The Role of Account Representative in Securing the Tax Proceed
Harry Suharman, Evita Puspitasari and Siti Khaeryyah
Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Account Representative Competency, Account Representative Independency, Tax Proceed, Tax Regulation.
Abstract: The main objective of the research is to study the influence of account representative competency and
independency in stimulating the tax payer in fulfilling their tax obligation so that the tax proceed can be secure
enough. The study takes place at one of the tax office in Bandung. The target population involves 34 account
representatives that work in the tax office as the respondents have become the focus of this research. The data
have been collected by using questionnaires. After having the data being tabulated then it is analyzed by using
multiple regressions. The result indicates that simultaneously both the account representative competency and
independency influence in securing of tax proceed. However partially the account representative
independency itself cannot influence the tax proceed.
Having many years one of the governance’ major
source of income came from gas and oil. However,
now do not exist anymore due to non-renewable
resources. Every country should seek another source
of income in enable to cover all the requirement
expenses. Ones besides generating income through
improving trading or exports, tax burden may give
rise as a potential income for the government.
Therefore, they need to evaluate and identify several
aspects especially in tax policy and regulation.
With the tax payment, it is expected that the
government can build infrastructure and public utility
which may provide welfare and prosperity for the
community. However, the tax payer both individual
and business entity (corporate) should obey their
obligation to pay taxes. Otherwise, public goods and
services will be impossible to fulfill by the
government due to lack of financing.
According to the statute no 28 year 2007 article
no 1 concerning general provision and tax governance
that is an obligation for the individual and the
companies to contribute to the country and it can be
enforced without having direct utilities in sake of
community development and welfare. Within paying
the tax obligation, the community will receives
several benefits such as public goods and services
quality improvement, providing high quality
education, health insurance, building infrastructure,
specific economic zone, community development and
so on. In doing so, the government need a certain
action plan and tax policy that can improve awareness
and willing to pay taxes.
It has been claimed that the function of tax
includes budgetary and regulatory function. The first
function triggers to generate income as much as it
can. Several aspects and expenses require to be
accomplished. Government expenditure may take in
form of routine expenditures and development
expenditures. In a routine expenditures one should
considered and allocate the budget to finance several
expenses such as government employee expenses,
inventories expenses, maintenance and so on. While
developments expenditure requires high amount of
investment that will affect government’s income and
budget. Regulatory as a second function is concern in
regulating economic, social and political domain. The
main objective of this function gives rise to the
government with the authority and flexibility to
regulate economic development through fiscal policy.
For instance, to attract both domestic and foreign
investor special incentives in tax policy and treatment
have been given. A special attention and protection
are also have been given by the government through
duty customs regulation.
Besides the above two function, taxation also has
another mission as a stabilizer. Whereas the
government has an authority to carry out and ensure
that inflation can be control through certain
mechanism. In doing so, for instance, regulates the
circulation of money in the community, tax collection
and use of tax efficiently and effectively. Moreover,
tax function redistributes income in terms of
Suharman, H., Puspitasari, E. and Khaeryyah, S.
The Role of Account Representative in Securing the Tax Proceed.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 291-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
financing the public interest such as infrastructure and
non- infrastructure development, providing field
work which may give rise to improving welfare.
Indonesian government in order to achieve
community welfare has considered managing tax
system and policy properly. Thus, Directorate
General of Taxation (DGT) as part of Minister of
Finance in Indonesia has an authority to change the
tax administration system from official system
assessment into self-assessment system. The former
system will state the rate and the amount of tax burden
that should be paid by the taxpayer in certain period.
However, with the latter system, the taxpayer has
latitude to state and calculate the amount of tax
burden, pay the tax and report by your own
concerning tax payment.
The Directorate General of Taxation, after having
particular evaluation on tax administration system
implementation, seems there is a need to make
improvement in several aspects due to the tax realm.
Therefore, the first tax reformation has been
conducted in 2002. This tax reformation focus on
three aspects which includes: (a) modernization of tax
administration; (b) Tax policy reformation; (c) both
tax extensification and intensification. Moreover, the
second tax reform have been stated in 2009 which
concentrate on tax system. The objective of this
reform is not only to improve tax compliance by the
tax payer but also triggers good governance in tax
administration. According to the previous head of
Directorate General of Taxation, Mochamad
Tjiptardjo (2009-2011) had revealed that the second
tax reform in line with the tax strategy as described
• Continue reforming bureaucracy in Directorate
General of Taxation who has entered the second
Provide incentive in particular group or sector
• Continue program mapping.
Implement law enforcement
Furthermore, Mochamad expected the tax
strategy could be accomplished and the tax sector can
contributes state budget approximately 77% and the
comparison between the ratios of tax receipts to gross
domestic products 15%. The tax reforms are in no
doubt and enable to execute continually mapping
program. One form of reform in the field of taxation
by the government is to establish a modern tax office
(Kantor Pelayanan Pajak). The creation of modern tax
office make directorate general taxes always provide
excellent service to the taxpayer. However, an
individual or unit in tax department should be
appointed to do so. To achieve excellent service, the
directorate general tax provide extra service by
forming Account Representative (AR) in every tax
modern office,
According to Purwono (2010: 19) Account
Representatives serves as a bridge or mediator
between the taxpayer with the tax service office. An
account representative as it has been regulated by the
ministry of finance Republic of Indonesia
No.98/KMK/01/2006 which is then amended by the
regulation of finance minister No.79/PMK.01/2015
about account representative at the tax office. With
this regulation an account representative plays an
important role to cope with the second tax reforms’
strategy and secure the state budget revenue.
According to the above finance minister
regulation, an account representative in tax office are
the tax office employees itself that have been selected
and hired to supervised and provided consultation for
the taxpayer. Account representatives are trained to
be productive staff, to serve and have good tax
knowledge by getting education and training from
various sources. Through education and training is
expected to have an understanding of the business as
well as the needs of the taxpayer in conjunction with
tax obligations. Therefore, the role of account
representative is expected to improve taxpayer
compliance and have implications for increasing state
revenues from the tax sector. This is in line with the
research that has been conducted before. Researchers
such as (Sandi, 2010) and (wardani, 2011) pointed out
that the results of the survey showed that Account
Representative can improve taxpayer compliance
Similarly, researchers such as Rahmawati and Arya
(2013) with quantitative approach from the results of
their studies argued that the competence factor
service, service credibility and compliance control
material significantly influence taxpayer compliance
in KPP Pratama. Further Boihaqi, Kumadji and
Suhari (2015) reinforce the role of AR. The findings
of his research states that counselling, consultation
and supervision significantly influence corporate
taxpayers. Even supervisory variable is the dominant
variable in influencing taxpayer compliance in KPP
Madya Malang. Recently, (Farikha & Praptoyo,
2016) conducted a case study with a qualitative
approach. The findings also strengthen the opinion of
the researchers above by stating that the reporting rate
of tax returns increases each year which proves that
the awareness of taxpayers is increasing so that the
role of account representative as counselling,
consultation and supervisor in providing socialization
taxation more effective.
Despite several studies relating to the role of an
account representative claimed to have contributed to
the taxpayer's compliance rate both in calculating tax
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
liabilities and reporting in the form of tax returns and
then paying the tax payable to the state treasury. The
author is interested to study more about several
factors related to the competence and independence
of account representative.
2.1 Accounts Representatives
Reforms in the field of taxation have been made since
1984 in Indonesia in terms of policy (tax policy
reform). Similarly, from the administrative side (tax
administrative reform), tax reform has also been
carried out to accompany the reform of taxation
policy (tax policy reform). Through tax
administration reform, a new system is introduced:
Taxpayers (Wajib pajak or WP) self-account,
calculate, pay and self-report self-taxes, change the
old way in which the tax payable is determined
directly by the government (official assessment). In
the middle of 2012 is a milestone associated with the
reformation of taxation after 1983. This relates to a
significant change in the body of the directorate
general tax organization. The organizational structure
based on the type of tax has turned into a function-
oriented organizational structure. The implications of
this structure change give rise to an account
representative role. As stated above, account
representative has the duty to perform the function of
counselling, consultation and supervision. Based on
the regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 79 /
PMK / .01 / 2015 on Account Representative at the
Tax Office, It function has been separated into two
functions. The two functions include:
Account Representative that performs tax
service and consulting functions.
Account Representative that performs
supervisory function and excavates taxpayer
According to Purnomo (2015) Account
Representative who is in the Section of Supervision
and Consultation globally has a task and work that
can generally be divided into three types, namely:
As an authorized consultant appointed by DGT
which is free of charge (free) is provided to the
Taxpayer in order to obtain information and
simultaneously consultation related tax issues.
Administration / Clerical Work related to formal
service to Taxpayers' application, detailed in the
Standard Operation and Procedure of Settlement
of Application (SOP-AR).
Security of Tax Receipts, either, through
supervision and potential excavation.
Such strategic and tasks mandated by the DGT to
Account Representative show that the DGT gives
such great trust to Account Representative in carrying
out the vision and mission of the DGT. But the reality
in the Community Account Representative itself, not
all of one voice related belief given the DGT. Trust
given DGT to Account Representative in the form of
tasks and such a strategic job for the achievement of
organizational goals should be able to give positive
contribution in the form of pride of the trust. The
pride derived from such positive thoughts will
generate positive attitudes as well and eventually any
work that is mandated can be accomplished very well.
2.2 Account Representative
As has been known that the competence of a person
will be influenced and determined by the level of
knowledge and skill level. Both factors can be
realized through the achievement of formal and
informal education level. In addition, relevant work
experience will also contribute to the improvement of
skills and knowledge in a more professional direction.
According to (Meija, Balkin, & Caldi, 2010)
competence is a characteristic inherent in someone
who is associated with success. O "Hagan
emphasized that" Competence is the product of
knowledge, skill and values. To demonstrate that they
have met their needs, replaced by and critically
analyzed their practice and transferred know what,
skills and values in practices ".
Even competency requirements for an account
representative are stipulated in the Decree of the
Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 68 / PMK.01 / 2008 concerning account
representative at Tax Office that has implemented the
Modern Organization which involves:
a) The lowest formal education graduate of
Diploma III;
b) The lowest rank at the proposed level is the
Level I regulator (Group II / d)
c) The lowest formal education of senior high
school and the lowest rank of the regulator (class
II / c) taking into account the availability of the
employees of the Directorate General of Taxes,
the workload, and potential tax revenues of the
KPP Pratama concerned.
Fulfilment of the requirements imposed on an
account representative results in a competent account
representative officer. Competence will give hope for
improvement of service function and consultation of
The Role of Account Representative in Securing the Tax Proceed
taxpayer. Mastery of good tax regulation will provide
convenience to study the objective conditions of
taxpayer business activities in order to obtain
information or provide consultative tax-related
issues. This consultative activity is expected to
stimulate the taxpayer compliance level in relation to
its obligation to perform the payment of tax payable
to the state.
Furthermore, the safeguarding of tax revenue can
even be increased through the supervision and
exploration of potential tax. Based on the above
explanation, then the hypothesis that requires
Fulfilment of the requirements imposed on account
representative results in a competent account
representative officer. Competence will give hope for
improvement of service function and consultation of
taxpayer. Mastery of good tax regulation will provide
convenience to study the objective conditions of
taxpayer business activities in order to obtain
information or provide consultative tax-related
issues. This consultative activity is expected to
stimulate the taxpayer compliance level in relation to
its obligation to perform the payment of tax payable
to the state. Furthermore, the safeguarding of tax
revenue can even be increased through the
supervision and exploration of potential taxes.
Based on the above explanation, then the
hypothesis that requires verification is as follows:
H1: Account Representative Competence affects the
security of tax revenue proceed.
2.3 Account Representative
As it is known that what is meant by independence is
a person or an entity that always shows impartiality
or has no interest in performing a certain assignment,
job or activity. This impartiality can be demonstrated
for various activities that do not in fact cause any
doubt or trigger suspicions of (a de facto) existence or
can be legally proven to have no relationship
(jurisdictionally). Even activities that will result in or
act which indicates the existence of a special
relationship should be avoided. For more details from
the audit point of view, Arrens et al (2012) as an
experts argues that independence is an unbiased view
of performing in auditing, evaluation of the results of
the examination or testing, and report the results of
audit findings. This impartial attitude can be shaped
in two perspectives:
Independence in the mental attitude
(independence in fact) which means the
accountant can maintain an impartial attitude in
carrying out the examination of the financial
Independence in appearance (independent in
appearance) which means the accountant to be
impartial according to the perceptions of users
of financial statements.
This is also reinforced by the second common
standard of SA Section 220 (SPAP 2011) which
suggests that in all respects related to engagement,
independence in the mental attitude must be
maintained by the auditor. Likewise, the standard of
tax audit which has been regulated by the Director
General of Tax Regulation No. PER-23 / PJ / 2013
dated June 11, 2013 provides guidance that the
examiner should be independent, that is not easily
influenced by the circumstances, conditions, deeds
and / or taxpayers examined. Therefore, based on
these requirements then the propose hypothesis:
H2: The independency of account representative may
affect the security of tax revenue proceed.
2.4 Securing the Tax Proceed
As has been pointed out that the reform of the
structure and organization of the Directorate General
of Taxes solely is to be able to increase tax revenue.
Therefore, the existence of competent and
independent account representative Who are
competent and independent have the duty to carry out
supervision of taxpayer compliance obligations,
guidance / appeal to taxpayer and technical
consultation taxation, compilation of taxpayer
profile, reconciliation of taxpayer data in the
framework of intensification and evaluate the result
of appeal based on applicable provisions ( (Purnomo,
2015). Furthermore, the challenge of tax revenue can
basically be divided into 2 (two) sectors, which are:
a. routine acceptance challenges and
b. Challenges of extra-effort acceptance.
The Challenges of routine acceptance can be
made with supervision over:
Comparison of tax payments per tax period
(apple to apple comparison)
Business plan and project data from taxpayer
DIPA Data (List of Budget Usage) of central
and regional treasurer
2.5 The Challenge extra effort
This challenge occurs in the light of there is a gap
between tax revenue estimation and the target set by
the tax office. Therefore, the challenge of exploring
the potential for increasing tax revenues through extra
effort can be grouped as follows:
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
a. Challenge taxpayers of certain entrepreneurs
(WP OPPT) and WP PP 46 of 2012.
b. Taxpayer Challenges with IDLP (Information,
Data, Reports and Complaints)
c. The Taxpayer Challenge does not report SPP
Tahunan PPh Badan.
d. Non-PKP Taxpayer Challenge.
3.1 Empirical Design
This research seeks to obtain empirical data that
provides an overview and can explain the
presuppositions that require answers and have been
specified in the form of hypotheses. These
respondents include Account Representative in KPP
Madya Bandung. There are 34 people account
representative who are in the working area of KPP
Madya Bandung. Thus the samples used by the
researchers fall into the census category.
Data collection techniques were conducted by
field research (Field Research). Besides that also
made an instrument which hopefully will give answer
to primary data needed. Instruments used to obtain
empirical data in form of questionnaire. The design of
questionnaires consisting of questions that indicate
the variables studied have been arranged
systematically that will facilitate for researchers in the
tabulation and processing of empirical data.
Below is the research model we use in this study:
Figure 1: Research model
Before testing the classical assumption and
hypothesis testing, first it requires to test the validity
of data and reliability data. This test is necessary
because the type of research data is the primary data.
4.1 Test Validity Data
Testing the validity of the instrument using statistical
software, the value of validity can be seen in the
Corrected Item Total Correlation column. If the
correlation number obtained is greater than criticized
number (r arithmetic r table) then the instrument is
said to be valid. Based on the results of validity test
can be concluded that all items question to measure
research variables declared valid.
To test the validity of an instrument can be done
by comparing the value of the feasibility (r) of an
instrument with the critical r value specified
(Sugiyono, 2006), generally critical r is used to define
the validity limits of an instrument, whose value is set
at r = 0.3
4.2 Test Data reliability
After testing the validity, the next step is to test the
reliability of the data and to evaluate the value of
alpha Cronbach. Thus it can be stated that the
instrument device use to collect data is reliable.
Reliability test is performed indicating to what extent
the measuring device can be trusted. In general an
instrument is said to be good if it has coefficient
Cronbach’s alpha greater than 0.6. This indicates that
the research data are stated reliable.
4.3 Classic assumption test
This test includes testing of empirical data collected
from various respondents who have completed and
returned the questionnaire. The classical assumption
test basically wants to know whether the collected
data is normal, free from the possibility of
autocorrelation and, multicollinearity and,
heteroscedasticity. The data used in this research is
cross-section. Therefore, autocorrelation testing is
not necessary.
Based on the results of data normality test using
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, it can be concluded that
the data has a normal distribution. This can be known
by comparing the value of Kolmogorov- Smirnov
1,129 with a significance level of 0.307. If
Kolmogorov Smirnov value significance greater than
0.05 it can be stated that the data has a normal
distribution. Furthermore, based on correlation test
results among independent variables, it can be seen
The Role of Account Representative in Securing the Tax Proceed
that the correlation between those variables is not
relatively high. No correlation exceeds 0.6, thus it can
be concluded that multicollinearity problem do not
exists among independent variables. This test is
supported by a relatively small VIF value that is
smaller than 5 and a tolerance value of not less than
4.4 Simultaneously Hypothesis Test
After testing the classical assumption and obtained
the conclusion that the model can be used to perform
multiple regression analysis, then the next step to test
hypothesis. Hypothesis that will be tested is
competence Account Representative, Independence
Account Representative Effect on Security of Tax
Proceed both simultaneously and partially. Summary
of result of hypothesis test show that after testing the
classical assumption and obtained the conclusion that
the model can be used to perform multiple regression
analysis. Then the next step is to test hypothesis. The
hypothesis to be tested is the competence of Account
Representative, Independence Account
Representative Effect on Tax Reception Security.
Summary of hypothesis testing results show that from
table 1 Anova can be known research model on the
variables studied can be accepted. This can be seen
from the value of F arithmetic 7.045 with a
significance level of 0.03 is smaller than 0.05. The
value of F arithmetic shows the goodness of fit for the
propose research model.
Table 1: F-Test
Model F Sig.
1 Regression 7.045 .003
Therefore, according to the F test results it can be
stated that the result of the regression model shows
that there is significant influence of Representative
Account Competence, Independence of Account
Representative simultaneously on Security of Tax
Proceed at KPP Madya Bandung. However if the
study focus on the extent of independent variable
(Representative Account Competence, Independence
of Account Representative) that influence on Security
of Tax Proceed is 31% (see table 2). . The value of R
is between zero and one. The value of R
is between
zero and one. A small R
value means the ability of
independent variables to explain the variation of a
dependent variable is very limited. A value close to
one means the independent variables provide almost
all the information needed to predict the variation of
the dependent variable.
The two independent variables are not good
enough to predict and explain in order to improve the
security of tax proceed. It requires further study and
analysis of certain variables which may give rise to fit
the study, especially in trying to increase potential tax
Table 2: Determinant Coefficient
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square
1 .559
.312 .268
If independent variable more than one, then it are
better to see the ability of variable predict the
dependent variable, the value used is adjusted value
that is 32%. In other words 32% change in tax
revenue can be explain by variable Account
Representative competence, Independence Account
Representative of 68% explained by other factors not
included in this study model.
4.5 Test partial hypothesis
To see the influence of each independent variable
partially on the Security of Tax Proceed, it can be
seen from the significance value t arithmetic. If the
significance value of t arithmetic is smaller than 0.05
then it can be stated that there is an influence of these
variables on the Security of Tax Proceed.
Table 3: t test Hypothesis
t Sig.
B Std.
(Constant) 12.531 2.386 1.328 .194
-.0.15 .115 -.048 -.312 .757
competency .111 .098 .570 3.688 .001
Based on the data in Table 3 above can be
assessed that t arithmetic for Account Representative
Competence is equal to 3.688 with significance of
0.001 count and for Independence Account
Representative of -0.312 with significance 0.757,
respectively. Thus from these results of data testing,
it can be stated that the independent variable has no
significant effect on the Security of Tax Proceed,
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
while the competence variable has a significant
influence on Tax Proceed Security.
The results of this study show that partially
Representative Account Competence significantly
influences the Security of Tax Proceed. Based on
these results note that the competence in this expertise
obtained from education and training can encourage
tax revenue through Account Representative
Expertise in conducting tax audits professionally. The
success of Account Representative in performing its
function is done through competence; the competence
of an Account Representative is measured by its
ability to execute and mastery of good tax regulation.
It is expected that one may provide convenience to
study the objective conditions of taxpayer business
activities. The main objective of these activities is to
obtain information or provide consultative tax-related
issues. By doing this it may stimulate the taxpayer
compliance level in relation to its obligation to
perform the payment of tax payable to the state.
Simultaneously the competency of account
representative and account representative
independence can influence the increase of security
of tax proceed although relatively low. The security
of tax proceed can be increased in terms of revenues
when examining beyond the two variables that have
been studied in this matter. Similarly, if viewed
partially the variable independency account
representative is not sufficient enough to be able to
stimulate the taxpayer in carrying out its tax
Considering that this research involves only the
tax authorities, it is necessary to include the taxpayer
in the study of the variables that have been studied.
To be able to obtain a sound review of the results
related to the factors that can increase the potential
improvement in tax revenue following the security it
is advisable to add other variables beyond the
competence and independency account
representative. With the studying addition of
variables are expected to explain securing of tax
proceed better
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship