Teaching Reading to a Non-Verbal Child with Autism
A Pilot Study
Yoga B. Santoso
, Syihabuddin Syihabuddin
, Djadja Rahardja
, Ernie C. Siregar
, H. Herlina
Riskma N. R. Akhlan
, Rahmatrisilvia Rahmatrisilvia
, Arief Taboer
, Ranti Novianti
and A.
Rahim Kurniawan
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Setiabudhi No. 299, Bandung, Indonesia
Special Education, Universitas Islam Nusantara, Jl. Sukarno-Hatta No. 530, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Non-verbal Autism, Sight words reading, Teaching reading.
Abstract: The conventional thinking believes that children should learn how to speak before they can read. In fact, about
20-50% of autistic children cannot speak. This pilot study aimed to teach reading to a non-verbal child with
autism by utilizing of his readily available visual memory skills. This is an experimental study of a non-verbal
child with autism. The child was taught how to read through a sight word reading approach using a picture-
to-text matching instruction for two hours in a day in 30 days. This study revealed that the child managed to
understand 30 written words to which he was taught. This shows that a non-verbal child with autism can still
read regardless of his inability to speak. Sight word reading approach enables a non-verbal child with autism
to learn to read because it does not require a decoding ability. It is expected that a further study can be carried
out with more subjects so as to figure out the effectiveness of the application of sight word reading approach
to teaching reading to non-verbal children with autism.
Reading is one of the crucial functional skills at a
child’s early stage of learning (Crowley et al., 2013;
Moore and Sudduth, 2014; Calberry, 2014).
According to Zascavage and Kefee (2004), reading is
one of the bases for social interaction and can
guarantee one’s quality of life. Therefore, learning
how to read is very crucial for children, including
those with non-verbal autism. In this respect, Hua et
al (2012) stated that reading is one of critical learning
objectives for all students regardless of how severe
their disabilities are.
Gough and Tunmer theory says reading ability is
dependent on two skills: decoding (the ability to read
words) and language comprehension (Oakhill et al.,
2015; Ricketts et al., 2012). Children who have issues
with language, speech, and communication have a
high probability to fail to able to read (Heller et al.,
2002; Nation et al., 2006; Flores and Ganz, 2009;
Larsson et al., 2009), while characteristics of autistic
children is having linguistic and communication
difficulties. Norbury and Nation (2011) note that
approximately 20% of children with autism failed to
acquire spoken language, speech fluency, and
language syntax. Whitman (2000), says about 50% of
autistic children are not equipped with the ability to
speak. Unquestionably, the low speaking ability
becomes a great barrier for children with autism (even
some of them cannot speak) unable to read.
Bijl et al. (2004) write children with moderate and
severe mental disability can learn reading through
sight word. It is memorizing as a whole by sight so
that they can automatically recognize words in print
without having to use any strategies to decode. Ehri
(2005) explain that sight word reading is reading
using memory. He further explains that the
development of reading skill requires the
accumulation of words that are abundantly stored in
the sight word memory. Browder and Xin’s (1998)
meta-analytic study on the effectiveness of sight word
in teaching functional reading to children with
moderate and severe disability revealed that 48
studies that were examined reported high
effectiveness of sight word. Crowley, Laughlin, and
Kahn (2013) have also investigated the application of
sight word to teaching reading to two children with
autism, and the result was very positive. However,
their study did not specifically address the non-verbal
Santoso, Y., Syihabuddin, S., Rahardja, D., Siregar, E., Herlina, H., Akhlan, R., Rahmatrisilvia, R., Taboer, A., Novianti, R. and Kurniawan, A.
Teaching Reading to a Non-Verbal Child with Autism - A Pilot Study.
In 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017), pages 1039-1042
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
autistic children. Based on research and studies on
sight word reading requires only memory and no
decoding capabilities required, it is possible for non-
verbal autism children to keep reading even if they
cannot talk. According to the research and study of
sight word that only used working memories and not
used decoding ability, this means children with
nonverbal autism still ca read even they cannot talk.
This study was aimed at teaching reading to a non-
verbal child with autism through a sight word reading
approach in a structured learning instruction
considering that an autistic child has a good visual
memory (Matson and Peter, 2011) and that structured
learning has been proven effective in teaching
children with autism.
Experiment study were used in this research are
Single-Subject Experiment with A/B Design, with
participants selected directly or Quasi Experiment
(Creswell, 2008). The ability of reading will be tested
before and after intervention
The subject of this pilot study was a non-verbal
autistic male child aged 6 years 10 months at one of
therapy centers in Bandung. He was diagnosed with
autism at age 2 years 8 months by a child
development specialist. The result of the WPPSI test
showed that his score of Full IQ was 61, Performance
IQ 84, and Verbal IQ 47, unable to speak and
communicate verbally, skilled in matching objects
with the identical images and matching letters. In this
study. The subject taught by 2 teachers, learned for
two hours in a day, five days a week, in a month,
conducted over 30 sessions. He learns a
predetermined special individualized program at the
The teaching approach selected in this study was
sight word reading using a picture-to-text matching
instruction that was employed by Fossett and Mirenda
(2005). The instruction used the Discrete Trial
Training (DTT) principles; that is, a method for
teaching new skills by giving specific stimulus and
consequences for every resulted response, either the
correct or the wrong response, or even for when the
child did not give any response (Matson, and
Sturmey, 2011). Nouns and verbs are the bases for
every language system (Goh et al., 2013).
The words that were taught in the lesson were
include names of children, parents, and siblings and
the names of objects, animals, and fruits, also daily
routine verbs. The words were classified into five
groups called blocks. Thus there were six blocks of
the words taught to the child. The words are taught
one by one.
Research conducted to obtain preliminary data on
phase I called Baseline, in this phase: The child was
instructed to match word cards with the related
pictures of nouns or verbs being taught in each block.
Correct responses were calculated and stated in
percentage. The data were collected from three
different sessions.
Intervention on phase II: The child was instructed
to match words with the related pictures of nouns and
verbs one by one using Discrete Trial Teaching
(DTT) technique, and every response was recorded.
The child was said to acquire all words if he could
match the five words in each block with the relevant
pictures even if they were randomized. The child was
said to pass if his responses are all correct in the three
sessions in a consecutive manner.
At the baseline phase I the child were given 5 words
to be match into picture-to-text matching with all the
blocks were given. The result of the reading teaching
can be seen in Figure 1. In the three meetings
(session) in the baseline phase, the child did not
manage to give correct response (0%) to the blocks of
pictures of family members, surrounding objects,
animals and verbs in Block I. However, he managed
to match one out of five pictures (20%) in the fruit
block and verbs in verbs in Block II in the third
session in the baseline phase. After intervention on
phase II, the child capable to put five words match
with the picture text matching. The capability of
reading was shown by correctly put the picture to text
matching at a different intervention session.
Child can read the word of verb at block II in
Session 18, in the fruit block in Session 21,
surrounding object block in Session 24, in the family
member and in the animal block in Session 27, and
verbs in Block I in Session 30. The total words
acquired by the child from 30 sessions of learning
were 30 words (20 nouns and 10 verbs).
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Figure 1: Percentage of correct responses to every word block in each session.
The results of the study showed that a non-verbal
child with autism could still possibly be taught how
to read. This was indicated by his ability to match
words with the relevant words. The result is also in
agreement with a report of the previous study that
three out of five children participating in the study
showed significant improvement in their reading
ability, and the other two show no to little
improvement (Goh et al., 2013). Results of
intervention of children able to read seen from the
ability of children to pair the word card on the picture
card, compared with the use of flash cards in reading
sight word in children autism verbal (Crowley,
McLaughlin and Kahn 2012), research with sight
word reading also gives 100% results for non-verbal
autism children in reading ability and in this study the
number of words taught and controlled by more
children, 30 word cards from 30 words taught.
This study; however, cannot be generalized since
it was specifically design for only one child. The
further study is expected to involve more participants
so as to figure out which child can improve his
reading ability and which is not. That said, the
determinant factors could then be analyzed.
The results of the study showed that the child
managed to understand the written form of the words
to which he was taught. He managed to correctly
match the words to the relevant pictures even when
they were randomly arranged. A significant
improvement can be seen if the result of the baseline
is compared with that of the intervention. This
indicates that sight word reading approach can
improve the reading ability of a non-verbal child with
autism participating in this study because it does not
require decoding skill.
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences