Improved Understanding of Students on History of Economic Theory
through Learning Using Concept Map
Disman Disman, Moch Dudih Sugiharto and Yana Rohmana
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: History of Economic Theory, concept maps, Quality of learning, Level of understanding.
Abstract: This study aims to illustrate how students understand the history of economic theory by using concept maps.
The subjects from this study are students who take the History of Economic Theory even semester 2016/2017
in the Department of Education Economics Education University of Indonesia. Data were collected through
observation and test, and analyzed descriptively. The results show that using concept maps helps students
improve their understanding to the history of economic theories. The implication is that implementation of
concept maps brings better results, it just takes more time and good planning.
The effect of Ausubel’s meaningful learning theory
has been observed on concept map approach which
was developed by Novak. Some studies show that
students receive greater benefits by creating their own
concept maps (Novak 1990). The aim of concept
mapping is not to generate spontaneous associative
elements but can improve students’ ability to analyze
and compile important concepts, relationships
between concepts, and knowledge structure. The map
normally begins with a word or concept or phrase
which represents a focus question that requires an
answer (Novak and Canas, 2006). Melek Cakmak
(2010) explain concept maps provide important
contribution to teachers about their students learning
and needs, and therefore the instruction that will be
given to the prospective teachers gains an importance
in teacher education.
There have been many studies related to the use
of concept maps in learning, such as Wan-Ju Chen, et
al (2014) students thru e-learning teaching methods
of the Concept Map can effectively learn to acquire
knowledge, skills, and show a good attitude towards
learning. In short, the e-learning of Concept Map
approach for students with disabilities shows positive
learning results. Similarly, research by Brett Jones, et
al (2012) finds the activities that students perceived
as being more preferred or enjoyable were not always
the ones that they perceived they learned the most
from Mariya Burdina (2015) can be stated that most
students believe the conceptual chapter maps helped
them learn. Whether conceptual chapter maps
actually improve learning outcomes is yet to be
determined. Ertug Evreklia, et al (2009) according to
science teacher candidates, mind mapping can be
used in constructive science and technology
effectively and help students in different stages;
however, some science topics is not suitable for using
mind mapping. And, Nikhilkumar D. Parikh (2016)
was found that the Mind Mapping technique was
more effective than Traditional method. But, Mine
Taskin, et al (2011) using both concept maps and
traditional method is more efficient for students’
learning learning.
Based on the results of teaching experience so far
in the department of Economic Education University
of Indonesia Education, obtained information that
students are still learning by way of to memorize to
understand the history of economic pique that exists.
This method of memorization has a weakness because
the information received is not associated with
previous acquired knowledge so that the accepted
concepts are easy to forget. In addition, student
activity is very least once that leads to learning
outcomes that have not reached the completeness of
classical. This can be seen from the average value of
the exam in the previous year semester, there are still
some who have not achieved the expected value, but
also from activities in learning activities are also not
running properly.
Efforts for learning to be meaningful in the
learning must be associated with the relevant
concepts that have been owned by students and this
will be more meaningful if students participate
actively in the learning activities and delivery of the
Disman, D., Sugiharto, M. and Rohmana, Y.
Improved Understanding of Students on History of Economic Theory through Learning Using Concept Map.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 195-198
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
material involves the process of thinking students.
Novak and Gowin (1985: 15) develop learning by
"concept maps", a theory of learning based on the
principle of meaningful learning Ausubel to show the
meaningful relationship between concepts and
propositions. Research related to the concept map has
been done, such as Novak and Gowin (1985: 5) states
that the concept map function can make clear the
central idea for teachers and students who are
focusing on specific tasks.
To improve students' understanding and activity
in teaching and learning process History of Economic
Theory, it is endeavored to improve this learning by
using concept map gradually, so that students can
learn more meaningful. Start the concept map
prepared by lecturers and students, and finally the
students are able to arrange their own concept maps
after the lecturers give some examples. This study
aims to determine the increase in activity and
understanding of History of Economic Theory
students semester 2016/2017 in the Department of
Economic Education University of Indonesia
Education on the thinking of classical and neo-
classical schools through the use of concept maps.
This study is a classroom action research using two
cycles with each cycle containing elements of
planning, action, observation, and reflection. This
research was conducted in the department of
Economics Education FPEB University of Education
Indonesia in semester four academic year 2016/2017.
With research subjects are students who take the
course History of Economic Theory that amounted to
32 people with 25 female students and 7 men.
To obtain the necessary data in this research, used
observation by using some of the instruments, namely
(1) student work sheet in the form of concept map; (2)
student test result sheets, pre test and post test; (3) the
observation sheet to observe the implementation of
the action in the lesson; and (4) student response
sheets to the implementation of this lesson.
The indicator of the achievement of the objectives
of this research is the increasing of activity and
motivation of student learning and the improvement
of understanding and able to create the relevant
concept map shown by the assessment of learning
result achieved with the absorption of each student
reaches 70%.
This classroom action research is conducted in two
cycles, namely the subject of the classical school of
classical and classical neo-classical school of thought,
where each cycle is done twice as much as the action
or learning. Aspects studied in this study include
student activities in preparing concept maps and
understanding of students which is shown by the
results of learning the history of economic theory by
applying the concept map method.
a) Observation result of student activity.
Student activity here is student learning activity in
preparing concept map which is all activities done in
process of interaction between lecturer and student
and also among student in order to reach the purpose
of learning.
There are several steps that must be implemented
in making a concept map that is: (i) Selecting and
defining a reading material. The reading material is
selected from a predefined passbook. (ii) Determining
relevant concepts. Sort those concepts from the most
general to the most specialized or examples. (iii)
Compile / write down the concepts on paper.
Mapping the concept based on the most common
conceptual criteria at the top, concepts that are at the
same level of abstraction are placed parallel to each
other, a more specific concept under a more general
concept. (iv) Linking those concepts with certain
connecting words to form propositions and
connecting lines. And (v) If the map is complete, it
should be noted where the concepts are, if necessary
repaired or rearranged in order to become better and
meaningful (Ratna Wilis Dahar, 2006).
Based on the observations related to student
activity in making concept map on the first cycle to
the second cycle obtained information has been a
significant increase. Here is a picture of the increase
in student activity in preparing concept maps on
cycles I and II as shown in Table 1.
Based on Table 1 it can be seen that there has been
an increase in the average of student activity in
creating and compiling the historical concept map of
economic thinking of Classical school in cycle I and
Neo Klasik in cycle II. In the first cycle there has been
an average increase in the percentage of first meeting
activity by 70.4% to 87.4% at the second meeting.
Similarly in cycle II there has been an average
increase in the percentage of first meeting activity by
85.3% to 92.2% in the second meeting.
The increased activity in preparing the concept
map from cycle I to II has shown that students are
motivated and enthusiastic with learning using
concept maps so that they are active in following the
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
lecture activities. Of course the future expectation
with the students has mastered the basic structure of
concept map arrangement in this course by obtaining
a meaningful knowledge framework in this field of
study, so to study the next different material will be
Table 1: Student Activity In Preparing Concept Map Cycles
I and II
Cycles I
Cycles II
. 1
. 2
. 1
. 2
Sorts the
concepts to
those that do
Discuss with
t the concept
into a chart
Explain the
results of
concept map
Number of
Percentage of
b) Results of students' understanding (learning
To know the progress of students understanding of
the material of History of Economic Theory is also
showing the level of learning outcomes then
performed one post test at the end of each meeting.
Increased learning outcomes with excellent category
of post test score as seen in Table 2, this is because
students have managed to find important concepts of
each material learned and has formed into its
cognitive structure.
Based on Table 2 we know that there has been an
increase in learning outcomes from cycle I to cycle II
of each meeting. At the first meeting of cycle I there
is still one student who gets enough category value
(C) with value less than 70, and fortunately at the
second meeting no longer exists. In the second cycle,
especially the second meeting, it was found that all
the students had fulfilled the good value category (B)
with the value of more than 75. It is admitted that
almost half of this class many students have received
excellent grades (B +) and keep increasing from each
meeting , Even those who obtained the category of
value of the favor at the second meeting of cycle II
has been achieved by 6 students or about 18.8% of the
Table 2: Level of Student Understanding After Use of
Concept Map
Cycles I
Cycles II
Part. 2
The improvement of learning achievement
indicates the improvement of students' thinking
ability to learn to relate between concepts, so that the
next one is able to organize the concept into
meaningful structure which in turn will facilitate the
students in compiling and understanding the lecture
material with stronger memory. This classroom
action research aims to continuously improve and
improve the process and results of continuous
teaching and learning.
The findings of this study are more convincing
that learning with concept maps can help improve the
quality of understanding and learning activities. And
the hypothesis put forward in this study that the use
of concept map learning can improve quality quality
of the results of the understanding of the eye History
of Economic theory in proved true.
Research on the use of concept maps in learning
has also been done Yana Rohmana (2016) indicates
that there is an increase in the percentage of learning
and completion of learning activities of students in
the subjects of Micro Economics in the Department
Improved Understanding of Students on History of Economic Theory through Learning Using Concept Map
of Economic Education, Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia. The conclusions of this study indicate that
the implementation of concept maps brings better
results, it just takes more time and good planning.
These results are increasingly supportive of previous
studies such as Novak and Gowin (1985) and Chei-
Chang Chiou (2008).
Implementation of concept map method in Lecture
History of Economic Theory has been able to increase
student activity in learning activities in each cycle.
From this research also has successfully showed that
learning by using concept map can improve
understanding of student participants of Economic
History course in Economic Education Department
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Using concept
map learning has made the students more involved in
active and creative learning as they are directly
involved in the process of drawing up a concept map
both individually and in groups. In conclusion that the
implementation of concept maps brings more
effective results, it just takes more time and careful
planning of the lecturers.
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