The Analysis of 2D Rowing with Ergometer Rowing Kinematics
Angga Muhamad Syahid, Agus Rusdiana, Raden Boyke Mulyana, Dede Rohmat Nurjayaand Yopi
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Kinematic, Ergometer, Rowing.
Abstract: This research aims to analyze the movement kinematic between rowing and ergometer on the state of catch
and drive when the first row is done on the star. The samples are 8 national rowing team athletes (males). The
rowing movement was recorded using slow motion video recorder. The movement kinematic data was
analyzed using Dartfish 7 software, and then the result of the rowing and ergometer analysis was tested using
the T-test independent sample. There is a significant difference between the angle knee joint rowing with the
ergometer during the state of catch. There is a significant difference between the leg velocity rowing and
ergometer during the drive phase. There is no significant difference between the leg velocity rowing and
ergometer during the drive phase. The analysis of movement kinematic shows that there is a different
movement during the catch and drive phase of the rowing techniques which was implemented by the samples
and leg velocity is the only thing that doesn’t change.
All this time, the rowing training aims to modify the
training so that the rowing technique could develop in
increasing the speed of the rowboat on the water. The
training program on land is often designed to simulate
the rowing movement similar to what is done on the
water (Lamb, 1989). An ergometer is a simulation
tool on land that is often used in predicting the
performance of rowing movement on the water
(Mikuli, Smoljanovi, Bojani, Hannafin, and Branka,
2000) and becomes a popular training equipment in
rowing. The ergometer is an equipment (simulator)
which is considered as efficient in rowing training
specificated on land, it even can be used as media
talent scouting, to look for the best rower (Elliott,
Lyttle, and Birkett, 2007). Another research shows
that the ergometer helps training the rowing
movement using the consistent and efficient energy
(Anderson, Harrison, and Lyons, 2007).
Understanding how the physical and biomechanic
factors affect the rowing performance is really
needed, as rowing is a measured sport in which the
time between the winners of the competition can only
have split second difference (Alexandre Baudouin
and Hawkins, 2004). All this time, there have been so
many research about the rowing performance based
on the physical factors. (Whyte and Nevill, 2002)
(Bell, Bennett, Reynolds, Syrotuik, and Gervais,
2013) (Kinetics, Iii, and Training, 2014). Aside from
the physical factors, the success in rowing sports
needs a strong biological system (of the rower) and a
well-designed and efficient mechanical system,
which maximizes that biological system (A Baudouin
and Hawkins, 2002). Some research that have been
conducted about the mechanical and biomechanical
system in rowing (Hofmijster, Landman, Smith, and
Soest, 2007) states that the rower’s mechanical
movement can cause the loss of speed on the boat,
(Anderson et al., 2007) and it also states that the
rowing performance can be affected by the
inconsistency of the rower’s mechanical movement.
A rower who has a good physical ability, does not
necessarily have a good performance as well when
they rows on the water (Kleshnev, 2009), this is
because the inefficient rowing technique used by the
rower. Therefore, there are so many research
conducted about the technique efficiency in the terms
of mechanic, biomechanic, and kinematic, on rowing
and ergometer as the training simulator equipments,
(Marcolin, Lentola, Paoli, and Petrone, 2015) state
that there are differences on the force resulting from
the rowing process using rowing and ergometer,
Syahid, A., Rusdiana, A., Mulyana, R., Nurjaya, D. and Kusnidar, Y.
The Analysis of 2D Rowing with Ergometer Rowing Kinematics.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 136-141
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Janshen, Mattes, and Tidow, 2009) state that the
acceleration from the feet section on ergometer is the
most important part in training the force efficiency
which is applied in rowing on the water. Based on
many literature discussing mechanics, biomechanics,
and kinematic on the rowing and ergometer
performance, this research aims to analyze the
movement kinematic between rowing and ergometer
on the catch and drive phase when the first row is
done in the beginning.
2.1 Design and Participants
This research uses the descriptive comparative
method with the samples of 8 male athletes from
Indonesian national team that have 4 years of rowing
experiences (± 2 years).
2.2 Measures
Slow motion video recorder. The slow motion video
was taken using the professional camera, Panasonic
HC-WX970 4k Ultra HD.
Rowing and Ergometer. The rowboat used was the
wintech single scull and ergometer used was the
ergometer concept 2.
2.3 Procedure
Data collection. The video was taken vertically when
the athletes were doing the rowing and ergometer
movement in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The angle of the slow motion video recording.
The ergometer and rowing tests. The athletes start
rowing with efforts and strokes when they are on the
game, whereas on the ergometer the athlets are
rowing for 1 minute in accordance with the stroke
start when they are in a game, on the water. The
analysis of the video data that was taken is that the
first row on the start.
2.4 Data Analysis
The data is the slow motion video that was analyzed
using the Dartfish 7 Motion Analyzer. After that, to
analyze the differences statistically, independent
sample T-test was used through SPSS 21 with the
level of probability of 95% (alpha level set 0.05).
Figure 2: Angle knee joint ergometer and rowing.
There is a significant difference on the arm
velocity rowing with the ergometer on the drive phase
(t = 15,887 p = 0.000). There is no significant
difference on the leg velocity rowing with the
ergometer on the drive phase (t = 1,228 = 0.240).
Table 1: Data descriptive.
Mean ± SD
Ergometer angle knee joint (n=8)
25.89 ± 4.641
Rowing angle knee joint (n=8)
30.34 ± 0.226
Arm velocity ergometer (n=8)
1.16 ± 0.103
Arm velocity rowing (n=8)
0.48 ± 0.064
leg velocity ergometer (n=8)
0.298 ± 0.072
leg velocity rowing (n=8)
0.265 ± 0.030071
From the research’s result, it is discovered that the
difference between angle knee joint that was formed
during the catch phase on the ergometer and rowing
is significant. This shows that the movement
technique that was done by the athletes on the catch
phase hadn’t showed the real movement of rowing.
This result can also identify that force (effort) that
was generated by the athletes is no more than that on
the rowing because th average angle formed on the
ergometer (25.8°) is smaller than the average angle on
the rowing (30.3°). This is related to the explanation
that the bigger the angle formed by the knees on the
catch phase, the more the energy that can be generated
by the muscles that work as the lever on the legs
The Analysis of 2D Rowing with Ergometer Rowing Kinematics
(Nolte, 2011). Figure 3 shows that not all athletes can
make knees’ angles that tend to be smaller on the
ergometer than the rowing. Some athletes get
different results but the angles formed on the
ergometer come close to the angles on the rowing (std
dev 4.6).
Figure 3: The comparation of knee joint angle on catch phase.
It shows that samples number 3, 4, and 5 have the
knees’ angles that are almost the same between the
ergometer and rowing, it is indicated the technique
efficiency for sample 3, 4, 5 better than the other
samples in accordance with the theoretical review in
which the bigger knees’ angles can generate bigger
force on legs push on the drive phase. Moreover,
samples number 3, 4, and 5 are national athletes that
had gotten achievements on the international level,
gold medals on the SEA GAMES 2013 and 2015,
compared to samples number 1, 2, 6, and 7 who just
got achievements on the national level.
It is discovered that the difference between arm
velocity on the drive phase that was generated on the
ergometer and rowing is quite significant. It indicates
that technique movement that was being done by the
athletes during the drive phase when they did the
hands pull had time interval and space differences (v
= space/time). This result has an important affect on
the drive phase in which the long interval of time
gives large resistance effect on the boat’s speed,
because with the longer the athletes do the pulls on
the drive phase, the longer the oars stay in the water,
Figure 4 shows the arm velocity for each athlete on
the drive phase.
Figure 4: Arm velocity rowing and ergometer.
Figure 4 shows that the pulling speed on the
ergometer has a greater speed (m/s) compared to the
rowing. This result also supports the research that
states that anthropometric (arm’s length) also has
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
knee angel ergometer
20.5 20.3 29.2 30.6 30.2 21.3 25 30
knee angel rowing
30.6 30.5 30.3 30.6 30.4 30 30.2 30.1
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
effect on the speed, as the arm’s length become
farther when the drive is done on stroke. This
comparation of length can be seen in Figure 5.
Figure 5: The comparation of the arm’s length.
Figure 5 shows that the arm’s length on the
rowing is greater/farther compared to the ergometer.
This data also identify that there will be differences
of force on rowing and ergometer because the
distance and speed that are generated are different.
The former two kinematic indicators show state
that the difference on angle knee joint and arm
velocity, whereas on the leg velocity, the result is that
there is no difference on the speed between rowing
and the ergometer. There are just some athletes that
generate different speed between rowing and
ergometer, and that result can be seen in Figure 6. If
it’s linked to the angle knee on the first hypothesis,
the leg velocity result can indeed be a concern, since
the greater angle can generate greater force.
Figure 6: The comparison of leg velocity on drive phase.
Having a great angle as possible can lengthen the
feet drive and increase the muscle mechanism in
generating force (Nolte, 2011). So that basically,
athletes that make little angles can generate greater
force if they are capable of making the greater angles
since there is no speed difference between the rowing
and the ergometer. Next, Figure 7 below shows the
average result from the leg velocity on the drive
The Analysis of 2D Rowing with Ergometer Rowing Kinematics
Figure 7: The average of leg velocity on the drive phase.
From Figure 7 above, it is discovered that the
average result of the speed of the feet on the
ergometer is greater (0.3056 m/s). It is because the
speed of each athlete’s feet when they push on the
catch phase are different, so that the average obtained
is also different, even though the result of each
athlete’s speed don’t have any differences. This is
caused by the different feet’s length of the different
athletes and is supported by the first research’s
hypothesis stating that the result of the angle formed
by each athlete is also different.
This research analyzes the kinematic of single rowing
and ergometer rowing in two dimensions, the body’s
segments and velocity in a simple way, analyzed on
the catch and drive phase. This research is one of the
reviews that supports the efectivity of the techniques
done on the rowing as the evaluation technique for
both coach and athletes or for the parameter in
measuring the ability of the athletes based on the
technique. This research concludes that there are
differences on knee angle joint that was formed on the
ergometer and rowing on the catch phase, but there is
no difference on leg velocity that is done in the next
phase (drive). This is caused by the athlete’s feet
positions that differed when they were doing the
stroke on the catch phase. Some athletes made
maximum angle by bending their knees as high as
possible, but some of them didn’t bend their knees
maximally. Whereas on the arm velocity (drive
phase) between the ergometer and rowing, there is a
difference. Next, a further research needs to be
conducted, about the contribution of speed and
segments for each body, as well as the activity of the
dominant muscle using the electromiography.
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The Analysis of 2D Rowing with Ergometer Rowing Kinematics