Contribution of Arm Muscle Strength and Flexibility to Result in
Radslag on Physical Education Students
Daharis Daharis and Ahmad Rahmadani
Islamic University of Riau, Jl. Kaharuddin Nasution No. 113 Perhentian Marpoyan, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Keywords: Radslag, Gymnastic, Flexibility, Strength.
Abstract: This research is a quantitative research using survey method. This study aims to determine the contribution
between arm muscle strength and flexibility either individually or collectively to the learning result of
radslag gymnastic practice. This research was conducted at the Islamic University of Riau with the number
of samples as many as 50 Physical Education Student. Research method using correlation design. From the
results of data analysis proves that: (1) There is a positive contribution between arm muscle strength to
radslag gymnastic practice with 64% contribution. (2) There is a positive contribution between flexibility to
radslag gymnastic practice with a contribution of 28%. (3) There is a positive contribution between arm
muscle strength and flexibility to together to radslag gymnastics practice with 52% contribution. Thus the
proposed hypothesis proves that the independent variables have contributed to the dependent variable either
individually or collectively.
We as human beings living in this era of
globalization are faced with a reality of challenges in
life. We are required to improve ourselves to face
various challenges and problems that usually arise in
everyday life. One of the way is exercising or sport
activities. Exercise has positive values in building
our character as human beings. Values such as
discipline, responsibility, creative, critical, sportive,
competitive, proactive, cooperative are things we
can get from exercise other than health benefits,
which are important for our physical fitness.
In addition, sports activities aims to create a
completely physically, spiritually and socially
healthy human. That is why sports activities are very
closely related to nation and state’ life. Therefore, it
is required a sport guidance and development as
stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No.3
Year 2005 on National Sport System.
Guidance and development of sports is important
especially among sports academics. Because
socializing sports needs the role and participation of
sports academics both at the government level and in
conducting community service. In addition, sport
development can also be done in the environment of
Formal Education such as at the University having
Sports Study Program. Sports Education teaches a
variety of sports, such as athletics, gymnastics,
swimming, martial arts and various types of sports
games such as basketball, football, volleyball,
takraw, handball and so on.
From the above various sports, gymnastic is one
growing and quite popular sport among the
community, especially for sports students. This can
be seen from the increasing interest of sports
students who participate in gymnastics at the
university and club. Currently, gymnastics
development is also supported by the number of
championship held regularly for certain age levels,
from small to big scale, such as: POMNAS which
organizes inter-university gymnastics to National
Sports Week (PON) and international events from
Sea Games, Asian Games to Olympics.
Gymnastics is one sport included in the learning
curriculum of Physical Education Health and
Recreation Study Program at the Islamic University
of Riau. Gymnastics is studied by first grade
students in the first and second semesters. In this
learning, students are introduced to various kinds of
gymnastics and way to learn them. The risk of
gymnastic injuries seems to be proportional to the
level of the athletes; the higher the level of
gymnastics, the more hours are spent in practice,
with a greater exposure time. With the increased risk
in gymnastics, the incidence of acute injuries will
also increase, and as the skill level increases, the
load during the workout will also increase, providing
more opportunity for chronic injuries (Meeusen, R.
and Borms, J., 1992).
Daharis, D. and Rahmadani, A.
Contribution of Arm Muscle Strength and Flexibility to Result in Radslag on Physical Education Students.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 114-118
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Considering the results of gymnastic practice is
closely related to optimal repetition, the presentation
is given once a week. In addition, students are
provided and recommended to practice themselves
or in groups in their own spare time.
However, with the various efforts undertaken in
the implementation of this gymnastics course, scores
obtained by the students are quite low. Students are
generally got C and D while B only found a few.
Students with A score are rarely found. Sometimes
there are students who do not pass the course.
Indirectly, students are difficult to get high scores in
this course.
From another perspective, students in gymnastics
practice classes have set the standard that will be
achieved. For 100% practice exam, students get a
maximum score of 60 (60%). While the theory score
is maximum 30 (30%) and 10% of the task. So, for
the practice score itself, students will achieve:
• 50 - 60 = Very Good
• 40 - 49 = Good
• 30 - 39 = Fair
20 - 29 = Poor
• 10 - 19 = Very Poor
Considering standard state or practice score
mentioned above and relating to score got by
students so far, it means that most students are in
range 30-39. Given the low scores achieved by the
students, several lecturers assumption arise at the
faculty especially lecturer at Physical Education
Health and Recreation Study Program, Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education, Islamic University
of Riau (FKIP UIR).
Some of lecturer have assumed that most of the
students are follow too many practice courses
offered and must be taken in the relevant semester.
Essentially, every type of sports that they
participated has specific and different training and
demand, both physically and mentally. Some
lecturer argue that gymnastics movement is difficult
to do by students having weight heavier than normal
weight because most of the gymnastics movement
depends on speed, strength, flexibility, and move
weight from one point to another.
One taught gymnastics type is Radslag
gymnastics movement. Its learning is conducted
routinely every week with a pre-programmed
training schedule. It is supported by facilities and
infrastructure such as mattresses and equipment. To
master Radslag movement, first is learning
movement theory, then understand the movement
steps and then practice the movement skills. Long
training is required continually to master the
movement. According to Peter Werner (2012: 5),
Gymnastic may be globally defined as any physical
exercise on the floor or apparatus that promotes
endurance, strength, flexibility, agility, coordination,
and body control”. Moreover, to support it, it takes a
fit physical condition including muscle flexibility
and strength. Physical attributes were obtained by
anthropometry and from tests of flexibility, leg
power, maximum oxygen uptake and visuo-motor
proficiency. Training and psychological measures
were derived from self-administered questionnaires
that included the Leadership Scale for Sport,
Psychological Skills Inventory for Sport, General
Health Questionnaire, Sport Competition Anxiety
Test, and several questions on sport motivation and
enjoyment (Hume, P.A., Hopkins, W.G., Robinson,
D.M., Robinson, S.M. and Hollings, S.C., 1993).
The aim of the present investigation was to study
the possible effects of specificity of training on
muscle strength and anaerobic power in children
from different sports and at different performance
levels in relation to growth and maturation status.
Hundred and eighty-four children of both gender
participating either in swimming, tennis, team
handball or gymnastics were recruited from the best
clubs in Denmark (Bencke, J., Damsgaard, R.,
Saekmose, A., Jørgensen, P., Jørgensen, K. and
Klausen, K., 2002).
Flexibility is often defined as one’s ability to
move the body or parts in the widest possible space,
without injury to the joints and muscles around it.
Due to flexibility is based on the extent of body
movement around the particular joint, flexibility
level needed will vary in each sport. According to
Bompa (2015: 67), “Flexibility refers to the range of
motion around a joint. Improving flexibility is a
fundamental element of a young athlete’s training
program because good flexibility enables the athlete
to perform various movements and skills easily and
helps prevent injury”.
Flexibility, as a component of physical fitness, is
one’s ability to move the body and its parts at the
field movement without feeling tension in the
muscles. In sports, flexibility is important, higher
flexibility will tend to minimize injury. Low/high
flexibility level of athletes is not determined by their
posture, but training. Therefore, long and continual
training is necessity to gain a good flexibility.
It also required strength of the excellent arm
muscle. According to Paavo V Komi (2008: 6), “The
term strength will be employed to identify the
maximal force or torque that can be developed by
the muscles performing a particular joint movement
(e.g. elbow flexion, knee extension). Strength is a
very important component in improving one’s
overall physical condition. The purpose of this study
was to report the knowledge used by expert high-
performance gymnastic coaches in the organization
of training and competition. In-depth interviews
Contribution of Arm Muscle Strength and Flexibility to Result in Radslag on Physical Education Students
were conducted with 9 coaches who worked with
male gymnasts and 8 coaches who worked with
female gymnasts (Côté, J. and Salmela, J.H., 1996).
Maximal isometric muscular strength and
anthropometric characteristics were studied among
three random samples each containing about 180
Finnish men belonging to three generation cohorts,
and having a mean age of 32·9 ± 1·4, 53·1 ± 1·5 and
72·4 years (Viitasalo, J.T., Era, P., Leskinen,
A.L. and Heikkinen, E., 1985). Muscular strength is
one of supports for achieving maximum
performance. Referring to Thomas R. Baechle
(2008: 4), “At the most basic level, the strength and
conditioning professional is concerned with
maximizing physical performance and must
therefore conduct programs that are designed to
increase muscular strength, muscular endurance, and
flexibility”. In the sport that mostly using arm
muscles such as gymnastics, arm muscles strength is
very significant because its movements requires
good strength to master and present the movement
properly and correctly. Flexibility and strength
elements of Radslag are dominant, so it is proper
that movement becomes the focus of learning.
Increased interest in alternative approaches to
thoracotomy has developed because of the
considerable morbidity associated with the standard
posterolateral technique. We conducted a
prospective, randomized, blinded study of 50
consecutive patients to compare postoperative pain,
pulmonary function, shoulder strength, and range of
shoulder motion between the standard posterolateral
and the muscle sparing thoracotomy techniques
(Hazelrigg, S.R., Landreneau, R.J., Boley, T.M.,
Priesmeyer, M., Schmaltz, R.A., Nawarawong, W.,
Johnson, J.A., Walls, J.T. and Curtis, J.J., 1991).
Based on the observation made in teaching
gymnastics on Students at Physical Education
Health and Recreation Study Program, Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education, Islamic University
of Riau, the found problem is some students have
not mastered Radslag movement skills. This is seen
from students during Radslag training, the
movement is still stiff and no balance on the foot. In
addition, many students do not have excellent arm
muscle strength which it can result to less than
maximum mastery of Radslag movement. Based on
the results above, we want to conduct a research that
can prove contribution of arm muscle strength and
flexibility against the radslag training result of the
students at FKIP UIR.
This research is classified as quantitative research by
using correlation technique. This method was used
to find a relationship between two different
variables. Independent variables in this study are
arm muscle strength and flexibility while the
dependent variable is radslag gymnastics. It can be
seen in the constellation below for more detail.
Figure 1. Constellation of Research Variables.
X1 = Arm muscle strength
X2 = Flexibility
Y = Radslag
Population of this research was 50 undergraduate
students class 2A who attended gymnastic course at
Physical Education Health and Recreation Study
Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, Islamic University of Riau (FKIP UIR).
Table 1. Research Population.
Source: Observation Data
The sampling technique used was total sampling i.e.
the entire population of 50 students were used as
sample research. Data obtained in this study are
primary and secondary data including arm muscle
strength, flexibility and radslag gymnastics
movement. In accordance with the data required in
this study, the obtained source data are from
Gymnastic Lecturers Team of FKIP UIR. Data
collection in this research was done from the
measurement test result. Radslag Gymnastics Test
was observed morphologically from the initial,
primary and final phases. Flexibility Test was
measured by using Sit and Reach Test while arm
muscle strength was measured by using
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
In accordance with the problems described in the
previous section, the research result will be
explained. This study includes two independent
variables which are arm muscle strength and
flexibility; and one dependent variable i.e. Radslag
Gymnastics. The research data described is related
to the measurement results of all variables. Data
obtained from it will be explained below.
Test results of the first hypothesis shows that the
proposed hypothesis is accepted. This shows that
there is a positive contribution between arm muscle
strength to the radslag practice result on students at
Physical Education Health and Recreation Study
Program, FKIP UIR. In the hypothesis test, the
results of correlation coefficient analysis is r value =
0.80 which states a high relationship between arm
muscle strength variable with learning outcomes of
radslag gymnastics practice while the contribution
itself is 64%. This means that, if the students have
excellent arm muscle strength, the result of radslag
gymnastic training tends to be good and vice versa.
Test result of the second hypothesis shows that
the proposed hypothesis is accepted. This shows that
there is a positive contribution between flexibility to
learning outcomes of radslag gymnastics practice on
the students at Physical Education Health and
Recreation Study Program, FKIP UIR In the
hypothesis test, the results of correlation coefficient
analysis is r value = 0.64 which states a high
relationship between flexibility variable with
learning outcomes of radslag gymnastics practice
while the contribution of variable on the results is
28%. %. This means that, if the students have good
flexibility, the result of radslag gymnastic training
tends to be good and vice versa.
Test result of the third hypothesis test shows
that the proposed hypothesis is accepted. This
indicates that there is a positive contribution
between arm muscle strength and flexibility together
to the result of learning practice of radslag
gymnastics on student at Physical Education Health
and Recreation Study Program, FKIP UIR. In the
hypothesis test, the results of multiple correlation
coefficient analysis is r value = 0.71 which states a
very high relationship between arm muscle strength
and flexibility variables to the learning practice
results of radslag gymnastics. While the contribution
of the variables to the learning outcome is 52%. This
means that, if students have excellent arm muscle
strength and supported with good flexibility, the
learning outcome tends to be good and vice versa.
Based on data analysis and discussion in this
research, it can be concluded as follows:
1. According to first hypothesis test result, it shows
that there is a contribution of arm muscle
strength to radslag gymnastic movement of
students at Physical Education Health and
Recreation Study Program, FKIP UIR as many
as 64%.
2. According to first hypothesis test result, it shows
that there is a contribution of flexibility to
radslag gymnastic movement of students at
Physical Education Health and Recreation Study
Program, FKIP UIR as many as 28%.
3. According to first hypothesis test result, it shows
that there is a contribution of both arm muscle
strength and flexibility together to radslag
gymnastic movement of students at Physical
Education Health and Recreation Study Program,
FKIP UIR as many as 52%.
The implications of the research results show
that there is a contribution of arm muscle strength
and flexibility individually and jointly to the
learning practice result of radslag gymnastics on
students at Physical Education Health and
Recreation Study Program, FKIP UIR. As an
implication or follow-up of the research, trainers
who want to teach radslag gymnastics should know
and train flexibility and arm muscle strength. Having
excellent muscle strength and flexibility will make it
easy to learn and master radslag gymnastics well.
Therefore, training that can improve flexibility and
work of arm muscles shall be prioritized to support
the radslag gymnastic movement.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to
the Company as a member of Maspion Group, steel
pipe manufacturer, who have helped the research
from the beginning until its completion.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education