Portuguese Tradition Inspired Exergames for Older People
Strategic Tools to Promote Functional Fitness
A. Gonçalves
, J. Muñoz
, E. Gouveia
, M. S. Cameirão
and S. Bermudez i Badia
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal, Portugal
Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal, Portugal
Departmento de Educação Física e Desporto, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal, Portugal
Populations are becoming older in developed
countries with the low birth rates and increased life
expectancy. A third of the European population is
estimated to be over 65 by 2060 (European
Commission, Economic and Financial Affairs,
2012). At the same time, sedentary lifestyles are the
mortality factor worldwide (World Health
Exergames, exercise video games, have been
under research as an application of technology that
can help older adults to keep physically active
independently, having impact in both physical and
cognitive functions (Anderson-Hanley et al., 2012;
Molina et al., 2014). In this paper, we summarize a
set of four exergames for older people that are
designed to provide functional fitness training and
can be deployed in a senior gymnasium.
To produce exergames that would have a positive
and significant physical impact in our players’ life,
we started by grounding them on health
requirements. From the Senior Fitness Test
framework (Rikli and Jones, 2013), we identified the
most relevant dimensions to be trained as: motor
ability (balance, agility and flexibility), aerobic
endurance and muscular strength (lower and upper
limbs, and trunk). A set of exercises to be
incorporated in the games was developed by sport
science professionals based on these dimensions.
The technical setup of our exergames can be seen
in Figure 1, where a Kinect V2 camera is set in front
of the user to capture his/her motion and serve as
game controller. A projector is pointed to the floor
to act as display.
Through several brainstorming sessions, we
chose to develop the games under the umbrella
scenario of a national tour of Portugal, where each
game would replicate characteristics of individual
regional traditions. Three elements - health
requirements, technological setup, and scenario -
were used as foundation and a development game
jam was organized. This included the participation
of three videogame designers, three graphical artists,
two psychologists, two sport science professionals,
five programmers and three games for health
experts. A set of four game prototypes where
developed. These were tested to collect qualitative
feedback on what to improve in the prototypes with
nine users (8 females; age: M=62.3, SD=6.2) and
two trainers of an elderly gym. This feedback was
analysed and integrated into the final version of our
Figure 1: Exergame system during one of the tests.
The following four games where developed:
Grape Stomping – Based on the Douro region of
Portugal, it is an aerobic endurance game that
recreates a grape maceration activity, intended for
wine production. This game provides an interactive
“stepable” display, presented in Figure 2 A). Grape
bunches are continuously brought into the game area
and the user must pull them into the wooden vats by
performing an arm flexion-extension. Then the user
must stomp them by repeatedly raising the knees to
an adjustable height, mimicking a march in place
exercise. Additional customization is offered by
setting the treadmill velocity, duration and cognitive
galves A., MuÃ
soz J., Gouveia E., CameirÃ
co M. and Bermudez i Badia S.
Portuguese Tradition Inspired Exergames for Older People - Strategic Tools to Promote Functional Fitness.
In IcSPORTS 2017 - Extended Abstracts (icSPORTS 2017), pages 6-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 2: A) Grape stomping; B) Rabelos VR; C) Toboggan; D) Exerfado.
challenges such as the presence of distractors and
the need to follow recipes of different types of
Rabelos VR – Inspired in the Portuguese city of
Porto, this game features the historic Rabelos boats,
used to transport wine down river. Users control the
boat and must collect wine barrels from the river
side docks while avoiding obstacles, see Figure 2 B).
The main training component is upper limb
muscular strength which is promoted by the need to
do a rowing motion with the arms to keep the boat
advancing. Lateral control can be either made from
lateral movement of the player or leaning of the
trunk. To transfer the wine barrels to the boat, the
player must turn the trunk towards the dock and
make an extension-flexion movement of the elbow.
Game customization parameters are the intensity of
the rowing exercise and the distance between
Toboggan Ride – Is a exergame for static balance
and trunk muscular strength training inspired on the
historic two-seater wicker sledges from the city of
Funchal. The goal of the game is to drive the
toboggan downhill, collecting game points while
avoiding obstacles like pedestrians and cars, shown
in Figure 2 C). Trunk leaning is used to control the
toboggan, leaning laterally will move the toboggan
perpendicularly to the road, leaning forward or
backwards will accelerate or decelerate respectively.
Alternatively, the game can be configured to control
the toboggan through lateral user motion instead of
trunk leaning. The distance between obstacles can
also be customized.
Exerfado – A lower limbs muscular strength
training game based on the traditional Fado houses
from Lisbon. The game features a Fado house
interior as background and a piano keyboard in the
foreground, presented in Figure 2 D). Coloured
musical notes fall along the same coloured lines into
the piano keys, meanwhile the user must step on that
key when the note hits it to be successfully played.
Some notes follow the wrong tracks and are
represented in black with an arrow pointing to which
adjacent track they should be moved to; the user
must perform an arm swipe in that direction to do it.
Customization is possible by music choice,
percentage of notes to be played and their speed.
In this work, we present the efforts and results in
creating a suit of exergames for older adults
functional fitness promotion. Attention was given to
the exercises to be performed while playing, making
sure they were age appropriate and meaningful for
each fitness dimension of training. Additional effort
was made to create games that our target population
would be interested in playing, by choosing settings
and activities that they are attracted to and by further
adapting the games according to feedback provided
from testing sessions. The results were four
exergames ready to be deployed in a communal
space for older adults. Future work will consist in
the validation of the exergames. We want to
automatically adapt the game difficulty to players’
levels of fitness and assess the effect on functional
fitness through a controlled longitudinal study.
This work was supported by the Fundação para a
Ciência e Tecnologia through the AHA project
(CMUP-ERI/HCI/0046/2013), LARSyS – UID/
EEA/50009/2013 and ARDITI.
Anderson-Hanley, C. et al., 2012. Exergaming and Older
Adult Cognition: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial.
Am. J. Prev. Med. 42, 109–119.
European Commission, Economic and Financial Affairs,
2012. The 2012 Ageing Report.
Molina, K.I. et al., 2014. Virtual reality using games for
improving physical functioning in older adults: a
systematic review. J. NeuroEngineering Rehabil. 11,
156. doi:10.1186/1743-0003-11-156
Rikli, R.E., Jones, C.J., 2013. Senior Fitness Test Manual.
Human Kinetics.
World Health Organization, The top 10 causes of death.