The Effect of Women Self-Defense of Kopo Ryu on Self-Efficacy and
Firman Septiadi, Berliana Berliana and Mustika Fitri
School of Postgraduate studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Women Self Defense of Kopo ryu, self-efficacy and self-control.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of the Women Self Defense of Kopo ryu against self-efficacy and self-
control. The method used is a method of research experiment. The study design used was Randomized Pretest-
Posttest Control Group Design. The instrument used was a questionnaire of self-efficacy and self-control. The
research location is in Hotel Alam Permai. The population is a participant of Disnakertrans of West Java. The
results obtained are Training Women Self Defense of Kopo Ryu gives positive effect on self-efficacy and
self-control as well as Training the Women Self Defense of Kopo Ryu gives a more positive effect than
conventional training on self-efficacy and self-control.
Self-defense is the need of every human being in
living life to be free from threats without fear of
danger. This is reinforced by Maslow (Kaur, 2013)
states that: Safety needs this occupies the second level
of needs. Safety needs are activated after
physiological needs are met. They refer to the need
for a secure working environment free from any
threats or harms. The rationale is that employees
working in an environment free of harm and doing
their jobs without fear of harm.
Martial art is one way of a person to minimize
being a victim of crime. Self-defense instruction has
been defined as preparation for minimizing the
acquisition of a small number of simple, yet effective,
survival skills (Liebling, 2007). The main issues that
will be revealed are a woman's lack of confidence in
her ability to defend herself when there are
disturbances or threats from outside such as rape,
domestic violence, crime in public places and the low
self-control of a woman in reading situations of self
and environment threatening her for later take a
proper course of action. It is based on the results of
interviews with 3 people who are victims of sexual
harassment, domestic violence and crime in public
Basically a woman does not have to fight
frontally, but can use martial arts techniques to give a
sense of shock to criminals with simple but crippling
movements then run away from the villain. In reality
a woman is not convinced of her ability to attend and
execute a criminal when faced with a life-threatening
condition and often she cannot read the situation
when it happens to her. Therefore the importance of
self-efficacy and high self-control so that when faced
with certain condition then a woman can carefully
perform an action. The issue that we often encounter
today is Violence Against Women (KTP). Based on
data collected by Komnas Perempuan throughout
2009 until January 2010, the number of victims of
violence against women reached 143,585 victims and
the annual report of Komnas Perempuan in 2016
occurred 2399 cases of sexual harassment increased
from year to year done by men. Basically adult
women need martial arts that are more practical and
simple to apply when evil is confronted to him. A
study by Liebling in 2007 entitled "Effects of a Self-
Defense Training Program on Women's Fear of
Crime, Avoidant Behavior, Self-Efficacy, and
General Anxiety" with the result that "Results of a
series of splitplot analyzes of variance and follow-up
t-tests revealed that self-defense training led to
areduction in the fear of crime (both personal and
property) and an increase in self-defense self-efficacy
"(Liebling, 2007). Based on the results of research
conducted by Liebling, it is seen that the training of
martial arts for women can affect one's self efficacy.
Researchers see the weakness of this research is a
narrow time research that is for 1x4 hours with 4
variables studied. This will have an impact on the
Septiadi, F., Berliana, B. and Fitri, M.
The Effect of Women Self-Defense of Kopo Ryu on Self-Efficacy and Self-Control.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 95-99
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
focus of the study under study, thereby reducing the
concentration for a variable with limited time of
research. Women Self Defense of Kopo Ryu
(WSDK), formerly known as Women Self Defense of
Kushin Ryu, is a special martial training organization
for women founded by Sofyan Hambally in 2006.
WSDK development in addition to addressing the
problems experienced by women through Practical
martial arts techniques using limbs as weapons such
as hands, elbows, feet, knees, head and hips and using
simple media such as credit cards / ATMs, ballpoint /
pencils, lipsticks, umbrellas, combs, keys and bags,
WSDK training also teaches a woman to change the
mind set in order to have high self-efficacy. Based on
this, the researcher wants to see that whether WSDK
training can affect the self-efficacy of a woman. This
is in line with research conducted by Kimberly A.
Ball entitled "The Effects of a Self-Defense Course
on College Women's Self-Efficacy, Hope, And Fear"
which resulted in "the women in self-defense and
karate courses increased their self-defense, self-
efficacy and reduced their fear (Halbert, 2007). This
reinforces the results of research conducted by
Liebling that martial training for women can improve
Self-efficacy, a component of social cognitive
theory, is defined as an individual’s judgment
regarding his/her abilities to perform certain
behaviors (Warziski, Sereika, Styn, Music, and
Burke, 2008). Therefore one needs to know one's own
ability to perform certain behaviors. This is in line
with the statement of Rooted in Social Cognitive
Theory, self-efficacy corresponding to a person's
confidence in their ability to perform a health
behavior (Dominick, Dunsiger, Pekmezi, and
Marcus, 2013). Self-efficacy greatly affects a person's
behavior, as Rottman puts it: "According to social
cognitive theory perceived self-efficacy strongly
influenced behavior and is positively associated with
adjustment (Rottmann, Dalton, Christensen,
Frederiksen, and Johansen, 2010). Another important
part of the impact of martial arts is self-control. Keep
in mind that self-control is a part that must be
mastered by someone to be able to adjust to an event
in a particular environment. Henschel points out that
"Self-control is defined as the ability of an individual
to control his own thoughts, impulses, urges, and
wishes (Henschel, de Bruin, and Möhler, 2014). This
self-control process explains how the self (self)
controls the behavior in living life according to the
individual's ability to control behavior. If the
individual is able to control his behavior well then it
can lead a good life. Baumeister and Tierney reveal
that "Self-control is the ability of people to control
their own behavior in relative autonomy from
external pressures, from their innate or learn
automatisms, and physiological impulses" (Necka,
2015). Based on this, that between self-control and
self efficacy are related to each other, it is expressed
by Hankonen "As a consequence, high self-efficacy
self-controlor harbor stronger self-efficacy, expect
healthy behaviors to have more positive and less
negative outcomes, and more readily be aware of and
potential health risks "(Hankonen, Kinnunen, Absetz,
and Jallinoja, 2014). "Individuals with low self-
control get a kick out of doing something dangerous,
like new exciting things, even breaking rules, and
prefer exciting and unpredictable friends" (Rebecca
D. Forkner 2005, p. 4). Based on these statements
then someone who has high self-control may have a
strong self efficacy.
Based on the above exposure then through the
WSDK training expected self efficacy and self-
control women participants training can be increased
significantly so that when a woman faced with a
condition that threatens herself, the woman has
confidence in his ability and have a way to read the
situation themselves and the environment. Specific
objectives of this research are; 1). To know the effect
of training Self Self Defense Of Kopo Ryu on self
efficacy; 2) .to know the effect of training Self Self
Defense Of Kopo Ryu on self control; 3). To know
the difference in effect between training Self Self
Defense Of Kopo Ryu with conventional training on
self efficacy; 4). to know the difference in influence
between training Self Self Defense Of Kopo Ryu with
conventional training on self control.
In this study, researchers used experimental methods
to determine the effect of the treatment to be
administered. The treatment provided is the Women
Self Defense of Kopo ryu training program.
2.1 Research Design
In this research, the research design used is The
Randomize Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design.
This design involves two groups studied for
experimental groups and control groups. Both groups
are measured or observed twice, ie at the time of
pretest and posttest. The experimental group was
given treatment of Women Self Defense of Kopo ryu
training program, while the control group did the
conventional training (non-program) training.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
2.2 Sample
Based on the aboveexplanation, then the samplingis
using sampling saturation or total sampling. The
sample in this study amounted to 30 women who
follow DISNAKETRANS West Java through the
annual program WomenSelf Defense of Kopo-Ryu.
Women Self Defense of Kopo-Ryu.
2.3 Instrument
2.3.1 Questionnaire of Self Efficacy
The self-efficacy instrument is based on 5 self-
efficacy indicators presented by Liebling (2006). As
the way of scoring, it is using Rating Scale with 5-
choice answer. The answer is 1 (not skilled at all), 2
(unskilled), 3 (sometimes), 4 (skilled), 5 (highly
skilled). The five alternative answers are one form of
Rating Scale is a numerical scale (quantitative). The
instrument is tested first to test the validity of using
Pearson Product Moment and its reliability using
Cronbach alpha through SPSS version 23 program
with significance level of 0.05 to 30 respondents. So
from 40 items statement there is 22 valid items, and
has a level of reliability of 0.785.
2.3.2 Questionnaire of Self Control
The self-control instrument is based on the 5 self-
control indicators that Tagney (2004) proposes. As
for the way of scoring using Likert scale with five
choices of answers. The answer is S (agree), S
(agree), K (sometimes), TS (disagree) and STS
(strongly disagree). Instruments are tested first to test
the validity of using Pearson Product Moment and its
reliability using Cronbach alpha via SPSS program
version 23 with a significance level of 0.05 to 30
respondents. So from 40 items a statement there are
26 valid items, and has a reliability level of 0.813.
2.4 Program
A 2x4 hour study refers from a Liebling study entitled
"Effects of a Self-Defense Training Program on
Women's Fear of Crime, Avoidant Behavior, Self-
Efficacy, and General Anxiety" for 1x4 hours.
Researchers believe that if the study is done more
than 1x4 hours it will have a more significant impact
on the variables studied.
The self-efficacy and self-control data were obtained
through two tests using self-efficacy self-assessment
instrument based on self-efficacy indicator proposed
by Liebling (2006) and self-control was developed
based on self-control indicator proposed by Tagney
(2004). The following are the measurement results in
the table below:
Table 1: Data description of self-efficacy and self-control.
Table 2: Average score of self efficacy in experimental and
control group.
Experimental (Training
Women Self Defense Of
Kopo Ryu)
Control (Training
Table 3: Average score of self-control in experimental and
control group.
Experimental (Training
Women Self Defense Of
Kopo Ryu)
Control (Training
3.1 Hypothesis Testing
The probability value (Sig.) 0.000 <0,05 then
H0 is rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that
Self Self Defense Training Of Kopo Ryu have
positive effect on self efficacy.
The probability value (Sig.) 0.000 <0,05 then
H0 is rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that
Self Self Defense Training Of Kopo Ryu have
positive effect on self control.
The Effect of Women Self-Defense of Kopo Ryu on Self-Efficacy and Self-Control
Given the probability value (Sig.) 0.018 <0.05
then H0 is rejected. Thus, it can be concluded
that Self Self Defense Training Of Kopo Ryu
has more positive effect than Conventional
Training on self efficacy.
Given probability value (Sig.) 0.025 <0.05 then
H0 is rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that
Self Defense Self-Defense Training of Kopo
Ryu has more positive effect than Conventional
Training on self control.
Researchers found several types of training materials
that are believed to improve the self-efficacy of
trainees. The training materials that can improve the
self-efficacy of the participants start in the first 3
hours, namely the material mind setting, 4P martial
arts and motivation. This is the formation of the
trainees mindset to be able to believe in their own
ability through positive suggestions made
consciously to become a positive habit undertaken
under the conscious. Based on this, the trainees are
required to calm themselves to then concentrate so
that suggestions made can have a positive effect on
himself. The other training activities that can improve
the self-efficacy of the training participants, namely
on all materials of self-defense practice. In this
material the participants are taught simple training
techniques to perform defenses, assaults, fractures
and even dings against something that threatens his
comfort. The trainees are faced with the example of a
crime case and then doing the martial arts according
to the threats that occur to them. This is done
repeatedly with the aim of the trainee confident of his
or her own ability and automatically without thinking
when going to self-defense or resistance to something
that threatens him / her. The next training material
that can improve the self efficacy of the trainees is the
WSDK gymnastic material. In this material the
trainees do martial arts moves accompanied by music.
It aims to increase the trainee's confidence in his own
ability that he is able to do a martial art calmly.
Because tranquility is one of the important keys of a
person when going to do something through good
Researchers found that the dominant training
materials were able to improve the self-control of the
trainees. The material is all martial practice materials
in WSDK training program especially when the
trainee is faced with the example of a crime case.
When trainees are faced with a case of crime,
participants are required to read their own situation
and environment, in order to avoid mistakes in doing
an action. This is one part of the 4P concept, which is
prediction. Based on the situation, reading the
situation is an important part in controlling behavior
that suits both yourself and others.
The researcher found the first material in the
training of Self Self Defense of Kopo ryu, participants
first received the material of mind setting and 4P
concept. In this material emphasize on the formation
of mindset and self-defense concept of trainees so that
they from the beginning have been formed correctly
the mindset and have understood the concept of self-
defense that raises a positive self-efficacy. This is
shown in the next material that is with the ability of
participants to do a martial defense when faced with
an example of a crime case. In contrast to
conventional training, the first material participants
directly conduct random martial exercises through the
movements instructed by the coach in the exercise, so
that when the participants are faced with the example
of a crime case participants must choose what the first
movement should be done and based on the
observations of researchers it is necessary to repeat at
least 3 times in the martial arts so that the trainees
issue their beladir movement completely without
reducing the basic techniques in the WSDK, as the
participants in this case have doubts when performing
the appropriate martial art.
Researchers found the most dominant difference
seen when the material on the practice of self-defense
practice. The experimental group (WSDK Training)
when faced with a case of crime, they are quicker to
read the situation of themselves and their
environment and then do what is appropriate when
they are threatened so as not to harm themselves. This
happens because before the material of self-defense
practice, experimental groups have been presented
about the correct concept of martial arts as well as the
formation of the right mindset when faced with a
threat of evil. Unlike the control group (conventional
training), they are slower to read their own situation
and environment when faced with a case of crime.
This happens because the control group in the training
process starts with practical practice materials.
Though reading the situation and the environment
then to take appropriate action in completing an event
that confronted is an integral part in self-control of
one's self.
Some conclusions that are in line with the subject of
research questions as has been presented in chapter 1
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
is that the Self-Defense Training of Kopo ryu has a
positive effect on self-efficacy seen dominant in the
material mind setting as it shapes the mindset of
participants to be able to believe in their own ability
through positive suggestion done consciously in order
to become a positive habits performed in the
subconscious, Training Self Defense Of Kopo ryu
also positively affect the self-control that looks
dominant in martial practice material and Training
Self Defense Of Kopo ryu more positively positive
than Training Conventional to self-efficacy and self-
dominance are most visible when faced with an
example of a crime case, the experimental group can
directly conduct a martial action, but the control
group needs to repeat 1 to 3 times to perform an
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The Effect of Women Self-Defense of Kopo Ryu on Self-Efficacy and Self-Control