Heart Rate Variability in Exergaming
Feasibility and Benefits of Physiological Adaptation for Cardiorespiratory Training
in Older Adults by Means of Smartwatches
J. E. Muñoz
, E. R. Gouveia
, M. S. Cameirão
and S. Bermúdez i Badia
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal, Portugal
Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal, Portugal
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal, Portugal
Keywords: Heart Rate Variability, Smartwatch, Exergaming, Biocybernetic Loops, Older Adults, Cardiorespiratory
Fitness, Physiological Computing.
Abstract: Exergames are videogames that use physical movement to mediate player’s interactions with digital contents.
Multiple adaptation mechanisms have been used to enhance the effectiveness of employing Exergames to
promote physical exercise. One of the most interesting strategies utilizes physiological signals to infer the
status of player’s cardiorespiratory responses and create real-time game adaptations. This strategy is called
biocybernetic-adaptation and despite its promising potential, quantitative studies identifying measurable
benefits are scarce. We developed a between-subjects study measuring the autonomic-cardiac regulation
differences between conventional cardiorespiratory training methods and a physiologically modulated
Exergame in a group of fifteen older adults. We used heart rate (HR) data measured through smartwatches
and a floor-projection setup to encourage players to exert in targeted HR zones. We presented the analysis of
the time users spent in the target zone and the Heart-Rate-Variability (HRV) in time and frequency domains
during training sessions of 20 minutes length. Two time-domain (SDNN and RMSSD) and one frequency-
domain (VLF) HRV parameters showed significant differences, revealing lower HRV values in the
physiologically adaptive condition when compared with conventional training. Our data suggests that
smartwatch technology can be accurate enough to assess HRV changes, and that a HR based physiologically
adaptive Exergame induces less HRV.
Exercise videogames (Exergames) have
demonstrated their feasibility for being used to
promote physical activity in the older population
(Larsen et al., 2013). The inclusion of multiple
techniques for adapting Exergames to the user’s
fitness profile has shown that this ludic way of
working out can be structurally used as training
programs (Hoffmann et al., 2014; Velazquez et al.,
2017). Recent advances in human computer
interaction, and specifically in the field of
physiological computing, have permitted the use of
biosignals to monitor and even influence the inner
responses of Exergame’s players (Stach et al., 2009).
By means of this biocybernetic mechanism,
cardiorespiratory signals such as heart rate (HR) or
the respiration rate can be used to drive an intelligent
adaptation of the system’s difficulty, thus allowing a
better adjustment to the recommended exertion levels
(Ketcheson et al., 2015). Despite encouraging results
of preliminary studies, the efficacy of such approach
has rarely been compared with conventional training
methods, therefore occluding the comparative and
measurable benefits of this technology (Larsen et al.,
Heart rate variability (HRV) has been widely
recognized as a reliable tool to assess cardiac
autonomic modulations. HRV covers a big set of
measurements that describe the variations between
instantaneous heart beats (Ernst, 2014). The use of
HRV metrics to assess the effects of cardiorespiratory
exercise has allowed a quantification of the associated
cardiac benefits in the older population (Stein et al.,
1999). HRV analysis can be a cornerstone in
demonstrating the efficacy of physical exercise
through Exergames. Particularly, in the assessment
and quantification of effectiveness of novel
soz J., Gouveia E., CameirÃ
co M. and Badia S.
Heart Rate Variability in Exergaming - Feasibility and Benefits of Physiological Adaptation for Cardiorespiratory Training in Older Adults by Means of Smartwatches.
DOI: 10.5220/0006601401450150
In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2017), pages 145-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-269-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
adaptation mechanisms (Russoniello et al., 2013;
Zavarize et al., 2016).
Even though the gold standard instrument for
measuring HRV is the electrocardiograph (ECG), the
use of novel wearable sensors such as smartwatches,
wrist and chest bands, and headphones have been
popularized as being surrogate of HRV. The main
advantages of those sensors are the non-invasiveness,
portability and low-cost (Parak and Korhonen, 2014).
Several studies have compared the measurement
reliability of the heart beats by means of wearable
sensors versus ECG monitors during stationary and
non-stationary conditions (Jo et al., 2016; Stahl et al.,
2016). Results demonstrated that HRV measurements
from wearable sensors can be used as an alternative
for ECG in ambulatory situations.
The aim of this study was to investigate the
autonomic HR regulation during a physiologically
adaptive training session deployed through an
Exergame. To that end, we relied on the HRV
analysis from a smartwatch to explore the behavior of
time and frequency domain markers and compared it
against a conventional exercise routine in a group of
fifteen seniors. Our analysis is mainly focused in the
feasibility of using HRV from smartwatches to detect
significant differences between both activities instead
of analyzing the accuracy level of the HRV
2.1 Subjects
Fifteen community-dwelling active older adults from
a local gymnasium were recruited (11 females and 4
males ages 66 ± 7 years, height 1.60 ± 0.08 meters,
weight 73.7 ± 14.8 Kg). Two users reported being
medicated for high levels of blood pressure and two
reported past heart-issues. All participants typically
exerted twice per week at the senior gymnasium in
sessions of 45 minutes length approximately.
Cardiovascular parameters measured from the sample
include HR during resting (HR
= 72.9 ± 12.9
BPMs), maximum HR (HR
= 161.7 ± 4.7 BPMs)
and maximum oxygen uptake (VO
= 34.5 ± 0.4
2.2 Experimental Setup
To assess the impact of the physiologically adaptive
exercise training over the HRV markers, we carried
out a comparative study following a between-subjects
design. For that, we used a Conventional training
condition as control and compared it with our HR-
adaptive training approach. The workout for the HR-
adaptive training condition length 20 minutes. Thus,
we took only the first 20 minutes of the Conventional
training to carry out the comparative analysis.
Conventional Training: This exercise was conducted
by the physical activity instructors at the local senior
gymnasium. The workout consisted in different
routines including cardiorespiratory circuits, strength
and balance exercises using sticks and weights as well
as flexibility and stability training. Only the first 20
minutes of the exercise sessions were considered for
the analysis.
HR-adaptive Training: To create a physiologically
adaptive system based on real-time HR
measurements, we developed a customizable
Exergame. Our Exergame is an adaptation of the
classic 2D pong, which challenges players to hit a ball
using a virtual paddle. Our implementation uses a
floor-projection setup that encourages players to
perform lateral movements to reach the ball and
destroy small blocks to earn points. The tracking of
movements is achieved through the Kinect V2 sensor
and represented in the Exergame with a virtual
paddle. The setup is illustrated in figure 1.
Figure 1: Exercise videogame developed to test the
physiological adaptation based on real-time measurements
of HR. Adapted from (Muñoz et al., 2016).
The system uses the concept of target HR (Heyward
and Gibson, 2014) to adapt the difficulty level of the
Exergame via modifying the ball velocity as follows:
IF the 30-seconds-average HR is lower than the
target HR, then increase the difficulty (increase
the ball velocity).
IF the 30-seconds-average HR is higher than the
target HR, then decrease the difficulty (decrease
the ball velocity).
Physiological Measurements: HR data was recorded
using the Moto360 smartwatch, which uses an optical
PPG (photopletysmography) sensor to internally
compute the HR levels in beats-per-minute and
stream the values to a mobile phone. By using a
physiological computing framework (J.E. Muñoz et
al., 2017), HR levels are streamed at 1 Hz to the
Exergame and then used to compute the target HR
and adapt the system in real-time. The time in the
target HR zone (in minutes) was computed for each
condition following the American College of Sports
and Medicine (ACSM) recommendations for older
adults meaning exert at 40% to 70 % of the HR
reserve (Rahl, 2010).
HRV Analysis: HR data from the smartwatch were
used to extract several HRV parameters using the
PhysioLab software, a Matlab-based multimodal
signal processing toolbox (Muñoz et al., 2017). HR
data were converted to R-R intervals (in miliseconds)
to carry out the HRV analysis. In the time domain,
two parameters called the SDNN (standard deviation
of NN intervals) and the RMSSD (root-mean-square
standard deviation) were considered for the analysis.
The HRV spectrum was computed using a Welch’s
power-spectral-density estimation with a Hanning
window. Then, each frequency component was
weighted using an area-under-the-curve approach as
follows: high frequency (HF: 0.15-0.4 Hz), low
frequency (LF: 0.04-0.15 Hz) and very low frequency
(VLF: 0.003- 0.04 Hz). These HRV descriptors have
been shown to be very effective in describing heart
resilience and cardiac autonomic regulation, showing
an overall increase in the indexes in response to
exercise training (Stein et al., 1999).
2.3 Statistical Analysis
Data normality was assessed through the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. When non-normal, data
were analysed with non-parametric tests. A repeated
measures ANOVA analysis was carried out to
compare the HRV markers in both conditions. All
statistical tests were analysed using SPSS (21.0, BPM
Corp, Armonk, NY) with a significance level of 5%.
3.1 Time in the Target HR
Participants spent significant more number of
minutes F(1.0, 14) = 48.8, p < 0.05 in the target HR
zone for the HR-Adaptive condition (M=12.3,
SD=7.7) once compared with the Conventional
(M=4.4, SD=4.5).
3.2 HRV Analysis in the Time Domain
The time domain branch of the HRV analysis was
assessed through the comparison of the SDNN and
RMSSD for both the Conventional and the HR-
adaptive workouts (see figure 2).
Figure 2: Boxplots for the SDNN and RMSSD parameters
representing the time domain measurements of HRV for
both Conventional and HR-adaptive conditions.
Participants showed lower values of SDNN and
RMSSD parameters for the HR-adaptive condition
(SDNN: M= 44.8, SD=9.6, RMSSD: M=559.2,
SD=81.7) once compared with the Conventional
(SDNN: M=67.6, SD=22.5, RMSSD: M=612.5,
SD=73.1). The statistical analysis revealed that the
difference was significant for the SDNN (F(1.0, 14.0)
= 21.8, p<0.05, r = 0.61) and the RMSSD (F(1.0,
14.0) = 6.8, p<0.05, r = 0.33) values.
3.3 HRV Analysis in the Frequency
The frequency domain branch of the HRV analysis
was assessed using the high, low and very low
components of the spectrum (see figure 3). A
Friedman test revealed that the HR adaptation did not
significantly affect the HF (χ
(1)=3.2), p > 0.05, nor
any of the LF (χ
(1)=3.2) components of the HRV
spectrum. Furthermore, the repeated measures
ANOVA showed significant differences for the VLF
component (F(1.0, 14.0) = 26.5, p<0.05, r = 0.65)
Figure 3: HRV analysis in the frequency branch represented by the high, low and very low components of the spectrum for
both Conventional and HR-adaptive conditions.
In this study, we wanted to quantify the difference
between exertions with a physiological adaptive
strategy versus a conventional approach for
cardiorespiratory training in a group of fifteen active
older adults. Firstly, the analysis of the time spent in
the target HR zone demonstrated the effectiveness of
the adaptive strategy to engage users to exert in the
desired levels. In the HR-adaptive condition, users
were almost three times more minutes in the target
HR zone once compared with conventional training
Secondly, time and frequency domain parameters
of the HRV analysis revealed significant differences
between the two approaches. Our results suggest that
less HR variability might be desirable to provide safe
and controlled scenarios for cardiorespiratory
training in the aged population. The inspection of the
time domain analysis revealed that both the RMSSD
and the SDNN markers showed lower values for the
HR-adaptive training compared to the conventional
approach. Generally, increases of these variables
have been associated with good levels of cardiac
resilience and workload regulation (Kleiger et al.,
2005). However, it is worth noticing that higher
values of HRV do not necessarily translate into better
physical or cognitive performances for all activities
(Luque-Casado et al., 2013). For this reason, we
emphasize that a more controlled cardiorespiratory
training around the target HR zone might
significantly reduce the risks associated with over-
exercising in the older population. Consequently, HR
behaviour outside this zone is not desirable.
Conversely, low HRV values are expected from more
controlled cardiorespiratory training pointing at
avoiding accidents with sudden and/or abrupt
changes in HR.
The frequency domain only reflected significant
differences in the VLF component, maybe the major
determinant of physical activity reflecting
sympathetic activity (Ernst, 2014). It has been
hypothesized that modifications in respiratory
patterns could affect the modulations of the VLF
component in the older population (Perini et al.,
2000). Therefore, we believe that the low values of
VLF due to the HR-adaptive condition may reflect the
sustained body responses needed to maximize the
time they exerted in the target HR zone. Moreover,
from figure 3 one can observe that the data dispersion
is much reduced in the HR-adaptive condition
reinforcing our hypothesis: the less variability during
the workout outside the target HR zone, the better.
Finally, one of the limitations in this study
concerns the accuracy levels for the HRV analysis
from the smartwatch data. Normally, wearable
devices use optical sensors which are tagged as
having low precision for measuring HR values.
Nevertheless, investigations in HRV data from PPG
sensors (also called pulse rate variability - PRV)
suggest that there is not an important difference
between both measurements during non-stationary
conditions; therefore, PRV could be used as a
surrogate of HRV (Gil et al., 2010) (Mike Prospero,
2016). This is also supported by our data that shows
that smartwatch technology provides enough
sensitivity to discriminate among conditions and
perform an HRV analysis.
In this study, we demonstrated how smartwatch
technology is a feasible tool to perform HRV
analysis, and could be used to objectively assess the
impact of physiologically adaptive training over the
autonomic cardiac regulation in healthy older adults.
Importantly, results demonstrate the effectiveness of
using physiologically adaptive Exergames to
maximize the time elders spent in the recommended
exertion levels. Our findings also suggest a careful
interpretation of HRV markers (time and frequency
domain) during physical exercise, since it is not clear
how or whether more variability can enhance training
effectiveness. In contrast, we hypothesized that
considering the recommended levels for
cardiorespiratory training established for the older
population, HR values should not display large
changes but be confined in a controlled manner
around the desirable target HR. Although this work is
a first step in this direction, more studies are required
to disentangle the role of HRV to support the
cardiorespiratory training in older people.
Authors would like to thank the staff personnel of
“Ginásio de Santo António - Funchal” for the
collaboration during the experiment as well as the
volunteers for the commitment with the procedure.
Teresa Paulino for developing the Exergame,
contributing in the development of the physiological
computing system and the final integration of the
system. This work was supported by the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology through the
Augmented Human Assistance project (CMUP-
ERI/HCI/0046/2013), Projeto Estratégico
UID/EEA/50009/2013, and ARDITI (Agência
Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação,
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