The Role of Zakah in Improving the Quality of Children’s Education
Priyanka Permata Putri and Danica Dwi Prahesti
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Zakah, children’s education, Rumah zakat.
Abstract: One effort to solve the problem of equitable education is the utilization of zakat fund accumulation for the
provision of education for the underprivileged through educational programs. The purpose of this study is to
determine the role of zakah funds in providing opportunities and quality education for Indonesian children.
The type of this research is qualitative research and data source comes from primary data and secondary data.
The results of this research indicate that the zakah funds have a significant contribution to the opportunities
and quality education for students of the underprivileged. It can be seen from increased knowledge and skills
for children; providing decent educational access for the poor; the existence of educational equity; and the
existence of moral improvement for the next generation. Effective and efficient zakah fund management, as
well as syari'ah, creates qualified and religious human resources through education programs. These efforts
are in line with government efforts in developing national education.
Human Resources (HR) is an important program
today. The increase in human resources is realized in
the form of the National Medium-Term Development
Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019 by the Ministry of
Education and Culture which has six target items and
targets, three of which are about the improvement of
quality education that is: (a) Strengthening of
adequate education personnel, (b) Improving access
to education, and (c) Improvement of teacher
qualification. The quality of education in Indonesia is
low general qualifications of some teachers; low
mastery level of teachers in subjects taught; low
status of teaching (Chapman and Adams, 2002). In
addition, the quality and the effectiveness of
education depend on qualitative variables such as
characteristics of schools, teachers and classrooms, as
well as quantitative variables such as achievement
scores (Taneri and Engin-Demir, 2011).
The government's efforts as a form of reducing
poverty through the provision and improvement of
education quality. Dimensions of higher education
quality are expressed by quality of students, faculty
credentials, academic features, and administrative
supports (Akareem and Hossain, 2016). This is
because poverty is no longer understood only to the
extent of economic incapacity, but also the Lack of
Knowledge and skills, as well as the scarcity of
capital and resources (Ustama, 2006). In reality, the
government has not yet fulfilled the public education
needs equally. Sugiatmo (2010) found that basic
education in West Java Province only get budget
allocation less than 10% of total education budget so
that for program implementation not yet according to
Recent social changes have challenged traditional
views of childhood and child rearing: changing views
on (early) education and the purpose of (early)
education (OECD, 2006). In this regard, Amil Zakah
Institution (LAZ) has a role in overcoming these
problems by making educational institutions ranging
from the level of education from primary school to
college. LAZ must distribute zakah funds in a
transparent, professional, and well-organized manner
to those who are entitled to receive zakah (QS At-
Taubah verse 60), that is to the fakir, poor, amil
zakah, muallaf, riqab, gharim, fii sabilillah and ibnu
sabil. There are several studies on the management of
zakah funds by LAZ, among them according to
(Harlinda, 2011; Soffa 2015).
According to Harlinda (2011) revealed that zakah
is a great potential that can be the capital of state
development as ever done by the predecessors of
Islam. If the concept of zakah applied both nationally
and multinational, then the problem of poverty in the
Islamic world will be solved immediately. The
mechanism of zakah fund management for education
Putri, P. and Prahesti, D.
The Role of Zakah in Improving the Quality of Children’s Education.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 414-419
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in Institution of Amil Zakah, Infaq, and Shadaqah
(BAZIS) South Jakarta has been done, but in the
mechanism there are still problems that have not been
resolved. Meanwhile, Soffa (2015) describes
financial planning, implementation and evaluation of
zakah finance at Institution of Amil Zakah, Infaq and
Shadaqah Masjid Agung (LAZISMA) Central Java,
but with less optimal evaluation.
From the three findings of the study, it can be
concluded that the distribution of zakah funds that
have great potential in overcoming educational
problems by LAZ still has some shortcomings, in
terms of small allocation of funds, less appropriate
mechanisms, and less than optimal evaluation.
The potential of zakah funds in 2017 reached 217
trillion (BAZNAS, 2017), compared to 2015 which
has zakah potential of 200 trillion to reach zakah
funding of 3 trillion or only 1.83% of the target. This
is inconsistent with the fact that Indonesia has a
Muslim majority population with 87.18%
(207,176,162) of the population of Muslims, with the
total population of Indonesia is 237.641.326 people.
If all Muslims in Indonesia pay zakah, then the
potential of national zakah will be achieved and
contribution to national development will increase. In
this case, the role of Amil Zakah Institution (LAZ)
will be able to contribute in the collection of zakah
funds, one of which is Rumah zakat’. In this study
will discuss how the role of zakah funds in providing
quality education for children with various innovation
programs organized by Rumah zakat’, not only
provide scholarships but provide facilities, education,
teacher competence, and other programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with data
source, which come from primary data and secondary
data. Primary data is obtained by conducting field
research through interviews and direct research on
people who are considered competent, namely
managers of zakah funds Rumah zakat’, principals,
teachers, students, and parents of students in 'SD
Juara Bandung' and 'SMP Juara Bandung'. While the
secondary data, obtained by doing literature research,
namely to obtain scientific and accurate data sourced
on books, documents (program reports, recording
activities, etc.), and other references related to the
subject, then analyzed further for knowing the real
3.1 Zakah Funds for Education
Rumah zakat seeks to channel zakah funds to the
rightful in a transparent, professional, and well
organized. The collected zakah funds have been
distributed in several regions in Indonesia, covering
977 ICDs of Integrated Community Development
(ICD) in 139 cities and 20 provinces (as per April
2017). This effort as a form of government program
support in improving the welfare in the social sector
of society. The following data beneficiaries as a form
of distribution of zakah funds for the community that
can be seen in Table 1.
Table 1: Growth of beneficiaries in ‘Rumah zakat.
Table 1 shows that program beneficiaries in
Rumah zakatexperienced significant growth. This
is evidenced by seeing the number of beneficiaries in
2007 amounted to 105,585 people to 5,833,266
people. Viewed from the highest growth occurred in
2007 (190%) and in 2008 (144%). This increase
cannot be separated from the support of donors and
the community through donations deposited, among
others derived from zakah funds. The growth of
beneficiaries is an indicator in the effectiveness of the
distribution of zakah funds for improving the welfare
of the community. The more number of beneficiaries
being served, the wider the value of the benefits of
The Role of Zakah in Improving the Quality of Children’s Education
Rumah zakatprogram in overcoming the problems
of society in terms of economy, health, education, and
The achievement of zakah funds is also
experiencing development for direct channelling to
the needy community. It can be seen from the amount
of zakah fund achievement, that is in 2014 zakah fund
Rumah zakat receipt amounted to Rp
80,596,311,461.00, which increased 21% in 2015 to
Rp 97.666.410.793,00. Meanwhile, the amount of
zakah fund disbursement in 2014 amounted to Rp
80,361,168,606.00 which increased by 14% in 2015
to Rp 91,612,5823,464.00. The percentage of
disbursement of zakah funds is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Percentage of donation allocation in ‘Rumah
Zakat funds for education programs are allocated
at 20%. These funds are included in the allocation
large enough so that the utilization of zakat funds for
education will be maximal. The education program of
Rumah zakat is Juara Scholarship, Juara School
Scholarship, Juara School Construction, Juara
Teachers, and Juara Car.
In the field of education, Rumah zakatseeks to
reduce dropout rates for school-aged children with
elementary, junior high, high school, and college
students; Ensure the sustainability of children's
education; Providing access and facilities for free and
quality education; As well as reducing the dropout
rate of formal education. The number of Beneficiaries
in some education programs Rumah zakat in 2015
is shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Number of beneficiaries of Rumah zakat
education program.
Ceria Scholarship
Juara Scholarship
Juara School
Gizi Sang Juara
Free education assistance
TOTAL 2015
TOTAL 2014
Rumah zakat’ education program in 2016 is most
widely accepted by the poor, 7,285 beneficiaries in
the Ceria Scholarship program, and 1,457
beneficiaries in the Juara School program.
3.2 Rumah zakat’ Education Program
at ‘SD Juara Bandung’ and ‘SMP
Juara Bandung’
In this study, researchers conducted interviews with
various parties involved in the Rumah zakat
education program, with the management of Rumah
zakat education programs, principals, teachers,
students, and parents of ‘SD Juara Bandung’ and
‘SMP Juara Bandung’ students. School activities in
accordance with standard of multiple intelligences to
enable students to gain the potential to become
independent with a mental champion who becomes a
long life motivation. Juara School of Rumah zakat
has students from the dhuafa who essentially have a
variety of intelligences. Multiple Intelligences is the
effort of Juara School of Rumah zakat’ in stimulating
the potential possessed by students. Although they
have economic limitations, it is not a barrier to
engrave the ideals so that they become a resounding
person in the future with the provision of quality
education. Through a correct approach to quality
management systems, the school may, as indicated,
innovate in order to identify its strengths and
weaknesses, and thanks to its efforts to obtain
important external recognition (Giannini, 2015).
Researchers have conducted interviews with the
School Management Department Head, Mr. Sahidan
(34), He revealed that “Every month, we get SKPP
from Rumah zakat’, which is bound and unbound
SKPP. SKPP’s bound for the Juara Scholarship and
school assistance, if the SKPP’s bound enough then
the Juara School cannot help from SKPP’s not bound.
But for schools that have not been independently
given SKPP’s not bound. From the funds are
channelled directly to each school.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Mr Sahidan (34) also revealed that “...hopefully these
children can explore the potentials optimally, to be
superior in their respective fields. In addition, making
the children self-sufficient in the future so as to break
the poverty beyond the mindset of his parents into a
champion mentality.
Juara Children who attended Juara School given
the decent quality of education so far have been
relatively successful because many children are
achievers in certain matters, although not all areas of
learning. ‘Rumah zakat education programs continue
to improve the quality of education of beneficiaries,
one of them by forming LSU or Learning Social Unit.
Mr. Sahidan (34) explained that ... now there are
LSU units working together with psychology and
curriculum teams to find strategies for children who
have barriers to learning to be socialized to
3.3 Implementation of ‘Rumah zakat
Education Program
3.3.1 SD Juara Bandung
SD Juara Bandung is located on Jl. Panyileukan Pass
RT / RW 004/013, Panyileukan, Cipadung Kidul. SD
Juara Bandung has six classrooms and 147 students
with a total of 11 teachers and 4 education staff. The
geographical condition of the school is located in the
city center and is densely populated. The ownership
status of the school building is a property right.
School status is accredited with B Value and is being
processed towards Adiwiyata Mandiri School.
SD Juara Bandung officially operates on June 4,
2013, has been running since June 4, 2007 and has
had operational permission from Bandung Education
Department. School operations in addition to full
support by Yayasan Rumah zakat also comes from the
School Operational Fund (BOS) fund from the
SD Juara Bandung is a free high-quality school
built Rumah zakat. Students who go to SD Juara
Bandung are from middle to lower class who are
mostly fakir and poor. The decline in the economic
ability of the community to get a good education and
quality makes many children decide not to go to
school. With the SD Juara Bandung, is expected to be
present and be a solution for those with limited ability
and want to get a quality education.
However, SD Juara Bandung also has a special
stage to select prospective learners to be on target.
Given the many interests of the community either
with the ability to lower middle or upper middle class
society. Because anyone will be interested in
education with quality education but free. In
addressing this SD Juara Bandung make some
selection stages for new learners such as
administrative selection. In this administration
selection of prospective learners to collect
requirements that must be fulfilled to go to SD Juara
Bandung one of them is SKTM (Certificate of Not
Capable) from local government office. This is to
ensure that potential participants really need help.
After administration selection and declared
acceptable, the School conducted a direct survey to
the homes of prospective students, so that the school
can decide prospective students really deserve to be
accepted to go to SD Juara Bandung.
All activities held at SD Juara Bandung are all
free, ranging from uniforms to textbooks and other
activities. In addition to the interesting KBM at SD
Juara Bandung, the school also often organize
outdoor activities such as swimming, fieldtrip,
outbound, etc. Also often follow the championships
that are held up to the national level with several times
gets gold medals, silver, bronze, one of them in the
silver championship JKTC 5 and 6 which was held at
POPKI Cibubur Building. As well as some other
extracurricular that often appear as champions in
several championships. The number of students at SD
Juara Bandung is in Table 3.
Table 3: Number of students at SD Juara Bandung
Educational program at SD Juara Bandung
expected every student have a good character until
they are adults. Mrs Enok (35) Rohayani as a part of
handle students revealed that “...Education of the
Juara students increased become better in a sense
their shalat are routine but for different motivations
of each child, with their average of study motivation
is good, but at home we can’t control them...”.
The Role of Zakah in Improving the Quality of Children’s Education
Process of educational implementation isn’t only
doing at school, but must be supported by parents at
home. School head SD Juara Bandung, Mr. Putra (30)
revealed that “...Sometimes parents difficult to
understand with a school programs, so when students
at school, they undergone programs but when they at
home, sometimes have to repeat from beginning
again...”. This can do by organizing parenting
programs for parents. As uttered by Mrs Enok (35)
“... support from family and environment for
education students is different so once a month
regularly held parenting for unify mission between
parents and school...”.
Consistency from classroom teachers and other
teachers in a rules that have been made by school
should be implemented to avoid obstacles in
providing education for students. When there are
students who are less to following lesson, then the
process of guidance and evaluation such as remedial
program. Operational implementation and daily
learning activities, out and within school environment
is optimally do as a form of support to improve the
education of students SD Juara Bandung has liaison
book on a condition of students. As uttered by Mrs.
Enok (35) “...Liaison book must work well to connect
parents and teachers...”.
SD Juara Bandung has hope to build character of
students who have a straight aqidah, good akhlak, and
able to compete society with other schools. school
support in realizing it, in a form physical provision of
facilities to facilitate students in learning and
channelling interest in student talent. In addition, core
value programs are being designer to improve a
quality of education for champion characters is
3.3.2 SMP Juara Bandung
‘SMP Juara starting on 2010 at Bandung City, by
rent a building on a soekarno hatta street, a year later
moved in cipadung indah park RT 06 RW 01
Kelurahan Cipadung Kidul Bandung City. ‘SMP
Juara Bandung’ build on land with a land area is 900
m3 including a mosque and a school building area is
600 m3. Status of a land occupied ‘SMP Juara
Bandung’ is own land.
Infrastructure is one of the most dominant element
in quality learning. Now ‘SMP Juara Bandung’
provided 7 rooms, each measuring about 7 x 7 meters.
Six rooms serve as VII, VIII, IX classrooms which is
occupied 147 students. While one room serve as a
multipurpose room. Students perform ceremonial
activities, sports activities, and playing at school
ground which is a size is 300 m3. The number of
students at ‘SMP Juara Bandung is in Table 4.
Table 4: Number of students at SMP Juara Bandung
SMP Juara
M = Man, W = Woman
‘SMP Juara Bandung’ have a purpose to making
students become mentally champions. In addition to
being economically assisted also spiritually
upgraded. Mr Agung (31) as a part of handle students
and a vice of head school ‘SMP Juara Bandung’
revealed that “...Based on testimony of parents there
has been a positive change of habituation and
morals...”. In terms of academic value, students of
‘SMP Juara Bandung’ already above ‘KKM’
although they still less in study motivation.
Mr Agung (31) also revealed that “...I think, from
the environment, because middle to lower where they
are still dominant affected by the environment so that
a struggle and motivation to study is less...”. This
requires role of parents who become a closest person
with students so while they have outside of school
environment so motivation of students to study can
increase “...Some families support school programs
but not all. Mr. Agung (31) Said.
Similarly, in ‘SD Juara Bandung’, in ‘SMP Juara
Bandung’ there’s also a core value of school that is
religious, morals, and intelligent so a teacher through
programs towards to that core value.
Mr. Agung (31) revealed some things that must be
improved to improving a quality of education for
student is: “..Such as when holidays remain given
task, then there is a routine parenting school and also
we want selection of student but it can’t do because it
is still an economic factor..”
Education programs of ‘SMP Juara Bandung’
gives a good response from parents of students. One
of parents of students is Mrs Tati whose have a
daughter named Ms. Yusti revealed that “...Because
his elementary school in public school so she not too
familiar with religion and now increase her religion,
shalat, and rote memorization and most importantly
is free to school, her value is also increasing.
3.4 Contribution of Zakah Fund for
National Education
Zakat funds are managed in a trustful and
professional manner for low income group has a role
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
in overcoming existing educational problems in
Indonesia. Zakat funds and number of beneficiaries
are increasing become an indicator dissemination of
educational disparities in various parts in Indonesia.
It is seen from (1) Existence of knowledge and skills
for children’s. Champion children who receive free
education get a formal science with a proper and get
facility to explore interests of the talent. (2)
Availability of appropriate education access.
Family characteristics like socio economic status
(SES) are significant predictors for students’
performance at school besides the other school
factors, peer factors and student factors (Farooq et al.,
2011). Society belonging to middle down can’t afford
more easily access to education in presence of free
schools. (3) Existence of education equity. This
educational program as a driver in creating equal
distribution of education by providing education
privilege for children’s who are less able. (4) There
are moral improvement for next generation.
Providing religious teaching, as Al-Quran rote,
habituation shalat on time, personal spiritual
education and other positive activities build students
into good moral personality.
The obstacles in implementation of education at
‘Sekolah Juara’, that: (1) Parents and environment
conditions who less support for school programs,
where at home students must study. Because less
support, so students become less powerful and
motivated to learn. (2) less consistence from
classroom teacher dan other teachers for doing rules
that have been made in school. (3) The students feel
tired and lazy because full day school from 7 am until
4 pm, as well as many influences from the self and
external who prevent students to study while at home.
(4) The absorption of students’ education by national
curriculum standards is still lacking. (5) Less of
facilities such as consolidation for students who will
be national exam.
Rumah zakat has a role in providing quality of
education in the social sector through distribution of
zakah funds collected from domestic or foreign
donors whose target is a low income group as a
support to the government in narrowing the
educational gap. There are several conclusions in this
research is education program implemented by ‘SD
Juara Bandung’ and ‘SMP Juara Bandung’ able to
provide quality education through provision of decent
facilities, increased competence of education
personal, innovation program to improve
performance by doing core value, created quality of
students, and religious with increased achievement
and morals of students, and the provision of access to
education for low society.
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The Role of Zakah in Improving the Quality of Children’s Education