Scientific Approach in Physical Education
Is it able to
mprove Concentration and Spatial Intelligence of Junior High School
Students in the Coastal Area?
Beltasar Tarigan
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Scientific Approach, Concentration, Spatial Intelligence, Coastal Area.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of scientific approach in physical education towards
the creativity of Senior high school students in the mountainous area. The methods of the experiment were
Pre-test and Post-test designs. The population was students of Senior High School 1 Lembang, with 2 groups,
40 students taken as samples through simple random sampling technique. The instruments used were
creativity test. The data was processed by independent t-test with the level of trust 0,05. The result of
independent t-test in the component of creativity shows that t = 5.297, Sig 0,000, so H1 was accepted.
Conclusion: A scientific approach in physical education increased the creativity better than a conventional
approach of senior high school students living in the mountainous areas.
Physical education and sport are essentially one of the
efforts that can support the achievement of national
education goals. Physical education in the 20th
century puts more emphasis on physical fitness,
movement skills, knowledge and social (Abduljabar,
B. 2011); Gu, X., Solmon, MA, and Zhang, Q. 2014).
In fact, in field, students feel that learning physical
education presented is less attractive and monotonous
so it feels boring. One of the factors that make
physical education and sports unattractive is because
teachers still apply the conventional learning
approach with one of the characteristics of teaching is
authoritarian impression and all the learning process
is designed by the teacher, without involving the
students. This is reinforced by the opinion that the old
(Conventional) curriculum in its implementation is
static and rigid by those who apply it in the field
(Beyer, LE and Apple, MW (eds. 1998); Cook-
Sather, A. (2009b); Grumet, MR 1990).
Overcoming the current state of physical
education in schools, a breakthrough in learning is
needed, especially with regard to the application of
appropriate learning models and approaches, so it is
able to enhance creativity, concentration and
students‘ intelligence. In this regard, the government
has adopted a policy to implement the 2013
curriculum at the beginning of the new semester
2014, for all education units ranging from elementary,
junior high and senior high schools. One of the
emphasis of the curriculum is the approach model
called the scientific that consists of Problem Base
Learning approach, Problem Base Project and
Discovery Learning. Through these three approaches,
students are expected to develop aspects of student
creativity, concentration and intelligence. This is
reinforced by the opinion of experts who assert that
intelligence is influenced by environmental factors
(Diamond, M., and Hopson, J. 1998); Lucas, A.,
Morley, R., Cole, T. 1998); Neisser, U., Boodoo, G.,
Bouchard, T., Boykin, AW, Brody, N., Ceci, SJ,
Halpern, D., Loehlin, J., Perloff, R., Sternberg, R. and
Urbina, S. 1996); Nisbett, RE 2009), as a congenital
trait (Eysenck, H. 1994); Herrnstein RJ and Murray
C. 1994); Jensen, AR 1980).Jensen, AR (1998). In
contrast, the theory of Multiple Intelligence as a
combination of intelligence from potential
inheritance and skills can be developed in various
ways through relevant experience (Gardner, H. 1983).
While the sensory and intelligence factors are
influenced by independent systems, where the type
and quality of information received by the sensory
system (senses) determines one's intelligence
(Gardner, H. 1993). Other facts revealed that serum
calcium levels are positively associated with lower
leg muscle strength, but decreased serum calcium
Tarigan, B.
Scientific Approach in Physical Education - Is it able to Improve Concentration and Spatial Intelligence of Junior High School Students in the Coastal Area?.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 385-389
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
levels are not followed by a decrease in leg muscle
strength in soccer athletes (Yusni, Amiruddin, A
Purba, and B Tarigan, 2017). So, in addition to
diligent exercise should also be balanced by an
adequate supply of healthy food, it is useful to
maintain and improve the ability of the body.
In learning physical education with a scientific
approach, students are trained to perform analysis and
make decisions to perform the motion in accordance
with the conditions that occur in every game situation.
Other experts predict that the best scientific and
ethical approach to the present and the future (Zeigler
E F. 1980); Bacanak, A and Gökdere, M. 2009);
Hurd, PD 1998). Combination of body movement can
improve memory, instruction and sequential skills.
Creating movements can boost students‘ self-esteem,
which is very important in the learning process
(Gilbert, AG 1992). Through a creative learning
process, students are encouraged to use their
imagination, collaborate with peers, to solve
problems and find solutions to the problems they face.
Through regular and measurable physical and
exercise education activities, a child will be able to
maintain his physical fitness and concentration levels
longer than children who do not exercise regularly.
Physical education programs should raise
awareness, influence attitudes and identify
alternatives so that individuals can make informed
choices and behavioral changes to achieve optimal
physical and mental health (Misner, JE 1984). Other
researchers also highlighted and identified the role of
physical activity and physical fitness and mental
health of school-age children who have implications
for public health that are important factors in
children's lives (Blair, SN, Cheng, Y., and Holder, JS
2001); Fogelholm, M. 2010). Meanwhile in principle
in every fitness program attached to the idea that, we
educate teenagers to be fit and stay fit and active
throughout life (Corbin, Charles B, Welk, GJ 2014).
Consequently, students who exercise regularly with a
scientific approach at school or through awareness
outside school can improve their brain performance.
The method used in this study is the experiment,
which is a study that conducted experiments / giving
treatment to a group of students to obtain data as the
impact of the treatment given the concentration and
intelligence. The data were obtained through
concentration tests and spatial intelligence tests
(Spatial Intelligence) and then compared them with
the control group. When looking at the variables to be
studied, then the research design used is Randomized
Control-Group Pretest -Posttest Design, because in
this design there are two groups of control groups and
experimental groups. The experimental group
received treatment of physical education by using a
scientific and control approach with a conventional
approach. The main objective of this research is
revealing the influence of physical education exercise
to increase the concentration and students‘ spatial
intelligence (Spatial Intelligence) and test methods
are the most effective approach in improving the two
components used as the dependent variable.
The instruments used to collect data in this study
are, the first is to get information about the
concentration level of students, by the dissemination
of concentration tests and verify the data. Secondly to
get information on the level of students‘ spatial
intelligence (Spatial Intelligence) with spatial
intelligence questionnaire spatial (Spatial
Intelligence) and then verifying data.
2.1 Population and Sample
The population is sixth graders, with a total of 180
students. The sample represents a portion of the
population deemed to be representative of the study
population, therefore the sample selection technique
should be in accordance with the general
characteristics of the research objectives. The number
of samples used was 10% of the population of high
school students. Sample determination technique
used is Simple Random Sampling technique,
randomly taken as many as 40 students, 20 people get
treatment of scientific approach and 20 people with
conventional approach.
2.2 Analysis
Data analysis with the following steps:
The normality test used was Kolmogorov-
Smirnov in p-value > 0,05. Homogeneity test
used is Levene test in p-value > 0,05.
Analysis of hypotheses 1 to 4, using Paired
sample t test and hypotheses 5 and 6 using
Independent t test at p-value> 0,05.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Figure 1: Differences of scientific and conventional
approaches towards the students‘ concentration in the
coastal region.
Based on the data presented in Figure 1, it appears
that in the experimental group with the Scientific
approach in the Indramayu area pretest result of
concentration of 1897 with an average of 63.23, while
post-test 2475 with an average of 82.50. The control
group with the conventional approach in the
Indramayu area resulted in pretest concentration of
1581 with an average of 52.70, while the post-test
1807 with an average of 60.23.
Figure 2: Differences in scientific and conventional
approaches towards spatial intelligence of students in
coastal area.
Based on the data presented in Figure 2, it is seen
that in the experimental group with the Scientific
approach in the Indramayu area, the pretest results of
1067 spatial intelligence with an average of 35.57,
while the post-test 1207 with an average of 40.23. The
control group with the conventional approach in the
Indramayu area pretest results of spatial intelligence
1014 with an average of 33.80, while post-test 1017
with an average of 33.90.
Table 1: Paired test of concentration and spatial intelligence
test in the coastal region.
Group T Si
. (2-tailed)
Scientific -7.434 .000
ional -1.548 .132
Spatial Intelli
Group T Si
. (2-tailed)
Scientific 7.687 .000
ional -.100 .921
Based on the results of processing and data
analysis in Table 1, shows that physical education
conducted in coastal areas with scientific approaches
affect the increase in concentration and spatial
intelligence of students.
Through a scientific
approach, students are required to be able to improve
their skills and ability to think, curiosity and are able
to think or understand quickly.
Sensation, movement,
and brain function can be united in physics as a whole
Hannaford, C, 2005). Accordingly, scholars argue
that some theories of intelligence, when compared
traditional learning methods create a positive
effect on students' success and attitudes toward
science as school subjects (Özdemir, P., Güneysu, P.,
and Tekkaya, C. 2006 ).
Learning process that in the
scientific approach encourage students to learn
actively through their active involvement in physical
education learning, with concepts, principles, and
teachers encourage students to have experience and
experiment that allows them to find principles for
themselves on their
own (Suprihatiningrum, J.
2013). Students studying with learning strategies
based on Multiple Intelligences theory, scored higher
than students learning through traditional learning
(Abdi, A., Laei, S., and Ahmadyan, H. 2013).
Meanwhile, physical education conducted in
coastal areas with conventional approach does not
affect the increase in the concentration and spatial
intelligence of students.
The learning process
emphasizes the mastery of techniques first through
repetitions before stepping into the real game.
In the
process of mastering those skills, students are never
given the opportunity to think critically like how to
do good and correct techniques.
This happens
because all the processes and learning steps are
Kecerdasan Spasial
Scientific Approach in Physical Education - Is it able to Improve Concentration and Spatial Intelligence of Junior High School Students in
the Coastal Area?
managed by the teacher.
As a result students only do
what the teacher instructs and there is no tolerance to
take alternative steps to solve the problem.
students are easily bored and tired and that makes
students not creative.
Other experts suggest to
diagnose and promote intelligence systematically to
equip students with the knowledge and experience of
multiple intelligences and to use them in future
teaching practice (Elena, R., Carlín, T., and Castillo,
C. (nd). It is because students studying with the
Multiple Intelligences learning approach have
significantly improved from aspects of student
achievement and attitudes toward science, compared
to traditional learning approaches (Kaya, ON 2007).
Table 2: Independent sample T test results of concentration
and spatial intelligence.
Paired Sample t Tes
T Sig. (2-tailed)
Concentration 2.128 .038
Spatial Intelli
ence 3.902 .000
Based on the results of processing and data
analysis in Table 2, shows that physical education
conducted in coastal areas with a scientific approach
gives better influence on the concentration and spatial
intelligence of students compared with conventional
approach. So the teacher must master the scientific
approach in the process of physical education.
Therefore to increase interest, motivation and
creativity of students, the model and learning process
of physical education should make students more
active and creative and have challenges in doing
physical education activities (Gu, X and Chang, M
and Solmon, A M. 2016). Regarding spatial
intelligence, it is found that physical education
conducted with a play approach has a better impact
on student‘ spatial intelligence than those with
conventional approaches (Tarigan, Beltasar, 2014);
Tarigan B, Habibudin T and Ikbal Gentar Alam IG.
2016). Furthermore, the expert suggests that the
scientific approach has a significant effect on student
concentration (Tarigan, Beltasar, 2015). This is
supported by the opinion of experts who affirm that
“… Children who have good spatial thinking ability,
have better performance in the field of geography,
and this spatial intelligence is correlated with all
kinds of intelligence, in addition to musical
intelligence…“ (Klonari, A., and Likouri, AA (nd). In
order to achieve the quality of physical education that
is useful for the students‘ spatial concentration and
intelligence, learning activities are required using the
following principles: (1) centering on learners; (2)
developing the creativity of learners; (3) creating
favorable and challenging conditions; (4) has values,
ethics, aesthetics, logic, and kinestetics; (5) providing
a diverse learning experience through the application
of fun, contextual, effective, efficient and meaningful
learning strategies and methods (Hosnan, M. 2014).
Physical education conducted in coastal areas with
scientific approach, three times a week have an effect
on the increase of spatial concentration and students
'intelligence, while physical education with
conventional approach done once a week doesn‘t
have an effect to the improvement of spatial
concentration and students‘ intelligence. Physical
education conducted in the coastal areas with a
scientific approach has better influences on students‘
spatial concentration and intelligence compared with
conventional approaches.
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Scientific Approach in Physical Education - Is it able to Improve Concentration and Spatial Intelligence of Junior High School Students in
the Coastal Area?