The Influence of Indonesia National Health Insurance Program’s
PROLANIS to Controlling Patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Anisa Fitri Nur Heriantoro
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Indonesia, National health insurance, Controlling, Patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2.
Abstract: Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a chronic disease caused by resistance to insulin that is often associated with an
unhealthy lifestyle. Diabetes mellitus type 2 has serious disease complications if it’s not controlled from the
outset. These complications include coronary heart disease, stroke and others disease. Therefore, it needs
appropriate handling and control for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus in order not to suffer from
complications. In the National Health Insurance in Indonesia called JKN, there is a chronic disease
management program known as PROLANIS, which also manages diabetes mellitus type 2 preventively and
promotively. The purpose of this research is to find whether the PROLANIS program in JKN runs
effectively in controlling patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus to avoid complications. The method used in
this research is literature study by reviewing articles and scientific journals related to the PROLANIS
program. The results obtained in several articles and scientific journals say that with the PROLANIS
program it can control some of the clinical diagnostic tests of patients’ diabetes mellitus type 2 so that no
complications arise and the quality of life increases. But the continuity of some activity isn’t good enough,
as caused by low attendance of participants. The conclusion in this research is that the PROLANIS program
can control patient with diabetes mellitus type 2 to be better and stable so that the risk to experience
complications becomes less, but that there is need of some effort to maintaining membership of PROLANIS
to keep it stable.
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a metabolic disorder
disease caused by the presence of insulin resistance
in the body so that glucose in the blood can’t be
converted into energy and eventually leads to
hyperglycemia conditions or high glucose levels in
the blood. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is one of the
most recognized degenerative diseases worldwide
because of the ever-increasing number of cases over
the decades. According to WHO data, the estimated
population of diabetes mellitus in the world in 2014
is 422 million in the adult group. The number
increased fourfold compared to 1980, which was
about 108 million in the adult group. Increased
incidence of diabetes mellitus is closely related to
the increase in overweight and obesity rates and
other diabetes mellitus risk factors. Global cases of
death from diabetes mellitus and its complications in
2012 reached 3.7 million cases. Of the 3.7 million
deaths, many occurred in low-income countries and
middle-income countries compared with high-
income countries. Complications caused by diabetes
mellitus include heart attack, stroke, and kidney
failure, amputation of the feet, impairment and loss
of vision, and damage to the nerves. Complications
of diabetes mellitus are very serious and require
control efforts so that these complications can be
In addition to preventing the occurrence of
complications in patients, such control efforts can
also reduce the burden of the very large medical
costs of these complications. In Indonesia, there is a
health insurance program called Jaminan Kesehatan
Nasional, or more commonly JKN. JKN is a health
insurance program organized by the Badan
Penyelenggaran Jaminan Sosial (BPJS). JKN has a
model such as insurance, whereby participants pay a
premium each month, and, if participants are treated
or visit health facilities, medical expenses will be
paid by BPJS by claim method. With the existence
Heriantoro, A.
The Influence of Indonesia National Health Insurance Program’s PROLANIS to Controlling Patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2.
In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association (INAHEA 2017), pages 123-127
ISBN: 978-989-758-335-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of JKN, the people of Indonesia can be guaranteed
in the treatment or visits to the health facility,
because there is no need to reimburse, except for
certain expenses which are not covered by BPJS.
Based on data from BPJS, claims on cases of
diabetes mellitus and its complications in 2015
reached 3.27 trillion rupias. The amount of costs
incurred associated with diabetes mellitus and its
complications require control efforts so that
expenditures do not continue to swell. BPJS, as the
organizer of health insurance, has made efforts to
control the complication of diabetes mellitus disease
by designing a program called PROLANIS.
PROLANIS, or Chronic Disease Management
Program, is an integrated healthcare system by
promotive and preventive efforts in controlling
patient with chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes
mellitus and hypertension. The aim of the
PROLANIS program is promotive and preventive
and is expected to prevent complications caused by
type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension. In
knowing whether the goal of the PROLANIS
program is achieved or not, it is necessary to
monitor and evaluate. To date, there has been no
publication in the electronic media by BPJS related
to the monitoring and evaluation of PROLANIS
programs. Nevertheless, there are several research
journals that examine the effectiveness of
PROLANIS programs in various regions of
Indonesia. From the background, researchers want to
know more about the effectiveness of PROLANIS
program, especially in controlling patient with
diabetes mellitus type 2 and its complications in
In this study, the research method used is
descriptive. In the descriptive research method,
researchers describe the effectiveness of the
PROLANIS program in controlling patient with
diabetes mellitus type 2 and its complications. Data
are obtained through literature study by reviewing
the journals and scientific articles that examine the
effectiveness of the PROLANIS program related to
diabetes mellitus type 2 disease. The data obtained
will be reviewed and analysed and concluded to
determine whether the implementation of
PROLANIS program is effective or not.
In BPJS, there is no publication of monitoring and
evaluation of PROLANIS program, so it is not
known whether the PROLANIS program has been
effective or not. However, there are several scientific
journals that discuss the effectiveness of
PROLANIS programs in several regions of
Indonesia. In the scientific article Analysis of
Implementation of Chronic Disease Management
Program (PROLANIS) on Family Doctor PT ASKES
in Palembang City in 2013 by Asupina, Misnaniarti
and Rahmiwati, it explained that the PROLANIS
program in Palembang City has been well
implemented (Assupina, Misnaniarti and Rahmiwati,
2013). From the various activities that are part of
the PROLANIS program, there are some that have
not run optimally (Assupina, Misnaniarti and
Rahmiwati, 2013). These include 1) HBA1C
examination, 2) home visit, 3) the establishment of
clubs, and 4) sports together (Assupina, Misnaniarti
and Rahmiwati, 2013). The following picture of the
activity checklist table on the PROLANIS program
was conducted by family doctor PT ASKES in
Palembang City.
Table 1: Activities Checklist in Family Doctor PT ASKES
in Palembang City (Assupina, Misnaniarti and Rahmiwati,
Name of Activity
BMI, and Blood
Pressure’s Check
HBA1C’s Check
Rapid Reverral
Status Routinely
Home visit
Club’s Forming
Health Education
Doing Exercise
Some activities have not run optimally due to
internal and external factors in the PROLANIS
program, such as in the formation of a club, where,
INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association
because of the the constraints of a busy doctor,
participants not willing to be involved, or there is no
location to gather (Assupina, Misnaniarti and
Rahmiwati, 2013).
In terms of membership, the PROLANIS
program, especially for type 2 diabetes mellitus,
increased participants from the original 263 to 285
participants (Assupina, Misnaniarti and Rahmiwati,
2013). Related to monitoring and evaluation, this
has been going well wherein the reporting from
family doctors to PT. ASKES Palembang branch
and regional branch is always on time (Assupina,
Misnaniarti and Rahmiwati, 2013). The provider in
this case is PT. ASKES which also routinely
monitors family doctors (Assupina, Misnaniarti and
Rahmiwati, 2013).
In the research article The Integration of
Preventative Program Disease Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 PT. Askes (Persero) to the Badan
Penyelenggara Jaminan Nasional Kesehatan (BPJS
Kesehatan), Idris (2014) explained that membership
of the PROLANIS program has increased rapidly,
but the sustainability is very low (Idros, 2014).
Based on membership data in the PROLANIS
program 2010-2013 period, PROLANIS for type 2
diabetes mellitus had 311 participants in January and
1702 participants in December.2 In 2011, there was
an increase of 3122 participants (Idris, 2014). In
2012, there was a rapid increase, in which
participants reached 96,897 participants (Idris,
2014). In 2013, membership increased to 100,302
participants (Idris, 2014). However, the participation
of high PROLANIS programs is not accompanied by
good program sustainability. PROLANIS program
visit rate is very low and always decreases every
year (Idris, 2014). In 2010, from the 311 participants
in January, participants who visited for the
PROLANIS program were just 187 participants or
only 60.13% (Idris, 2014). In 2012, from 96,897
participants, those who visited were only 3,515
participants or just 3.63% (Idris, 2014).
From the other aspect, the level of health of
participants experiences fluctuations (Idris, 2014)
whereby there is an increase in the examination of
the achievement of fasting blood glucose
examination target (in 2010 by 10% to 16.9% in
2012), post-prandial blood glucose (in 2010 by
13.3% to 23.2% in 2012), and body mass index
(2010 to 26.7% to 32% in 2012) (Idris, 2014). On
HbA1C examination, there was a drastic reduction
in the achievement of targets, from 62.1% in 2010 to
1.2% in 2012 (Idris, 2014). Below is a graph of
achievement targets related to the health level
examination of PROLANIS program participants in
Figure 2: Graph of Achievement of Target Related
Inspection of Health Level Participants PROLANIS
Program Year 2010-2012
(Idris, 2014).
In terms of cost, once tested, the correlation is
found that the more participants visit the
PROLANIS program, the lower the costs to be
incurred in the hospital (Idris, 2014). As for the
effectiveness of PROLANIS program itself, after the
correlation is tested it is seen that the reduction of
costs to be incurred in the hospital due to effective
PROLANIS program occurs after 2-3 years of
implementation of the PROLANIS program
PROLANIS is a chronic disease control program
organized by BPJS. The PROLANIS program has
the purpose of encouraging JKN participants who
have chronic diseases, in this case type 2 diabetes
mellitus and hypertension, to have a good quality of
life (BPJS, 2015). The goal is measured by 75% of
participants who visit first level fasces and have
good results in specific examinations according to
clinical guidance of the program PROLANIS (BPJS,
2015). In the PROLANIS program there are several
activities: 1) consultation/ educational activities, 2)
home visit, 3) reminder, 4) club activity, and 5)
health status monitoring (BPJS, 2015). Consultation
activities are conducted on the basis of the
agreement of participants with primary healthcare
(BPJS, 2015). In this case, it is expected that a
minimum of primary healthcare is the forming of
one club/ group for education to be implemented
(BPJS, 2015). The reminder activity is an activity to
remind the related participants of the consultation
schedule to the first level fasces that he chooses
(BPJS, 2015). The home visit activity is a visit to the
participant's home to provide self-health and
environment-related education to the participants
The Influence of Indonesia National Health Insurance Program’s PROLANIS to Controlling Patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
and their families (BPJS, 2015). Home visit
activities are conducted when new participants are
registered, absent for three consecutive times,
physical examination is not good, and post-
hospitalization (BPJS, 2015).
From the BPJS, especially the primary service
management department, there has been no
publication on the Internet related to the monitoring
and evaluation of the PROLANIS program, so not
everyone knows the effectiveness of the PROLANIS
program. However, in the several scientific journals
discussing the effectiveness of the PROLANIS
program, it is considered that the PROLANIS
program has not been run properly. This is evident
in the lack of some activities, such as the formation
of clubs for education and other group activities
(Assupina, Misnaniarti and Rahmiwati, 2013). In
addition, the rapidly increasing membership of
PROLANIS programs is not followed by the
continuity of participants in following the activities
of the PROLANIS program
(Idris, 2014).
According to research by Swastini, D.A, Putri
S.A, Rudiarta N.M, Wiryanthini I.A.D (2016),
patient with hypertension which using JKN, diastolic
blood pressure decreased significantly. The patient
do outpatient treatment in hospital around six month
with the help of JKN. Another literature study by
Della P.S, Mirtha T.L (2016), noted there’s
connection between the successes of blood pressure
control with health insurance participation. Patient
who don’t have health insurance increase the risk of
uncontrolled blood pressure. With health insurance
which one of them are JKN, patient can get
treatment to control their blood pressure and prevent
complication without worried about high cost.
Of the various problems, the BPJS, especially
the primary service management department, should
make efforts of continuity so that participants who
have signed up always follow the activities on the
PROLANIS program. Such endeavours are not
necessarily by devising new endeavours, but can
also utilize old efforts through reminders. In addition
to SMS, reminders may also be done through social
media on the Internet owned by participants. In this
modern era, people have started to become Internet
literate and utilize it effectively. Social media on the
Internet that may be used include the LINE
application, WhatsApp, etc. Another possible effort
is to add facilities and facilities for optimizing
activities. As with educational activities, it is
possible for participants to be given a snack so that
participants are happy and interested to participate,
or to also provide games or role-play so that
participants do not get bored with the education
provided. Maintaining the continuity of participants
in following the various activities in PROLANIS
program, especially related to controlling patient
with type 2 diabetes mellitus, will impact on
improving the quality of the program.
PROLANIS is an effort undertaken by BPJS to
control chronic diseases, which, in this case, is type
2 diabetes mellitus. There is no publication by BPJS
on the Internet related to the monitoring and
evaluation of the PROLANIS program. However,
there are several scientific journals that have
examined the effectiveness of PROLANIS
programs. From these journals, it was found out that
the PROLANIS program is able to improve health
examination to be better, but it is not balanced with
the continuity of activities and low participated on
the PROLANIS program. It is necessary to keep
participants in the activities of PROLANIS
programs, such as by reminding through social
media on the Internet or add some facilities such as
snacks or games and doing role-play so that
participants are interested to continue to follow the
activities in PROLANIS program, especially related
to diabetes mellitus type 2.
Assupina, M. Misnaniarti and Rahmiwati, A. 2013.
Analisis Implementasi Program Pengelolaan Penyakit
Kronis (PROLANIS) pada Dokter Keluarga PT
ASKES di Kota Palembang Tahun. Jurnal Imu
Kesehatan Masyarakat, 4(3), pp. 256-258. [online]
Available from:
wFile/293/pdf (Accessed: Sep 03 2017)
Badan Penyelenggaran Jaminan Sosial (BPJS). 2015.
Panduan Praktis PROLANIS (Program Pengelolaan
Penyakit Kronis) SlideShare.18 p. [online] Available
panduan-praktis-bpjs-kesehatan-prolanis (Accessed:
Sep 03 2017).
Della P.S, and Mirtha T.L. 2016. Pengaruh Keikutsertaan
Pasien pada Program Jaminan Kesehatan terhadap
Keberhasilan Kontrol Tekanan Darah pada Penderita
Hipertensi. Jurnal eJKI, 4(2), pp. 125-129. [online]
Available from:
Idris, F. 2014. Pengintegrasian Program Preventif
Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 PT. Askes (Persero)
ke Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan
(BPJS Kesehatan). Jurnal Indonesia Medical
Association, 64(3), pp. 117-118. [online] Available
INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association
am_Preventif.pdf (Accessed: Sep 03 2017).
Swastini, D.A, Putri S.A, Rudiarta N.M, Wiryanthini
I.A.D. 2016. Gambaran Terapi Layanan JKN pada
Pasien Hipertensi Stage I dan Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2
di Unit Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Udayana. Jurnal
Farmasi Udayana, 5(1), pp. 33-39. [online] Available
The Influence of Indonesia National Health Insurance Program’s PROLANIS to Controlling Patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2