Expanding of Entrepreneurship Spirit in Capturing Business
Opportunities to Women Society in East Java, Indonesia
Sri Handayani, Lisa Rokhmani, Yogi Dwi Satrio and Dian Rachmawati
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Business Opportunities, Women Society, Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK).
Abstract: Many entrepreneurs will encourage production activities that can open employment opportunities and will
reduce unemployment so that can be increasing of income. Entrepreneurship education is needed to foster
entrepreneurial spirit. Women have the ability to control household finances. The women's groups in this
article are represented by the board and women members of Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK)
in Mojokerto City. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The Results are From 40 trainees who opened
a new business that is as many as 10 people, while the expansion in the field of business that is as many as 7
Women are a potential resource and very influential
in the economy and economic growth, especially
families and regions. It is contained in a women's
organization called PKK. PKK has a program
consisting of: (1) Understanding and Implementing
Pancasila, (2) Mutual Cooperation, (3) Food, (4)
Clothing, (5) Housing and Housekeeping, (6)
Education and Skill, (7) Health, (8) Development of
Cooperative Living, (9) Environmental Sustainability
and (10) Healthy Planning. To support education and
skills programs, PKK women members need to be
equipped with entrepreneurial knowledge and capture
business opportunities as an effort to increase the
economic income of families and communities in
The location of this research is Kecamatan
Prajurit Kulon, Mojokerto city, East Java. In the
business world, Kecamatan Prajurut Kulon is famous
for Leather Shoes and Miniature Phinisi Ship
Industry. With a large area consisting of 8 villages,
namely: (1) Surodinawan, (2) Kranggan, (3) Miji, (4)
Prajurut Kulon, (5) Blooto, (6) Mentikan, (7) Kauman
and (8) Pulorejo. Each kelurahan has characteristics
and potential that match with the natural resource
Based on the information that has been previously
obtained that Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon has several
potentials such as the many skills possessed by PKK
members, such as able to make processed food of
mushrooms, able to make beverages herbal products,
and many other processed food drinks. The focus of
this research is: Expanding entrepreneurship spirit to
the women members of PKK Kecamatan Prajurit
Kulon and Capturing Business opportunities at PKK
women members of Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon.
2.1 Entrepreneurship and Capturing
Business Opportunity
Entrepreneurship became one of the important
aspects in growing the economy in Indonesia. Many
definitions of entrepreneurship such as from
Schumpeter (1934) Entrepreneurship is seen as new
combinations including the doing of new things or the
doing of things that are already being done in a new
way. New combinations include (1) introduction of
new goods, (2) new method of production (3) opening
of a new market (4) new source of supply (5) new
Further (Kuratko & Hodgetts, 2009) states, “The
concept of entrepreneur is very broad and a number
of perspectives are applicable. Entrepreneur is an
innovator or developer who recognizes and seizes
Handayani, S., Rokhmani, L., Satrio, Y. and Rachmawati, D.
Expanding of Entrepreneurship Spirit in Capturing Business Opportunities to Women Society in East Java, Indonesia.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 637-640
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
opportunities. They converts these opportunities into
workable or marketable ideas that bring values
through time, effort, money and skills. They also
assume the risks of the competitive marketplace to
implement the ideas, and realizes the rewards from
these efforts. According to Madura (2007),
entrepreneurs are the people whom organize, manage,
and assume the risk of starting a business. Other than
that according to Bygrave (1989a), Bygrave (1989b),
Bygrave and Hofer (1991) say that an entrepreneurial
event involves the creation of a new organization to
pursue an opportunity. The entrepreneurial process
involves all the functions, activities, and actions
associated with the perception of opportunities and
the creation of organizations to pursue them. Next
according to Morris (1998) Entrepreneurship is the
process through which individuals and teams create
value by bringing together unique packages of
resource inputs to exploit opportunities in the
environment. It can occur in any organizational
context and results in a variety of possible outcomes,
including new ventures, products, services,
processes, markets, and technologies.
From some of the opinions of experts above we
can emphasize the elements contained in
entrepreneurship are new combinations, new
opportunities, act of innovation, process, resource
inputs, and output/product. From the study of the
theory there are some empirical results on this topic
that is from Matthew J. Karlesky (2015) with the title
Identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Cognition
and Categorization in Nascent Entrepreneurs identify
that distinction-making is positively related to the
number of opportunities people identify for
generating new technologies, as well as the number
of opportunities they identify for applying existing
technologies to new markets. Distinction-making is
also positively related to the innovativeness of those
opportunities, where innovativeness is judged by
other relevant actors in the entrepreneurial process.
Moreover, the data indicate that distinction-making
facilitates opportunity identification by enabling
higher levels of domain-specific information
processing in the domain in which the opportunities
Another research conducted by Paloniemi, Karlo
(2010) under the title creating business opportunities.
A critical realist perspective, the BOC process, allow
all people to be treated as entrepreneurs if they play
the role of the entrepreneur by interacting (more or
less creatively) with business Ideating, business
modelling and business planning processes. Hence,
the creative problem solving method utilized in every
sub-process will be the entrepreneur from the restraint
of the dominant insight of the opportunity that sees it
as a true vision of the future business venture. Here,
the business opportunities are created during the
process. Furthermore, the results show a keen
interplay between the process of creating business
opportunities and their exploitation. Hence, the BOC
process appears to be an essential part of the overall
entrepreneurial process.
From the results of the study is in line with this
article which emphasizes the increase of
entrepreneurial spirit and capture business
2.2 Women Society (Pemberdayaan
Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK))
PKK is a movement that grows from below with
women as a motor / drive to build a prosperous family
as the smallest unit or group in the community
(Guidelines for Implementation of PKK-KB-Health
Unity Movement.
