Perception of Foreign Coach and Athletes about a Volleyball
Sujarwo Sujarwo and Putut Marhaento
Faculty of Sports Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo No. 1 Yogyakarta. Indonesia.
Keywords: Perception, Foreign Coach and Players PROLIGA.
Abstract: This research aims to find out what sort of perception of foreign players and coaches about the PROLIGA
volleyball competitions in Indonesia. Its very importance for the organizing commitee in PROLIGA to
improve the quality of event. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods in which
researchers would unearth information with directly with the respondent or subject coaches and foreign
players playing in the PROLIGA competition. Initial steps researchers will conduct a survey about coach
and players who compete in the PROLIGA, then researchers will be directly interviewed coaches and
athletes who play in foreign competitions PROLIGA. The target will be reached in this study is accurate
information about perceptions of coaches and players against the PROLIGA competition organized by the
PBVSI in collaboration with existing sponsors. How the even organizer made good competition or lack of
implementation both of the Committee or team participants. Recomendation from this research that in
perception of foreign coach and athletes about PROLIGA competition 2017 there was need to be improved,
especially on facilities of competitions for instance stadium, hall, court, dressing room through look for
more sponsorship, beside that athlete and coach should improve their abilities skill, and also experience
international competition.
PROLIGA Volleyball competition is an annual
professional league in Indonesia. Through
Professional Volleyball Competition PROLIGA.
PROLIGA competition still to be improved, cause
lot of advantages. Experiences that local coach and
local player to learn every kind of technical and how
strategy from foreign coach and player can improve
our perspective in volleyball games. Finance for
coaches as well as athletes competed PROLIGA is
enough to make an extra income. Exercises
conducted over the past one year appreciated by a
contract that is promising for them.
There are still many shortcomings, particularly in
the conditioning of the team or event organizer
PROLIGA associated the presence of foreign
players or coaches. These foreign players and
coaches is presented in the event PROLIGA in
addition to allure the event is also to provide insights
to the coaches and players the ability to feel
Indonesia's local foreign players to arrive. The
Organization of the event is expected to generate the
PROLIGA the benefits mentioned above. However,
in such that it still has many constraints and also
problems occurred, such as the difficulty of permits
for foreign coaches or players. Those researchers
interested in examining the matter of perception for
coaches and foreign players against the holding of
competitions PROLIGA in 2017.
Perception is a process which proceeded by
sensing, a stimulus is received by an individual
through a sensory receptor that is tool (Hasminee
Uma, 2015). The perception of a stimulus is sensed
by individuals, organized and then interpreted so
that individuals realize and understand about what
senses. Factors that influence the perception of
basically divided into internal factors and external
factors. These also due to research that explained
that a better understanding of the movement system
function is one of conditions for cultivation and
development of game performance in volleyball
(Rostislav Voralek, 2010). 1) Internal factors that
influence perception, i.e. The facts contained in the
individual, who includes several things, among
others: a): Physiological information through our
senses, then the information retrieved will this affect
and complement efforts to give meaning to the
environment around it. Sensory capacity to person
for each person is different, so the interpretation of
the environment can also be different. b) Attention:
the individual requires a certain amount of energy is
Sujarwo, S. and Marhaento, P.
Perception of Foreign Coach and Athletes about a Volleyball Competition.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 87-91
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
expended to pay attention or focus on the physical
and mental facilities that exist on an object. The
energy of each person is different, so that one's
attention towards objects is also different and this
will affect the perception of an object. c) Interests:
perceptions towards an object varies depending on
how much energy or perceptual vigilance that is
moved to percept. Perceptual vigilance is the
tendency of a person to pay attention to the
particular type of stimulus or can be said to be
interested. d) Needs a unidirectional: this factor can
be seen from how strong an individual searching for
objects or messages that can provide answers to
correspond with him. e) Experience and memory:
experience can be said to depend on the memory in
the sense of the extent to which a person can recall
the events of the past to figure out stimulation in that
sense. f) Mood: emotional state affects the person's
behavior, mood shows how feelings of a person at a
time can affect how a person in a receiving, react
and remember. 2) External factors that affect
perception, is characteristic of the environment and
the objects involved. These elements can change a
person's point of view towards the surrounding
world and affects how someone feels it or accept it.
Meanwhile, the external factors that affect
perception are: a) the size and placement of the
object or stimulus: it states that the more factors
huge an object relationship, then the easier it is to
understand. This shape will affect the perception of
the individual and by looking at the shape of the size
of an individual object would be easy to turn
attention to the forms of perception. b) Color of
objects: objects that have a lot more light, it would
be more understandable (perceived to be) compared
with that a bit. c) Uniqueness and contrasts the
stimulus: a stimulus that his performance with the
background and its surroundings that are completely
outside of the supposition of other individuals who
will attract attention. d) Intensity and power of the
stimulus: a stimulus from the outside will give more
meaning when it is most often observed compared to
only once seen. The strength of the stimulus is the
power of an object which can affect perception. e)
Motion or movement: the individual will give much
attention to objects that provide movement within
range of views than the object still. Perception is a
process which proceeded by sensing, i.e. is the
process of receipt of stimulus by individuals through
the senses or also known as sensory processes (Bimo
Walgito, 1980). An experienced volleyball player
like foreign players and also the already often play
in a national event or PROLIGA definitely has the
ability to predict or react better than inexperienced
athletes. It is similar to research conducted
(Vansteenkiste, 2014) more experienced players do
not react faster and more accurately because they
have a different visual strategy.
The launch of the PROLIGA is the result of
breakthrough's Rita Subowo who was serving as
Chairman of PP PBVSI. She saw a decline both in
terms of coaching volleyball, competition, as well as
accomplishment, for it is a need for a more
professional competition (Yusovolley, 2017).
Through Professional Volleyball Competition
PROLIGA Rita hope the popularity of volleyball is
increasingly declining in the community would be
excited again. She says: "in order that the program
be managed competition system is good and the
quality of the players is very high, it is absolutely
necessary for that entire team compete should be
reinforced by one or two foreign players who have
the ability and ideal height. In addition to height and
abilities, discipline and professional attitude of the
foreign players are expected to be used as a role
model for our players. "The existence of a model
specializing in the composition of the team further
improve competitive power for each player or
athlete, it is similar to research conducted (Francine
Caetano de andrane, 2014). Based on the perception
of each position it is possible to speculate that loads
the internal perception of volleyball players is
associated with the specific motor action of the
functions they perform. On that basis and on the
competition team PROLIGA using foreign players,
although in fact the quality of the players that he
brought there that does not comply with
expectations. On the holding of this first PROLIGA,
organizers with partners from TVRI and Trans TV
to broadcast the competition, either in the highlights,
delayed broadcasts as well as live broadcasts, so that
the match can be seen not only by the audience who
came to the venue but can also be witnessed by
millions of viewers through the television screen.
The existence of impressions direct or delay of two
television stations on every weekend during its run
on average 5 hours each week plus promotional
efforts undertaken in each region when the match
was held, led by the public becomes unbelievable. It
can be seen from the large number of spectators who
came to the match venues and a peak on the final
date of 7 April 2002 at Istora Senayan populated
mostly by the “volimania”. Other rationale against
birth PROLIGA is the existence of a hope to raise
the welfare of neither the Club nor the player
volleyball ground water through this annual
competition (Volimania, 2017).
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Development of the PROLIGA from year to year
Professional PROLIGA volleyball competitions
from year to year are experiencing ups and downs, it
is also influenced by the presence of Executive
Board policy PP. PBVSI related participation team
and also sponsors of teams that will compete largely
dominated by State Owen Enterprises or companies
who also experienced the ups and downs of financial
conditions set by the Government. PROLIGA
competition during 5 year competition need quality
of volleyball players good enough, these conditions
also same with (Janakka Prasanna Gamage, and
Angela De Silva, 2014). adequate quality and
quantity of athletes’ competition day diet is critically
important for better performance and optimum
recovery. Foreign players and foreign coaches also
need to adapt to either quickly because it needs a
solid team within 3 months of preparation for a
demanding, besides the PROLIGA foreign players
and foreign coaches soon adapt well should be a
local team or local players could receive foreign
players, because basically the volleyball team is a
game filled with cooperation. Every player in
PROLIGA competition has specialization in
position, these also same with research (Jeremy M.
Sheppard, 2009) the specialized role of the various
positions in volleyball and the specific task. Team
play is an element that could therefore be one of the
reasons behind the popularity of volleyball. Based
on these research (Mukhwinder Singh, 2015) in
volleyball, each playing position requires a varying
game skill. The team who play together as a team,
and not just as a bunch of strangers, have often more
successful and probably also drawn more us
viewers’ loyal fans since it might lead to stronger
feelings of togetherness and family, belongings. The
level of competition is also very importance to
attrack spectator, thic condition due to research that
conduct from (Antonio Garsia-de-Alcaraz and Rui
Marcelino, 2017).
2.1 Research Design
This descriptive research with qualitative data
collection techniques with in-depth interviews (in
depth interview). Kualitatif is a research study that
aims to understand the phenomenon of what is
experienced by the subject of the research, e.g.,
Behaviour’s, perceptions, motivations, actions and
other, holistically, and by means of the description
in the form of words and language, in a special
natural context and by utilizing various scientific
methods (Lexy J. Moleong, 2014).
Initial steps already undertaken by the
researchers are seeking preliminary information
about the PROLIGA event in 2017 and foreign
players and coaches involved in the event. The next
activity that does is: reviewing literature on
Perceptions and also the PROLIGA, after would be
sure then arranged a guidance interview, then after
the interview guidelines composed, then in the FGD
or with the method of Delphi to the expert, then
action onto the field to retrieve the data.
2.2 Research Subject
The subject of the research in this study are the
coaches and foreign players who participated in the
competition in 2017 PROLIGA, namely foreign
coaches there are 2 foreign players that come from
Montenegro, and Australia and 1 coach from
Finland, Europe. All of them both coach and athlets
were play in their National Team in their country
until right now.
2.3 Research instrument
Qualitative research is a hallmark of researchers as
an instrument collecting data; the researchers
determined the overall role of the screenplay. The
ability of the researcher as an instrument can be
improved by the way first of all researchers should
always go to the new situation in order to gain
experience, and then trying to take down anything
that happened and interviewing some of the people
as well as noting whatever be the outcome of the
talks (Lexy J. Moleong, 2014).
2.4 Data analysis techniques
Data analysis is the process of organizing and
sorting the data into patterns, categories, and the
basic description, unit so that it can be found and can
be formulated the working hypothesis as suggested
by the data. Technique of data analysis in this study
using a model developed by Miles and Huberman,
the data analysis is based on the view of positivism
paradigm. The existence of the mapping and
description of the data into a matrix, the following
steps data analysis: 1) data reduction; 2)
Categorization; 3) synthesis; 4) compose the
working hypothesis (Lexy J. Moleong, 2014).
Perception of Foreign Coach and Athletes about a Volleyball Competition
From Shailen Ramdoo one of PROLIGA coach
(Finland Europe), that have been stayed Indonesia
for 3 months, for Jakarta Pertamina Energy
Volleyball Team. On his perception PROLIGA
event that held in Indonesia was professional
competition, but little current and security for
foreign players. Still to be improved management of
team as coach, he got 15000USD and 3000USD for
bonus, that is a small salary for professional coach.
PROLIGA good league to develop fully if the right
professionals are able to work in the right
departments. Need 4-5 months to coach and athlete
preparing for PROLIGA long league with more
matches. He also suggests that Indonesian volleyball
athletes need to be hygene, for discipline and body
care, for example before playing volleyball
competition they eat KFC. Not enough games in
order to raise the level of PROLIGA. PROLIGA was
good competition, and loved by the fans. Great
atmosphere for players and coaches.
Good culture and great smile from everybody. In
general local players are good. But they need all
year round training not just few months. With some
restructuring of their trainings and financial
assistance, the league PROLIGA will benefit. But
some local players are too greedy or lazy attitude,
mainly men. Women were more dedicated. Local
coaches need to accept that learning everyday will
raise the PROLIGA. Encourage and employ coaches
to learn and update themselves regarding the modern
volleyball in all aspects not only tactics or skills. He
suggests for Indonesian coaches many more aspects
to learn such as management of team or individual
coaching and more ideas can be obtained if
From foreign athletes, Paul Sanderson
(Australia), he has two seasons in PROLIGA
competition, so more experiences in Indonesia
conditions and situations. His perception about
PROLIGA competition was enjoyed playing, and
challenging competition. Jakarta Pertamina Energy
was the team that followed. Contract for salary was
okay. But he didn't want to say how much causes is
privacy. The weather of Indonesia sometimes didn't
well for him. The another perception of hi, that court
and stadium some of place poor quality. Beside that
there are good points of PROLIGA competition
where people tamales' and environment to play. His
perception about local player were few qualities and
importance to have as many as possible on the team.
Perception about local coach, that local coach was
respected by the players that were important in
Indonesia. His suggestion for PROLIGA need more
sponsors, put matches on television, and the
spectator so good in Indonesia.
From foreign athletes, Aleksandar Minic
(Montenegro), four months in Indonesia. His
perception about PROLIGA that every team has a
similar quality, and every game has interesting. The
Jakarta Pertamina Energy team that he's followed on
PROLIGA 2017. His perception about PROLIGA
poor of space warm up and the hall doesn’t have
dressing rooms. The match doesn't start at the time.
Good team every team can beat each other so every
team were equal. About Indonesian players, his
perception they don't have technical quality like
players in Europe, as seem as research from (J.M.
Palao, J.A. Santos and A. Urena, 2017) that every
players in volleyball team need to have a good skill
in all techniques, but they jump ability so high and
good attack. Because those volleyball characteristic
it can involve that volleyball games can produce
injuries for athletes, These conditions need to be
evaluated, from research (EALM Verhagen, 2004)
about volleyball injuries can show common issue
that ankle sprain is the most happened in volleyball.
Perception about local coach have nice people, good
tactic, good cooperation, without misunderstanding.
Suggestion for PROLIGA even can make the
tournament played in two halls not just in one heals.
Grounded theory that founded from this research
that very importance was nutrient that needed for
volleyball athlete in PROLIGA competition should
be focused or consider. Beside that local player or
athlete had a bad habbit that too greedy or lazy
attitude. Coach need to improve how to manage their
team and spesific individual coaching creativity. The
skill of players need to be evaluate and check in
every competition to set up the strategy of team and
coach (Laios Yiannis and Kountouris Panagiotis,
2017). Predicting game outcome from the five
“counter attacked” variables, resulted in one
significant function and “ace” was selected to enter
into the final model. None of the three “dig” or the
four “block” categories were significantly
discriminating game outcome. These results
conclude that “ace” in service and in counterattack
remain powerful aggressive tools for high level
teams and were predictors to win (Eleni Zetou, et. al,
Perception of foreign coach and athletes about
PROLIGA competition 2017 there was need to be
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
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coach should improve their abilities skill, and also
experience international competition, also quality
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Perception of Foreign Coach and Athletes about a Volleyball Competition