Physical Activities of High Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE)
Between Obesity and Self Esteem
Inkeu Tri Auguntari
, Hamidie Ronald Daniel Ray
and Nuryadi Nuryadi
School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229 Bandung
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa 920-1192, Japan
Keywords: High Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE), Obesity, Self Esteem.
Abstract: Purpose: This Study aimed to examine the activity of HIIE on BMI, Fat and self-esteem students’ obesity.
Methods: Sample in this Study was involved 12 students, which consist of 6 people control group received
the Ergometer Cycling Low Intensity exercise and 6 people experimental group received the HIIE with
protocol HIIE: 5 minutes warming up, 8 second cycle sprint followed by 12 s of low intensity cycling for a
period of 20 min, and 5 minutes cooling down. The two of group received duration of exercise about 30
minutes, frequency 3 times a week during 3 weeks. The research used experimental method, using
technique Randomize Pre-test - Post-test Control Group Design and Correlation Bivariate. The instrument
to measure Self Esteem is used Self Esteem Inventory. Result: this results study showed that HIIE decrease
BMI with the pre-test 35,7% and post-test 33,4%, fat decrease with pre-test 32,85% and post-test 28,68%.
Furthermore, HIIE increase self-esteem, with the pre-test 16,7% and post-test 19%. Conclusion: this study
showed that the activity of HIIE can decrease of obesity and improve student self-esteem, especially for the
obese students.
The increasingly sophisticated era by means of
communication makes people prefer things that are
instant and practical to do their activities. Many
people prefer to use the transportation rather than
walk it is supported by the abundant use of online
transportation applications which makes it easy,
saves energy and time. Moreover, many children
spend more time watching television, playing video
games and computers. These things have been
reducing the amount of physical activities to a much
lower level (Gibney, 2008, p. 101). Someone can be
considered active when the person participating in
strenuous activities, at least 3 times a week for at
least 20 minutes per day. In general, Indonesians are
considered as the less active community (Research
and Development, 2013), which is only 26.1%. In
Indonesia, there are 22 provinces that are classified
as the less active population of physical activities.
The proportion of Indonesian population with a
sedentary behaviour in 6 hours per day is 24.1%.
The five provinces that are above the national
average percentage are Riau (39.1%), North Maluku
(34.5%), East Java (33.9%), West Java (33.0%) and
Gorontalo (31.5%). Furthermore, the research of
South East Asian Nutrition Survey (SEANUT)
showed that 57.3% of Indonesian adolescents are
classified as inactive. Frisian Flag’s research showed
that 62.2% of boys are inactive, while active girls
are 52.3%, whereas children, who are less physically
active, are at risk 3.6 times higher of obesity than
children in high-activity.
It is feared that low physical activities in
children will increase every year and will give
impact on their health in the future, for instance
obesity. Obesity is often defined as a condition of
abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in adipose
tissue (World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical Report Series (TRS), 2004). Obesity
occurs because of an imbalance between intake and
energy use. Consequently, the excess energy will be
stored in the form of fat tissue (Arywibowo and
Prihartanti 2009). According to WHO data, more
than 1.4 billion overweight adults and 2.8 million
adults die each year due to obesity and overweight.
In addition, people with obesity are at risk of
degenerative diseases such as diabetes, heart disease,
cancer (Fukuda, 2001) and sleep apnea
(Kopelman, 2000). Moreover, not only physical
Auguntari, I., Ray, H. and Nuryadi, N.
Physical Activities of High Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE) - Between Obesity and Self Esteem.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 189-193
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
illness, but obese people tend to be at risk to have
social and psychological problems, such as
discrimination, low self-esteem, depression, negative
self-concept, eating disorders, and negative body
image(Kim, Park, Ma, and Ham, 2015 dan National
Center for Cronic Disease Prevention and Healt
Promotion 2004a).
In a broad term, self-esteem is depicted in
someone who believes in him/herself, his/her ability,
self-efficacy, success, and someone useful, both for
him/herself and for others (Coopersmith, 1981).
Low self-esteem in adolescence can predict poor
physical and mental health, antisocial, depressed,
and obese people most likely to be described by their
friends as ugly, ignorant, liar, and lazy people
(Pearce, Boergers, Prinstein, Michelle, and
Boergers, 2002). Previous research has suggested
that adolescents who are accustomed to physical
activities on a regular basis have low characteristics
of depression and anxiety, and show far less bad
social behavior than their less-active peers (Siefen,
2002). Self-esteem in girl’s influences participation
in physical activities, and participation in sports
teams is positively associated with high self-esteem.
(Debate et al, 2009). Approximately, 60% of
research reports show that physical activities are
positively associated with people who participate in
physical activities, and it can increase the level of
self-esteem, (McAuley Edward et al., 2000).
The purpose of this study is to improve the
health status, emphasize the rate of obesity, and
improve self esteem of the future teenagers through
High Intensity Intermittent Exercise activities. HIIE
is a more effective exercise to remove the fat on the
abdomen compared with other types of exercise
(Boutcher, 2011). HIIE is an exercise with has fast
repetition followed by low intensity exercise or rest.
HIIE gives high results for lossing weight (Trapp,
Chisholm, Freund, and Boutcher, 2008).
2.1 Research Design
This study used a quantitative approach with
Purposive Sampling technique. The total sample
consisted of 12 people in two groups, namely 6
students of experimental group (HIIE) that consisted
of 4 male students and 2 female students and 6
students of control group that consisted of 4 male
students and 2 female students, which have done the
ergometer activity of low intensity cycling.
2.2 Population and Sample
The research was conducted on UPI Laboratory
senior high school students with the characteristics
of the sample that aged 15-17 years old who were
obese or had big body mass index (BMI) 30 kg /
m2, weight 81-127 kg.
2.3 High Intensity Intermittent
Exercise (HIIE) Program
The experimental group was given HIIE training
using ergometer cycling with the exercise frequency
3 times a week for 3 weeks. The training duration
was 30 minutes: 5 minutes of warming up, 20
minutes HIIE, and 5 minutes cooling down. The
applied HIIE protocol was 8 second cycle sprint,
followed by 12 seconds of low intensity cycling for
20 minutes. The pulse should be at 80-90% of
Maximum Pulse, the rhythm was 120 -130 rpm
during sprint, and the rhythm down to 40 rpm during
recovery. (Boutcher, 2011, 2013; Heydari, Freund,
and Boutcher, 2012; Trapp et al., 2008)
2.4 Instrument
The research instrument that was used was
Coopersmith Self Esteem Inventory (1976)
(Institute, 1965), (Fahey, Insel and Reports, 2005)
which was modified by Ryden (1978) and adapted in
the present study to facilitate the participants in
filling out the given questionnaire. This
questionnaire contained 58 items of statements
which then was validated into 28 statements. The
questionnaire was used to measure attitudes and self-
esteem with two choices of answers that are
"Agreed" and "Disagree". The results of the validity
and reliability test state that the value of Cronbach's
Alpha instrument is 0.705.
2.5 Procedure
Prior to the study, pre-test was done by providing
knowledge about healthy lifestyle and obesity,
filling out a Self Esteem Inventory questionnaire to
measure students' self-esteem levels, and measuring
the Body Mass Index using Body Fat Monitor
OMRON HBF-306 Model, and measuring their
height and weight. After that, group division was
done to determine the experimental group and the
control group.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
2.6 Statistic Analysis
Data were analysed by using Statistical Package for
Social Science with Windows software IBM 21.0.
Paired Samples t-test was used to test the effect on
each variable and in order to find correlation,
Correlation Bivariate with significance value < 0.05
was utilized.
Table 1: The of the total body weight, BMI, fat, and self-
esteem of the experiment group (HIIE) and control group
(N=12; average and standard deviation)
Experiment Control
Pre Test Post Test Pre Test Post Test
96,8±17,8 96,3±17,6 83,4±10,8 82,8±11,2
BMI 35,7±3,01 33,3±1,2 29,5±2,3 30,3±1,88
Fat 32,9±5,88 28,7±2,76 29,1±3,77 29,7±6,95
16,7±3,55 19±2,89 19,3±3,44 19±3,03
3.1.1 High Intensity Intermittent Exercise
(HIIE) Activities Affect the Decrease of
Students Obesity
The average weight score in the experimental group
(HIIE) at pre-test was 96.8 ± 17.8 and decreased at
the post-test level to 96.3 ± 17.6 (table 1).
It was known that the average score of the
experimental group BMI during the pre-test was
35.7 ± 3.0 and the post-test was 33.3 ± 1.2.
Meanwhile, the average on pre-test score was 29.1 ±
3.77 and at the post-test was 29.7 ± 6.95 (table 1).
In the control group, it was found that the
average score during pre-test was 29.5 ± 2.3 and at
the post-test was 30.3 ± 1.88 (table 1). In the control
group there was an increase in the number of BMI
while in the experimental group (HIIE) there was a
significant decrease (p < 0.05), (figure 1). So, it can
be concluded that in the experimental group that was
given the treatment of High Intensity Intermittent
Exercise (HIIE) physical activities decreased their
The mean score of fat in experiment group on
pre-test showed the result as 32.9 ± 5.88 and at post-
test was equal to 28.7 ± 2.76.
Figure 1: Result of BMI change of the experiment group
(HIIE) and control group.
(N=12, average and standard deviation).
*: Significant on the experiment group (p < 0.05).
In the control group, there was an increase in the
amount of fat while in the experimental group
(HIIE) there was a significant decrease (p < 0.05),
(figure 2). So it can be concluded that in the group
that was given the treatment of High Intensity
Intermittent Exercise (HIIE) physical activities
decreased the amount of fat.
Figure 2: Result of BMI change of the experiment group
(HIIE) and control group.
(N=12, average and standard deviation).
*: Significant on the experiment group (p < 0.05).
3.1.2 Intensity of Intermittent Exercise
(HIIE) Affect the Increase of Obese
Students’ Self Esteem
The average score of the experimental group at pre-
test was 16.7 ± 3.55, and at the post test was 19 ±
2.89. Whereas, in the control group it was known
that the average score at the pre-test was 19.3 ± 3.44
and at the post-test was 19 ± 3.03, (table 1). Figure 2
Physical Activities of High Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE) - Between Obesity and Self Esteem
shows the decrease of self-esteem in the control
group, from pre-test and post-test. But in the
experimental group which had done the HIIE
activities, there was a significant increase of self-
esteem on pre-test and post-test. Thus, it can be
concluded that in groups that was given the physical
activities increased their self-esteem.
3.1.3 There is No Relation between the
Decrease of Obesity through the High
Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE)
Activities towards the Students’ Self
Table 2 shows the average obesity rate of both pre-
test and post-test and the self-esteem improvement
through HIIE activities. Subsequently it shows the
relationship between the decreases of obesity
through HIIE activities towards the self-esteem in
the experimental group. In table 2, the results show
the relationship rate was -0.189, which means it has
a very weak relationship, while the significance
value was 0.721> 0.05. It shows that there is no
relationship between the decreases of obesity
through HIIE activities towards the students’ self-
Table 2: The relation between obesity on HIIE activities
with experiment group’s self-esteem.
(N=6, p > 0,05)
-0,189± 0,721
3.2 Discussion
The overweight body, especially obese, is highly
susceptible to the degenerative diseases such as
diabetes, heart disease, lowers one's confidence
causing serious psychological disturbance (Pesa,
Syre, Thomas R and Jones, 2000), which also can
cause musculoskeletal disorder, work disorder, and
sleep apnea, (Gibney, 2008, pp. 214-215). In
addition, people with overweight and obesity are
associated with comorbidities (complications) that
reduce quality of life, and premature death of the
foetus (Stein and Colditz, 2014). Obesity on children
can increase the risk of low self-esteem.
Low self-esteem is associated with lower mental
health. More active life and eat healthy foods are
more useful ways to prevent obesity, and increase
self-esteem in the short term, and prevent chronic
disease and improve mental health in adulthood,
(Wang et al, 2009). The excess of body fat or
obesity and loss of weight due to the loss of muscle
tissue will affect the performance (Ronald, 2009).
Improving the health by doing physical activities is
one of the efforts to get used to stay dynamic.
The results of the study show that the activities
of High Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE) affect
the decrease of student obesity. The HIIE protocol
consisted of sprint followed by low intensity
exercise or rest. This type of exercise is performed
with repetition in each training session, (Boutcher,
2011). Regular HIIE exercise has shown significant
improvement of physical abilities in aerobic and
anaerobic (Trapp et al., 2008). Furthermore, HIIE
has shown greater results in weight loss, as well as a
more effective type of exercise in reducing
abdominal fat folds, (Boutcher, 2011), (Stiegler and
Cunliffe, 2006).
Besides, HIIE activities have an effect on
increasing students’ self-esteem. It has been proved
by the results shown in Table 1. There was an
increase of self-esteem in pre-test and post-test of
experimental group that did the HIIE activities. Self-
esteem in girls influenced their participation in
physical activities, and participation in sports teams
is positively associated with high self-esteem
(Debate et al, 2009). Thus, one's self esteem would
increase if he/she did the physical activities, and it
will be better if it was accompanied by the given
HIIE physical activities.
Furthermore, the results show that there is no
relationship between the decreases of obesity by
doing High Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE)
physical activities towards the students’ self-esteem.
Previous research has suggested that physical
activities through exercise may increase the self-
esteem and foster positive self-image, skill, and self-
ability. Positive self-efficacy through the recognition
from family, friends, and the growing environment
is a result of involvement in sports and physical
activity (Peggy and Edwards, 2003). The absence of
a relationship between the decrease of obesity and
self-esteem, might occur because, basically everyone
has a different level of self-esteem. The high and
low self-esteem of a person differs from each other.
It happens because, self-esteem is a feeling, a
behavior and an individual is able to choose what is
desired and will make feelings about his/herself
better and more confident (Maryam et al., 2013). In
addition, positive individual development with
feelings of belonging, feeling appreciated and
accepted in the midst of the family and the
environment, can form a positive self-esteem in the
teenagers (Prameswari and Mifbakhuddin, 2013).
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
The High Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE)
activity is an alternative exercise that can be used in
reducing obesity, which is now widespread among
teenagers and even young children. It is feared that it
will continue into adulthood. The decrease of self-
esteem due to obesity can give a person
psychological influence, so one way to improve self-
esteem is by doing physical activities. Although the
value of self-esteem of every person is different, but
by doing physical activities and accompanied by
exercise, for instance by doing High Intensity
Intermittent Exercise physical activities, will
increase the value of one's self esteem especially in
obese students.
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Physical Activities of High Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE) - Between Obesity and Self Esteem