Students’ Low Respect and Self-Regulation
Is TPSR the Solution?
Ali Budiman, Tite Juliantine and Bambang Abduljabar
School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility, Respect, Self-Regulation.
Abstract: This article examines the effect of TPSR (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility) learning model on
improving students’ respect and self-regulation behavior in physical education learning. The research method
used in this research is the experimental method, using Randomize Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. This
research was conducted in SMA Negeri 2 Padalarang, West Bandung Regency, with the 83 students (2 classes)
as the sample, which consists of 52 girls and 31 boys that selected using cluster random sampling technique
from the total population of 520 XI grader students. In this study, an instrument in a form of respect and self-
regulation questionnaire was used. The results show that there is a significant increase in the students’ respect
and self-regulation behavior through the TPSR model. It can be concluded that TPSR model is suitable to be
applied to Physical Education learning at school, especially to overcome the moral issues that happened lately
in the aspect of the students’ personal and social responsibility of their respect and self-regulation.
The lack of respectful behavior among students in the
last four years (2014-2017) is in the spotlight. One of
the examples of these frequent cases of violence by
students towards the teachers is a stabbing that
occurred in Soak Baru Village, Sekayu Sub-district,
which was done by a student of SMP-IT Al Karim
Noer to a teacher by using a knife for thirteen times.
Moreover, the rampant cases of bullying that occur
among teenagers also indicate the lack of respectful
behavior, one of which that happened in July 2014.
Thirteen students of SMAN 70 Jakarta were expelled
due to the reason that they bullied their junior. In
addition to the lack of respectful behavior among the
students, their self-regulation capacity also needs to
be highlighted. Self-regulation of the students, which
is an individual effort to organize him-/herself in a
learning activity by including the metacognition,
motivation, and students’ active behavior in
following the lesson, is low. It is shown by the
example that there are still many students who do not
get to their next grades or even drop out, based on the
statistical data of Senior High School that was
released by Indonesia Ministry of Education in 2016.
The data recorded that 6.822 students did not get to
their next grades and 40.454 students dropped out
from the total 4.312.407 students.
It is very risky if these things are left out without
being paid attention. Various efforts should be made
to overcome the problems that occur. One of the
efforts that must be done is to emphasize moral
behaviors that must be developed in the learning
process, and one of the ways to realize it is the
physical education lessons that are made with the
appropriate model. One of the various types of the
appropriate physical education model is TPSR
(Teaching Personal Social Responsibility). The TPSR
model is a learning model that is created by Hellison.
The main point of the TPSR model is to educate
students to be the successful individuals in their social
environment, to make them learning to take
responsibility of their own and others, and to
incorporate strategies that enable them to control
themselves. The TPSR model interprets the
responsibilities that they must have as a moral
position or obligation that related to themselves and
others (Escartí, Gutiérrez, Pascual, and Llopis, 2010;
Martinek and Hellison, 2016). In this responsibility-
based learning process, the learning atmosphere is
made so that the students can get to know each other,
learn to express their opinions in intergroup
discussions, and have confidence in their respective
abilities (Filiz, 2017). The TPSR learning model has
been widely used and developed in other countries as
a step to overcome the problems that related to the
Budiman, A., Juliantine, T. and Abduljabar, B.
Students’ Low Respect and Self-Regulation - Is TPSR the Solution?.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 64-69
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
students responsibility behavior. The TPSR program,
which is effectively integrated to the school
curriculum, has the potential to give a positive impact
on educational outcomes (Hastie and Buchanan,
2013), especially on the students’ affective aspect not
only in the regular schools, but also in the special-
needs schools with special-needs students (Gordon
and Doyle, 2015; Wright, Li, Ding, and Pickering,
2010; Wright, White, and Gaebler-spira, 2004). The
affective aspects that can be improved are related to
the personal and social responsibility aspects. Based
on several studies, the TPSR model is able to improve
self-control, self-efficacy, and self-regulatory
processes such as the ability to set goals and the
occurrence of other moral behaviors (Escartí et al.,
2010; Martinek, Schilling, and Johnson, 2001; Taylor
et al., 2014).
