Development Learning Model Variation Techniques of Volley Ball
Services Using Visual Audio Media
Hartati Hartati
, Silvi Aryanti
, and Achmad Roby Khadafi
Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia
Physical Education and Health of Teacher Training and Education Science Faculty, Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Model, Volley Ball, Visual Audio Media.
Abstract: This main purpose study was to produce learning media variations of volleyball service techniques in
Sandika Senior High School. Methods study used development research with Sugiyono development model
(a product oriented development model). This study was conducted for 18 days. Learning media developed
in this study in the form of computer-based learning software, and the end result of this product will be
stored in flash and compact disk (CD). Subjects in this study were students of grade X Sandika Senior High
School Talang Kelapa Banyuasin. The result of this study found that small group testing stage is good and
student questionnaire result to media usage very practical. The potential effect of learning media is known
in the field test stage, the students' psychomotor ability learning achievement is enough, the cognitive ability
is medium and the affective assessment is good. The implication research is that the instructional media of
variation of volleyball service technique developed has a potential effect on student learning outcomes.
Volleyball is a form of physical activity that is
structured and aims to improve one's fitness so that
positive effects are obtained. Service is an opening
blow to start the game of volleyball, service is a ball
blow made from the back line of the game field
beyond the net to the opponent's area. According to
Beutelsthal (2005: 8) service is the first touch with
the ball as a starting blow then developed into a
powerful weapon to attack.
Based on the description of volleyball service
techniques not only as a starting blow in the game
volleyball, but if viewed from the angle of service
tactics is a beginning to get the value for the team
managed to achieve victory. Learning problems
experienced by students in the material so as to
affect the learning achievement. Sandika High
School is a school in Talang Kelapa Banyuasin Sub-
district selected at random or random. Based on a
preliminary study conducted at Sandika High School
on volleyball learning materials, it is known that
basic volleyball techniques are not yet fully
mastered by students, so students feel bored to learn
basic volleyball techniques. The teacher of the
physical education teachers has difficulty in giving
examples of basic motion techniques of particular
sports games one of which is advanced volleyball
technique due to the lack of creativity and
innovation of teachers in developing learning
The teacher's role as a science developer is
enormous for choosing the right and efficient
learning for students. Teachers are expected to be
able to design interesting learning activities, create
talent learners, and able to improve the fitness of
learners (Suherman, 2009: 4). Good learning can be
supported from a conducive learning atmosphere
and communication relationships between teachers,
students can run well. Because the learning process
is a process of communication that takes place in a
system, then the role of instructional media is very
important as one component of the learning system.
Learning media is an integral component of the
learning system. Sanaky (2009: 4) learning media is
a means of education that can be used as an
intermediary in the learning process to enhance
effectiveness and efficiency in achieving teaching
The importance of audio-visual materials in the
teaching and learning processes cannot be over
emphasized. Below are some of the roles of audio-
visual materials (Ashaver & Igyuve, 2013: 44).
Audio visual media that combines the use of sound
requires additional work to produce it. One of the
important work required in audio visual media is the
writing of manuscripts and storyboards that require
considerable preparation, design and research
Hartati, H., Aryanti, S. and Khadafi, A.
Development Learning Model Variation Techniques of Volley Ball Services Using Visual Audio Media.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 53-58
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Azhar Arsyad, 2011: 94). In fact, use audiovisual
resources in teaching and learning as an eccentric in
totality. The dissenting voices wondered if
audiovisual resources have in any way enhanced
teaching and learning. It is against this backdrop that
the study investigates the impact of the use of
audiovisual resources on teaching and learning (Ode,
2014: 196).
This is the basis for developing variations of
volleyball service techniques using computer-based
media. Basic volleyball learning techniques have not
been taught with the maximum, because teachers
have not used the varied learning media in the
learning process.
Several previous studies that have studied the
learning media were conducted by Lumintuarsa
(2013), which was written in a Journal entitled the
development of basic volleyball instructional media
for junior high school students. Based on the results
of the research is known that this learning media is
very good to use, and has an effect on improving
learning achievement. Furthermore, the results of
research conducted by Djuwaini and Pardijono
(2014) entitled the application of the use of plastic
ball learning media to improve learning outcomes
passing under volleyball. Based on the results of the
research note that the use of plastic ball learning
media in learning bolavoli turned out to improve the
learning achievement passing under grade V
students SDN Pakal II Surabaya.
Based on the problems in learning volleyball
service techniques. It is necessary to develop various
learning media, hoping to improve the skills of
volleyball service technique as the development of
learning model.
This research is a research development or research
and development (R & D). This research was
conducted to develop learning model variation
techniques of volley ball services using visual audio
media. All subjects targeted in this research are all
students of grade X SANDIKA Senior high school
Talang Kelapa Banyuasin with a population of 160
students. Samples taken are 40 students of grade X.
In the design validation phase, products that
have been designed on the prototype created will be
validated by content experts, design experts, and lay-
out experts. Experts test the validity of products
made by researchers. The test is a test of content
validity, design, and lay-out. Expert advice will be
used to revise the media created. Opinions and
suggestions from experts are written on the
validation sheet as material for revision and state
that the media design has been valid
Research stages (1) small group testing that is
the result of revision from experts on prototype one.
Product testing phase with small groups to see
whether basic volleyball technique learning medium
can be developed. The two prototypes were tested on
a small group, consisting of 8 (eight) class X
students representing the actual class. At the end of
the learning students are asked to fill out a
questionnaire and provide feedback to the media
learning, to see the practicality of advanced learning
media volleyball techniques developed. The result of
the questionnaire of the students' responses, was
used as the material for revision of learning media of
volley ball technique that was developed. This result
is called the third prototype. (2) Product revision,
result of creativity test of new student get value 60%
than expected. The design of new teaching methods
needs to be revised so that students' learning
creativity increases in higher gradations. (3) Large
group trials of revised products based on suggestions
from validators and small group experiments were
used on research subjects in field tests. Research
subjects in grade X students. Trials were used to see
the potential effects of media developed on
outcomes student learning. Products tested on field
trials are products that meet standard of validity,
practicability and have potential effects. (4) The
revision of the product is a revision made when in
the use of a broader institution there are deficiencies
and weaknesses. (5) Preparation of the final product
if the product in the form of teaching method is
declared effective, then the method can be applied to
every educational institution.
Data analysis technique used is (1) Data
Walktrough Analysis: Knowing the prevalence of
learning media variation of volleyball service
developed, then the validation of the experts. After
studying the design of learning media, experts will
provide comments, feedback, on learning media
developed. The data obtained in the form of
suggestions from the experts used as a reference to
revise the product being developed, until the
developed product is judged or declared feasible and
ready for trial. (2) Questionnaire Analysis: Data
obtained through questionnaire then analyzed by
using likert Scale to get opinions, appreciation, and
perceptions of students in using media learning
techniques volleyball service. (3) Observation Data
Analysis: Observational data obtained from the
learning process takes place when held observations
using the instrument observation guide sheet. At this
stage to be observed is the students with the intent to
know the activity of students on learning by using
learning media.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
3.1 Results Small Scale Trial
The experimental group test was conducted on 8
students of class X. The purpose of this trial is to see
the practicality of learning media developed, before
being tested on the real research subject.
Implementation of this students are given
learning materials that are equipped with instruction
learning media navigation. In this stage the
assessment of learning media is done by using a
questionnaire given to students, with the aim to see
the practicality of learning media that is being
The final stage of learning, students fill out a
questionnaire to find comments or responses to the
second product of learning media variations of
volleyball services techniques that are being
Table 1: Small Group Trial Step.
This implementation of the students are given
learning materials that are equipped with instruction
learning media navigation. In this stage the
assessment of learning media is done by using
questionnaires given to the students, with the aim to
see the practicality of learning media being
Instructional technology/media for learning-
teaching process provide with the tools to engage
learners powerfully in the learning process. It greatly
enhance the effectiveness of communication. If it is
properly designed, skillfully produced and
effectively used have great influence on teaching &
learning (Naz & Akbar, 2008: 35-36). Tools/special
physical education instructional media are needed to
be designed in accordance with the rules of
ergonomics. A good, safe, comfortable and attractive
model of media learning that is in harmonious
growth of physical and psychological development
for junior high school students in West Java in
particular and Indonesia in general (Nugraha, 2017:
Table 2: Results of Questionnaires in the Small Group
Trial Stage
Indicator/ Aspect
Clarity of material
content on learning
Very Practical
Compliance between
examples and practice
questions in learning
Very Practical
Problem Level Problem
Very Practical
The language used is
easy to understand,
clear and simple
Very Practical
Clarity of instructions
for using learning
Very Practical
Ease of use of
navigation on learning
The suitability of
display images and
media learning video
Very Practical
Compatibility of color
composition in learning
media display
Very Practical
Clarity of text, images
and sound on the
display of learning
Very Practical
The effectiveness of
music use in
instructional media
Very Practical
Practical use of learning
Very Practical
Very Practical
Table 2 shows the average results of the
responses to the use of learning media, each
indicator at the small group testing stage of 4.30 can
be concluded that the learning media variations of
Very Good
Very Good
Very Good
Very Good
Very Good
Very Good
Very Good
Development Learning Model Variation Techniques of Volley Ball Services Using Visual Audio Media
volleyball service techniques included in the criteria
very practical. The small group trial stage of the
students was asked for comments and suggestions
for improvement of the learning media that the
researcher developed.
The students' comments and suggestions state
that they enjoy learning by using the instructional
medium of variation of volleyball service technique,
because learning becomes interesting and not boring,
because the videos in the learning media that are
presented provide information about the technique
or how to perform variations of volleyball service
technique is good and true. The music that
accompanies the learning media makes it
comfortable while learning, so that learning becomes
more interesting and fun.
3.2 Large Scale Trial Results
The acquisition of the third prototype is valid and
practical, then conducted large group trials to see the
potential effect on learning outcomes. In this stage
two tests on students before learning (pretest) and
after learning (postest).
The test phase of the large group of researchers
tested the students twice as much as the pretest and
postest. Pretest was done at the beginning of
learning before using the instructional media of
variation of volleyball service technique, while
posttest was done at the end of the learning after
using the instructional media of variation of
volleyball service technique.
Psychomotor observation, therefore, organized
with the necessary settings, and built taking into
account the contextual circumstances, aims to early
identification of motor difficulties in view of an
educational program. It’s individualized for each
student (Viscione, et al. 2016: 3).
The results of psychomotor assessment of
students pretest and posttest can be seen in table 3
Table 3: Result of Pretest and Posttest Student
Phsychomotor Ability.
Post test
Based on table 3, there are 33 students or 82,5%
with unfinished category, and 7 students or 21,2%
are complete, while data of posttest result are 2
students or 5% incomplete category, and 38 students
or 95 % with complete category.
The results of the students' cognitive and posttest
cognitive abilities can be seen in table 4 below:
Table 4: Results Pretest and Posttest Student's Cognitive
Post test
Based on table 4, there were 30 students or 75%
with unfinished category, and 10 students or 25%
were completed, while the posttest result data were 6
students or 15% of unfinished category, and 34
students or 85%.
3.3 Discussion of Small Group Trial
Implementation of small group trials involving 8
students, the activities undertaken are students are
given lessons by using the media audio visual in
research for learning variations of volleyball service
techniques. Daryanto (2013: 13) audio visual media
has the ability to display images, photos and motion.
Then at the end of the learning students are given
a questionnaire to determine the response of students
after learning using the media learning variations of
volleyball service techniques. Based on the results of
the questionnaire showed an average of 4.30 with a
very practical category. Based on the observation
result, the average value is 82.50%, with the
conclusion that the students have been able to do the
learning well. Based on students' responses at small
group testing stage, it can be concluded that the
learning media developed has been tested for
practicality and feasible to use.
Based on the results of the questionnaire showed
an average of 4.30 with a very practical category.
Based on the observation result, the average value is
82.50%, with the conclusion that the students have
been able to do the learning well. Based on the
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
students' responses at the small group testing stage,
it can be concluded that the learning media
developed has been tested practically and feasible to
3.4 Discussion of the Big Group Trial
Learning media is one of the important factors in
improving the quality of learning. This is caused by
technological developments in the field of education
with which demands efficiency and effectiveness in
learning (Sungkono, 2008: 71).
The potential effect of instructional media is
known in the large group trials stage, obtained by
the percentage of psychomotor ability of 95% with
the completed category or 38 students, compared to
the result of pretest of 21% with the complete
category or 7 students. The result of affective
assessment indicates that the students have good
attitude and care about the learning using learning
media variation of volleyball service technique so
that it can help the teacher in delivering the subject
matter, and give an example.
The use of learning media variations of
volleyball service techniques, it is known that
students have an interest in learning because the
learning media variations of volleyball service
techniques can be motivated in learning, and media
learning variations of volleyball service techniques
capable of presenting the required information.
Media made declared valid after validated by
experts, learning media variations of volleyball
service techniques. Tested its practicality in the
small group testing stage, learning media variations
of volleyball service techniques made attractive to
students, easy to understand, and students more
quickly master the competencies to be achieved
according to learning objectives. It is said to have a
potential effect on student learning outcomes
obtained at the large group trial stage, from skills,
knowledge, and attitude assessment.
The results of this study are in line with previous
research conducted by Lumintuarsa (2013: 45)
which states that the medium of learning techniques
of volley ball that developed proved very good,
valid, and tested its effectiveness. Furthermore, the
results of research Daryono (2014: 19), the model of
ball basketball game worthy ball used for student
Based on the result of the research that has been
done about the making of learning media of
volleyball service technique, it can be concluded (1)
The making of instructional media of variation of
volleyball service technique developed has been
validated after validated by the experts, so the
instructional media variation of volleyball service
technique learning. (2) Learning media of variation
of volleyball service technique that has been tested
its practicability in small group test phase, can be
seen from instructional media of variation of
volleyball service technique resulted interesting for
students, and students more quickly master the
competence achieved according to learning
objectives. (3) Learning media variations of
volleyball service techniques created have a
potential effect on student learning outcomes. It is
said to have a potential effect on student learning
outcomes obtained in the large group trials stage,
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education