Sustainable Professional Development for Teachers
What is Needed?
Wiedy Murtini, Hery Sawiji and Subroto Rapih
Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir Sutami, No.36 A, Surakarta, Indonesia,,
Keywords: Teachers Competency Test, Sustainable Professional Development.
Abstract: The purpose of this study are: 1) Conducting analysis of problems faced by Vocational High School Teachers
majors Office administration in Central Java province. 2) Conduct a needs analysis of the development
activities of Sustainable Professional Development for Vocational High Schools Teachers majors Office
administration in Central Java Province. This research uses qualitative method with case study research
approach. The research was conducted in Central Java Province with research population that is Teacher of
Vocational High School majors Office Administration. Sample selection technique using purposive sampling.
Data retrieval techniques in this study include in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), and
document studies. The results of this study are 1) Found some problems experienced by research subjects i.e.
Lack of professional competence, lack of pedagogic competence, lack of mastery of IT, too much teaching
load, the number of additional tasks and the lack of training. 2) The main needs of research subjects to develop
their competence, among others: Increased involvement in training and competency improvement activities
both professional and pedagogic, Capacity building on writing scientific papers, Training on scientific
publication techniques in scientific seminars or journals.
One component contributing considerably to the
implementation of education system is Teacher.
Teacher is the spearhead interacting directly with
education subject, students. (Brown, 2004) states that
the most impressive thing to the students during
attending learning process is how the teacher teaches.
Teacher’s guide and knowledge also affect the
students in determining their future (Pereira, 2005).
Law Number 14 of 2015 about Teacher and
Lecturer explains that Teacher is a professional
educator in charge of primarily educating, teaching,
guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating
the student. To meet the challenge of more developed
age, education should be filled in with teachers
attempting to develop themselves continuously
according to time development.
To achieve this, teacher needs sustainable
professional training and development (Shulman and
Shulman, 2004). Sustainable Teacher
Professionalism Development gives benefit in the
form of teacher’s competency and knowledge reform
according to time development.
In the attempt of improving education quality,
government has taken some measures to develop
teacher’s competency and professionalism, through
upgrading, training, education strata improvement,
and education certification. In the attempt of
measuring and mapping teacher`s professional and
pedagogic competencies, government organizes
Teacher Competency Test. Teacher’s competency as
a comprehensive combination of personal, scholar,
technology, social, and spiritual competencies
creating teachers’ standard professional competency
including material mastery, understanding on
students, educative learning, personal and
professionalism development (Rahman, Jumani,
Akhter, and Chisthi, 2011).
The result of UKG in the period of 2015 shows
mean national score of 56.69. The highest score
(67.02) was achieved by Daerah Istimewa
Yogyakarta (DIY) Province, followed with Central
Java Province (63.30). Considering the result of
UKG, although Central Java occupies the second rank
but the mean score obtained was still low. About 42
Murtini, W., Sawiji, H. and Rapih, S.
Sustainable Professional Development for Teachers - What is Needed?.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 205-209
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
percents of teachers participating in UKG obtain
score below 44. Out of 42 percents, 831 are teachers
at Vocational Middle School (SMK) level. Thus, the
teachers obtaining score below standard will attend
education and training as the follow-up; it means that
831 SMK teachers in Central Java, either private or
public, have not been qualified to be professional
teachers yet.
(Suyidno and Yamin, 2013) in their study showed
that the factors causing the low score of UKG are
among others: poor mastery of computer skill, poor
material mastery inadequate preparation/
socialization, limited examination time, unclear
question editorial, low learning willingness and
science updating. Considering the preliminary study
conducted by author, most teachers obtaining low
score of UKG are senior ones or the almost-retired
ones. Those teachers conduct self-development and
scholarship development rarely in daily chores,
thereby leading the teachers to perform less optimally
in learning activity and there is no improvement of
teacher competency.
Considering the reality that many teachers of
Vocational Middle Schools in Central Java Province,
either public or private, unqualified to be professional
teachers, the objectives of research were: 1) to
analyze the problems the Teacher of Office
Administration Specialty of Vocational Middle
School face in Central Java province, 2) to analyze
the need for Sustainable Professionalism
Development activity for Teacher of Office
Administration Specialty of Vocational Middle
School in Central Java Province.
The research method is needed to collect and to
analyze data in order to achieve the objective of
research. This research employed a qualitative
research with case study approach. The qualitative
research method was selected because the author aims
to explore the data of research subject really and
based on the problem they encounter. (Creswell,
2012) suggests, a qualitative research is the methods
exploring and understanding meaning by a number of
individuals or a group of individuals considered as
coming from social or humanity problems.
Case study approach was selected because this
research departs from the problems occurring about
the low competency of Vocational Middle Schools
teachers for Office Administration specialty in
Central Java province as reflected on the low gain of
UKG score. The background is in line with the
essence of case study approach. (Creswell, 2012)
states that case study is a research strategy in which
the author investigates precisely a program, event,
activity, process, or a group of individuals.
The data of case study research is usually broad
and represents much information in limited system
(Creswell, 2012). The data of current research was
limited to the teachers of Office Administration
Specialty of Vocational Middle School’s need for
Sustainable Professionalism Development as the
attempt of improving competency.
This research was conducted in Central Java
province with the teachers of Office Administration
Specialty of Vocational Middle School in Central
Java Province being the population of research. The
sampling technique used was purposive sampling
one. Sugiyono (2012: 126) explains that purposive
sampling technique is the sampling technique with
certain consideration. The sample of research
consisted of Chairperson of Subject Teacher
Discussion (thereafter called MGMP) for Office
Administration Specialty of Vocational Middle
Schools in Central Java Province, 2 (two)
representatives of MGMP for Office Administration
Specialty of Vocational Middle Schools from Cilacap
Regency, 2 (two) from Karanganyar Regency, 1 (one)
from Surakarta City, 2 (two) from Klaten, 2 (two)
from Blora, 2 (two) from Boyolali, 2 (two) from
Grobogan Regency and 1 (one) lecturer of Office
Administration Education and practitioner of
Sustainable Professionalism Development all at
Techniques of collecting data used were in-depth
interview, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), and
document study. Semi-structured interview was
conducted with each subject of research to explore the
necessary data corresponding to the subject’s
perspective. FGD was conducted to give discussion
room to the subject of research thereby will combine
the necessary data from various perspectives.
Document study was conducted by conducting
relevant theoretical study, previous studies, and
relevant legislation source study. Data validation was
carried out using source and method triangulations.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
3.1 The Problems the Teachers of
Office Administration Specialty of
Vocational Middle School Face in
Central Java
Considering the result of in-depth interview with the
sample office administration teachers throughout
central Java, the primary problems faced by the
subject of research were found as follows:
3.1.1 Poor Professional Competency
The low professional competency still becomes the
constraint the subject of research faces. It reflects on
the material mastery and the ability of working on the
UKG questions for professionalism competency. The
main factor causing the teachers’ low Self-
Development in their professional competency is
teachers’ limitation in doing and accessing various
self-development activities. The limitation is due to
so many teaching burdens and other tasks thereby
taking teachers’ time to develop their competency. In
addition, limited infrastructure and good training held
by school or other parties make the teachers find
difficulty in developing their professionalism
3.1.2 Poor Pedagogic Competency
Just like professional competency, this research also
finds that pedagogic competency of research subject
is still low. It is due to primarily the teachers’ limited
time for self-development due to workload so that
they have inadequate time to attend the activities that
can improve their pedagogic competency.
Considering the result of in-depth interview, the
subjects of research still have limited ability of
reforming knowledge (science). The subjects of
research seem to be satisfied with the knowledge they
have currently so that their competency tends to be
stagnant and to develop difficultly.
3.1.3 Poor IT Mastery
The mastery of IT, particularly computer and internet
is the problem most commonly found in the subjects
of research. Limited infrastructure and access to self-
development and willingness to learn inhibit the
mastery of IT among the teachers. The poor mastery
of IT highly affects the ability of developing other
competency, because nearly all learning sources can
be accessed online now.
3.1.4 Too Many Teaching Burdens
The demand for teachers to teach 24 hours a week in
order to obtain professional benefit is considered as
fairly incriminating. On average, teachers teach 5-6
lesson hours a day. As a result, the preparation of
learning set from pre-learning, implementation to
evaluation is very considerable. This condition highly
impacts on the limited time available for self-
3.1.5 So Many Additional Tasks
In addition to teaching task, teachers are also imposed
with additional inherent tasks from either school or
out of school. Those tasks are generally in the form of
delegation of responsibility for certain activity or
school organization structure. The tasks are
considered as too incriminating as it takes much time.
As a result, self-development time is reduced.
3.1.6 Limited Training
This research finds that so far teachers attend training
very minimally. Inadequate and limited information
disable the teachers to attend the training existing so
far. The school’s inadequate role in encouraging its
teachers to attend the training leads to teachers’ low
participation in capacity improving activity as well.
3.2 Professionalism Development
Conducted by MGMP of Office
Administration Teachers in Central
The need for Sustainable Professionalism
Development activity is adjusted with the problems
encountered and the teachers’ primary need.
Considering the result of in-depth interview and
FGD, it can be found that competency development
conducted so far by teachers is less comprehensive
and less target-appropriate. In addition, the limited
competency development activity also increasingly
inhibits teachers’ competency development.
The forms of competency development
conducted so far are:
Sustainable Professional Development for Teachers - What is Needed?
3.2.1 Classroom Action Research (CAR)
CAR training has been conducted so far by Subject
Teacher Discussion (MGMP) team of Office
Administration-Vocational Middle School in Central
Java Province. This training is intended to develop
teacher’s ability in the term of CAR. This research
has limitation as it was conducted incomprehensively
and not-sustainably so that the material delivered is
less appropriate to the subject matter.
3.2.2 Self-Development Training (Short
Course) (Discussion and Question
Training has been held by MGMP in less structured
form so far. The training is held only in concomitance
with routine meeting. The training activity does not
focus on the problem but is based on only the cases
the teachers face at that time. Thus, it cannot solve the
fundamental problems the teachers face.
3.2.3 Sharing Simple Work Product in
MGMP Forum
The form of teachers’ self-development conducted
through MGMP forum is work product exchange.
The work product can be Office Administration
learning method, media or model disseminated to the
members of MGMP. The limitation of this activity is
that it is not compensated with knowledge exchange
and how to prepare it so that teachers tend to receive
it passively without knowing how to prepare it.
3.3 The Need for Office Administration
Teacher’s Professionalism
Development in Central Java
To address the teachers’ problem and need mapped,
data exploration was conducted concerning the
teachers’ primary need for improving competency
and professionalism sustainably. The results of in-
depth interview and FGD about teachers’ primary
need are:
3.3.1 Training of Discussing Module to be
used in UKG
Considering the result of FGD, it can be found that
most teachers find difficulty in working on the
problems in UKG. Module discussion is very
desirable to give them better knowledge about how to
work on the problems of UKG. In addition, the
introduction of latest UKG module is teachers’
primary need as well.
3.3.2 Workshop of Video-Based Teaching-
Learning Process Media Development
Considering the result of in-depth interview and
FGD, teachers actually have a strong will to master
various techniques of developing a variety of learning
sets including media, method, and etc. They highly
need those developing techniques. Training about the
preparation of learning set is very desirable.
3.3.3 Sharing Knowledge either Online or
Face-to-face, and etc.
Teachers also need to share knowledge with their
peer. Such the need is based on the limited interaction
occurring between fellow teachers of Office
Administration. The limitation of MGMP forum is
one factor leading to the low knowledge sharing
between teachers. Thus, the development of forums
or media, either online or offline, to share knowledge
is needed by teachers today.
So far, teachers of Office Administration for
Vocational Middle Schools in Central Java have not
gotten solution yet based on the problems they face.
The activities are conducted so far not based on real
problem and incomprehensively. Need analysis
conducted in this research gives a real representation
that teachers actually need the development of
various competencies, particularly professional and
pedagogic. Competency development based on
teacher need is expected to be target-appropriate and
the end result is the teachers’ improved competency
and professionalism.
3.4 Discussion
The results of this study show that the need for
professional development of teachers has not been
done effectively. Development of teacher
competence is needed in improving teacher
performance in learning activities. The development
of teacher competence should be done according to
the needs of the teacher. (Bertschy, Künzli, and
Lehmann, 2013) In his research mentioned that there
are several ways in improving the competence of
teachers, the ways are tailored to the characteristics of
The development of teacher competence must
also be based on the development of the times and
adjust to the current needs. (Celik, 2011) In his
research mentioned that the improvement of teacher
competence will have an impact on teacher
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
performance in classroom learning. The results of this
study are in line with the findings of this research is
the development of Vocational Midle School teacher
competence in the province of Central Java is very
necessary because during this low competence
greatly affect the performance of teachers over the
The development of teacher training model that
suits the needs of teachers needs to be further
developed so that teachers get training on competence
improvement that really suits their needs (Shukla,
2014). This study produces a real need for teachers in
competency development. A good needs analysis
based on real conditions in the field will result
The main problems the teachers of Office
Administration face in Central Java are poor
professional competency, poor pedagogic
competency, poor IT mastery, too many teaching
burdens, so many Additional Tasks, and limited
training. Those problems are the factors leading to the
low competency and professionalism as reflected on
the low score of UKG.
The professionalism development of Office
Administration teachers in Central Java initiated by
MGMP has not been able to solve the problems faced.
Professionalism development has not been done in
structured and planned manner, and it is not based on
the real problems faced. The form of professionalism
development initiated by MGMP includes:
Classroom Action Research (CAR) training, Self-
Development Training (short course) (Discussion and
Question/problem Development), and sharing simple
work product in MGMP forum.
Considering the analysis on problems faced by
Office Administration teachers in Central Java, it can
be found that the teachers’ primary need is
professionalism development and competency in
module discussion training to be used for UKG,
Workshop of media development and sharing
knowledge either online or face-to-face, and etc. The
sustainable professionalism development based on
need and real problem is expected to solve the
problems the teachers face, thereby improving their
competency and professionalism as indicated with the
increased score of UKG.
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Sustainable Professional Development for Teachers - What is Needed?