The Vision of PKK Movement is the realization
of a prosperous family to the civil society, which is a
society that is advanced, independent, democratic,
participative, and aware of the law. With that vision,
every family is made aware of its role to participate
in realizing civil society. Self-reliant and prosperous
families participate in development, not merely
carrying out instructions from above.
Mission PKK is empowering the community and
create conditions to improve people's human
resources so as to build itself based on the potential,
needs and aspirations of existing authority. To realize
the mission of the PKK, also set the objectives of the
PKK movement as follows:
The development and mental enhancement
(attitudes and behavior) as human being’s
servants of God, women members of society,
and citizens who are dynamic and useful based
on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.
Development and improved physical material
(food, clothing, shelter, health, and
employment) and a healthy and sustainable
living environment through increased
education, knowledge and skills. Efforts to
realize the welfare of the family, among others,
conducted through the PKK movement with 10
The method is descriptive analysis with case study.
Case study research is a study that explores a problem
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
with detailed constraints, has a deep data retrieval,
and includes various sources of information. This
study is limited by time and place, and cases learned
in the form of programs, events, activities, or
individuals. Sources of data in this study came from
informants and documents. Data collection
techniques are conducted by Observation and
The analysis is done by: reducing the data means
summarizing, choosing the main things, focus on the
things that are important, sought the theme and
pattern and remove unnecessary. The tips for drawing
data can be done in the form of tables, graphs, phi
chards, pictograms and the like. Through the
presentation of the data, then the data organized,
arranged in a relationship pattern, so it will be more
easily understood. The third step is to draw
conclusions and verification. The preliminary
conclusions raised are temporary, and will change
when strong evidence is found to be supportive at the
next data collection stage.
4.1 Expanding Entrepreneurship Spirit
to the Women Members of PKK
Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon
Through the analysis that has been done
entrepreneurial spirit of PKK members show
improvement, it is seen from the previously not have
a business, then emerging new entrepreneurs. Of the
40 trainees who open new business as many as 10
people, while those doing business expansion as
much as 7 people, both in the field of food producers,
beverages and herbal medicines. This is in line with
the results of the research (Bhuiyan, Abdullah, 2007,
Osman Imam, 2008, Mustafa Zuhaib, 2012)
Unfavorable business environment, family roles,
management experience, lack of assistance in access
to credit, provision of Skill training, and market
facilities are factors to develop a women
entrepreneur. That entrepreneurial spirit can emerge
with the stimulus from outside that is training activity.
This research also shows that the motivation factors
and the provision of appropriate training can
encourage women in the business they are more eager
to have their own business by relying on the
surrounding culture and ability to form their network
and financial management capabilities.
4.2 Capturing Business Opportunities
at PKK Women Members of
Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon
In this research capture business opportunity by: 1)
Pioneering new business (starting), 2) Entering
Family Business, 3) Management cooperation
(franchising), and 4) Buying company of others
(buying). The following can be explained in several
4.2.1 Pioneering new business (starting)
From the collection of data that has been done as
many as 10 women members of the PKK who do new
business (starting). That is to form and establish new
business by using self-designed capital, ideas,
organization and management. A new business
formed by the majority by means of a self-owned
Company, form of business owned and managed by
one person.
There are two main approaches used by
entrepreneurs to seek opportunities by establishing
new business, namely: (1) Approach based on
experience, skills, ability, and background in
determining the type of business to be initiated, (2)
Market based approach, that emphasizes the
environmental observation of market needs is
transferred into business opportunities.
Some things to consider in starting a new
business: (1) Field and type of business to be entered,
(2) Form of business and form of ownership to be
selected, (3) Place of business to be selected, (4)
Business organization to be used, (5) Possible
business guarantees, and (6) The business
environment that will affect.
4.2.2 Buying Company of Others (Buying)
For this second way no one has done, because to do
Buying is still relatively difficult. Buying is a buying
company that has been established or initiated and
organized by others with the name and organization
of existing businesses.
4.2.3 Management Cooperation
As for the business expansion through franchising as
many as 2 people from 7 people who do business
expansion. Franchising is a partnership between
entrepreneurs (franchisee) with a large company
(franchisor / parent company) in entering into an
agreement to conduct business. The form of a
Expanding of Entrepreneurship Spirit in Capturing Business Opportunities to Women Society in East Java, Indonesia
franchisee business is a duplication of the franchisor's
This cooperation is usually with initial support
such as site selection, building plans, equipment
purchases, workflow patterns, employee selection,
advertisement, accounting, record keeping and
accounting, consulting, standards, promotion, quality
control, research, legal advice, and source of capital
4.2.4 Entering Family Business
From 7 people who do business expansion, there are
5 people doing Family business. A family business is
a company whose family women members are
directly involved in ownership and / or position/
function. Every family business develops a certain
way of doing things and priorities so as to give each
company uniqueness. This particular pattern of
beliefs and beliefs shapes the corporate
organizational culture.
From some description that has been exposed can be
concluded that from 40 trainees who opened a new
business that is as much as 10 people (starting), while
those who do expansion in the field of business that
is 7 good people through Entering Family Business,
Management cooperation (franchising) And Buying
someone else's company (buying).
Suggestions for women members of PKK
Kecamatan Prajurit Kulon are: PKK members can
take advantage of the business opportunities that the
speakers have explained. Besides that, members of
PKK do business can be done early as start a small
business oriented business family, then PKK
members can apply the creation of Business Plan
documents to become successful entrepreneurs when
examined from the mental readiness of doing
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship