The Influence of Instructional Model and Gender on Traditional
Game Skill Mastery
Robi Sumantri, Amung Ma’mun
and Tatang Muhtar
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Instructional Model, Gender, Traditional Game Skill.
Abstract: The aim of this study was to find out the influence of instructional model and gender on traditional game
skill mastery at the Public Elementary School of Panyingkiran I, Majalengka. To this end, an experimental
study design was employed involving 20 students, consisting of 10 male students and 10 female students.
The traditional game skill mastery was measured using the Game Performance Assessment Instrument
(GPAI). The obtained data were analyzed using a two-way ANOVA. The results revealed that the
traditional game skill mastery of students who attended lesson applying the Teaching Games for
Understanding (TGFU) approach was different from that of students who attended lesson applying Team
Games Tournament (TGT) teaching model. The instructional model and gender influenced the traditional
game skill mastery. The traditional game skill mastery of male students who attended lesson applying the
TGFU approach was different from that of students who attended lesson applying the TGT teaching model.
The traditional game skill mastery of female students who attended lesson applying the TGFU approach was
different from that of students who attended lesson applying the TGT teaching model. This finding showed
that the instructional model influenced the traditional skill mastery. The TGT teaching model was suitable
for male students, and the TGFU approach was suitable for female students.
This research analyzes the influence of instructional
model and gender on traditional game skill mastery
in physical education class. Physical education as
part of a comprehensive education has a positive
impact not only on students’ health (Cohen, 2008),
but also, if well-understood and well-implemented,
on the overall educational process (Bailey et al.,
2009) because it is not only focused on psychomotor
domain, but also on cognitive and affective domain
(Cheryan et al., 2014; Koekoek and Knoppers,
There are some problems in the process of
physical education teaching in schools (Cheng,
Tang, and Cheng, 2016). Sports and education has a
positive impact on students’ academic achievement
(Sabin, 2012; Cheng et al., 2016).
Our preliminary observation found that teachers
still used direct instruction during the lesson where
students did what they were told to by the teachers
(Cohen, 2008; Dudley and Baxter, 2013). Direct
instruction cannot create a conducive learning
environment for students (Sabin, 2012; Cheryan et
al., 2014; Bailey et al., 2009). In addition, the
psychological condition of students who are still at
the childhood age and a boring instructional process
also worsen the learning process of physical
education (Cohen, 2008). It takes the teacher’s
creativity to make the instructional process fun, one
of which by providing games during the lesson that
are appropriate to students’ mental and physical
development (Hanover, 2014).
Referring to the above phenomena, reintroducing
traditional games as a new approach is expected to
elicit Indonesian students’ fondness, knowledge, and
skills of traditional games (Kim and Ke, 2017),
especially at Sekolah Dasar Panyingkiran I
Majalengka. Many traditional games can be
implemented in the physical education class; for
example, bébénténgan and gobak sodor. Among
instructional models that can be used to implement
these traditional games are Teaching Games for
Understanding (TGfU) and Teams-Games-
Tournaments (TGT).
TGfU is one of appropriate models to implement
traditional games in the physical education class
(Light and Fawns, 2003). TGfU trains students’
tactical, decision making, and problem-solving skills
simultaneously (Butler, 2006; Wang and Ha, 2013)
as well as traditional game skills per se (Webb et al.,
2006; Pearson and Webb, 2008; Tan et al., 2012).
Sumantri, R., Ma’mun, A. and Muhtar, T.
The Influence of Instructional Model and Gender on Traditional Game Skill Mastery.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 226-229
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Another instructional model appropriate to
implement traditional games is TGT. It is
cooperative instructional model implemented using
academic tournament of small groups and quizzes
(Slavin, 1995).
In addition to instructional model, students’
traditional game skills are also allegedly influenced
by other factors like gender. According to Santrock
(2010), gender is a sociocultural and psychological
dimension of men and women. Mulia (2004) states
that in Women’s Studies Encyclopedia, gender is a
cultural concept used by society to distinguish roles,
behaviors, mentality, and emotional characteristics
of men and women (Brody and Hall, 2008; Chaplin,
2015; Westbrook and Schilt, 2014).
Gender plays an important role in an individual
life (Westbrook and Schilt, 2014). Gender
determines men and women’s IQ level. A study
revealed that women’s IQ is likely to be lower than
that of men (Chaplin, 2015). Traditional game skill
mastery of male and female students also tends to be
different (Gutierrez and García-López, 2012;
Wilhelm, 2016).
Referring to the aforesaid explanation, this
research investigates the influence of TGfU, TGT,
and gender on students’ traditional skill game
2.1 Design and Participant
This research applied a 2x2 factorial design,
involving 20 students. 10 students (five male
students and five female students) were assigned to
the experimental group, and the other 10 (five male
students and five female students) to the control
group. The research is conducted with consent of the
school principal.
2.2 Measurement
Traditional game skill mastery was measured using
the Game Performance Assessment Instrument or
GPAI that was stated valid and reliable to measure
football skills (Oslin, Mitchell, and Griffin, 1998).
The measurement was conducted before and after
treatment sizing method. Lot sizing methods used in
this research are Lot for Lot, Economic Order
Quantity (EOQ), and Periodic Order Quantity. The
software for data analysis use Production and
Operation (POM) for Windows ver. 3 (build 18).
2.3 Treatment
The experimental group learned using TGFU model,
and the control group used TGT. The treatment was
conducted in 16 meetings, three meetings in a week.
2.4 Data Analysis
The collected data were analyzed using a two-way
ANOVA. If the main effect is significant, a further
analysis would be conducted using the Tukey Test.
3.1 Results
Based on results of data analysis, it was revealed
that there was a significant difference in the
traditional game skill mastery between male students
who learned traditional games using TGFU and male
students who learned traditional games using TGT.
Similar result also applies to the female students
in that there was a significant difference in the
traditional game skill mastery between those who
learned using TGFU and those who learned using
3.2 Discussion
Based on the results of data analysis, it can be can
concluded that overall there was a difference in
traditional game skill mastery between students who
learned using TGFU and those who learned TGT.
TGFU is an instructional approach directly
associated with cognitive learning by instructing
students to learn tactical games (Koekoek and
Knoppers, 2015). According to Thrope, Bunker, and
Almond (1986), cited in Hopper (2002), TGFU is an
instructional approach focusing on tactical ability
and on the use of technical ability (Tan et al., 2012).
It was also revealed that instructional model and
gender influenced the improvement of traditional
game skills. It can also be said that the was a
difference influence of different instructional models
as the independent variable on gender as the
moderate variable. TGFU and TGT had different
impacts on male students and female students.
Riddoch et al. (2003) in Smiley (2015) state “...At
age 9, boys were 21% more active than girls, and at
the age of 15, boys were 26% more active than
girls.” This statement is associated with student
participation in physical education (Mogari, 2010).
The Influence of Instructional Model and Gender on Traditional Game Skill Mastery
Further analysis revealed that there was a
significant difference in the traditional game skill
mastery between male students who learned
traditional games using TGFU and male students
who learned traditional games using TGT, with TGT
being more effective in improving traditional game
skill mastery than TGFU. In this respect, Gerdin
(2008) state, “Boys tend to enjoy physical education
in school further up the years compared to the girls.”
The main limitations of this research were the small
sample size and the time constraints for students to
participate in the extracurricular activities.
This research has revealed there are different
impacts between TGT and TGFU instructional
model on traditional game skill mastery at the
elementary school level and has determined an
effective instructional model in terms of gender.
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The Influence of Instructional Model and Gender on Traditional Game Skill Mastery