The Implementation of Modified Lesson Study Integrated with PCK
to Optimize the Professional Competence of Elementary School
Andhin Dyas Fitriani, Effy Mulyasari, Harsa Wara Prabawa and Rosiana Mufliva
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Modified Lesson Study, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Optimization of Teachers Professional
Abstract: This research was focused on the use of modified lesson study integrated with pedagogical content knowledge
(PCK) to optimize elementary school teachers’ professional competence. Professional competence expects
teachers to acquire comprehensive knowledge of the subject matters they teach, know teaching methodology
in the sense of acquiring theoretical and conceptual knowledge, and able to choose and apply the appropriate
method to the teaching process. To solve the teacherslimited knowledge and skills in exploring subject
matters, modified lesson study integrated with PCK framework was implemented in order for them to be able
to do thematic instruction. Modified lesson study is aimed to optimize the process and the achievement of
every phase by analyzing the content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and PCK. The present study was a
qualitative-descriptive research. The study involved three teacher-mentor in the Program of Professional
Education of Teachers (PPG) of elementary school and 35 students. The result of the study indicated that the
teacher mastered the material, the concept, and the interrelations between different materials within a
particular theme. The teacher was able to develop teaching materials and their interrelations, develop
integrated assessment, and develop the reflective action ability. Also, increase students achievement in the
teaching and learning process.
Jones and Jones (1998) mentions school failures
as one of critical obstacles at school. School failures
were described as the difficulty in carrying out an
effective teaching-learning process. Jones and Jones
(1998) point out that school had a difficulty to
determine the influencing factors of an effective
teaching-learning process in achieving students’
academic and social gains.
Teachers as professional educators and as parts of
the school educational system are required to possess
some teaching basic skills, one of which is
professional competence. Professional competence
refers to the ability of teachers to perform their duties
as mentors, educators, and instructors. Professional
competence can be perceived as teachers possessing
comprehensive knowledge of the subject matters they
teach, know teaching methodology in the sense of
acquiring theoretical and conceptual knowledge, and
able to choose and apply the appropriate method to
the teaching process.
In practice, teachers’ professional competence
should be improved in order for the teaching-learning
process to be carried out effectively. Based on the
data previously collected, teachers still have some
difficulties in designing an integrated thematic
instruction. Since the introduction of the school-based
curriculum (KTSP) in 2006, there has been an
educational paradigm shift, from centralistic to
decentralist curriculum, including in elementary
schools. The shift occurs in the teaching approach in
lower grades, from subject matter approach to
integrated thematic approach. Thematic instruction is
one of integrated teaching techniques that links
concepts of different subject matters within the same
unifying theme. This way, the students will be trained
to relate various information to one another, so that
they can deal with cross-environmental situations,
cross-knowledge, or cross-devices in a fun manner
and at the same time make them learn to be actively
and directly involved in the real-life situation. This
Fitriani, A., Mulyasari, E., Prabawa, H. and Mufliva, R.
The Implementation of Modified Lesson Study Integrated with PCK to Optimize the Professional Competence of Elementary School Teachers.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 349-353
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
paradigm shift influences the school readiness to
administer the teaching and learning process using the
thematic approach, especially the readiness of the
teachers as the instructors (Pudjiastuti, 2010).
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of National
Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 16/2007,
there are at least five sub-competences of
professional competence of primary teachers: 1)
mastering the materials, the structure and the concept
of the subject taught, 2) mastering standard
competency and basic competencies of the subject
taught, 3) developing the learning materials
creatively, 4) developing professionalism in a
sustainable manner by doing reflective actions, and 5)
utilizing information and communication technology
for communication and self-development.
Meanwhile, the Australian Institute for Teaching
and School Leadership (AITSL) establishes the
Australian National Professional Standards for
Teachers which essentially outlines seven key
elements for effective teachers as follows (Celik,
Standard 1
Know the students and
how they learn;
Standard 2
Know the content and how
to teach it;
Standard 3
Plan for and implement
effective teaching and
Standard 4
Create and maintain
supportive and safe
Standard 5
Assess, provide feedback
and report on student
Standard 6
Engage in professional
Standard 7
Engage professionally
with colleagues,
parents/carers and the
Based on these conditions, the researcher attempts to
intervene the learning process by applying the
modified lesson study integrated with PCK
framework. This is to solve the teachers’ limited
knowledge and skills in exploring subject matters and
in order for the teachers to be able to do thematic
Lesson study is a teacher professional
development model through collaborative and
sustainable teaching analyses based on collegial and
mutual learning principles to establish a study group
(Hendayana, 2006). Lesson study is defined as
teachers’ assessment and development through the
professional and pedagogical aspects (Rock and
Wilson, 2005); and as learning approach to develop
students’ learning experiences (Meng et al., 2012). It
is a long-term and collaborative in-service teacher
training program. Through lesson study activities, the
teaching process is developed collaboratively. One of
the teachers will be selected to perform teaching
activities with other teachers observing students’
learning activities during the lesson. At the end, the
teachers confer about the lesson, revise it and design
the next teaching program based on the result of
discussion. Lesson study encourages the teachers to
be lifelong learners, to develop and improve the
classroom teaching.
According to Lewis (2011), lesson study can be a
professional development program for the teachers in
which they analyze a research-based teaching
practice to bring about teaching innovations. Lesson
study is indeed a long-term teacher professional
development that has origins in Japanese education
and has then been adopted and developed in many
developing countries, one of which is Indonesia.
Generally, lesson study has the following phases:
collaborative planning, teaching and observing,
analytic reflection, and on-going revision (Curcio,
2002; Lewis, 2011). The focal point is the
optimization of teaching and learning process, where
teachers are expected to always be involved in the
effort to improve the teaching material mastery
through effective pedagogical practices (Chia and
Kee, 2010).
The addition of the term “modified” in “modified
lesson study” is oriented to the optimization of the
process and the achievement of every phase by
analyzing the content knowledge, pedagogical
knowledge, and PCK. Content knowledge is able to
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
differentiate both general and specific content
knowledge; Pedagogical Knowledge is able to (a)
acquire how to assess students’ ability and learning
mastery, (b) choose teaching pattern towards
students’ needs and to the various students’ ability,
(c) use some teaching approaches and methods in the
classroom, (d) know which student who already
understand and not, (e) organize the teaching and
learning process in the classroom; Pedagogical
Content Knowledge is able to (a) know in choosing
suitable learning approach and method, (b)
differentiate which learning material that quite easy
and hard for the students, (c) know how to deliver the
suitable learning material that easy to be learned by
students (Herring et al.,2014; Schmidt, 2009). The
relation between lesson study and PCK in terms of
main goal of lesson study, there are: Content
Knowledge correspond with Improvement of
learning material knowledge (plan); Pedagogical
Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge
correspond with improvements on learning
knowledge, improvements in observing learning
activities in the classroom, improvements through the
quality of learning plan.
Pedagogical knowledge refers to ‘how’ of
teaching, and content knowledge is ‘what’ of
teaching. In Shulman (1986) perspective, PCK is the
practical knowledge used by the teacher to orchestrate
the teaching process. PCK can be defined as a
teacher’s understanding about a particular concept to
help students understand a particular subject matter
using various teaching strategies, representations, and
assessments even with some contextual, cultural, and
social limitations in the learning environment
(Hurrell, 2013).
In Shulman (1986) perspective, PCK is the
practical knowledge used by the teacher to orchestrate
the teaching process. Such practical knowledge
includes (a) knowledge to structure and simplify
material delivery, (b) knowledge of general concepts,
students’ difficulties and misconceptions about a
particular material, and (c) knowledge of teaching
strategies relevant to what students need in certain
conditions (Shulman, 1986). Hurrel (2013) argue that
despite the fact PCK has been widely used, it has yet
to be clearly defined in order to be correctly
implemented. Hurrel (2013) then conducted a study
that essentially attempted to reframe the concept of
PCK with more emphasis on 'knowledge in and for
teaching’ than 'on the teacher's profile'.
Generally, the concept of PCK can be illustrated
in the following figure 1:
Figure 1: Network of PCK (An et al., 2004).
This study used paired t-test and Analysis Tools menu
on the Microsoft Excel 2010. The result showed that
significance (α) 0.05 (see Table 1). Moreover,
students’ average scores pre-treatment is lower than
post-treatment. The calculation by using normalized
gain Hake (1999) shows that the highest average
comes from the students in the high group, which is
0.734 (the high category). Meanwhile, the middle
group and below group are in the score of 0.662 and
0.544 which belong to the middle categories.
According to the Table I, it could be stated that the
changes of teaching pattern and teachers’
understanding (after implementing lesson study
integrated ith pedagogical content knowledge) give
positive feedback towards the students’ improvement
to the learning material.
Table 1: The comparison between before and after
Variable 1
Variable 2
t Stat
P(T<=t) one-tail
t Critical one-tail
P(T<=t) two-tail
t Critical two-tail
t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means
The Implementation of Modified Lesson Study Integrated with PCK to Optimize the Professional Competence of Elementary School
Furthermore, the findings show that teachers’
development and experiences in participating lesson
study activities helps them to select the most suitable
learning content, process, product, and environment.
In terms of content knowledge, the observation was
conducted to find out if the teacher had adequate
prerequisite knowledge, if he had adequate
knowledge about teaching materials, if he could link
the materials of different subject matters within a
single theme, if he could tell general knowledge
(acquired from textbooks) from specific knowledge
(usually acquired from experience) available in the
teaching materials. In terms of pedagogical
knowledge, the observation was conducted to find out
if the teacher could adjust the teaching pattern to the
students’ knowledge, if he could accommodate what
students need, if he could execute the lesson plan, if
he could organize the classroom activities, if he could
implement the integrated thematic instruction, if he
could carry out an authentic and integrated
assessment of students’ achievements. In terms of
PCK, the observation was conducted to find out the
teacher’s selection of teaching method and approach
relevant to the materials, if the teacher could tell the
content students had a difficulty with from that they
find it easy to understand, and if the material delivery
was appropriate and student-friendly.
However, even though the findings present that
the development and experiences have not seen in all
indicators, but teachers show that the teacher
mastered the material, the concept, and the
interrelations between different materials within a
particular theme. The teacher was able to develop
teaching materials and their interrelations, develop
integrated assessment, and develop the reflective
action ability. The students were asked to identify
some objects in the classroom that related with the
current learning topic.
The study shows that modified lesson study
integrated with PCK gives positive impact in the
teacher’s development, ability towards some thematic
content and students understanding ability. The result
indicated that the teacher mastered the material, the
concept, and the interrelations between different
materials within a particular theme. The teacher was
able to develop teaching materials and their
interrelations, develop integrated assessment, and
develop the reflective action ability.
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The Implementation of Modified Lesson Study Integrated with PCK to Optimize the Professional Competence of Elementary School