The Analysis of High Order Thinking Skill (HOTs) on Science
Learning Using Project Based Learning Model
Kartika Chrysti S.
, Sajidan Sajidan
, Sentot Budi R.
, Zuhdan Kun P.
and Siti Fatimah
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jalan Ir. Sutami 36 A, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jalan Colombo No 1, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
Keywords: High Order Thinking Skills, Science Learning, PjBL model.
Abstract: This research aims to analyze the High Order Thinking skills (HOTs) on science learning toward preservice
teacher in primary teacher education program by using project based learning (PjBL) model. Thinking skill
consists of three aspects; Problem-solving, critical thinking, and creative thinking. This research works as an
action research with a qualitative method. It involves 70 students. The techniques for data collection are the
test, observation, and interview. Qualitative descriptive analysis with triangulation validity technique is
utilized for data analysis. The result indicates that HOTs of the student on critical thinking aspect of creative
thinking and problem solving still need improvement. It recommends practitioners, researchers, and
stakeholders to empower HOTs with PjBL model.
High-level thinking is a thought process consisting of
complex procedures based on analytical skills,
synthesis, comparison, conclusions, interpretations,
and judgments (Collin, 2014; Facione, P. A, 1990).
High-level thinking skills (HOTs) are deductive
inductive reasoning to solve unusual problems
(Budsankom, 2015, Masek, 2012). King (1998)
explains that high-order thinking includes critical
thinking, logical, reflective, metacognitive, and
creative. This skill is enabled when students of
different ages. Students are involved to deal with
unusual problems, uncertainties, questions, or
dilemmas. HOTs are based on the assumption that the
biggest problem for students is their inability to build
the kind of understanding needed to solve difficult
concepts (Broek, 2012). Students trained with HOTS
are able to create new knowledge and make informed
and logical decisions. One of the main rationales for
empowering HOTS is developing metacognitive
skills. Most students are far backward cognitively not
because they are not smart enough, but because they
have no socio-cultural experience that develops
metacognitive skills (Caitriona, 2012). Metacognition
ability is related to awareness and control over how
to acquire and process an information and store that
information into memory (Broke, 2012). This
thinking skill became the focus of learning in the 21st
century. This is based on data from research
conducted by more than 250 researchers from 60
institutions of the world incorporated in the ATC 21S
(Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills)
grouped 21st-century skills in 4 categories One of
which is the way of thinking. The four categories /
characteristics of the 21st-century learning are
communication, collaboration, critical thinking and
problem solving, creativity and innovation (ATC21S,
To build a high-level thinking process (HOTs),
innovation is needed in the learning either in the form
of methods, assessment or learning media. Sulaiman,
(2017) analyzed HOTs in science learning that
resulted in respondents believing that through
question and answer between teachers and students
by asking high-level questions about the concept of
science and linking to real effective situations can be
used to develop HOTs. Respondent also believes that
planning an investigation or practicum is able to help
students develop HOTs. In addition to investigative
planning, the problem-solving analysis is able to help
students develop their creative thinking skills.
Furthermore, making mind mapping can help
students in analyzing the concepts of science and
S., K., Sajidan, S., R., S., P., Z. and Fatimah, S.
The Analysis of High Order Thinking Skill (HOTs) on Science Learning Using Project Based Learning Model.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 97-103
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
make learning easier. Budsankom (2015) shows the
factors that directly affect the HOTs are the
characteristics of psychological, classroom
environment, and intellectual characteristics. Based
on this, project based learning model (PjBL) can be
used as one of innovative science learning model to
develop HOTs.
PjBL is a systematic learning method involving
students in learning knowledge and skills through
research assignments, authentic questions, and well-
designed products. Project-based learning is based on
challenging questions and makes students have a
central role in the process of designing, problem-
solving, and decision making so as to give students
the opportunity to work independently (Sumarni,
2015). It is continued that through the project,
students do not have to memorize any theory or
equation (formula), but rather to analysis and critical
thinking by analyzing the information gathered to
solve problems through the project. This pragmatic
approach concentrates more on process than content.
Hsu (2015) explains that project-based learning
has three main aspects, namely active construction,
situated learning, and social interaction. Project-
based learning involves engaging students in the real
world and meaningful issues similar to those
conducted by scientists. Furthermore, project-based
learning allows students to gain a deeper
understanding of the material as they actively build
their understanding by working together and using
their ideas (active construction). Social interaction
allows students to work with others to build shared
knowledge. Therefore, project-based learning has
been widely applied in science classes to support the
development of a deeper understanding of the concept
of science.
Bedard (2012) explains that PjBL is able to
develop students' thinking skills, develop student
creativity, and encourage students to work together in
a team. PjBL is able to create an environment that
helps students build meaningful, active, and student-
centered learning and building students to
collaborate. Chiang and Lee (2016) mentioned that a
very important point on project-based learning is
problem-solving. To complete a project, students
need to overcome all the difficulties. It is able to make
students have problem-solving ability to be better and
meaningful. Williams (2017) explains that project-
based learning provides opportunities for students to
engage in active learning as well as opportunities to
learn new soft skills such as collaboration,
communication, and negotiation. The See See (2015)
mentions five skills trained during the PjBL process
namely, an understanding of the basic design of the
project; Problem-solving skills; Using
sources/references effectively for information;
Ability to communicate; And teamwork.
Harper (2014) mentions important elements in
PjBL are, the project method focuses on teaching
knowledge and skills; 21st century competencies
such as problem solving, critical thinking,
collaboration, communication, and creativity /
innovation that are explicitly taught and assessed; A
deep investigative process involving a long and
rigorous questioning process, using resources and
developing answers; Focused on open questions to
understand and attract students' attention in capturing
project tasks; Emphasizes the interest and curiosity of
students so that students gain knowledge, understand
concepts, and can apply skills; Students are allowed
to make several ways to complete the product to be
made, how it works, and how they manage project
completion time; Project learning involves a process
for students to give and receive feedback on the
quality of their work to be evaluated for further
investigation; The last student presented the project
result in front of the class. Based on this, project-
based learning can provide students with an
opportunity to gain deep content knowledge with
"21st-century skills".
Several types of research on the use of PjBL to
develop thinking skills such as Saripudin research
(2015) resulted in the finding that the PjBL model can
improve students' critical thinking skills on the theme
of environmental management. Chiang and Lee
(2016) conducted research on vocational students in
Taiwan resulted that PjBL not only can improve
students' learning motivation but also train students to
solve the problem (problem-solving skill). Followed
by the findings of Margarida (2014) conducted by the
civil engineering student of Aveiro University,
Portugal resulted in PjBL being able to develop
problem-solving skills and students' high-level
thinking skills (HOTs). The Hava Research (2015)
produced findings that Problem Based Learning
(PBL) and Project Based Learning (PjBL) can
facilitate meaningful learning and develop complex
skills and self-study skills. Complex skills such as
problem-solving skills and HOTs require handling
with a lot of knowledge.
2.1 Research Design
This research is a type of classroom action research
with the qualitative approach. The researcher as a
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
lecturer also acts as a practitioner. The research
design uses the protocol/action paradigm The ARPP
consists of 10 steps: 1) diagnose the problem; 2)
generate alternatives; 3) design action plan; 4)
implementation of the action plan; 5) collect and
analyze data; 6) dialogue about process and findings;
7) evaluates outcomes; 8) reflect or dialogue on
results; 9) recommend or decide on next steps; 10)
communicate results (Capella Univesity, 2012).
2.2 Participants
Participants in this action research are students of 2nd
semester of academic year 2017/2018 conducted in
PGSD Campus VI Kebumen UNS who follow the
basic science concept course 1. Participants of 70
people consist 21 men and 49 women with age
between 18-20 years old. High school background in
various science, social, language and vocational
disciplines. The study was conducted for 2 months,
from March to May 2017.
2.3 Instruments
The instrument used in this research is the
observation sheet of the syntax of the model of
Project Based Learning, the observation sheet of
student's impairment for critical and creative
thinking. The tests for measuring high-level thinking
skills include critical thinking and creative thinking
with pre-test and post-test (Joyce and Well, 2001).
Critical thinking skill consists of 6 aspects namely
analysis, explanation, evaluation, interpretation,
conclusion and self-regulation (Facione, 2011).
Creative thinking skills include fluency, originality,
elaboration, and flexibility (Fieldmann, 2001).
2.4 Data Collection Strategies
Data search process utilizes test and nontest
techniques include observation, interview, and
documentation. Interviews were conducted to find the
issues to be researched and to know the problems in
more depth. According to (Atkins and Wallace, 2012)
data from the observation results of teacher activities
and student activities in the process of teaching and
learning activities. In this study, researchers used the
observation tool in the form of rating scale (research
scale) to obtain data on improving critical and
creative thinking skills. Data were obtained
holistically and analyzed by qualitative descriptive
(Hopkins, 1985: 56). Data analysis using the
qualitative method with triangulation technique.
High student's thinking ability was conducted by
using PjBL model in science learning. The high-level
thinking skills studied are divided into two aspects:
critical thinking and creative thinking.
Table 1: Results of HOTs analysis of each aspect.
Aspects of HOTs
Percent of Success
Critical thinking
Creative thinking
Table 1 shows that respondents have HOTs on
aspects of critical thinking skills that are better than
creative thinking skills. Critical thinking skills have a
better percentage average than creative thinking skills
using the PjBL model in science learning. Sulaiman
(2017) mentions several approaches in developing
HOTs is to provide questions, problem-solving
activities, project-based learning, simulation,
discussion, role playing, and assigning tasks that have
different levels to the most difficult levels. Based on
the explanation, PjBL model can be one of the
strategies in developing student HOTs. Amanda
(2014) continued that one of the key elements in PjBL
is project-based learning explicitly teaching and
assessing skills such as problem-solving, critical
thinking, collaboration, communication, and
creativity/innovation. Sumarni (2015) explains one of
PjBL's principles is to investigate real-world
problems so as to assist students in practicing
problem-solving skills and intellectual skills. Figure
1 is the average percentage of students' critical
thinking skill in every aspect.
Figure 1: Percentage of critical thinking skills of each
8 10 4 2
Percentage of Critical Thinking
The Analysis of High Order Thinking Skill (HOTs) on Science Learning Using Project Based Learning Model
Based on Figure 1 it can be observed that the value
of critical thinking skills on aspects of explanation
becomes the greatest value than any other aspect. The
results of critical thinking skills test analysis indicates
that students are able to explain a concept
appropriately through a form of analysis. Based on
the observation result during the learning, the
development of critical thinking skills on explanation
and analysis aspects always looks good enough to
every meeting. The aspect of self-regulation becomes
the lowest aspect of critical thinking skills. Students
tend to provide more and less supportive assessments
for further learning improvements. The average
student only gives an explanation of the shortcomings
during learning without providing solutions or ideas
for further learning.
Science learning with the PjBL model begins with
brainstorming activities through interesting and
challenging questions tailored to real life as when an
educator asks students, "why do squid or jellyfish
animals move up and down?". The question aims to
explore students' early knowledge of a concept. Initial
information’s obtained from students are continued
by giving the questions to a higher level so as to train
students to analyze the answers to these questions.
Brainstorming activities have a strategic role in
training HOTs of students. Ganapathy (2017)
suggests that to train student HOTs, the average
lecturer conducts brainstorming and problem-solving
activities. This is also supported by several other
lecturers who stated that brainstorming, problem-
solving, interactive lectures are the most widely used
activities to train student HOTs. Alias Masek and
Yamin (2011) explains that brainstorming sessions
can help students to critically consider the best
possible solution for the problems at hand. It
continues that developing questions can engage
students systematically cognitively that encourages
the development of students' reasoning abilities. In
addition, the process of debate and sharing during
brainstorming is able to create a conductive
environment to cultivate critical thinking.
The brainstorming activity becomes the initial
point on order to make project planning. In planning
the project, educators help students by directing them
to create a product. In this study, students directed by
educators to create water rockets (see Figure 2 and
Figure 3). Water rockets are often found in children's
games and are often used as a race arena. Therefore,
making a project with a water rocket theme is
expected to motivate students in learning the existing
concepts in the water rocket game. Based on the
observations, the majority of students are satisfied
with the experiment of making water rockets because
they can directly perform the process of making the
water rocket game up to analyze the existing
concepts. Sumarni (2014) explains one of the
advantages of using PjBL in learning is to improve
student motivation. When teachers are able to apply
PjBL, students can improve their motivation well and
produce complex and high-value work. Followed by
Chiang and Lee (2016) explains that the PjBL method
is able to improve students' learning motivation rather
than traditional learning methods.
Figure 2: Water rocket project development process.
Figure 3: Water rocket project development process.
In making water rocket, the lecturer uses free
inquiry method which means students are directed to
make the hypothesis and problem formulation,
designing tools and materials, assembling tools and
materials, taking data, analyzing data, and taking
conclusions independently with each group. It aims to
train students' creative thinking skills and encourage
them to collaborate. In addition, giving freedom in
making water rockets will motivate students to search
the literature and find out the ideal design of props
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
The literature search will give students the
opportunity to gain broad insights. This is because
students should look for credible/reliable literature to
get the water rocket design that produces the farthest
throw distance (Xmax). The literature search is one of
the efforts for students to solve a problem (problem-
solving) and to answer the hypothesis that they have
made at the beginning. This is corroborated by
Sumarni (2015) which explains that PjBL will
improve students' ability to seek and obtain
information. Morgil (2008) states that in finding
solutions for project tasks, students can search from
various sources such as online, libraries, field visits,
observations, and so on where the literature search
process is used by students to gain knowledge and
process of finding solutions from the project task. See
(2015) mentions the five skills trained during the
PjBL process is an understanding of the basic design
of the project; Problem-solving skills; Using
sources/references effectively for information;
Ability to communicate, And teamwork. Table 2 is a
type of student literature search.
Table 2: Type of student literature search.
Percentage (%)
Based on table 2, as much as 40% of students use
more internet facilities in the literature search. This is
because through the internet, able to find the material
faster and more alternative/solution answers. In the
21st century, the use of ICT in learning to be one that
needs attention. Bell (2010) explains that in the 21st-
century students use computers in more advanced
ways. Particularly on project-based learning, in the
problem-solving process segments, students can use
a lot of knowledge by using internet facilities.
Therefore, learning by using ICT and visual aids is
also an important factor in learning. The props can be
utilized to explain the concept of science to be more
real, whereas the use of ICT can be used to explain
abstract concept of science in order to be visualized
in the form of picture/video/ animation.
Table 3: Types of media usage in PjBL learning.
Use of media in science
Yes (%)
No (%)
a. Video
b. Presentation software
(power point)
c. Internet (google)
d. Web 2.0 (blog,
e. Multimedia simulation
(PHET simulation, Adobe
media flash)
Tool Display
Table 3 shows that in science learning with RBL
approach, the most used ICT media type are video,
power point, and the internet. The use of multimedia
simulation is the least used in learning activity
because the concept of motion can be discovered in
daily life. Hence, the educators prefer to direct
students to make a direct observation and project
creation. For example, students observe the
movement of worm animals. If they know the
distance and time value of its movement, the speed of
the worm can be calculated. The other example is
educators use video basketball players who are
throwing the ball into the ring will form a parabolic
The use of ICT in learning can be used as a
support in developing students HOTs. Ganapathy
(2017) describes his findings that most educators
surveyed have mentioned that various ICT tools used
in learning can help develop students HOTs. They
assume that the use of ICT collecting and presenting
material-related information allows easy access to
online information and helps to plan lessons and seek
new information. In addition, the use of ICT can make
learning more interesting and interactive for students
in the digital age today. Students will be able to study
in a more productive environment especially if the
lecturer knows the importance of HOTs and has a
good understanding of the use of ICT. However, not
all concepts can be explained through ICT. Therefore,
educators need other media such as props and the
creation of water rocket projects.
Based on the results interview the students, they
still find it difficult to design water rocket design if
there is no direct instruction from the educator. In
addition, the making of hypotheses and problem
formulation is still considered difficult for students.
Furthermore, the most difficult for students to find the
data and analyze the data obtained. The reason is that
students are not used to doing project activities
The Analysis of High Order Thinking Skill (HOTs) on Science Learning Using Project Based Learning Model
independently. Hence, it is very possible if students'
creative thinking skills are still not good. This is
corroborated by HOTs test score data on aspects of
creative thinking skills have a lower value than the
aspect of critical thinking skills. In addition, time
management in project completion became one of the
obstacles in this study. Grant (2002) explains that one
of the weaknesses of PjBL is that it takes a long time
to solve a complex problem. The impact is on the lack
of time to explain some material/content for
conceptualization. Figure 4 is the average percentage
of students' creative thinking skill in every aspect.
Figure 4: Percentage of creative thinking skills of each
Based on Figure 4, the percentage of creative
thinking skills on the aspect of fluency is the greatest
among all aspects. Based on observations during the
learning process, students have many ideas to
produce the ideal water rocket. In designing water
rocket students use various materials in the
manufacture of rocket bodies and propellers/rocket
wings. For example students utilize plastic bottles of
different types and sizes, as well as cardboard and
mica plastics to make propellers/rocket wings.
Furthermore, the shape of propeller/wing of student
rocket is triangular and trapezoidal. Then, the nose
cone rocket is cone-shaped, half-circle, and devoid.
The goal of this process discover a water rocket
design that will produce the farthest throw distance
(xmax). The last process of the student demonstrate
and present the work. The inputs from lecturers and
other groups are used as a reference for improving
their water rockets design. Basically, a water rocket
project undertaken by a student can be completed
properly and the entire water rocket can glide in line
with expectations.
Table 4: Student perceptions of PjBL activities.
Easy (%)
Medium (%)
Difficult (%)
Description: 1: literature search, 2: formulate problems and hypotheses, 3: design water rockets / design tools and materials,
4: create water rockets, 5: create observation tables, 6: determine independent and dependent variables, 7: discussions, 8:
Create project report, 9: presentation.
Based on table 4, student perceptions in literature
search is the easiest activity to do whereas making a
practicum report is the most difficult. The outcome of
interviewing the students indicates that it is difficult
for students to complete the report of practicum
within one week. The reason is that students are not
yet accustomed to making reports in accordance with
the format of scientific papers. Furthermore, making
the independent and dependent variables still become
difficult for the students. The impact is conducting the
experiment obtains some difficulties. Since it is
necessary habituation for students to always write the
observations into scientific reports form so that they
will be accustomed to writing a scientific paper. In
addition, when students frequently perform an
investigation, students will be used to analyze the
independent variables and dependent variables or
other variables.
The results present that students 'HOTs on aspects of
critical thinking skills is better than aspects of
students' creative thinking skills through the PjBL
model on science learning. The process of literature
searching and evaluation and reflection are expected
to be emphasized in the lesson. Furthermore, time
management of project creation needs to be
considered in order to properly convey the material
and concatenation of the concept.
Percentage of Creative Thinking Skill
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The Analysis of High Order Thinking Skill (HOTs) on Science Learning Using Project Based Learning Model