Developing Problem-Based Learning Model Assisted by Tutorial
Video in Entrepreneurs Subject
Kanzul Aini Hadikatul Ilmi,
Siswandari Siswandari and Djoko Santoso
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
{kanzul.aini, djoko.santoso},,
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Video Tutorials, Entrepreneurs Subject.
Abstract: The current research aimed to produce a model of learning namely problem based learning-assisted video
tutorials that have met the eligibility criteria to be used in the learning process. This approach used in the
research was research and development (R&D). The setting of the study was taken place in class XI of
Vocational High School Empat Lima in Surakarta city. The result reveals that the descriptive analysis of
media video tutorial has been declared worthy of use. Based on the results of the assessments; the media
expert, the material expert, the linguist and practitioner expert were all included in the "very good" category.
In addition, based on the assessment carried out by expert teams (the expert judgment), it can be concluded
that the media learning video tutorials developed have met the eligibility criteria: therefore, the media can
be used in the learning process of entrepreneurial subjects.
Competition in this globalization era appears
competitiveness among nations: therefore, the
existence of quality development of human
resources is very crucial. Education is one of the
important aspects of the development of human
resources. For the government, this situation
becomes a challenge in enhancing educational
system quality; meanwhile, for the teacher, it
becomes a challenge to integrate computer
technology into the learning system. As a result, it
will be better in quality and it will be meaningful
and interesting to motivate students. However, data
in the real situation show that many teachers who
have not been able to develop learning media yet. It
reveals that the learning process is still dominated by
conventional methods.
Vocational High School (SMK) is a formal
education that aims to produce graduates to be ready
to work and compete. In vocational school, there are
entrepreneurship lessons that can be implemented in
the real life. Hence, it is very necessary to
implement innovative learning strategies in
entrepreneurship learning process that adapted to the
teaching materials, characteristics of students and
materials that will be taught. One of them is by
applying problem-based learning with the assist of
tutorial video. Problem-based learning (PBL) is
learning model where teachers bring learners to
solve a problem by using the variety of intelligence
that makes students more active and creative in
thinking. To further facilitate students in solving
problems, tutorial videos used as a media that helps
There are six basic categories of media, namely
text, audio, visual, video, engineer
(manipulative/things), and people. The purpose of
the media is to facilitate communication and
learning (Smaldino, Lowther, and Russell, 2011: 7;
Anitah, 2014: 1). However, there is a need for media
selection that will be used in the learning process to
consider several aspects, including the expected
capabilities of learners, the characteristics and
learning styles of learners, the learning environment,
and the development environment (Anitah, 2014:
Therefore, in this research, the researcher
developed learning model namely problem based
learning with the assist of tutorial video as an effort
to improve student learning outcomes in
entrepreneurship subject of class XI at SMK Empat
Lima Surakarta. The problems formulation in this
research is "Is the learning model of problem-based
learning with the assist of tutorial video of
development result have met eligibility criteria to be
used in the learning process of entrepreneurship
subject?” The purpose of this research is to obtain
Ilmi, K., Siswandari, S. and Santoso, D.
Developing Problem-Based Learning Model Assisted by Tutorial Video in Entrepreneurs Subject.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 356-360
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
learning model that is problem-based learning with
the assist of tutorial video that has met the eligibility
criteria to be used in the learning process of
entrepreneurship subject.
Some previous studies are considered relevant to
this current study, among others are Hamidi et al.
(2011) conducted a study by comparing the
interactive multimedia (CD) and non-interactive
multimedia (Films) to see the learning speed,
accuracy, and memorization in the Biological
science course. This previous study is clearly
different from the current study in the field of study
and in the method of study. however, these two
studies are similar in using the CDs and the tutorial
media which can be used off line. Another relevant
study conducted by Yuliandari and Wahyudi (2013)
about developing the teaching material based
interactive multimedia on the economic subject. This
relevant study is similar to the current study in the
form of utilizing the interactive media and on the
subject of the economy. However, the difference is
the current study only focused on one multimedia
namely tutorial video while the previous study used
various interactive multimedia.
The next relevant study conducted by Dwi, et al.
(2013) about the influence Problem-Based Learning
based ICT toward the conceptual understanding and
the ability to solve the physic problem. However, the
previous study conducted in Physic education, while
this current study conducted in entrepreneur subject.
Another relevant study conducted by Yi-Hsuan Lee
et al. (2014) about the effect of various multimedia
instructional materials on students' learning response
and outcome. This previous study has the different
focus on utilizing the media. It was used various
multimedia instructional materials in education in
general while this current study focused on one
media called tutorial video and also focused on the
entrepreneur subject. The next relevant study
conducted by Endrayanti et al. (2014) about
developing the multimedia of interactive teaching by
utilizing 4D in the social subject. The difference
between the previous study and the current study is
the subject of the research, while the similarity is in
the form of utilizing multimedia and development
The research was conducted by utilizing research
and development (R&D). According to Borg & Gall
(2007:58) research and development is defined as
follows: "Educational research and development is
an industry-based development model in which the
findings of the research are used to design new
products and procedures, which are then
systematically field-tested, evaluated, and refined
until they meet specifies criteria of effectiveness,
quality, or similar standard."
The setting of the study was taken place in class
XI of VHS Empat Lima in Surakarta city. The
subjects of the research were grade XI in XIB with
33 number of students. The characteristics of the
subject of this research are the average score of the
student in grade XIB is under the minimum score,
most of the students always remedial in entrepreneur
subject, they are unmotivated in learning the
entrepreneur subject, the learning process is still
dominated by the teacher or teacher-center, the
teacher still use the conventional strategy in
teaching, the teacher does not use the teaching media
in teaching and learning process, and the last reason
is the teacher do not know how to integrate the
media with the technology.
The data were collected through the introduction,
observation, interview, document analysis,
questionnaire, validation sheet and the
documentation. To analyze the data, the technique
used was data reduction, data display, and make a
3.1 Preliminary Study
There are several analyses that were carried out in
the preliminary study: curriculum analysis, teachers,
school facilities and infrastructure, student
characteristics and needs analysis. Needs analysis is
the essential one in this study, it was conducted by
carrying out the interview and administering
questionnaires to some students of class XI at SMK
Empat Lima. Based on the questionnaire result, the
students' needs are shown in the histogram below:
Figure 1: The Histogram of students’ needs analysis
Developing Problem-Based Learning Model Assisted by Tutorial Video in Entrepreneurs Subject
Based on Figure 1 above, it is shown that 77.5%
of students utilized LKS as a learning resource. In
addition, there are 80.83% students who argued that
the learning process is still using lecturing method.
Additionally, 45% students said that video is used in
the entrepreneur learning process. Furthermore,
72.5% students have less intention in entrepreneurial
learning and 68.33% students get the score that is
less than KKM.
In addition, to gain the deeper information, the
questionnaire was also administered. Besides, the
unstructured interview was also utilized in which the
result shows that: students are interested in attending
entrepreneurship class that used leaning media.
Learning media used is a combination of several
media such as audio, video, and visual. Moreover,
teachers want to provide an interesting
entrepreneurial learning. The is the main reason why
researcher wants to conduct research and
development in the form of learning problem-based
learning model assisted by tutorial video on
entrepreneurship subjects for class XI.
3.2 Product Design
The result of the preliminary study become a
stepping stone in preparing and developing the
product draft of problem-based learning model
assisted by tutorial video. The conceptual model
adopted in the development of problem-based
learning model assisted by tutorial video is Dick,
Carey & Carey model (2001). There are several
things that should be conducted in product draft
development that can be seen on the concept model
used is Dick, Carey & Carey model (2001). The
Application of conceptual model by Dick, Carey &
Carey (2001) in the development of problem-based
learning model assisted video tutorial has been
conducted up to the ninth step that is: formulating
the learning objectives, conducting learning analysis,
analyzing students’ previous ability, formulating
expected ability after learning, developing
assessment instruments, developing learning
strategies, developing and selecting teaching
materials, designing and developing formative
evaluation, revising and refining Moreover, there are
some activities things conducted to produce
problem-based learning model assisted by tutorial
video, among others: Determining core competency,
basic competency, learning objectives, making
GBPM (the Outline of Media Planning), creating
flow charts, creating story boards, collecting
multimedia materials and programming.
Furthermore, there are several software used to
produce tutorial video as follows:
1. Flash was used to make the video tutorial.
There are several stages in making learning
tutorial video. Urbani and Purnama (2012)
stated that the formulation of production steps
of multimedia-based cinema consists of Pre
Production, Production and Post Production
processes. if in this research video tutorial
production also through three stages of
activities, namely pre production, production
and post production.
2. Camtasia Studio 7 is an application program
packaged for recording, editing, and publishing
in creating video presentations on a computer
screen. Camtasia Studio 7 is software to
capture monitor layer display, with added
audio and video that can be used to record
power point presentation results into video
format. Camtasia Studio 7 can help and train in
conveying and interacting with the audience.
Aripin (2009: 2) points out that Camtasia
studio7 is able to record on-screen sounds,
including activities on the desktop, power point
presentations, voice narrations, and webcam
videos. TechSmith (2005: 1) argues that
Camtasia Studio 7 is one complete solution to
create professional video and desktop PC
activity quickly.
3. Pinnacle Studio is an application used to
create videos in various file formats. Pinnacle
Studio provides users with the ability to add
exciting effects to the video, add text, manage
sound effects and interesting activities.
Prabawati (2009: 16) editing process in
pinnacle studio 12 program includes major
stages, namely capturing, editing, making the
4. Articulate Story Line 2 that is the last
program used in this video tutorial. This
application functions to display all videos
containing the material core of all materials, so
that the students can memorize and remember
subject material taught easily. This application
is completed with instructions on the use of
programs, buttons, music, animation and
learning videos as well.
3.3 The Validation of Product Design
The above chart is the result of the design of video
tutorial media has been conducted from the pre-
production stage until the post production stage. The
result of this design was carried out an assessment of
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
the feasibility of the resulting product. The
feasibility assessment of the learning video tutorial
media was conducted by the expert judgment
consisting of media experts, material experts,
linguists and practitioners (entrepreneurship teachers
in schools)
3.3.1 The Validation of Media Expert
Aspects assessed by the media expert include the
display aspect and the presentation aspect. The
instrument used to validate the media was a
questionnaire and the result of feasibility assessment
of the video tutorial media by the media experts.
Validation results from the overall aspect of video
tutorial media get a percentage of 85%; therefore,
the learning media “tutorial video” can be classified
into very good category and worth to be tested and
used in entrepreneurship learning process.
3.3.2 The Validation of Material Expert
The aspects assessed by the material expert include
content aspects, presentation, learning assessment,
learning approaches, and evaluation process. The
result of feasibility assessment by the material
experts on video tutorial the overall aspect media
get a percentage of 90%; therefore, the learning
media “tutorial video” can be classified into a very
good category and worthy to be tested and used in
entrepreneurship learning process.
3.3.3 The Validation of Linguists
The results of the assessment or validation of the
language shows that the learning media "tutorial
video" can be classified into a very good category
and feasible to be tested and used in the
entrepreneurial learning process.
3.3.4 The Validation of Practitioner Expert
The result of feasibility assessment by the expert
practitioner on the video tutorial media the overall
aspect of video tutorial media get a percentage of
90%; therefore, the learning media "tutorial video"
can be classified into a very good category and
worthy to be tested and used in entrepreneurship
learning process.
Based on the results of result and discussion;
therefore, it can be concluded that the learning
media “tutorial video” on entrepreneurship subjects,
has been declared eligible to be used. It is based on
the media expert opinion about 85% of the "very
good" category, material experts about 90% with the
"very good" category, The linguists about 100%
with the "very good" category, and practitioners of
100% with the “Very Good” category Based on the
assessment conducted by the expert team (expert
judgment), it can be concluded that the Learning
media “tutorial video” developed, has met the media
feasibility criteria so that it can be used in the
learning process of entrepreneurship subjects.
Special thanks to my scholarship, Indonesia
Endowment Fund for Education (lpdp), Which has
supported my research and SMK Empat Lima
Surakarta who has allowed me to do observation in
the school and everyone who envolved in the writing
of this paper.
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