 -0.00 1.00
C3 3.07 5989.08 0.00 1.00
C4 -18.16 3840.08 -0.00 1.00
C5 -19.26 3840.08 -0.01 1.00
C6 Reference modality
Knowledge sharing is an intentional behavior which
cannot be forced by someone (Gagn, 2009). People
participate in eCoP to exchange knowledge with the
others. Therefore, it is useful to analyze the knowl-
edge sharing behavior of ISPs in eCoP. The factors,
affecting the participation of ISPs in eCoP activities,
are investigated with the help of MT, TPB, PTT (re-
fer section 2.3). We modeled our data by fitting the
logistic regression model. In this model, we consid-
ered the variables of TPB, MT, and PTT to predict
the probability of participating in eCoP. The variables
are defined in the online questionnaire given in the
Appendix 7.
5.1 Motivation Theory
Table 4 presents that the determinants of motivation
have positive coefficients, which indicate that a unit
increment in the motivation will increase the partici-
pation of ISPs in eCoP. We considered seven factors
under the motivation theory. SQ05 corresponds to
intrinsic motivation, and SQ08, SQ10, SQ11, SQ13,
SQ15, SQ20 are extrinsic motivation. Out of 7 vari-
ables, only the p-value of SQ08 is less than 0.1.
Table 4: Summary of the variables under Motivation theory.
Var. Coef S.E. z-val Pr(>|z|)
(Int.) -1.44 0.84 -1.72 0.09
SQ05 0.17 0.77 0.22 0.83
SQ08 1.31 0.72 1.82 0.07*
SQ10 0.60 0.88 0.69 0.49
SQ11 0.41 0.74 0.55 0.58
SQ13 0.68 0.76 0.90 0.37
SQ15 0.73 0.71 1.02 0.31
SQ20 0.62 0.90 0.69 0.49
Therefore, it can be concluded that SQ08 has sta-
tistically significant effect on the participation of ISPs
in eCoP. The ISPs tend to participate in eCOP more
if members in the community share information rele-
vant to them. It can be considered as one of the main
incentives for the ISPs as well.
5.2 Theory of Planned Behavior
Table 5 presents the summary of the three major de-
terminants of TPB, i.e. attitude, subjective norm, and
perceived behavioral control. We can see that the
variable SQ01, SQ06, SQ12, SQ14, and SQ22 have
positive coefficients, i.e. the unit increment in these
variables will signify the increment in the participa-
tion of ISPs in eCoP. The p-value of the variables
SQ22 and SQ12 is less than 0.1. Hence, SQ22 and
SQ12 have statistically significant effect on the partic-
ipation of ISPs in Norway in eCoP. SQ22 corresponds
to the statement ’my organization allows me to par-
ticipate on a community-based platform to share my
knowledge’ in the questionnaire.
Table 5: Summary of variables under Theory of planned
behavior (TPB).
Var. Coef S.E. z-val Pr(>|z|)
Subjective norm
(Int.) 0.13 0.48 0.26 0.79
SQ14 -0.09 0.78 -0.12 0.91
SQ22 2.16 0.88 2.44 0.01*
(Int.) 0.51 0.52 0.99 0.32
SQ01 16.26 1455.40 0.01 0.99
SQ06 0.08 0.65 0.12 0.91
SQ07 -1.20 1.33 -0.91 0.37
Perceived behavioral control
(Intercept) -0.37 0.43 -0.85 0.40
SQ12 1.80 0.66 2.73 0.01*
In other words, the participation of ISPs in eCoP
can be decided by investigating if the organization
has any restriction on the employee to participate
in eCoP. SQ07 corresponds to the negative feelings
about knowledge sharing in eCoP [I do not share any-
thing as I am concerned about the sensitivity of my
information]. SQ07 is the only variable with the neg-
ative coefficient, which signifies that the unit incre-
ment in this variable will reduce the participation of
ISPs in eCoP. It can be learned from applying TPB
concepts that the variables of the subjective norm, and
perceived control behavior are the important factors in
influencing the participation of ISPs in eCoP.
5.3 Perceived Trust
In our study, we considered the competence and in-
tegrity aspects of trust to understand the preference of
the respondents towards knowledge sharing tasks in
Table 6: Summary of the variables under perceived trust
Var. Coef S.E. z-val Pr(>|z|)
Perceived Trust
(Int.) 0.044 0.49 0.09 0.93
SQ18 1.11 0.68 1.65 0.10*
SQ19 -0.08 0.62 -0.14 0.89
Table 6 presents the findings of the variable related
to Trust factor. SQ18 and SQ19 have the positive co-
efficient and hence has the positive effect on the par-
ticipation of ISPs in eCoP. Moreover, SQ18 is also
statistically significant in predicting the ISPs’ partici-
The main objective of the present study was to un-
derstand the present status of the participation of ISPs
in Norway in eCoPs in IS. To achieve this goal, we
analyzed various factors that help us predict the par-
ticipation of ISPs in eCoP.
In this study, we observed that the number of em-
ployees in the organization, and working hours in se-
curity area are the significant factors in predicting the
participation in eCoPs. Further, we observed that both
extrinsic and intrinsic motivation is positively corre-
lated with the participation in eCoP. The finding of
logistic regression points out that the participation of
ISPs in eCoP is statistically influenced by the factor
that other members of the community share relevant
information to the problems of ISPs. In other words,
we can expect high participation if we can ensure that
the members of the community will share informa-
tion that is useful to the participants. However, the
tendency to share knowledge decreases when it is per-
ceived that they are receiving irrelevant or not so use-
ful information from other members.
The application of TPB also led to some impor-
tant observation in this study. The probability of the
participation in eCoP is significantly increased if the
organization encourages the employee to participate
in the knowledge sharing activities. Typically, eCoP
needs information technology capabilities to establish
knowledge sharing process. The presence of the nec-
essary resources (in the form of platform, and service)
also enables the ISPs to participate in eCoP.
The response that we received from 48 participants
provides an initial insight into understanding the cur-
rent status of participation in electronic communities
of practice by ISPs in Norway. However, the findings
cannot be generalized to a large population because
of the small sample size of the respondents. Hence,
more studies are needed to generalize present study
findings. Furthermore, we collected the data from the
participants who volunteered for it. It signifies that
the response is collected from the people who had
enough time and interest to complete the survey. The
result might have differed if we had selected the par-
ticipants randomly. The future research will address
this issue by targeting large respondents and selecting
a random sample from it.
In our study, we mainly tried to understand the
preference of the members who are going to share
their knowledge. The receiver’s perspective is also
important in the context of knowledge sharing task.
Future research will aim to address this issue by col-
lecting the perspective of both the parties. It will help
to compare their preference and design the incentive
scheme along with the sharing model. The use of cat-
egorical variables in the logistic regression model can
also cause some issues. Therefore, we are investigat-
ing the possibility of adopting a linear scale in the fu-
ture data collection events.
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The survey should only take 10-12 minutes. This sur-
vey is completely anonymous. The record of your sur-
vey responses does not contain any identifying infor-
mation about you.
1. What is your age group (in years)? Choose one of
the following answers
2. Please specify your gender. Choose one of the
following answers
Decline to answer
3. What is the highest level of formal education do
you have? Choose one of the following answers
Primary school
High school graduate, diploma or the equiva-
Bachelors degree
Trade/technical/vocational training
Associate degree
Master’s degree
Doctorate degree
Professional degree
4. Please select the country where you are currently
employed. Choose one of the following answers
5. What best describes the type of organization you
work? Choose one of the following answers
Financial and insurance
Mining and extraction
Information and communication
Agriculture, forestry and fishing
Electricity, gas, damp, and heating supply
Transport and storage
Accommodation and service
Health and social services
Production industry
Business service
Culture, entertainment and leisure
6. Which of the following most closely matches your
job role? Choose one of the following answers
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
Data protection officer
Security Engineer
Legal (advocate)
IT professional (Systems administrator, pro-
Administrative (e.g. secretary, assistant)
7. Counting all locations where your employer op-
erates, what is the total number of persons who
work there? Choose one of the following answers
I don’t know
Work Activities
8. How many hours per week do you spend on infor-
mation security related tasks in your job responsi-
bilities? Choose one of the following answers
9. Which of the following tasks do you perform
daily? Check all that apply
Develop an information security policy for the
Co-ordinate the information security activities
at the organizational level
Share my expertise with my colleagues inside
the organization
Share my expertise with my colleagues outside
the organization
Perform risk and threat analysis of the informa-
tion security for the organization
Reporting to the top management team about
the information status of the organization
10. What is the most frequent activity do you perform
to carry out your job tasks? Choose one of the
following answers
Look for information [N1]
Process information [N2]
Create new information [N3]
Solve problems [N4]
Make decision [N5]
Interact with the peers [N6]
Help others to do their job [N7]
Other [N8]
11. Which source do you mostly use to obtain the nec-
essary information needed to carry out your tasks?
Choose one of the following answers
Personal experience [S1]
Government Agency (e.g. Datatilsynet) [S2]
Asking other professional experts on Commu-
nities of practice [S3]
Consultancy firm [S4]
Interview/meeting with your team [S5]
Internal document/manual of your company
Social media (e.g. LinkedIn) [S7]
Other [S8]
12. What is the most challenging part in obtaining
the information required to complete your tasks?
Choose one of the following answers
The information is available in the fragmented
manner [C1]
The information is outdated and cannot be ap-
plied to recent problems [C2]
The information is untrustworthy as I don’t
know the source [C3]
The information is difficult to find, time-
consuming [C4]
The information has a low relevance to my
problem [C5]
Other [C6]
Community-based Knowledge Sharing
13. Do you participate in a community-based knowl-
edge sharing practice?
14. What is the domain of the community where you
are mostly an active member? [answer only if you
select ’yes’ in Q13]
Information security
15. Please select the statement that is valid for the
community where you participate most. [answer
only if you select ’yes’ in Q13]
The community has both online and offline ac-
The community has only online activities
The community has only offline activities
16. What is the estimated number of members in the
community? [answer only if you select ’yes’ in
I don’t know
17. Please mark the statement(s) that is(are) valid for
you in terms of participating in the community-
based knowledge sharing tasks. Check all that ap-
My knowledge is very personal to me. I don’t
like to share it with others [SQ01]
Sharing my knowledge improve my reputation
within the community [SQ02]
When I share my knowledge in the community,
I expect to get back knowledge whenever I need
it [SQ03]
When I share my knowledge in the community,
I believe that my questions will be answered in
the future [SQ04]
Sharing my knowledge with others gives me
pleasure [SQ05]
My knowledge sharing with other members is
valuable to me [SQ06]
I do not share anything as I am concerned about
the sensitivity of my information [SQ07]
Members on the community share information
relevant to my problems [SQ08]
I share my knowledge only when the commu-
nity has the option for the face-to-face commu-
nication [SQ09]
Participating in the community decreases the
time needed for my job responsibilities [SQ10]
Participating in the community increases the ef-
fectiveness of performing job task [SQ11]
I have the resources necessary to share knowl-
edge in the community [SQ12]
I participate in the community to establish new
connection with the members [SQ13]
People who are important to me expect that
I should participate in the knowledge sharing
task in the community [SQ14]
By sharing knowledge within community, I find
better solution for my problem [SQ15]
I share the work reports and official docu-
ments obtained from inside the organization
with other members [SQ16]
I share my expertise from my education, train-
ing, experience with other members [SQ17]
I trust the information that I receive from other
members in the community [SQ18]
I trust the information only if I know the iden-
tity of the member whom I am sharing my
knowledge with [SQ19]
I get the latest (up-to-date) information/answers
for my question in the community [SQ20]
I do not share my knowledge on a commu-
nity because I may lose my competitive edge
My organization allows me to participate on a
community-based platform to share my knowl-
edge [SQ22]
My job profile allows me to participate on a
community-based platform to share my knowl-
edge [SQ23]
I have everything that I need to carry out my
job tasks effectively. Therefore, I do not need
to participate [SQ24]
I am willing to participate if the community is
available as an online platform [SQ25]
18. Any other comments? Please write your answer