Based on the above descriptions, TPSR model has
the potential to overcome the problems that occur. It
also has the potential to develop the students’ respect
behavior, because there are some objectives of the
characteristic of this model to increase the target level
in the learning process, where the attitude of respect
is on the achievement target of level I (respect), such
as be able to control the behavior and respect others’
right and feeling, respect others’ different opinions
and thoughts, improve the empathy and
understanding of others. Meanwhile, the self-
regulation ability is closely related to the achievement
target level III (self-direction), such as be able to
direct oneself to learns and do the tasks
independently, be able to identify the interest and
develop the personal goal setting, learn to be able to
balance the current and future needs, and have the
courage to face and overcome the pressure. However,
there is no research and empirical fact that prove the
potential of TPSR model specifically.
Therefore, the value of respect and self-regulation
are developed through the TPSR model in physical
education lessons to overcome the issues that occur.
This study used an experimental method to determine
the effect of the given treatment. The TPSR model
that was given consisted of 5 steps such as counseling
time, awareness talk, lesson focus, group meeting,
and reflection time. Nevertheless, small side game
was given at the lesson focus, which made the present
study is different from other studies, so that the
students would not feel bored and it can maximized
students’ social interaction during the lesson.
2.1 Research Method
In accordance with the purpose and goal of the study,
which is to unveil the effect of TPSR learning model
towards the improvement of the students’ respect and
self-regulation behavior, experimental method with
randomize pretest-posttest control group design was
2.2 Population and Sample
The population of this study is the XI grade students
of SMAN 2 Padalarang, the 2016/2017 academic
year, which come from urban and rural areas with
different economic backgrounds. The school has 13
classes, which consists of seven science and six social
classes with 520 students. The sample was randomly
selected by cluster random sampling technique.
Hence, the class of XI science 2 (n=41) consisting of
26 female students and 15 male students was chosen
as the experiment class and the class of XI science 4
(n=42) consisting of 24 female students and 18 male
students as the control group.
2.3 Instrument
2.3.1 Respect Behavior Questionnaire
Respect behavior instrument was developed based on
5 indicators of respect behavior. Likert scale with four
options was used to score the questionnaire. The
options of the scale are Never (TP-Tidak Pernah saya
lakukan), Seldom (J-Jarang saya lakukan), Often
(SR-Sering saya lakukan), and Always (SL-Selalu
saya lakukan). These four alternative answers are a
modification of the Likert scale that is usually has five
options of answers. Through some considerations, the
middle answer, which is Sometimes (K-Kadang), was
omitted to avoid the error or different interpretations.
The instrument was tested in advance towards 30
students by using the Pearson Product Moment to
check the validity and Cronbach Alpha through SPSS
program version 23 with a significance level of 0.05
to check the reliability. As the result, there were 30
out of 40 items that valid and had 0.911 on the level
of reliability.
2.3.2 Self-Regulation Questionnaire
Self-regulation questionnaire was used to measure
students’ self-regulation based on 18 items of self-
regulation category (Kermarrec, Todorovich, and
Students’ Low Respect and Self-Regulation - Is TPSR the Solution?
Fleming, 2004). . Likert scale with four options was
used to score the questionnaire. The options of the
scale are Never (TP-Tidak Pernah saya lakukan),
Seldom (J-Jarang saya lakukan), Often (SR-Sering
saya lakukan), and Always (SL-Selalu saya lakukan).
These four alternative answers are a modification of
the Likert scale that is usually has five options of
answers. Through some considerations, the middle
answer, which is Sometimes (K-Kadang), was
omitted to avoid the error or different interpretations.
The instrument was tested in advance towards 30
students by using the Pearson Product Moment to
check the validity and Cronbach Alpha through SPSS
program version 23 with a significance level of 0.05
to check the reliability. As the result, there were 46
out of 72 items that valid with 0.922 as the level of
2.4 Program
The study was conducted for twelve times out of the
pre-test and posttest. In a week, three meetings of
study were conducted. The materials of the physical
education lessons were football, basketball,
volleyball, handball, softball, athletics, and
swimming. The stages of each lesson of the TPSR
model are, as follows:
Counseling Time. At this stage, the students
were given motivations related to their potential
to improve their respect and self-regulation
Awareness talk. At this stage, the students are
given the explanation of the behavior of respect
and self-regulation and provided the examples
of its application in everyday life.
Lesson focus. At this stage the students are
given the movement task in the form of small
side game that had modified rules, so that it
could reflect the respect and self-regulation
behavior during the lesson.
Group meeting. At this stage, the students
discussed with their group mates about the
respect and self-regulation behavior that they
Reflection time. At this stage, the students
evaluated and reflected the behavior that they
have done by giving an assessment on the daily
reflection sheet.
The data of respect and self-regulation behavior of the
students were obtained through two measuring
processes, which are the respect behavior
questionnaire that was made based on respect
behavior indicators and self-regulation behavior
questionnaire that was developed based on self-
regulation indicators (Kermarrec et al., 2004). The
measurement data are presented in table 1, as follows:
Table 1: Data description of students’ respect and self-regulation behavior.
Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Interval of the
T df
Sig. (2-
pretest respect
(experiment) - posttest
respect (experiment)
8,24347 1,28741 -12,1385 -6,93462
40 0
pretest Self-regulation
(experiment) - posttest
12,90231 2,015 -11,1456 -3,0007 -3,51 40 0,001
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
3.1 Hypothesis Testing
There is an increase in students’ respect
behavior through the TPSR (Teaching Personal
Social Responsibility) model in physical
education learning.
The test criteria indicates if the significance value
(Sig) <0.05 then the H0 is rejected, whereas if the p-
value >0.05 then the H0 is accepted. Based on the
data in table 1, the significance value on the increase
of students’ respect behavior is 0.000, so H0 is
rejected. Hence, the result shows that there is a
significant improvement of the students’ respect
behavior by using TPSR (Teaching Personal and
Social Responsibility) model in physical education
There is an increase in students’ self-regulation
behavior through TPSR (Teaching Personal and
Social Responsibility) model in physical
education learning.
The test criteria indicates if the significance value
(Sig) <0.05 then the H0 is rejected, whereas if the p-
value >0.05 then the H0 is accepted. Based on the
data in table 1, the significance value on the increase
of students’ self-regulation behavior is 0.001, so H0
is rejected. Hence, the result shows that there is a
significant improvement of the students’ self-
regulation behavior by using TPSR (Teaching
Personal and Social Responsibility) model in physical
education learning.
Based on the result on table 1, there is a significant
improvement in the students’ respect behavior using
TPSR learning model in physical education learning.
It proves that this model is able to increase a value
that can be developed by the teacher for the students’
learning in the physical education subject. The
previous studies also explained that the students, who
had the TPSR model treatment, improved their
responsible behavior (Escartí et al., 2010; Martinek et
al., 2001; Taylor et al., 2014).
Respect, which means giving appreciate or
honoring others, is a form of social responsibility that
developed through the TPSR model level I. It
developed because it was applied in the daily lesson
plan that consisted of counseling time, awareness
talk, lesson focus, group meeting, and reflection time.
During the lesson, the respect behavior can be
seen at lesson focus session. In this session, an
instructional strategy was used to integrate the respect
behavior on the students’ movement tasks. The
situation that happened on the lesson was utilized as
the educational media to instill the respective value.
At the group meeting session, the students were
gathered based on their group to discuss about the
learning that took place. At this session, the students
were required to realize the rights of every person, so
that they could respect each other and appreciate the
others’ opinion and decision. In the reflection time
session, the students were given the opportunities to
evaluate their own behavior which they had done
based on the learning objectives that they took.
Maximizing the opportunity to have the social
interaction was in accordance with the Vygotsky
theory which suggests that the development change
will occur in the internalization of the social
The application of respect behavior in this study
gave the opportunity to change students’ behavior in
the physical education learning. The behaviors that
commonly happened during the lesson ,such as
laughing at other students who fell or made mistakes,
abusing other, mocking, disturbing other students
during the lesson, acting selfish when play, and other
negative behaviors (Meaney and Kopf, 2013), were
changed by the students as the development of respect
was applied during the lesson.
With the intention to keep the changes of those
behaviors for not only in a short time, but also in a
long time and kept in their memory and became their
habit, the counseling time was held in a form of
explanation to motivate and strengthen the students
that they had a very good potential in improving their
behavior. In addition, the teacher could also give the
students award for their learning outcome. It was
done in order to develop students’ motivation and
self-esteem. At the awareness talk session, the
students were given some explanation about respect
behavior and got the opportunity to choose their own
learning objectives that they wanted to achieve on the
lesson. It was in line with Kohlberg’s theory, which
emphasizes the moral development based on
primarily moral reasoning and gradual development.
Those exemplary things hopefully could be applied
by the students in their daily life, although in fact
there were many factors that affect it and one of them
was the culture that existed in the community.
Those behaviors showed that by the value
development, the students’ attitude and behavior
Students’ Low Respect and Self-Regulation - Is TPSR the Solution?
could be changed into the better attitude and behavior.
Based on the above description of the result of this
study, it can be seen that the TPSR model affected the
students’ respect behavior.
Meanwhile, the data in table 1 shows that there is
a significant improvement in students’ self-regulation
ability by the use of TPSR model in physical
education learning. It proves that this model could
improve the personal responsibility aspect that would
be developed by the teacher on the physical education
learning. The stages of daily lesson plan of the TPSR
model, that consisted of counseling time, awareness
talk, lesson focus, group meeting, and reflection time,
gave the students opportunity to improve their own
self-regulation. Self-regulation or self-management is
a sequence of actions or a process to manage the
actions with the intention of achieving the personal
goal (Boekaerts and Corno, 2005).
At the awareness talk session, the students were
given the opportunity to set their personal goal by
having a contract of their behavior that they wanted
to achieve on the learning. Consequently, they would
manage, organize, and create their strategies to
achieve their goal. The ability to determine the
purpose of this lesson was indispensable as it was an
indication of the high students’ ability on self-
regulation (Endedijk, Vermunt, and Meijer, 2013;
Mccardle, Webster, Haffey, Allyson, and Hadwin,
2016; Shamir, Lazerovitz, Shamir, and Lazerovitz,
Furthermore, during the lesson focus, the students
were facilitated to learn how to do a self-regulation
through a variety of modified games. Those games
were modified to make the students were able to
reflect the self-regulation behavior. One of the
examples of self-regulating was requiring the
students to set their own goal when they did the
movement task based on their own individual
abilities, so they would try to organize and manage
their actions to achieve their goal. One of the specific
strategies to improve students’ self-regulation was
creating specific rules and strategies (Postholm,
After the lesson focus session completed, the
students were required to evaluate every event that
occurred during the lesson by having discussion in a
group on group meeting session, and then evaluated
the achievement of the target behavior contract that
they had chosen in the beginning of the lesson on the
daily reflection sheets during the reflection time
session. The process of self-evaluation was one of the
key constructs of self-regulation process (Cassidy,
The alterations of student’s self-regulation
behavior was shown during the present study was
conducted, as the students began to have courage to
set their achievement targets of learning and they
became more active because their participation in the
learning activities increased. These things indicate the
development of students’ self-awareness in their
learning and the increase of their self-regulation that
was indicated by their activeness during the lesson.
The increase of their self-regulation is in line with the
result of the previous study which describes that there
is an increase in the students self-responsibility
aspect, such as self-efficacy and self-regulated
learning (Escartí et al., 2010).
Based on the result and research findings, it can
be seen the effect of the TPSR model towards the
improvement of students’ self-regulation. The
learning steps that were used on the TPSR model
proved that it was not only give the students
opportunities to develop the students’ social
responsibility aspect, but also their self-
responsibility in term of self-regulation, since the
TPSR model was basically developed to help the
students learn to be responsible by giving them some
responsibilities, so that they could take the
responsible decision carefully. This means that self-
regulation, which consists of metacognition,
motivation, and behavior aspect, was enhanced by
TPSR model because the students were given the
chances to define their own learning goals in the
given movement learning situation. Furthermore,
they could enhance their metacognition ability to
think and plan the steps that they would do to achieve
their learning goal, so that they could control,
manage, and direct their own behavior, and then they
could also evaluate their achievement independently.
Ultimately, it could affect the students’ awareness for
learning and make them actively participate in the
learning process.
In accordance with the data analysis, it can be
concluded that the TPSR model in physical education
learning is very suitable to be applied at school,
especially to overcome the students’ moral issues that
occurred nowadays in both their personal and social
responsibility aspects such as respect and self-
regulation behavior. These behaviors are improved
after the TPSR (Teaching Personal Social
Responsibility) model in physical education learning
was applied. However, based on the result, a better
improvement occurred in students’ respect behavior
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
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Students’ Low Respect and Self-Regulation - Is TPSR the Solution?