Physical Condition Evaluation of Young Athletic Athletes
Burstiando Rizki
Universitas Nusantara Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia, KH. Ahmad Dahlan 76, Kediri, Indonesia
Keywords: Physical condition, atletik.
Abstract: This research is aimed to see how far the level of physical condition of juvenile athletic athletes, so it can be
a benchmark in detemining the exercise program. The specific objective of this research is to provide
information to investigators about the status of the physical condition of teen athletic athletes consisting of
several components of the physical condition, among others, flexibility, speed, power, agility, aerobic
endurance and power. This study used descriptive quantitative surveys conducted on on athletic athletes of
adolescents, amounting to 24 athletes. With an age range of 13-18 years, which consists of 12 women and 12
men, using 7 kinds of tests to reveal the components of physical condition. For data analysis quantitative
descriptive analysis technique with percentage is used. The result is equal to 8.33% with the frequency of 2
athletes, good category of 33.33% with a frequency of 8 athletes, 29.17% enough category with 7 athletes,
less than 25% with 6 athletes and less than once of 4.17% with a frequency of 1 athlete.
Discusses the athletic identity construct, defined as
the degree to which an individual identifies with the
athlete role, within the framework of a
multidimensional self-concept. Positive and negative
factors that are potentially associated with a strong
athletic identity are considered (Brewer, B.W., Van
Raalte, J.L. and Linder, D.E., 1993). Achievement of
excellent physical condition will not necessarily be
obtained by the athlete. Need a proper exercise
program to get the physical condition as expected.
Physical exercise is one of the most important parts
of all athletic exercises, the goal is to shape the body's
condition as a basis for enhancing endurance and
freshness. Before determining the exercise program,
first, we need to know the initial physical condition
of the athlete, because the condition of each athlete
will be different from each other (Stewart, K.M.,
Bowyer, R.T., Dick, B.L., Johnson, B.K. and Kie,
J.G., 2005). Dehydration can compromise athletic
performance and increase the risk of exertional heat
injury. Athletes do not voluntarily drink sufficient
water to prevent dehydration during physical activity
(Casa, D.J., Armstrong, L.E., Hillman, S.K.,
Montain, S.J., Reiff, R.V., Rich, B.S., Roberts, W.O.
and Stone, J.A., 2000). Athletes and nonathletes who
died a sudden death were examined postmortem by
the local pathologist or medical examiner at each
collaborative medical center to rule out extracardiac
causes of death by routine autopsy (Corrado, D.,
Basso, C., Pavei, A., Michieli, P., Schiavon, M. and
Thiene, G., 2006).
Measurement and evaluation aims at grouping,
assessment, motivation and research. The test and
measurement of physical condition of athletic athletes
of Kediri City is still minimal so there needs to be a
comprehensive record to facilitate coaching in the
future (Voorrips, L.E., Lemmink, K.A., Van
Heuvelen, M.J., Bult, P.E.T.R.U.S. and Van
Staveren, W.A., 1993). Components of physical
conditions to be studied in this study are the
formation, speed, agility, aerobic endurance,
abdominal muscle strength, arm muscle strength, leg
muscle strength, strength of limb and power athletic
athletes at Kediri.
Tests and measurements of this physical
condition have not been done by the board or athletic
trainers in the city of Kediri, in this case is PASI
(Persatuan Atletik Seluruh Indonesia) Kota kediri. As
we know that without precise and accurate
measurements it will be impossible to determine the
right tratment. According to… For high level
competition it is necessary for adequate motor ability
as such as heart function, VO2 Max and others
(Arshad, M.A., Lowery, B. and Grossman, B., 1996).
Therefore it is important for researchers to conduct
research in order to see how far the physical condition
of athletic athletes of the city of Kediri so that helps
Rizki, B.
Physical Condition Evaluation of Young Athletic Athletes.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 286-288
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and can be a benchmark determination of exercise
program for PASI Kediri.
The experimental group which trained with the
load that maximized mechanical power achieved the
best overall results in enhancing dynamic athletic
performance recording statistically significant (P <
0.05) improvements on most test items and producing
statistically superior results to the two other training
modalities on the jumping and isokinetic tests (
Wilson, G.J., Newton, R.U., Murphy, A.J. and
Humphries, B.J., 1993).
2.1 Participants
This research uses descriptive quantitative survey
design. In this study which became the subject of
research is all adolescence athletic athletes of The
Indonesian Union of Athletic (PASI) Kediri city
which amounts to 24 athletes. With an age range of
13-18 years, which consists of 12 women and 12 men.
The consensus document recommends the
implementation of a common European screening
protocol essentially based on 12-lead ECG Corrado,
D., Pelliccia, A., Bjørnstad, H.H., Vanhees, L., Biffi,
A., Borjesson, M., Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, N.,
Deligiannis, A., Solberg, E., Dugmore, D. and
Mellwig, K.P., 2005).
2.2 Instruments
In this study there are 7 test items to be used to
measure the athlete's physical condition, among
others, are the flexibility test using crunches and
reach, speed test using a test run 30 meters, agility test
using the test to run back and forth
(Shutle Run), aerobic endurance test using MFT
(Multistages fitness test), abdominal muscle strength
test using sit up test 30 seconds , the strength of leg
muscle using leg muscle strength test or leg strength
with the help of leg dynamometer tool, lit power
(power ) of limb muscle using the vertical Jump test
(Wheeler, J.H., Ryan, J.B., Arciero, R.A. and
Molinari, R.N., 1989).
In this research, the result is a description consisting
of 7 test items that will describe 7 items of physical
condition of athletic athlete of kediri city consisting
of flexibility, speed, agility, aerobic endurance,
abdominal muscle strength, leg muscle strength and
leg muscle power, following description of data from
the 7 components. Components of flexibility where
using the sit and reach test obtained results with a
minimum value of 7 cm and the highest value is 26
cm. While the average value is 17 cm and the standard
deviation is 4.943. The speed component uses a 30
meter run test, from this test the longest travel time or
considered the lowest value for a distance of 30
meters is 6.02 seconds while the fastest time or
considered the highest value for a distance of 30
meters is 4.12 seconds. For the average value in this
test is 4.86 seconds while the standard deviation of
0,515. Components of agility using the run back and
forth or shutlerun test, the same as the speed test, the
value test is valid as opposite to the longest travel
time, that is considered as the lowest value is 18.19
seconds while the fastest time or considered the best
time is 11.45. For the average value obtained is 13.28
while for the standard deviation of 1.648. Aerobic
endurance test to measure VO2max using MFT test.
The lowest VO2max was found to be 26.04 ml / kg /
min and VO2max with the highest value was 46.80
ml / kg / min. The mean value of all athletes is 34.25
ml / kg / min. As for the standard deviation of 5.794.
Components of abdominal muscle strength using 30
seconds sit up test, from the test obtained the lowest
value is 19 and the highest value of 33, then the
average value is 26.83 and for the standard deviation
value is 4.361. The leg muscle strength component
using leg dynamometer obtained the lowest value of
35 kg, while the highest value of 135 kg. For the
average value is equal to 68.75 while for the standard
deviation value is equal to 26,367. The latter is for the
power component of the limb muscle or power, the
test uses a vertical jump with a minimum jump value
of 27 while for a maximum value of 67, for the
average value is 44 and the standard deviation of 11.
After the data is analyzed in accordance with the
norms then obtained the results of physical conditions
as a whole is as in table 1 below :
Table 1: Frequency Distribution of Physical Condition of
Athletic Athletic of Kediri City.
Very well
Less once
Physical Condition Evaluation of Young Athletic Athletes
Based on table 1 above it can be explained that
athletic athletes of Kediri which have good physical
condition is equal to 8,33% with frequency of 2
athletes, good category equal to 33,33% with
frequency of 8 athletes, enough category equal to
29,17% of 7 athletes, less than 25% category with a
frequency of 6 athletes and a category less than once
at 4.17% with a frequency of 1 athlete (Yang, H.,
2013). From the percentage above, physical condition
of Kediri’s athletic athletes are very diverse, in more
detail can be seen at level of graphic as in figure 1
Figure 1. Profile of Physical Condition of Athletic Athletic
of Kediri City.
From the above explanation can be concluded that the
results of research conducted at athletics athletes of
Kediri city, there are 2 athletes (8,33%) are in a very
good physical category, good category amounted to 8
athletes (33.33%), the category of enough consists of
7 athletes (29,17%), the category of less are 6 athletes
(25%) and 1 athlete (4.17%) below less. Physical
conditions are as diverse as this, is expected and the
coach will give the portion of the exercise in
accordance with the conditions of each athlete as well
as the principle of practice. It is also known that no
athlete has achieved excellent categories for aerobic
endurance components, so it is necessary to develop
durability in order to achieve optimal results, of
course, increasing the burden of exercise in an annual
exercise program or in years of sequential practice,
full of caution and systematic. Since high intensity
training programs without sufficient recovery result
in chronic fatigue, decreased performance and even
over training. Therefore intensive practice is urgently
needed, because athletes can maintain their strength,
speed, power and and all their performance to face the
upcoming race.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education