Reading Behaviour Base on Biological Information of Blood Groups
Susanti Agustina, Doddy Rusmono and Riche Chyntia Johan
Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology, Faculty of Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
{susanti, riche},
Keywords: behaviour, biological information, blood group, book, library, reading.
Abstract: Biological information in the present study is limited to four types of blood groups namely A, B, O, and AB
blood groups. Type of blood groups is genotive in nature and will not change the rest of man’s life. A blood
group is one of genetic biological structures which has influence on human behaviour a great deal. Blood
group type proves to be the easiest and cheapest genetics identification tool. Practical implication of blood
type has been developed to deal with personality since the year of 1992 in Japan. Blood group is considered
functioning as a prognosys and pseudoscience. Empirical finding following research shows that there is a
behavioural pattern of reading book representing similarity to an individual with similar blood group type in
a classical session. This phenomenon needs to be proven. The method used in the present study was a cross-
sectional survey. Sampling was done on 80 individuals of 100 student population aged between 17 and 22
years. Random sampling was chosen with stratification. Population was grouped in the strata with
homogenous sample unit from blood group type. Each sample’s blood group was obtained from medical
records at laboratory examination at the University Health Center. The focus of survey on reading behaviour
comprise the habits emerged when reading book takes place of which aim is to put book reading behaviour
pattern on individuals into a mode of mapping based on their type of blood groups. Result from the study as
expected is firstly, a scientific base on a reading book theory. Secondly, an identification model of user’s
profile to develop reading services program at various kinds of libraries. Thirdly, a way of making it easier
for librarian to conduct a reader’s advisory work in reading interest. Fourthly, collecting a reading book as it
is presented to the users appropriate with individuals’ behaviours.
Since 2002, UNESCO has noted the data related to
the lack of reading interest in Indonesian society. The
index of reading interest in Indonesia is only 0.001. It
means that there is only one person out of 1,000 who
has high reading interest. UNDP released the number
of literacy of Indonesian adult that is only 65.5%.
According to Mundi index, the number of Indonesian
literacy is below Zimbabwe, Lithuania, Serbia,
Albania, and Palestine. In the same year, Indonesia is
in 124th position out of 187 countries in the world
based on the assessment of Human Development
Index including the needs in education, health, and
literacy. There are approximately 165.7 million
people in Indonesia with 50 million of book
publications per year. It means that one book
publication is read by five people.
In 2015, the data from National Library of
Indonesia shows that only 10% of Indonesian people,
who are above 10 years old, have reading interest
(Wibowo 2015). Furthermore, Kurniasih (2016)
criticizes that as the form of characteristic changes in
reading culture in Indonesia, the parameter of reading
interest should adjust current transformation. She
thinks that the essence of reading is the language skill
through text comprehension aiming at collecting
information, gaining knowledge, having
entertainment, and developing individual. Any kind
of text stimulating the readers’ thought to achieve
particular purpose is considered reading activity. The
next step is to analyze reading material, sources,
media, and purposes.
A study conducted by John Miller, President of
Central Connecticut State University in New Britain
reveals that Indonesia is in 59th position out of 61
countries that are categorized based on the literate
behavior characteristics. On the other hand, Finland,
Norway, Island, Denmark, and Sweden are in the top
five positions. The data of PISA (Program for
Agustina, S., Rusmono, D. and Cynthia Johan, R.
Reading Behaviour Base on Biological Information of Blood Groups.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 58-66
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
International Student Assessment) in 2016 reveals
that Indonesia is in 60th position. Literate behavior
significantly contributes to individual and national
success, especially in the knowledge-based economic
sector. The community who is considered illiterate
(does not practice reading behavior) tends to put a
little attention to cleanliness, good nutrition, and the
way they think so that they tend to repress human
right and human dignity where they express their
behavior by being brutal and cruel.
In 2016, the former Education Ministry of
Indonesia, Anies Baswedan states that in the late ten
years, the illiterate percentage has significantly
decreased. In 2005, the illiterate percentages have
also decreased i.e. from 10.5% to 3.7%. Indonesia
has already had libraries. However, the attempt to
make reading habit seems hard to do due to lack of
interest in reading. The reading habit has been a major
problem in Indonesia even though there are many
libraries available. Based on the number of the
libraries, Indonesia is in 36th position, which means
Indonesia is a way ahead of the other countries such
as Portugal, New Zealand, Korea, Germany,
Netherland, and Singapore.
