Learning Media and Music Model in Improving Characters and
Learning Achievement Pencak Silat Movement
Iis Marwan
PJKR FKIP Universitas Siliwangi, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning, Character, Music, Motion Art.
Abstract: This study aims to produce scientifically based learning tools and music models that are eligible for fifth
graders to improve the learning outcomes of pencak silat motion, and build the character of caring, discipline
and knowing its effectiveness. This research is a research and development which refers to Borg & Gall model.
The subjects were fifth graders of SD Al Falah Benda Kota Tasikmalaya the subject for the pleminary test
was 4 students. The field trial subjects consisted of 10 students who had not been involved in the initial trial,
and the operational field test subjects consisted of 26 students. The results of the study were: syllabus, lesson
plan, worksheet and assessment instrument and pencak silat musical accompaniment suitable for Slementary
school students. The result shows that learning tool and music accompaniment of pencak silat motion is
considered effective because the result of t test on caring character is 4,854 and the character of discipline is
1,926 bigger than t table that is 1,684 so it shows there is significant difference to the character of discipline
and caring between students who follow the learning without learning tools and using developed learning
tools. the conclusion of the implementation of scientific approach based learning and pencak ilat musical
accompaniment can increase learners’ character and learning achievement in pencak silat. It is recommended
that pencak silat learning process should utilize scientific approach based learning and musical
accompaniment. Upon the completion of the current study, the researcher is intended to conduct further study
in comparing live and recorded musical accompaniment in higher level students.
In recent times, many social phenomena have
occurred, including the high number of corruption
cases, crime and violence, drug abuse and juvenile
delinquency and that phenomena can be the indicators
of weak education outcomes in Indonesia. From Data
in 2013, there have been at least 128 cases of brawl
between students. This figure jumped more than
100% from the previous year. The brawl has killed 82
students, in 2014 there have been 139 fights that
killed 12 students (TV One, 2014). Likewise, the
social system has shifted from societies that
emphasize social feelings into asocial. Many people
believe that the Indonesia is currently in a state of
illness that requires appropriate treatment through
character education at all education levels (Mulyasa,
2007). Thus, the function of national education to
develop the ability and shape the character and
civilization of a dignified nation in order to educate
the nation's life can be done properly.
Over the past decade, there has been considerable
debate around the essential mission of physical
education teachers in all sectors (Petrie & Lisahunter,
2011; Berryman, 2010; & McKenzie, 2007). Many
studies have found that primary school physical
education teachers (PSPETs) have struggled for
legitimacy in their schools as a consequence of
feeling isolated and devalued by colleagues relative
to their instructional duties, and believe that their
subject area is marginalized (Kougioumtzis,
Patriksson & Strahlman, 2011; Curtner-Smith, 2001;
& Johns & Dimmock, 1999). While an international
survey suggested that physical education seems to
have attained the same or a similar legal status to
other subjects, as a school subject, it is allocated less
curriculum time, and hence its lower status in Asian
cultures (Hardman & Marshall, 2005). According to
many researchers (Flintoff, 2003; Macdonald & Kirk,
1996; & Sparkes, Templin & Schempp, 1993),
physical education teachers experience school life
very differently to other subject teachers, not only due
to the low rank of physical education in the hierarchy
Marwan, I.
Learning Media and Music Model in Improving Characters and Learning Achievement Pencak Silat Movement.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 18-23
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of subjects taught at schools, but also that physical
education has been defined as peripheral to the central
functions of the school.
WHO predicts in 2020 as much as 73% of deaths
caused by non-communicable diseases, or as much as
60% due to low physical fitness.
/www.kompas.com.health. news.2014). Fu & Fung
(2004) in Chin Ming-Kai (2008: 8) reveals '80% of
Chinese living in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hongkong
behave inappropriately This behaviour also occurs in
Europe According to Janz, (2001), Tybor, (2005);
Janssen, (2005) in Chin Ming-Kai (2008: 9) said that
as many as 130,000 school-aged children from 34
European countries have decreased physical activity
because most of their time is spent on watching
television. Jordan, (2006) in Chin Ming-Kai (2008)
describes the results of recent surveys showing "...
time children spent on television, videos, video games
and computer five hours per day". This issue needs to
be addressed as a threat to the improvement of the
quality of life.
Physical Education is an integral part of education
as a whole, aiming to develop aspects of physical
fitness, motion skills, critical thinking skills, social
skills, reasoning, aspects of a healthy lifestyle and the
introduction of a clean environment through
systematically planned physical, exercise and health
activities to achieve national education objectives.
(Samsudin, 2008). Quality physical education can
form good character. According to Ari Ginanjar in
Darmiyati Zuhdi, et al. (2009) there are seven human
basic characters. While Josephson Institute of Ethics
(2005) in Endang Poerwati (2011) categorizes 6
pillars of character, namely (1) strustworthiness, (2)
respect, (3) responsibility, (4) fairness, (5) caring, and
(6) citizenship . According to Endang Poerwati citing
Lewis A. Barbara (2004) suggests 10 pillars of
character, namely: (1) care, (2) aware of community,
(3) willing to cooperate, (4) fair, (5) willing to
forgive, 6) honest, (7) maintaining relationships, (8)
respect for others, (9) responsible, and (10)
prioritizing safety.
Most primary schools have gradually changed
their system from a half-day school to a whole day
school, beginning in the 1990s (EDB, 2011). The new
school system, together with the new curriculum and
education reforms, has added stress to primary school
teachers and senior management personnel (Leung &
Lee, 2006).
Physical education teachers need to master
substantive theories and literature because they
contribute to the increased understanding of physical
identity and about the professionalization of physical
education teachers. (Raymond, Sum Kim Wai, 2016).
The very fundamental issue in physical education is
not merely how the process of improving the
effectiveness of teaching and learning to achieve
educational goals. It also contains some demands of
change in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor
domains at the individual micro level. The main
problem in physical education today is the change of
cultural values. The change in question is movement
culture. According to Bart Crum (1994) in Rusli
Lutan (2003) 'movement culture', ie there is a change
in active habits move into the habit of inactivity or
even the phenomenon of doing nothing lifestyle.
here are many martial arts schools in Indonesia
such as silat nasional perisai diri, merpati putih, bakti
negara, setia hati teratai, and so on (Ni Luh Putu
Spyanawati, 2014). Pencak silat as part of learning
material of physical education has a goal, among
others, to form student character in a more positive
direction. Each stance contains values that can shape
the student's character. So pencak silat can also be
called a sport that can shape the students’ character.
Pencak Silat coaching should be an integral part of
education in order to form a character in respect and
responsibility to realize the goals of national
education, (Mulyana, 2013). There is a tendency of
student's interest in the art of pencak silat motion, one
of them is because the teacher in presenting the
teaching materials is not interesting to be followed by
the students, boredom, boredom and even "averse to"
often spoken by the students.
To overcome this, need a real effort for students
to have interest and motivation in learning pencak
silat art motion. In this case, researchers create a
model of pencak silat music that can arouse students'
interest in pencak silat art motion. Music in the
general sense is the beauty of the tone that raises
aesthetic satisfaction through the sense of hearing
(Pekerti, 2006).
Several studies have shown that learning while
listening to favorite music will increase the learning
concentration of some students. Wiebe found that by
listening to his favorite music, a teenager diagnosed
with Attention-Deficit / Hyeperactivity (ADHD) an
underachievement symptom accompanied by
hyperactivity, improved learning concentration in
school and while homework, improved the ability to
remember information, cultivated a positive attitude
toward school assignment. (Wiebe, Joni Erin,
2007:ii). The Canadian Association for Music
Therapy also found that music can improve memory
and attention. (Canadian Association for Musik,
Learning Media and Music Model in Improving Characters and Learning Achievement Pencak Silat Movement
This research is a Research and Development
method. The development model in this research and
development adopted Borg & Gall model (1983)
which consists of 10 steps. The trials were conducted
through the following stages: (1) initial product
(material expert's validation, character and
evaluation); (2) initial test (small group trial using
single one shot study method); (3) field trials (field
trials with one group pretest-postest method); and (4)
field test (field test with Quasi experiment method).
The subject of the study was fifth graders of SD Al
Falah Benda Kota Tasikmalaya. The small group of
trial subject consists of 4 students. The group of field
trial subject consists of 10 students. The field trial
used 14 fifth graders as the control group and the
other 14 as the experimental group.
The assessment results were analyzed to obtain
the means. The means were converted into qualitative
assesment using assessment criteria (Azwar, 2012).
The questionnaries analysis were done through
calculating the measn scores from the students. The
score interpretation was done into four scale
(Depdiknas, 2010) The character of discipline and
caring difference analysis was also carried out. The
analysis was also done to identify the difference of
discipline and caring character improvement from
control and experimental groups. The prerequisite
tests required before the analysis were normal
distributuion and homogenity test. Normal
distribution test was carried out to confirm whether or
not the data from every variables were normally
distributed. The normal distribution test was
administered to discipline and caring character
standard. It was done using Kolmogorov-Smirnov. In
addition, homogenity test was done to verify that the
data from the experimental and control groups have
similar variance. The homogenity test was applied in
the discipline and caring character data. It was done
through F test with 5% confidence level.
The Results
The product developed in this research is
scientifically based learning apparatus to build the
character of caring and discipline. The product in the
form of this learning media has been validated by
several experts. the data of validation result of
scientifically based approach learning media include
data of assessment result by material expert and
learning expert.
Based on the results of the analysis, the total
actual scores of teacher and student assessments
obtained in this preliminary trial are at very good
categorical intervals. This provides information that
the learning tools and musical accompaniment are
effectively used in learning the art of pencak silat
motion. In addition, the number of students who rated
the learning tool and the accompanying music as very
good has fulfilled the effectiveness of more than 80%.
Therefore, it can be concluded that learning and
musical accompaniment measured through the
teacher's assessment component and student
responses to the initial test meet the category of
The percentage assessment of caring and
disciplined character of each student is above 80%.
This shows the learning media was proven effective
in developing caring and disciplined characters. In
terms of time discipline, students and teachers make
arrangements to reduce the stars in the classroom if
they arrive late or commit a code violation. Thus, the
change in the students’ character are quite apparent in
this initial trial.
Based on the results of analysis of the two
components of the effectiveness of learning media, it
showed that the learning tools developed have
fulfilled the effectiveness requirements, ie more than
80%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the learning
media measured through the teacher's assessment
component and student responses in the field test
meet the category of effectiveness. The criteria for the
effectiveness of instructional tools were also
measured through learning outcomes and students’
character assessment. If presented in the form of test
chart pencak silat learning achievement students who
meet the criteria can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1 pencak Silat Learning Achievement
Based on the figure, from the posttest result, all
students complete the assessment of test result of
learning above KKM SD Al Falah Benda Kota
Tasikmalaya. This indicates that the learning media
developed have proved effective because the students
have successfully completed the tests.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
This learning tool was developed with pencak
silat lessons. The learning media for building
disciplined and caring characters contain a variety of
learning experiences. Schunk (2012) says that
children begin to show some abstract thought though
it isusually defined with characters or actions. The
activities in learning media spur direct experience,
experiments, interviews, demonstrations, group
discussions, and work on the problem. Therefore, the
learning media can make learners more interested in
learning because every learning on the learning media
is based on real-world in accordance with the world
of learners, especially in developing the character of
caring and discipline. It is in line with Yuldirim &
Ayas (2011) stating that: Thus worksheets are known
to help students gain scientific process skills such as
setting up experimental mechanism, recording data,
interpreting the data, and so on so that they can
conceptualize the concepts in their minds. There are
several studies showing that worksheets increase
students” Stedje (2010) Character education occurs
each minute in the classroom”. That is, that character
education takes place every minute in the classroom.
The learners’ character will be increasingly formed
with the more frequent learners perform activities on
the character-based because a character is a relatively
stable nature of a person's desposition.
From the results of this study, the
researchers stated that the musical accompaniment
model preceded by the children's songs that
encourage the activity followed by the typical music
of pencak silat can be used for the learning process of
pencak silat motion because it can improve learning
outcomes and character. Because this study
collaborated cognitive, affective and psychomotor
assessments, the results of this study can indirectly
strengthen some previous research findings that have
proven that cooperative learning models can have a
positive effect on behavioral learning outcomes.
Grasten dan Watt (2017) the development and
functioning of intrinsic motivation are specified using
the concept of basic psychological needs, namely
competence, autonomy and social relatedness”.
Among the results of research indicating
that the cooperative model of the syndicate group has
a positive effect on the growth of attitudes toward the
environment. The syndicated group model has the
power in developing a responsible attitude, especially
in the learning process (Dewi, 2011). In addition,
there were also studies of the impact of the
cooperative model of numbered head and the jigsaw
cooperative model, concluding that both models had
a positive effect on affective learning outcomes. Both
models are very functional to enhance the sense of
responsibility, motivation, develop ideas, and
communication skills (Rahmawati, 2014). Another
model outside the cooperative model that has been
studied has an effect on the growing attitudes is the
discovery learning model. This model has a very
positive influence on learning motivation and critical
thinking ability (Rahmayanti, 2015) Then, there are
also research results that show that the criticality of
student thinking can be supported by their accounting
competence. If students' thinking skills are to be
improved, then improve their accounting competence
(Pujiastuti, 2013: 1). Logic-based lecturing model
positively influences the growth of student academic
character (thoroughness of thinking, critical attitude,
and responsibility). (Dedi Heryadi, 2017).
In building the character, in addition through
the learning model, it can also be done through the
development of media and textbooks. the result of
research that tries to develop logic based learning
media. The results show that logic-based media have
a positive impact on fostering child creativity and
intelligence (Sulchan, 2014 Then, there are research
results about the strengthening of characters in
college by way of development of textbooks based on
collaborative learning (Diana, 2016). Joice and Weil
(2009: 1) said that, A model of teaching is aplan or
pattern that can be used to shape curriculum (long-
term courses of studies), to design intructional
materials, an to guide intruction in classroom and
other setting.” They further claimed that in
developing the learning model there are three things
that need to be fulfilled, the three things are
determining the approach (model orientation),
methods (instructional design) and techniques
(procedures implemented in the classroom).
The Theory of Interplaying Identity reaffirmed
that PSPETs were able to cope with the
preconceptions of the low status of physical education
in schools (Stroot, Collier, O’Sullivan & England,
1994; & Sparkes, Templin & Schempp, 1993)
through setting themselves as examples of committed
professionals and being visible in their versatile roles
(Sum & Dimmock, 2014). Futher, Zentner, et al.,
2008 said that "not all individuals react emotionally
to music".For the secondary education level, further
research is recommended. For example, in the
pesantren environment, character growth
(independence and discipline) is better suited through
the methods of habituation, giving advice, reward and
punishment methods, and exemplary methods of the
kiai and ustad (Tanshzil, 2012: 1). Later, in the
preschool environment the growth of prosocial
Learning Media and Music Model in Improving Characters and Learning Achievement Pencak Silat Movement
behavior was matched by using a game-based
learning model (Chin & Zakaria, 2015).
Based on the result and the analysis, it can be
concluded that: Learning media based on scientific
approach and music accompaniment of pencak silat
motion art that preceded by children's music followed
by pencak silat music is considered feasible to be used
according to expert material and expert of learning
with very good value. on learning media products.
The learning media based on scientific approach and
music accompaniment in pencak silat proved
effective to build the character based on operational
field trials with t test results of 4, 854 on the cares
larger than the table of 1, 684 so it can be concluded
there are significant differences on the development
of caring characters between students who follow the
learning without learning media and use learning
The learning media based on the scientific
approach and music accompaniment of pencak silat
proved effective to build the fifth grade students'
discipline character . This is based on operational
field trials using t test on the control class and
experimental class with t test result of 1,926 on the
character of discipline and caring larger than t table
of 1, 684 so it can be concluded there is a significant
difference on the development of the character of
discipline and caring between students who follow
the learning without learning media and using
learning media.
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Learning Media and Music Model in Improving Characters and Learning Achievement Pencak Silat Movement