A Framework for Experience Sharing Through Contextual Tagging
Grégory Bourguin and Arnaud Lewandowski
University of Lille Nord de France, ULCO, LISIC, France
Keywords: Experience Sharing, Contextual Tagging, Activity, Multi Viewpoint, Folksonomy, Ontology.
Abstract: The web is a knowledge-sharing place where many tools allow people to share their own experience about
the resources they use. This shared experience informs about how resources have been perceived and
involved in particular contexts. Such sharing is expected to help new users in building their own working
contexts. Most of these tools involve a tagging system. Tags can help in navigating through shared
knowledge, but tags also carry semantics that can help in understanding it. In this paper, we propose a
literature review showing that tag semantics can only be fully understood while considering the context it
comes from. Our assumption is that it is possible to better link tags to their creation context. We thus
propose the EVOXEL framework, which relies on an activity-based structure and basic mechanisms that
allow reaching this objective. We then discuss its capabilities, and provide first use cases we applied to test
The web is a knowledge-sharing place where many
tools allow people to share their own experience
about the resources they use. This sharing can take
different forms like a comment in a repository, a
blog post, a Youtube video showing a set of
resources involved in a particular performance, or a
resources collection in a knowledge management
system like PearlTrees or Elium (formerly
Knowledge Plazza). Shared experience informs
about how resources have been perceived and used
in particular contexts. It is expected to help new
users in building their own contexts for performing
their own activities. Sharing one’s context indeed
facilitates resource appropriation, and investigating
one’s universe (what they have created, used, etc.)
helps users to assess others, and then favors
inspiration by proposing new resources and contexts
of use (Singer, 2013).
Most of these tools involve a tagging system.
Many researchers have indeed shown that tags help
in organizing knowledge (Kersten, 2012). Moreover,
they also have shown that tags themselves reflect
their creator’s experience (Saab, 2010). As a result,
tags can help in navigating through shared
knowledge, but tags also carry semantics that can
help in understanding it. Some tagging systems
consider tags as simple labels, but others define
them as more complex structures. Different works
propose ontologies designed to better represent the
knowledge carried by tags (Lohmann, 2011). One
can notice that most of the information added to tags
is related to the context in which a tag has been
created (NB: we will use the term “created” for
designating the tag creation, as well as the action of
associating a tag with an entity). Indeed, a tag
reflects its creator’s knowledge, and knowledge can
only be fully understood while considering the
context it comes from (Ning, 2012). If previous
works altogether add interesting information about
tags, our assumption is that it would be possible to
better link them to their creation context.
Another point is that if the above-mentioned
researches have shown that ontologies can be used
to bring more contextual information into tagging
systems, we can notice that tags are usually not
considered themselves as ontological types. Tags
carry semantics, and semantics definition is the
purpose of ontologies. Some sharing tools support
tags hierarchies, but they do not consider inheritance
mechanisms. It is also not possible to create tags
using inference. We believe that tagging systems
could better benefit from the power of semantic web
technologies like semantic reasoners.
To fulfill these needs, we aim at developing a
new tag-oriented framework for supporting the
sharing of end-user’s experience about their
Bourguin G. and Lewandowski A.
A Framework for Experience Sharing Through Contextual Tagging.
DOI: 10.5220/0006509502050211
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 205-211
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
resources. In the first part of this paper, we propose
a literature review related to the semantic of tags. In
the next part, we introduce the EVOXEL framework
that is centered on the tag and activity concepts,
while taking advantage of ontological mechanisms
and tools. We will finally discuss this framework’s
capabilities by proposing selected use cases.
2.1 Folksonomies Need Context
Folksonomies focus on user experience sharing
through tagging. Our interest in folksonomies lies in
their own definition quoted by Knerr (2006):
“Folksonomy is the result of personal free tagging of
information and objects (anything with a URL) for
one’s own retrieval. […] The act of tagging is done
by the person consuming the information”. As
recalled by Cernae (2008), in folksonomies,
metadata is not created by experts, but it is
spontaneously generated by consumers.
Folksonomies answer to the real need for semantic
descriptions that are closer to the knowledge domain
of the users (Gayo, 2010). Even if folksonomies are
nowadays broadly and successfully used, research
has to face several problems that inform about the
semantics and knowledge carried by tags.
The most emblematic representation of
folksonomies is the tags cloud that allows to
navigate through the whole set of tags that have been
created by the whole set of users. In parallel, a
resource selection shows the whole set of tags
created for it. Researchers have shown for long that
this sole information is too simple for users to take
best benefit from tags. Golder (2006) indicates that
« information tagged by others is only useful to the
extent that the users in question make sense of the
content in the same way ». For being totally useful,
it is necessary for the reader to be able to share the
tag semantics with its creator. Due to its polysemy,
the sole tag label is insufficient. Different solutions
like SCOT (Kim, 2008) or MOAT (Passant, 2008)
have then been proposed to link tags to definitions
issued from external ontologies like DBpedia or
Wordnet. This approach is interesting while
allowing different users to refer to a shared
definition of the same term. However, this solution
is also not sufficient since, even if they share the
same “formal” definition, people can use the same
tag for different purpose.
Aware of the fact that tags reflect personal view
of the world by individual users, researchers share
the idea that knowing who provided the tag can help
people in determining its relevance for their own
goals (Van Setten, 2006). This finding resulted in
many different works like MUTO (Lohman, 2011)
proposing ontologies for creating augmented tags. In
particular, tags are explicitly related to their creator.
This information offers a first essential link between
each tag and its creation context. However, Saab
goes even further. He indicates that “a single
individual can effortlessly switch their perspectives
based on their identity and create tags for the same
phenomenon based in different, sometimes
conflicting, identities” (Saab, 2010). The author
explains how a person being a hunter can tag a
weapon resource as “essential”, and the same person
being a father can tag the same resource as
“prohibited”. In his analysis, Saab demonstrates that
knowing a tag’s creator is indeed important, but not
sufficient. In order to let the experience carried by a
tag be fully understood (and useful), it is necessary
to let the reader know the context in which this
experience has been constructed, thus letting him
adopt the adequate perspective.
From another point of view, this need to better
link tags to their creation context can also be found
in the work of Shirky (2005). While analyzing
Del.icio.us, the author relates: “You can see there's a
tag to_read. A professional cataloguer would look at
this tag in horror -- This is context-dependent and
temporary”. As noticed by Golder (2006), this tag
can be considered as a Task Organizing tag in the
context of one of its creator’s specific task. In the
same idea, Kipp (2007) suggests that users may
relate tags to time or emotional reactions. Heckner
(2008) and Monnin (2010) advocate for associating
a tag with its creator’s intention. A tag like to_read
may be considered far from our interest in this
paper. It does not seem to carry some user’s
knowledge, but seems exclusively dedicated to a
private use. Some works like those proposed by
Knerr (2006) and Lohmann (2011) have defined
tagging ontologies that take care about tags
visibility. We also believe that it is important to let
users define private or public tags, and to let them
manage this visibility. Indeed, we can notice that
when the private to_read tag is made public, it
corresponds to a semantics change. The tag goes
from private organizational information to an actual
transmission of its creator’s experience. This same
tag then represents an advice intimately related to
it’s creator’s knowledge, and it can only be fully
understood in the context in which this advice is
provided. This is for example the case when a
teacher tags a particular resource for helping
students in the context of a specific course. The
course, its objective, the tagger’s role, the other
actors’ identities, other resources (that may thus be
considered as less important), and even linked
activities (related to the university) altogether
participate to the semantics carried by the tag.
2.2 Ontologies and Multi Viewpoint
The semantic web research domain also specifically
focuses on tag semantics. Ontologies offers meaning
to more or less formally weave the tags used to label
and categorize entities. Human and computer
systems can use such weaving to better understand
the meaning of entities. It is also possible to infer
new relations and perform complex semantic queries
thanks to ontological reasoners.
The general approach developed in the semantic
web tries to reach some consensus in order to
propose global and shared reference ontologies in
specific activity domains. Top-down approaches
involve domain experts and/or knowledge engineers
who develop the ontologies that will have to be
accepted by all the concerned knowledge workers
(Kotis, 2006). Unfortunately, literature shows that
reaching such a consensus is a real difficult task.
The main difficulty comes from the fact that
defining an ontology always corresponds to provide
a particular viewpoint about the domain’s entities.
Yet, the viewpoint of knowledge engineers is
usually not the same as the domain experts’ one.
And even experts in the same domain do not always
share the same viewpoint (Zhitomirsky-Geffet,
2017). As a result, different ontologies dedicated to
the same domain have been released. A large part of
nowadays research tries to define means that will
help to merge or to link these existing ontologies.
To palliate this problem, researchers like Dong
(2015) propose to adopt the inverse approach by
trying to learn structured knowledge from social
tagging data. Indeed, Garcia-Silva (2014) indicates
that emergent vocabularies turn folksonomies into
interesting knowledge sources from which
ontologies can be developed. Folksonomies are then
expected to capture all the viewpoints provided by
domain actors, and thus to facilitate the creation of
ontologies that would be a-priori accepted by them.
However, this task is also difficult since it needs to
extract the semantics of the folksonomy’s tags, thus
leading to the numerous context-related problems
we have underlined in the previous part.
Another approach tries to find equilibrium
between different expertise and contributions, and
different solutions have then been proposed for
allowing diverse actors to co-construct their
ontologies. This is for example the case in HCOME
(Kotis, 2006), and DILIGENT (Pinto, 2009). For
HCOME, Kotis notes that workers need to map
others’ conceptualizations to their own and put them
in the context of their own experiences. This can
result in new meanings since concepts are seen
under the light of new experiences. Pinto advocates
for letting people retain a part of the shared ontology
and modify it locally. Indeed, these two propositions
offer collaborative tools that allow users to
personalize a shared ontology, to adapt it to their
own experience, and then to integrate some of these
adaptations into the shared global ontology.
A new trend that can be represented by the
proposition made by Zhitomirsky-Geffet (2017) also
nourishes our own thinking about tag semantics. The
author remarks that most of the above frameworks
still force the users to reach a consensus on their
final ontology. She however argues that ontology
users are also interested in a variety of viewpoints on
the knowledge domain. Our understanding of the
state of the art and the above-mentioned issues also
lead us to think that there is a need for a new type of
ontology that allows multiple viewpoints on the
domain to co-exist. Like in HCOME and
DILIGENT, the main idea is to let users develop
their own personal ontologies reflecting their own
contextual experiences. But in our approach, these
ontologies are not intended to be finally merged in a
global one. They will co-exist, and will be closely
and explicitly linked to the description of the context
they describe and from which they have emerged.
2.3 Tagging in Activity’s Context
The above studies show that tag semantics takes
great advantages in being linked to its creation
context. The numerous improvement in researches
about folksonomies and ontologies have all
proposed new means to better take this context into
account while linking created entities to their
creators, or to their point of view. From our point of
view, the context that should be considered is
broader: it is synthesized in the concept of activity.
According to Ning (2012), the activity can be
used to glue knowledge item and knowledge context
such as people, resource and environment, in a
semantic way, thus providing enhanced knowledge.
While considering activity as a central concept for
contextualizing knowledge, tags can be explicitly
linked to their creators, to their creators’ viewpoints,
to their role in the activity, and also to the whole set
of correlated entities like the resources used, the
activity’s products, the other actors and roles, and
even other related activities. Moreover, each tag in
an activity is itself part of the knowledge context and
thus becomes the background of the other tags.
Such solution implies to know in which activity a
tag is created. This need is coherent to those
identified in the context of research about multi-
viewpoints ontologies that advocates for dealing
with the way people develop their
conceptualizations in the context of their day-to-day
activities, in a seamless way to their working
practices (Kotis, 2006). Following this direction, our
approach is to let users explicitly indicate the
activity related to the experience they are sharing.
Explicit reference to users’ activities has been
successfully used in several project dedicated to
information management. These propositions
criticize the omnipresent hierarchical structure used
to store and retrieve personal resources, and propose
activity-based tagging systems to solve the identified
problems (Voida, 2009). Even if the main purpose of
these systems is different from ours, their results are
instructive. In particular, Oleksik (2009) categorized
several benefits from using the activity concept in
the tagging of resources. Kersten (2012) has shown
that the activity concept matches well end-users’
representation of their work while fitting with real
world organizations, and facilitating the
management of their resources while often switching
from one task to another. These findings advocate in
favor of an environment emphasizing the activity
concept for contextual tagging.
2.4 Main Objectives
We aim at providing a tagging system that allows
users to share their experience about web resources
involved in specific activities. According to the
above-mentioned literature, our approach is to allow
users to tag resources while keeping explicit links
between these tags and the activities in which the
resources were used, and where the tags fully make
sense. The main purpose is to help users in sharing
their viewpoints about sets of entities involved in
specific contexts, and to let others discover, browse,
understand and be inspired from them. Such
approach can somehow be qualified as folksonomic.
It allows users to browse the whole set of shared
viewpoints and to create clouds in which tags are
pondered by their occurrences. It is however also
possible to know each specific contextual activity
related to a user tagging action. And finally, one can
filter and search the viewpoints according to criteria
built from the system structure.
We want to take benefits from ontological tools
to have access to linked data, semantic queries and
inference. It however has to be noticed that even if
they inspired us, our aims differ from those of
Zhitomirsky-Geffet (2017) in building ontologies.
The approach of the author is to guide the users to
construct multiple viewpoint ontologies and then
integrate them together, where multiple viewpoints
are part of a central unified ontology. We do not aim
at competing with engineering methods and systems
for building centralized ontologies. We aim at using
ontological mechanisms for supporting users in
sharing their own personal experience. According to
Zhitomirsky-Geffet (2008), we think that the
viewpoints are not limited to different visualizations
of the same information relationships: the
relationships themselves may differ as well. In our
approach, each viewpoint corresponds to a
(potentially) different set of semantic entities and
relations between them. We thus define each
viewpoint as a single contextual ontology, a term
that can be correlated to the personal knowledge
ontology proposed by Hsieh (2008) for personal
information management. A contextual ontology is
intrinsically linked to a specific context and
represents the experience developed by an actor in a
specific activity. However, according to the real-
world activities they represent, contextual ontologies
can be interrelated. Thus, the acceptance and pooling
of some contextual ontologies’ concepts developed
by different actors in some shared, correlated, same
type, or same domain activities can be envisioned.
Such acceptance by conscious integration of some
others’ concepts into one’s contextual ontologies
may help to dynamically represent the consensual
viewpoint of a group of actors, and picture some
shared and evolving contextual group ontologies.
3.1 Using PROV to Model Context
We have chosen the Provenance data model (PROV)
and especially the PROV Ontology (PROV-O) to
represent the activities, the resources they use and
produce, and their actors. PROV-O is an owl
ontology providing a simple data model proposed by
the W3C for which provenance is defined as “a
record that describes the people, institutions, entities,
and activities involved in producing, influencing, or
delivering a piece of data or a thing” (W3C, 2013).
One of the main ideas from which PROV has
emerged is that provenance of information is crucial
in deciding whether information is to be trusted and
how to give credit to its originators when reusing
it. Such intention clearly matches our needs focusing
on the provenance of the tags and the shared
experience they are related to.
The PROV data model is constituted of three
core concepts: Agents participate in Activities,
which can use and produce Entities (such as
documents, web sites, etc). We thus use prov:Agent
to describe our users sharing their experience,
prov:Activity to describe the contexts in which this
experience emerges, and prov:Entity to describe the
resources used as well as the activities’ products. We
also mainly use PROV’s basic properties (prov:used,
prov:wasAssociatedWith, etc.) to describe the
relationships between these entities. PROV classes
and properties are further detailed in (W3C, 2013).
3.2 Putting Tags in the Context
Using PROV thus helps us in describing activities,
i.e. the contexts related our users’ shared experience.
As stated in the previous section, each particular
context is described in a corresponding contextual
Figure 1: Fragment of Greg’s contextual ontology
describing his point of view on the activity.
Figure 1 describes some fragments of Greg’s
contextual ontology corresponding to its Writing
KMIS article activity. KMIS article is a prov:Entity
representing a product of this activity. Zhitomirsky
et al. 2017 and Saab, 2010 represent two of the
resources used as references in the current article.
The entity Zhitomirsky et al. 2017 is tagged journal
article, and also scientific publication. In fact, Greg
only applied the journal article tag, and scientific
publication is inferred by the system. This is due to
the fact that these tags correspond to owl classes,
and that the former is defined has a subclass of the
latter by Greg’s in its tags hierarchy for this
contextual ontology. Yet, the framework’s structure
allows using all classical semantic reasoners’
capabilities in the context of each specific activity,
thus providing contextual semantic reasoning.
Greg also tagged this resource as related work in
the current article. It is obviously a contextual tag
which sense is closely related to this specific
context. Indeed, in another article, the same resource
can be tagged differently (e.g. case study”) because
it has been quoted for other reasons (e.g. basing new
research on the provided study about the effect of
diet on health). This tag is then applied to this entity
only in this contextual ontology.
Figure 2: Contextual Ontology Structure.
Figure 2 represents the generic structure of
contextual ontologies. It shows that each user’s
contextual ontology is also itself considered as a
prov:Entity. Each user’s experience in a particular
activity is crystallized in a contextual ontology,
which is itself considered as a product of the user’s
activity it describes.
3.3 Connecting Personal Ontologies
The framework generates one contextual ontology
by actor and by activity, each ontology being split in
two parts: a private and a public one. Some activities
can however be shared by multiple actors. For
example, Writing KMIS article actually involves two
co-authors. Such activity shared by two actors is
described in two contextual ontologies, each one
containing PROV data and tags associated to the
elements referenced by each user in this activity.
Some entities can be involved in multiple
contextual ontologies. For example, the two authors
realizing the Writing KMIS article activity both
share the same references and thus, these resources
are part of their respective contextual ontologies.
They also may share some tags applied to these
resources, but not necessary all of them if they
consider these resources from different viewpoints.
Moreover, the same tags may be part of different
(inheritance) hierarchies representing different
meaning for their creators.
From a global viewpoint, we use the
dcterms:references and dcterms:isReferencedBy
relationships to keep track of the bilateral links
between the many elements (identified by their IRI)
like users, activities, resources, products and tags,
and the contextual ontologies referencing them.
3.4 Framework Capabilities
The framework allows browsing all the contextual
ontologies in which a particular entity is involved.
Starting from an entity (e.g. a resource) and
selecting a contextual ontology using it lets discover
the other entities that participate to the realization of
the targeted user’s activity, and their specific
relationships. This is achieved while providing the
associated contextual tags, thus letting one better
understand the related experience. The framework
also gives the opportunity to list all the tags tied to
an entity by “merging” the several users’ viewpoints
in a folksonomic fashion. Selecting a particular tag
can lead to all the activities in which it has been
used, and thus let discover its meaning in the
different users’ activities. It is also possible to search
the environment by performing queries based on the
many entities, entities types (tags) and their specific
relationships in contextual ontologies.
To put these functionalities in action, we are
developing a web application and Google Chrome
plugins connected to a first implementation of the
framework through a JEE server using the OWL
API and the Openllet semantic reasoner. We tested
some scenarios enhancing some existing web tools.
For example, tools like Google Scholar can help in
looking for specific articles, searching with
keywords or author name. Given an article, it shows
the list of other papers referencing it. A same paper
could be cited for several reasons, depending on the
context. Discovering (or remembering) why a paper
references another one can help in faster
understanding a researcher’s viewpoint, and then
evaluate the (contextual) level of interest of other’s
research work. Thanks to our framework, a plugin
injects these new data in a references list, and
proposes the contextual and potentially inferred tags
associated with each reference in this context of use.
We investigated the domain of scrapbooking,
where many people use Blogger to exhibit their
creations and design methods. Each blog article
gives details about a creation like the materials used
and how they have been associated together. Thanks
to EVOXEL, the blogger is able to contextually tag
materials. Afterwards, exploring the blog lets users
discover that a certain piece of paper, which has
been tagged as background in a creation, has also
interestingly been used as an embellishment while
being associated with other specific materials (or
materials types) in another one. Such discovery,
letting one discover unexpected use and/or
unexpected (associated) resources, becomes a source
of new inspiration.
Instructional designers also used the framework
to describe their pedagogical activities in an
approach somehow similar to Merlot. They were
afterwards able to use web forms applying semantic
query features and for example search in others’
contextual ontologies for all the lectures using
SCRUM in an active pedagogy process.
More generally, the framework also allows the
creation of tags from query results. For example, a
query for retrieving all the scientific articles that cite
a particular researcher’s papers as related work can
be transformed in a new (private) to read tag (i.e. an
equivalent class). The inference will then apply the
tagging on the corresponding elements, even if they
are integrated well after the tag’s definition.
The web nowadays offers many tools that allow
people to share their own experience about the
resources they use. In this context, tagging systems
can help in organizing and navigating through the
shared knowledge. Moreover, tags carry semantics
that can help in understanding it. Building on a
literature review, we have shown that tags could take
great benefits from being even more closely related
to their creation context. We thus have proposed the
EVOXEL framework that emphasizes the concept of
activity for contextual tagging. The framework relies
on semantic web technologies and introduces the
concept of contextual ontology to link tags to their
creation contexts, and let them benefit from
ontological structures, mechanisms and tools.
We have shown that the framework yet offers the
basics for supporting our needs, but EVOXEL is still
under development. We are currently further
developing the web applications and the Google
Chrome plugins offering its functionalities at our
end-users’ abstraction level. The framework is also
itself currently enhanced by integrating a
collaborative dimension for better supporting users
who share activities and/or integrate and reuse
entities borrowed from other contextual ontologies.
EVOXEL’s model also offers new opportunities and
we are already working with other researchers on
new functionalities based on contextual ontologies
similarity measurement. We expect those new
features to even better support end-users’ experience
sharing, discovery, and inspiration.
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