Quality Control System of Learning in Vocational School
Endang Herawan
Educational Administration Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: quality control, quality learning, dual system.
Abstract: This study aims to verify, describe and interpret data about the quality control of learning SMKN. The research
used descriptive method with qualitative approach, Data collection is done through interview, observation
and documentation study. The results of the research showed that the quality control system is
comprehensively conducted, ranging from: 1) quality control in the preparation of learning program, such as
in making learning program, preparation of teaching, making teaching materials, evaluation planning, 2)
quality control of learning implementation including: the implementation of teaching, evaluation of learning
outcomes, and 3) follow-up quality control. To consider that vocational education is implemented by double
system form, which is implemented in schools and also practical work in business and industry, the quality
control of learning in vocational school is not only conducted by the principal, school supervisor through
academic supervision activities, it is also involving external society, such as business and industry (DUDI)
and professional associations, especially in the preparation of learning programs, the formulation of
competencies that must be owned by students, in the implementation of learning programs and assessment or
examination of competence, especially related to the productive field. Implication this is conducted so that
the learning programs and student competencies developed in schools in accordance with the demands and
needs of the world of work.
Vocational High School has a strategic role in
realizing Indonesia's reliable resources, according to
Malik Fajar (in Dedi Supriadi, 2002: iii): "Vocational
education is an expensive but highly strategic
investment in producing skilled and skilled
Indonesians in their fields in accordance with the
needs of the community and its people, especially the
needs of business and industry ". Thus vocational
education has a strategic role in the effort to build a
prosperous and dignified productive nation. This role
makes vocational education as the foundation of the
people and nation of Indonesia is growing up.
Nowadays, the presence of vocational education
is important in development, because the product of
vocational education is capable of producing skilled
human beings so that it becomes a bridge between the
interests of society and the interests of the state.
Vocational education is expected to be a means in
improving the quality of Indonesian human beings,
because it is not possible in a state that still faces
limited funds to create a dominant Indonesian human
educated college level. Therefore the vocational
school level is the best alternative in order to improve
the quality of whole Indonesian people.
To consider the position of vocational school is so
strategic, the government set proportional policies
SMU-SMK (Senior-vocational high school) as stated
in Renstra 2005-2009 and Renstra 2010-2014, by
changing the composition ratio of the number of
public schools and vocational from 30:70 to 70:30
therefore the development of schools vocational
becomes increasing.
This condition shows the increasing awareness
and expectation of society to SMK as an institution
that can provide useful skill as a preparation for job
search or entrepreneur. Similarly, also hope and
attention of government and business world to
vocational education is still high, because this
institution is still reliable in produces the skilled
workforce needed by the business world/industry,
therefore the government seeks to increase the
number of vocational school students, projected each
year will increase significantly.
Herawan, E.
Quality Control System of Learning in Vocational School.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 46-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Expectations and roles that are so high on
vocational education in the development of quality
human resources can not be realized optimally,
because in reality there is still a gap between hope and
reality. The problem is mainly related to the mismatch
between the ability of graduates with the demands of
the world of work / industry or the ability of
vocational high schools to produce graduates who are
ready to work (H.Muhajir, 2006, Nuriana, 2006,
N.Sukmadinata, 2002)
The occurrence of conditions as above because in
the implementation of education in vocational
schools still indicate the weakness. According to
Indra Jati (2001: 111-112). One of the weaknesses of
vocational education is in terms of practice, such as:
1. less prepare students to enter the work field,
inefficient, less able to maintain relevance to changes
in the labor market, less current, difficult to change
alias conservative. 2. viewed from the aspect of the
system, the education prevailing in the old vocational
school the old model is less in line with the demands
of the business / industry.
With the weakness as above, it has been attempted
various improvements and improvements, both
concerning the curriculum, competence of teachers,
competency standards graduates, facilities and
infrastructure, learning systems, cooperation with the
world of work, by through this improvement is
expected the quality of SMK graduates in accordance
with expectations business as well as society, due to
the indicators of a good vocational education program
if it is equally relevant to the needs of business /
industry, since the measure used to measure the
ability or success of a vocational school graduate is a
measure of the world of work (Dikmenjur 2001: 254).
Thus in curriculum development, the organization of
education and the development of student
competence in SMK can not be separated from the
demands of the world of work and industry, this is
because. Graduates of vocational schools are said to
be qualified, not enough to be proved by the value of
diplomas, but proven by the ability to work, whether
they can perform the task well or not (Suharsimi
(1988: 243).
To respond to the demands and expectations of
business and industry, vocational schools are required
to develop relevant curricula and learning programs,
collaborate with industry, improve teacher
competence and equip educational facilities and
infrastructure that enable students to learn and work
effectively and implement management quality
education or TQM well, therefore, Directorate of
Vocational Secondary Education (2002: 586) stated:
"In order to respond to the challenges of employment
problems a vocational education institution is
required and capable of implementing TQM". One
important element in TQM implementation that needs
to be done well is in terms of control, the school is
prosecuted to control the quality of the toll, so that the
plans and educational programs that have been
prepared can be done properly. According to Nana
Syaodih (2006: 44), Total quality control is not just
an approach or strategy but rather a system and even
a way of life to achieve goals effectively and
efficiently in order to meet the demands of users
through continuous improvement. In control, there
are activities assessment or measurement and
improvement. Other things that are assessed and
improved are not only the objectives of the plan and
the implementation of activities (Nana Syaodih,
2006: 38)
Based on the problems and challenges faced by
the SMK above, the researcher is encouraged to
conduct research with the intention to get descriptions
of quality control implemented at SMKN in Bandung,
specifically done on SMKN 1 and 3 as an effort in
realizing the purpose of vocational school education,
produce graduates who have the ability to become
skilled workers or become entrepreneurs and follow
further education.
2.1 Concept Quality Control
Quality control has an important role in management,
this activity is done to ensure that the management
process runs effectively and efficiently. According to
Koontz (in Nana Syaodih, 2006: 38) that there are two
kinds of control activities, namely assessment or
measurement and improvement. Other matters
assessed and improved not only the target, but also
the plan and execution of tasks.
Quality control, a routine technical activity
system designed to measure, maintain and monitor
the whole process or activity in producing products
and services to ensure that the quality of the products
or services produced in accordance with quality
requirements or standards that have been set so that
can always satisfy or meet customer expectations.
(Amitava Mitra, 2001: 9, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, 2006
Ishikawa, 1985: 50, Chirtopher Winch, 1996).
Regarding into the definition, in the quality
control there are standard elements as the basis for
monitoring and repair efforts. James R.Evans and
William M.Lindsay (2005: 340) stated: ”Any control
system has three components: (1) a standard or goal,
Quality Control System of Learning in Vocational School
(2) a means of measuring accomplishment, and (3)
comparison of actual results with the standard, along
with feedback to form the basis for corrective action.”
Nowadays, the concept of control has evolved and
is applied to total quality control. Total means
because it embraces all the aspects that exist and
engages in organizational activities. In the context of
education to produce quality education (graduates) is
not only determined by a teacher and also other
personnel, then other aspects of curriculum, its
implementation and evaluation system used as well as
facilities, and community participation.
Control is an action performed by management or
leadership to direct people, facilities and objective
functions to achieve the established goals, both short-
term and long-term goals and achievements must be
Control is an organizational tool, which is done to
produce quality products or services that produce and
customers feel satisfied. Quality control, to fit the
data associated with the activity process, is always
and complete as well as integrated as well. The main
purpose of quality control is to make measurements
and improvements in order to optimally (NS
Sukmadinata, 2006).
Quality control, is a process, which consists of: 1)
quality planning process; planning, namely the
preparation of goals and standards, 2). Real
performance measurement, 3). Comparing
performance with standard performance, 4)
improving performance. (J.M.Juran 1988: 165,
N.S.Sammadinata 2006: 52, Turney1992: 242,
Ishikawa, 1985). Quality control has a function of
measurement and improvement, then this activity has
four components, they are:
Observer tools that detect, observe and measure
or direct activities
An appraisal tool that evaluates the performance
of an activity
Tool modifies the behavior to change
performance if required
Tools for disseminating information to other
2.1.1 Role and Position of Vocational
Vocational education as an educational institution at
middle level which aims to prepare learners to work
in certain field, preparing students to continue to
higher level and become an entrepreneur, but among
these objectives, the main function and purpose of
SMK is preparing students to work in a particular
field (Dedi Supriadi.2002, Ralph C.Wenrich, 1988).
Therefore, the Vocational Education in the
development related to the preparation of productive
people, namely human and work that has the ability
to match the expectations and demands of the
workforce. That was mentioned by Shoemaker
(Suharsimi 1988) which states ”vocational education
is essential for and must relate to the productivity if
people, not only in competence, but in attitude
towards one’s occupation and willingness to
produce”. As well Ibhade Joy Ojeaga and Philomena
Oghogho Uhunmwangho 2010) In view of the
strategic role vocational and technical education
plays in the production of competent and skilled
manpower for socio-economic, industrial and
technological advancement of the society. ”Because
the purpose of vocational education is preparing
students to face workforce, so it needs to provide a
real learning experience to them. Workforce
environment is place to learn. This is because learning
by doing is crucial for vocational education, therefore
a close relationship with the workforce is the key of
successful vocational education (Soeharto, 1988,
Ralph C.Wenrich, 1988).
The research used qualitative approach, with the aim
to describe and analyze the learning quality control
activities at SMKN 1 and 3. In this research the
researcher tries to understand by review and studying
deeply and comprehensively on phenomena related to
quality control effort done by school administrator’s
curriculum or learning programs that have been
prepared can be done well. The sources of data in this
study are the Head of School, Head of Program, and
Teacher. Data collection was conducted by interview
and documentation study.
4.1 Quality Control on the
Development of Learning Plans
Control of teaching plans, directed at teachers in the
case of: 1) development of teaching plans, including:
annual and semester program, syllabus and lesson
plan, media preparation / learning aids, preparation of
student tools and materials 2) preparation or
preparation of teaching materials, such as: modules,
books, dictates, etc. 3) development of evaluation
plans, such as daily / weekly learning plan, semester
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
or final stage. This controls were performed by
supervisors and principals through academic
supervision activities or in meetings before the school
year begins. The basis or criteria for carrying out
supervision are the standards or guidelines set by the
education and cultural ministries. Especially for
productive subjects group, quality control was
conducted by involving the elements of universities
that are courses in accordance with existing skills
programs in SMK, business and professional
associations, such as ASITA (Association of the
Indonesian Tour and Travel Agency), ISI
(Association of Indonesian Secretaries) IAI
(Indonesian Institute of Accountants) ASPRINDO
(Association of Indonesian Retail Companies).
Referred to by business world or professional
association in giving input is work competency
standard that has been established by government
(SKKNI - Indonesian National Competency
Standards) or professional associations. These
elements provide suggestions or inputs related to the
lesson material presented, the implementation of
learning and the formulation of competencies that
must be owned by students. This was implemented to
fit the needs of the world of work. This occupation
analysis is important in the development of SMK
curriculum. Pointed out by Soeharto (1988): "The
results of analysis will provide much assistance to
curriculum development and prerequisite skills in
each occupation." This indicates that education in
vocational schools is inseparable from the world of
work. Even Shoemaker (in Suharsimi 1988) stated:”
curriculum for vocational educations starts with a job
and end with the student on job”. Community control
over training institutions such as Vocational High
School is important. That is important to do to
maintain public trust. It has been implemented on
several countries such as France, Germany and
England, as stated by Richard Koch and Jochen
Reuling (1988): A key function of public quality
control is to establish confidence amongst all the
people concerned in the quality of training provided.
Furthermore, the target of public quality control is
directed to the developing factors of individual
students, such as: (training content/curricula,
personnel, training aids, training organization) and/or
in output standards for learning results/examination
Meetings with the world of work in curriculum
discussions are conducted regularly before the new
school year begins. This activity is called
synchronization or validation of the implementation
curriculum. Through the activities allow the
curriculum especially for productive programs more
4.2 Quality Control on the
Implementation of Learning
The quality control of the learning implementation
was conducted by the school principal or the vice
principals and supervisors of learning that classified
in the classroom or in the laboratories or learning
outside the school such as practice in the industry.
Quality control of leaning activities is when students
practice in any industry, not only giving them
experience in the form of work practices that does
match their expertise, but also professionals give
them constructive criticism of their skills on work
practices. It is useful for school to improve the
curriculum, learning materials and learning processes
conducted in school. Quality control can be evaluated
by professionals during the competency exam by
analyzing the competencies of students to face
workforce demand using criteria that are applied in
the work environment.
Supervision is implementation of quality control
that can be done by headmaster or supervision.
Supervision was carried out directly to the classroom
also through the CCTV screen installed in each class,
as well as filling in the journal of class activities that
teachers must complete each time the pursuit, the
principal asked to the students.
This control is important to be done by the
principal for the activities carried out in accordance
with the plan and if found irregularities can be
immediately carried out remedial action. Oakland (in
Dorothea, 2002: 104) stated: the leadership in quality
management must know is to implement the control
of the process and system and improve its ability.
4.3 Follow-Up Quality Control
As a follow-up to the implementation of quality
control, the principal meets regularly with the chief of
skills programs and teachers to discuss and seek
solutions for improvement. As well as meetings at the
end of the school year by inviting elements of
universities, business world and professional
associations during the validation and
synchronization activities of the implementation
curriculum. Follow-up of the implementation of
controls in the form of efforts to improve or improve
the curriculum and plans or learning programs, such
as improving the lesson materials, the suitability of
competency standards with teaching materials,
subject sequence, accuracy and evaluation plan, the
appropriateness of the learning approach, the
Quality Control System of Learning in Vocational School
improvement of lesson plan, the material analysis.
Follow-up control is also aimed at improving the
implementation of learning, both implemented in the
classroom, in the laboratory and practice in the
workplace. Increased ability of teachers, conducted
through internship activities at the company,
deliberations of subject teachers (MGMP), training
that conducted.
Quality control carried out on SMKN 1 and 3 has
described the integrated quality control means the
guidelines or standards set by the Ministry of
Education and Culture and the criteria of ability
required in the world of work or by professional
associations were steps in the quality control
program. Control is conducted by the principal by
involving the world of work, professional
associations and students as a major customer in
school. The objectives of the overall control cover the
curriculum, planning, implementation and evaluation
of learning. Follow-up quality control in the form of
improvement and refinement, and continuous control
activities were implemented because the demands
and development of science and technology that used
in the world of work continues to grow this thing by
itself demands the knowledge, attitudes and skills of
SMK graduates.
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences