An Ontology for Clinical Decision Support System to Predict
Female’s Fertile Period
Francisco Vaz
, Rodrigo Rocha Silva
and Jorge Bernardino
Polytechnic of Coimbra - ISEC, Rua Pedro Nunes, Coimbra, Portugal
FATEC Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo State Technological College, Brazil
CISUC – Centre for Informatics and Systems of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Keywords: Ontology-based Clinical Decision Support System, Domain Ontologies, Knowledge Engineering.
Abstract: Nowadays, many women do not fully realize what the fertile period is, as well as what it represents in their
life. The prediction of fertile period is quite complex and difficult to calculate accurately and this is
undoubtedly a problem for women’s. There are still some completely wrong ideas about reproductive
health, especially about the fertile period and the menstrual cycle. A good example of the myths that persist
is the fact that many women continue to believe that ovulation occurs precisely in the middle of their
menstrual cycle, which is not always true. Therefore, to better understand the female cycle, we proposed a
Clinical Decision Support System based on the use of an ontology. Our proposal can predict the female
fertile period, based on certain factors that allow a calculation that is more accurate improving the quality of
patient life.
At a certain point in a woman's life, the fertile period
gains a lot of importance. However, it is common for
many women to not fully realize what the fertile
period is and what it represents for their life. It is
easily defined as the ideal time for the woman to
conceive, which has a durability of approximately 6
days and occurs 14 days before the last of the cycle
(Wilcox, Dunson, and Baird, 2000).
Women have begun to have more access to
information about their reproductive health, but
there are still many questions about the fertile period
and the menstrual cycle. Some of these questions
are, the factors influencing the menstrual cycle, the
best way to calculate it, among others. With this
questions, it is of great relevance to be able to unveil
all the myths and all the ideas formed based on
misconceptions and to encourage the women to
know better their body.
In this paper we propose a Clinical Decision
Support (CDS) system based in the use of an
ontology to overcome the problem of predicting
accurately the female fertile period and giving
important information to the user. This system can
work partially in place of the doctors in the
prediction of the fertile period. The CDS system
allows the user to have the possibility of sharing data
with the doctor. This CDS system has several
purposes, such as establishing a diagnosis, with
access to the frequency of symptoms, for diseases
that cause influences on the menstrual cycle or in
cases of planning a pregnancy. The CDS system we
propose reduces the frequency of physical
consultations and allows a better doctor-patient
relationship, since the doctor always has at his/her
disposal the data of the user, being able to do a
enhanced follow-up. Is evident that the system
permits access to the patient historical data and thus
the comparison between cycles. The system also
allows the woman to acquire a better knowledge
about their body and improve her quality of life. Of
course, is aimed for female genre, from puberty, in
which it has the first menstrual episode (commonly
between 11 and 16 years), until menarche and
menopause (Seeley, Stephens, and Tate, 2003). And
with regard to the prediction of the fertile period, our
system has the capacity to calculate different
durations that a cycle can have, as well as the
probability of occurrence of each factor (obesity,
stress, pregnancy, among others) that has influence
in the fertile period.
Vaz F., Silva R. and Bernardino J.
An Ontology for Clinical Decision Support System to Predict Femaleâ
Zs Fertile Period.
DOI: 10.5220/0006519102880293
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KEOD 2017), pages 288-293
ISBN: 978-989-758-272-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The main objective of this work is the
construction of a system that can work without the
support of health professionals at an early stage and
that predicts the stages of the menstrual cycle for a
woman. It is important that they be guided by some
factors. The factors are the first day of the next
menstruation, the risk of pregnancy for each day of
the cycle, the recording of the days in which there
were changes in mood, weight, symptoms, the day
of ovulation, but always have medical follow-up
through data sharing that the system will allow. Is
important to use ontology to support the sharing and
reuse of formally represented knowledge, and it is
useful to define the common vocabulary in which
shared knowledge is represented.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 discusses the existing work on the
ontology in general and related to Ontology Based
Clinical Decision Support systems. Section 3
discusses the proposed approach. Section 4 discusses
the proposed ontology-based system. Finally, section
5 presents the conclusions and future work.
In this section, we review some works to obtain
more information and knowledge how to create the
most correct and adequate ontology for a CDS
Ontology is an information organization
technique that has received special attention in the
last years, mainly with respect to the formal
representation of knowledge. Generally, they are
created by specialists, having their structure based
on the description of concepts and of the semantic
relationships between them.
An ontology typically provides a vocabulary that
describes a domain of interest and a specification of
the meaning of terms used in the vocabulary
(Gruber, 1993). Depending on the precision of this
specification, the notion of ontology encompasses
several data and conceptual models, including, sets
of terms, classifications, thesauri, database schemas,
or fully axiomatized theories (Euzenat and Shvaiko,
Otero-Cerdeira et al. (2015) present a literature
review regarding articles on ontology matching
published in the last decade. It serves the purpose of
offering an up-to-date review of the field and
showing its evolution trends. In this paper over 1600
papers have been sorted according to a classification
framework defined by the authors. This framework
helps in identifying the distribution of the load work
in the last decade.
Giovannini et al. (2012) addressed the software
part by proposing a product centric ontology in
which concepts of products, processes and resources
are associated to functions and sustainable
manufacturing knowledge. In order to project a
knowledge-based system by simulating a sustainable
manufacturing expert, can automatically identify
change opportunities and propose alternatives based
on the existing production scenario.
For our work, the ontology has an enormous
utility because in computing area, there is still no
consensus on the semantics of the term "ontology".
An ontology is also composed of a set of formal
axioms that restrict the interpretation of concepts
and relations, making a clear and unambiguous
representation on the knowledge of the intended
domain. With that we can build this system and
create an ontology for our domain, which is female’s
fertile period.
The category we address in this paper is based on
the domain ontology, cited by (Silva, Ferreira, and
Vijaykumar, 2010) as being reusable ontologies in a
certain domain providing vocabularies on the
concepts and relationship of them within that
domain, on the elementary theories, and principles
that govern the domain and also on the activities
involved in this area.
These days, in medical settings, doctors or other
entities often make mistakes in several areas of
health. These errors can easily be avoided
considering the use of the CDS systems based on an
ontology. The CDS system help doctors daily,
increasing the quality of care provided to a patient.
These systems support doctors in the decision-
making process and suggest appropriate treatments.
The ontology is best suited to encapsulate the
concepts and relationship of terms associated with
the medical domain. It is suitable for capturing
medical knowledge in a formal way, allowing to
share and reuse it whenever necessary.
Many studies have been done with CDS systems
to help in several diseases. Manzoor, Balubaid,
Usman, and Mueen (2015) proposed a system to
predict high-risk pregnant woman. They proposed a
framework based on a CDS system that can work in
place of doctors to diagnose high-risk pregnant
women and, if this happens, refer them to qualified
doctors for the necessary treatment. In this way, high
risk patients will receive the treatment at the correct
time, and many lives can be saved. The main focus
of the system that has been proposed is to build a
diagnostic procedure that can work instead of
qualified physicians and identify high-risk patients,
once identified, can be treated by doctors. With this
system it is possible to greatly reduce the workload
of doctors, in addition to providing basic health care
to more patients (Manzoor et al., 2015).
Highlighting also the authors in (Jostinah Lam,
Abdullah, and Eko Supriyanto, 2015) that said there
is a large shortage of doctors in rural areas and that
is the main cause for maternal mortality to be quite
Then a solution was proposed introducing a new
architecture of a CDS system in the field of high risk
pregnancy. The proposed architecture is composed
of seven main components. The need for CDS was
investigated through the interview session,
distribution of questionnaires and observation. The
CDS architecture was categorized into 7 major
components: knowledge base, inference engine,
machine learning, case database, EMR, query engine
and user interface (Jostinah Lam et al., 2015).
Raza, Chaundry, and Zaidi (2017) have done a
study to accurately distinguish between finger
tremors of Parkinson’s disease using a tri-axial
gyroscope. The study is an effort to provide
physicians with a CDS system to facilitate them in
accurate diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. They
designed the hardware to acquire angular
displacement from tri-axial gyroscope and apply a
series of techniques to extract different features in
time and frequency domains. A total of 104 people
participated in their study, using resources from
these data, they were able to create a CDS system
with overall accuracy of 82.43%. They used the
CDSS in a hospital with an accuracy of 77.78%
(Raza, Chaundry, and Zaidi, 2017).
Semenov and Kopanitsa (2016) present a process
of development and implementation of a decision
support system for laboratory service patients. The
system allows patients reading and understanding
medical records in natural language. For the
laboratory service the system allowed increasing the
level of satisfaction of the patients and the number
of patients who came back to the laboratory service
for more detailed testing (Semenov and Kopanitsa,
Jabez Christopher, Khanna Nehemiah, and
Kannan (2015) presents a CDS system to assist
junior clinicians in the diagnosis of Allergic
Rhinitis. In their study, they did intradermal skin
tests were performed on patients who had plausible
allergic symptoms. For their study 872 patients who
had allergic symptoms were considered. The rule
based classification approach and the clinical test
results were used to develop and validate the CDSS
(Jabez Christopher, Khanna Nehemiah, and Kannan,
Tams and Euliano (2015) share lessons learned
from creating two respiratory CDS systems for
ventilating patients in a critical care setting. They
concluded that: when creating a CDS system you
must seek input from trained clinicians who are
willing and capable to make prompt and correct
therapies; Clinical decisions are case sensitive; CDS
system’s may not have acess to all of the data
required to make decisions, but sometimes simple
modifications to the algorithms may dramatically
improve performance; and that it is important to
focus only on the values which prove to be relevant,
because we have vast amounts of data available for a
clinician to understand the overall scope of the
patient (Tams and Euliano, 2015).
For the construction of the CDS system we should
take in consideration several factors: the day of the
start of the last menstruation, the number of days in
the cycle, number of days of menstruation,
contraceptive methods, weight, calendar, pregnancy,
mood and symptoms status, data sharing and
notifications. With all these factors, the system
meets what is necessary to achieve the resolution to
our problem. We selected the main factors that stand
out and have more influence the female’s fertile
period. In this section, it is explained the
architecture, as well as the reason of each one of the
chosen factors, based on the study realized. And
since we understand that the question of the fertile
period is so important for women, it must be
The proposed architecture for the CDS system is
composed of three main components, which are
inference engine (IE), knowledge base (KB) and
machine learning (ML), as shown in Figure 1. The
IE uses the knowledge on the system and the
knowledge about the patient to draw conclusions
regarding certain conditions. The IE controls what
kind of actions need to be taken by the system. IE
determines the reminders, alerts and conclusions to
be displayed in the system. The knowledge
represented by KB is used by IE and the KB may be
built with the help of an automated process, like
machine learning (ML) or field rules. In this
automated process, knowledge is acquired from
databases that have information about the users. The
KB together with ML system will complete the
whole decision-making process. The ML component
will be done in the future work to improve our
Figure 1: CDS system architecture.
Figure 2 shows the overall scheme for calculate
female’s fertile period. We can see in the middle of
the figure, the central part of the system: the
database and the server. It is there where all the
communication takes place and all the information
concerning the users and the doctors is stored.
From the central part of the scheme, there is the
interaction of the two parts who can communicate in
this system, user and doctors, represented to the left
and to the right, respectively. On the left side, it was
decided to put the image of a woman to be consulted
by a doctor since, with our system a woman with a
mobile phone can communicate with the doctor.
It should be noted that it is possible for a doctor
to be aware of the condition of a patient without
having to be physically with it, just in case of need.
Thus, Figure 2 aims to demonstrate in a simple
but concrete way, the scheme for the proposed
Figure 2: Overall scheme for calculate female’s fertile
All the factors referenced above will now be
explained and justified. These factors will be
considered as input to the system and inserted by the
Day of the start of the last menstruation: this
corresponds to the first day of the cycle. It is
of utmost relevance for the calculation of the
fertile period. Over time, the system will be
more suitable for the user.
Number of days in the cycle: perceive if it is a
short, long or normal cycle and allows to have
the perception of the regularity of the cycles.
Also having great relevance for the calculation
of the fertile period, because at the last day of
the cycle will be taken 14 days and will be
obtained the probability of the day on which
ovulation occurs. The mean duration of the
cycle is 22 to 36 days (Fehring, Schneider,
and Raviele, 2006).
Number of days of menstruation: For woman to
have more knowledge about her body. The
average duration of menstruation is from 2 to
7 days (Seeley et al., 2003).
Contraceptive method: in relation to the pill, the
existing calendar allows the user to note
whether the pill has been taken, whether it was
late or note. It should be noted that it is
possible to use any contraceptive method and
that the system will be adapted.
Calendar: this is a very important feature of the
system, due to the fact that the ovulation day,
the days of the fertile period, the risk of
pregnancy (low, medium and high risk) for
each day of the menstrual cycle, the days of
menstruation inserted by the user and access
to the history of the previous months, are all
shown in the calendar.
Weight: it is a factor that influences the
oscillations of the fertile period. People with
low weight do not have sufficient amounts of
fat, with this, the cycles become increasingly
irregular. Often menstruation may not even
come. Usually weight gain helps reverse the
previous scenario, which is low weight. This
condition is quite common in athletes and in
overworked women. It was found that body
weight and dissatisfaction with the body
varies during the menstrual cycle (Teixeira,
Damasceno, Dias, Lamounier, and Gardner,
Pregnancy: there is the possibility of applying
the mode of pregnancy in the system, if the
woman gets pregnant, serving as reference and
keeping the record of each month of gestation.
The pregnancy mode allows to see the
countdown to the baby’s birth and allows to
receive a reminder to record the cycle after
pregnancy. Taking into account the doctor's
knowledge to make a more present follow-up
to the patient.
Mood and Symptoms Status: it allows the
woman to make comparisons later between
the phase of the cycle and a particular
symptom. Turns out to be her clinical history
related to symptoms favouring the knowledge
of her body. With regard to pre-menstrual
tension it turns out to be a recurrent pattern of
emotional, physical and behavioural changes
in the days before menstruation (Seeley et al.,
2003). When they perceive that they are the
same with the cycles, it will cause the week
before menstruation more easily. The mood
and symptoms status can cause changes in the
calculation of the fertile period and for the
system it is of important relevance that one
can adapt to these factors, so that the
calculation of the fertile period is the most
reliable possible.
Data Sharing: this allows an exchange of data
between the doctor and anyone the user
wishes to have access to. That is, the user can
always have the doctor's care without physical
presence. And regarding the sharing between
the couple, it is important that the man or
woman also follow and that has knowledge of
the body of his partner.
Notifications: it will inform the user about
taking the pill (if applicable) and predicts the
day on which the next menstruation will
occur. It promotes the fact of the daily intake
at the same time, taking to the maximum
efficiency of the same. In the case of another
contraceptive, or even none at all, the system
will adapt it and notify, for example, only the
prediction of the day of the next menstruation.
In this section, the ontology is discussed based on
the factors identified and justified above. Through
the above factors, an ontology capable of solving
this problem of the calculation of the female’s fertile
period was implemented.
With regard to the proposed ontology for this
domain, Figure 3, it consists of 6 main classes which
are the symptoms, mood states, contraceptive
methods, calendar, weight and pregnancy, the choice
of these six classes comes from the study carried out
in section 3.
In the symptoms status class, there are several
subclasses like headaches and abdominal cramps,
being able to have more according to the most
relevant symptoms for the calculation.
In the mood status class, it happens as in the case
of symptoms, where we have all the states that
influence the calculation.
In the class of contraceptive methods are
considered those contraceptives that currently exist.
The Calendar class has two subclasses, one of
which allows the sharing of data between users of
our system, as well as the subclass of notifications to
enable better effectiveness, for example in taking a
contraceptive method at a specific time, or warning
about the next menstruation.
We also have the pregnancy classes that serves to
indicate whether or not a woman is pregnant. This is
a very important factor for the calculations.
Finally, we have the weight class, which
according to some studies, (Teixeira et al., 2013)
proved to be a necessary factor in our ontology,
since the weight variations interfere in the
calculation of the fertile period.
Figure 3: Snapshot of female’s fertile period ontology.
In this section, a figure of great relevance was
explained (Figure 3). Ontology has the advantage
where the knowledge can be changed easily if
knowledge of the domain has been outdated. By
using ontological approach, the knowledge
repository becomes more flexible to changes.
The proposed ontology provides the controlled
vocabulary required for the annotation of our dataset
with the woman and doctor’s information,
facilitating the retrieval of and, more generally,
access to information. Such standardization also
facilitates the exchange of information and
contributes to semantic interoperability among
Our proposed ontology are also critical to
hypothesis generation and knowledge discovery in a
data-driven approach to predict the delay of the
woman cycle for the next month.
This work describes the importance of ontology-
based CDS systems in calculate female’s fertile
period. It also improves the quality of health care
service helping the society. The fact that this system
has the option of data sharing is an increased value,
since it allows a doctor-patient communication, quite
efficient. We must not forget that the woman only
shares what she wants, so that there is privacy for
her. It also allows to save and optimize resources,
such as the time spent on visits and consultations, as
well as optimize the diagnosis by the doctor, because
it has a history of the patient in question. The
ontological approach had been used as a foundation
in the development of CDS systems.
As future work we intend to develop a CDS
system based on the proposed architecture. This
prototype will be evaluated for its capability and
usability, and it is necessary to put into practice
using machine learning algorithms. Thus, with the
role of machine learning in the proposed CDS
system architecture, it will be possible to calculate
more accurately the female’s fertile period, and also,
for example, calculate the probability of delaying
menstruation in a particular user based on the past
data thereof. The possibility of using field rules in
this CDS system may also be studied, since it could
also be included here.
With all these implementations of the future
work made, it will be possible to do one of the most
important purposes, which are tests with women and
doctors, to prove the effectiveness of our system.
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