Gerakan Literasi Sekolah (GLS) has been stated
in Ministerial Regulation No 23/2015 where the
students are allowed to read any kind of book they
love for 15 minutes before they start the class.
Moreover, the local government has an important role
in encouraging the people to make the habit of
reading. The leader should actively look for and
create communities loving books.
An interview where the participants are the ninth
grader of SMA Tangerang Selatan- shows that the
school has applied a reading session where the
students are forced to read for an hour every two
weeks. Yet, the teacher are frequently absent so that
the students do not spend their time to read. They
prefer doing other activities. The interviewed student
loves reading manga (Japanese comic book).
Likewise, a college student, majoring communication
program, loves reading novel. The college student
says that he loves novel with the genre of science
fiction. The college student says the s(he) does not
like historical book and news because they are boring.
This reading interest is influenced by individual’s
personality. The main factor is gene.
The most fundamental reading is to read yourself;
that is, reading the information related to yourself
including biological information such as DNA and
RNA, physiological information, psychological
information, and sociological information that is
complicated. Thus, if someone has already been able
to read him/herself, (s)he has already found his/her
identity. Through reading and biological information
exploration, an individual can position her/himself
according to his/her natural tendency. When
education and teaching is given based on every
individual natural tendency, s(he) will get happiness.
Therefore, the problem of reading habit should be
viewed from different points of view i.e. from the
uniqueness that every individual has. The approach
that is used should be return back to the human natural
tendency. This study explores the main factor of the
reading problem, which is attributed to the
individual’s less awareness of his/her identity.
Identity -so far it functions as data documented in
identity card- has yet to be used as the directing
information. Whereas, all the private data related to
the biological information will make an individual to
be happy (success) and helpful person if s(he) is able
to read her/himself. Name, date and place of birth,
gender, blood gene type, address, religion, marital
status, occupation, and nationality will be the basic
When every individual among different groups
understands biological information, a harmonized
social life will come into existence. In the context of
reading training in the community, understanding self
should be started from the ability of reading his/her
self then reading things that s(he) likes. Thus, the
reading habit will be repeatedly done. This repetition
will create a reading habit pattern. The pattern of
reading habit will create a culture. Reading culture
will make someone perfect, because, in that point,
s(he) has make his/her brain keep working.
Every individual is unique. A thesis by Farid
Poniman since 1999, someone focusing on
psychological and human resource science, reveals
that every individual has single intelligence since
s(he) was born. He believes that the dominant
intelligence is a treasure that every individual has for
living his/her life. In 1993, three experts named K.
Anders Ericsson (deliberate practice), Ralf Th.
Krampe, and Clemens Tesch Romer conducted a
research in Berlin Academy of Music (Poniman,
2011). They found an answer of how an individual
can be an expert at his/her own field. They found that
individual that allocates 10,000 hours to keep
practicing will be the best. This 10,000-hour practice
is introduced by Malcolm Gladwell (2008) in his
book, The Outliers. By finding out genetic
intelligence since s(he) was a kid as well as deliberate
practice i.e. at least 10,000 hours-, the individual
will have a big potential to get success for his/her
carrier. Deliberate practice should be supported by
the reading activity.
Reading Behaviour Base on Biological Information of Blood Groups
This study does not intend to connect blood type
to personality, but some typical patterned types from
personality theory of blood types in Japan and genetic
strata theory of STIFIn concept covers this research
Finally, this study aims at mapping individual’s
reading behavioral pattern based on blood types
through survey. The survey is conducted to 17-22
year-old adults, who are college students or the
members of reading community. Both populations are
the samples since those fulfil demographic aspects in
qualification and competence. Academician is
considered the one who has high order thinking skills.
The data are collected by survey with trend study.
The main population is 192 students of Library and
Information Study Program. Thus, according to
Krejcie and Morgan (1970), if the population (N) is
identified to examine, the credibility of the study is
95%. Therefore, the used samples are 127 people in
which each stratum of four blood types has sample
unit of 30-33 people. There is the test of blood type to
the sample. The sample is asked to answer the
questionnaire. Then, the result of the survey is
collected, mapped based on most dominant
behavioral pattern, analyzed, and constructed to be a
model of the reading behavioral model with blood
types-basis. The urgencies of the study are:
This survey research provides positive
contribution to education and teaching in the
context of reading, where we involve genetic
aspects in creating learning environment
(reading-interest guidance) that makes the
individual happier in reading. This study also
verifies the theory of blood types and discovers
innovative theory related to reading behavior.
This study is the further analysis of previous
research about reading method with hypnosis-
basis. Both will give real contribution to
librarianship to socialize reading interest. It
shows how information and library science are
This study will solve the social problems by
strengthening ideas in the approach of learning
model for reading by using easy and cheap
identifier based on blood types.
Biological information becomes the basic science to
learn the other science such as chemistry, physics,
and math. A study that explores the detail of living
things; that is, how children receive their
characteristics from their parents is known as
genetics. Genetics is also known as the study of
heredity. Literally, the word “genetics” stems from
Latin. Genos means the origin of traits.
Genetics, as the basic science, has concepts that
can support the other applied science such as
biological information.
In the concept of STIFIn proposed by Farid
Poniman (2012), there are three theories that become
the references. They are:
The basic functional theory proposed by an
analytic psychology from Switzerland, Carl
Gustav Jung states that there are four basic
functions that human has. They are sensing,
thinking, feeling, and intuition. Among those
four functions, one of them becomes the most
dominant one.
Hemisphere theory proposed by a neuro
scientist Ned Hermann divides brain into four
quadrants. They are left and right limbic as well
as left and right cerebrals.
The triune brain theory proposed by an
American neuro scientist Paul MacLean divides
brain based on its revolutionary results. They are
human’s brain, mammalian’s brain, and
reptile’s brain.
Meanwhile, the concept of STIFIn does not only
change three boxes (MacLean) into four (Jung and
Hermann) but also adds one more box. Thus, there are
five boxes of STIFIn in total. Furthermore, STIFIn
Crossed theory as the superior and inferior in a
Intersection equation theory (between two
different poles quadrant and diagonal)
The unique and logic pentagon social
relationship (STFIn Circulation Theory)
The body metabolism conformity based on the
intelligence machine
Calibration theory based on the intelligence
Genetics based on the intelligence machine
Genetic strata theory started from the
intelligence machine intelligence drive the
capacity of hardware blood gene type
This study focuses on the 7th theory Genetic strata
theory as the form of biological information that
needs to be “read” by every individual so that s(he)
can know her/himself better. The classification of
behavior pattern based on blood gene type using
STIFin theory (Poniman, 2012) is the focus of this
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
The last genetic factor in STIFIn theory
significantly influences the spontaneous stimuli. Yet,
it does give big influences on the strategy of decision
The influence of blood gene type can be detected
when an individual has paper and pencil test. For
example, an individual, with type T (Thinking) whose
blood type gene O, will select the option “love
helping” when she has the paper test. Her/his option
reflects her/his intelligence. The factor of blood gene
type is spontaneous, not stable, and temporary in
nature (Poniman and Mangussara, 2012, p. 27).
The temporary influence of blood gene type will
be categorized by the similarity to the type of the
intelligence machine type using the concept of
STIFIn. This categorization will be used to explain
reading behavior as the temporary responds to blood
gene type. The classification can be seen below.
Blood group O controls brain to be an individual
with type F (Feeling)
Blood group A controls brain to be an individual
with type T (Thinking).
Blood group AB controls brain to be an
individual with type S (Sensing)
Blood group B controls brain to be an individual
with type I (Intuiting)
Therefore, blood group only consists of four
types. Type In (Insting) in the concept of STIFIn does
not appear. However, the characteristics of in will
further be analyzed based on the spirituality side
related to the context of reading behavior.
Meanwhile, the analysis of personality based on
blood gene type that is considered to be
pseudoscience and astrology is debatable due to lack
of facts (Yamaguchi, 2005), (Rachel, 2011).
However, the relative truth should be continuously
tested. One of the reasons for Japan to develop blood
gene type is because blood gene type is an indicator
of the personality theory used as the responds to the
ethnical stereotype coming from Europe (Takeji
Furukawa, 1927) as well as to the popular faith
(Masahiko Nomi, 1970).
Some studies show significant relationship
between blood gene type and personality (Sakamoto
A., and Yamazaki, K, 2004), Cosy Muto, Masahiro
Nagashima et al, 2011), Yamazaki, K., and
Sakamoto, A., 1992). The studies are considered to be
able to produce predictions. There are medical
hypothesis used to support the personality of blood
gene type theory (Donna K. Hobgood, 2011), Shoko
Tsuchimine, Junji Saruwatari, Ayako Kaneda, Norio
Yusi-Furukori, 2015).
Blood type is one of genetic biological structures,
which influences human behavior. However, in
theoretical concept of STIFIn genetic strata
Intelligence Machine-Intelligence Drive, Hardware
Capacity-Blood Types, blood type influences
spontaneous response. When it is processed further,
intelligence machine will be more dominant. An
individual should recognize the genetic potency. The
circumstance should be improved in order to be the
best one.
Every individual has specific preference in
interpreting the experience and knowledge to the
reading behavior based on its importance, needs,
values, motivation, and biological information.
The results of some studies conducted in the late 15
to 20 years conclude our identity based on behavior-
is 50% determined by genes and the rest of other 50%
by our surroundings. This conclusion is sufficient yet,
it still needs improvement. Some empirical evidences
show that brain system is directly related to
personality (Gale, 1983 cited in Mangussara, 2012).
A German psychologist Hans Eysenck relates
introvert-extrovert directly to the center of
neurological system. The theory refers to the
personality theory based on biological condition.
Every individual has different parts of dominant
brain. The dominant brain contributes to the
individual. The characteristics of those hemispheres
then will make the body constitution match other
body’s functions that genetically attach to certain
individual. The table of the conformity of STIFIn
operational system with some functions and
typologies and some former theories that are still used
today is shown below (see table 1).
Reading Behaviour Base on Biological Information of Blood Groups
Table 1: STIFIn operational system and classic theory.
Body Fluid
right limbic
Source: (Poniman, Magussara, 2012)
To know someone, an individual only needs to
explore the basic function, or the basic tendency
(McCrae and Costa, 1996). Thus, according to
McCrae and Costa (1996), knowing someone does
need complicated psychometrics. According to
McCrae and Costa (1996), the tendency is the only
element that is stable while the adjustment of
character and self- concept is changing. The basic
function concept that Jung proposes is in line with the
basic tendency Mc Crae and Costa do. The basic
function is considered stable, eternal, genetic, and
attachable to someone’s intelligence.
This study explores behavior based on genetic
biological information that has been explained based
on the basic concept, the genetic strata theory of
STIFIn. According to the genetic strata theory of
STIFIn, the first dimension describes brain
operational system and the position of human’s
dominant intelligence machine. After conducting the
mapping based on the similar characteristics, the
character of blood gene type appears to be the same
as type of intelligence machine. Therefore, this study
determines reading behavior based on five aspects
including reading habit, the selection of reading
materials, reading style, book layout, and the aim of
reading books (hybrid). Those five aspects are
mapped into five brain operational system
(intelligence machine and intelligence drive) that is
similar to four blood gene types, as the inventor
indicators that will be analyzed. By determining
reading behavior, this study attempts to obtain the
correct goal; that is to explore the pattern of reading
behavior based on blood gene type. This scientific
reference is adapted from the theory of STIFIn brain
operational theory.
This study explores behavior based on genetic
biological information that has been explained based
on the basic concept, the genetic strata theory of
STIFIn. According to the genetic strata theory of
STIFIn, the first dimension describes brain
operational system and the position of human’s
dominant intelligence machine. After conducting the
mapping based on the similar characteristics, the
character of blood gene type appears to be the same
as type of intelligence machine.
Therefore, this study determines reading behavior
based on aspects of reading habit. This aspect mapped
into five brain operational system (intelligence
machine and intelligence drive) that is similar to four
blood gene types, as the inventor indicators that will
be analyzed. By determining reading behavior, this
study attempts to obtain the correct goal; that is to
explore the pattern of reading behavior based on
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
blood group. This scientific reference is adapted from
the theory of STIFIn brain operational theory.
The data are collected by survey with trend study
through cross-sectional survey. The survey is
conducted to 17-22 year-old adults, who are college
students or the members of reading community. Both
populations are the samples since those fulfil
demographic aspects in qualification and
competence. Academician is considered the one who
has high order thinking skills.
Steps in survey research (trend study) are as
Formulating the research problems
Preparing the technique of data
Determining the amount of research
Collecting the data
Analyzing and interpreting the result
of data analysis
The sample is determined randomly (Random
Sampling). It is intended to give the same opportunity
for every respondent to be selected as the sample.
The stratification of the random sample is selected by
doing these following steps.
We stratify the population to be strata based on
blood type A, B, AB, dan O, thus each stratum
contains homogeneous sample unit.
The population is categorized in the strata that
contains homogenous sample unit. For example,
strata consist of blood group A1-A25, blood
group B1-B20, blood AB 1-AB9, and blood
group O1-O21.
We determine the sample by using formula in the
table (Krejcie and Morgan, 1970) with the credibility
level of 95%. According to the table, if the sample
unit is 20 people, the sample needed is 80 people.
Thus, the available population fulfils the credibility
level of 95%. The student Samples in Library and
Information Study Program from batch 2013 to 2016
are 74 people in which each stratum of four blood
types has sample unit of 20-25 people, except AB
blood group, which just 9 person from population-
sample. There is the test of blood type to the sample.
The sample is asked to answer the questionnaire.
Then, the result of the survey is collected, mapped
based on most dominant behavioral pattern, analyzed,
and constructed to be a model of the reading
behavioral model with blood types-basis.
We determine the amount of sample from each
stratum based on its proportion, thus the total
amount of the sample is the same as the sample
determined in the table.
We prepare random numeral table.
Sample from each strata is taken randomly by
using random numeral table.
The amount of total sample is the accumulation
of samples selected from all strata.
The data are collected by using percentage measuring
tool, close questionnaires, observation, interview, and
pattern analysis. Below is the result of data collection
instrument obtained in the second step of detailed
mapping on reading behavior adjusted to five types of
STIFIn intelligence machine as the reflection to blood
There are 9 respondent from AB Blood Group, as
a Sensing (S) on STIFIn Concept as biological
information, has Self-Perception about Reading
Behavior in Reading Habits which results “I read the
book by highlighting all paragraphs with
highlighter/marker since I think that all information is
important”, approximately 55,6 % says (yes) and 44,4
% says (no) (see figure 1).
Figure 1: The reading pattern of blood group AB.
There are 25 respondent from A Blood group, as
a Thinking (T) on STIFIn Concept as biological
information, has Self-Perception about Reading
Behavior in Reading Habits which results I often
read only some parts of chapters that I consider
important and necessary. However, I consider that I
have completely read all parts of the book”.
Approximately 60 % says (yes) and 40 % says (no)
(see figure 2).
Reading Behaviour Base on Biological Information of Blood Groups
Figure 2: The reading pattern of blood group A.
There are 22 respondent from B Blood group, as
a Intuiting (I) on STIFIn Concept as biological
information, has Self-Perception about Reading
Behavior in Reading Habits which results “I usually
read book quotation in the box. A good quotation is
written in my social media status, book, or special
note”, approximately 81,8 % says (yes) and 18,2%
says (no) (see figure 3).
Figure 3: The reading pattern of blood group B.
There are 20 respondent from O Blood group, as
a Feeling (F) on STIFIn Concept as biological
information, has Self-Perception about Reading
Behavior in Reading Habits which results “I am
unwilling to read book directly. I usually watch
something through audio-visual and book
discussion”, approximately 75 % says (yes) and 25%
says (no) (see figure 4).
Figure 4: The reading pattern of blood group O.
The last genetic factor in STIFIin theory
significantly influences the spontaneous stimuli. Yet,
it does give big influences on the strategy of decision
The influence of blood gene type can be detected
when an individual has paper and pencil test. For
example, an individual, with type T (Thinking) whose
blood type gene O, will select the option “love
helping” when she has the paper test. Her/his option
reflects her/his intelligence. The factor of blood gene
type is spontaneous, not stable, and temporary in
nature (Poniman and Mangussara, 2012, p. 27).
The application of a reading habits/ behavior
pattern based on blood type can be developed in
other contexts, such as products and services
that elevates literacy as a library program for
sustainable community development.
Facilitation of identifying a reading pattern
through similarity of blood group to construct a
reading culture in university library is needed.
The mapping of information content in the form
of a biological information that uses multimedia
is needed.
The temporary influence of blood group will be
categorized by the similarity to the type of the
intelligence machine type using the concept of
STIFIn. The classification can be seen below.
Blood group AB controls brain to be an individual
with type S (Sensing), they have a pattern of reading
habits are read the book by highlighting all
paragraphs with highlighter/marker, since they think
that all information is important. We assume that 44,4
% of respondents who answered “no”, the possibility
of giving answer to the bias based on the type of
machine intelligence which used for decision making,
such as (
Blood group A controls brain to be an individual
with type T (Thinking). They have a pattern of
reading habits are often read only some parts of
chapters that they consider important and necessary.
However, they consider that they have completely
read all parts of the book. We assume that 40 % of
respondents who answered “no”, the possibility of
giving answer to the bias based on the type of
machine intelligence which used for decision making,
such as (Sensing, Intuiting, Feeling, or Instinct)
Blood group B controls brain to be an individual
with type I (Intuiting) they have a pattern of reading
habits are usually read book quotation in the box. A
good quotation is written in my social media status,
book, or special note. We assume that 18,2 % of
respondents who answered “no”, the possibility of
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
giving answer to the bias based on the type of
machine intelligence which used for decision making,
such as (Sensing, Thinking, Feeling, or Instinct)
Blood group O controls brain to be an individual
with type F (Feeling) they have a pattern of reading
habits are unwilling to read book directly. They
usually watch something through audio-visual and
book discussion. We assume that 25% of respondents
who answered “no”, the possibility of giving answer
to the bias based on the type of machine intelligence
which used for decision making, such as (Sensing,
Thinking, Intuiting, or Instinct). The individual with
type In (Instinct) they have a pattern of reading habits
are usually process the information by using instinct,
select book spontaneously and incompletely, and
understanding the content generally. Every type of
machine intelligence have these pattern.
Through this acknowledgement, we express our
sincere gratitude to all those people who have been
associated with this research project and have helped
us with it and made it a worthwhile experience. We
extend our thanks to the student populations in
Library and Information Science (LIS) Study
Program from batch 2013 until 2016, and also
Indonesian STIFIn promotor as an informant.
Cosy Muto, Masahiro Nagashima 2011. A
Demonstrative and Critical Study on Pseudo-science
for Scientific Literacy Construction at Teacher
Education Course, FY2011 Final Research Report from
the Database of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research.
Retrieved by, 20 February 2017.
Donna K. H. 2011. Personality traits of aggression-
submissiveness and perfectionism associate with ABO
Blood groups through catecholamine activities.
Medical Hypotheses, 77 (2): 294-300.
Husaini Usman, Purnomo. 2008. Metodologi Penelitian
Sosial. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara.
Nuwer, R. 2017. You are What You Bleed: In Japan and
Other East Asian Countries Some Believe Blood Type
Dictates Personality. Scientific American. Retrieved 16
February 2017.
Poniman, F., Mangussara, R. A., 2012. STIFIn
Personality:Mengenal Kecerdasan dan Rumus Sukses.
Jakarta: STIFIn Institute.
Sakamoto, A., Yamazaki, K., 2004. Blood-typical
personality stereotypes and self- fulfilling prophecy: A
natural experiment with time-series data of 1978-1988,
progress in Asian Social Psychology, Vol. 4, pp. 239-
Yamaguchi, M. 2005. Myth about Japan Blood Types under
attack. MediResource Inc. Retrieved 29 December
Yamazaki, K., Sakamoto, A., 1992. The self-fulfilment
phenomenon generated by blood-typical personality
stereotypes: time-series analysis of nation-wide survey
II, paper presented at 33 rd. annual convention of The
Japanese Society of Social Psychology. Tokyo (pp.
Biological Information
Self-Perception about Reading Behavior
Blood Types
Reading Habits
9 responses
I read the book by highlighting
all paragraphs with
highlighter/marker since I
think that all information is
55,6 %
44,4 %
25 responses
I often read only some parts of
chapters that I consider
important and necessary.
However, I consider that I
have completely read all parts
of the book.
60 %
22 responses
I usually read book quotation
in the box. A good quotation is
written in my social media
status, book, or special note.
81,8 %
Reading Behaviour Base on Biological Information of Blood Groups
Biological Information
Self-Perception about Reading Behavior
Blood Types
Reading Habits
20 responses
I am unwilling to read book
directly. I usually watch
something through audio-
visual and book discussion.
75 %
I usually process the
information by using instinct,
select book spontaneously and
incompletely, and
understanding the content
Source: Construction by author (2017)
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences