Towards Lifelong Learning in Optimisation Algorithms
Emma Hart
School of Computing, Edinburgh Napier University, U.K.
Optimisation, Lifelong Learning.
Standard approaches to developing optimisation algorithms tend to involve selecting an algorithm and tuning it
to work well on a large set of problem instances from the domain of interest. Once deployed, the algorithm re-
mains static, failing to improve despite being exposed to a wealth of further example instances. Furthermore,
if the characteristics of the instances being solved shift over time, the tuned algorithm is likely to perform
poorly. To counter this, we propose the lifelong learning optimiser, which autonomously and continually re-
fines its optimisation algorithm(s) to improve with experience, and generates novel algorithms if performance
drops. The approach combines genetic programming with an autonomous management method inspired by
the operation of the natural immune system.
Optimisation is an important activity for many busi-
nesses, providing better, faster, cheaper solutions to
problems in areas including scheduling of people and
processes, routing of vehicles and packing of con-
tainers. Metaheuristic algorithms provide a pragmatic
way to tackle optimisation, providing high-quality so-
lutions in reasonable time. Unfortunately, selection
and tuning of an appropriate algorithm can difficult,
often requiring an expert to design the algorithm, a
software engineer to implement it, and finally appli-
cation of automated tuning processes to refine the
chosen algorithm. This is not only costly, requir-
ing significant human-effort, but also results in soft-
ware which can quickly become obsolete when it no
longer matches the goals of a company or if the char-
acteristics of the optimisation problems being solved
changed substantially. In addition, although deployed
optimisation software is exposed to a continual stream
of new problem instances, unlike human learners, it
fails to exploit this information. As a result, it does
not improve its performance with experience, there-
fore wasting valuable information.
To counter this, a paradigm shift in desigining
optimisation algorithms is required. This article de-
scribes the life-long learning optimiser (L2O) which
when faced with a continual stream of problems to op-
timise: (a) refines an existing set of algorithms so that
they improve over time as they are exposed to more
examples, and (b) automatically generates new algo-
rithms when faced with problem instances that are
completely different from those seen before. The ap-
proach is inspired by ideas from the operation of the
natural immune system, which exhibits many prop-
erties of a life-long learning system that can be ex-
ploited computationally, and uses genetic program-
ming to automatically generate new algorithms.
(Silver et al., 2013) propose that the time is now ripe
for the AI community in general to move beyond
learning algorithms to more seriously consider the na-
ture of systems that are capable of learning over a life-
time. They suggest that algorithms should be capable
of learning a variety of tasks over an extended period
of time such that the knowledge of how to solve tasks
is retained, and can be used to improve learning in
the future. They name such systems lifelong machine
learning, or LML systems, in accord with earlier pro-
posals by (Thrun and Pratt, 1997).
(Silver et al., 2013) identify three essential com-
ponents of an LML system. Firstly, that it should be
able to retain and/or consolidate knowledge, i.e. in-
corporate a long-term memory. Second, they suggest
it should selectively transfer prior knowledge when
learning new tasks, i.e exploit existing learned infor-
mation in an efficient manner. Finally, they note that
to achieve this efficiently, a systems approach that en-
sures the effective and efficient interaction of the ele-
ments of the system is required.
Hart E.
Towards Lifelong Learning in Optimisation Algorithms.
DOI: 10.5220/0006810500010001
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2017), pages 7-9
ISBN: 978-989-758-274-5
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
We remarked in (Sim et al., 2015) that the natu-
ral immune system provides a obvious metaphor for
building a system that meets the requirements of a
LML as noted by (Silver et al., 2013). It exhibits
memory that enables it to respond rapidly when faced
with pathogens it has previously been exposed to; it
can selectively adapt prior knowledge via clonal se-
lection mechanisms that can rapidly adapt and im-
prove existing antibodies (pathogen-fighting cells) to
cope better with new variants of previous pathogens
and finally, it embodies a systemic approach by main-
taining a repertoire of antibodies that collectively
cover the space of potential pathogenic material.
In the human immune system, immune cells are
generated from gene libraries: the DNA encoding for
the cells is constructed by random sampling from so-
called V, D and J gene libraries which gives rise a
huge diversity of cells due to the combinatorics of the
process. A huge advantage of this process is that a
very large number of cells can be constructed from a
fixed repertoire of DNA. Shifting the focus to opti-
misation, we propose that genetic programming can
provide an analagous function: from a fixed set of
terminals and functions, a very large space of algo-
rithms can be generated, thus providing the diversity
required to achieve lifelong learning.
In previous work, (Hart and Sim, 2014; Sim et al.,
2015), we have combined the immune metaphor with
genetic programming in a system dubbed NELLI:
Network for Lifelong Learning. The system has been
applied in bin-packing and job-shop scheduling do-
mains. NELLI autonomously generates an ensemble
of optimisation algorithms that are capable of solv-
ing a broad range of problem instances from a given
domain. The size of the ensemble varies over time
depending on the stream of instances that the system
is exposed to: each algorithm generalises over some
region of the area of instance space defined by the
problems of interest. It has been demonstrated to im-
prove its performance as it is exposed to more and
more instances from a given family of problems, and
generate new algorithms when faced with instances
that exhibit very different characteristics from those
previously seen. Finally, it is also shown to retain
memory, in that if re-exposed to instances seen in the
past, it quickly returns new algorithms which exhibit
good performance.
NELLI represents the first steps towards creating L2O
systems optimisers that continue to adapt over
time. However much work can be done in improv-
ing the system. The human immune system adapts
over two time scales. Over an individual lifetime, new
cells are generated from gene libraries as described
above, while the gene libraries themselves adapt on an
evolutionary timescale across generations, therefore
changing their content. There is no reason why the
same process canot be applied to Genetic Program-
ming, with the functions/terminals that make up the
algorithm — or even the operations of the GP process
itself — evolving over time.
Another direction for future work concerns the
manner in which the system reacts to change in in-
stance characteristics. The current approach relies on
trial and error, with newly generated algorithms com-
peting against each other to remain in the system. The
integration of machine-learning approaches to predict
likely changes in instances offers the potential to pre-
generate algorithms in anticipation of future demand,
thereby increasing the efficiency of the system. Some
efforts towards this have been described by (Ortiz-
Bayliss et al., 2015) in relation to solving constraint
satisfaction problems.
In conclusion, we argue for a shift in direction
for the optimisation community: rather than focus-
ing effort on developing more and more complex al-
gorithms trained on large but static sets of data, a
move towards developing systems that autonomously
and continually generate specialised algorithms on-
demand may bear considerable fruit.
Hart, E. and Sim, K. (2014). On the life-long learning capa-
bilities of a nelli*: A hyper-heuristic optimisation sys-
tem. In International Conference on Parallel Problem
Solving from Nature, pages 282–291. Springer.
Ortiz-Bayliss, J., Terashima-Marn, H., and Conant-Pablos,
S. (2015). Lifelong learning selection hyper-heuristics
for constraint satisfaction problems. In Advances in
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing.
Silver, D., Yang, Q., and Li, L. (2013). Lifelong machine
learning systems: Beyond learning algorithms. In
AAAI Spring Symposium Series.
Sim, K., Hart, E., and Paechter, B. (2015). A lifelong learn-
ing hyper-heuristic method for bin packing. Evolu-
tionary computation, 23(1):37–67.
Thrun, S. and Pratt, L. (1997). Learning to Learn. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Boston, MA.
Prof. Hart gained a 1st Class Honours Degree in
Chemistry from the University of Oxford, followed
by an MSc in Artificial Intelligence from the Univer-
sity of Edinburgh. Her PhD, also from the University
of Edinburgh, explored the use of immunology as an
inspiration for computing, examining a range of tech-
niques applied to optimisation and data classification
problems. She moved to Edinburgh Napier Univer-
sity in 2000 as a lecturer, and was promoted to a Chair
in 2008 in Natural Computation. She is active world-
wide in the field of Evolutionary Computation, for ex-
ample as General Chair of PPSN 2016, and as a Track
Chair at GECCO for several years. She has given
keynotes at EURO 2016 and UKCI 2015, as well as
invited talks and tutorials at many Universities and
international conferences. She is Editor-in-Chief of
Evolutionary Computation (MIT Press) from January
2016 and an elected member of the ACM SIGEVO
Executive Board. She is also a member of the UK
Operations Research Society Research Panel.