Learning Class Management Inclusion in Building Value and Caring
Reverence for Students in Government Primary School of 3 in
Bengkulu Tengah
Puspa Djuwita
FKIP University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia
Keywords: Management, Learning, Inclusion, Value.
Abstract: This study aims to describe, 1) how teachers develop curriculum in making plans of learning that build
awareness and respect, 2) how the implementation of learning inclusion on class in building caring and respect
for the students, 3) how to evaluate the value of awareness and awards that which develop for student
themselves, (4) how the monitoring of learning activities by the headmaster, 5) any constraints that arise in
the implementation of inclusion classes in building the value of caring and respect. Research method using
qualitative research approach, data collected through observation, interview, and documentation. Sources of
information are teachers and headmaster. Data analysis is done during field and after field. The research
generated a general conclusion that inclusive classroom learning management in building caring and respect
values has not been fully implemented. The specific conclusions are: a) the learning plan by the teacher with
combining the curriculum between duplication and modification (with slight changes to indicator, objectives,
and depth of teaching materials or modifications on some aspects); b) the implementation of learning that
builds the value of care and respect for student has not been done programmed; c) evaluation of the
development of values of care and respect for the students themselves, has not been done programmed.
Assessment by teachers more on performance cooperation and student participation and academic ability; d)
monitoring conducted from headmaster in school assisted by school supervisors, monitoring results are used
as a basis for providing assistance and guidance for improvement of teacher skills in managing inclusion
classes, especially in dealing with students learning difficulties ABK; e) problem that arises in the
implementation of inclusion classes in building values of caring and respect are barriers in communication
between teachers and ABK.
The implementation of inclusive education in public
elementary schools is an innovation in the
management of education. The inclusive education
policy held at public schools as a strategic step to
expand access to education for all Children with
Special Needs (ABK) throughout the archipelago. In
the broader context, the implementation of ABK
education in public schools can also be interpreted as
a form of educational reform that emphasizes anti-
discrimination, the fight for equality of right and
opportunity, justice, and the expansion of educational
access for all. Besides, it is also an effort to improve
the quality of education, and strategic efforts in
completing the 9-year compulsory education, as well
as efforts to change the attitude of the community to
children with special needs, including children with
other advantages and specificities. This is in line with
the philosophy, social life, and culture of Indonesia
who really appreciates and uphold diversity or
The main objective of implementing inclusive
education in public schools is to educate children with
special needs due to their shortcomings, disabilities
or abnormalities in regular classes together with other
non-ABK children, with appropriate support to their
needs, in schools in his neighborhood home.
Implementation of inclusive education requires
the school to make adjustments in terms of
curriculum, educational facilities, and infrastructure,
as well as learning systems tailored to the needs of
individual learners (Directorate PSLB, 2004). In its
educational activities, the appreciation of diversity is
the things that must be done. This principle shows
Djuwita, P.
Learning Class Management Inclusion in Building Value and Caring Reverence for Students in Government Primary School of 3 in Bengkulu Tengah.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 475-479
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
that there should be no discriminatory treatment on
all learners. Educators provide the widest opportunity
to all learners who have physical, emotional, mental
and social abnormalities or have the potential of
intelligence and/or special talents to obtain quality
education according to their needs and abilities.
Inclusion education is the most effective tool for
building solidarity between ABK and its non-ABK
If the regular school of learning will be conducted
uniformly. However, if in one class there are students
with special needs, then the implementation of
learning surely requires the ability of management
that can bridge the needs of a variety of classes. In
addition, the teacher must be able to bring a calming
and enjoying class climate for every individual in the
class. For that teachers have to manage the class in
such a way so as not to happen barriers in the learning
of each student inclusion class.
In general, students of primary school age will
behave and act spontaneously to the differences that
he feels around him. Likewise in inclusion classes
where students have differences with other students.
