How to Improve Photo Editing Skill of Deaf Children
Toni Yudha Pratama, Suhendar Suhendar, Imas Diana Aprilia, Tati Nurul Hayati, Endang Rusyani,
Yuni Tanjung Utami and Hidayat Hidayat
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Deaf children, Life skill, Photo editing.
Abstract: This study is focused on the life skill. Life skill training for the hearing impaired children should begin with
simple things like introducing the objectives, benefits, how-to, and so on. The training should be designed in
such a way that it fits the characteristics of the children so that they can keep up with the lesson and achieve
a satisfactory result. This study used an experiment method. The data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test
because this test can be used to measure a pair of data with small samples, but also it does not require normality
test. An experiment study is a way to find a causal relationship between two variables manipulated by the
researchers. Based on the pretest and posttest scores, as well as the score difference, it could be revealed that
the overall score of photo editing skills of the students significantly improved.
How can we develop photo editing skills of children
with hearing impairment? Teaching life skills to
children with special needs is an important factor in
developing the abilities of the students and in
preparing them to be independent once he finishes his
school (Olivos et al., 2016). A life skill is every
individual’s must have thing because basically every
life skill can give positive impact to his life. Children
with special needs, especially those with hearing
impairment, tend to be slow to adapt to the
environment as the impact of the hearing impairment
(Rychen and Salganik, 2003). A life skill may help a
child live independently and play his role in a social
context. Schools, as educational institutions, must
equip their students with life skills in order for them
to be independent. Basically, every school has already
had a life skill program specifically design for hearing
and speech impaired children; however, the types of
life skills provided has not adequately sufficient
(Jegannathan, Dahlblom, and Kullgren, 2014). Most
special schools only provide; for example, their
students with the likes sewing, gastronomy, and
crafting programs (Simona, 2015). With the current
advancement of technology, children with special
needs inevitably have to keep abreast of the latest
developments. There are many skills with which they
can be equipped. For instance, they can be taught how
to use such computer programs as office suit
application, AutoCAD, and the photo editing
program Adobe Photoshop. Computer program of
this likes can be taught to children with special needs
including hearing impaired and mute children
(Kožuh, Hintermair, and Debevc, 2016).
According to (Huang, Hong, and Ma 2005),
skills fall into four types: motoric skill, intellectual
skill, social skill, and life skill. This study is focused
on the life skill. This paper will discuss the learning
process in photo editing. Why photo editing? Photo
editing is one of technology-related life skills
(Neghavati, 2016), and the researchers assume that
hearing impaired and mute children can be taught this
skill. Besides, this skill does not require children to
always speak. Photo editing skill can make it possible
for the hearing impaired and mute children to get
hired or open his own photo editing startup. This
market niche is huge. Photos of such typical events as
wedding party, birthday party, graduation, funeral,
and even personal photos need editing. Photo editing
is not a rocket science. With a well-structured
training, children can do it. This is in line with a study
conducted by (Maryam, Davoud, and Zahra, 2011)
photo editing skills training is a type of skill that
requires a systematic step.
This study is focused on the life skill. Life skill
training for the hearing impaired children should
begin with simple things like introducing the
objectives, benefits, how-to, and so on. The training
should be designed in such a way that it fits the
Pratama, T., Suhendar, S., Aprilia, I., Hayati, T., Rusyani, E., Utami, Y. and Hidayat, H.
How to Improve Photo Editing Skill of Deaf Children.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 541-544
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
characteristics of the children so that they can keep up
with the lesson and achieve a satisfactory result
(Morley, 2012). The researchers wanted to provide a
skill training that had not been provided by the
school; i.e., how to use Adobe Photoshop to edit
photos/images. Adobe Photoshop application is a
photo editing computer program of the easiest to
learn. This training was very suitable for the hearing
impaired children that are known to be visual
learners. It was expected that, equipped with this skill,
the students can heighten up their chances to be hired
in such a fast-growing market as photo editing
service. In this photo editing training, the trainer
provides four expertise that can be had in photo
editing. First about replacing the background, then
cleaning the stains on the face, adjusting the lighting
and adding words in the photo.
This research is important to do because,
researchers assess deaf children should have skills
related to life skills, and not just in academics. The
next reason the researchers hope deaf children can be
independent after completing education in school.
This study used an experiment design. An
experiment study is a way to find a causal relationship
between two variables manipulated by the
researchers. Based on the pretest and posttest scores,
as well as the score difference, it could be revealed
that the overall score of photo editing skills of the
students significantly improved. In general, this study
was aimed at improving hearing impaired students’
skills to edit photos using Adobe Photoshop
(Sagebiel, 2017). In particular, this study was aimed
at providing basic photo editing training that included
facial skin smoothing, background changing, and
This study used an experiment design. An experiment
study is a way to find a causal relationship between
two variables manipulated by the researchers
(O'Sullivan et al., 2016). An experiment is always
conducted to measure the effect of a treatment. This
definition suggests that an experiment is a deliberate
modification of condition that is controlled to
determine the events and to observe the changes in
the events (Kampen et al., 2004). This study used a
one group pretest-posttest design. It was carried out
in three steps, as explained by (Green, and
Huntington, 2016): “first, measuring the dependent
variable before the treatment; second, giving the
treatment to the samples; and third, re-measuring the
dependent variable after the treatment.
This study delimited itself to four aspects of photo
editing skills: Facial stain removal, light adjustment,
background changing, and photo captioning. Samples
are the representatives of the population (Hadi,
Hassan, Razzaq and Mustafa, 2015). The samples
were five ninth grade students at SLB B X of
Bandung selected randomly. The study was
conducted within a two month. The gathered data was
analyzed using Wilcoxon test because this test can be
used to measure a pair of data with small samples, but
also it does not require normality test (Yeo, 2016).
The analysis was conducted to simplify the data into
a form that can easily be read and interpreted
(Kasuya, 2010). The photo editing program used in
this study is Adobe Photoshop CS.
This study was used an experiment method, Research
experiments can show the difference in results after
the training (Lasprilla-Botero, Álvarez-Láinez, and
Acosta, 2017) given photo editing conducted using a
one group pretest-posttest experiment design with the
following steps: 1) pretest, which was carried out to
measure the samples’ initial photo editing skills using
Adobe Photoshop before the treatment, 2) treatment,
which was photo editing training using Adobe
Photoshop, and 3) Posttest, which was carried out to
measure the photo editing skills using Adobe
Photoshop after the treatment using a predetermined
assessment criteria.
Description of the assessment criteria:
Value 0 = The child is totally incapable for
editing the photo.
Value 1 = The child is still doubtful for editing
the photo.
Value 2 = The child start to able editing the
photo within prompting.
Value 3 = The child already have been able to
edit the photo without prompting the
What follows are the result of the pretest and
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Table 1: Pretest and posttest scores of photo editing by hearing impaired students.
Photo Editing Score
Facial Stain
Background Changing
Table 1 describes the pretest and posttest scores of
the hearing impaired students who were trained to
edit photos. The training included four aspects:
background changing, facial glare removal, lighting
adjustment, and captioning. These are the basic photo
editing skills. The STD 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the pretest
score for facial stain removal training was 0. This
happened because the students had trouble removing
the facial stains. However, after they received
training, they improved significantly. The posttest
score STD 1 = 2.8, STD 2 = 1.6, STD 3 =3, STD 4
=1.6, and STD 5 = 2.4. For the lighting adjustment,
the pretest score STD 1 = 1.8 and STD 5 = 2.4, STD
2 and STD 3 = 0. After a continual training, students’
posttest score improved significantly with STD 1 = 2,
STD 2 = 2.4, STD 3 = 2.2, STD 4 = 2.2, and STD 5 =
3. Students did not have considerable problems in
photo captioning. The pretest score STD 1 = 1.6, STD
2 = 18, STD 3 = 0.6, STD 4 = 1.6, and STD 5 = 2.8.
For background changing, students' posttest score
STD 1 = 2.4, STD 2 = 3, STD 3 = 1.8, STD 4 = 2.8,
and STD 5 = 3. After a month of training, the students
were able to remove facial stain, change background,
adjust lighting, and caption the photos. The
significant improvement was a result of their
determination in the training so that they got very
good posttest scores, this proves that the photo editing
training can improve the skills of deaf students
(Novakovich, Miah, and Shaw, 2017).
Upon completion of the study, the researchers found
the strengths and limitations in conducting a photo
editing training using Adobe Photoshop program.
One of the strengths was students' enthusiasm to
participate in the training. They kept practicing to edit
photos using Adobe Photoshop program. In addition,
during the training each student was provided with
one computer for them to practice. The limitations
were generally divided into two. First, not all students
have a computer at home. Second, the lack of teachers
to teach them photo editing. However, the students
were able to edit photos very well of the results
obtained by the students.
Adobe photoshop prove that the program is a
program that is easy to learn (Simsek, and Erdener,
2012). This in line with a saying that gradual and
sustainable learning will bring forth a maximum
result. The results of this study show an increase, it
affects the education of deaf students. based on that,
the students now have photo editing skills that can
support deaf students life skills to live independently
in the future (Beck et al., 2016)
Based on the result of data analysis and hypothesis
testing, it can be concluded that Adobe Photoshop
training program in this study can improve hearing
impaired students’ photo editing skills. Their photo
editing skills improved after receiving the training in
facial stain removal, background changing,
captioning, and lighting adjustment.
For the next researchers, the authors are aware
that there are still many shortcomings in this study,
the researchers only provide photo editing training on
four aspects of changing the background image,
adjust the lighting on the photo, give a writing on the
photo, and clean the face stain on the photo. The
authors hope to the next researcher to provide training
with other materials more widely.
Fifth of students who take the training already
showing progress in photo editing capabilities.
Training on photo editing adobe photoshop program
for deaf students need to be considerate of the school
to help improve the skills of deaf students, as this skill
is one of the skills that are appropriate for deaf
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