For that educator in the inclusion class should be able
to handle such class conditions. Thus in the learning
process teachers are required to cultivate the value of
awareness and respect for the differences between
The success of the activities to raise awareness
among the students in the inclusion class depends on
the learning management or classroom teaching by
the teacher. Establishment of caring and respecting
values to fellow learners requires careful learning
management from curriculum development
(designing syllabus to make lesson plan program) to
the implementation of learning. This is because the
values built in the students that in the future will
become positive characters that will enable them to
deal with the differences that exist in their fellow
human beings, and they will have an empathetic
attitude in dealing with life in society.
Public primary schools provided with a mandate
for performing education operations are selected
schools due to the various advantages in school
management achievements, as well as schools have a
responsibility and concern for the needs of the ABK
in the school environment. The Elementary School 3
Central Padang, the provision of inclusive education
in Bengkulu Tengah Regency is the first school to
pioneer the program of inclusion, and it surely already
has an adequate flying hour in the management of this
inclusion program. This school is one of the best
schools in school management (education). For that,
the researchers are intrigued to know more about the
management of learning in the classroom inclusion in
the learning process that builds caring values by the
The problem of this research is "how management
(management) builds awareness and respect for
inclusive class lessons in public elementary school 3",
the goal is to describe (1) the teacher develops the
curriculum up to the making of the classroom
learning program plan; (2) teachers do the lesson in
inclusive classes in building a sense of care and
respect among learners; (3) the teacher evaluates the
development and self-respect of the students; (4)
monitoring process of learning activity by principal;
(5) what kind of problems that appear in the
implementation of the inclusion class in building a
caring and respect.
This research uses qualitative naturalistic
approach. More emphasize on assessment of
inclusive classroom learning management process to
cultivate caring and respect value. Sources of
information are teachers, principals, and other
educators, as well as parents of learners who can
provide rich data into the study.
This study uses case studies that focus on a
phenomenon in a socio-cultural group or a system
that is deeply understood from the perspective of
participants (Gall, Gall and Borg, 2003: 441,
Cresswell, 1997: 87; McMillan and Shumacher,
2001: 398). Research activity is to observe and learn
patterns of behavior, tradition, and ways of life of a
group (Cresswell, 1998). Information obtained
through observation, intensive interviews, and
documents of archives that support the data required,
to describe the activities that occur. Data analysis is
done while in the field and after completion of the
This study focuses more on the assessment of the
inclusive classroom management learning process to
cultivate caring and respectful values. Sources of
information are teachers, principals, and other
educators and parents of learners who can provide
data for the depth of the study (McMillan, 2001: 400).
Primary School (SD Negeri 3) Bengkulu Tengah
Regency selected because this school is a school that
has several years of holding inclusive education and
has demonstrated achievement in school management
and received an award.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
In this elementary school, there are 24 people ABK,
as many as 23 people with mental illness and one
person with disabilities. The following details of the
children's class; First class A as many as three people;
First class B as many as three people; Second class A
consists of two people; Second class B consists of two
people; Third grade A consists of two people; Third
class B also two people. Fourth grade A consists of
four people; Class four B consists of three people;
Fifth grade A one person; Class five B consists of two
They learn not everyday in regular classes but one
day they study in a special class. Intervals between
one and two months they are visited by teachers from
the Special School (SLB) upon arrival of this teacher
visiting regular classroom teachers to use them to
consult and share experiences in managing the ABK
and learning about learning strategies for ABK. In
addition to teachers from SLB who visited the
primary school of SD N 3, SD N 3 teachers also did a
reply visit to the SLB school to make observations
and discussions about various science in handling the
needs of ABK in learning and education.
The preparation of curriculum for inclusion
classes flexibly according to the needs of BK children
and normal students, as well as school conditions, is
an unavoidable task, more importantly to develop an
inclusive classroom learning curriculum. Therefore,
there are several ways to formulate the inclusion class
curriculum by duplicating, modifying, substitution,
escalation, and omission. In this way, it can
encourage teachers and education personnel to carry
out the learning that suits the needs of learners. In this
primary school, it appears that the curriculum used is
a combination of duplicates with slight changes
(modified but not entirely). This is seen in the lesson
plan designed by the teacher. Where the
determination of SK and KD still refers to the regular
curriculum load. Then, it is going to the determination
of indicators and the teacher’s goal in modifying it by
way of some reduction in the demands of student
According to the researcher's opinion, teachers
should consider the specificity of the needs of the
ABK since starting from the determination of SK and
KD by considering the needs and interests of ABK
such as curriculum in PLB schools, as well as
learning methods, learning resources, media, for them
should also be modified as needed, interest, and his
abilities as well. Determination of study hours should
also be considered because the ABK that bears
grahita have a very short concentration of power, they
are easily bored quickly and so forth. If the conditions
are so, then learning will be ineffective to continue to
be implemented for them and may also disrupt non-
BK students who are studying.
It is must be kept in mind when developing into
the RPP, that the RPP is done in for accommodating
interests and abilities of learners in accordance with
the conditions and potential they have. Then, this
learning activity should be designed with the
completeness of compulsory learning activities in
accordance with the characteristics of each student in
the inclusion class. Teachers who do it adapt the
development of modification curriculum that can
facilitate students in the learning process.
Compulsory adaptation is to minimize difficulties,
eliminating learning barriers, meeting student needs,
delivering successful experiences to students in
learning. When the teacher makes the RPP, it is
prepared by the results of the assessment in advance
of the things that the students of the inclusion class
need. Because while studying in regular classes the
ABK will not be surely able to follow the way of
regular student learning. The component of the lesson
plan consists of; SK, KD, indicators, objectives,
materials, time and duration, approaches, models and
methods, media, resources, and tools. This means that
the teacher of the inclusion class is required to have a
special RPP for ABK, and other lesson plans for
regular students.
When creating the RPP, the teacher has included
the expected character of discipline, diligence,
responsibility, thoroughness, cooperation, tolerance,
confidence, and courage. The opinion of researchers
is that the character value who are needed to appear
in students very much, it is advised that the teacher
should only emphasize on one or two things but it is
being carried out in internalization continuously. This
is done because teaching and building the value is not
the same as teaching and building the academic skills.
In addition, this one not only loads the hooks but
should appear in the content of each component in the
The learning process of the class of inclusion
should prioritize the method of learning that can
accommodate the needs of students interacting with
each other and in that activity, they will learn from
each other mutual respect and care for the
shortcomings and advantages of each classmate.
Cooperative and participatory methods are the
options that enable teachers to use among other
methods. The use of this method will provide equal
opportunities for all students to learn to socialize with
others and learn how to respect and value and care for
others. Creation of this commonality must be done by
Learning Class Management Inclusion in Building Value and Caring Reverence for Students in Government Primary School of 3 in
Bengkulu Tengah
teachers in a way to collaborate with special teachers
and classroom teachers. For that in the class of
inclusion is very necessary to have the teacher
companion (teacher PLB) by collaborating this
difficulties classroom teachers in facing the problems
in the self of ABK will be immediately handled in an
instant. This collaboration will be useful when using
different media, resources, and environments as
required by ABK.
The implementation of inclusive class learning is
still required to meet the balance of ability of the three
domains, namely; Knowledge (cognitive), values and
attitudes (affective), and skills (psychomotor). The
learning process is more emphasized to train class
members to make social adjustments, in order to
apply the planting and internalize the value of care
and respect for the learners. When implementing the
learning of the teacher must negate the barriers to the
students to do activities and participate in learning
and familiarize learners to do mutual care, mutual
respect and respect for others through the creation of
mutual assistance activities and cooperation.
Through such learning activities will create a
democratic classroom, will develop creativity,
initiative, and attitude of mutual care and respect
among fellow students in the class of inclusion. This
kind of situation in the class will also develop
balanced academic and non-academic skills including
emotional social development. In other words, the
teacher's role in the inclusion class is very strategic,
therefore the teacher must have a positive view on the
child and his education, sensitive and proactive to the
needs of the ABK, care about the learning progress,
creative, have adequate competence, and open to
discussion, like to receive opinion from others, and
collaborate. Collaboration between classroom
teachers and special teachers should be started from
the assessment, planning, implementation, and
evaluation of learning as well as the division of roles,
duties, and responsibilities in classroom learning
activities. This collaboration does in searching for
and finding effective ways to improve the quality of
learning and media procurement and creating a
conducive environment for ABK and non-ABK.
Activity raises the value of care and respect for
students in class when the learning activities have not
been seen seriously done by the teacher and this is due
to too much design value of the characters proposed
in the RPP to be built in students. Also, the character
value is as if separate in the RPP component that the
teacher has designed. Therefore, in the opinion of the
writer, the teacher becomes confused or negligent to
which value is more emphasized to be grown in the
personal learners. The growth of value in the learning
process is not well programmed. Even if there was a
glance at the time the students were in groups doing
the task, it was by coincidence that it appeared by
Assessment of learning in inclusive schools
should be implemented by the teacher by taking into
account the competence that must be mastered by the
students referring to the assessment that has been
done before designing the lesson plan. The teacher
has conducted a self-referenced appraisal that is
carried out flexibly. The assessment was made by
using multiple and sustainable instruments. The
teacher takes special notes for each child's
development. Having this special note should not
only be for ABK students but it will be very wise if
this particular note is also made for each individual in
that class. Why special note is needed by the teacher,
this is because we can see objectively every progress
and the advancement of student's learning especially
in the development of positive attitude and behavior
shown by the students. The importance of this
developmental record will give teachers a direction to
make improvements and advancement in subsequent
learning activities. The assessment should routinely
communicate the results to the parents of the BK
learner and non-BK student, in this way will alleviate
the teacher's work in building and internalizing the
value of care and respect for the students. Through
this record, parents will know how far their child's
development is, so they have a precise picture of their
child's achievement in academic competence,
especially for his attitude and behavior.
In addition, teachers can assign tasks to students
to make short notes about the events and experiences
they feel and experience daily as they interact and
socialize with each other. This will give the student
experience to practice the ability to express his
feelings about the value he wants to grow. Through
continuous observations, anecdotal records, tasks and
so on, teachers can conclude or consider the
attainment of indicators of caring and respect values.
Assessment of success should be done through the
following steps; A) teachers set indicators of caring
and respect values; B) develop assessment
instruments; C) make records of the achievement of
indicators; Analyze and evaluate; And d) follow up.
Such considerations or conclusions may be expressed
in qualitative statements.
Monitoring is an activity to measure actual
performance, shown by the teacher. This activity is
done so that all activities or efforts to build the value
of care and honor can be done in accordance with the
objectives to be achieved. Through monitoring, the
principal may take certain actions to remedy the
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
things that are still considered less than the maximum.
In addition, it can also be utilized to realize the
efficiency of teacher performance. Through
monitoring, it can be done with improvements and
updates in the execution of learning. From this
monitoring supervisors and principals can conduct
regular coaching and give the teacher the free
opportunity to innovate in learning activities that
encourage teachers to perform the tasks appropriately
and efficiently in teaching learners with diverse
backgrounds and academic, physical, emotional, and
social ability.
Interacting with special needs students requires
special knowledge and skills as well, which is why in
the inclusive class must be presented by companion
teachers who have the background and discipline of
special education field. If in the classroom there are
only classroom teachers who have very limited
experience, knowledge, and skills in the field of
specificity, it is not surprising that it will face
obstacles. Handling ABK is a very diverse variety of
specificity they have, also requires patience and
The general conclusion of the implementation of
inclusive classroom learning management in raising
awareness and respect for the students has not been
done maximally. Specific conclusions; (1) learning
planning created by teachers with the incorporation of
curriculum between duplication and modification (2)
the implementation of learning to cultivate the value
of awareness and respect among learners has not been
seen explicitly; (3) the evaluation of raising the value
of caring and respect values, has not been done
programmed. The assessment made by the teacher is
more on the performance of cooperation and student
participation and academic ability; (4) monitoring
conducted by the school principal assisted by school
supervisor; (5) obstacles that arise are the barriers in
communication between teachers and ABK.
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Learning Class Management Inclusion in Building Value and Caring Reverence for Students in Government Primary School of 3 in
Bengkulu Tengah